"- ... .. V i.,nnnu mi r 1 101C ...CWCMIMR PniYinM 1 THF COOS iUAWIMES,, MARSHFIELD, OHbUUN, iuiuuiwf ju i ., ..- u.u -' t a -rr i-1, - -i n i WU MR NOIJICED THAT NlENDSIIIPS YOU BUY ARE NEVER WORTH THE (PRICt j i a t 'L im h ym rxmkMAiiMtt l mt mibi ii rnrnn r, nX Coos Bay Times Your Paper Xho p Iy Times Is proud of Its Utlo "Tlio Peoplo'l l'niwr," mid it strives nt nil time, to llvo up lit Its nnuio by devoting Ks ciicrglc to promoting tbo pcoplo's Inlerc.tfl. VOL. NO. XXXVIII. 11 was British Vessel Was Loaded With 1422 Mules for the French Army Eleven Who Lost Their Lives Were Engaged as Mem bers of Vessel's Crew MULE DRIVERS ON BOARD Admiral Pago Cables That Stcmier Was "Engaged la Ailmlrally tii. nos.s" When Sunk and Carried No lissengorn (Ur AllocLlcl rrn In root ny TIbim. WASHINGTON, 1). C, July 1. Secctary of State Lan- fling announced today that until iiioio (oniplcto reports nro received from Anihnt.iti ' dor Pago on the Armenian, tho United States would Pik i no action. That tho Ariucu Ian mudo efforts to escapu after being ordered to sto) caused officials to thlu'c tho sinking of the vessel was lu accord with Internationa! Inw. Tlio United States therefore, woeid have no reasonable excuse to tnko up tho subject with (lornian, ixcopt to verify through tlio Admiralty it Rerlln, details of tho Armonlan's resistance. Under tlio rules of In ternational law It was pointed oat that the Armenian could ho s.mk for refusing to lialt. Tho Ani'.'rleaim Aboard such ship lose tho protection of tholr government when tlio sh'p offers resistance. Ambassador Pago reported that tliu ArmenSau una engaged In Admiralty IiubIiiikh, hut the question of bow far tho yful was under control of llrltlsh .-jovi-n. inent seemed to bo oiertthudowcd In tno minds of officials hero by their leportcd resistance to capture. llr AaaoclatM Pirn In Com Day Tlmm. AVON.MOUTII, iq,,t July 1. Eleven Amorlenns wore umong tho 19 members of tho crow who lost their Hvcb'Iii tho slaking of tho Ley land lino freight steamor Ar- monian uy tlio (lermnn sub- 4 marlno U-38 off Trovoso Head, Cornwall, Monday.' Somo mombors of tlio crow woro killed outright whon tho torpedo struck tho hhlp. Imded With Mules. , Tho Arnionlnn was carrying 1422 mules from Newport News to Avoninouth to ho used by tho French armies. Tlio vessel had a crow of 72 fn'ou and carried' DO men as mitlotoors. 4 4 4. Submariiio Sighted Tho submarino was first sighted by tho mnn lit tho wheel nnd though tho ship was pushed to tho limit tho. mosquito craft rapidly over hauled hor nnd commenced shelling Tho Armonlan's efforts to koop hor atom to tho submarino proved fu tile. Tho -submarino elrclod tho frolghtor and tho Gorman command er through a mogayliono ordered tho Armonlan's captain to surrender or ho would sink tho jhlp. Tho sklppo'r struggled hard to ovado tho submar ine but tho lattor dropped a sholl through tho skylight into tho stoam o'r'B onglno room, putting tho on Binos out of action. Tho Armonlan 'thon Burrendorod. Sinks in Thirty Minutes -Aftor bolng broug'it to n holt, tho llfo boats woro lowered and tho crow and some 70 muletaors, nearly nil Amorlcans, scramble! into them. As one of tho boats wai being lowered a sholl from tho Bulmarina cut tho falls of tho boat. Tho occupants voro spilled Into tho waier and pre sumably drowned. Fvo boats load ed with survivors goUway. Then tho submarino fired two, torpedoes and tho Armenian sank within 30 minu tes. lound .In I Tho survivors rov im STEAMER ID HP Established 1H7H Ah The Const Mull. big shush losses Dardanelles nous damage TO ENGLISH XAVY Moro Tlmn Thlrty-Elglil