SSO1! W&$EHB$M rMiK"T TJ CIi ? (ft ii (S A GRIND "' Lcnvr I iimam 1.. T tou5 uaj i iincs lourraper Xlio Coos Day Times In proud of Its tltlo "The People' Pnpor," and It strives at all times to U,e up to Its name by dotting it, energies to promoting the pooplo's Interests. JlJMWLtiQSE GRIST (Eons Jatt u ISN'T WORTH THE GRINDING i VOL NO. XXXV1I1. KstablMiP.l lurn Ah Tim Const Mull. -i k. memukim orm associated imkrh tints A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what Uio Cool liny Times Is. A. South, west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people nd devoted to tho best IntercsU of this groat lection . Tho Times always boosts ud never knocks. HER AIEII TDRPEDOED; 23 . . DEAD; 10 AMERICANS MISSING MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNElY, JUNE 30, 1915 EVENING EDITION. GE1AHS SI News Received Today by State Department trom u. &. uon sul at Bristol, England FEW DETAILS GIN German Submarine Sent Big Boat to Bottom ana at Least Some Aboard Were Lost TO INVESTIGATE AT ONCE feswl "'" nl- "cet r'""K;' Was of UHi'f Gross Tout uiid Wan Itullt nt Helfust In ISO." Operated by tho Dominion Lino. (Special to Tho TIiiioh from the Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 30. Tho Dominion Hnor Armenian was torncdood and sunk by tlio German tubinarlno U-38 at 8:08 p. in. Juno IS, 20 miles northwest of Truvose Head, Cornwall, Knglund. Consul Armstrong, reporting today", says 19 lives woro lout, ten persona In jured and ton Americans aro mlsx- lag. Messngo Not Clear. Consul ArniHtrong's dlBputch was not entirely cleur, hut It appeal a that at least ton ' Amorlcnm, In cluding six negro mulotcors, tiro un- iccountcd for. Tlio ines3ago uald ten woro missing, hut tho list of thoso unuecountud for named an tral who woro believed to havi been picked Up. Will Invosflgiitc. Tho Stato Department linmedlatoly set afoot tui Inquiry to datonnluo whether, tho Arinonlnn was salting merely as a freight vessol carrying contraband cargo, or under cliaiter to tlio Hrlllsh govommt'iit. The Interest of (ho United States In the missing Americans depend upon that point. NAMES OF MISKI.VO AMERICANS AROARR f Special to Tho Times.) Thu names of tliu Aiuuri- eaim missing are: WILLIAMSON, 'address un known. J. II. MONKOH, New Orleans 11. II. GRANHHItRY, Mont gomery, Ala. S. R. SUTTON, Carlervlllo, Va. IfAIlllY STONE, New York. llllOWN. Cattlo ship carpen ter, Harrlsburg, l'a. n. ir. iiuooks or vi:st. chief fireman, naturalized American, of I.oiulon. WHEAT Norwegian Ship Which Sailed From Portland Feb. 9 De stroyed by Submarine EluH T U THE I 3. RE L A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull nnil Coos llnv Advertiser. No. 292 SED turks ci to have driven i:m hack German Subject Aboard Sub marine and Thirteen Others of Crew Safely Landed TORPEDO ANOTHER VESSEL Ilolhind-Aiuprlenn Steamer Him Down by Unknown ltont In n Fog While at Author Many Pas- sengors Were Aboard Reports li I'm Is ami London Tell Oi( story Claiming Tuijro i:lmusttHl tnr AMoctn-d to coo ny 'limri.i AMSTEW, Juno 30.