fo w u wr-ir ' r?1" i' v (i . 1 NOTIC Effective June 1st, 1915 Cream 20c per pint whip Cream 25c per pint Milk 7Mc per quart, Buttermilk 10c per gallon Butter 30c per pound Ice 50c per 100 Special prices for larger j . quantities COOS BAY ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. Phone 73. Deliveries at 8:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. daily Vliono 7il. linvo you been to BARTER'S for LUNCH? If Not, Why Not? Something Now Kiory l)uy. Ico Crcnm brlckB BOc Ico Cream, quarts -Klc Ico Crcnm, pints liOc Hot Chicken Tnmales... .12 for U5e Picnic Lunches n Specialty SARTER'S I'houo i!(i:t-l. Murshflcld, Opposlto Blanco Hotel, Front Street X GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OP THE CADILLAC AND 1)01)013 AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL makes OF OAIta IH7 Central uv. Phono .17iWi 1 QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Phono 10G-L. MARSHFIELD, OREGON MRS. WILLHY'S NKW STORE is IWIIUCd TlllJ NEEDLKCHAFT Now hi now Homo. 78 Central Ao. Ladles' Emporium WALL PArER See VIERS About it. MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Plnco for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Couiiucrcinl and R'dw'y. ! WESTERN LOAN AND t t BUILDING CO. t Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer 'e)664c6e) WOOD! WOOD! Kindling wood, por loud $1.75 to ijii! Aider wood, 10 to 24 Inches $2 to $ Free Delivery " W. II. LINGO Phono 227-J. North Kim St. YOU AUTO CALL 1 FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS ! Phono IMIO-L. Night mul Day. Right Onto. GOOD OAKS. CAREFUL DRIVERS rt" D. L. FOOTE. '. THE REAL QUESTION The question Is not, will men honor you for your work? But does your work honor you? Your concern Is not only to create profit for yoursolf, but to mako that which will profit many besides yoursolf. COOS HAY KTKAM LAUNDRY Phono 57-J. if- 29 COMMUTATION Qfj TICKETS, IjKJ.OO, U U Mnrfllifieltl-North Bend Auto UlIIU Cars every ten minutes fiom O a. nt. to 12 p, in.; to South Slough ouco a day, leaving nt 11 a, m.; to Eniplro threo trips n ilny. OORST & KINO, Props. i ,- -' jm fT" i " i ' FIRST HONORS Panama-Pacific International Expoiition First among products of their kind first in quality, first in efficiency. Zerolene and Red Crown have been awarded the GOLD MEDAL 7-the highest honor the Expo sition can bestow the acknowl edgment that the "best oil and gas the Standard Oil Company can make" are the best that human skill and experience can produce. ZEROLENE JlieSfanJarclOilorMohr Cars RED CROWN ihe Gasoline of Qualify BUY YOUR ZBR.OLBNE AT Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. Phone 180-J Hot Water Your Morning Shave nnsu Can you name a greater a turn of the faucet when you must shave in a hurry? And with the gas water heater this is one of the cheapest luxuries you can enjoy. To put up with old-fashioned water heating facilities is entire ly unnecessary now. A as Water Heater Does the Trick During the hot, sticky, summer days now close upon us, nothing will be more refreshing than a warm bath or a comfortable shave with all the warm water you want. Arrange now to make your home thoroughly modern. Don't put up any long er with olit-of-date methods. The cost is slight, the satisfaction and comfort great. See us today about yolir water heater. Oregon Power Co. High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner &. Hoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 Times Want Ads rrimr vnilrTiOB PRINTING CO0S BAY ITIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, a on Tab for boon than hot water at I D O fj. iNo. 10 Consolutlo rSnng Kestut&Lau horSe8 not i 'J S00tl ttB Beconh - jfil I 11 Motocyrie TCI THE COOS BAY TIMES II " fHURBDAY Quality is Everything J"Naturally, nftcr having spent nine years in buying adver tising printing, I have pretty positive ideas on the subject of quality. Thr chief of these , is that you cannot buy satis factory printing by the yard stick. 