M I 11 '""Hb i -- ' " THE COOS BaV TIMES, MARSHFIELDjfEGN, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1915 EVE NING EDITION. 1 -I " 11 uis no-E n !. . I I If COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY, Editor nnd Tub. DAN K. MALONEY, News Editor Officlnl Paper of Coos County Official Paper City of Marahflold. Entered nt tlio Postofflco at Marsh Mold, Oregon, for transmission through tlio mails as second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION HATES DAILY. Ono year JG.OO Per month CO WEEKLY. Ono year (1,50 When paid strictly In ndvanco the subnet Iptlon pilco of tlio Coos Hay Times Is $G,00 per year or $2, GO for six months. discusses "Tito Whyncss qf the Wherefore." But ho can always get thrco cheers by saying "What'll ya have?" An Independent Itepubllcan nows papor, published every evening ex cept Sunday, nnd weekly, by Tlio Coos Bay Times Publishing Co. Address all communication!) to COOS BAY IIAIIjY TIMES. ABOUT DECORATING The city officials wero talking of decorating the city hall for the com ing celebrntlon. Mayor Allen was for economy, John Butler was neu tral and John doss, City Attorney suggested that a largo red, white and blue sign be placed on tlio city Jail reading "WELCOME VISITORS" It was voted down. Any Coob Bay girl would rather hnvo you stnro at her than pans her by nnd net as If you thought alio wasn't worth staring nt. I NEWS OF OREGON t $ MKDKOIU) The Japanese of Med ford subscribed $:J4 towurd the 1th of July celebration nt that place. KUOENK Smith & Paschnll, of Seattle, have not yet approved the form of bond In connection with their nurchitso of $-10,000 city hall bonds sold by the city of Eugene. BROTHER IS henry w. iinow.MXo victim op CHLORIDE TABLETS ItOSEBUIUJ The City Council la preparing a new ordinance to ninko the speed limit of nutos in tlio city 1," miles an hour. PREVENTABLE ACCI DENTS f" HE State Industrial Commission I has Issued an appeal that ac cidents which might bo prevent ed bo mndo less. It Is claimed that thcro aro many men In tlio stnto who nro Htitforlug permanent Injuries duo to preventable accidents. A pay ment of money for damages docs not glvo back tlio man's usefulness. Thoro nro so many men Injured, nnd In many cases ruined for life, In this locality, thnt It Is distressing. Many hiicIi nccldents really cannot bo blam ed to anyono but ns far as Is pos slblo tlio opportunity of nccldcnt to workmen should bo removed. QUESTION l-'Olt THE BAV How nbout your Chrlstmns hIioji- plng? However, tho wny of the trans gressor acorns to bo very popular. It's n poor phonograph that is ashamed of Its record. ASTOItIA The Chamber of Com merce luuM naked the state pharma cists to visit tho city on July 0 on their wny to (Jearhnrt. 1310 KNK Prof. K. C. Bennett, of tho U. of O law sehool nnd It. S. Hamilton, a leading lawyer of I.ano County, had n fist fight in front of the court house. A TROUBLESOME UENEHAL G ENURAL IIUEHTA appears to a hard man to get rid of. In Moxlco It required n revolu tion In which several factions took part to got him out of tho country mid now that Huerta Ih In charge of the U. S. government officials nearly every department of this Tin: law. "Bo I bcllovo In lawyers?" said Irving Chandler, whoso offlco is bounded on all aides by attorneys. "No, sir, I do not." "Why not?" nsked Oeno Crosth wtilte, who is inclined to bo neutral. "Because a lawyer never says right out what ho menus," retorted Irving bitterly. "Ho twists things about so. Suppose ho wanted to tell you that two and two make four; he'd begin: 'If by thnt pnrtl culnr rulo known ns nddltlon we desire to nrrlvo nt tho sum of two ndded to two, wo should find nnd t say this boldly, without fear of contradiction I repent, wo should find by that particular nrltlunotlc.il formula hcrelnbeforo mentioned, nnd