--An of ficial nnnoment nt Constantin ople toduyjod that tho Anglo- Iwcneh forou Juno 'JS thrico I attacked tlijrklsh left wing at AvI Ilurnui the Turkish right wing at SeOinhr, but woro ru pulsed on bpcuiBloiiB with heuv ly losses. Turkish center In tho course of tlninter attacks, cap tured two lfpfj trenches and si lenced tho , batteries on Capo Topeh. I may exhausted 40 W STAY NEUTRAL DIPLOMATS THINK RUMANIA will keep out or war German Officials Iteturu From Con ference With leading Stales, men oT Austria at Vienna Dy AMirltI Vfu to Coos Bty TIium. HKRLIN, Wireless Sayvlllc, Juno 30. German Imperial Chancellor Von Hotliihnn-llollkog and Foreign Minister Von Jagow, returned to Ber lin today from Vienna, where they liavo been in conferenco with tho leading statesmen of Austria-Hungary. They both think Hunianla will remain neutral. lly Auoclith rrrti to Cum lny Tlmn CARRIER WHEAT (By AmocLI.J Ftni to Cool my Tlmn. PORTLAND, Or., Juno 30. Tho Cnmbuskcuiicth was under charter of Kerr, Glf ford & Co., ami carried 1 10, rC8 btiBbels of wheat valued at $171,380. The cargo was sold to English brokers be fore tho sailing. Her ton nage was 17S5 net. was mirrisii steamer Length Was .ll!! Feet and Was llullt In- J H!5 (D; AuacUlvil I'rcu tu Coo, I)y TImm.I NKW YORK, Juno 30. Tho Ar menian sailed from Nowport News for Avonmouth Juno 17 In chnrgo ot Captain Trickoy. Sho was n British Bteamor of S82C gros3 tons. Tho Armonlan wns 512 feet long nd had n beam of 5U feet and depth of 3G feet. Sho was built In 1895 nt Ilolfnst. Tho Dominion 'line Is n subsidiary of tho Internat ional Mercantllo Marino. RUSSIANS RETREAT IJJAVIXfl TIIKIIl POSITION WHI'.N , TKUTONS I()VK ONWARD VtemU Claim to Have Held ('ei , limits Hack and Italy .Making Slow Progress. ! RL'SKIAXK SIOVM'K It J . ; ' r inr AuoclilM fretii lo Cooi Hay Tlmn.1 HBRLIN, Juno 30. Tho Ilusslans havo begun a re treat from tho Vistula JUvor to tho district of .aniosz, eoutheast of Lubln In Hub slau Poland, according to an official statomont today. II 3D ITE ONLY ONI! UKRLIN PAPKH K.Y pri:ssi:s ANY VIHWS All along tho lluo, from Kaslom Oallcla northward well Into Russian pAin.i.i .i.A .ii..nni. f, aro lhig pushed back by tho Toutonie fniles, although fighting Biibborniy ! they rotroat. Petrograd claims hie AuHtro-Qormana havo siufereu enormous losses" In thoir vicioi- Ilous drive. I'lonch Claims. Tho Proneh uro hammering away t Qernmn positions in tho Arras Ifeelon and aro making some prog- iCfess, thoy report, jneanwltllo frus- !tratlng tho Gorman nttonipts to gai jnew ground In tho Vosges. uerlln reports a ropuiso oi u "Piencu attompts to regain lost tor- ,rlt"ry In tho Mouse hills. Rome claims to be making slow headway fan tho Isonzo .front. Says V. S. Wants to Influence Ma lluo Warfare Methods In l'a or of Kuglnud, ' inr AotltfJ I'ffM lo C-joi Bay Tlmn.J UURLIN. Juno 30. A neuter dis patch containing a summary of the United States' noto asking Oermniiy to reconsider her refusal to settle by direct diplomatic negotiations tho claim arising from tho sinking of tho William P. Frye, was printed with out comment by tho Rorlln newspa pers with the exception of tho Rund schau. That paper asks what moro America wants than nn offor to pay damages and answers Its own ques tion by saying: "It wnnts to Influ ence tho Gorman method of nuirliio warfare In favor of Knglaud and absolutely nothing else can bo said." NINE ACcTdENTS JII ONE WEEK That Many Reported to State Coin nilssiiuieiN From oos County In Total of 10H. a im.i nf 108 accidents were re ported to tho State Labor Commis sioners for tho weoic ami uiroo fatal. One of the fatal ncciiiu..i was In this locality, that of wi.iia.u Cross. Of the total nine weio In Coos County uud ouo was ui iur dlnor. . .. Tho fololwlng Is a list oi tne au- idents of tho week In this locality: A.nnno Annls. Marshfield, l'au-1 broken and mashed, sawmill. A W. llawthonio, Norm mj. eye 'injured, R. U. operation. . l.!..l.l ti Hill R, II. Weaver, i""" - Infected, sawmill, joo White. MarsIifloW. unklo bruised, sawmill. Rufus