THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1915-EVENINfe EDITION. TWO irjf 3 I, t ii m 1 1 1 raiVTmnilTIONS roncorntai: octal happenings, Intended for publication In the Boclety depart ment of The Time, must bo sub mitted" to the editor not later than C o'clock p. m.. Friday of each week. (Exceptions wHI bo allowed only In caHes whero Uio events occurred later than tbo time mentioned.) PERSONAL notlcoB of vlsltora In tbo city, or or Coon Bay peoplo who visit In other cities, together with notices cf social affairs, aro gladly received In the social do oartment. Telephone 133. No tices of club meetings will bo published and secretaries aro kindly requested to furnish same. byshlre, Mrs. 0. S. Kaiser, Mrs. V. K. Waters, Mrs. (Hazier,' Sr., Mrs. Grout Mis. Dennis Hull, Mrs. Karl Powell, Urn. .Ipimln willlnms. Mrs. .lohn 'Groves, Mrs. Bergman, Mr. and .Mrs. Jay Linden, Misses Ruth Woodford. j Freda Hnzor nnd Dr. nnd Mrs. I. 11. I IJhrtle. Next Friday afternoon the club will meet nt the home of Mis. .lohn Mullen In North Bend. - ! JJTTM-3 FOLKS PARTY Llttlo Robert Ayro celebrated his ilxth birthday Wednesday nftcrnooi at his homo on South Ninth street by. i giving a party to seven other little , 'liovs ol about his own ago. Lively' I games kept the youngsters busy un- ' i in inwnnl i.venlnir when Mrs. Ayro, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. dorr enter-1 th host's mother. Berved tempting1 tallied with u big hon-flro party on' refreshments. Muster Robert's' their lots In d'orluui Park last ,.i. .., .v imp .i.i.i i.iniinln Me-. Tuesday evening, when between r host's uncle, (1 cored Form' In ad dition to weather conditions which were Ideal for the thorough enjoy ment of the affair, n open air mid day dinner was sot at a largo table! under the trees. In the nfternoon the guests dispersed In a successful search for wild blackberries which grow in profusion on Mr. Ferre.v's ranch. Ppon the conclusion of an exceedingly pleasant dn.v. brlmfull of enjoyment. It wis the unanimous verdict or all present that Mr. and .Airs. I'Vrroy had made the occasion -one that would lie long remembered liy all. I m&WmLtBXB3S3SS5SSEUM 'Wl" o 1VEEYTHING IT miffTIMriE'lB u. FOR YOUR AWMWiOa CAMP WiLIi THXTK Kuldino; wis and Clinii's, Wood, iioN-rnti: party AM MOCKS, tlJf) lo Cnii- $7.50 1). M. '. C'LI'lt PARTIKS Tho Inst regular dub session of tho I). M. C Club was hold Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Walter Russell In Bangor. Sewing and chat who participated In by the ladles Kind ut a late hour tempting refreshments were served In tho grove adjoining the Russell homo Mrs. Upwwll Was present ns special guest and tho monibeis In attendance Mrs. Lester Katon, Mrs. N. 0. I lames, Mrs. L. A. Loomls, Mrs. Stewart Mc Donnld, Mrs. Arthur Morton, Mrs. Ralph Parr, Mrs. Ira Weltrol, aim Mrs. Roy Ilralnard. Tho club has adjourned to meet the first week In September. On tho evening of Wednesday, the D. M. C. Club tendered a surprise farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Purr who aro leaving the first of next week for Areata .Callfoinlu, where they oxpect to make tholr home. The tlmo was passed In cards and other social features and nt a lato hour, tho Indies served tho refreshments which they had provided. Those pro sent wero Mr. and Mrs. N. 0. names, Mr. and .Mrs. ('has Williams, Mr. nud Mrs. Henry Kern, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parr, Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Morten, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Weltzel. Mr. ami Mrs. Walter Rustell, and Mrs. Roy O. Ilralnard. idee. Tonsv Clausen. Kenneth nun weeks, which will be given In tho Verga Ireland, .lohn Walter, and I'd Presbyteilan Church, and to which ' wcr.l Magnus. COUCH HAMMOCKS, tll.7") to $17.00 AKMYOAMlM'OTS WIKW COTS, L.