,iS8(fri?ii v-- . i ir THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELt? OREGON, .WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1915- -EVENING EDITION. SIX - . , -. - . Try K i v t E XOHTH 1JKXI C1TV FATIIK11H PASS lMI'HOVBMKXT OltDKllS "Will Pavo Vli-Kliilii llohveon Water front and Monroe and Plank He mainricr Other .Iinpiwcincnts PavIiiR of Virginia Aveunc from the tracks of the Willamette Pacific to Jlonroo street ami tho planking thence' from Monroe to tho Pony Slough bridge wns formally passed by tho North Bend city fathers last ovelilnK nnd tlicrotiDon was sot In motion another of. tho many Improve ments coming this summer to the neighboring city. Aready tho grading of the thor ough faro is under way, tho contract for' tlits work having been let bov eial weeks ago and It Is expected that tho entire project will ho completed by the coming of tho fall rains. In addition to thoso Improvements McPherson Is to havo paving 30 feet In width on tho two blocks extend ing to Vermont. Tho bldf for all this paving will bo opened by tho council at the regular meeting, July 13. Formnllj, through an ordinance tho Southern Pacific was granted tha 18 mWthH extension for building In to North Bond ub was unanimously agreed upon at tho last meeting. Farther Improvement of Sheridan avonuo from Washington streot to to tha end of- tho thoroughfare near tho park was discussed by tho city duds but no agreement was reached and' tho matter will bo brought up probably at tho next meeting. C. 13. Maybec, city recorder, was granted a two week's lcavo of ab sence, commencing after tho next moating, whon ho and Ills family ex pect lb tako tholr summer vacation GIVES FREE ADVICE PKHSOXS WHOM 1XSUKAXCH COS. OWK AIIK INTHItlCSTKD Idiynrd I). Xoounn Will Look up Old Politic and Claims lie- llovcd to ho Due. . Polks, I havo made arrangomontn, (as so kindly noted In tho news col umns of Tuesday's Times), to give you tfie benefit of my long exper ience In tho llfo insurance business In an unusual way. It will bring thousands of dollars to Southwest Orugpn and will, cost you nothing, ns my services In the mattor are ab solutely freo. Thoro aro ovor 40,000 pcoplo In this country, and many of thorn aro located In Southwestern Oregon, to Whom tho great llfo insuranco com panies of the United Statos owe irionoy which they aro willing ami anxious to pay If they only know whether tho clalmnnts wcro locatod. YOU 'may bo one of thoso. Aro there any old llfo Insuranco policies among your old papors which you think of no value. Maybo policies nf friends or relatives long slu:e dead, Toll mo of them or write my of them and I will gladly look them up. It .matters not In what companies or how old tho policies aro or how long thoy niny havo laiHQd. Thoy may bo worth litinil dreds, or oven thousands, of dollars to you. Vory sincerely yours, ISOWAIID D. NOONAN. Ilasmusson building, 2C4 Front blreql. Over Tower's Jowolry store). GOOD WOOL CLIP Stephen lingers Huh 1700 PouikIh Itciidy for- Shipiiicut. Stephen .ItogerB today shlppod down from his ranch on South Coos Ulver 1700 pounds of wool that litis Just bcon clipped from his flock of 200 sheop. Tho wool was taken to tho Smith Terminal dock for ship ment. tlio Rink , Racing ou hkatc at ThurMluy night July 1st, ;t big ovoutH U5 rentu for everj Udy, 1 D MOD PAVING Votes Must Be In By 9 O'Clock Sharp Tonight Contestant for the free trips to the San Francisco exposition must have the ir votes delivered at the Red Cross Store by nine o'cloc k not dc counted. The judges will begin the final count when the bal lot box is finally closed at 9 o'clock and positively no