I " f f .. IT I MAKES ANY MAN Iffl. solflfc T(J BE WiNDttr G id Coos Bay Times Your Paper Tho Coos Bay Times la prom of its tltlo "The Pcoplo's I'npcr," and It strives nt nil Union to g, live up to Its nnmo by devoting Its energies to K promoting tlio pooplo's interests. Wimu A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tho Ooos Hay Times Is. A South west Oregon papor for Southwest Oregon people snd devoted to tho best Interests of tills grout lection . Tho Times always boosts sumI never knocks. MEMBERS OP TUB ASSOCIATED IMESH iOL. NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 As The Court Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1915 EVE NING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 294 mitt A RALLY OltiOB mm ijir i sii NUE fc$ mi in ERS ROVED ARE REST f Three Large Vessels Torpedo- iniKi nrl In Rnnnnn Qiilimar-innc w r : and tne urews saved le Boat Carried a Cargo of (Sugar from Jamaica Bound . For England COMMANDER IS DELIGTED fleet- on Submarine Pleased at lis Success in Sinking Vessel toincono Had Written Warning On Vessel After .Sailing T total iioats srxic Or Aaaoi-lata.1 I'ron to Co liar Tlm 1 LONDON, July 2. During thu mouth of Juno 98 Uritlnlt ships, aggregating Bllghtly more than 39,000 Ioiib, wore sunk by subuuu'lncs or mines with the loss of 1 11 lives. 4 SAME SUBMARINE (Dr Aaaoclatel Treat 10 Coot Da; Tlniea. LONDON, July 1'. The In- glomoor and tho Caucasian P. wore sunk by tho U-39, the same BUbmarluo that sank tho Lusltunlu. ' (Of AttoclateJ Troaa to Coot tier TlniM ) LONDON, July 2. Tlireo Brlt- llnls sunk ejf'hjh. ateamers, tho Inglemoor, tho PS, Caucasian and tlio Welbury, were iorpedoed and Bunk today by Ger- i; 8iihmarlncH. The crows of tho jnoor and the Caucasian Innd- Fulmotith. Tho crow of tlio jury Is safe rho CuueaHlau was a tank steamer IGD15 tons gross and was bound fm London for .lucKsonviiio, mix. luglomoor was of -K1.1 1 gross and tho Wulburg :i r U 1 tons dsb ana was uouiui ror ungianti bin Kingston, Jnmnlcn. rho commander of tho submatlno i ' markedly pleased on loarnlng it the Welbury carried u cargo fsugar. After tho ship klft Ju Sca It was discovered some- ono painted Insldo tho vessel's fore I: "You hnvo a cargo of sugar England, but you will never got Ire." Schooner Sunir. rho Ilritlah Bchoonor L. C. Towor, in Parrsuoro, n, h was suhk iFaBtnot today by a submarine undersea then sunk u bark' six ps away. The schoonor s . crow lied at Qucenstown. jHsgulses Suhumiluo lio skipper of tlio C. L. Tov er ro- that the submarine, aftoi sink- two other sailing vessels, dls- rajflBed hersolf with rigging niu two Hyo dummy canvas funnols two Vheso : masts and fa; so bow aim stern. rcrtitrlviuices gavo her tho nppoiranco f'ofl' a deeply laden steamer with , swoko Issuing from the funnel, LD CEREMONIES BJ- jPVIWHAIlY OK KILLIXC OV JlltOWX PIHXC13 OIISKHVKI) i DUghout Austro-Huiigary Ilover- itly Take Part and . Ileh- Up. ....... .. . parent vimis tno .iceiu ;tDr AiiocIMM Vrtn to Cooa Uay Tlnm.j WASHINGTON, D. C, July 2. I """Oronionlotl in Austria-IIutKary. irKing tno ursi aunivorsmy oi tlii assassination of Arch Duw Fer- and, th6 Austrian Crown Prince, Idescrlbed in Foreign Office Uls- pStches from Vienna. Throughout lie empire tno anniversary n rev- Dntly observed. Arch Duko Char- Franc'' ieir apparent and cou rt, vis (he scene of the bsass- .ilUlt. tK( S "T W S" "BROWN E$" L " ft OWNERS Td BLUE ADMIRAL WATT TESTIFIES AS EXPERT WITNESS Hays Tltanle Was lua(lciiia(e In Construction and Faults With the Ounei-s ID Aaiorlated Tresa to Coo. liar Timet.) NEW YORK, July 1!. Hoar