sir, 1 tuko all tho responsibility for the Btntomont I nm nbout to mnko OARDCNER Superintendent O. C. Brown vlttlted the (Inrdluor schools nnd reports that they nro in good condition. rulnl Accident, Occur nt Onmlm, Xelu, mill Death Soon Follows Ac cident .Sister mid Brother lleio Word was received hero today of tho tragic death of Henry Brown ing, brother of Itev. Hobcrt E. Brown ing and Mrs. Krai W. Payno of Marsli field, nt Omnhn, Xebr. Death vvus duo to diking u bichloride tub- let by mistake, confusing It win some tablets thnt he had been itslii) for mcdicinnl purpose. Mr. Browning was thlrty-thrco years old nnd had owned and con ducted the street car udvcrtlslui business in Omnhn. Ho was a mem ber of tho Omnhn Coinniorclnl, Bo tnry and Ad Clubs and also of tin Ak-Sar-Bcii. Tho Omaha Bee expres scs the deep regret felt there. The body was taken to tho oh" home In ut Melrose Kami, Md., Tot burial. i i ViSira.f Ills mother, who formerly tiiiuh her home hero is now In Portland UBunker Hill Fourth "7VT ) M1ic . , Quality or July Specials . is E , PORTLAND .lames Miller, nged 17 yenrs, nttompted to awliu tho river and was rescued by tho rlvor patrol In an ulmost drowning condition. BEND U. S. Senator Chamber laln nddicsscd n huge audience of Bend people. FOB STUMP EXHIBIT COOS BAV PHILATELISTS PLAN TO PERFECT ORGANIZATION We are all prepared to supply the last-minute .ne cessities for you. ; ' We have the latest in Men's Neckties, Shirts and Hats; Men's Uncterwcar jn summer weights, both union and two-piece suits. Men's and Boys' Shoes in late styles and shapes. Ladies', Misses', and Children's Slippers, Shoes and Sandals. LET US SHOW YOU BUNKER HILL DEPARTMENT STORE W. H. DINDINGER & CO. PHONE 32 Two Free City Deliveries Daily. We close at 10 o'clock Monday morning. CNnt.irally.nftcr having, J llirw vinm in 1. M ..... ,...... .,Ujlllg ady. It. UK imnlmn I I ..iuiHJ ,.I.MIII(;, ia(,.Q nos live den nn i i .. .;:. ""- juuiw PWfJ great government is trying to figure out whether thoy shall deport him to 'that tho sum of the two given added Spain, turn him over to Villa, use i to tho other two would bo four.' PORTLAND The delegation of Chinese- business men who vlslto 1 Portland left for tho Rogue Rlvor Valley, whero they will seo tho orchards. the army to detain him or what they can dd with him. Really tho gen eral seems to bo a hard mnu to get along with wherever ho happens to he. WITH THE TEA t AND THE TOAST t No sir." finished Irving coldly, do not hellovo in luwyers." When n Coos Bay man surprises his wife by buying her something nice, she cnrrles it down town the next morning mid exchanges it for something that suits her. SALEM Dr. W. II. Lytlo hns been renamed State Veterinarian by the State Livestock Sanitary Board dud Frank Brown, of Carlton, bus been mode president of tho hoard. ItOSKBlIRO Work on the lnll rond, which will bo built by Kendall Brothers, will begin soon In Douglas County. MM... .. n 11 . a uii u v-uiiH nay woilliin K01B I tho Olllv thine Hint. Ih ..n,ln,l In make her happy, It reminds her of two more things that she Just must have. I COOI) EVENING KLAMATH FALLS Improvement of tho fish hatchery near Klnmuth Falls has been assured by the fish commission, HOOD RIVER Tho nrmory build lug nnd two residences wero destroy ed when h fire caused n loss of $IV 000. Hold Initial MeetliiK mid Will Gather Again Xot liuisdiiy Night Many lutcrcstctil In Woik An organization of too stamp col lectors on Coos Bay has been start ed and will probably bo perfected nt u gathering In the office of W. (!. Chandler In tho Coko building no. Thursday night. Prelim I nary details were mado last evening. An exhibit of tho local collections will probab ly he arranged. I Among those having flno collec tions hero are F. R. Kirk, Arthur, I Blnnehard, W. O. Chandler, E. I, Chnndler. II. 0. Butler, Miss draco Shorldnn, F. L. (Jroenough of Ban don, V. II. Marsh, Herbert Armstrong Mr. Ferguson, Emll (Inbrllson, P. M. Wilbur nnd ninny others. All Philatelists nro Invited to nt-, tend. .FLIIfil & BEUETT Bfl OLDEST BAXK IV COOS CO! XIV Established itittll. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Time axi) savixcs DEi'osrra . Officers .1. W. Refilled, President. .1, II. I'liiiiiigan, Vice-President. ' It. F. Williams, Cashier. Coo. J-'. Winchester, Ast. Cashier. ot quality. 1 lie chief of th. is mai you cannot buy MJ ". , V ",llIB ' Hie yaf( MILK, i uavu iouihi that ih. is omy one wny to gC( ( piinting, nnd that is to k competent printer and d mm. vnen I imd ,Uc prinler I never ccn ihmk nsKint; ior nn rslimalc, course it would he caiyfof urinler In vrt llw !,. t ! ! . "" "i 01 u once on mis pinn, but if experts me to mve him mo ot my work lie will notdot JTlic above is quoted fromij lrl tl h iifirtrtm.L.l I i'iir nRcncy who had the lj ini of immense ciuaniii;.. printing. Our nun ii 0 A serve the conlulcncc ofi Duycrs oi uooil Job I'rinb: Times Job Deparlment PROFESSIONAL DIREC J. M. Wright Phot-I Bt'ILDIXO COXTIMCrl Estimates furnished onreJ HV E ONE ni SC L What palus and tears tho slightest steps of man's prog ress hnvo cost! Every hair breadth forward has been In tho agony of some soul, and humanity has reached bless ing niter blessing of all Its vast achievement of good with bleeding feet. Dnrtol. LULLABV Rest, little sister, rest; Tho long, tired day Is done; The minuet smiles in the distant West, Then peacefully dies on the moun tain crest; KcHt, little sister, rest. Sleep, little sister, sleep; Safe In tlio (wlllght'H arms; Homo from the hills uru thu wcary sheep, And the night-bird calls from thu shadows deep; Bleep. Ilttlu sister, sleep. Dream, Ilttlu sister, dream; Dieaut how the fairies phiy; Lute In the night by Hut singing stream, And on 'til (ho death of tho last moonbeam; Dream, little sister, drenm. Coiirtland W'nilo Mntthows. Too many Coos Bay men spend tholr money boforo getting it. Xover boast of tho work you nro going to do. Some Coos Bay men work nil tho tlmo nnd have nothing to show for It either. IRF.i: DISTRICTS OX CATCH IXC IXLIIT ACRKE OX PLAX PENDLETON Burl Clayton wns found dend along the railroad track, having presumably fallen from n train. A Coos liny man Is always eating MiiiidlliliiK ho shouldn't and a Coos Bay woman Is alwnyw saying some thing shu shouldn't. Ii Ih souiutluies the enso that a Cin.s Bnv iniiii U too busy utilising hi tMiuink'M to .,) many ocmI words (or his filuudti. Wliun it Coos Bay man Is sick he seldom has a night shirt pretty (tuouiili to recuhe cullers In. Loafing may bo hard work, but some Coos Bay peoplo can keep at It for years without getting into the habit of watching the clock. THE ilCMBLi:. When tho herrings are In blossom And the butter'd toast In bloom When the sardines in tlio meadows Haunt mo with their pale perfume, Then, Oh! bow I 00 to wnnder 'Neath thu roasted chestnut's shade And admire the water lilies Floating in tlio iiiariunhido. Oh! how Bweet to c thu hot doss Romping with the buim aim rolls And to hiealho the scent of bonp-suds 'Round about the barbers' polis! Sweeter still to father honey From the lips of hoiihi sweet maid Or to get a hill for fifty And have proof that it's been paid. When I've rocked to sleep the oysters And have seen the pickles fed When the roley poly pudding lias been washed ami put to bed, Then l dose the parlor bhutters, iMiui my arms and cross my legs SOCIAL CALENDAR FRIDAY Thimble Club all day ses sion at Mrs. I. B. Bartlo's summer homo on South Coos Rlvor. lOt'ltTH OF ,11'LV EXCI'RSIOX Rainbow leaves Mailifelt 8 a, m. Sunday for Coodn Ill's. Building to Cost Approximately i SIIHIO mid Will ho Located One Milo Below Sumner j i Thrco school districts, grouped. I with n central school building to ho! located about one mile below Sumner is uio vote or scnooi districts .No. Ii' and .