Dalgle, Marshfield, finger mashed, sawmill. Alfred A. Pack, Gardiner, leg cut. 10 William Cross, Marshfield, crush ed by train, fatal, logging. John R. 1'exter, North Hciut. J.iw injured, construction. Clay Reese, North Hond, arm bruised, sawmill. Charles Frandenburg. KasUhlo, fore-arm cut, sawmill. LONDON, Juno 30. The Norweg ian ship Camhiiskcnneth, which sail ed from Portland, Ore., February 0 for Liverpool or Manchester, was sunk today by tho German sub marine U-3'J. Thirteen members of tho crew were lauded an ft eight other callors, being German sub jects, were taken aboard tho sub marine. Another Sunk. Tho Norwegian stcnmshlp OJcso, 1094 toiiB gross, was also sunk by a submarine. Tho crow landed nt North ShleldB. The vessel was sent to tho bottom by a torpedo. LOUIS r:onn it. our nluinber. !" f'Ci'utral Aveuue, Phono U5J-J. l)r. u. l.r KKlA'Y. MUNTIST t fl'hono 11J, Itoom 201. Coko bldg.j INDICT RIOTKIW ATLANTA, Ga., Juno 30. Tho Fulton County grand Jury returned indictments charg ing rioting against 20 men arrested by tho militia las Saturday la the vlclnhy of , former Govomor . Home. . . A , STRAMIRt HUN DOWN. Hotlauil-Anicrlcnu Liner Is Dam aged In u Fog. (Dr AHOclitfct Iwi to Coo. Ur TlmM. DUAL, Knghmd, Juno 30. Tho Holland-American lino steamship, Nlouw Amsterdam, having a largo number of passengers on board from New York for Rotterdam, was run down In a fog by an unknown steam er whilo anchored In tho Downs to day. Tho port quartor was damaged but tho liner Is still riding snfoly at anchor. HANS MAY DISCUSS PEACE Allies Claim J;H left (l(M)O Dead K'lii'hes r ID, o Coo D4J TlmM. PARIS, Jiipo. A newspaper dispatch fron'liens says tho ex haustion of r on tho Galllpoll peninsula Is et and leads to tho belief that tlurklsh poattlon at Krlthla will J)0 taken by as sault. It nlltluit In a recent advance by tltcnch C000 Turks were round dfn tlio trenches. r- TltKNS TAKKN p- London Clalm-toiy of Allies nt The lanclle.s (tlr AworliM lo rou Uir Tlmn. LONDON, .l:i0. All official statement of oilous at the Dar danelles aunoii' that two Hues of Turkish treij havo been cap tured east of Sf Here and tluoo lines stormed de west of that place. Leaders of Two Leading Fac tions Reported to be Ready to Consider Terms T FELIX fllAZ Federal Authorities at El Paso Are Keeping up a Search There For Him. II ARRIVES THERE IN SECRET Nephew of tho Former President Is Reported to bo at Texas City Whero LemleiM of the New Rev olution Havo lleeu (lathering til, AuoclitM Prf.s lo Coot Day Timr..l KL PASO, Texas, Juno 30. Tho possibility ot peace being consider ed soon by the lenders ot tho two larger warring factions ot Mexico and n continued search by Federal authorities for Felix Diaz, nephew ot former President Diaz, who Is reported to have reached 101 Paso secretly last night, woro tno out standing features in tho Mexican situation todny. Joso Isabol Roblcs, Minister of War in tho cabinet of formor Pro visional President (lutleroz, wns au thority for tho statement that tlio leaders of tho (wo dominant fac tious had agreed to discuss pcaco terms. AHHKKT TllltKi: MORC. GIVEN Nf OFFIGE LIKUTF.NANT (IANDKR 1IODD .MADi: II HAD WIHF.LKSH Newly Cieuted o Is That of Pacific CooMWlutciidcnt s of Nuvtudlo. Illy AiKKlit! rri.o. lly Tlmra.1 WASHINGTON C. Juno 30. Lloutonnnt Conner 13. II. Dodd was today desfod as Pacific Coust Suporlntor'. of Naval Ra dio, a now off! Ho will havo his hcndquarters;ho nnval truln Ing stutlon nt Snnnclsco. DONER S ELD CK BMISSED orricialH Tuko In Custody Men h'ged In Plot. Al- tny Anioclttel