Ad miral Richard M. Watt, former eltlof constructor of tho United Status Navy, testified today as tin expert in tho milt or the Ocean Steam Navigation Company, tho White Star I.luo, to limit Its liabil ities for tho loss of property and Uvea lit tho Tltanle dlsastor. Watt gave as his opinion that If nnyouo was to blnuio for what ho tunned tho Tltanle's Inadequate construction, It was hur ownors who, ho said, wore responsible for tho limited sufo guauls. WITNESS IS ON BAIL MAX SAYS UK SAW UXH ON LUS1TAXLY (.'ae llontl in Sum of ijssooo For Appearance Before the Federal ('land .liny. Ill Aiuoclateil Pleat to Coon Ilajr Tim". MOW YOltK, July 2. Heinz llur denborg, who was taken In cliargo by tho government agents for tho second time in Cincinnati several duys ago, was held today in $2000 ball us a witness beforo tho Federal grand jury Investigating tho affida vit of Gustavo Stall), ti German re servist, that ho saw guns mounted on thu Lusltiiula beforo she sailed on her last voyage. BANKER A SUICIDE ANNAPOLIS .MAX SHOOTS HIM self ix ins ltoo.M 1)1 lectors of Trust Company Will ted tit Session to Heat- Him Ex plain Ills Account Dr AteoclateJ Tnraa la Coo. liar Time. ) ANNAPOLIS, Aid.. July 2. J. Marshall Caugliey, treasurer of the Annapolis Hanking and Trust Com pany, committed suleldo by shoot lug hlniKolf In his room at a club last night. At tho same hour thu directors of tlio trui;S,eoiupaiiy wero hi session awaiting for Caug liey to appear and explain his ac counts. SALMON PLENTIFUL nof.L'i: iiivi-nt xow nusv plack WITH CAXXKItlKS OP13X lllg Itiin Started Thi Days Ago Say .Membci-s of (JJo.i Crew Tlmt Ar rived Hero This Morning Salmon hnvo commenced their run in tl 9 Koguo Illvor and tho canner ies nro in full swing, according to the crow of the gasoline schooner GJoa, which arrived In from there this morning. Today they aro load ing supplies and will leavo in the morning again for t)ip Rogue River. For weeks tho canneries have beon waiting for tho run to com mence. Very fow fish had shown up and some of tho fishermen wore be coming discouraged. It Is said thoro are now moro than 7G flshermon on gaged on tho river. Two nights ago ono man caught 4.1 fish, it was said this morning. Figuring this at tho rate of 75 cents each that Is being paid for Chlnooks, i the catch amounts to money eon-, sldorably more than wages. Tho GJoa is under charter to tho Seaborg Caunery, operating there for tho first timo this year. It is said that tho Wedderburu Trading Company Is also putting up many cases of fish daily now that tho run has staited. LOCAL OVERFLOW $$ Mrs. Robert Uressln and daughors Mildred, Genevieve and Doris, left Wednesday for a visit with relatives in Ten Mllo and Haynes Inlet. Frank Lowo Is building a now pleasure launch for A. II. Derby shire, of North Hend, and It prom ises to bo ono of the classiest on tho Day. WE DO DEVELOPING AND PRINTING. "THE OWL." PORFRO III DIES J PARIS Passes Away Today While Surrounded by Wife and Members of Family For Thirty-Five Years He Was President and Absolute Master of Mexico WAS A MILITARY STUDENT Came of Old Spanish Stock With an Itifn'slon of Indian 1 flood Resig nation in 11)11 Was Result of Madcro Revolution rnr Awcitid vm to & nr Timn.) PARIS, July 2. General Porflrio Diaz, former President of .Mexico, died at 7 o'clock this morning. Ills wife, Ruble Diaz, and their son, Por flrio Diaz, Jr., and the hitter's wife, wore at tho bedside when tho end came. Tho revolution led by General Francisco I. Madoro, Jr., brought about Diaz's pledge to resign In n bargain for peace. When ho did not resign