tiri SA Mm MWmzn Kifl MifflS fllli&'lminj kh ' ' i 1 IW-tffft l-ll Br UkFj) J J77? You will take off your hat to Hart bchaliner & M Varsity Fifty Five. v v-ww. M 1 .m. " 'v - WHHHUnmnPWrrt A ry 1 TTTT Ti 1 1 I M 1 iWiMf Mil IIM MM '! li i 1 i ' lllll I'M M 5."Wff1Wny" I 111 R erHM ......... w . ..ai' '" Evcmrcui buiiiuiv. tiuc- "-WWHBHBHHI s!J ML, THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAHsUCmregoS arx gun H11! you see this mnrlpl i A rlllk 1 1 .1 . t uuu ulecK; me coat is a two button leSl8?i m.adei t0 hu& in at lhe waist line and he lapels to stand out in a full roll over the chest. You'll be delighted with this model; it's here in all the newest fabrics at $18, $20, $25 and more CupyrfcHIIoitScWfticr SiMtn We keep your clothes pressed free of charge. Woolen Mill Stores. The home o Hart Sctaffncr 8c Marx clolhcs McrshfioId- North Bend. ) WEATHER FORECAST 1 Bj Aaotlttta ITM lo Cooi Hay Tlmci.) OIinaON Pair, norther- lr winds. local tkmpkratuuk record for ttio 24 hour ending at 4:43 a. m Jmio 30, by HenJ. Oitllnd, upoclul government meteorologist: Maximum G7 Minimum 19 At V.i" n. m 51 Precipitation 00 i Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1914 G7.LTi I Precipitation eamo period last year GG.13 Wind - NorlhwcBt, clear. V..-.I. ..... '"Ill IICIKI 01'l PO Tl,..n ...III bo n service in North Dend Episcopal i Church llitu ,.i.... . ., . . ' " uuiiuiB ui B o CIOCK. Hold Senke. There will ho Prayer meeting In the Daptlst Church tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock shen Mr. Simmons will lend. Moves OfflceM.aeorgo A. Haines has moved his office from 18C South llroiidway to the Allen nnd LowIb building whero his fixtures have been Installed In the quarters for merly occupied by Shlpman Ilros. Takes Position. W. T. vni,.i has taken a position as salesman hi tho Woolen .Mill storo at North Dend. Karl McCrca, who has been emplovcd thoro is now In the MarBhfleld store of the company. (nv Ullll .. mi.. . .. - .. ...... w, mu CIl80 0r riin of Mr. and Mrs. w K w'isemnn, formerly of Maishfleld, will be mar ried early In j,,y. Is Newly .Mniriwt Prank Pugsley has received an announcement of the marriage, June 24. of Charles G. Prampton to Miss (trace Marguerite Myers, of Starbuck, Washington. Mr. Prampton was for somo tlmo an em ployee at tho pulp mill and has many friends on tho bay who wish .im... for both himself and bride. The young i-unpie expect to make their home In Camas, Washington. Hero from Coqtillle H. J. Kcough wire chief for the Coqulllo Valley Tel ephone company, accompanied by Mr Mintoni, a prominent farmer of that part of the county, visited the city last night. Mr Kcough was for merly wire chief for tho local tele phone company nnd Installed much of the new equipment here. Ho says he has been working on tho lines of th valley company until he has the system now In fine shape. Sorority lias Convention Thin week the Kappa Alplm Theta sorority of which Madge Barry and Mrs. Hen uinndicr aro members. Is holding Its annual convention at Qcarhart. A special train bearing 300 delegates j CAPTAIN DAN HOUHRTS, with his Ctcrson, camo down today on a business trip from Templeton. .). C. KENDAUi returned this morn lug from n business