WW?11 - rTHE dOOS BAY TIMES.' MARSHHELO, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1915-EVENING EDITION. ... i"t p "j'ii.i ;'!i. "m I'lil H If ti I I tlCOOSBAY TIMES tf. O. MALONEV, JCditor nnd Tub. DAN K. 1MALONEY, News Editor Coos Hay boy who doesn't worry Ills mother every dny in Iho year la n greater freak. Official Pnpcr of Coos County Official Pnpcr City of Marsliflcld. Entered at tho Postoff Ico at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through the mnlls ns second-class mall matter. SUUSCRIPTION HATES DAILY. Ono yoar JG.00 For month G1 WEEKLY. Ono year . f 1.G0 When paid strictly in ndvnnco tho subnet Ipt Ion ptlco of tho Coos Hay Times is f 0.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. If you nro going to get married, why not get married on a Friday, or on tho 13th of tho month? Then you will have something to blamo It on. FOREST CASES UP FOR A HEARING An Independent Republican news paper, published every evening ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by The Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY T1J1ES. AMERICANIZATION DAY IT 13 nn Inspiring Idea, that of in corporating ns one of tho feat urea of tho coming Fourth of Ju ly cclobrntlon a welcome- to nat uarallzed American citizens nnd res ident nllens. Coos Day's celebration will then becomo part of tho nation wldo "Americanization Day" Idea. This Is in every way n most commendable movement nnd In tho lino of making tho Fourth of prac tical ethical lvalue. It will restore something of tho essential signifi cance of tho dny. Never, porhaps was thero a more fitting tlmo for demonstrating tho unity of tho American people, wheth er native or naturalized citizens, whether descended from genera tions of Americans or tho children of immigrants. Nover has thero been n tlmo when this unity needs em phasizing and tho dignity of Amer ican citizens needs to bo realized moro. Coos Bay docs well to Join this great patriotic movement. DAILY ADVICE Girls! If you want to bo Juno brides you'll have to hurry. O.nly one moro Juno day this yoar. Thero Isn't much romance In hav ing n sunny disposition for you don't go mooning around. Yi: JITNEY. There went forth a man ono bright June day Ills steps wero brisk, ho sure felt gay. Ho was thinking hard, ho did not sec When Goo! GooJ there came a little Jitney. It struck him hnrd; It struck him fair, And some said ho tried to tread tho air. A call in hasto for doctors three. Where did ho land? Seo Wil son, F. E. W. D. C. HocrnI Coos County Men Concern ed In Controversies Rcgnrd lug Use of Public Lands Hearings nt tho Land Office of tho contest cases botween tho For est Service nnd settlers within tho boundaries of tho rcservo wore con tinued. Thoso whom tho Forest Sor vlco Is trying to prevent from acquir ing titles nro: Fred II. Garrett, Hy mnn S. Krlbbs, Georgo Lalngor, William llerry, Georgo 11. Guorin. Jr., Jnmcs McCloskcy, nnd David II. McNalr. Tho Forest Sorvlco Is bas ing its contention on tho allegation tlint tho homesteaders hnve not com plied with tho law, while at the same time making It nn Issue that they settled on tho lands previous to tho establishment of the reserve. A man usually reels as good as his stomach. In WILL HELP NORTH HEX!) THE: Simpson Lumber Company has announced that It will con tlnuo operations for another lx months nt least. Tho mill was opened for nn experimental period of sixty days with tho Intention of continuing It If It could bo mado to pay at this tlmo. Tho orders have boon given to continue for another six months. This means a If It wasn't for the wcathor half tho pcoplo on Coos Day wouldn't hnvo a blamo thing to tnlk about to tho other half. And speaking of tho weather, It "was a glorious day, now, wasn't it?" This Is tho truth that now I toll, And I think you will hold so; When n Coos Day girl thinks she's a bello She sure likes to bo tolled so. The Coos Day good fellow who spends tho early portion of his lifo burning money usually spends the latter portion of his life sifting tho nBhcs. Tho reason a bachelor is so par ticular about wearing sox that do not wrlnklo about his ankles Is be- great deal to