'&-z'z:J jgve got 'emjajkjng. , Who? THE Sim 31 7. L mini r ii i .. i ii i Mii.iiiiKri rfBHHfc i h hi . .. ntnn flit. MaMllMMWHKlhEM jWfcMUWB, WAH8HHELP. OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE Why Everybody, including the merchants And What aro H'cy talking about? ' Our Prices! , fine brother merchant gvom tnw ,, l. ... fcffl0' !!!fi.SuS."N wiw bcL0,sTe U-eare nmy uu.uwnio COSI SHOWS mip nhilih. u.. i:tis! 29, 1915 EVENING EDITION. .-Wy mtmm REVITIB5 right, tor we are wining to sell goods all the time for ffi prices that we are getting and all we S Kh K Land you can depend on it that the PRICES ARE RIGHT and that you will not need to sri ? ELW order to buy your groceries as cheaply as fl. Z Z. "' (ItlrTPTIn.i V.""V-IU Ull tUXIJ TIDES MT"."n ,1n(1 "eight, of titles nt Jrdor ifeW- The t,,les aro Placed ?n .m, ,Lr..?HSrcnco' wh their times 'second lluo of each day : a Mr! i ,on' California, a short distance from iipi Ji00."."".'8 helRhl8 will In- snn vVr;- ;V.-.ueA.u Is "'sh or low iak'h Officer Coining. T. E. J)an- eis, uistrlct Deputy Grand Exalted Killer Is expected In this evening or tomorrow morning from Medford and tomorrow night will meet with me Kika In an Initiation and busi ness session. It has been two years since ho visited here. Clias. Thorn's Plans n Is an nounced that Chas. Thorn, proprietor or. tno North llend brewery. Is erect Ing an $80,000 brewery at Plcasnn- erwhat the other merchants may have to sav . S ' Uember that we will be sclllnn I S!l fS!,uJ"8' olir own business. We find that this bZ ! the time. ""''-" Tay d" WE ARE CLOSING OUR DOORS Tnruv at , O'CLOCK and will be closed all day tomorrow aril Jin be onen July 1 on a strlotlv oash haJi. SiVJ1.1 orders out C. 0. D. ,u' olT,mj 'JI,one We want to see you, as we know thnt um ..,:n i ilually benefitted. .,. UB mu- Tliese are some of our mentor nAn i i. ,. over and compare them with what vnn ha,, i,on J ?' and then come in and see, ' y '"b For the canninri sMsnn Mason, quarts, all comolote. cans nnri mhir, ,i, o. Mason, pints, all commote, cans nnri rNhho'j'1 ; Mason, o-gal, all complete, caps and rubbers', doz! 87c , , , economy Jars. Quarts, compete with caps and clamps; perdoz,, $1.10 rim, oummeiu wmi uups ana ciamps; per doz 93c One-halt sal,, Como ote. cans nnr-l rinmnc a-, m -- Jelly Glasses, (Perfection,) 8 oz per dozen '' 28c Parowax, four 1-4 lb, cakes, reg, 20c: our micn""i9n Guittard's Chocolate, three-pound can 80c Dry Salt Meats (Fine for seasoning nr- nnim7ioin Coal Oil, in bulk, per gallon igD Eastern Lard, 10-lb, can, (PurrO i en Olive Oil, per quart, (Imported,) "."."."".".".".".".".. 70c And these are some of our specials for the opening day and we will run something' special every Tuesday and Saturday. Watch for them and save monev bv takinn arkan. tage of them. ' Carnation Milk, per dozen 90c Per case of 48 cans, 4 dozen Vq ai Standard Tomatoes, per can "" 7c Curve-Cut Macaroni, 4 pounds for .., "25c Our price list will be out soon. Wait for it. ' J??,,a.!, 'Gmarkinci our entire stock and this will mean A SAVING OF AT LEAST 10 TO 15 PER CENT. Remember, we will be open July 1 and then will be ready to serve you better than ever. Come and look over our SPECIALS and our regular prices. We save you money. GETTING'S CASH GROCERY North Broadway. Phone 394. water. IHMi l.1 ... .. b ul hour an,, ti n;,nuteufl"oaoran ni""1.8, d' P Norlh Da 3C nlu. .-. vuiur Ulan nl Ainrsuflelu. I-rnnclsco, and will have It ready for operation by tho first of the year when the Oregon prohibi tion law will close his Coos Hay brewery. The buildings of the North 28Hrs..2.05 9.29 Pt...C.l l.o 29Hrs.. 2.S5 lo.U Pt...C.t l.o 30)Urs.. 3.45 10.58 Ft...C.4 O.C 3.30 4.4 4.2C 4.G r,.io 4.7 13ond brewery will be occupied by an J,Ju Ice plant. 