Tlioiisnud , .Men host in tlio Campaign Up Jo .May III ttlr Aaanclatod rirn to coa nr TIrim. LONDON, .inly 1. Premier Ami tilth tiiuiciunccil in tlio lloitHo of CiiniinoiiH this afternoon f.lint tlio British naval losses In killed, wound ed and missing In operations la tliu Dardanelles up to May 111, aggrega led Il.S.fi.'in officers and men. S THISTLCRANK, O.V HOMEWARD TIIIP, GOES DOWN. floi man Siibiiuii'iiio Sinks Vessel on ltd in n From Koutli Aiiierlca Crow Is Saved. Mr Alum latcl Vmt In Oma liar Tlmra.l LONDON, July I. Tho llrltlsh hark Thhitlehauk, rrom llahla Illau ca, Argonllna, for Queenstown, was torpedoed by a (Jornian submarino yesterday off Fnstnet, Ireland. Some of tho crow landed at llaltlmore, Ire land. SINK ANOTHER ' BRITISH STEAMER Steamship Looms Sunk Today off tho Scllly Islands by Gcrnmit Sub iiini'iuo Olflcer Is Killed Ur AnnrUioiI I'rcaa lo Cw nr Tlmn, LONDON, July 1. Tho llrltlsh steamship Lomnn was sunk today by a subuiarluo off Scllly Islands. Tho second officer was killed. Tho rest of tliu crow was saved. LUSITANIA HEARING HOLDS LIVELY SESSION aamaHMaaaaa A Survhor Says Explosion Hcscui- bled Explosion of Aiuiiiimlt.loii Crltlcles Itescuo Work III AmoclatsJ rrox in Coo ll; Tlmta. LONDON, July 1. Tho llrltlsh board of trade In tho Lusltuulu In quiry, held another public hearing today. Professor .Mnrlehal, of tho Queen's University, Kingston, Out., who said ho was a retired officer of tho French army, said tho sec ond exploslolou resembled an explos ion of ammunition and criticized tho miuincr of conducting tho res cuo work. The counsel for tho Canard linn iread a letter from Marlehul, asking that cash bo advanced on his lost , baggage or ho would give evidence BRUSH DDK U v.not to the credit or tho company.' 4 1 boats until Tuesday morning whon 4 a steam trawler picked them up and landed them at Avoumoiith. ' WAS WW It HO A11 nr Anoclilwl rm l Coot nr TlmM.J WASIIINdTON, D. C, July I. Ambassador Pago today reported that tho Armenian "wns engaged on Admiralty huslnehs" when sunk by a German submarino. Tho Ambassador's dispatch gavo no details on which tlm Stale De partment could haso a co'nsldoratlon or tho case. It Is Mild as tho r niciilan carried no passongers, pio sum.ibly all tho Americans ho tier Ishoil wero monihors of tho v?w. At tlio White IIouso It was stated that I'rcslilont Wilson Is lu constant touch with tho affulr from Cornish, and no .'tops would bo taken u.itll a eoniploto report Is received. (W PTA IN'S STATI5M KS V Or AaoclltJ ITraa tu Cooa l)af Tlmta.l LONDON, July 1. Captain Trie koy, of tho Armonlan, in an nter vlow today said ho surrendered only after tho frolghtor was aflro In thrco places and after tho o.i jlus woro' put out of action and a dozon monihors of tho crow klllol bv Bchrapncl. Ho Bald tho mo.it rf thoBO who perished wero Americana. THANKS KlUK.mS. I wish to express my most sin coro nppioclatlon and thnnks to tho many friends who assisted mo In winning tho contest for tho Hed Cross trip to the San Francisco ex position. MISS VIVIAN CRAIG, Powers, Oregon. Times Want Ada for results. (Jflttfll MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1915 EVENING EDITION. M 1 IS If ACUTE Zapata's Officers Are Charged With Inciting Masses to Violence. 