1 have found that there is only one way to get good printing, and that is to Find a competent printer and trust him. When 1 find such a printer I never even think of asking for an estimate. Of course it would be easy fo'r a printer to get the best of me once on this plan, but if he expects mo to give him more of my work he will not do it." tflThe above is quoted from the head of a successful advertis ing agency who had the buy ing of immense quantities of printing. Our aim is to de serve the confidence of all buyers of Good Job Printing. Times Job Department PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY J. M. Wright Phono 188-R BUILDING CONTKAOIOK Estimates furnlBhod on request Dr. H. M. Shaw Ejc, Kar and Throat Specialist GLASSES 1-TTTKD Phono JWO-L Kooins HOO-UOl Irving Illoek. DK. MATT!I: II. SHAW. Physician and Surgeon Phono :i:i()-J. Office bourn liy appolntnient. Benjamin Ostlind consulting engineer and architect orflccs, 20C Irving Dlock. Phono 103-L or 2C7-J. Marshflold, Oregon. H. G. Butler CIVIL ENGINEER Room 304 Coko Dldg. Phono 145-J. Ilcaldcucu Phono 303-L. W. G. Chandler ARCH ITKCT Rooms 301 and 302, Coko Building, Marshflold, Oregon. Wm. S. Turpen AllOIHTKOT Marshflold, Oregon. Perl Riley Ballinger l'LYTS'lSTj AND TEACHER Resldonco Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phono 3G8-L. Havo your LETTER bends, bill heads, etc., printed at Till: TIMES office. 1915 E MEET AT m i Official Program FRIDAY, JULY 2ND, 11)15 No. 1 Trot or pneo, one-half mlo, two heats, each heat a raco, 2:35 class, purno. ,, . ,$100 No. 2 Running, one halt nillo, purso $HO.OO No. 3 Trot or paco, ope-half mllq, best two n threo heats, freo for all, purso ........ 9125 No. 4 Novelty race, ono mllo, $30 for first to (juartor post, ?40 for first tp half-mllo post, $55 for first to threo quarter post. $7C for first to mllo stake ?200 No. 5 Motor Cycle, 5 miles, $25 to 1st, $15 to 2nd.... $40 SATURDAY, .1ULY 3, J015 No. G. Trot or pace, ono-half mllo, two heats, each boat a race, 2;35 class, purso... $100 jNo. 7 Running, flvo-olghths I mile, purso $100. No. 8 Trot or paco, ono inllo, I threo heats, every heat a race, purso ,,.$150 I No. P Running, one and ono- clgbth- miles, for Coos and ' Curry County horses only, I purso $20U Consolation race, for finishing as purse $7J raco, $25 1st, $15 trJ2nd, purse,.. $40 iDSUWEB M REP 1 JUL? 1, 1915 E EVENING E dition:' U BASEBALLS CO RES PORTLAND FANS EXCITEDLY WATCH REAVERS COME UP Traveling Clone to Top of League Suit 1-iiUo ' Huh Hurt I laid Losing Streak Lately PERCENTAGES OP COAST LEAGUE IDr Anaoelattd TrtM to Con Dr Tlmrt. W. L. P.O. San Frnnclsco -16 US .518 Rnlt Lako III 40 .til 8 Portland 41 an .513 I .oh Angeles ..44 4f .494 0(illnnd 42 47 .472 Vcnlco 11 4C .171 PORTLAND, July 1. Denver faiiH each day nro excitedly watch ing tho big down-town scoro boards nml rooting for the homo team that In tho Inst two wcoks has- crawled from tho bottom to n. plnco nenr tho top of tho Const Lcaguo with n remarkable number of wins dur ing tho Inst two weeks. The scores of yesterday follow: Coast IiCaguo At Onklnnd R II. K. Oaklnnd l 7 0 Portlnnd At Vcnlco Vonfco San Francisco ,3 8 2 ( 1 10 At Los Angeles Salt Lnko 2 Los Angolcs 10 C 1C American League, At New York Washington 1 Now York . . . 