I 11 i Il Jt' fcfel f33 .ava 3 .ife.5 I l uitn' r- w CITY TO BE BKllKAlTKIt WILL L1CHNSB MICH. ' SEXGKK SKHVICHS SAI.O0! JO HARD 01 STREETS I'WIli TO IIKXHW Mf k-NH I KOI' HtOI'Oilin ILU'LI.Vtt OI-' LOGS PlIFC! .i:sorii:m:n i.'oit v.ihi:tii:s at i:iintiT this mi:i:k lties, Svvoet Pons, Pnuslci, Diilillns, mul Cm nations' In bo .Shown Miui.v Flowers l-!efloiI i TUB NI-'T SIX MOVi.l.S DOWN CHXTHAL IS PKIIIL Xo Tom (h of July Concessions, K- ceptlng Lunch KIjiikN, Will I to Allowed to Itun on .Siinilay Messenger sorvlces wltliln tho city limits of Marshflold nre to lio licen sed and will my to the municipal ity a scmUannnnl tnx. So decided tliu city fathers last ovcnini;. In nildltlou to this tho services will also bo re quired to put up, oncli one of them, bonds for $500. Thu ordinanco Is to bo prepared by City Attorney Gosh. E. Bnndol appeared In favor of the measure. "I run a sorvleo of this type," ho stated. "I liavo put money into It and I must pay my messen gers whether or not thoro Is any business. I fcol that there should bo n license and n bond required of Buch concerns to keep 'riy-by-nli;ht' Operators out." Ho showed where ho would ho un able to keep up a sorvlco without this protectlton. "Any other service -will find tho snino thlni; true," ho said. "I am not asklnK. protection or favors nKtllnst any one else. lt would merely bo n protectlton to all Who mnlto tliu legitimate invest Jitent." Such a movo was rnyorpd by tliu council. It was shown that this Is tho method in voguo in Portland, n bond of $1,000 being ro(Ulred there. It 1b expected that tliu llcensu wlli bo sot at about $20 n year. Can't Itun on Sunday All concussions, with tho exception of tho lunch stands, must close on Sunday. Definitely did tho city fa thers decide tills last night when Mr. ltichards, owuur of tliu merry-go-round concession asked that privilege bo granted him to opuratu. "1 nni not In favor of It," declared Mayor Allen and tliu council stood firm with him, Hut I'vo paid $100 for tliu eon Cession, more than nnyonn elsu has paid nnd hero I find now that ouu of my big days Is taken away from rao," said Mr. Richards. "In other words I am paying bettor than $:ill to bo closed up. In fact Its worso than merely being closed up. Kids from the entire city will sit all day about on the wooden horses, gauging their eyes out." counciimoil declared that never liavo morry-go-roumlH nnd hiic.1i con cessions ever been ullowoa to run on Sunday nnd the Council doesn't want to sot u precedent now," said tho mayor. It was argued that a skating rlnl; or moving picture show pay regular licenses nnd therefore are in no wise classed as concussions, "Woll, I can stand It," was the clieorful reply of the morry-go-round man, and he. loft. Xeod Extra Police Sovcral extra polwo will liu need ed during tliu festivities of tliu Fourth said Hon Fisher, and ho ask ed thai n share of this expense bu borne by the city. "Every cent of the money on hand for the celebration is spoken for," lie said, "and now xvo'ro having u big Job to see that it covers everything." The final decision of the clly fa thers was that volunteers could be given pollco power by tliu major dur ing tliu daytime on Saturday, Sunday and Monday and that probably not more than ono or at the most two extra men would bu needed at night. The owner of