10 BELIEF!! SIGHT Can Be No Abatement of Suf fering Until Vera Cruz Rail way is Opened ' NEWS COMES BY COURIER Latest Adilces nro Dated Juno 2." and What I Ins Happened Sluco Can Only Ikj Conjectured No I tcllcf for Starving Peoojilo ID Auoclitol TrcM to Coot nf TIrim. WASHINGTON. I). C, July 1. Officers of Zapata's In Moxlco City are disregarding orders of tho con vcntlon government and nro charged with Inciting the masses to violence, according to dispatches carried from tlio capital June 25 to Vera Cruz by courier and cabled today to tho state department. No prospect for tho re lief of tho starving population is hold out In tho dispntchcB. Insubordination of somo of Zapa ta's officers Is making tho situation moro acute, It is declared. Until tho railroad to Vera Cruz Is reopened there can ho no abatement of tin. Buffering. Apparently whatever fight ing has taken place lias been In moro romoto suburbs.'Today's roport was tho most recent from Mexico City from any source What may bavo happened In tho menntimo no one can conjecture. itKi'oitT sinoors i.ootino Ur Ahoi IiiM rrnia to ixma bar Tltr.ta WASIIINdTON, 1). C, July 1. Tho Carianza agency announced ser ious looting lu tho Zapata forces In Mexico City was reported, said a special train of eight cars of food hail bcoii sent forward to (iontiles for distribution wliou ho enters Mex ico City. COMMAXDKIt lCII,l,i:i) Leader of Zapata Koicc in Mexico City, Dies In Action tllr Amoilal. I'lttui In fm l iy Tlmi-a 1 GALVHSTON, July 1. -General Pacheco, in commnud of tho Zatiata forces in Mexico City, was killed yesterday during an eight-hour en gagement with tho C.irrana forces, according to a cablegram reaching tho Constitutionalist consulate here. 1 DIE IN -If DEE! CAHHANZA MILITAItV THAIN IS DKSTHOVHD. IS Scleral Hundred liijuicd Including Wives nnd Chlldieii of Sold iers on tbo Train JHr AaaaMaled I'rraa lu ti. n; Tliuw.1 I,ARi:DO, Texas, July 1.--Three hundred Carrauza soldiers nnd tholr wives and children wero killed and sooral hundred Injured In a wreck ot a military train near Monto Mo.'o- los, between Tnmplcn and Monto.xy, according to Amorlr.uis arriving hero today. Tho accident occurred ten days ago. JITNEY MODEL DIES FAMOUS Hl'FKALO IS CONDH.M.V. CD TO DKATH llison Whcse Imago Is on the Xew Huffalo Xlckcl, Has Out x lled I'sef illness (nr Aioltted rroa 10 Cooa IUr TlDin.) NEW YORK. July 1. Dlack Dia mond, the famous bison of Central Park Zoo, whose Imago adorns ono side or the now five-cent piece, will bo slain within n tew days, but Ma head will bo preserved and mounted. He is docile and Is considered a splendid specimen, but has outlived his usefulness. m ay MEMBERS OK THH ASSOCIATED ItERH Y ALABAMA MOVES INTO B1TION COLUMN ItOIII- 1'ivo Imrgo Cities in South Dakota Danish Saloons Willi Curfew Toll Iriist Night III AwiwUtwl rrrm In Coon liar Tlm.i AHHUDKHN, So. Dakota, July 1. Curfow at 0 o'clock laHt ifglil sounded tho death knell to snlooonu In five largo cities and many mnal Icr towns In South Dakota. nr AuoclMrd i'frin to Cora nr Tlmn. MONTOOMHItY,. Ala., July 1. Stato-wldo prohibition went Into ef fect today Kvcry saloon and dis pensary In tlio state closed last night, E ItinOU DISCAItDKD I'OK INCH PUICICD DHINKS LAST XlflUT Knur Saloons Treat Put runs llefoio tlio .'Midnight (Jong That Closes Koiu of Them (lood-byo sparkling cocktails, Farewell, rock-iind-ryo It's n long, long way to lCxaltatlon This bar's gono dry Ah frco as water woro drinks 01. tho four saloons boforo tho clock struck midnight nnd tho plnccs were closed for good. Their licenses ex pired on at the dot at tho beginning of July 1, and, falling to rcncv tholr licenses, thoy went by tho board. In all the places men lined tho bar. Tho "Old Guard" hold tho last rites, bado farewell nnd at the clos ing time loft and wandered homo ward. That thcro was no trouble of any Bort Is tho statoinent of tho pollco and ovldonced by tho fact that tho city Jail was