visit to Pow ers. I. I. 1.EWEU.EN and wife were visitors last evening and today from Myrtle Point. J. W. COACH and wife were visi tors hero Inst evening nnd today from their homu at Handon. HttNHY E. COPFIN nnd fninlU. lf this morning for Powers where' they will locate. Mr. Coffin has erected a small bungalow theie. U A. LH.JEQVI8T, District Attor ney, camo over last evening nnd was In consultation with Attorney Oeneral Crown. L. A. HOIIHUTS of Myrtlo Point Is here as u witness In tho equity rase being heaid before Ueforon A. H. Loud. T. It. SHEHIDAN was hero today as a witness in the rqulty ease being heard before A. 1). Loud, ref eree. Mils. AUGUST CAHLSON returned) today from a visit of sevral days' at the Carlson ranch near Alio-1 Rany J. . Penney Go." nrxt norm to Atviimn.Mif h ,,n.lf, NEXT DOOIt TO MAItSHKlKU) ost oi.'i.Mn- RltEATEST SIIOlC VALUES J1VKII OITHHEIi 'Hint's what wo mo giving eveiy day nl this big busy Moio'nn.l they mo nil new kIiocs m.iiic recelve.1 Saturday. Yon nre not Ket ting old out-i)f.ilii( foot-wenr If J du buy them at THE .T. O. PEN. ni:v sToitn. then you lirv them roit i,i:ss. unimron's Soft Soles, tt.V, 4e tuisteo of tho First National Dank of WeVe got 'em talking. Who? Z.'fZY Why Everybody, including the merchants. And what are they talking about? Our Prices! OllG brother mnrr.hnnt nvnn tnlfl nnr nl hie nncfnmnre in COnfidfinnn ihnt wn wppp enllinn Ihinnc liolnw nnef I we are selling below HIS cost shows our ability to buy Hum, lur wu arc wining to sen gooas an ineTimeTor me prices that we aivgetting and all we ask is cash for mem ana you can depend on it that the PRICES ARE RIGHT ntlri flint Vnil will nnf nnorl in onnrl fn Pnrtlanrl in order to buy your groceries as cheaply as anywhere on (he coast. WE MEET ALL COMPETITION and no mat ter what the other merchants may have to say about us, mnunuur uicu wu win iju suning gooas ana auenamg to our own business. Wn find thnt this keens us hnsv nil the time. We will open our store JULY 1, on a strictly i Mm a m W casn oasis, sending phone orders I. U. u. We Wnnt tn sen vnn. nQ ur knnw thnt wn will hn mu tually benefitted. Thoen rrn paima nf Mil. rnmilni- nrinnn I nn tlinm iliuou UIU OUIIIG UI UUI lUUICll JI IVjUOi luui IIIUIII over and compare them with what you have been paying and then como in and see, .. For the canning season. MACAU mini-ln ill nnmnln nnnn nrtrl 1-llUlinfO tint fiQf "uuii vucuiO an uuiiiuiuicj uapo unu iuuucioj uu.i uuv Mason, pints, all complete, caps and rubbers, doz,, 57c Mason, H-gal, all complete, caps and rubbers, doz,, 87c n , cuuiiumy Jttio. prts, complete with caps and clamps; per doz,, $1.10 jjnts. complete with caps and clamps; per doz., 93c III ft," "rtl,l wUHipiUlC U CUIU lllimu uv.i flly Glasses, (Porrection.) 