I I RfJp,n H MARSHFIELD, cfflflON.1 FRIDAY, HJ.Y 2, 1915 EVElllWO EDITION. ' J SHIPPING sgJ -l- f I .OS BKY riMEaMiCRSHFIEL r f 1 -Tf J4 ...u O0S BAY Vim ! '- 1 5l V - - ' siM'Waw a - .- , i ' ? ' "" I "iiw i'-" Kv ., mwf r " -"' 1 1 re I ) I I WM YOU WOMEN WHO HOLD THE PURSE STRINGS Read Today's Times Advertisements YOU'LL MAKE THE DOLLARS YOU SPEND DO THEIR UTMOST. There are hundreds of you women on Coos Bay and vicinity hundreds in homes conducted on limited incomes to whom The Times is the sole source of advertising information. ki All of you look to these columns for the same reason that merchants generally favor The Times because The Times pays. IT PAYS the merchants so well in greater re sults that The Times prints all the advertising news worth reading. IT PAYS the patrons of these merchants in bet ter qualities and greater savings to such extent that they never miss reading an edition of The Times. Today The Times advertising columns are rich in unusual news read them they will save you . hours of time and tiresome effort tomorrow. "Times Advertisements Lower the Cost of Living." -SHIPPING NEWS Breakwater May be Sold 8THA.MKU HUHVKWATKU I It Ik reported lii'if Hint prelim-1 .Southern inilli rnnnot inn hunt aero It was thought tho vonxol miulit ki In some port whore tlit i mill oml lines nut euoml. lint it Im When Hie railroad U (omplolod tlii likely it will ho wild. liuiry lu'KOtliUlonit fot Hit' mile of fill' Hi cak water lire under way. ' Aim i:mi:.t of vkssii.s An hod. P . Killiiiin, iiiui FrtinoUooo. 0 :,'!) n. iu. today. (SJoa, ItoKUu Ithnr, thU morning. Sailed. . 1'. A. Killitirii, Portland, 1 p. in., 1 today. Adeline Smith, Oiilchiud, p. in.. jmiual to I lie (ueitHluii and sailed iiviv iiiiu i ne iiiiiowiiik nay Cliauney FOG IS GENERAL KTKAMS1I1P KlLHl'ltX AHKIVF.S FIUM SOl'TII TODAV IlrliiUH rale I'dxsfiiKPP I.M mill Fiolulit Cni-Kd Lenxei lit I l- " For 1 'mi laud. WnilltiR through ii ToB thai ex-1 teiidB up the coast from aM fur floutli as b'an Francisco, tho steam-' hIiIii Kllburn urrlvcd In t liln morn ing from Han Francisco and ICuiolca. Site brought ii fair cargo of freight and left out at 1 o'clock for Port land. Captain MrClolland states that shipping In San Francisco is par ticularly lively and that In Oakland Creek there lire very few ships where months ago there were dozens of "tramps" waiting for cargoes Most of them now have been char- teicd out in the deep-sea trade at high rates. Those who arrived here from , the South were: Hobert 1). McCor- inlek, J, II. Hendry. Mrs. J. II. Hen dry, Klsle linker, U. Nordstrom, Axel Peterson, .Mis. A. Peterson, II II. Ilolvorslott, K. Jlolvcrstott, Jo seph Kin if, II. M. JoncH, Irwin Hose, .Mrs. (leorgo Akern, F.nill Peterson, II, II. (lorhnm, Albert Fisher, L I'arvln, 1'. Sinllh, T. H. I.andon. An-1 gust Kemper, K. White, (1. 11 Car roll, A. II. Short and A. S Unix The passengers north fiom here were: Mr. and .Mrs. William Hruef. .Miss Ksthur (liaef, .Miss Louise Kus ter, C. II. Soyman, Mrs. U. Powell, I Mrs. Martha Ilyvanen, Matt Hyvan on, F. Levy, W. A. Foley. Mrs. Foley, T. II. French, K. Stott. M. Knar). Mrs. M. Hrnudt, Mrs. 0. Mahoml. Iran Mnhood, .Mrs. W. S. Wells, L. Dolsoh, Kd. McKeown. .Mike McOuIre Mrs. F. X. Fenton, Jack Fenton. Mrs (lutli and Mrs. Harman. HERE Cantalever Rear Springs, Full Floating Rear Axle, 32x4 Tires, Non-Skid on. rear, 115-inch Wheel Base, 6 Cylinder, Motor 45 H. P., Water Cooled by Pump, Cone Clutch, Spiral Worm Gear Drive, Left Hand steer, center control, Delco starter and light, one Man top, full five passenger. GOODRUM'S GARAGE MARSHFIELD, OREGON I l I I 111 LJ II III