(ii) IMiANKItlTS, ()() lo $11..")U CO.UKOI.TKKS, $1.00 up Pillows, Pillow Slips, Sliccls 111 ladles of North dlnlly Invited. Bend ni( cor- NORTH HK.VD All) .' WIH.COMH VISITORS Last Monday evening a number of young folks gathered at the homo of Miss Urace Williams to Infor mally welcome Robert and Martha Donaldson, of Berkeley, California, who are spending the summer on Coos Bay. Music and dancing and mi Informal good tlmo was enjoyed. The Ladles' Aid Society of the Norwegian Lutheran church at North Bend was entertnlned at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John Elde last Thurs day afternoon, when the regular business and social meeting was held. After tho business session the host ess served a dainty luncheon to the following: Rev. and Mrs. It. O. Thorpe, Mrs. K. Llllebo, Mrs. Strom-1 men, Mrs. O. .laren, Mrs. .1. Jacob-' and CO gnosis were present. The time was most delightfully spent, young people popping corn and roasting murshmullnws. Many lively games were Indulged In and It was at a late hour when ,tlio guests departed for their homos. HKADINO CI. CI! OHOANIZKR Besides the guests of honor, thoro present were Misses Florence Pow-' son, Mrs. L. Carlsen, Mrs. John 01 ers. Almn Mcintosh, Bessie Doug-j sen, Mrs. O. Heglle, Mrs. Kniidben. las. Nelllo Warwlek, draco and Mrs. Gunderson, Mrs. L. Llllebo, and Frances Williams nnd .Messrs. Cliuido the Misses Louise Llllebo. Seneva 01 Thompson, Roy dill, Joe Williams, j'len and Marie Carlson. Leslie and Chester Isaacson, Max Relgnrd, Harry Cordon and James Brand. 4 t honor itituii:-! o-iti: VISIT ON COAST Portland friends of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Kasthani, of Boston, will be ueiiKiueu i(i nuicuuiu iiiu iu The DorcaB Club of Catching clt. They will arrive this morn. lot met nt the homo or Mrs. Gun- ing and will be the guests of Mrs. noil Wednesday afternoon, osten-i Clara E. Morey, Mr. Eastham's mo-j slbly for their rogulnr session, but j ther, at her homo on Kearney street. I In reality It was u surprise kitchen .Mrs. Kastliam was Miss Jesslo Chase, i shower for .Miss Mlnne Olsh, who ( formerly of this city. Portland Ore-' The Delphian Society organized a J reading dub Tuesday evening of jthls week at tho home of Miss El vira Frlzeen and the following of ficers were elected: .Mrs. Knto l.nn do, president; Miss Elvira Frlzeen, vice-president, and MIhs Agnes Kun kle, secretary-treasurer The study for the year will be i decided upon nt the next meeting, which will be Tuesday evening, nt , the home of Mrs. Kate I.audo, t"S" (North Fifth street. So far the en rolled members are, besides the of-' fleers: Mrs. F. E. Wilson, Mrs. liar-1 rlett Kellog, Mrs. Bertha Egglestoti. .Mrs. Esther Stromberg. Mrs. Olivo K. Brown. Mrs. E. W. Smith. Mrs. j Nancy Noble. Dr. Mat tie B. Shaw. I Misses Frances Stuck, Irene Preuss, SIgnn Larson, Myrtle Miller. 'Ellen M. Brower and Ella Wallstrom. i i WAI.LTI'.NTK Jk I wv:im?' ,",,il.iM Ife "erasmji J SSsL ' $s.r,o i $:!(;.oi) lfffffifW Our line of Hammocks and Coin-li Icr of quality. They arc in hcaul (pialily material. The "lab cud" lil'c and strength of the Ilaiiimoi-k. Hammocks are Imill mi (lie cardinal cen I i 1 1 pal (cms and made only ol' the best construction adds I'ifly per ceiil. lo (lie Couch hammocks are becoinin (he conit'oi'i.s ol' both hamnioi D ant more pnpulnr every year as Ihey combine couch. Let us show vou. J hnson-Giuovsen The Qusalifcy Name Witlh (the Service Fame I RBr.BrTg (Continued on Page Three.) Koiilau. .1 I AI'I'ERNOO.V CARDS HOME ON VISIT Mrs, W. II. Kennedy proved a charming hostoss last Wednesday