votes received after that time will be counted. RED CROSSTOUG STORE PHONE 122 G. M. BROWN HERE ATTOKXKV fJKXKUAIi 1IKAKS KV1 J)KXCK IX COQl'IIiMO TODAY If Can llenrriuiito IJinlned at Salem Will Deliver Fourth of July Oration Hero Mommy Action of the Oregon Congress men In Booking tlio proper disposal of tho Oregon and California Railroad land grunt could be better directed through tho State Land Hoard than by tho dJmmbcrs of Commcrco of the state, is the holier or Attorney uen oral Goqfbo M. Brown, who was here last evening on Ills way to Coqulllo. Tho reason of this, Btated Sir. Brown, Is that tho slate bodlos aro familiar with tho land In question, have doflnlto Information regarding It nnd therefore are better prepared in directing tho uctlons of tho Con gressmen. "There aro few peoplo who know much nbout this land," declared Mr. Brown, 'though thoro aro many who advlso what should be done. These state boards have tho statistics and aro moro used to such affairs." In Coqulllo today is being heard tho case of a man named Smith, of Bnndon, who Is entitled to damages under the State Industrial Accident Commissions but who claims that ho has not been allowed enough by the state. Mr. Brown know very llttio of tho facts InBt evening, other than that Smith seeks ?25 a month for a per iod of 90 months. Tho evidence will bo takon beforo Judgo Coke, "with tho attorney general handling it for tho state. Tho findings will then bo sent In to Salem to tho state com mission. This Is not tho first caso of this commission, stated Mr. Brown, though they havo boon raro. One Isj now bolng appealed from Poll: HKVKHAL NKWH CASUS IJKCJUX comity- ' IX CIHCUIT COUNT ItKCKNTLY Would SihniIc Hero I Stronuous efforts havo been made -rj.00 jVorco 1'ctitimm, Contempt to persuade Jho attorney general to iroeocoedliijw and Civil Actions stop ovor hero until Monday that ho Added to Long List at Coqullo may glvo tho Fourth of July ad-1 dress. His nccoptanco will bo based i (Special to Tho Times) on a telegram to bo sent to Salem ' COQUILLK, Or., Juno 30. Among today where ho will try to havo somo ' t" ow cases begun In Circuit mattors dolayed until noxt wook. At0011 boro aro tho following: tho present tlmo Mr. Brown Is busy ' Anuon E. Sinister vs. Mary L. Shus lu getting ready to imjct a heavy ' tor. Suit for divorce, damago caso, ho said, that Is com-, John Hnyden vs. Kninui Hayden. Ing boforo tho state commission. ;Su't lor divorce. Thoro woro many of Mr. Brown's old friends at tho Chandler last night to greet him. Ho had tlmo to chat with thorn all and said that ho would like nothing hotter than to stay hero three or four days tuid get acquainted again. OP FOR LUST TIE COUNCIL ACTS' OX SALOON LI. OEXSES THIS KVEXIXa Thcrto Will Carry Until State Pro hibition Law Goes Into Effect January Flrtit. Tho city fathers will meet this evening for tho purposo of granting tho Inst saloon licenses of tho year and possibly tho last In Marshflold for many yonrs to conio. Every ono of tho saloons huvo already taken out their applications. It is said that possibly threo of them will not consider now licenses, though nothing will bo known for sure un til this evening, as It is not until tho Council meets that tho tlmo ex pires for handing In the applica tions for renewals, Thero aro several other impor tant matters beforo the Council to night. FIRST HANK STATEMENT President Ross und Cashier Buggo of tho Scaiullnnviaii-AmerU'aii Bank aro highly gratified over tho show ing made by their Institution In tho first bank statement which Is pub-, iisne.1 elBownero In tonlght'B paper. The bank was opened only a llttio moro than a