North Dond. It means cnuso after ho is married his big that about 2'-!C men aro assured worry will bo to get a pair of of steady work in that city, that 'socks without holes In them, tho mill and two logging camps will i he he for ono .a living. I tun continuously and that the two Every Coos Day man knows steamers of tho company will ply i could make himself famous if regularly from North Dend. The i wasn't so blnmo busy working Slmpion company is a large and that it intends to operate right along Is a big help to North Dend. ' If it camo to a show down there ' nro some Coos Day people who wouldn't have the nervo to preach WITH THE TOAST' :.whM tbey pracl,ce- AND THE TEA t ? GOOD EVENING Civility Ih u charm that attracts tho love of nil men; and too much Is better than to show too little. Ilishop Homo. When n Coos Day woman tells her husband that she has some thing she wants to talk to him about sho usually means that she wants to talk to him nbout some thing sho hasn't got. THE SUN DREAM I dreamed o' tho shadows on tho Sun And hero's what my Sun-Dream said: "He's shndln' his eyes In tho saddened skies So ho won't seo tho world go dead! He's scon enough o' tho cruel war, Where they know not wlmt they nro flghtln' for! Tlioy'vo taken u world battleground, for their Another mystery is how a thin girl can cat six squaro meals u day and grow thinner and how n fat girl can eat two chocolates nnd gain four pounds. A Coos Day woman can Imaglno that sho is saving money because sho hns everything charged and douan't ask her husband for soino coin every morning. If you hnve no wife to Interrupt you, you will, ordlnnrlly, bo ublo to finish tho story you stnrt to tell. If you nro crazy enough tho peo plo will tnko you seriously. iii.i.p! They're making u world o' sighs, i if real asslstnnco you enn lend, 1 1 ..... ii. .... i .. i " Heathen bands Of tho ravaged lands, Like God bad led the skies! Tho stars look on fiom tho fluids of space, Or shrink In shauiu before God's faco. For men nro dying and women weep O'er orphunod homes and drear, And holy shrines In tho battle lines Are wind-blown ashes there. Earth's hopo and fnlth and Heav en's sweet trust Trampled now in the hattlo's dust- Frank L. Stanton. Glvo quickly and glvo twice, Hut you can't aid a hnrd up friend Hy hnndlng lilm advice. Your hnrd-up filend will thank you then, Full many u time nnd oft, If you'll obllgo him with n ten And so let him down soft. LOl'IS GOItll Is our plumber. Central Aenuo. Phone i.31-,1. Dr. H. E. KHLTY, DENTIST- Plume U'J-.T, Doom HOI. Coko bldg. MANY MUSICAL AFFAIRS AT THE EXPOSITION llciirllf Gjerdruni Writes The Times Interestingly of Concerts and Musical Matters SAN FRANCISCO, Juno 2.1, 101 ii. Editor Coos Rny Times: I nm writing n few Hues nbout Musical affairs which I hnve hnd an "opportunity to attend while here, thinking that these might prove In teresting to my friends In Coos Bay. Tho Exposition offers, In a musical way, many advantages nnd I have been greatly benefitted by my stay here. On Juno 4th I heard n grand con cert in tho Civic Auditorium by tho Norwegian Choral Union of 800 voices nnd the Luther Collego Con cert Band. Chorus nnd band did their things splendidly. However, I could not get my enthusiasm up to any high pitch on this occasion. Tho reason was probably tho Improper ncustlc conditions of tho vnst Auditorium. Thus, tho soloist Mmo. Hcnrlkko Ohl-son-Solcm did not, in my opinion, fully reach her hearers, in splto of n highly developed soprano voice of good quality and range. Tho United Swedish singers of tho Pacific Coast gavo n concert In tho snmo Auditorium on Juno lGth, assisted by an orchestra under tho di rection of Axel PlhlBtrom. Their so loists wero Mine. Suudcltus, Mr. Gus tav Ilolmqulst nnd Mr. Joel Moss berg. Mmo, Sundcllus Is nn nrtlst of tho very highest clnss; her singing was very flno, especially noticeable was perfect breath control In hand ling of her volco of great volumo nnd beauty. Wisely, sho had chosen num bers most fitting of tho occasion, they Mvero mostly Swodlsh Folk Songs. Tho greatest event so far has been tho concert last Saturday of the great French composer, Cnmlllo