on tho day hu promised, his palaco was stormed. He resigned tho next day, In May, 1011. Leon do la Hurra wns choson to succeed him. Diaz was 3H years master of Mexico. Of Spanish Stock Gunoral Diaz was born In 18:10. Ilia family wero of old Spanish stock with an Infusion of Indian blood. Left fatherless at tho ago of :i, ho was educated ttt tho oxponso of the nishop of Caxaca with tho Intention of becoming a priest, but ho eventually turned to law and then at tho outbreak of the war with tho United States turned to a military career. Ho served throughout that strugglo In n militia company which ho helped organlzo, and after peace was declared ho mndo a special study of military science. Opposed Saudi Aiimi Ho and ono other wore tho only two In tho country who dared open ly oppose tho continuation of Santa Anna's dictatorship. His execution was ordered, but ho escaped and Joined Ilorrora's revolt. Ho speed ily mado a reputation ns a soldier, and as a brlgadlor-genonil ho was tho chief thorn In the atdo of tho Frouch forcea, whon, taking advan tage of tho Civil war In tho United Statos, they attempted' to placo Arch duko Maxmillan of Austria on tho throno of the Moxlcan oniplro. l."li-.st President Diaz harassed the enemy constant ly, and In .luno, 18G7, captured Mexico City with his forcea. On the rceatabllshmout of tho republic he was unsuccessful as a candidate for president, but In 1877 ho was el ected to fill tho unexpired term of tho fugitive president, Lerdo. Ills last tuid eighth election was In July, 1910. To Diaz was given tho credit for tho advance- of Mexico to tho status of a stable, progressive and prosper ous government, although the auto cratic methods ho employed wore widely criticized. KSTATM OF DAVID KCCLKS IS AT STAKK Seii-atlonnl Ktldeuco Given Today by Secretary of tho President of Mormon Church pjjr AxocliteJ lir.a lo Cooa Day Tlmn.) OGDEN, Utah, July 2. -Geo F. GIbbs, secretary to the President of tho Mormon church since 18C8, on tho witness stand today In a legal battlo over the millions of the late David Eccles, asserted that In tho spring of 1900 Eccles admitted to him that Mrs. Margaret Geddes was his plural wife and that ho was the father of her son Albert, now claim ing heirship to tho vast estate. Have your programs printed nt Tho Times, office. m i MILLIONS AFFECTED TELLS ABOUT THMI5T BE KEP POLICEMAN IS WITX'ESS AT IX SANITY TRIAL Kvelyu Xcsblt Thaw Will bo Present To Testify hi Case Xet Week. Ur AiaorliteJ I'rrsa to Coot Iij Tlmei. NUW YORK, July 2. Thu Jury hoard ub tho first witness in the in sanity trial of Harry K. Thaw today, Policeman James M. Hurrett, as signed to thu tenderloin police sta tion tho night Thaw was taken there after killing White, lie gave tes timony entered by the state to prove that Thaw, wltllo In his cell, was under the delusion that ho heard voices of little girls screaming. Satisfied that Evelyn Nesblt ThavV will testify next weok In response to a subpoena, tho stato's attorneys hnvo abandoned preparations to ob tain mi attachment to compel her presence. ADMIRAL HOWARD SAYS QUIRT PREVAILS IX YAQUI VALLNV Mexican Troops Kvldctitly Checked Indians Who Kndangcivtl Amer can Settlers In that Locality Ilr Auocltlail I'ren to Con. liar Tlmri. WASHINGTON, 1). C, July 2. Admiral Howard today reported that quiet prevails In tho Yaqut Valley whero tho Indian outbreaks occurred against Americans and other foreign Bottlers. Apparently tho stops taken by Governor Mny torena completely checked tho In dians. RED CROSS IS SAFE HKLIKF HXPKR1TIOX WKTS PAST CARRAXA LINKS Moling Toward Mexico City With Pood and Siipjillo-i foe Those. Jn Suffering (lljr AmocUIM Treat 10 Cooa Ilajr TIiiim,.