month ago. Tlmea want ads bring result. ,J sharp tonight, or they will WILL 1ISIT LOOSE HKAI) OFFICIAL OF MOOSK COMIXd HKitrc IS Wrlfos That Hi) WiiuIh to Sec Or gunlziition AVhUii i.s Such An Active One. James J. Davis, tho director gen eral of the .Moose Lodge, nnd the highest official In the organization, will nrrivo hero noxt Sunday eve ning to visit the local lodgo. His homo Is at Pittsburg. The local lodge will provide fitting entertain ment to greet tho official. Mr.1 DaVIs' home is at Pittsburg, Pn. In a lettor recently recolved by Dr." Straw It Is remarked by Mr. Davis that thy lodge has undertaken a good deal anil Is glad that lt Is to head the parade at the San Fran cisco gathering on Moos Day. The letter follows: t "Dr. H. li. -Straw, Dictator, Coos Hay Lodge No. 078, Loyal Order of Moose, Marshflcld, Oregon. Dear Sir and Brother: "I have your kind letter of tho 2Cth and note what you say about tho parado In San Francisco. For my part, you can havo tho right nf way. Any lodgo that undertakes to do what you havo done should havo tho right of way In nil par ades. "Hoping to havo tho pleasuro of meeting you nnd hoping that yoi will kindly convey my kindest o gards to Mel Duncan nnd tho rest of the membership, I am, fru "JAMES J. DAVIS, "Director General." SUITS FILED Geo. II. Itotnor vs. Mlnnlo C. Itot- nor. Suit for divorce. Tho Stnto of Oregon on tho Rela tion of Bertha O. Stlllwell vs. John It. Stlllwell. Contempt proceedings. Mrs. L. M. Barzco vs. L. J. Simp son. A. S. Hammond vs. Jnno I. OJcdn. Ella Bandoll vti. Gow Why. '.. C. Strang, Mrs. Ella Strang, Albert W. II. Folsom, J. L. Aascn, Toua Paulson, Ernest A. Folsum, Mny C. Schroedor, J. E. Quick, S. L. Curry, Nick Johnson, D. D. Plorco, Sarah A. Walker, II. O. Anderson, Mrs. H. O. Anderson, K. Von Pc gort, A. Von Pogert, W. H. Man soil, C. A. Fuhrman, Chau. Lovluo, S. E. Robinson, Paul L. Sterling, It. H. Grinnolds, J. E. Wright, Mrs. J. E. Wright, Wm. Cnndlln, Frances Urquhart, C. E. Broadbout, M. J, Hnrtson, N. C. Ncdloy, C. C. Ava land, C. Moon nnd Geo. Mohl vs. Tho City of Coqulllo, Edwin Ellin sen and Geo. Borgou. Llla Winifred Adams vs. E. J. Hlle and Henry C. Adams. KENNETH HAUSER IS MARRIED TODAY Ills Biido is Miss Mabel Porter und Wedding Takes Place at Spokane Kenneth Mauser, of tho firm o'f Hnuser & Hauser, is to bo married today to Miss Mabel Porter at Spo kane. Tho brldo's cousin, Miss Mar garet Porter, of Portland, will bo a bridesmaid. Tho wedding Is to bn a brilliant nffalr. Tho brldo Is u daughter of ono of tll0 partners of tho firm of Por tor 1)r03, Tho groom ,ms nmMy j frlondB horo ns ,10 ll8ed to bo wtI UttU8cr & llnll80P w,.oro .. ..,. I rond work was bolnu done by that i , film In this locality. I Big Jewelry Sale Going- Like Fire WATCHES, RINGS, CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE, AND ' LEATHER GOODS are sailing at ridiculous prices Many people are taking advantage of this sale, to get high-grade articles for holiday gifts COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Sale 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. RED CROSS JEWELRY DEPT. BASEBALL SCOREST POUTLAXDEIIS COXTIXL'H WIX XIX! STHKAK OX XHW FIELD Havo Xow Passed .500 Murk and aro Well Started to Top Sun Frnnrisro Onrnera 1- Hll.s ' PKHCEXTAOICS OF ' COAST LEAGUE tnr AuocltleJ I-reM to Com D? TIuim. 