1.9 I 10.19! l.S 11.14 l.C i -: , i: wi-vriiKii ix)iu:cast wi:.Tiii:it fohkcast tDr Auoclitnl rrm to Coot Dtj Tlnn 1 OUL'COX Fair, northerly winds. LOCIL TKSH'iUU-vTURH HECOllD For the 24 hours ending nt 1.43 a. m., Juno 29, by llonj. Ostllnd, special government meteorologist: Maximum GO Minimum -.0 At 4:13 a. m ni Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnro Sopt.'l, 1914 G7.2C Precipitation same period last year GG.43 Wind Northwest, clear. CIoms IMIiniitc Dennis McCar thy made his report to tho Coos County couit on tho stumpago cut off the Boutin tract. Ho had esti mated 13,200,000 on the 14C acres cut over by Swayiyp Hoyt but their books showed It to bo about 14,000,000, tho lncrcaso probably being due to tho growth In tho five years since ho had cruised tho tract. Tho county court Is taking steps to force Frnnlc Uoutln to pay about J4G.000 In back taxes. J PERSONAL MENTION 4$ JUDGE K. D. SPmtKY of Coqullle Is a Mnrshflela bilslnebl visitor. stage run through Myitle Point to Hoseburg. J. F. WENDUNO, tho tlo magnate, enmo over from Myrtle Point yes terday on business. Ho Is n neph ew of Geo. X. Wemlllng, the Weed lumber mngunte. RAYMOND E. HAKEK. came over from Coqullle yesterday to con fer with the Catching inlet school district officials concerning the consolidation recently voted. GUY TOmtEY returned to his posi tion In tho Swayno & Hoyt camp nt Deavor Hill yesterday nftor spending Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Torroy. MHS. X. E. AUCHAMUEAU, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Pen nock, expects to leavo tomorrow for her homo In Vancouver, Wn., Mrs. Pcnnock greatly. having lccovered ,V. E. MORTON of North llend was a Marshfleld visitor last evening. He says that tho sewage sys tem work has North llend streets cut up worse than they have been In a long time. I BORN NELSON To Mr. and Mrs. A. E. "Nelson, First Addition, Sunday Juno 27, 191C, n boy. Tho mother and son aro getting along nicely. Cut Auto Kate. Tho auto stago rate from Marshfleld to Kosolmrg has been reduced to $7 and thoro wcro rumors today thnt It might bo reduced to ?G. Goch to Wedding. Wm. Kaiser of tho Hauscr & Hauser company has gone to Spokann to attend the mar riage of Kennoth Hnuser and Miss Porter tomorrow. W. E. PIKD of tho Myrtle Point sec tion is In Marshfleld on business. HEnnERT ARM8TRONG was n vis itor hero last ovonlng from North Rend. F. 0. LESLIE Is over hero today from Coqulllo calling on tho trado. ROBERT STEINLEICHNER was among the Tomplotou -visitors hero today. DR. MINOUS wns called to Beaver Hill this morning on a profession al visit. FRED KRUSE was In tho city yes terday from hie home on Isthmus Inlet. MR. KEMP arrived hero last evon Ing from Cuba to Join his wlfo and sou for n few days visit be foro proceeding to their homo In Oklahoma. Mrs. Kemp was form erly Miss Mnudo Painter. B. E. WELCH, of tho Chandler Ho tel, answered tho call of tho sum mer time yesterday and took a little vacation Jaunt out to Rose burg going with Oliver Kophart In his auto Btage. Ho Is expected back ngain today. W. F. HENDRICKS, formerly ciibIi ler of tho Myrtle Point bank hut who was compelled to rctlro to Ms ranch on accout of his hvnlth was hero last night. Ho has nine cows and Is fixing up his ranch In fine shupe. Ho snyB his health Is considerably Improved. JUDGE E. D. SPERRY Is a visitor horo today from Coqullle on legal business. Has Dinner Pnrly. Dr. Gcorgo W. Lcsllo was host at a dinner imrty Sunday evening at tho Chandler Ho tel, having as his