at nu afternoon of tarda when three ta bles of miction bridge were playcC, trophy for high score boing awarded to Mrs. Irving Chandler. The ar tistic decorations consisted of uweet peas. The uffnlr was n roal enjoy ment to the kuomIh and at the close or tho afternoon, tho hostess, assist ed b) her sinter, Mrs. Anson Otis Rogers, served a delicious collation to Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. R. K. Booth, Mrs. Harry (I. Butler, Mm. Hugo E. Qulsl, .Mrs. Irving Chandler, Mrs. Fred W. Powers, Mrs. Will Chandler, .Mrs. W. J. Conrad, Mrs. II. It. Chandler. Mrs. M. A. Diino, Mrs. F. I). Cohan. Mrs. M. C. Malonoy, Mrs. .1. 0. Ken dull, Miss l.ucy llortou tuul Miss (ion-1 evlcvo Sengstflckoii. .;. .j. .j. 4 . j NARCISSI'S I'M'll ; 4 .Mrs. Ingle Peilnrsou of ICuslslilo enjoynhly entertained Uio Nai.dsmiH Club nt her home last Wednesday af ternoon ami after a session of tew ing other Hoclal diversions, served dainty lefroshmeiits to the Mlsso. Blanche Tollofsoii. Torn Lund, Stella Pederson nud Hilda West. In two v.eelis. the club will be guests of MIhn Marie dnlbrallh. : : .;. will this mouth become the- bride of Mr. Anderson, of Eastern Oregon. Tho parlor was very attractively adorned with huckleberry bushes, honeysuckles nud other choice cut . ... .wier uu niieriioou bpeni ,, ,, u.oiP0,t nnd wife arrived enjoyable In sewing, social chat and h(,re ,, WPek from Sj.rncll80( NeW ccngiatulatlng tho bride-to-be, tho Y(irk( t0 T(fIt for uu lmloflnlte tllIW hostess served appetizing Ice cream wlt ,,, former'8 ,mrcnts. Mr. and nnd cake to tho following: Mrs.'Mr. Ai n. Wolcott of this city. Mr. Briton and Mrs. Capt. Donaldson, or wolcott. a graduate of the Marsh lleikeley. Mrs. dreeno and Mrs. , ,Ma 5l,B,, 8(.,,oo)( lort horu , Dryer, of Porlluml; Mrs. Clare;ico j y,,UH a(,0 ant, iMh ,s llla r8t vl8,t Collver. Mrs. T. M. Collver. Mra.j,oine j that ,IIle. jIo )l0,i8 Chas. Spooner. Mrs. P. D. Blake, )B00(, Il0l.t0 I tho Franklyn Auto Mrs. L. Hazelton. Mrs. H- Smith. works . SynicUBC. About three gall. Mrs. J. C. dish. Mrs. F. dish, ',. ag0 Mr Wocott was married Mrs. Parker. Mrs. W. Bonobruke. : t0 tt daughter of uu old schoool mate ...... . .. iiiiiMT. .urs. i-reu .ues- ot Hh father's, back east. "....., ..,.n. ii. niiuiu, .ii. ,i. frntn l Collver, Mrs. E. Smith, Mrs. W. Lnckstroin, the Misses Mlnnlo dish, Alma Kalno, Zoo Dolan, Lena Mat son, Est rid Holm, Edith Kalno, der iln Ciiiuuell and the children, Orlu and Marjory Hazelton, Arnold and Forest dish, Enid and Murshall Coll or. Orln Parkor, Evnrlit and Lloyd Messerle mid lleorgo (liiniiell. The club will meet again In two week with Mrs. L. Ilazellon. 4 I in i.oix.'i: circles ; ! 'I ho Circle Lodge, Women or Woodcraft, met Monday evening In the lodge rooms In the I. O. (). F. Hall for n tiiiclal evening, a of spedal kucMh being Invited In for the occasion. The fore part of the evening was spent In games ami visiting, after which delicious reliiwluueiits were served by the c-iiMltteo. CLCIt MKIvTINd CHANOUIr The meet lug of tho KimUUlo Sew ing Cluli which was to hae been held Thin hday or tills week was post poned lo (be Ifith or (lie mouth when I1 Fred Iliooks will be hosleHS. ,kM : I NKIdllllOHIIOOIt SKWI.Mi I'AltTV I 'I'lin i ...i.,.. ...... .... i u,,.k , VV.......W..,., "r- A- " Powers, .Mrs. R. M wool, ,,;,:.;:."". ..""