(! mid the Sumner district. At1 u meeting held this week It wns do- finitely decided to oroct u building' to cost botweon $Ui00 and $100 0 to r bo ready for tho oponlng ot the full term. To mnko tho building modern In all respects Is tho aim of tho dlr ectois. There will be erected a Dozens of Savings Accounts Have Been Opened Here This Year Not all large accounts but tho smaller depositor knows he is just as welcome here. For months we have been urging the opening of a savings account here because we want to encourage thrift and industry. We pay interest on savings accounts. ; You may open an account at any time inany amount. FIRST ill B1K OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Kent. Dr. H. M. Shaw K,u Eur mill Throat SrJ (LASSES I-TITHI Pliiuio :i::i)-,l. Rooiiii -Mi Inlm; I Hod;, DR. MATTIE II. SB V. Pli.slelau mid Snrgc Phono ;t:ii)..l, Offlco hours by appoint! Benjamin Ostlind coxscinxc EXfiixim ARCHITECT Offices, UOfi Irving W Phono 10a-L or 2C7-J. MarslillcIO H. G. Butler civil i:xcim:kh Room .'101 Coko Bldg. rhoafl Residence Phono 30' W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Itouina ,'!01 mid II0L', Coke I J Marshfleld, Orcgoi I.Ol'IS (.Oltlt is our pliimlier. Central Awiiuc. Phone ;t."I-.l. I7i .Milk, III iiiaits for .SI. llll. Holmes Pah), Hume Ull.,l structure of throo rooms, tut con structed that others may be added on ns thoy become uccossnr.v, accord ing to u report or Rnxiiionil E. B.ikur, county sehool supurlutendent. It Is expected thoro will ho ap proximately nil pupils take up the work In tho lall under tho direction of In ii toachors, whom, It Is under stood, lmo not yet been elected. Because tho dUtauco Is far from end of tho consolidated dis. Si 1 M o TpSx Tl imencan laii inaviaiDi-A "WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE" Yoot bosimess is inniuich Wm. S. Tumen ARCHITECT Mnrnhrield, Orcgoi HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 A fomnlo diplomat Is a woman who can keop a hired girl for x consecutive weeks. You needn't bo much uneasy about you wife's health, eu long as she U able to iimrrot bernuso of the amount of work sho has to do. When the sun resumes Its setting s,t ,n"s speclul li.T cent Shuck p.um wu n uoen fresh laid eggs. M' our window. Replaco that chipped pan with Wear Ecr Aluminum, boy seorrs notice All Bo Scouts of Marshfleld and Noith Bond lire iciniofitoil to ono meet ut Fourth street nnd Conunpr- trlcts to the other nrrnnguments wilt clal avenue. Monday morning ni. he mndo far n boat that will each !::iu to take part In the Fourth of fiiio'-n'iK gather up the pupils, after July parade. Each Scout should en- lie mrnncr of tho gasoline, boat deuvor to bring his Scout pike. ' jrTopOa'jtuU Cooij iHvor. 'A con- - n"' St-l '..."AfrKU. jrilfl am MjM a monthly bum foi tUs Eorvlco. It Is sufd there will be no need 1 of u school election for nt least a i year for the reason Hie law pro j Wiles the directors for tho consoll i dated districts for a lu month's pei lod. DUtrlU N. 12 is wild to be Perl Riley Ballinucr I PIANIST AND TIM Resldoneo Studio, 217 Nd Phono KS-L. Hnvo your LE'l'MIR lionds, etc., priuled nt THIS offlco. WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM WARE Bnzzoserazrcza GRAVEL 915 all1 BsaazacraregrTnmta Wo nro now prepurod to furnish (iitAVUL In any (unntltleH from pllu In our yard or In carload lots, ut following prlus; From iillo on kiouiuI, l.yf. per yurd. canoad lots, taken from cars, $2.00 pur yard. Retail Depniliiient, v t Oppo.slt . Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co" The Kind that l.its Always I " z RACE MEET MrHTLE PO A Coos Bay man wouldn't Ho to his wife as ofton ns he does if he didn't know from experience that bho wouldn't believe the tiutli. About onco out of forty DOC. LESLIE OX SCXDAY Fred Weaver says he has been toe busy lately to lme much poetic Inspiration, but the other day o uw Doc. Leslie on his way down 'he uncut and he Immediately dash ed off the following which he dedi cated to Doc: On every IiIomioiI Lord's day He bus nothing else to do t go to Sunda school nnd church And attend B. Y. P. p. the ono to hold over. THANKS FRIENDS I wlhh to oxpruM my tine ei est PIDMFPR UADIWADC on "'" ,0 "' H6e who so klmll ' M.iisl.ncM R HARWARE CO. gave ...o votes and M.pport In the' ' ''' Oicro,, Uei, Cl0 BMK)limon Tl., Cflllt08t lu vvhlt'i 1 bocund one of the pilzes. lnnnr-n-x. Mk. I. Bimus.Mniiaetramlfrwuli.Mit Mrs. Jean Brown, EasUIdt. Koontz Gar A XEW TIPPERARY SOXf! Hero Is the chorus kf "Tipper ao" ns Aithur K. Peck i,.a n Annur peek Is one of our well known Cent. Ave. attorn limes has iv good voice. B 250 KKARNY ST. fl CTIBBDfatlcl. Sutler and llu.h III iIilSW22J MUjP$m g ()K'n n lr plat-foini dance. DAVCE WD KEEP COOL at SECOND AXD MKKET, .IPLY ', ;t, .-,. I I I SAN FRANCISCO prom, and ,A lJn, fite-proof, up.io.dte I lotfl, t nevs who 8 S- .!" lhec,c,lt'ro'cv)i('ngndon m.vs, vvno direct Ime to iheExpo.monConn.i; I I - ' -, , , , .,.-,,, '"-V-mj age Agency for OVERLAND CARS-GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLESUNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty Phone 180-J North Front Street Official Program FRIDAY. JULY Xi 1 v'o. 1 Trot or naco. one-- milo, two heats, encli t'l laco, 2:UC clnsa, purso vo. 2 ItiiiHiliuf. ono liaa' purso v'o. :t Trot or nace. oM! milo, host two in three W frco for nil, purse Vo. l Novoltv race. onei $30 for first to uiiaitefI ?iu for first to """' post, $DS for first to W quarter post, ?75 for tlm lllllo Rtnlrn o. s Motor Cycle, o "i I2G to 1st. $1G to Z"8 SATURDAY, .11 JA' A r-KKamasKS or pace. oe- vr-x ot ' """'fflM" '"no. two Heats, cam - r ourth that thoy start to go out friend H' a hard, hard life to he a lavwer. .. . . I 1 . . - - w wiro managos to get ready of friend husband so she ra around and haw) him out for so slow. , uio retainers very sniull, A Coos Bay man has a hard tlnnI,,B a 1'atd life to be n lavwer arousing any euiiiususni wjien ho ui we,-'ibt cant quit, that's nil Detached Bath poion CtouaJi. RATES Private Bath ahead Us a hard, hard life, you know; 11.00.11 50 ilnila $1 M lonn , 0 , sit U's a hard, haul life to he a lawye,. j $ 0 2 Od 8'S' ll?JV I being I It's so ld to get the dough. I ; ' "' '' ' I The fees are might) little. I lln'c,sCunJ-EyCea J 1 1 .TaUe a "UnUcml" Bu. direct to ItoUl I SIJ.IOO liuxs S room moduli. Z llg lots, clos, In. well located. Terms, ymo cash bu.vt. mire luilldiug, dwelliug, 2 lots, 8ood business and P. O. ofr July bpecials SUIMM) lms one oi he lust lo cations and liiikiiieb, lu Mai.-h-lleld. Sl7.i( lnivg "one of the best homes lu Eustslde, 7 rooms, I lots. Tei 111s.. We also xvrlte all kinds of niMiraiiM l.ond and - II te mi-n . , """ t',bl1 '"iv two of the bet lots on Fomth ktreet. wIL o kavo some good bus In l'nrk and Bunker Hill both improud and unliimrnvn.1 hip lu' its !. 1 uuiie jni-iJ FR.IZEEN i DUNCAN 60aIntral ti race, 2:35 clasi, pur' s'o. 7- nuuiiing, flve-els- mllo, pmso o. 8 Trot or pace, one thron linnla. nverV W rnco, piirso K 9 Rnnnlnc. one and eighth miles, for Cqoi Curry County horses 0I purso No 10 Pnnqnlntlon ra. all horses not flnlebloS VrJ 14 -mw . i rnrP. 'I hviuti un DULuii'M t ,m , i ". 11 Ainmrrrii' i-' 0 ,lBt, ?15 to 2nd, Purs(j T m j' r mw 1 . 1 iiiiiBonatJiaiJnmniu-jMiMri'ii.iPiiit.Twiwiiitww.., 1 iM 1, ' .'. I 11 I -p -""""iviaasHiBEaEKMKUt M JT . i-m .-. k I I mm " a 1 I Ainfif,lYiM iium ii 'iwin ,m -- mmmmmumi i 1 1 1 ' ,