I'rfi. la Cvm tj YIuim.1 ICL PASO, Texas, Juno 30. Gen oral Mnrcolo Cnrnveo ami lku nnd Fruuk Aldorcto were nrrostod by tho Federal officials today In connection with tho alleged Iluorta plot to launch a now revolution In Mexico. They woro arraigned boforo United States Commissioner Oliver. DOCTOR TESTIFIES HARRY THAW'S PHYSICIAN ON Til 12 STAND Says Man Is Simo and Wlf AVnntod Hint Kept In tho Asiliiut tDy AMorltt TrMt to Com twy nan I NKW YORK, Juno 30. Deputy At torney General llecker today sub mitted Charles T. Mills, one of Mar ry K. Thaw's physicians to a rigid technical examination on tho mani festation of paraonla, when tho hear ing was resumed beforo tho jury. Tho witness refused tb modify his opinion that various acts In Thaw's life woro thoso ot a snno man. Dr. Mills testified that ho be lieved Thaw's wife wanted htm kept In tho asylum so that as nn tumina person ho would not bo nblo to make a will cutting her off from his fortune. DLD RO S E U.S.SUBMARINE HELD Olt ROCKS The H-3 in Fog, Strikes Bad Place and Is Wedged Bctwer. i Rocks DANGER NOW RUSHES TO RELIEF MRS. CHAMP CLAHKK tlOF.S TO AID OF VISITORS CLAIM MADi: ANNIK LARSON MA IH3 FALSI! MANIFKST Customs (Whet Kay tho Vossel Was ('iiit)Iuk Anns for tlio .Mexicans fly Aiwlted rr"t to Com tUy YtniM.) RAYMOND SWOA IS HI-JT VUKH ATjWS Clmio or Knpli! Win .Made and Also That fttlng Flr to lilvuinor '. Tiiiln Cairjlng Wedding GuestH In Doralhsl, hut No Ono In Seriously Hurt (Iiy AwocituJ Ptmi lo c?o. ny 'iiaw.J ROWLING GRI3KN, Mo., Juno 30. On tlio morning of tho wedding ot her daughter, Mrs. Champ Clnrk Jumped out or bed at tho iiowb of the derailment of a train bearing guests to tho wedding, and without waking her husband or any, mom ber or tho bridal party, organized a roller auto party composed ot her sou and a doon newspaper corres pondents and went to tho sceno of of tho uccldent. Four curs or tho .lUIXli: ('OKI! DKXIF.S WRIT OF HKVIKW SOUtlHTi i Harlocker Road Can Now bo Im proved SI mo .tho Litigation Is Ruded. COQUILLH, Juno 30. Tho Har locker road casu which has been hanging lira hero for a long time was finally disposed of yesterday whon J ml go Coko dented the writ of review sought In behalf or Tom Mold. Jt seoms that tho road viewers al lowed Mohl $200 tor right ot way for straightening out tho Coqulllo Myrtle Point road and eliminating tho steep grade, This was at the rate of $1,000 per aero but Mohl claims that tho IbsB ot the right ot way danmges tho bulanco ot his property. This will onablo tho Immcdlatu Im provement ot tho road, much to tho gratification ot nutolsts. RILL IS NOW DEAD F,Mi:H(!l2NOY CURRI3NCY LAW PASSIM OUT RY LIMITATION Put Grout Amount of Money Into Circulation When tho War Trouble Started (Dr Auoclitfel rrtu lo Coo. Hay Tlra'i. WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 30. Tho Aldrlch-Vreoland oniorgoncy cur roncy law, uutlor which near 4, 000,000,000 was put Into circula tion during tho first days of stress of tho Kuropeau war, died nt mid night by Its own limitation!). Cur rency expansion ami contraction hereafter will bo taken caro of by tho Federal Resorvo System. Monitor Cheyenne Sends Word Help Will be Needed to Float the Submarine Again ACCIDENT AT POINT SUR Is Ouo Hundred nnd Fifty Miles South of Son Francisco With Other Submarine Wns on Her Way to San I'l'iinrlsco tlly AtiociittJ I'm to Com ny TlmM.) SAN FRANCISCO, Juno 30. Tho United States submarine H-3, wedg ed boiccu two rocks off Point Bur, 150 miles south of hero, is In no Im mediate danger according to a wire less today from tho steamer Har-' vard. Tho Monitor Cheyenne, a siibmarlno tender, reported sho needed assistance to got tho H-3 Into hi' to waters. The submnriuo Is not submerged. Sho went ngrouud last night In a fog whtlo on her way with tho II-l and 11-2 ami tho convoy Clieycnno from San Diego lor San Francisco. iSS GL ID DAUflHTKH OF CHAMP CLARKI3 .MAHRIRD TO KIUTOK PARIS, Juno S-Thu charges of I..i ftttrttwl Mu'nlifl IIUIHIIMHI'K IIL'llllllI IIIUIIU iiw . ! voniin -... - ti.i,.....,. p. AHmh tifiuuntlifrtr frit 111 SWATTLH, Juno::0.