empty this morning of guests. It is said that in some of the places men woro given freely of whatovor they called for and tho mnn of tho "heor Incomo" quickly adjusted him self to a champagne diet and enjoyed tho sparkling fluid to the last deep gurgle. Tho tlnio approached 12 o'clock and tho barteudors worked fast and furious as tho mluiito hand spun 'round until, on tho stroko or mid night thoro wont up n loud huzza and four saloons of Mnrshflold wero no moro. Thobo that wont out woro tho Nut wood, tho Shamrock, tho Owl and tho Jesso Mooro. Tho saloon men stated that noun THIS CI FLOWS or them wero lott with much stock j wiw flqnted hito yestorday aftor bo on hand for having Been tho Inipun-' !'g wedged botwoon rockB .near ding doom they had gradually sIiih the Point Sur llghrhouso, arrived mornri iinwii what tliov had nnd com- pleted tho last of tho stock lu tho1 ono grnnd rinalo or hiBt night aB tho clock hurried around to midnight. SIX PCHSOXS KILLKD IX SHVK.HK STOltM Coiidenible Daiimgo Is Hepoited as Itosult or Wind That Swept Ottaua County (Ur AorUteJ hi" I" '"" l'r Tlmn I . MUSKOOni:. Okla., July 1. A tornado that swopt paits of Ottawa County last.nlght was roportcd today to havo killed six porsons. Consider able proporty damage was reported. ELL F MAX WHO I,KKT KAM1LV TKX YKAIJS AGO .MIST PAY ALLMOXY Itroug'it Hero Kroni Vancouver Af ..ter l)iig Absence Left Han don With Religious Sect (Special to Tho Tlmos.) COQUILLF. July 1. John Stlll woll, brought hero from Vancouver, Wash., aftor ton years absonco from his ramlly at Ilandon and ehnrged with contempt of court for not pay ing alimony, was liberated yester day by Judgo Coke, tho deolblon o lug that ho shall mako regular pay ments to his family. Stlllwell loft Hnndon with a reli gious sect and until lately nothln- had been hoard of him. Thoro Is now but one prisoner In the county Jail, tho criminal proceedings having de populated the full Jail. OKLAHOMA TaHIMDD STILLW RED Stms GERMAM TROOPS T Teutons Make Hard Drive on Russians Lines in North ern Part of Galicia HARD RESISTANCE Pctrograd Says Teutons At tempt to Cross Dniester Has Been Repulsed ITALIANS MAKE PROGRESS On tho Western Kionl tho Allies Are Occupied Chiefly in Insist ing llio Onslaughts of (ho (crmnti Army. tnr AaauOalM Crr.t lo Com Day Tlram. LONDON, July 1. Tho Uusslan lines are still being swung back lu Northern Oallcla and Southern Po land in an apparent effort hy tho Teutonic Allies to clear tho way for a determined movo on Warsaw. Petrograd says that tho attempt of tho Teutons to cross tlio Dniester near llallcz was repulsed, Indicating tho the lino of the Dniester Klyor south or llallcz Is stIU hold by tho HtiBslnns. Petrograd reported that a Gorman attaek by wator on Wln dau on tho Ilaltic Sea was repulsed. On Western Krout. On tho western front, Paris says tho Galllcla armies woro chiefly oc cupied repulsing German attacks. Homo roports a rcpulso of Austrian attacks along tho Izonso front, nnd says tho Italians mado progress in tho Trontlno district and on tho Gal- llopll tho Allies continue their at tempts to ndvnnco. E u. S. SUIIMAHINi: IMS WAS KLOATKD YKKTHItlrAV Moat Heacbes San Krnnclseo After Perilous Kxperlence Wedged lie- tvtccu Ocean Hock!,. Hr Aaorlata4 Prw to coa naj 'nm. SAN FRANCISCO, July 1. The United States submarino I Ml, which '"-'re toiiuy IIKItK'.S A (iltlCAT OPPOHTl'.MTV KOIt COOS COL'NTV I Splendid Chmiro For This Section To Take Her Place lu tbo Sun nt (bo Dig Kalr Coos County baa never had such an oppoitunlty for doing homo of tho most oHcctlvo advertising as Is presented lu Bonding tho