& pJ,fl'w yi 7 v.-k LI J' WtaiNO a ' : '1. u THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. FRIDA JULY '2,J 1915 EVENING EDITION, ( '. 4 T tral Avenue Booster $i A i irJr H CISXTItATj AVJ3NUK, K1UDAY, .ITIiY 1!, 11)1.- No. 50. s ...r - : i HE Hn ach Melba Sundae fTwSlWfnl A VfMIIlM L JK fej R.SBh' iL KrK&V$? - ferorTlJ, I$35j&! f JRTS"TIME TO jym1 OrderYbur COOK'S ROMPT ooirri AI Wrsn Annii ST Wi .v IWUbMI & ROGRESS1VE l'liono 18D. JUST LOOK AT OUR WINDOWS SoQltlioBo fnmous South lloml milieu. They iiro llio lntost anil IboetTof tlio stovenmkors' products. tyVifthnvo soiiio fine reed clothe basket. )oglt forget our hnrgulns In China. The low prices prevail on BCtslKj well as oihl pieces. IMAR5HFIELD HKHDWAHE GO. Central Avohiio nml Hrowhvny. SB .JMWlM CSt SPIN IN THE CELE but have JAY DOYLE clean and press your clothes JAY DOYLE ill call anywhere any time. iilrnl Aveniio Phono '-!"0-X Eveiry Possible Barikiro pousrtesy to Owe Patromis Tho following of tills policy has resulted In tin steady .iikI 'siilihtiinllil Ki'iiwlli. of this bank hlmu It vwis (MuIiIUIicd. I "wry deposi tor, no mutter how small, Is untitled to and rorclws every possible (miles j mid urcnui. inodutioii hero. This Is , t home bunk own ed, iiniiiiiKvd and eonlroled liy loenl eltUens It should he VOlIt balk. A National Bank Off Coo's Bay,; Jental Avenue Marshfield, Oregon A .WORD TO TME fflSE COY IS WASTED; - 1 ' lDrO I" at STAITOKD'K SAMTAIIV I'ot V! mid ask for a 1 MCA CI I MKLHA HI DA 13. The ucvest and inns! ilelli ions Sim. ulioliiinilc. Very popular In New York and villi lie on Cook liny. -'p!5jl e j t -a s? a. 2iaiiuK'us ofltiiiory i-uusiiLam Phono Nd-Ii QPltoMH c TODAY Ul,li Till: I'HKKII lit! ITS AM) VKfiKTAHLKS I jWonvlll lo elo.sed nil iliy Mnmlu.i so kindly jdw us your order Snt- Iwitirduy for your Mipplles In- .Sunday and Monday. m r- eliidj ttIl I'OUI fl Ml battl mgrol J'koplk ok doiolas, ICOOR AM) CTltllY couvtiks. Old fiioulli, Sornnd Saplings. We want to t Dr. Leslie, of the Ith kuiuitteo told us yoMor- krshfleld Is going to lavo li of .1 illy celehrullou on HiiK -Inly "id, Ith nml lo wants nil of jnu to Inlng your frleiuls. We silo uud will Karaiitee nil hf illness, Inead tlie Dough? Till: CKNTIiAI, AVUXl-K IIOOSTKItj cnXTUAl, AVKXUI! SAYINGS orn stafi- Managing Kdltor. "Nationally Ad vertised" Frank I). Col. an. Dairy Kdltor Ivy Condrim. l'iiiaticlul I'dltor. Dorsoy Krellzcr. (.'in don Kdllor Hay Olllvaiit. ItccrcMl Inn Kdltor .1. T. Harridan. Musical Kdltor I. D. TIioiiuih. 4 Pioneer Kdltor (!eo. K. Cook. Children's Department "Candy Kid" sinirotd, Koltor. Till: I.KTTKIt "i:." Someone Ihib advanced tlio oiln lon that Ihe letter "e" Is the niosi iinrcriunato rlinrartcr In tlio Kits Mali nlphaliiil, hecause It Ih always out of eash, forever In ilelit, never i out of danger and In hell all the tlme I Hut we eallfi Ida attunllon to t' o far't, says the Charleston Oazollor, ,thut "e" Is never In war and nUvnys 'in pence. It Is tho heKlnnl'ij; cf existence, the commencement i of ease nml tho end of trou- hie. Wlthuot It there would he no meat, no life and no hetivc'i. It Is tho center of honesty, makes lowr perfect, nnd without It thero wou'.d ho no editors, devils or iihih," s.mii.k-a-wiiim: ItlltDS Oh' A FKATIIKIt A current nowspnper Item Is cs follows: "Tho wife of a Methodist minister In West Virginia has boon married three times. Her ninhlon nnmo was I'nrtrldsc, her first hus band wiih named Hobblus, her sec ond Spnrrows and tho preeont Quail. Thero nro now two young Uobblns, ono Sparrow nnd throe llttlo Quails In tho family. Ono Krnmlfnther was a Swan nnd another a Ja, hut ho Is now dead nnd n bird of paradise. They llvo on Hawk nvenue. KiirIcs vlllo. Canary Island