guests Miss Alice TIckoll, Mrs. F. E. Whoolor and her friend Mrs. Davis who Is hero visit ing from Kansas. The Noble Theater A pleasant place to t-pend the evening This theater has been leased to the Fourth of July Com mittee for tonight. ( 1 COME AND VOTE FOR THE GODDESS OF LIBERTY. WHO WILL WIN IT? Splendid selection of photoplays and four big home talent vaudeville acts. Admission, adults, 25c; children, 15c. Tomorrow night The best Paramount production ever shown in Marshfleld. One of America's greatest stage plays, "Rose of the Rancho," in five reels of pic tures. Regular prices. Friday night: Charlie Chaplin in "The Champion." A packed house is assured. It's a winner. Several added attractions for the Fourth of July. Hero Willi Bride. Thayor Grimes and brldo arrived hero today from 'New York, via San Francisco, whore , they were married a few weoks ago. iThntp lintwlanmn tmw linmn nt RnnHi Twelfth and Flanagan was all In readiness for them. W. B. PIKE, of tho Myrtlo Point Milling company, la hero today on legal business. J. R. QUICK, ox mayor of Coqulllo, was nmong tho business visitors hero yesterday. A. E. KRUSE came ovor last even ing from Bnndon and Is hore to day on business. MISS SHIRLEY PETERSON and hor brother Russell Peterson wore visitors hero today from Haynos Inlot. j Rents Store. Mrs. Mary J. Elrod ' who recently closed out her mil linery store on North Front street' has leased tho loom In the Russell I block on Central Avenue, recently ' vucated by L. L. Thomas, and will start a new storo there soon. n. BANDEL and wlfo aro moving In to tho residence at Third and Cen tral which was recently vacated by W. A. Reld. DR. JUNE MARTJN Is expected to return next weok from Boone, Io wa, whero she was culled by tho Illness of her mother. FRED KRUSE returned -InBt ovon lng from Coqulllo where he was called as n witucsa In the Hntcher Stlllwoll case. Owing to n misun derstanding ho did not get tncro until r:30, after the final argu ments to tho Jury bad been begun. WAYNE PAINTER and his two sis tern will leave Friday for San Francisco to Join their paiuulH, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Painter who havo Just retiirnod there from a visit In Oklahoma. They will tako the Painter auto to Sail Fran-1 cIsco and tho family will return overland about July in. ARCHIE KJtUSh) camo over from Bandon yestorday on business. He has not yot chosen a site for tho mill which ho recently bought on tho lower Coqulllo and has tilt tho machinery boxed up at Bandon. Ho Buys that tho wind blow more sovorely at Bandon Sunday than ho vor experienced. Flvo differ ent auto stage linos aro now run ning out of Bandon and tho travel between Coqullle nud Bandon h nearly all by auto, the boats running almost empty. Millie, Id quart fur VI. 00. HoliucN Dairy, PIkm -IXl-.l Xoitli Bend Labor. Contractor Sanberg of the North Bend sewago ' system today adjusted tho recent ' labor muddle by putting a consider able numbor.ot North Bond laborers to work. Many of thoso put to work Koro men ho let out tlm first of the I v.etk when his Imported crew from rtutland went to work. J NEW TODAY t filnrt Opening; Stiet. Workmen stnrted yestorday with the first work toward the opening of Ander son Avenue between Third and Fourth streets. This project Is In the hands of Johnson and Larson who at present aro doing what fill I Ing Is necessary to bring the street FOR HL'XT Reasonable riiiiiisiicu t0 t10 OVol of Fourth. Following o r't CAM! aviii i.i....... .1.1L- "euosrnplior'B desk with ouk chalr. Retails nt , $00.00. Prac tically your own pilco If taken t0(to. Inqulio '"A," Times office. 