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 2. - Tho American Red Cross rollof ex pedition for Mexico City safely pass ed Pachuca within tho Carranzu lines and has gono toward Mexico City. Whether It has continued on through the Cc,k,ata defenses mid Into the capital docs not appear In today's reports from Consul Sllllman. Mex ico City Is practically without hos pital supplies and tho Red Cross delegation is taking in necessities, Twolvo carloads of corn also loft Vera Cruz yesterday In chnrgo of W. P. Gavin, American cltlzon. F.XULISH CKXSOR'S WORK. Prevents Publication of German All Raid Details, to Prevent Panic 111; AmouiUxJ frmt tu tx U; Tiiom.J LONDON, .Tuly 2. Slnco tho cen sorship has shut down on tho pub lication of tho details of the visits of German aircraft, Loudon Is full of dully rumors that spiead all over town. Thoro has been no goiiornl criticism of withholding tho locality j of tho raids as It may bo helpful to tho Germans to hear whore tholr bombs dropped. Rut suppression of details has had Its customary ef fect and every day there nro stories of raids that uover happened and of destruction that never took placo. In fulrness to tho censors it should bo admitted that while their facts when published aro meagre, they aro regarded as truo though tho do lay in issuing them Is hopolessly needless from a newspaper point of view, In the case of tho worst raid, happening around midnight as usual, tho facts wero not pub lished In time for the regular is sues of thu afternoon papers of tho following day. .Meanwhile ru mors had pllnl on rumors and the man in tho street was propiued to hear that hundreds hud been killed. - AMONG THE SICK J tS J. W. Vineyard, or Eastslde, vv.-is on tho sick list today and under a doctor's tare. Mrs. S. .Myers, of Hunker Hill, Is confined to her homo with an 'it tack of the grippe. Victor Johnson has been laid up with a Bovero cold, hut Is Improv ing. Del Lennan, who has been quite 111 it his home on Union avenue, Is row able to bo up, INDIAN SUBDUED I Various Members of Cabinet Figure on What to Do With General Huerta CDULD DEPORT Hlftfl Also Might Be Turned Over to Villa Forces But Cannot ' Start Any Trouble EVIDENCE BEING GATHERED United States Government Determin ed Tlmt Former President Shall Kot. Get Rack Into .Mexico and Further Compllcnto Situation NOT MAKING PKACK (Dr AtaorlttoJ I'riaa la Cooa Oar TIum. GALVIJSTON, Texas, July An official denial that negotiations looking toward pcaco being carried on bo- tweon Obregon and Villa was Issued at Vera Cruz today by Carranza, according to a ca- blegnim reaching tho Cur- O ranza Consulate here, which 4 adds that there will be no stielt. negotiations. 4 FCj AaaoclatM Trraa to Cooa Oar Timet. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 2. Gonoral lluorta will not bo permit ted to enter Mexico from tho United States nt a time when his presence would bo n further menaco to tho plans of tho government to restore poace, if tho Fodoral govornmont can prevent it. Determination to keep Huerta from crossing tho bor der and thus complicate tho pres ent Mexican situation witu a new revolution reached a point today whore- four different ways of detain ing lluorta wero iindor consideration by various departments of tho Unit ed States government. Could Turn II hit Over Secretary of State Lansing, in re ferring to tho recolpt of a formal request for tho extradition of Huer ta from tho military authorities of Chihuahua, Intimated that tho Fed eral