u lunch wagon now on Front Btieot and palng a tegu lar city license, piotustcd tliu leiiuust of the Fourth of July committee that ho move off Fiont street. However, llth Fisher, who was City Loses ijiiiODO by Tlieli Closing 1'Vur Uildgo Will Not Stand 1'ies. II Are Remaining Wilcle Ordinance Again I'p. Two thousa id dollars was lost to tliu city of Marshfleld la' night when four saloon- fulled to renew their licenses foi iho romnlnlng six sine lllds Avvawloil for Sheet Improvements Tim proposed hauling or logs down Centrnl avenue from Foiir- stiiicllen .Makes l''ljlug Trip Tliinugli City' .1. A. Cliurchlll, stale supeilntcn dunt of pulilli lnstructltoii, arrived hi'io hint evening from the Cooqiilllo Valley where he had been called on business and left out this morning on the the o'clock stage leturnlng Plans are complete for the Flower, to his home In Salem. Exhibition to be held Sntuidny mid Xo notice was given that he In-. .Monday In the Dargelt building, cor- tended to visit here stated 1'iof. , ner of Ilrondvvny and Mnrkct, ae-, Tledgen this morning. He said hu pre-1 cording to the nnnouneement of tliu Hiiiuod .Mr. Cliurchlll had been In! committee this morning. Frizes nre Coquillc talking over scliool matters offered for the best displays of roses' ultli Kn.vmuud K. linker, county sweet peas, panslos, curnntlons and scliool superintendent. teunth street not only oiulangors dahllos. Flowers should be In the, 1 1 still within the city limits. The places Hint nro closed aro t'.e Nut- thn bridge on the west end of the imiidlmr bv in o'clock on Sntuidav O months of the voar. Thin leaves I sheet, but tho planking down tho mohiliig. The Judges will be present ' entire length ns well, was the dec- 0n both days of the exhibit. ; lurntlon of the city fathers last i iospf, ,. , uo indeed on the' wood, tho Shniiirook, the Owl and , evening. A. U. (lldloy, City Kngln- i.nnlihv condition of tho follniio. the! the Jesse Moore. leer, stated that the water company richness In color and the size of the m it ociock midnight they t;os-, una already notiricd him of their In- blossom. A prize of $1 eacli will bo ed their doors, perhaps for nil time j toiillou. Tliu nintter was lert In 'he awarded for the best display of Trail to come, closing, each onu of them, ' hands of the street committee for Karl Omsk! nnd the Testout vnrl a business that tins extended In a thorough ln estimation. i .,.i.. u ... , ,.,. .,. ,.,.,. .,. ... .- ,, ... L'LICn 1IM lt'II 1IK J) I I 111 11IIT IIITi. each case over u porlod of years. I Tlio side braces on tliu long tr-s- ljutiquot of uny roses. i no licenses wore granted to the "o aro noi strong enough to hold The sweet pens will be Judged on other II saloons, allowing them to,l heavy logs, stated Mr. (lldloy- tho lencth of the stems, number of There should lie some agreement blossoms nml their colorlnc. One dol- run until January 1, 1910. This means a total of $r,00 In cash for the gencrnl fund which next year tho city must do without. J. T. Ilarrlgan, speaking for the Marshfleld Hardware Company, was granted permission by tho city fath ers to Install a gnsollnu tank under mo siciowniK in tlio rear of the I store on llroadway, providing tho tank will fulfill tho requirements or mo law and bo entirely safe and also that after Its Installation that tho sidewalk ,ho agnln replaced. Thoro will he a pump placed on tlio sidewalk. Ileuill License. Ilecnuso It Is soiling goods enr rlod In stock nnd Is located here In pcrmnnunt business, W. u. Doug- las asked thut tho $5 n day auction license now being chnrged tho Red Cross Drug Company bu lufundud as In several cases In the pnst. Tills was carried unnlnioiisly. Again for the 'steenth tlmu tlio proposed vehlclo ordliiiincu, only liiilf completed nnd n wreck In Its youth, (nine out like n seven-ilny Jack-ln-tlio-box. Loss of several sa loon licenses prompted Its ronp-j penrancu. "Heru wo nro losing $1:000 to- nlglit," deelareil Councilman Al brechl. "Wo go on spending money Just the siinie. .Somewhere along Ihn Hue wo have to take up the slack. For Hint reason I want to know what has become of Hie old vehicle ordinance Hint wo propoiod for .Marshfleld at one time.'. John i), (loss, City Attorney, stat ed that he had already written to Portland for u copy of their jitney oidlnnnce and Hint wotk will ug.ilu bu slm ted on the proposal. "The first thing we know," con tinued Mr. Albrecht, "we'll have to Issuo more bonds nnd then we'll have to meet thu Interest on those bonds, mid we're losing n lot of money In these licenses thu gcif eral fund cnn'l stand thu piessure, I tell joii. Something lias got to bo done." Many weeks ugo the Councllnien dlBUiibseil the milliner In which e hlclus that use the streets should be taxed. At that time it was decided by many of the illy fathers that It was unfair to tuv Hie prop erty owners entirely for Btieot Im piovements which ure worn out. made whereby the city con be safe guarded," said Councilman Forgu son, "especially In case of acci dent." "The city has no ordlnnnco to prohibit tho use or the street for such operations," said the City At torney, "ns long ns the loads come within tho weight proscribed by law." However, In case of extreme necessity, hu said tho street could bo closed. lllds Are Auaided To .Moon & llnrclny went tho bid Tor the excavating to be clone In the opening up or Klghtli street between Commercial and Eighth Terrace. Their flguro wns .'17 cents per cubic yards for 2000 yards to he excavat ed. Ilagqulst a llorjqvlst weie tho low est blddeis for the curbing, plank lar is tho fiist prize mid GO cents the second. Carnations, dahlias anil pnnslcs will he Judged on the length of thu i daks and fishing tackle, for n fow stems, size of blossoms and the col- clays' outing. Sunday school and orlng. The Judges have not yet been all picnic crowds n specialty. SHhMXO (SOODS The big problem In selling goods is getting tho customer Into the store. Coos liny ! Times ads will help you solve this problem. ! IIIHAh SIMMER DIM'S ' Steamer Rainbow leaves Marsh-1 field for South Coos Rher every Sunday at S a. m. and returns at 0 p. m. Launch Expiess week day same hours. IDEAL FRIIE (,'ROVE AX1) 1'ICXIC (JHOUXDS Bring your lunch baskets, ko- Schedule for Fourth SATURDAY SCHEDULE Steamer Alert leaxes Xortli Hi-nil nl K o'clock, calling al Marsh. field at H:il(), for Piper's (Jicixo VlcM'"" Launch Cacllllae Icau-s Mai-shllehl at H o'cln'k lor I'lper'n drove. Launch Mllllconia leaves .Maisliflclcl at IO::l "'clock for Piper's (i-nic. Round Trip I'are, ."II cents on all ImiirA SUMDAY SCHEDULE ' Sleaincr Alert leaes Mar.sliflelil for beac!i KinnecUng