-Thohchoon-dlli who claims mvo been born - h - """" '." cr Annlo LarBon. which cleared rrom , Snll KronclsIII bo dropped, . " tlio rallB at Curryv lie. nono Sa ."logo tor 'Topolobampo. Mex- lS;,uUt Varll Bas. as no I jC Urn passeiigers were n j d al- Ico, with a cargo or ririos and am- rtr0ll l)VdencokulU developed, j H'ough all wero badly Blmkoll up. miiultlou, which nrrlvcd at lloqiitiiu T10 t.,argos or responsible for Washington, ycBterday shoit of wat- tho fro uboard learner La Tour-, OII( ,s N() hmm or and provisions, wns being held uno uUeady luij-cn dismissed, j today by tho ciiBtoins officials pond- J siuvailN i-n Water ami Flrt Now lug an Investigation of tho mnnlf-sst ! TluvateiiH Itandoit filed with tho customs otiico in nan Diego. Tho charge against tho vov , sel Is that sho filed u false muni- ' . feat. Tho captuln says a miporcargo took charge or the ship uHor alio loft San Diego, and Instead of tho vessel proceodlng to Topolobainpo, sho endeavorod to trunsfor ho." a-go to tho tanker Muvorlck ofr tho coast or Mexico, but failed to locate tho Maverick. ..HKAT WASFI3IP 11V ALL TOU.W t WILL Pit IIUTTOX t -r- (lly AmocUI4 I'l"" "' Tloiw.) CORNISH II., Juno 30. P.-osldeVilhon will nross tno in iuiiiviiu" . Thu sinking of a scow of oil Hint llelongod to tho dredgu Seattle anil O Hie subsequent oozing of tlio fluid 'until It spread over tho bay of Hun- , dca and then us tho tldo went down formally ope tho Wilson lencused tho pilings of tho wator . .."... .1... uuti I. ti. lil lnvnf of heavy Ul lliw mm. - ;i,uill " ...v. .-, -. -- . oll now puts that city In a precar- I loua position as regurds tho easy starting of a fire, according to Prof. Richards, who has Just returned i from there. A man lias been placed on wutiih along tho waterfront, ho said, Ui - i a . I .,... iimt no blu.o Is started, Now w - - - -.. .. - Day colobri Frumlsco riltlon. Tho PreBldent i) early today und went inovgr for u round of ujn tho Durt- niouth Colllnks. TD BE TRIED KUPIIHMi: COURT (JIVHS DKCIS- ION IN RAIHA CASH ' Tho heat was folt moro to day than any day this year. Tho temperature, according to tho weathor observer, reached 78 degrees during tho day but It seemed much hot ter. There was a general de mand tor cooling drinks at the soda fountains and ono restaurant served Iced tea, a hot climate boverago that Is seldom even used In this lo cality. ! TRADi: ll-H'H IS WJN HISTORY JUy AoUi. i Cu IK, Tlmw.l WABIIIIsN'. J""0 a0 Official ijncement of the greatebdo baluure In tho natloiiJlstory moro than a dollars for the currentr ending at midnight, tmdo lodtty the Deparl or Agrieul ture. It r-l hy nearly $400.000,Uhe best pre vious reco tho oil oft tho pilings. Some havo oen suggested tho heuvy use or soap and fresh water. It is said that tho raising and lowering of tho tides ur yet havo had little effect. There has Just arrived In Ratidon, In tow of thn gasoline schooner Tillamook, tlio second government scow turned out by the St. Johns Shipbuilding Company near Portland. Tlio scow has a capacity of 