4 At Clovolnnd Clovolnnd 2 Datrolt 7 At Chicago St. Louis G Chicago S At Philadelphia Philadelphia . . .SlDoston 10 Philadelphia . . .7IToHton 10 National League At Brooklyn Now York 0 Brooklyn 7 At Philadelphia Boston fi Philadelphia 8 At Cincinnati Chicago OlClnclnnntl 1 Chicago 2Clnclnnntl 0 At St. Louis Pittsburg 0 St. Louis 2 Pittsburg 4 St. Louis 2 Patiido Announcement Fred Wilson, chairman of tho civic pnrndo committee, has issuod his final announcement of tho prizes that aro offorcd and tho rules Af fecting the pnrado of Monday morn ing which Is to start promptly at 10 o'clock. f;' Tho announcement 'follows: 1. Fraternal orders 1st prlzo, $40; second prize, $20; third, $10. To ho Judged upon gencrul appoitr nnco and number of mombors in parade. 2. Duslness flonts nml pnrados representing businesses. First prlzo, $40; second, $20; third, $10. 3. Sunday Schools. First prlzo, $15; second, $10; third, $5. To bo Judged upon gcnornl nppcaranco and number of wnonibers In parade 4. Most comic float. First prico, $10; second, $5. 5. Rest decorated blcyclq. First prlzo, $5.00; second, $2.50, Formation and Conditions. All fraternal orders will form on Commercial nvcnuo cast of Fourth strcol facing west. All Sunday Schools will form on Commercial avonuo west of Fourth streot. facing cast. All business flats and parades wll form on Mnrket nvcnuo cast of Fourth Btrect, facing west. Fraternal orders, business floats, parades and Sunday Schools, will bo arranged In tho ordor of tholr ar rival, for formation, that Is, tho first to arrlvo will head its par ticular, division in tho gouoral pnr ndo, and ho on. This pnrado will start promptly nt 10 o'clock and any school, lodgo or float not In )np at that time Will not bo allowed to compote Those interested in any of tlioso pnrades are requested to clip this out and abldo by theso directions. F. K. WILSON. ff-H--H'W'H-'lMMi f THE 8PIRIT OF PATRIOTISM. IN vain do wo traet niaoP" nlmlty nd herolem, in vatp 3? do vvo traco a deicent from tho i' worjhlos of tho earh, if wo In norit not tne ftpirlf oi our an costors. Who li ho who boastoth of Mo pntrlotlshiT Hat ho Van qulsned luxury and subdued t(io worldly prido of his heartf Is ho not yet drinking tho poisonous draft and rolling tho sweot mor sol under his tongue? He who cannot conquer tho little vanity of hi heart and deny the doll caoy of a debauched palate, let UIm. lat Ilia l.nnri llnnn Kilt mdllfk I.... mj . , .pw.. ...w . . and his mouth in the dust. I Joslah Qulnoy, 1768. TTTTTTTTTTt ?? 'Ittttt 'A .r,. '"-"tnJlX-B 5 ON STREET MQTOKOVCLKS TO AVI 11 OUT DKOADWAY ON MONDAY Cnurho Will Do AlKiut 10 Miles With Finish at Starting Point Dmico C'oiH'O'iloii Granted 8pccd, with all Its thrills nnd trom hies, will bo the freo offering to the populnco with tho motorcyclo races of 'Mondny nftornoon, tiio start mid tho finish having been so ar ranged that everyono will havo an opportunity to see the "flying speed demons" at work. Exactly nt three o'clock tho first machlno will leave the corner of Broadway and Central avenuo, whizz out Urondway and onto tho Coqnllle road for about five miles nnd, re turning, ninko the whizzing finish nt the samo corner from which tho start was made. Taking caro to guard against au qldcnts tho commlttco hns arranged tfiat ono mlnuto shnll clapso botwcci, "3ni K the start of