wllli aiitos foe Sunset at 8 o'clock. Mlllicmua leaves at 1(1 o'clock for beach. ', Caillllae leaves Marsliflelcl for Allegany ar::i. lehiinlng lutlie eieuiug. MONDAY SCHEDULE Mllllconia Ioiies Allegany at fttiio lor .MaiOifleld, lelunilng after close of big celebi-.illnni ALERT FOR CHARTER. chosen. The comniltteu who Irnu the exhibit in hand Is composed of Mrs. Swectman, Mrs. Knto Lando nnd -Mrs. Fannie Hazard. Round Trip, 75 cents. For chnrter apply on board or phono .110X1! or phono 3107. I Notice to Campers To acconiiiiodato tho summer traffic uo ulll operate Hie fust boat Atlantic during tho camping .season. Iloghmlug July 1 this boat will tun on tlio following schedule, dally, except Sunday Will leave .Mar.sliflelil at 1:1." p. m., arriving at (ocxlwIU's at .":.." p. in., leturnlng tlio next morning at H:l". COOS RIVER TRANSPORTATION COMPANY CHRISTIAiM ENDEAVOR MEETS AT CHICAGO Rig Calheilng of Religious WoiKers to He Held Early In July IBt AMoclilel rrrn to Cool liar Timet. CHICAGO, Juno 00. A icvlow of, tho wotk of Christian Endeavor In1 every land, plans for Its further ex tension, and the discussion of virtual Marshfield-Coquille Auto Stage .oadway and wooden sidewalk. Their y omy of , I(JtVI flmires were: for llf.0 feet of wood-, w, Pomolieforo , Wor(, CoIU,cn: en curbing at K! cents a foot; SOD feel of plank roadway at 09 cents a foot and I ISO feet of sldowalk at i cents a foot. A bid of El cents for curbing. i Hon of tlio Society of Christian En I deavor, which meets in the Collsouni at Chicago, July 7-11'. It Is expected that 1.1, 000 delegntes representing 100,000 I'Cnvo I.envo Owl Pharmacy Mnrsli field Coqulllo A-M. A.M. 7:oo 7:oo !::to 0:oo 11:00 I'.SI. P.M. l:oo moo "::io (i::to t t Id fin. tli.i inn.ti. ....I O. . fnnr.tL.iV.. " churches throughout the world ror tlio sidewalk was presented by , , ., , i c. ...... ' .' , 'o In attendance. i.h.'.iin k. iij.ji..i.M. .uuoii ec nur evangelical will clay bid 1 1 cents for the curbing; Tlio convention Is the Hist world's $1.11 for the roadway ,U,d 7 conji I "nUn8 ""'"V.'"" "' lMitt' .'" 1900, as a sudden outbreak of small- ,for the sldowalk. Itr.tf.a It, tt.n ..nvnil u.rnnlu l.rf there bv the water ...! .-.. ',. I "' "f "o "'ootlng arranged to pniiles or private owners must hoi nttetuled to at once wns tho decision Of tho Council. Tho City EiiKlneer bo held at Sydney. X. S. V. In 1913 W'lion orlglnnlly planned, more than! a year ago, It was expected that the .!.. .t . .. . .. slated Hint .... Cnnf,-,.i ..v., ' ...LuH.n.unveiuiou wouici no tne inr- rnmt or the Xolde Theater Is ., Real '" lho ,,lRtory o8',,1 onanlm l.icak that now is destroying tho ''" Tl' w'"-However, will material pavement base nboiii It and must I , nffocl t,lc K"l'cnii rcircpntnlloii bo repaired. These hole ,.... -,..""" " ,s Pobbii.io tiiut there will he furred to the street committee. MAHSHFIELn-COQUILLi: AUTO STAGE TIMIJ SCHEDULE Schedule ai ranged to connect with boats to Ilandon, Stages to Myrtle Point, Wagner, Hoscburg. Xo delays. Fnro from .Marshfleld to CoiiulHc: 7.T cents. Single & Lmiilvtli, Props. Will furnish extrn cars for extra trips day or night; also charter cars. f .A.KILBURN!rSANTA CLARA San Francisco-Eureka-Coos Bay-Portland from sax fraxcisco North Bound 10:00 a. in., July .", 10, l, M, -', unci HO. FRO.M COOS HAY FOR ASTORIA AXI) PORTLAND. P. M. Tide July 'J, 7, l' 17, 22, nml 27. FltOM PORTLAND SOUtll BOlinCl (I P. M., July I, I), II, II). 