government could, if it clioso, withdraw Its present charges of vio lation of Amorlcan neutrality, and surrender lluorta to tho Villa forces. .Might Deport Him. Secretary Wilson, of tho Depart ment of Labor, has under consider ation a plan for deporting Huerta to Spain under the Immigration laws covering undesirable aliens. General Fuuston has orders to uso military forces to prevent llu orta crossing tho border, as havo also tho agents of tho Department of Justice, which Is gathering ovl donee for prosecution. WILL SENP A NOTE l S. TO TAKE UP .MISUSE OF AMERICAN FLAO Specific ('uses Will he Cited Great Ill-Main In Communication to Go Soon m, Auoi-tttxt JTph to Coot Bar Timet, WASHINGTON, I). C. July 2. Representations concerning the mis uso of tho American flag by British merchantmen will be included in a gonoral noto which tho United Sto teta Intends soon to send Great Bri tain covering restraints of Amorlcan commerce. In connection with tho so-called blockade. Specific casoa will bo called to tho attention of Great Britain. MEMRKHS OI.' BLANCO LODGE Xo. 18, A. 1-'. Ai A. M. Take Notice: A special communica tion of Blanco Lodgo will bo held Monday ovenlng, July 5th, 7:30 P. M.,for tho purpose of discussing tho proposed Improvement of First street, formorly known as Pine street. By Ordor of tho W. M. NORIS JENSEN, Sec'y. IKES HER ESCAPE YOUXO LADY LKAVKS HUHHIKR. JiV WHHX THRKATKXKI) Wolfram Schmcddlng Causes Miss KllzjibeUi Kronlngii to Flee From Horsfull Residence Some excitement was created yet terdsy by tho sudden escapo of 'a young lady who was threatened b n young man to whom she was for merly engaged. The young lady was Miss Elizabeth Kromlnga and tho young man, Wolfram Schmcddlng, tho flutist, who Is well known lu musical circles on Coos Ray. According to tho mothor of tho young lady tho latter was at one tlmo engaged to bo married to Sch- meddlng after sho becamo J8 years old sho is only 17 years oi uigo now. Sho had wrltton him n letter stating that sho thought It would be host to cancel tho enguge- meiit, but Schmcddlng who loft here somo tlmo ago, came back oi. tho Nairn Smith, and said, he never received the letter. The young lady was employed at tho homo of Dr. William Horsfall. Yestorday Schmcddlng went thoro and talked with her and It Is said that when sho told him that she would not wed him, he lost his tem per and threatened her. Tho young lady escaped from tho house and jumped Into an auto which was standing nt tlio house. One of tho Horsfall hoys was lu tho machine. Ho was told the circumstances and tho young lady was hurried from tho scene and escaped any execution of tho threats. SMITH LOSES CASE APPEAL FROM AWARD OF COM MISSION UXSUCCESSFUL Suit Thrown Out of Court Hct-miKC Not Filed Within tho Spec ified Time. ' (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Or., July 2. R. Smith of Bandon, who appealed from tho award of damages of tho Oregon State Industrial Commission for In juries sustained somo tlmo ago, lott his caso. Attornoy General Brown, Harvoy Beckwlth and Dr. .Thompson wore hero to represent tho state, but Brown succeeded in having tho case thrown out on tho grounds that Smith did not fllo his appeal within tho time prescribed by law. Tho Commission still offors to pay tho expenses of nu operation lrr Smith for tho relief of ailments in f fered boforo. the accident. YSEE GOOD SIZED CROWD ATTENDS THE TRACK COXTESTTS Autos Take People From Coos Ray to Myrtle Point Moro Events Tomorrow (Spoclal to The Times.) MYRTLE POINT,' Or., July 2. Tho first ds?y of tho horso races hero today brought out a