8 oz., per dozen 28c nJrowax, four 1 -4 lb, cakes, reg, 20c; our price 12c Cuittard's Chocolate, three-pound can ---80c gry Salt Meats (Fine for seasoning) per pound 12'c NOii in bulk, per gallon --JfS "rtorn Lard, 10-lb, can, (Pure,) $1.50 to uii, per quart, impoiieu. --- -jjzz na inese are some ot our specials iui iw nnntilnn ,i.. A ,.,n ...III run enmpthinn jv;iiiiiij uay anu wc win iuii '"" special every Tuesday and Saturday. Watch for them and save money by taking advan tage of them. nation Milk, per dozen vQ9K ti J UMNO, T UUtKM ----- pndard Tomatoes, per can si J ' . n,. ..:- i:t ' :n l ,. nnn lAnit fnr it. ' I, w inji list win ue urn ouun. - ." are remarking our entire stock and this will mean ;n, ur Ml LtHbi iu iu io i u,. w-i... Renifimhon i.,n u,:ii i,n nnmi iiiiv 1 and then will ue ply to serve you better than ever. Come and look wr artuiALS and our regmar ijhu. We Rno vmit n-imw.i, ' GETTING'S CASH GROCERY ll .. Hi ril.... 00 Itoseburg versus W. E. Pike, Anna I'Ike, P. L. Phclnn nnd W. U. Ham mltte was still on today In Judge Coke's office. .Moving Camp Clarence A Could is today moving his loglng camp above Allegany whore tho men have been nt work for tho past year. The equipment will bo shipped on scows from Allegany. Has Own Office E. Lothard Mc Clure, attorney, has announced that ho is no longer connected with tho firm of Dennett, Swnnton nnd Den nett and has removed his office from the Flanagan and Dennett bank to tho Lockhart building. Kcturns from Ncvndn. V. O. Wlm mer has returned from Nevada where he hag been for somo time past. Ho says that many havo gone Into Ne vada lately with tho result that thoro are moro people In tho state than there is occupation for them. Llbeity Car fJiilw. Tho girls who aro to tako part in tho Liberty Car featuro of the Fourth of July parade will meet at the home of Mrs. P. M. Wilbur Monday morning t 9 o'clock. Tho girls mil I be above tho second grade In school. Will WihI. According to a report here, Claudo C. Noon, formerly of Coqulllo, but now In charge of tho lted Cioss branch storo nt Powers, and Miss Margaret Wiseman, daugh ' . , . , . i . gf LIST YOU KOWJKT. The PALACE Meat Market Details meat at vtholesalo prices. Wo carry nothing but flrnt-i'Ias.s ro- filgcrntcil meat, propcily ngeil Tlio following aro some not Hpeclulh 'hut evcijdiiy pilccs: Shoulder Pot Itoast lie Doneless Oven ltoast lHc Dolling Meat lie Sirloin Steaks 18c Shoulder Veal ltoast Mc Shoulder Veal Chops IBc Loin Veal Chops 18c Veal Stow lie , Mutton Stew 10c Shouldor Mutton Me Shoulder Mutton Chops !.( Loin Mutton Chops ! 18c Leg Mutton HJc Shoulder Pork ltoast 15c Shoulder Pork Chops Itle Loin or Illb Pork Chops IHc Tiailo at the Palaie Meat .Miuket laud mivo money. Telephone itnlerx given prompt ntlcutioii. PALACE Meat Market from the 37 nctlvo chapters of tho sorority In tho east arrived In Port land on Sunday, enrouto to Qear- hart. During tho weok'a meetings there will bo n dally nanor clvlnc tho details of tho day's business nnd tho progress, Issued by threo young women of tho University of Orogou, students ot tho Department of Jour nalism. f t PERSONAL MENTION t PItANK JOKEY was among tho Hny- ncs Inlet visitors hero today. MUS. P. P. CUOUCH was a visitor horo today from Haynes Inlot. JOHN EKDLAD arrived homo this morning on tho Santa Clnra from a visit nt the Exposition. MltS. C. It. PECK camo down this morning from tho Peck homo on Coos Hlvcr shopping. MUS. A. T. HAINES Is expected homo from San Francisco tomorrow. C. T. HALL will leave for Portland whero ho will Join his wlfo. J. 13. .MONTGOMERY wont over Into tho Vnlloy on tho early morning train today on telop)iouo business. WILLIAM WATERS of