4 I W. L. P.C. ' San Francisco IC 3S .512 Salt Lake ...4$ 39 ' .G2-1 Portland ....40 39 .r.OC , Los Angeles ..44 II .fi00 Oakland 42 4C ,477 , Venlco ... .,.40 Aft .471 , '' l OAKLAND, Juno .10. Portlniid continued her winning streak with tho chango to new fields nnd yes terday squelched tho Oakland Com muters with a 11 to 7 score. Tho Seals garnered a total of 12 hits from tho Venetians besides bring ing them Into camp on the end of an 8 to C string. Tho scores of yesterday follow: Coast League. At Oakland It. It. K. Oakland 10 If. 10 12 0 7 Portland ;. . ..11 At Voflfcc Venice. t , . . . ( Sail Mvnnclsco 8 AtLos Angoles SiltLako City... ' ..l Angeles .' ,fi AiiH'iicau Loagtio Detroit ' "' Cleveland-Detroit Kuln. At Washington Philadelphia , . . . . , 0 Washington ... ... . f At Chicago v ' St. Louis , 2 (Jincngp ... . .r- I At Boston i Now York . . ) ' 3 Boston ... ...... Y. 4 National League. At Now York , , Boston 2INow York .1 Boston ,2Now York . . . . . 0 At Philadelphia Brooklyn ...,..,, 4 Philadelphia .'.,", G At St. Louis Pittsburg .... .,, SlSt. Louis fi Pittsburg ,'4St. Louis C Chicago-Cincinnati Wet grounds. COMPLAINT MADE WOMAN IS INSANE ii-i Mnndinll McGriffFJIcH CliurKos AhK-- lii; That .MrwA rlothln Hill lie Examined j-Fvar Trouble Saying that thoro is fear Mrs. , Sothla Hill, wifo of a Finnish la-! boror at tho Smith mill, may do harm ' to herself or her children, Marshall j Sylvester McGrlft of Eastsldo this I morning mndo a complaint against I her boforo Judgo Pcnnoclc. Tho com plaint will bo forwarded to County ! Judgo Watson asking an examina tion. Tho marshall staged (Ills ac tion was takon on a recommendation of tho city council. Ho stated that tho woman, who Is about 40 years of ago, 1ms four children and has made dlro threats against thorn. Sho Is constantly In fear of being poisoned, ho said, nnd oven washes tho butter that comes from tho grocery Btoro and Is afraid of all medicine. FORFEITS IIOXD A!notlier Slep In F. E. Alley Non Kuppoit Cao. Tho Rosoburg Review says: Dis trict Attorney Gcorgo Nounor for feited the bond of F. E. Alley, who was arrested hero somo tlmo ago on a charge of non-support. Tho bond wns In tho amount of $400, and was signed by Frodorlck A. Krlbs and Georgo Flnloy, of Portland. Tho warrant charging non-support was proforred by his wife. Milk, 1(1 quarts for $1.00. Holmes Dairy, Phono liJ)0-,I Times Want Ads for results. SPECIAL SALE on Men's and Boy's Clothing at The Golden Rule Store Look at prices listed If ere. We have many other bargains to offer just as desirable. .Men's $20.00 Suits, now 1 $14.50 Men's $18.00 Suits, now T $12.50 Men's $12.50 Suits, now T $8.95 Men's $11.00 Suits, now $7.50 . BROKEN LOT BOYS' SUITS' $4.25 Suits, now $2.80 $2.00 Suits, now $1.30 $6.50 Suits, now $4.35 $2.50 Suits, now $1.65 See us before you buy your new SUIT for the FOURTH OF JULY. We can save you money. Wo have an up-to-date line of Men's and Boys' fur nishings at very reasonable prices. The Golden Rule ALWAYS BUSY First National Bank Bldg. THE BIGGEST STOCK THE LOWEST PRICES THE BEST ASSORTMENT North Coos River Schedule for Fourth SATURDAY SCHEDULE Steamer Alert leaves North Itciul at 8 o'clock, calling at .Miwuli flchl at 8:110, for Pipei-'H (irove Celebration. Ijaiinch Cadillac leaves Marh field at H o'clock for Pljicr's (irove. haunch .Mllllconm leaves .Mnrshflchl at 10:ilO o'clock for Piper's fli-ovc. " Itoimd Tilp Imuv, r() cents on all hoati-i. SUNDAY SCHEDULE' Steamer Alert loaves Marhflchl for hentfi cnniicctliiK with nuto for Sunset at K o'clock. Mllllconm leaves at 10 o'clock for beach. Ciullllao leaves Marshflcld for Allegany at r::!0, rctiuiiliiK in tho evening. , MONDAY SCHEDULE Mllllcoma leaves AlleKaiiy at ."::!