Is right next door to t)io Parrots, nnd tho follow who wroto this Is a I.yro nnd n rola tlvo or tho family." SMlLK-A-WIIIfii: SOIA'IXO TDK PlCOItliK.M Tlioro was n Hinall guthorlnR of nowly elected Honedlcts In tho Saints nnd Sinners' corner nt tho Owl tho other day, discussing tho (inostlon: "Whnt shnll I call my mothor-In-lnw?" W. J. Conrnd and Thnyor'Oiimos and H. 13. Mlllor -ind K.I.Ohnndlor and Frank Cohan wero nil tlnu'o. "Well boys," said Irving Clinndlor. "I would urge you not to worry ovor tho proper nddrcss for vonr mothor-In-lnw. I hnd tho wine ouostlon to solve. I couldn't lt llmt 8l,rlno of cncI' l'atot'" le Lots "f Color. There's a great wave of patriotism sweeping over Central nvenue this week. The Day AVo Celebrate, Central avenue Is getting icady to celebrate Independence Day and It's going to bo some celebration, believe me. On (ho Sick 1.1st. I.. I.. Thomas nln't feeling very well Intoly and htlelfs pretty close to his new Htore. lie says ho thinks its general ability what ails him, Jtonds Improved. Wo are glad to nt at c- that tho roads arc much bet tern they wore n Bpoll back, tlier.e is not so mutch mud In tho mud holes nnd not so much hump n tlio bumps. This may ho duo to the gcod weather, or to the road su pervisor, or to the Tho Hooter's el forts In calling attention to need ed Improvements. Credit whoro c.ioiMt Is due, say we. A Fine Climate. Tho wcnt'ior la nlso Improving, along with the roads nice bright sunny days nml lovely moonlight nights for moon ing and wo nro pleased to siato that our Central avenue boys nnd ;lrls nre sonic mooners, nlso. Well, wo wero young onco ourselves. A New Invention. A. K. Ncff, of tho' Marshfield Hardwnre, Is not to bo outdone by his partner ns an Inventor. AI's Ideas, however, run to peaceful pursuits. Ho is now at work on nn attachment for Incn br.tors. If his plnns succeed, the mnchlnes will glvo a "mothrirly cluck" eucli time a chick Is hatch ed." Hack to Lady Nicotine. If you notlco Frank Cohan and Hen Chanei lor transforming themselves Into hu man Mount I.nssens tho next few days, bo eharltnblo in your Judge ment. They lmvo Just ended a six months' slcgo of nbstlnonco from to bacco. Since January 1 they hno not dallied with My I.ady Nlcotlno In any form, hut nt tho end of tho probationary period they have le turned to the ranks of her. adorers. Welcome back, boys! Have a cigar? "Dad" Welrh'N Trip. Tho near approach of the Fourth of July fired off nil tho patriotism in Dad Welch's breast tho other day and when some misinformed misanthrope of a reporter told "Dad" Hint tho Liberty Hell was In Hoscburg ho hurried nway to pay his respects HOOSTKU WAK HL'LLKTINS ( ' lit these days of blood and battle, i I you long to plunge In itrif. Don't about enlisting prattle; He u hero take a wife. The War College was dlscussl.M tho latent Kuropenn moves when homo one remarked that tlio C.'ir must bo fond or traveling ns ho had left agnln for tho front. "Why doesn't ho wait n week or so nnd let the front come to him?" Sengstnekcn suggested as he glanc ed viciously nt Harrigan. S.MlLK-A-WHILi: J. T. Harrigan comes to tho front , tills week with nu nstonishlng simple nnd practical plan to annlhllnto ;ho Herman army. Ho suggests charging turtles wltl) n" explosive mixture nnd allowing them to creep Into tho Ger man trenches. As the Ocrmnns es teem tho ttirtlo highly ns food tlioy will capture them nnd turn them ovor to thq cooks. Tho moment tl.o tt.rtlo is placed in boiling water the chemical will form a gas nnd ex plode. Ha explains naively that the Iron kettle will furnish tho fragments to kill nnd wound nnd that coming nt meal timo tho de falrurtlon will bo greater. SMILK-A-WIIILi: call her "mother," nnd It sounded