21 anil 21). FROM! COOS RAY FOR EUREKA AXI) SAX FRAXCISCO. P. M. Tide July :1. 0, II, 10, 21, 20, itl. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. S.nlll, Tcrml.ml Dock. Phono JIIII. , RTUIIU, AffCllt. EQUIPPED WITH WIIIELESS T. J. BCA1FE S A. II. RODGIXH Marshfield S4JKL and rn uauimimu v.u. Steamship Breakwater ALWAVS OX TLME. SAIUS FRO.M MARSHFIELD EVEItV Sl'XD.VV Dl'RI.Vr; .H'LV AT 8 A. M., AND FRO.M PORTLAND EVEIIV Tlll'ltSDAV AT H A. M. Tickets on wilo at Portland Clly Ticket Office, (llli nnd Oak SheelH. l'hono .15.J. ' ii, .1, MOIIIt, Agent. I!kf llntitna Tt'.Kriifu..! .. .... .. " - uu iii-ii-hiuu iruiii uiuier iicriuany or'pbona J-lfl-H Cost lllow Kstlnuile i"""1""' upruoiiinuvcs ironi Mig- It was reported that tho cost of'laml' Vraw slml- l I'crala, In- tho sower cm Twolflh court will bo'lln' Slftm' Ch,mi' Jul,nn Australasia, less than the estimate of the City AfrIca ,uul Lntl Amorlca already Euglneor for the reason that ti1(, ,mvo "c1' l'o United States or are Mursbfleld, Oregon b'ds nro low mid on July 12 the on their way. Council will meet as a bmu-.i ... m nave Meld Day cciulllzallon to pass on the entire j 0n Jllly tho lny l,rt(,',llK the usesnncnt. opening of tho convention, the SOD tit '.'he bailie procedure will bo t -lie ' an"lv',''sllry of tho innrtyidcim of of the paving on Tenth street ,. ,,ol,n 'l"8"-"ol'omlan religious leader l wot it Elrod and n point ilt. fet w'" w"8 mir"l1 nt tlln "'ke. will be nutlli. The cost of the imvim. ...-..-1 obsorved. Another break In tho chain foot will bo a tun,, over i of convention meetings will bo the draw the city into endless litigation mid the mat tor, for the lime holms, was chopped. Several auto stngo line owners ip- PO.ircl mill protested the elmruli. . , ..... A t A .1 i.l .. , ,1 " luuauiu, Milieu nun me euuiu hiroot . or u tax only on auto stano Munv is to be cleared ror the purpose of believed that there should he jiunuiiK vuiiuua eveuis unci iiiat ov- scale adopted, front I'l.fH. athletic field clay, planned for July For sl years has the C. A fimin. 10 on "10 f'0''1 of "o University of In the main, by the passim: Iraf- Comi tuy hold warrants for t ! in in fn't'UKo. The sports will bo under the "' jl.uprcf menis on Central .uonuo ;(llret'tloi of A. A. Stagg, chnlrninn or On the verge of drawing up nii'l ' m Prospect that Imw n,,lk,tlv' tlopnrtmont of tho unl orillnanee to lit this clinic uliy, there ' been paid. Tho dty fath-ii ' v,,r8,,y aioso the dlhciihsiou that such tmi decided It llino to lap the MMieml ' Tll l0ventlon ns a body will u,r. ciniiiinnco, tiuioss water pioof. wouldhinil and the claims wore allowed. c,IHi, ,uo wnlwIdo topics or ton SOUTH COOS RIVER 110AT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leaves MttrslifJclil every day H u. in. Leaves head of river nt :i:l." p. m. STEAMER RA1XHOW leaves head or tivor dally nt 7 . in. Leaves .Mafhhflold lit 2 p. in. For chni tor apply on board. ROOEIIS & SMITH Piopiletois INTER DCEII TRAWSPDRTA TIOW Weekly Service Coon Rny nnd Sun FrnncUco. STEAMSHIP HUH SMITH HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171 - Freight and Passenger Service KAILS FROM SAX FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAV JUNE 21), AT iliOO l H. TUESRAV, San Frnnrtsco Office, noo Flfo RuHclIng, mid -er Number 23 Coofl Bay Agent, O. P. McQeorcje, Phone 44. pornnco, inlsslnus nnd peace. Reports from tho fluid. Including ninny from AT THE HOTELS S,,;'" paMatc,, " ",0 4 Clianillcr llnici. P. M. Hull. i niu . iHkllll! Clio of all ., I,..,,""..'