Coos Day Concort Hand to San Francisco. Tho Mooso lodgo has takon up the matter or providing for tho con tinuation of this splendid musical organization and through tho excel lent work of Dr. K. K. Straw tlu. hand has boon assigned a placo to lead tho big Mooso parade at tho National colouration at tho hlg San Francisco fair, oscortcd by a troop of U. S. cavalry. It should ho borne in mind, how ever, that tho baud goes not as a Mooso baud but its a Coos County organization arI 1( is up to tho boosters of Coos County to assist in dofraylng tho oxponsos which will bo heavy hut it Is worth sovoral tlmos tlio cost In tho alvortUng that will como to this Bcctiton. Tills Is a matter that should bo taken up at onco by tho various Chamhors of Conimerco for It Is too fine an opportunity to bo neglected. Racing on skate nt tlio Rink fTliui'Mlay night July 1st, IS big events 115 cents for ovorjhody. Invitations; printed at Tho Times office Culling cards printed at Tbo Times office. ' W WARSAW R S SUBMARINE suo SE BN 'A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nnd Coos liny Advertiser. STEAL THE BRIDE SOON AlTKIt CICIIKMONV IS Will-. ZKD TO MVItTliK POINT Hetumed Karly This .Morning to tho Alixlou.s Husband .Miss ICdnii (Jnlller Marries Halph Dlpplo (Special to Tho Times.) HANDON, July 1. . Heforo u host of friends, Miss Kdna Galllcr, tho popular daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Galllcr, was married to Halph Dlpplo, a well known young man or this city. Hut a few minutes after tho ceremony friends kldnnp ped tho now brldo nnd, placing her in a machine, whizzed her far away from Ilnudon. Tho pnrty traveled tho road to Myrtle Point desplto tho protests of tho brldo and did not rotum again to Ilnndon until early this morning. Meanwhile the friends of tho groooni tried to keep him from becoming lonely. Much fun was mndo of tho good natural prank nnd all wero happy again whon tho brldu returned homo and tho young couplo wero reunited. They aro Intending to mako their homo In Hnndon. RANGES TO BULLETS AHCHIi: MADDKN AHItKSTKli KOH SIIOOTfNO PAHTNKH Is Suld to Have Usctl Gun In Mak ing "Scotly" Iahvo "Dance" Kol lotting Altercation. (Special to Tho Times.) HEAVER HILL, July 1. "Dn.iro: Danco!" Archlo Madden is alleged to havo alioutcd at "Scotty" Lovo, his partner on a Binnll truck ranch out or Denver Hill, and ho 'in. al leged to havo pointed a gun at Scotty, who Immediately took ror tho brush. It Is said so 'urn 1 bul let! whizzed about his beds In old fashioned stylo and ono- of them made n flesh wound lu lji8 kno. Scotty was ablo to walk !o the Junction yesterday afternoon nnd caught tho train for Couulllo, whnro the wound was dressed and a, war rni.t sworn out against Madden. Lust night Deputy .Sheriff Laird dropped orf on the return trip of the train nnd Mnddeu Is said to havo heuu taken to Coqulljo. Troublo Is said to havo ntartrd between tho men when Scotty ro tuiTeil from Heaver Hill somo time ngo wlioro ho disposed or certain produce or tho farm and it Is said that Maddon was dissatisfied with tho accounting m.idu to him. sTIiIh, according to word that as received horo today, led tho inon into a dispute, nnd yesterday Mad den again called for an accounting and Is said to havo pulled out Ills gnu (and twlco snapped It at Mad- ib-n without Ita discharging. Thon, It Is alleged, Madden fired toward (ho woods and tho bullet rang out and about that time Scotty nnoliig tho "artlllory" was ultvo, took to hlo hools at tho same time, after the manner of a fleeing Jackrubhlt fol lowing tho Instructions lo "danco." BATH FIEND GUILTY