each machine, a stop , Hague, Mrs. Hnguo, D. Sumner, M. watch bolng hold on each rldor. TholMcCutcheon, Craco Wells, Mrs. R. entire courso will bo policed to avoid S. Knowlton, Lois Wells, Miss Tittle, collisions or nnyono running across tho track. llnvo Dnnco Concession W.drk was started today on build ing tho danco platform nt tho cor ner of Secpnd and Market avenues for tho open nlr dancing which Is to start tomorrow evening nnd will bo held on Friday, Saturday and Mon dny nights. Tho concession hns been taken by Rudolph Copplo, J. W. Motley, Ren Fisher, Will Goodrum and Donald Lawyer. Tho young men today woro busy making their arrangements. Tho plnco will bo well lighted, there will bo furnished, they sny, tho best music obtnlnnblo, nnd every effort mndo to mako tho fenturo a useful ono In tho big celebration. To Weave Shingles A stand was built today for the. morning of J. H. Flanagan. Wprk shlnglo weaving contest thnt Is sta-jls expected to start probably ncjt god to take placo at Mm corner ofiwook, tho contrnct having boen.lijt Anderson and Hroadwny. Thoro nro to Walter Condron nnd Jack Mc to bo six mon entered, it Is said,' Donald, and it is cxpsctod Micro and throo will contost at a time, all of them haying 15 mlnutots In which to work. Tho prlzo will bo awarded to tho man weaving tho most Bhln glcft In this longth of tlmo. Fren Mooro nt tho Smith mill Is looking nftcr tho entries nnd states the men aro much interested. Decorations Go Up. Tho streets and tho buildings to-.stnrt now within n few days. The, day had n gala appearance All dnyprosont plans nro said to bring. th long yesterday nnd today mon woro j approximate 4,000,000 feet out by at work putting up flags nnd bunt-jwny of Fourteenth street, which will Inf. Across tho streets long rows 'probably bo repaired and graded to of flags woro hung, on business somo pxtont and thonco dpwn Central houses tho red whlto'nnd bluo draped avenue. Tho logs will bo dumped prettily and by tomorrow all will ho into tho bay on North Front stroet. in rondlncss for th6 colobratlon and Arrangements nro now being inado tho put-of-town visitors. for tho disposal of tho logs nnjl It ....ZITAnZnLMtu ' expected they will go olthor to i T I SHIPPING NEWS !'$ 1 ArriviMl. Adeline Smith, Bay Point, 7.3D a. in. today. Sailed. ltoamor, Roguo River, Inst night. Duo Hero. Kllburn, Snn Francisco, tomor row morning. Yellowstono, San Francisco, to morrow. Nairn Smith, Snn Francisco, Into this afternoon. Duo to Sail. F. A. Kllburn, San Frnnclsco, Friday afternoon. 4 t WATERFRONT NEWS S Captain Merman Edwards has Just completed overhauling tho Bteamor Alert and will havo bur In flno con dition for tho oxtra Fourth of -illy sorvlco. From Bay Point tho steamship Ad eline crossed In" shortly aftor sovon o'clock this morning and wont at onco to tl'Q Smith dock for nnothor cargo. It Is expected sio will sail agalp toplght. Tho steam srhoonor Yellowstone, of tho Swayno nnd Hoyt lino, Is duo In hero Saturday morning from Snn Francisco with a'cargp for tio local merchants. AD WATERFRONT Tho gnsollno schooner Roamor sailed Inst night for Oold Bench car rying a deck load of machinery. Sho was detained lioro waiting for tho stoamshlp Santa Clara coming from Snn Francisco with fresh fruit which will bo used In tho July ) celebra tion on tho Rogue River. Word from tho Nann Smith Is that sho sailed from San Francisco at ono o'clock yesterday morning and is ex pected In hero lato this nftornoon. Sho is oxpected to sail south ngain somo tlmo tomorrow, according to Agent C. F. McGeorge. Entirely repaired and replanked where Hhn was snagged two nights ago tho buckot dredgo Oregon was again at work today near Goodwills. TIMES CHANGE "What Is tho principal dlfforonco botweon modern nnd ancient tlmos?" "One of the main points was that tho modorn earn tholr living, whllo the anclont urnod tholr dead," WASHING ; .1 AKK1VKS FROM SAN FRANCISCO WITH .MANY PASSICNOI3RH l (1 I HiliigM Jill.