L. L. Ili MASON MiaitS, OF MAItSllliKUI. thavkllvc: in Titorics WiLL BUILD BRIDGE LAW 15 IEiEO:::EH: ' itins hi:ci:ivf.i iiv tiii: .mausii- I Fli:i,l) l,ANI COMIMXV xi:v Him I'oslHon im Wireless Operatoi' on the IH Stcamslilp Neupoil. .. .,,. . ., . ., ,, , ,' ' ,lll lie Main Kiitrauce t Hie New ill Kir nun in i illllllllil. i FlIATI'ltKS )l CiiM'ISCA. TIO.V ACT IX i:i'l'i:( T ntlou iu tho work of safety first. We in'"'iil to oNi-rl every effort toward tbo itrevontlon of accidents." C. W. Meats, or this city, has re ceived a letter fiom his son, Mason II. Mears, who Is on the steamship Newport, of tho Pacific Mall Line, running from San Francisco to Hal-1 Addition to Hay I'aik ' Which is Opened The Marsltfield Land Compau. yos-i t urduy atternooou opoued bids fori I'tbo hulldlui; of :i bridKu which the Iniliislilal Acciileiit ColiiNsiiin ,-Us Alii in Klliii'i lor Sal'cly Fiit In Slato of Orciin ............... ...in ................ ... f.... n....i. boa, I'anama and way points. Voiiiib , " ' f, V, M,,IFa la n.ilv IU ..,., u l.l l.. 1... ' 10 lrIUK Is K) III- fiOl, tOBt lOIIK ....u ... ...j ... ,,,ri t,n, ijul , it IS wlroloss opurator on the boat mid linn a good place and Is KcttltiK Picnic at (.'ixiilwlll's Soutli Coos Itlvcr. Dance with ikmI music, in. Ihihkuii slide, suImks, dc, Sat. .Inly Mill. Alice II. will Icaw .Miir-hllclil ut 7 a. iu. iiitil l'prcss at H a. in. i:ciyliiiily come ami IiiIuk liaskcls. Ailmlssinn to ronniN free. land will extend over the marsh and will bo the inuiu entrance Into first to see quite a lot of tho tropics. Mears fornteily Ihcd In Murshfleld and his first position an a wlieless! man was on tho steamer Nairn Smith. He first became acquainted with the wireless work through Mr. Wil liamson of the local station and throiiRh him loained to be an op erator. Mears writes from Ilalboa, Pan ama and tells some interestiuK facts ubout Hint part of the country. He says the heat is Intense and that he. found It necessary to purchase a white uniform, lie Miys that the life of the wireless operator on the Newport Is ery plcusant, as ho and the other operators have a boy who j waits upon them ami see that they ; have everything they need or want' ...... I io call lor in the way of en tins, lit Aniondmenls to the Workmen's CompensaHon law onactod by the last legislature went I yesterduy. The most imp I t lll')U llt'l.l'l J I.. II i.t.K ,.l.....,tfl...it I f addition to Hay Park which has been: '""' " '" " """' " i put on the market. !rat0H to '"' Lhl"'1 " mhiIiiith Tomoinuv, Kuiuiila), no will se! Th. followliiE woro the bids re-' H '" ' ' l"1 "". """ """ ""' ,,,,';"s "' "'' I"1IuIiik lnu FRECKLE-FACE s MEAT SPECIALS!--" ' $!l."..'.ll(l sou. no U'lM'd for furuUhlnic both material and labor: Illnkley & Maol Jnlinsou & Larson . . . I.udd & HiirrU II. a. Hurler IlaKilulst & HJorqulst Simmons it Luptou vward xleti under Hie law for tie- pi-Ice- roit cash oxiiV cidrutt hall be the hxcIiikIvu remedy for I'cnons Injured. Vmlor tho old law but two cIuhsoh' VI Ikt'l llttt'lll.Ml I'IH LlllnllHIAHl 11... I t .. SSU fit) ' BiiniHivifl nui uoiiiuk UHOrt , -.'. Iwrt to pay a rato of tluee per (out Short Itllm Heef ... ,7Jil.00of tllP,r nl,nunl Ik roll Into tho se- Choice 'ot Itoant .. t;s: Per 1,1). 