5-room flut with bath, on North Front street. Key ut Johnson (lulovsen's. FOR REXT 0 room house, 1102 Elrod Ave. this tho streot Is to bo planked. MRS. IRVING CHANDLER expects to leave Thursday on the Nuun Smith for a two months visit with her parents In Sacramento. , BIG CROWDS AT AUCTION SALE J. C. KENDALL went up to Pow ers this morning on a business visit though he also took his rod along with several hooks. W. II. STULL, road supervisor of dls trict No. 33 came down today from Allegany to got lumhor for a bridge across Murlnw Creek. O. P. COSHOW and A. N. Orcutt, two prominent attorneys of Rose burg, aro horo today In connection with an equity court hearing, Apply fom SALE :i liinrn iriirlm!!!) cans, Jlniost now, $G.OO Phono 37C-J. F " "'TI:d To oveliuiiKC, u't t''" IiaSo and two lots In Toppenlsh ,Vr resldoiieo In Miirshf oh . or 'i'" soil for cash 'S3.ri0. Dan ,(caltj Conniniiv. Tnnnonisll. Wash ,..,,,, (-- , FOR REXT Xlco Bedroom In ii I vato family. Apply 3G2 First St. J North. I FOR RUNT Small modem fur nished bungalow. Phone 183-J FOR SALK Sew hU loom house and well Improved lot on graded street near high school $1100. I. S. Kaufman & Co., 222 Cen tral Avcinuo. i , ,$ t WANItU 444.? ! f - AAAAA ?""'"' "I.... !... FOR RENT 'CvR llfmc. I'.m..(..... ...... a nnllllllpli'. Piano anil rawIiii? machine, not I' Plicated for price 236 2nd Crt. W. B. HAMMITTE, of Roseburg, camo over last evening and is to day one of tho defendants In u hearing in the equity court. I WAXTIJD flood wiusaBo maker at once, v., WAXTKD Young Inily would like place to work at ouce. Address "E" care Times or phono 202-L TITLE YOUR NEGATIVES WHEN YOU EXPOSE THEM ' If It Isn't an JliihtJimu It Isn't a Kodak. If II'h Aulcigiiiphlc It's uii Kustniiui. "TKe Owl" THE KODAK STORE Vrank 1. Colinn, The Central Avenue Drug Store HERMAN FI8K, who with L. T. Matthews, Is taking ou: ties on the Matthowu property on South Inlet, was In tho city yestorday for a visit. m J. C. Penney Co. NEXT DOOR TO MARSHFIEL1) POST OFFICE ORKATEST SHOE VALUES EVER OFFERED Thai's vvhntiuniioKlvhur every day nt this l,hr busy storo anil they are all new Nl.or, son,,, received Sntuitlny. Ton ale not got thiK old oiil.of-dati' foot-wear If ym tiny them at THE .1. C.PEX- i'.i oiciiii;. TUIIX YOl' Bt'V THEM FOR Children's Soft Soles, itte, Hie Children's hnrd solo shoes, 1 to 3 she c, clllc, Hllr Children's hard soles In pat ent top, vicl, gunmolnl, but ton; sizes 2 to n 11 Hl)c, DHe Misses' shoes thnt wear and aro worth from 2fic to dOc more; C4 to s TOc, 80, OHe, !i 1 ,:i Sizes 8Vj to 12 ..St.!!.1?, ijll.ll), ?.(), 9 .)H liases Shoes In patent leath er button, vlcl but., gun metal button. Thoso shoes aro all leather; no pnper or composition. They nre really worth one-third r.iore. ..JjU-71), $1,81), $1.1)8, 9li.i UrlRlnnlar ..3&7Z7t0U-(9Cr ... .... J Interptrattd S ui jajw i-riccs Into BrT77 r..tAt'-u-fc).jj? ESS. Boys' oboes, good solid all leather, Just tho thing for ovnry day or dress wear, 8 to 1- $1.11), $1.08 12Vj to 2. This lino Is h dandy nud they nro worth from r,0 to 7fic more on every pair ..$1.00, $1.80, $1.1)8, $iJ..10 2!A to r,H.... $1.1)8, $a.) Jlen'a dress shoes, from $l.8 $u.lo, $2.1)8, $:mm, $:t.r,o. Men's work shoes, $2.4(), $2.70, $ii.08, $:.2.i, $:i.r,, nli $.i.8 Ladles' shoes, the latest out.. ..$1.01), $1.1)8, $2.2.1, $2.11) Tho cloth-tops, pat. vnmps, button or laco $2.10, $2.