. '"'"" " ery opiioitunKy would bo ulven the in.i.hiM,.- m ,i... ,.,.i t I ...,.. .-euiue. Ann,,,, o. nil- V , , . . . 'v. wi in,. I, hi,,-, iiiiiiu on nor 10 secuio u uvorunie plnco on H nlde street. fE I t AMONG THE SICK jl'1 4.4; Dr. Horsfnll Is today under the' .weather and nmy be roufluod to Ills) TO VISIT HOMESTEADS Tuples (o Come Up Among other topics that will bo taken up are: 'The Advantages or Christian Unity a E.prossed In Co operative Movements, In Homo Mis flons. hi Evangelism, In Foreign Alls- ons and In International Relations;' The Sunday School." The Prayer -Meeting;" and ' Social Service." In dUeiissliig church activities. o- sldorntlon will ho ulven to iiikliioMi adiuluistiatlon. the cotintrv IIUI- ... ..... nur: tiooigo .M. Ilrown. .s.,ietn- lulu. ,,I,UI('11' l,1 '"y church, the needs of I horsey Kilotxor Is roporied to i,0"o, l." Hlancluid and (losla . ''. '"'" ","- llu"' K. Hermann. - "" 'V "" ' , ." ,,,nc,ulr0"e"- TtVting much easier today, having 'N"ll,M' '" rather oudllug llino """"'K- "ml Sehlldt, Cuiiillo: ,, ., ""Paument will 1 - r1. . Hint I.. I l.i.l.... ... 11 Oil I n.l..!.,Wt2..a .... .... II. ...... ... ..... ....-u. ull iii-.iKioii 111 ron loanlng Up u City," and tho oblom." nible rendlnir In ol Paily of Finn- .v0 v, lw oiiio 11.1,'K to Pohois lor ,.iV i Stan liu,, Eden Valloj I.... t . ..., i'ii. win i'i',inciM-; iviix m, f r. .-mii riancisco. u. j. ,(miv ,.ort. - III. 1.1' I! IV ....... .... SI ....hiii. pan I'TaniUio; I'. C. l'lu Ian. Mjttle Point, J. I'o.ich and who. Ilandon; II. French, iiiriiiiiiu; juiin ivrnlsle. I'oilland:' H. II. Jones. pi ii,..i. . . poelnlion - .. ,.. ., tiuiieiit!. i :. City Auto & Taxi Co. "ay nun .Mgiit Service For taxi, phono L'O, Chandler Hotel For touring cars, phono 20, Chandler Hotel TiVXN LAMIIHTH, Prop. inovv cars .ow Cara j . ... ......I . .. ,.,..,. ... ... ... igloo ior a coupiu or Hays. .... ...m miu-ii uu.y unu never tiecn Without a fiimpau mid on a now M'"" 1'"11": Alberta Jlooio. Del. Psed a fairly good uluht 'ho two chlldion and Mr. and Mrt.. C. w. Warner are beilously 111 with bronchitis and tho grippe, Mrs. Milton Lattln. of South Inlet. was threatened yosteuluy with par Xoibock had a rather oxcltlug llino Ko,,ll,u,' ''"l Sol.lldt, Cocmllle: . iheib"1'1'' when last tl.oy vUltod their l.onie.lll,'n v- l'""""'''. Hultep. Cal.; J. ,,mu:,1,;!,1lros bteadsln thoAielnlt.v oriCden mdge.i, S"fr"3' l'M- W. W. Kim-j f'. t,?"1 Once .hero they Joined lla.iv Voyl mWn' Mtl,fu"'' Saloon P.. nets nnd Joel OMllnd. who wore cm l-nvionco lloiel. Iholr own liitiuiihtoaiU All or them M' Jlll''i. 1'owers. II. rjiorr liavo leturiied. staling the had a , nml v,fo' heaver Hill; J. c. Me, al tie stroke but lecovoied and lodaj u'ry 'nJojable time. honnld. I.ako.liU; c, ()i iOX0h is much, better ' I'-uen Uldgo wlieio the men aie m',n" "in: .. Audorwin, 1 4. lov.itod U said to bo .ipproMinatnly """ e.ssoy, Sivatllu. A. ,,... . -'' Illlles III 1 1 olll I'OWeitf. Tin ii- liml' - DRY WOOD at CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD -virui i-ront Street Rhone 271) Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE. PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" the most powerful, best equipped nnd , thoroughly modem twentji-lucli hydraullo dredgo lr. Pacific waters Coos Bay office, Main nffirn Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle Viin'ntnn r --.,, JW,. MflDTLI Dmin llriiin ! ..wmi, uunu iilvko 4 noi noon over thut trail and this iiinnctinrd Forihnris and .N'oibm Jo.vil Ho lei the public school, and the ciiiostiou of Sabbath observance) uImi will be taken up. Tho Hov. Francis H. Clark, found or of tho cbrlktiHii r...i....w. ' m,,ri- monl. will. It foarrnl. be unable m attend the convention on account of i. .nuns, mil u representative list or , SAVE MONEY by oi dot inn tho famous ..t HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton $li00 hump coal, per ton i'w'no Or half ton of both .'$L75 1). MU.SSOX, "Mop!" Phono IK.J ,. iaxo or(lei.s nt HllljorV Clsiir Store. Abstracts STHAOl'S OK T1TLH a AHOU03 COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See foi. nE,.fA,,E Ai.sT.uoii op mul AN ,KromumoK AHOUTJ p ii .. . v- .. ..... : "' "oi ui AAt .U tho cai.M, of their ,,t.l, i., .... .V ....!" ! u'",y: ' ' K uu'rs ,,om 'n iUWitoiU couu- ' T T rr n I"""' "(! WHO. Iiav I'll nr '..I r V III Mrs. C H Keatlnt. urrlvid on the k o Hnmoy, 1'ovvois: M. c. Uuh 1 tries will bo prosout. .N'nrtli 'l'lie list of speakers In.ludos men rt...j ril . . IIUIIIII 111 I1n 1. ..!. ...I.. I.... .k . qauia t-iarn ami is a Kuost ol Mrs ,- .........K uenr i.a... ,lwlld. ,,,,. (. L. J. Simpson. i'l" ami .loel Ostllnd oxpeets to join c Wllliums Power, , "UUI "'" "Hlfe. .Air. and .Mrs. C. H. W'orrol. .Mr. nnd Mrs. (larflold Blmpson nnd daughter Audrey, are oiiHiik lor a few clays nt Hrowsler Valloy. Charles Mathlson, of Coiiio, Is n suest or nia sister, Mrs. B. B. Hflyes, In 'North Uond, VV IllOlli .S.ltuidu.v. HIS KKASO.V, "I viould uiuku lior my wir," Wts the fund lover's sigh; "Sbe'ii tho light or my if Hut llKhl bills tile SO IIKHl!" Hlai.eo Hotel. (lot jour job prlntlni; done nt The J. I., l.cvvellen nnd wife, Myrtle' Ti,"t"' rr,l,t'' Point; Joseph Sohupnrg, Allegimy; ' I) P. VV.i.i.i.f sli.tttli i.i... . .-, .. MM Ho Point: .1. I.. Ijilrd. Miriln Pol'it; V. Walker, Uowburg: Nay, Powers, V. s. Read THE TIMES iiiiiiw inn IDUNGAN i '- UNDERTAKING I " parlors! will bo kept H OPH.V Tt) TIIK PCIUdC A lejtuln,. state licensed H . uii'It itaKop will bo In M (ItarKO H IH (l "U U,!i"1 OEN riTlE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO Inc HiVnSIIFIKLlI AXII COQIWXK m.v .,-?. EKAL AGBNl'S. MBTsmr .i c.,v . .' um,uufl AGENTS FOK 6.VXA.HAX So m if V S AnniTrnv ali i i.irri.i it fcT,. IIK.VIIV SKXGSTACKU.V. MlNAGKn INDEPENDENT AUTO SERVICE Miin.Iiflt.1,1, Xoitl, uond, ICmpiro, 'nulicvl.uiisct llnT in. Loaves Mnr.-,!iiicl.i . iit.. ,- ---., ... ..nni till, I,, V .,. in , f, .. a p. i.; Mi. iii. Leaves x, ., .... . , ' ,0 "' ' J l. v"u "' "'mutes Inter. Leaves, Umplro 8inti n. m.; ll::io , . , .,., 'M'0 l. m. Trips after these .... '..'. ,' "' '' !,i!J M -. I 1 V TIF It (I r nrrinijjed for. Phone --.- 'j ... ner, Xllit plicjue KI7-H, 1 '- 111 . U Hf.Y jwvm-- h , .-. MtM . fegakfj .ttt. ,i.Tnr. a-t!-. , . . It. w. I'.. .. . . " " "' "o