10c ci cidonl fund and the I cms baxardous. ' linmp Itoast Sun mill Wlml IIiIiik Out irIy SmiU. How to Ifii'iuovo ICaslly. Here's a chance, Mlsg Freckle-faco, to try a remedy for freckles with tho Ktinranteo of a rollablo dealer that it will not cost you ti ponny un less It romovcH tho rreckles; whllo if It doi'H kIvo you a clear complexion tho oxionno is trlflliiB. Simply not an ounce of olblno strength ironi uny drtiKKlat few applications bIiohIi! hIiow you how easy It is to rid yourself ot , tiio homoly frock I en mid et n beau i lirul complexion. Uarely moro j than one application needed for tlio j worst case. J Ho Hiiro to ask tho druggist for tho I double strength olblno as HiIh Its tbo I prescription nold under giinranlco ot money hack If It fulls to romovo freckles. liignnt & HJoniuHt 7 17. Io i ,,Bi ' "" - l""" '. Sirloin Steak tills on Labor I IHlle.enl Itate, Houml Steak . , Contractors were also Invited to1 I'-'i'r the new law IndiiHtrleH l.nvo.T-lloi.o Steals . 1 bid on tbo furnishing tho labor nlono. I ,,oon Br0UI'C(1 ,nto 2S lllffcront class- nib Steaks Three made bids as follows: Hrlnkley fi8, Tho ratc3 nnR0 from '00ti ov Mutton Stew . . i Maol. S1MI7.: .loln.sim l . cont of atl cmployor'a payroll up to Shoulder Mutton i$l!M;; Slnimons & Ltipton. $s7.:.o. ,ns I'rr cent' a,,l '"'Sliest rato ap- Shoulder Mutton Chops ... Contract Nom Lei ,pt!cs to construction worlf, mick na .0K Mutton : The lowest bid made was that of ""'noous work, fire-escapes, bouso Loltf Mutton Chops .- 'Slnimons & Lupton btjt as It was !1,ovl:'' '101Iso wrecking, steoplos ami . Loin Veal Chops i.-w ! lower than tho other,, and us tho l"",i" iuoko-stacKs, metal chimneys,, Loin Lamb Chops Kit iron rmi stool rramo structures. Tho Leg of Lamb fi . .11! lie, lie I'-' ii to lie tv Lie MBBH!BBBB I-,, I" ni If M m 111 1 ill il I r lajii.,-" a V MJk . . Lie .1 t says he hones to stuv on the Nmi- port as he does not expect to n,ltl l"'"iaciois uau not .r nan an op I. ... I n'lil ot on mnrlne other vessels. ',u" um lliac ,ll0.v "Klit Have tin- " ""' m ,. ..... Idorbld so that thev would Ion., and I-vcry oniployer " '""'SIKl-' "Clll. I, '. .-. I ,.,,lln,l ...Mnlll.,.. I. ..!.( M.i. ... . uiey win nave an opiioriunity in tho'' ' ' '" """Ju,i- '" i.og or rorK .. . . i riwitui iu Tfti (riiii oiioaii ittiir iintiiLi n i. bis work so nleusnm ,, ,tf ,.r .i. ! P'Tiunuy to see the ground the com-, " '" " "" k i-- rorK i uops i; ' i Should Pork Itoast who uses powor-ILoln Pork t I Mears writes that the Newport is generally out ou trips of one month j next iow days to look over the nct "1,IoSH ho 0,ocU t0 h,uy "llt- For the first six days out of Sun ' Bro,l,,tI ,,ml lf "''' ' 0' w't to. t l'lnuclHco tho operators publish a newspaper. There Is a great amniim of wireless business bandied and he says It is not uncommon for sixty or seventy tucssanos to he bandied on one shift so when an operator Is incept the work the umliact will be given lo the next lowest bidder. Corn Ileer Veal Stow Shoulder Von I tin bar. i in punier went our in ins itimo no tin duty It ineuim tlmi iu iu i.t. limit and towed them hafely in mer: The extent to which bananas an. used for food and the cheapness of them seems to hao greatly Impress- A.sK HILL HK'PI:ALI:I ; oil Mears. Ho says In his letter that for '-'.' cents one can buy a whole today A M tiuinn, San h'tiuu'luco, p. m , today. ' Duo Here. Hreakwater, Portland, tliU ovo Shipping .Men mi llmli Coasis ti Seek Special Session on Law wagon load of flue bananas in the tropics. ! f 'jilll'ikl ml lio ....!. .... Stating that the enforcement of wi,,,,, ,,' v. '.....'..: J .he Seatnan.. law w... be most .,,. 8ni' k,,' .."T. Z "" . nst runs to hhlpplng and that "Its tu, iiriwric ami impractical provisions' will dofeat the very purpose fori which It was Intended" of tlu membeis of the Marltltue I'rauctsco It was conioyed bv cruUer Cleveland for fear nf attack by Mexican guiiboais. Ar the harbor of Mazatlan u Ainvicun ! ii ntitiiMitt ' i '""h.Hiiuuoar ancnoieii. Mears guys It MODEL CASH GROCERY For the Glorious FOURTH . . 