Illy to enll her "mamma," so for n your 1 'got by' without calling her anything. Thou wo all railed her 'ymmlmolhor.' " SMILK-A-WIIILi: Siipre.sse No. Wo thought ns how thnt was omo wind last Sun day a. m. Hint blow so hard our w. k. stoamhont agt. W. F. Stuhr and his sldewheoler Harnett couldn't pnddlo a ennoo ugnlnst It. Now wo know what's tho matter. Aftor con BldornMo gumnhooIng wo stop tho proas to announce thnt tho young men hnd a. cargo of feminity aboard, all of which tlioy rofused to tell us nnd forthwith hlnmed the tldo nnd tho wind for tho hard paddling. Wo say thero nln't nothing happons what wo don't hear about If you Ktvo tu tlino onoiigh. 1)11. W. A. TOVK, D13NTIST O Hours 0 to 12 1 to C. Koom LiOl, Irving llld. Central Avenue. Mnrslifield votlon, only to bo tolled when he arrived that tho Liberty hell had not yet left Philadelphia. Thero wero plenty of belles there, t it "Dad" says for that kind of holloa you don't havo to go to Hosoburg as tho Coos liny hollos nro there with bolls. "Dad" snya It would bo a good Idea for our Chamber of Commerce to got busy nnd havo the Liberty bell moved to Coos Day for awhile. It has been In Phllndel pi la for moro than n hundred years and why not pass It around. Cool Idon, say we. CKNTKAL AVKNL'K SAVINOS Don Gardiner says Harry Ilultman has a trained volco but It breaks training every now nnd than. Arthur Rchfold snya nil goon things como to thoso who wnlt, but they'll como a lot quicker If you hus tlo out to hunt them up without waiting. Jim Kollond says tlioro nre thrco kinds of bllllnrd players: "Profes sionals, amateurs and dubs." Dnvo Stafford says thero Is no such thing ns ?;12 worth of fishing tackle. Still $32 worth of fishing tncklo looks ns plausible nn a $r00 dog. Ivy Condron, who hns had somo exporlonco on n ranch says that "a pig eats everything the family won't cat and then tho fnmlly cats tho plK." Gcorgo It. Andorson who is somo philosopher himself says thnt lots of fools look wlso and lots of wlso men look otherwise. PKItSONAL MKNTIO.V. HAimY M'KKOWN has invested In a chock protector, which ho nc iiulred under tho Impression that he was buying u chest protector. SMILN-A-WHILK ii mi mm iima iiwiauiiMMwwBWWWBMWMw 1 !I i j' JAY DOYLH says Fourth of July Is no good for his business hut us his business. Is nlwff's pressing wo think is Is always pretty Jg,"od. Anyway wo are glad, wo nhty Li If for It keeps us biisytb'go to' press once a week and Jay goes to press several times ovory day to say nothing of the nights. SMILK.A.WH1L13 fttffcRAS WFIW Q$ TJEREwehav U I "'" iSn.iUi ftss m GUARANT fSTRACT CO. I lenry Sengstnekcn, Mgr. TRY OUR FLOUR, God Flour Makes Good Citizens, BE GOOD I 4 -. o ames ri.oi n rrKi i ,vn HAY F li( fenterlront, t'outnil Avenue,! e CO Speedex, the high est development of the folding camera. Comes in three sizes at $45 to $55. Other Anscos, $2 up. See them all. Wo are headquarters for everything photographic. Coos Hay Stationary Co, Phono 111'). Oil Central Ave. fj H0I1I3RT MAUSDR.V, Jit., tho pro minent theatrical magnate, drop ped in tho othor ovenlng nnd told us wo might interview hi in on tho prosont situation, which wo did, hut limited space prevents us from publishing tho things that ho went on to stnto with regard to said prosont sit, SMILK-A-WIIILi: We sell C famous -"" ... 