North Inlot wiih among the out-of-town visi tors In tho city today. E. II. LEWIS and family expected to leavo for San Francisco Satur day and will seo tho Exposition. JOHN PETERSON, with his son Dert SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN 1 BANK Statement of Condition of Scandinavian American Bank Marshflold, Oiegoni at tho closo of business Juno 23, 191 f. nephow, Oscar Carpenter, who is here visiting from Missouri, came down from Allegany today for a visit. TOM CAREY, manager of tho Wed. dorburn Trading Company's store nt Wedderhurn, nnd wlfo. passed through hero today enrouto home from Portland. I A. II. POWERS wont hack to Powers on tho morning train. Ho says tho loggers aro nil making preparation for tho Fourth of July. Tho camp thero closes down tomorrow. .MRS. CLAHKU HARRIS wont to Sumnor yesterday to visit her par cuts, Mr. uud Mrs. Jud Mills, who uro now living on tho former Cnpt. Roono ranch. CHAS. HICKOXnnd wlfo and friends will leavo tho last of tho weok for an auto trip to San Prnnclsco, going via Klamnth Palls. Mrs. J. D. Davis may nccompnuy thorn. DR. A. K. RESNER, of Flathead, Montana, Is expected hero In a fow days to visit his son Roy Homier. )Io was formerly U. S. consul nt Drotncu nud was for years a rest dont of Carroll, Iowa. CARL EVERTSEN camo down yes terdny from ciunpNoutinl on South Coos River whore ho nud Mrs. Ev crtBon and Mrs. J. C. Kendall and son, John, aro enjoying an outing at tho McKnlght place. WM. CARLISLE, clerk nt tho Smith Powers camp at Powers, returned today from u v s It nt tho Expos tlon where ho met n brother from tho oast whom ho had not seen In years. He Hitya tho Exposition Is certainly fine. iniitiron'8 hard solo shoes, 1 10 3 l0 4c, r, Hl)e Children's hnrd solos In pnt ent top, vld. gunmetnl, but ton; hIepb 2V& to i" ' title, HUc, llrto Misses' shoes that wear tnd nroj worth from 2r.o to fiOc more; GV4 to S ' 7l)e, HI), llHe, $l,u:i Sizes 8& to 12 . .ljtl.li.1, $.tu, $i.(), ?i.(,n llsses Shoes In patent leath er button, viel hut., gun metal button. Theso shoes nro all leather; no paper or composition. They nro ronlly worth one-third moro. ..fjib-l), $1.81), $1.08, $U.l!il Originator tf.'&.SQeiMZeU'&C ui iajw incc m smmmM 1 1. 1 1 JfiWiTTF-T.-U.I.JJA noys oboes, good solid all leather, Just tho thing for every day or dress wear, 8 t0 12 91.411, fl.DH 124 to 2. This lino Is a ' dandy nud they are worth from r,0 to 7ric moro on every pair , ..$!.!), 91.80, $1.J)8, $2. (J 2 14 to ii 14 . . . . 9 1 ., jjt2.. ! Mch's dress shoes, from $ 1.1)8 MO, 9S.IM, Sjta..7, 9.S0. Men a work shoes, ijW.M), ijti:.7i), ' .H. w,ai, 9:hK), ami &I.OH .' Ladle hIio. s, the latest out. . . mi.OU, si.iiH, ..i, 94 Th,. clntli tups pat. vamps, , button oi la.t '". t--fl. kOMH, HWA1 x a. c 1jm1 i Othwn h Vullnvf (i iM 'iS ill I HEAVY CAR TYPE FISH . The Tire Of Greatest Service ' n Low prices and' big mileage GUNNERY open evenings and Sundays FREE AIR FILTERED GASOLINE iti:.souitci:s Loans 1G,2GR.G2 Furniture, fixtures and ex pense 3,-180.23 Hanks checks nnd foreign money 05.7 d Cash nnd duo fiom hanks 18,837.8c Picnic nl CJooiIvvIII'h Kotilli Coos River. Diuii'o with good imisle, to Imiuiuui Nlldo. Nvvluirs. etc.. Sat. .Iiilv ilrd. Alice 