300 tons. This will bo used in tho bulldluif of tho breakwater at tho entramo of tlio harbor, Hovitnoh That of Umer (Joint and Casu .Must ('omo. Hack lo (,'oon Couluy. Among the decisions handed down by tho Orogou Supremo Court this week was ono In tho case of Kino Rclha agulnst tho Coos lluy Coal and Fuel Company, which Is the rirm nuino of tho C. A. Smith initio. Thii caso was tried In tho Circuit Court of Coos County. Rullia claim ed dumages bocauso of Injuries re ceived when a giiB explosion occur red, at tho iiilnu. The defense claim od that ho wns hliustdr to blame, an ho hud a safety lump and railed to muko use or It. Tho Jury In tho Circuit Court returned n verdict tor the dorund unt, und thu caso was uppeulod on the Krounds that tho Instructions or tho Judge wero not right. Tho Supremo Court has now revonwd tho decision or tho Circuit Court and tho caso will come back to this comity tor trial again. HKPAIRINO DRKDfii: New Tim Oreuou Is Reached anil Planking Put In. Today tho bucket dredgo Oregon Is high and dry on tho suudy beach bolow Richard's rami on South Coos River. Workmon uro busy repair ing tho .damage of Monday night when tho dredgo struck u suag and sank near the Goodwill pluco. Netf planking Is to bo put In. It la be llovod that sho will bo again at work tomorrow. lliiudrrdH from Other States and Thousands from Missouri Atteud tho Rig Function ROWLING GUKI3N, Mo Juno 30. Miss Gonlova Clark, 20 years old, daughter of Spcnkor Champ Clark, was married at tho homo of her parents horo lato this afternoon to James N, Thompson, editor of tho Now Orleans Item. Hundreds of guests rrom other states and thou sands from Missouri camo to attond tho wedding. Throngs Attend To peoplo or Missouri, Speaker Clark Issued a blnnkot Invitation, nnd so great was tho throng Hint took him at bin word Howling Green could scarcely hold them. To provldo quar tors tor hundreds whom the towns people could not entertain, sleep ing cars woro sldo tracked In tho lo cal railroad yards. Married on I Jinn Tlio woddlng Is to tako placo on tho lawn or "Honoy Shuck," Speakor Clark's homo. For weeks, wedding presents havo been pouring In. PresN dent Wilson sent silver compotes. Tho Missouri congressional delegation a silver flower basket three fcot high. Congress sont a diamond necklace. Tlio newsboys and papor carrlors ot tho New Orleans Rom sont a sliver tnblot6n facslnillu ur tho first page or thu'ltum. Town Decorated Tho entire town was gaily decora ted. Among tho wedding guests nro Henry Wutterson, Norman B. Mack, Congressman Mann, Republican Leader ot tho llouso, Colonel Georgo Horvoy, state governors, and scores ot mouthers of congross. PLANS TO BE READY SOON Coiitructnix Husy Figuring on Pow ers School Housti Plans Ready About July loth. f Plans for tho new sclioolliouso at Powers will probably bo completed by July 10, according to Architect W. 8. Turplu, who has chargo ot thu work. It will bo at least 10 Jnvs after that dttto hoforo btls I will bo opened ror the bulldiug. Many contractors are unxious to bid, stated Mr. Turplu and ho bu lloves that at least 16 will seek tho work. At the present time, ho 1 also muklng plans tor a concrete sldo walk on Sherman avenue In North llrnd lor Charles Winsor, ) 3 Simpson and O. U Ryler. Time will bo HI foot ot sidewalk which' will bo H feet lu width. NOT1CIJ All thoso nUhlng Fourth of July Concisions should see roe iwHwdUt oly nnd get locations, us they are I going fat. 1 . HumiM, Chairman Concho CuwwMt i: 4 i. .HI S sfi r n TT .nemvwm fr- tic -J mrtiffliMWnflT'VT''" '