CXGLISHMAX WIKH COXVICTED MUHDKK OK .Monster Who Killed Women lu Their Baths for Insurance .Money In Convicted Ur Aiwoilatul I'rraa lo Cooa liar Tlmra LONDON, July 1. A verdict r,f guilty was brought In by tho Jury In tho caso of Goorgo Joseph Smith, chnrgod with tho niurdor of three wives. Jt was allegod that Smith killed his wives while thoy wero in tholr baths and collected Insurauio on tholr lives. WASHINGTON POLITICIAN DIESJNCAUFORNIA A. S, Ruth, of Oljiupia, Was For merly One of llio Leaders lu Pol itics in Northern State (tlr AMCdatM rm to Cooa nar 'ilmw.J SEATTLE, July 1. A. S. Hutli ot Olympla, ror 12 years a mombor or tho Washington Stato Sunatu and part of tho time Its prcsldont, died today at San Miguel, California. Un til stricken by Illness a lew years ago ho was a leader In state po1 itics. Havo your programs printed at Tbo Times office. A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Coos liny Times Is. A South west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon pcoplo and devoted to tlio best intorcsta of (Ills great section . Tlio Times always boosts, aad never knocks. No. 293 BECKER GETS A E Governor of New Jork Grants A Stay of Execution for A Few Weeks. july nj Fie New Date for Death of New York Policeman Convicted of Rosenthal Murder TO U. S. SUPREME COURT Governor Whitman Saro Ho Will Take Xo Kurtlier Action nnd If High Court. Does not Inter fere, Reciter Will Die. Ur AMocUlnl I'rraa t cuna Br Tloaa. ALHANY, N. Y., July 1. Govor nor Whitman todny granted Charles Decker, under sontonco ot death, a reprieve until July 2Cth. The Gov ernor said ho would tnko no further action lu the caso than granting tho reprieve This means that It tho United States Supremo Court doos not Inlorfero, Ilcckor will havo to die. AUSTRIAN' SAILICSMAN INDICTED ISY GRAXD JURY Wioto u Letter lo President Threat enlng lllm if ho Refused to Pay $:tt)00. tnr Aiioclaltil I'rtaa to Cooa nr Tlmoa.J NEW YORK, July 1. Tho Fed eral grnnd Jury today Indicted Ru dolph Malik, an Austrian balesinan, arrested herd last night. It is charged that In a loiter to Presi dent Wilson ho threatened tho President with a "political crime" should tlio President roftiso to pay him $300. Tho money, It Is ihaij cd, was demanded as an Indemnity for Malik's Inability to return to his family In Austria. iLSOlpTFAIR PRKSIDEXT PUSHES BUTTON TO UXKURh KliAG "Cherry Day" Shares In tho Honors of tlio Hlg Celebration at Han Francisco Exposition. (Ur AaaoclataJ Ima lu Coot liar Tlmta. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Jily 1, "Wilson Day" was observed nt tho Panama Pacific Exposition today. Prcsldont Wilson at Cornish, start ed tho ceremonies by pressing a. button which iinfurloil a flag at tho exposition. Tho Chorrlans, from Salem, Or., Joined in colohratlng "Chorry D.y." Stato Treasurer Kay was crownod king and chorrlos woro distributed to ovorybody. E REFUSES TO IIOXOR SUBPOENA. IX THAW TRIAL Will Xol. Testify in Caso Iiivolvlug Sanity of Her Husband, Hairy K. Thaw. lUf AworlaUd l'rr la Cooa liar Tlinoa.J MALONE. N. Y July I. Evolyii Nesbit Thaw has refused to honor tho subpoena sorvod on hor yestor day summoning hor to testify In tho Jury proceedings to .determine tho sanity of hor husband, Harry K. Thaw. Mrs. Thaw told tho stato'a process server that bho was in poor health and feared for hjur Ufp should alio ho compollod to undorgo an ordeal on tho witness stand. Spend tho Fourth on South Coos River. Rainbow leaves Sunday lit 8 a. in., returning, arrives In Marsh field (Hilt) p, in, Times n- ndfl brim? result, R THREATENS WILSON EVELYN I COM H n. V -s M