Snlnt-Sacns. Ho conducted In n num ber of his own compositions, tho groat Exposition Orchestra, augmented by Sonsa's Dand. Ono of tho numbers, tho Symphonic Episode "Hall Cal ifornia," composed especially to com momorato the Panama-Pacific Expo sition, was very inspiring. Tho solo ists on this occasion wero: Miss Ada Snssoli, Harpist and Mr. Hornco Brltt Vlollncolllat. Tho conceit was ono long to bo remembered, every sent In tho largo Auditorium was filled. When tho great composer first ap peared on tho stnge, overyono In tho audience nroso, giving him hearty ovation. I shall hnvo tho pleasure of hearing this great master In an other concert tomorrow evening, In private circles I hnvo been on joying sovernl pleasant musical uf fulrs. On tho lGth I played nt nn In formal muslcnlo at tho studios of Eva and Mnrlo Wlthrow, wldoly known hero for tholr nctlvltles In muslcnl llfo. On the samo program appeared Mine. Augotto Forot, tho celobrnted Chanson singer of Paris. Another enjoyable muslcnlo. in which I hnd tho pleasuro of taking part, was given at tho studios of Mr. Ed. Clmmberlnln, of Berkeley, ro contly. All In nil, I am enjoying my stny In San Francisco very much. Tho Expo sition Is, of course, very flno. All the Stntos aro very well represented and tho Oregon Building Is indeed ono of tho most nttractlvo of them all, and I nm proud In finding tho splendid exhibits from Coos Bay there. A Joint recital to bo glvon'by Miss Soflo Hammer nnd myself In Portland has been postponed until fall. I shall return to Marshfleld about July 1st, ready to reopen my studios on July nth. , With all best wishes, I am Yours very truly, Honrlk GJer'drum t NEWS OF OREGON t $$ GRANTS PASS An informal i" cuptlon wns given for Judge Twohy nnd his sons, who nro to build the railroad from Grants Pass to Cres- ront City. ROSEUURG Tho Roseburg tenm von tho Douglas County baseball chnniplonthlp by defeating tho Ci yonvllle team. EUGENE -Tho pcoplo, of Eugene aro rliipulng for n big Fourtn of July celebration nnd hnvo nrrangol for some big attractions. FLORENCE Tho City Council has ordorgd additional sidewalks to bo built on Front, street. ASTORIA Tho Oregon Const nr tlllory hold a successful gun prac tlco with tho ten-inch guns. PORTLAND Bocauso ho risked his own llfo to savo tlint of nnother man in a minting nouso, tiioums Gavin, driver for tho Portland flro chief, will bu awarded a mednl. SALEM II. L. Kolley, of Oregon City wns elected a master fish war den by tho Stnto Commission, to have chnrge of general police duLlcu nsldo from tho hatchery wont. FREEW'ATER Rev. 13. C. Clino, recently called to the locnl Baptist Church, has assumed his duties. MILTON Tho homo of J. W. Snllng was destroyed by fire, caus ing a lossof $2000. SALEM Insurance Commissioner Wells hns Issued a warning to tho pcoplo of Oregon regarding tho dan ger of fireworks on tho Fourth. STANFIELD James M. Kylo wns elected mnnngor for this season of tho Stnnfleld Fruit Growers' Asso ciation. OREGON CITY Tho voters de feated tho proposition for n bond issuo to build n lnrger school. i&T NEUTRALITY YMwiA I 1 it"labak;"ari Tommy, you S&XIMwmiX I J call tt "baccy," so suppose, in dlmmMl I the inercsts o' neutrality, we JSmSHbS Mmm$&M all callit VELVET. , WfflmP WMBi, I II . Wtin Wi ttnlrai V,rrhmrr iCU ' EH SOCIAL CALENDAR WEDNESDAY D. M. C. Club with Mrs. Walter Russell. . Narcissus Club with Mrs. Ingle Pcderson. Prlsclllns with Mrs. L. Chrlstensen In Bunker Dill. Dorcas Club with Mrs. Gunncll on 'Catching Inlot. Mrs. W. II. Kennedy onter- tains at cards. THURSDAY North Bend 'Altar Guild with Mrs. Walter Smith. FRIDAY Thimble CJluU nil day scs- slon at Mrs. I. B. Bartlo's summer homo on South Coos ' Rivor. rHEN you ask for pipe tobacco, you too, .. i .- .l.r.rll :. CT WITT" can t do oetier man tun u v j.i- vl,i, Fragrance, "body," true tobacco taste, slow burning those are the qualities you want in your pipe. But have you had the good fortune to find them in a mild tobacco? You will find them in VELVET, the mildest, the smoothest, the coolest of smoking tobaccos. For all the well-known excellences of Kentucky's Burlcy dc Luxe arc incorjwratcd in VELVET, with that particular aRcd-in.the-wood mellowness vhich bclons- only to VELVET. 