!'"' " w VMimmu .'I, i.'i llirnilliuilllll '" I he new (ilflcers which ocuia on Uio evenlun of July 1 Ith. A big time Ih anllclpaled and the members aie woikliiK hard lo make this ar I'uli' a til out bin cess. , Euroiitc the east, Mr. and Mrs. Wolcott spent a week at the Ex position with which they were inuci. delighted. DI.'LH.'IITFL'L NORTH BEND I I PARTY Mrs. C. F. McColluiu was hostess Tuesday afternoon nt ono or the most delightful affairs of the season, an Informal four o'clock tea for the pleasure of Mrs. .1. II. Polhemiis of Empire anil her mother, Mrs, Wilson. Red dahlias and sweet peas beauti fully graced tho living room and porch where tea was served h) the Misses Minnie and draco Sheridan. Madgo Unrr and Eeln Flunaguii MVs. McColluin's guests Includer, Mrs. W. S. Chandler,' Mrs. Irving Chandler. .Mrs. Will Chandler. Mrs. B. R. Chandler. Mrs. Herbert Lock hart. Mrs. Henry Sengstacken. Mrs. Aithur McKeown. Mrs. Mnlr Dauo, A. II. Powers. .Mrs. R. M. Jen- Mrs. James Flanagan. Mrs. Jack Flanagan, Mrs. T. II. Barry. Mrs. R. A. Wer nidi. Mis, deorge Stevenson, Mrs. Eugene O'Conucll. and Mrs. Edna Rldiurdsnn. DANCE AND KEEP COOL It can lie done ut Uio outdoor plntfoi-ui OOOD Ml'SIC A good (lino nssuicil CO.MK, CO.ME SECOND AND MARKET .JI'LV ii, .X, r, VlB iilBBBBU IS M jfTlkh D imVjL-Mfc -JJJf. BiSfl HlPliffl '&,VZjk I i ztter &m ioii'-a 3raL 1 ESilal.''ii,!i-"' iVvt i,itti J i 1 BWBPErJrirSfe'--!?5ki I f'fcl urKA iitJZZ'r I Fourth of July Visitors Not only do we extend a cordial hand when you come to Marshfickl for the Fourth of July, but we also invite you to visit our M usic Store where you can hear numbers rendered by artists of renown. The Wiley B. Allen Company carries the largest and most complete line of musical instruments including PIANOS, ORGANS, VICTROLAS. BANJOS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS, VIOLINS, CORNETS, EDISON DIAMOND DISC MACHINES. And everything in the musical line. We also carry the largest stock of Victor Records in Southern Oregon. COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELFWE WILL BE GLAD TO MEET YOU. ir H wwt Jw WJUati i rf riri : k--T .' JklU IT '9, wiir mb!c.iCuuuc "" Haas Brothers MATP L. MAV, Western Oiegou RepiesentnUvo Miii'slifleld, Oregon. e. m i VVW&, v. Phone 134-J or 15-L. L. L. THOMAS, Manaoor ve. 73 Central Ave. WED .ll'I.V IITII Mrs. 11. It. Chandler was hostess Tucduv afternoon ut n nelhboihood Ir.foiinal .owing parly serving n daluo luueheou at Uio close of u m ij iileHstuit iiftoruooii, j. .j. .j. . - 4 (Mil ,MKETI.(J POSTPONED Tin North Bend Altar Ciilld did J not inert with Mrs. Walter Smith ou TIiuimIii) aft.ernpou of till, week and bus postponed its uieetiuu in di riniiely i The ludles iuu ilecldo to .idjouiu lor jhe tuiiniiuir mouths . ! 4- I , I .MOTOR TO si'.vsirr I . A party (oiiiprislug Mr. and Mrs. 11. O. Grave ml ilinvc son. ItoU- ert, Stanley mid Donald, Mr. and .Mrs. E, M. SpnuldiiiK, Mr. inO i rMrs J. W. Mclntiirff, .Miss Ruth Allen uiul Chw Shlpmaii. i WILL (JIVH Tl - The Catholic htdii of North Bun aro planning a sltvur tea m tvu 0 Hiimlny. July lltli. iitt ,i.,te set lor the marriage of Miss Mar-i Kiuei WUeman, daughter of Mr. FOR .MISS WOI.VERTON Mrs. Malr D.uio entertained Infor nuilb at hewing last Monday after- ami .vi i. w. K. Wlhoman, and Claude'"0"11 r .Miss Wolvertou of Mon-i Moon, both young people of Powers. month, who is visiting ,her sister) "logon. ..Mrs. u k. l.nniway or Maishflclil WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM WARE The Kind (lint Idiots Always i See tliosit sptTlal s!."i tout S:iuc p.inx1 in our vvinilovv. ' Replace that chipped pun vvllli Wear-I'.vci- Aluminum. , PIONEER HARWARE CO. ! Mur.shilild Oregon1 I After tiii.mih.i: PICNIC Yesterdio. the members or the North lleud Thimble Club wero guests of Or and Mrs. Ira II. Battle at an all day hostdon at their sum. mer home. "Mlrue Cove," ou South Coos River. The trip up the river wtu nuide on tho launch Coos, lea v. lug Not tli llend at nine o'clock. a tew hours snout In m tsnoini way tho hostess served tea to the! following! diesis: M8h Wolvertou, Misses Madge Harry, Frances Wll-j Hams, (Race Kruse, l.ucy Powers,! Mary Kru&o and Kvelyu Kluiuiguu. ' -: YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS1 .1........ ...... m - I'lllMIU -till. I,. Night and Day. Right Cafe. 0001) CARS. CARIU'L'L DRIVKRS Z D. Ij. 1'OOTK. HENRIK GJERDRUM PIANO INSTRUCTION Re-opens his studio July 6. Myrtle Arms 365-J k ! WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 o Don't take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Today You cannot afford to bo without health or nccldont Insurance. You not only need tho insurunco, but you want to bo suro and havo tho correct policy In tho best and most rollablo company In tho business. Seo mo or phono mo nt onco nnd I will explain It to you. I. .. Accent, Marshfiold. 300 Coko Building. t X Pays 8 per cent on savings ! Lawn and Garden Sprinkling KVCI'JKIIU) w, t)(.f(s J,, K(, wi:ddi.(j annivkrsarv Last Sunday was the occasion of At noon, a .umptiioiis plmle din-'u very dullghtful celebration at the! xms spread on the hK pmoh. homo of Janie. I,. I'errey. Jr.. on Is-j liii'iis Inlet. If being the first unnl- iier overlooMiiK the river. Tile after. noon hour- weie spent bj tlt. ladles verMiry r the n.airlage of Mr. and' I v ii vurluu. wa.vs. Some went ou up ..Mr. Kerrey. Thoe who were pro-' MERCHANTS CAFE Populai' Place for Good Meals Prices Reasonahlo Cor. Coiiiiucrclut and HMvv'y. i? . . S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer I'l'O- . included Mr. " ..,., ,,,i. .Line soweu ami otherssont from Marshfiold T B V Vlfl.VUIlL IU 11111 HI IV till I V ttir tli.t' 1..u....l .... . I . . . . ' ' -i'-"i'j iiiowier, .virs. j. i,. ivney. Willi H unnm home Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Curtis. Prank Klndlli..- wnn.i i...i c. It .Z. . .. w.., .u. wIU S7' HI i?i steuer) The party returned uiHiut seven-thirty in most, enjoying the day were: Mrs. (ie MundlBO. Mr.. ,. K. Rose, Mrs. RobuHt llaiur, Mre. win. VaUKhan. Mr, chin Williams, Mrs A. H. Der- the evening. ' Curtis, Will Curtis, Miss Alice Cur os. .Mr. and Mrs. jUloba and little son. Junies l.loyd, Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. W. Perrey nud daughter, (lladjs, Wes. Brown, Mr, Joe Kerrey and the Alder wood, Inches 1G to 21 Phono 2127-J. I'reo Delivery W. 11. I.I.VfJO .Wio j? North First St. 28 on Auto COMMUTATION T1CKKTS, JSU.ou. Maibliflehl-North Bend Lino Cars every ten minutes fn,m ii. in. to 1" p. m.j t") South Slough euro u day, leavliiR at 11 ii. iu.; to Umpire- three trips a day. OORST .V KING, Props. U1IIKH lll Iittl-.. jr.., l..t. -.... a (II III L11L1 1IITII Mill lllll sin.r J"1 . . !' si;,, "" "I'l'licntlon mm ,Uo payment beroro mi..iKr f... wJi"' !" ,,,,sI"V;i,,,w- ,,'," " 'l Iy tli ltnll- m Cf Vi. X ,'".' 1,,':";s!"'i",",,K is 9t'm iK'r m,,"tl r' wicii noon e . ,, i41 :: r !""" ,,s '' vw. ,u ,Mivtt,,i, "" " f-" e l,Hr m i,"r..,'um sl,1,,,Hk""K. wuMiliiB wliulovvs, poro'ues, en., nut ir paid liv i in hkhiiIi no iu ...,i.. n ......,'.. ...' " -- .,, ....iii.vii iiiiiiiil; iiii Ullllltll pillll, I ho rule., I'llcil ultli tho Rnllroail CoiniuUslon loouiio that pay inent in, nm.lo in ailvunco eaeli moiitli before iihliig saino mill that MH'lnlslliiK ho diiiiu only between II anil K o'clock, nioruiuL; and owning mi,.OII j ra((1H , 0 owcll , pUM WUJO, ,H not ie.p.iie.1 fr h,,i,,kl,,B every .lay of the niontli. If water is used for sprlnkllajr without payiuent having been iiuulo In nil , outside of hpriklllK ,., lo M.,.vk.0 ,, . ,,0 OIlt.o)y Mint oft and not turned mi until Sl.00 penalty lias been paid. Coos Bay Water Company. MARSHPIIHA) AND NORTH UKND, onftcOX. All Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times Office I?aj M I I r 5K5."-.t s&y