15c . .iHc . . Illr . . I'Jc . .10c I'JJie . . I le ..17r .si I .U5 . . (15c Sufi'ty I'lrsl Tho Stato Industrial Accident Com mission mnkoH nn appeal for "safety j should Veal Chops ii.st. viiiiuiK iiuuiiuiiii to mo (lis-'Choice Chickens ii"fnl condition In which mon are ,.r(li u, ,I011(H for lof uippled for life, after being, (lmI, flvc ,,, fol, I-ard, three pounds for It). Compensation -is an expensive f.,ii,mm'lal Aw., Phono 5--.L p.irt of production. Accidents are! costly and prevention of thorn will '((luce (ompeusntlou lutos. There are cripples soiling lead pern Us and grinding organs In ihis Mine today wlioao lives have been wrecked and whoso families have icon burdened heuiuso of prcveuta-" l!e nccldiuts. mtlo money ran- AND KEEP COOL It can ho ilouo ut (Im outdoor plutronn d'OOl) Ml'SKJ A Kood (lino assured CO.MK, CO.MH KICCOM) AND .MAHKKT ll'LV U, :$, 5 f NT PRISE MARKET Cliiiniu'js l-'lroplacos J. Il. BAYLISS Any kind of brick work at Pricoe that aro right. . And all work guaranteed Call at "l'lio Fireside," Johnson Uldg, 137 Second St. French ranges, boiler work. Phono 434-J Jtout 77, oil tlt. Ihe purpose Is to isk.dnvo ,. four min '" ,tUli Hw " JTT " W,U,C,,,, Mm ' ,-1 '- t -hen It (KuJ ii"wi me law. ,.i i.. .i , I The narrow llolug Jjllst escape of at lloguo Hlver is teld iu (he fol Jawing from tbo Oold Hmuii Ulobe 'Hill Wlnugur, accompanied liv : luterekt la the bill nun in tiio ironies t nil iiu n..w and the re-. itm- i,,iiw ,., ......... .i..i ....... ,.. smill sulu o. ,i,o meeting are keen on , "', '" " , . :: M " ",.,0,u- Loat attempting to enter the lm,b,,rUUc,u,s, where shipping Is in.,,.,! pour Is such that a or, Zrv hu .-..i id .no now law. Many linos! tie placed on dock will be flilod aro preparing to take their liners off, svit,, water In a few .unites . this coast; other will chaiu:e their :.i,, ..... ,,.., ... ' " l0Jf """ woman, ininn down from Handon in 'ships to foielg,, reglsrry to escape partlculirl kov r. ' ' nn open fish boat, wsltlu a rtv.ii-Uu law i aiucuiari) beere. able tide lo cros the bar, lint the wind gicw stronger and the anchor n .,..., I Kpem! the Fourth on South Coos -i" .'..,.- in M.iuru. ip.i.m.'i: ii in.. if..i..i , linn .rnl,n MM,., ,,. ,,,., ... ,..,..,...,, ---.-......... .,, ,L.;m. """ " "w"' mm.ibm iwr ...ii. nimr i will, at NKCO.M) AM poutU of tbbor but Dill proved .M.lKlM .ni4v a. . Sunday n( K ii. in,, returning, arrives iu Maish field OHIO p. ni, EVERYTHING IN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES A BIG LINE OF PICNIC GOODS i 86 COMMERCIAL AVE. Phone 433. HOME MADE SAUSAGE, HAM BURGER and WE1NERWURSTS M.ido in our own simp by expel ts uuil only ...... ...ii liiiuioi Ke, neiier ones nil) place in We will hao some choice ililcl.cns for uidaj's, trade. Hie best meat the country. YIcIiij'h ami Sat- Wo also hnu miiiio choice beef, poik and leal. to 'phone orders Heu.en.l.er that wo give M,e,l., altentlon mill ilclher priiiiipily. Phone 58-J. THE UNION MARKET J- E. Ford & Co. 174 South Broadway. THE REAL QUESTION iiio (inottion Is not. will mon ! honor )ou for vonr work? Hut .does your work honor you? Your coacern Is not only to croato profit for yourself, but to muko that which will profit ninny boildes yourself. COOS HAY STIiAM IiAUNDIlY Phono H7-J. - - 20 20 Auto i CtOIMUTATIOiV TIOKKT.S, $11.00. .Muralifltltl.Xortli ijend Lino Cars ovtry (en inlmites from u. iu. lo 12 p. in,; to South Sloiifjh nice a day, lenvliig ut 1 i n. iii; to I.'iupli o tlireo trips a day. , QOllfiV ,v KINO, Props. - I. h -V5j5- mmm'zszi p -I HHBHHNiHiiHHlvi