() for Marshflcld, returning after close of hlg celebration. . AIiKIlT KOH CIIAltTKIt. ' HOME MADE SAUSAGE, HAM BURGER and WEINERWURSTS Mado In our own shop h y experts and only the host meat used. You cannot got better ones any place in tha country. We will havo Homo choice urday's trade. Wo a1s, havo some cho Ilenieuibcr that wo glvo and deliver promptly. THE UNION MARKET J. E. Ford & Co. Phone 58-J. Dozens of Savings Accounts Have Been Opened Here This Year Not all large accounts but the smaller depositor knows he is just as welcome here. For. months we have been urging the opening of a savings account here because we want to encourage thrift and industry. We pay interest on savings accounts. ' You niay open an account at any time in any amount. ,' FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Soety Deposit Boxes For Rent. Statement of condition of FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANKS Of Marshfield and Myrtle Point, Oregon, 1 At the close of business June 23, 1 91 5. Resources, Loans and Discounts ' $656,9T6.98 Banking Houses and Real Estate : 64,480.77" Cash and Sight Exchange -- 111,512.58 Tota' 77-,-r.V. $832,910.33 Liabilities Capital Stock paid in ;: $ 75,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits' 73,956 33 posits I b 683,954.00 Tot"' $832.910.33 SPECIAL ON BOYS' HATS $1.25 Hats, now... 95c $1.00 Hats, now ,.75c 75c Hats, now 55c 50c Hats, now 38c HAttKU9VSE frWCJff chickens for Friday's and Sat- ieo hcof, pork and veal. special attention to 'phono orders 174 South Broadway. - - . Htfc "'"wim XY st. 5 -aaeuji, t SAN FRAHCism I I "0fen:.fi,e-P'0f.uP..o.).u,.., I r.ffiteS2! 8 RATKR ' I Detached Bath T I J1.00, 11.50 single $1,50 SX? '..'' tM.M k Take a 'Onlver.al'" n.Z. .. CH i naua am. m. - wi O UOttl nwtnuiHlJ WOOD! Afnnni KliulllHR wooil, por luu.l ?i"o ,oi Alder wood, ic to 21 lucliea 2Jo $2.60 I-'ico Delivery II. MNfiO li'lione 227 North First St. YOU AUTO ftALL 1 FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS NlRht nntl ),T, lilKlit Cnfo. 0001) OAKS. OAHKPUr, DniVEIW D. Ii. FOOTK. MERCHANTS CAFE o"imr 1'iiieo inr Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Coniinoicliil nnd ll'div'y. vf44f; - t t t WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. ii Assets $2,340,000.00 t Pays 8 per cent on savings! S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer t A.MAA444S I PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY i J. M. Wright ' I Phono 188-R ', ! nUII.DINO CONTIIAOTOlt Estimates furnished en request Dr. H. M. Shaw 10ye, lUw nnd Throat. Specialist mijAksks FirrKD IMiono :J:i(l-l. Itooms UOO-'-'Ot Irving llloik. nit. siAirriK n. niiaw. I'liyNlcInn nnd Sm-Kcen Plione :i;l().,l. Office hours ly niinolnlniciit. Benjamin Ostlind CONSUIriX-KNGlNKKIt.AND AltCIIITKCT Offices. 20G Irving Dloek. IMiono 103-L or 2C7-J. Maruhflold. OregonA H. G. Butler civil kn(Jini:i:k Room 304 Coko HldB. Phone H5-J. Itesldonco Phono 3C3-L, W. G. Chandler AltCIIITKCT (looms 301 and 302, Colco nulMI.1 Mnrshflold, Oregon. Wm. S. Turpen AKCIi ITKCT Mnrahfleld, Oregon. Perl Riley Ballinger IMANISTj AND TEACIinil noBldonco Studio. 217 No. Third M Phono 3CS-Ii. ti Vn..r M!iTHlt hcadi, Nl "- - - - 4 ,., TIHM ltoads, etc., pncicu uv - office. -p0ffrMM Rntes to Von CO roonia, por day 9,,M.j lJj 100 roomB with batU 100 rooms with bath 2-w. 200 largo room, with batb "' Extra person in . , room, additional ..,iVV d& J,lPMi ' u k ! VAOATpX . M J Ptld, with f,2 Rlrtn will diva VOU an eujw-' 1 wisinn. MAkfl tho MultnoiuaB beaduunriera. Service bettec !l."K!5SS2?-?i IKIllifc I 2 No. 13 , p, 16. "FSSf&jfiEt I - ou i fvM.ny sl. v. L k.ii . iT", I i i i UMt11 iafc u .MZjimr imi i I m& Hl mmet. 1 1 M4HMH"Hi,r,r,r,H444HkH' 'H44HH'-t-HH-HH-4H eonslsteiJvly lower. . a k "tmy. Eir Et fc-J- ?ij iia it : ,.', ; 14 l , V VT '; wrxn MA. t 4 S .f.