(10, $2.08, $:j.2.1 Wo lead Others Follow If you want a safe and sane celebration buy a Kuppenheimer Suit which will make you absolutely safe, and no one can possibly question your sanity. Suits from . , . $15 to $25 Crossetts Shoes $5.00 to $6.00 Silk Hats at 50c (In red, white and bluo.) Others $1.50 to $3.00. Soft and Laundered Shirts, ail the new patterns and styles from 50o to $3.00 Underwear, in unions and separate garments; the best the market affords, from 50c to $5.00 THE FIXUP Where the price is always right. Marshfidld :: :: :: :: :: North Bend SIX ROUSING SPECIALS AT THE FAIR FOR WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Children's Black Milan Silk Hose, fast color, full seam less, sires 4M to 6; wear as good as any 25c 4 nr hose. Now, per pair l"l Bias Tape, best quality, white or black, 12 yard nc pieces. Reduced to, per piece I Boys' good quality Blouse Waists, pretty patterns, n percales and Chambrays, values to 35c; now ' $1.75 and $2.00 Thompson's Glove-Fitting Cor-M ?jr sets, various new styles, all sizes. Reduced to $ ' 6 J Boys' two-piece Wash Suits, new styles 69o and 98o 75c and 65c beautiful bungalow aprons, made of oqr ginghams and percales, extra long and wide. Spec.JJL TOM OUSTAFSON brough threo pas sengers from Scottsburg to Alle gany last night where they wero met by tho Cadillac and brought to Marshfleld. H. U CRAWFORD and wifo will ar rive home tomorrow from Sabotho, Kas. where they were called by the Illness and death of Mrs. Craw ford' mother. JOE LAIRD was over here yes terday from Myrtle Point getting things la readiness for tho auto RED CROSS JEWELRY IIAIK.'AIXK PROVi: ATTRA(vli()X 1X)LR ' PHIZES AWARDED YESTERDAY, Tho auction salo of tho $13,000 jowelry stock of the Red CrosB which! ; opened yesterduy Is proving u great success. Tho storo was thronged yes-i torduy afternoon uud again last even-1 Ing and the selling was lively. i Auctioneer It. M. Harding, who Is, In charge of the sale, by his fairness) ami courtesy, banked by tho guar antee of every article by the Red Cross, has Impressed all with the great opportunity. The auction dif fers from the ordinary sale In that as far as possible, Mr. Ilurdlug fol- lows no fixed order In disposing of special llncH but offers whatever any one may ask for. Yesterday's Hales wore large and tho prices unusually low. Before, starting tho sale of tho urtlcle, Mr. Harding announces the regular re tall price, und the quality of the I goods so that there Is no misunder standing as to Its valuo. i Special prizes are being a wauled Yestorday .Miss Spento Wilson, Mrs. i L. M. Noble. Miss Bess Flanagan and Mr. Vlueanip received the four prWea awarded. The unctions will continue at 2.30 and 7.30 each day until tho object or the salo, the reduction of stock end the raising of ready money, are attained. Jewelry, china, cut glass, toilet sundries, ect., ure Included In tho big sale. Satisfaction AlvvnjH or Money Refunded "THE FAIR" Next cloUr to Chandler Hotel 9E I JOHNSON GULOVSEN COMPANY Sellers off Quality 5j Home Furnishings that beautify, that please and give you service with out extra cost -to Call BASCOM BROTHERS MESSENGER SERVICE PHONE 420-R Messages or parcels delivered to any part of city 10c Quick response to all calls; Office 355 North Broadway WHY? WHY? ,WJIY',' Why buy tho LEFT OVERS auywheru when you cat) buy from tho owner, the FIRST CHOICE LOTS, In tho FIRST ADDITION to MARSHFIELD. Oregon, for original cost, plus tuxes and Interest! Your owu tonus. I havo bought a ranch and need money to stock the farm. Wrlto mo today, SNAP. Prices will advance soon. MEiaS J. CAMPBELL, Box 10, Derrick, Idaho. - FOR TRANSFER AXD STOR AGI1 OF HOUSEHOLD CJOOIHJ FREIGHT AXD HAGGAGK Call mmmnmmmm: FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono 10;i Residence Phone 13-J Market Ave, and Waterfront !L 1 1 '' J 4 5 A It wt it., w". a'" ' - mil 1 - w ii a . "u,il,aS- vVftSe. iWi j ' y tw