- Toiin of llrldgo Stool for Noith Rend WlW lenVo' For South Snturdny''' With a good list of naBScngoi-fl and with 3C5 tons or steel for thp brldgo nt North Rend, thp Nairn Smith arrived In this nftornopn Jroqi Snn Frnnclsco. She had nbout 200 tons of freight for locnl merchnntg. She Is expected to lcavo down again on Snturday, .' , . " TIiobo who arrived hero tpdjiy woro: , y E. Johnson, Mr. Roborts, II. Na-3-burg, Mrs. Nnsburg, D. Frcomnh, .1. Hazel, A. McDonald,, Mrs. R. RIcli, 0. W. Topping, A. McClcllnn, r. Solver, W. Schmcddlng, R. Holmes. A. T. Hnlncs, C. C, Hockott, F. Mrs. E. S. Wrcnn, A. D. AndrewB, Olon Artz, II, Vnlostt, MrB. Walestt n ir r .n , ' i y. i. x-unj- aim io siccrngo. TO LOG mil CITY LARGE TRACT OF WATER CO.'H LAND TO RE .CLEARED ' Leave !I5 Acres to Protect Water Supply Is Sah! Ijind io bo Put Into City Lot Almost within the city limits of Mnrshflold nbout 117 acres of land belonging to tho Coos Day Water company Is to bo logged off and tho tract Intpr turned Into homo sites, according to tho statomejil this Will bo a crow of men at work, tho remainder of tho summor. Within tho ontlro tract bolonglng to tho water compnny nro 15S novs of land, stntcd Mr. Flanagan. Of this amount approximately 35 acres will bo retained, this bolng confined to tic tract about tho reservoir. Tho opening of tho trnct will I tho North Bond Lumbor Company or to the Coos Bay Milling CompaiY. It Is said that it will take at least threo or four months to complete. tho logging. BLIGHTS OUT LANDSCAPE VIEWS OF SUMMER TOURISTS New Reason For Guarding Against Forest FIi-ch Sa)H District For ester Cecil in Jxstter Explicit following of n list, of "don'ts" bolng sont out by Georgo H. Cecil, district forester, of Port lnnd, will mean an absonco pf forest flros this year in Orogon. Lists havo beon received at tho Marshfleid Chamber of Commorco and un ef fort Is bolng mndo to havo everyono acquainted with tho slmplo rules., Interesting Is tho point brought out by Mr Cecil regnrdlpg tho sraoko of flros. "Tho smoko settles over tho Inndscapo until It Is impossible to sco tho scenery," ho writes. It is this point, ho fears, that will takp much of tho sightseeing enjoyment away from tourists. Sa thus is ad ded another reason why thoro should noot bo forest fires, especially dur ing this summor whop there nro hun dreds of visitors going through tho Btatp to nnd from tho Fair. Every ranchor, fisherman, auto Ist, hunter a,nd loggor everyono Is appealed to thnt thoro may bo no flros, "Put out any flro you sco In (ho forest," says tho district forester, "and If you can't, notify tho flro warden or aomq officer or land own er." "Don't throw away burning mat chos or tobacco. "Don't mako a camp flro in rot ton wood or loaves, or against lpgjt where It may .spread or whero you nro never sure It Is out. , "Don't leave n flro unl you ,aro sure It Is oxtlugiilshed. "Don't burn slashings In a dr; season without a permit and With out care In confining tho fife." ) ' d It costs one cent a word J (j to toll your story each day la Tho Times wanty columns a IKE MOSCENERY A mm H n t I kill Willi. -- M