10c Tina 5 c Metal-Iincd Bags Ono Pound Glass Humidors Ccpvrioht 10U nraarawwjf issAj s""r . fieir 'mlS! I KUlMlJM13rAfJPyl'-,Mlniga",MWMJW'J""' IB "' ""'t. - ! Mtiiiwii wr-wncancarrTnjnr.i nw h1WTrTF f . I ' ill mt && m h & 3& Htm. J m 3 m -Mm W&m Ml I .rwmr. fcmfmxiA m ViJAUr.(f Tf-) ? s -' VVhi. ' 1 OR AVIk HN 't- XTvirmwrnmn i.nniiimiyiiirmJiirn nt rp?rtfT"-t.. !"" UAMnrrmrirMxwnWTrfxiwTrrj Ml rwyTVfiy MXtf j nj&Hr - Notice to Campers , To nccoinmodnto tho Rttinincr truffle wo lll opernto tho fust liont Atlantic clui'liiK tho cninplnj' bcnson. Beginning July 1 this liont villi run on tlio following schedule, dally, except Hiiudny Will Icjivo Mur.sliflcld nt -1:15 p. in., nrrhins nt Goodwill's nt 5:55 p. in., rctiiniliiK tlio next morning nt 8: IB. COOS RIVER TRANSPORTATION COMPANY FAKILBURNIIISANTA CLARA San Francisco-Eureka-Coos Bay-Portland FROM SAN FRANCISCO Norlfl BOUnd io:()0 u. in., Juno uo, :jo, .inly f, jo, ir, no, ii., ao FROM COOS BAY I'OR ASTORIA AND PORTLAND. P.M. Tide, . I lino 'JH, July I!, 7, 115, 17, -.'-, 27 FROM PORTLAND SOlltll BOUnd (I P. M., June ao, July I, 0, II, ID, '--1 nml 20. FROM COOS DAY FOR KURKKA AND SAN FRANCISCO. P. M. Tide, Juno 2 0, July 2, O. I'l, 10, 21, 20, ill. WnRTH PAniFIC STEAMSHIP CO. 'Smltli Terminal Dock. Phono JilO. y j S'PUHK, AffCllt. TR TUBS 0 TIT Weekly Sorvlco Coo, nny unci Snn Francisco. TI HIP 111 ITU Freight and Passenger Service HAII.S "ROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS .lUNr.,21), AT !:0 P. M. iay Ti i.sim', Snn Frnuclsco Office, tlOO Flfo Iliillcllnif, and Mer Number 23 .Cooc Bay Agent, O. F. McGeorqe, Phono ii. l.lhhy OOAn. Tlio kind YOU liave I ALWAYS VHVAh Phono 72. Pacific As you grow older you will find 'ry nnd Transfer Conumny, that your flxod notion of nothlnp; to see Ih tho initiation of n candidate for moniliorBhip In ' lodgo. Times want ada bring results. l.QL'IPPKD WITH WIRPJACSS Sleaigship Breakwater ALWAYS ON T1MH. SAILS FROM MARSIIFIKLD KVKRY SUNDAY DURING JUND AT 8 A. M., AND PROM PORTLAND FA'KRY THURSDAY AT H A. M. Tickets cm snlo ut Portland City Ticket Office, flth nnd Onk Streets. Pliono n5-J. H. '7. 3101 in, A Kent. INDUPRNDBNCE Races hold nt Indepondonco attracted a largo crowd of people and some closo finishes were made. Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tho most powerful, best equipped and most thoroughly modem twonty.Juch hydraulic dredgo in -Pnclflo waters Coos Bay office, , . . Main office, Marshfleld, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. J QUESTION FOR THE DAY Havo you noticed thut tho man tVlio' oporatoa on tlio theory that a Buckor is born ovory mlnuto near ly always has plenty of money? Cooling Wash Stops That Itch The Coos Day boy who doesn't love his mother is a fronk. And tho Ye---nBt in half nn limn" not 'in ten minutes but In S seconds. Juit a few drops of that mild, noath int. coollnjf wash, tho I). D. D. Pre ccrtptlon, tho famous euro for Eczema, ona the itch U gone. Your burnlncukln l.liiMlantly rellov-J end you huvo ab ttoluto proteattou from nlluuiuiuertikln troubles. Wo can tlve you a' trood lta trial bottlo of tho genuine D, V. i. Prescription for only S3 cents. Don't fall to try this famous rented for any kind of summer skin trouble, we know D, D, X wlIlHiva you lusttuit relief. Abstracts FOR REIJABLE AUSTRACTS OF T1TLU AND INFORMATION AUOUT C00S BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. SIARSHFIELD AND COQUII.T.K CITV, ORKGON OENKRATj agents, eastsidi: AND SEXGSTACKE.VS ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LANDS IIENRV SENGSTACKUN, MANAGER Red Cross Drug Storo. Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION ,GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: - :: .. Phone 180-J Times Want Ads Bring Results OCEAN BEACHLAUT0 LINE flOI'ht & KinfJ. Cms Ieno Mnilifle(l : , . . . IV. . .7 n. m.. 2 p in nnd 3 l n1. Cms lenve for Emplio ..;.,. .7 n. in., JO a in., J, 2 ""! n ' '"' Cars T.envo Sunset Rny 7 n. ni., O n ui.. an 1 3 lu"' 1'nres, lnplre, .t.'c; Tmlieel or South Slough, 3c; S"""01 "WJZ-. hiTwk Mmmm