9" Famous for their sutelv oftc- suit. Ansco users here in town are producing most beautiful ' pictures, uomc n anu let us show you some fine samples. ANSCO CAMERAS Amateur earn. eras of professional quality. Superbly . made and easy to operate. Priced Iron ' i.W up. ANSCO nt-M-Alwars uniform. Full enromatic naiance, color value, shadow . ccuti anu ire;aom irom nauuon. ANSCO CIIEMICALS-SnethllT nrr. pared lo be used Willi Ansco I-'ilm and Cyko Paper. Wc olwaya lave a (resb supply. ( CYKO PAPER-The prlie winner uhlclicivesrlch, soil prints that never fade pcrlcct reproductions cl the - subject, REHFELD'S tlio Central Avenue. ' ' Waiting For One at the Plate G130RG13 COOK thinks what with a getting ready for Moose Day, run ning a grocory storo, being coun cilman' with a disappearing gener al fund and now Fomohody thinks tho city council should regulate, tho jltnoys that nfo Jitneying In our midst. President Wilson has' nothing on him when It comes to being busy. i SMILK.A-WIIILK A. T. IIA1NI3S, our pop. nnd well known eltlzon nnd the. man who put tho hay in Haines, linn jiist returned from an oxtonsivo trip to tho fair In San Francisco. Wo expected to get a good Interview for this Issue, but 'Gono CroBih walt told him It wns dnngorons to tdl things to us bepntiBo whe.i wo l'Vlnt It In Tho Iloostor nil the women rend It nnd ho might havo tp rjake explanations to his wlfo SMILK-MV1UM3 Isn't half as much fun as waiting for a friend at the Smokehouse The Home of Good Cigars and Good Tobaccos Chandler Hotel .nv- " f M ' " U ?liiH i-Km-Tait KM.iftiWf -" Gq Your Knital AT "The Jvodnk Stoic" "THE OWL" Tho Central Avenue Drug Storo Good Things for The Fourth of July Feast I'll 13 CIIOICKST rilUITS AXI) VKOKTAULKS KHOM COOS COUX TV, SAX I'HAXCISCO, I'OHTLAXI). IMPOItTKI) (Jieen Com lliuianns Iaiiiioiis CnnlJiliMipes Ornnges , ,,i Cuiillfhmer . COOS COUXTl ' . Tomatoes lettuce IOttnco Turnips (Jieeu Henns ItiullHliOH . ! .AVav Henns Herts Ithiiburli Cuciiiubcrt: Splnaeli '! ' Onions Ciicuiiibcr.H ( Cnbliago Plums .. .Cnrrols Penclics Pens Hell Peppers Itlmlmib Wuv Onlou Seanuin's Honey CLOSKI) ALL DAY MONDAY ': vim OlllYamfc & Weaer ' PURE FOOD GROCERS ' The home of H. J. Heinz' 57 Varieties; Hunt's Supreme and Preferred Stock Canned Goods. Corner Third and Central. Phone 199. GOOD THINGS TO EAT Wo place tho choicest, thnt' the Portland, San Krnnclsco nnd Coos County markets afford, at your command. Among the now things this week nro choice m spherrles, logunhoi-rlcs, plums nnd i'ccu peppers. Other good things for tomorrow nre: Local Orcen l'eas String Henns Ited nnd YVIilto New Potatoes a Ithiibarh Hunch Turnips Carrots Itadlshcs Onions Cucumbers New Local Cabbage Itlpo Tomatoes Cauliflower California Cherries sMu!t!umffcJBt Coos Cherries I'cmlies , Apricots Cantaloupes Wnternicloit Straw berries Oranges Hnnnnns 1 Florida nml California Grnpo Trtilt Fivsh Coconnuts CuiTnnts Wo will bo closed nil day Monday NASBURG GROCERY Corner Central Avcnuo nnd Second Street. VISIT OUR NEW STORE Wo have tried to n nan go It (o please you nnd your friends. Drop In. Wo will bo pleased to show tho arrangement to you nnd to have you try Nome of the now sheet music selections on our pianos or to play the latest records on our Victor machines. L L. THOMAS MUSIC CO. Consolidation or Wiley II. Allen ami W. It. Haines Music Stocks Oil Central Avenue. Ed Meade, Noble Theatre Hoys, k'i'N and babies; Men, youths uud Indies; OX THIS GLOIHOUS KOUUTII OP .IULY' Oct guiiii nuts uud caiuly, In tho XOOIC that's so handy, 'FOKI3 A TICKKT TO TIIK M0V1KS YOU HPV. Kandy Nook Central Avenue InveiitoryiList Free Special blank forms provided for Itemizing tho articles iu your household, turnlturo, kitchen furnishings, etc., no that, in caso of a loss you can linvo everything listed. They are most con vonlont. Call nt my office and secure one. They are (roe to everyone. It's our aim to servo our patrons and tho public. E. I. CHANDLER. IXSL'KAXCK COKK HUILDIXG PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER 'AT THE Chandler Hotel a Good Menu V . Tho Hul) 6t Central Avenue. . X, ........Vi,. j I i ,?'