11. will leave Mnrxlifiolri ut 7 a. in. mid h.Mii-ess at H u. m Iv en body como and bring ImNkelN Admission to grounds free. t NEW TODAY 1 j POUND White cotton glove. Own er may have same by paying for thin nd nt Times office. Do It Now! Don't wait until the last minute when the rush and hurry of the Fourth may cause you to overlook some of the needs of your car and cause you trouble and nrief in the parade or during the festivities. Bring your car around now I in the morning, afternoon or evening or 'Sunday mornings and The Gunnery Service De partment will see that your auto is ready for the road. Everything that the car needs is at your disposal. FISK tires and GUNNERY service are your safeguards, oasl THE GUNNERY I-'IkIc DlNtilhuloiN HouUmcNteni Oregon COURT AS KINO (JAIt.(ii: North Head Audits KI.MI1 ,M VOX PICOKItT H. . wiiiTHiyrr Coqulllo AgeutH Handon Agent ' FILTERED I R6d Mb jn POIl RENT Reasonable furnished (!-room flat with bath, on North Front Btrcot. Key ut Johnson-Oulovson's. 1'Olt RENT Nice IUmIiooiii In u pil vato family. Apply 3C2 First St. North. FOR ItKNT Hmull iiiodern fur nlshod bungalow. Phono 183-J FOR SAI.I-l'.-eik-Hs piano. Heo Porgusou Transfer, f 1 1 1.00. T'Olt HALl-HNAPKlnt.lop oak Htenogrupher'B desk with oalc chair. Rotulls nt $00,00. Prac tically your own price If taken today. Inquire '".," Times office WANTED CItMiil naiiNago muker nt once. P., Times office WANTED Voting lady would llk'u placo to work ut once. Address "K" caro Times or phono 202-L. WANTED To exchange, neat mi lage and two lots Iu Toppculsh for resilience In Mnrshfleld, or will sell for infill S3G0. Dana Realty Company, Toppeulsh, Wnsh 1'oit transpi:k and ktoiu aoi: op household goods preioht and haooaoe Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone lllil Rewhlenco Phono JII-J Market Avo. nnd Wntci front f38.G82.-tn 1,IAIUL1TII-S Capital (f 25, 000.00) paid in $ir,,r.oo.oo Sui plus and undivided profltH ..i r., 110. or, DeposltH 18,071 .r,0 Phono 100-J. 180 N. Ilioadway I38.CS2.15 .900 The Noble Theater , A pleasant placo to upend the evening PARAMOUNT Vh.Vl '1'VB THE DKST IN THE WORLD. David Ilelasco PieseutH The llillliant AnioHnm Play "ROSE OP THE HANCIIO A beautiful romantic drama of old California. Produced in five reels of exceptionally flno pictures over 300 kcenes featuring tho vveU'.kuowu actress le.slo llailscale. It b a picture that everyone win enjoy. Come cai ly for n good heat. This feiatmo villi not he relented (Ids In jour only thnnre to M-o It tonight. I "IIICARKT SELKJ WEKLY" Events photographed from all parts of tho world. "MIL JARH IUUXGS HOME A TURKEY." Vttagraph comedy of tho Jarr Pamlly Borles of comedies. Continuous Show Mailing jtroiiiptly Jit 7iOO p. in. until 11:00 p. in. lwer Floor, 15c Halcony, Ipc Chlldreu, flc nEMFAIUHR Clmildi CliapUn IVIdny Night In "Tho Champion," J Two iceU of laughs. FINAL VOTING l FOR GODDESS of LIBERTY NOBLE THEATRE Thursday Night, July First ;; SIX REELS OF PICTURES . . TWO SHOWS, LOWER FLOOg, 15c BALCONY, 10c . , , CHILDREN, 5.c , . Standing of Candidates: Emma Ouatermass. 5600 Adelaide Clarke, 4300 Marjorie Graham, 3300 VirgimViLyster, 3300 IS 1 TiT. - i i '. E n , i 1 Phone 394. 1 North Broadway), m t ,-' i