good at tondnnco. Many came from tho Coos Bay cities In uiitos und there wore crowds from Powors and from tho surrounding country. Tho weuthor was Ideal and tho track lu good condition. There will bo moro races again tomorrow whon a still larger at tendanco Is expected. VESSEL MOVEMENTS A BIG REALTY GIFT WM. WALDORF ASTOR TRANS FERS $7,iiJO,00 IX PROPERTY Goes to Cupt, Astor and Is Largest Real Estate Gift Ever Re corded lu Xow York. (Br AuoclttM rreti to Cooa Dar Tlmea.1 NEW YORK, July 2. Deods re cording tho transfor of $7,230,000 worth of real cstato from William Waldorf Astor, of England, to his youngest sou, Captain John Jacob Astor, on fllo here, wero declared today to constitute tho largest gift of real estate, other than by be quest, ever recorded lu New York. Captain Astor Joined tho English army several years ago and la now at tho front. GET YOUR KODAKS AND SUPPLIES AT "THE OWL." MA RACES GERMANFORGES AIM AT WARSAW Intend to Capture That Capital Before Moving Troops From East to West T. Petrograd Admits There is no Halt in Onward March of the Teutons STILL FIGHT THE FRENCH Evidently Hope- to Break Through Lines to Verdun Paris Claims Got man Attacks Havo Been Re pulsed Italians Gain Slowly IDr Aiiodated Trent to Cw Daj Timet. LONDON, July 2. According to messages received Berlin today an nounced that the German forces reached tho Russian positions at Krasnlk,. in the southorn district or Russian Poland. Tho Russian forcea west of Zamosz havo boon driven back. Even tho Petrograd official statement Indicates that there Is no halt lu tho victorious sweep of tho Toutons northward and eastward from Lomborg. Dlsputches from London lndlcato tho belief that tho Teutonic Allies deslro first, a decisive victory ovor the Russians, culminating lu tho cap- turo of Warsaw, boforo Bonding troops from tho cast to west front. Howovor, tho Germans aro ham mering nway at tho French lines In tho Argonno, in an apparent hopo of breaking through and reaching Vordun. Paris reports that tho Gor mans nro on tho offensive at many points, but assorts that tho attacks wero repulsed. Berlin announces minor gains. Rome contonts Itself with claim ground "snatched Inch by Inch from the AUBtrluua." GERMANS SAY THEY ADVANCED AGAIXST THE FRENCH Statement That 17JO .Men anil Largo Amount of .Munitions of War Wero Taken (Dr Aaiocttted Treat lo Cooa Dar Timet. BERLIN, July 2. Tho official statomont says "In tho western theator of war, in the westorn por tion of Argonno, part of tho army under tho Crown Prince stormed tho point of support. Northwest of Le four do Paris, wo advanced by storm ovor a front three miles long und from 300 to 4 DO yards wide. Twenty flvo offlcors and 1710 men, 18 ma chine guns, forty mlno throwers and ono revolver cannon wore captured. In tho Vosgea region wo tpok tho enemy's works. Attempts mude by tho enemy to recapture it were re pulsed. A night attack on our posi tions west of Souchez was beaten off." CONDITION FAVORABLE t Dr AaaocUteJ rreaa to Cooa Car Tlmea. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 2. Tho condition of Frank- lln D. Roosevelt, assistant ' Secrotary of tho Navy, who was operated on for appon- dlcltls. continued to bo favor- able today, NOTICE TO OU'LS All mombers of Marshfteld Nest No. 189G. North Bend Nest, No. 10-18, will meet at Owls' Hall, Marah flold at 8:30 Monday morning. La dlos' Auxiliary Included. (Signed) Committee, CHAS. HILL, ill ' "SS' J. IIANNS, H. WINKLER, F. W. SMITH. "FILMS" "DEVELOPING" "THE OWL." Hnvo ymir letter heads printed nt Tho Times office. RUSSIANS RET CLAIM PROGRESS flWlh i -Y i