oifafitttffijm BaHHWBHwHwWWBi " ssssssssssi SBBBBBBBBBBBBSl Statement of FLANAGAN & BENNETT,RANir5 Of Marshfield and Myrtlo Point nrl WKS At tho close of business' Jime' 191 5"' . n. t Resources, ' I oans and Discounts . . cce Banking Houses and Real Eslate" III "" eS'Jln?? Cash and Sight Exchange ;;;; g "rVrUabifc $832'910'33 Capital Stock paid in 7, nnn nn Surplus and Undivided Profit's" S Tq'SS'SS DcnOSltS Rfil'Snn fotal 683,954.00 Dozens of Savings Accounts Have Been Opened Here This Year Not all large i accounts but the smaller depositor knows he is just as welcome here. For months we have been urging the opening of a sayings account here because we want to encourage thrift and industry. J We pay interest on savings accounts. ' " You may open an account at any time in any'amount. FIRST 111 OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Sent. High Reality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Cornier 8l Hoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 Times Want Ads Bring Results Safe Thing T Tie T! OPINIONS as to when the first news DIFFER paper advertisement was AT ANY RATE NO ONE KNOWS NEWSPAPER coosIay TIMES Phone 133 , THE COOS c.cndnn t .-pooc.aiu.dj H pnntced. tsomie say aim not sheet supposed to have been published Sura 1591 and mow on file in the Bri tish Museum deserves the honor.. newspaper advertising has a wondleriruit nnsrary,, jtc m ico- dlay one olf Amencas most , important lines of business,, exactly how mudh is spent yearly in newspaper adver tising in the 21,000 papers in Amerieao Perhaps $500, 000.000. Some corpora tions spend $1,000,000 advertisinug is worth while0 Every up-to-date merchant advertiseSo BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE I " HotW ater nEszasc" -- i Your Morning Shave u o Can you name a greater boon than hot water at a turn of the faucet when you must shave in a hurry? And with the gas water heater this is one of the cheapest luxuries you can enjoy. To put up with old-fashioned water heating facilities is entire ly unnecessary now. A Gas Water Heater Does the Trick During the hot, sticky, summer days now close upon us, nothing will be more refreshing than a warm bath or a comfortable shave with all the warm water you want. Arrange now to make your home thoroughly modern. Don't put up any long er with out-of-date methods. The cost is slight, the satisfaction and comfort great. Sse us today about your water heater. 1 Oregon Read THE TIMES . on Tap for - Cliliiiitejs Fireplaces J. N. BAYLISS Any kind of brfek work at prices .that uro right. And all work guaranteed Call nt "Tho Flrcshlo," Johnson Illilg., 137 Second St. Frouch ranges, boiler work. Phono 434-J MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Plato for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial mid ll'dw'y. 1915 E MEET AT Offlclnl I'roKriini I'ltlDAV, JUIA UNI), iUin No. 1 Trot or paco, ono-halt mllo, two heats, each heat u raco, i:35 clasB, purso sjilOO No. 2 llunulng, ono half mllo, purso (.......... noow No. 3 Trot or pace, oiiOfhalf mile, best two In three heats, freo for all, purso 9SW No. 4 Novelty race, ono mllo, MO for first to quarter post, $10 for first to haU-mllo post, ?5R for first to three quarter post, $75 for flrt to mile stake ?200 (No. C Motor C)cio, & nines, $22 to 1st. $16 to 2nd....?40 SATCIIDAV, JUI.V SI, IOI.T 'No. C.Trot or paco, ono-half 1 mllo, two heats, each boat a i race, 2:36 clasi, puree... 1100 ;.'0. 7 Itunnlng, flve-olghths mllo, purso lvv No. 8 Trot or paco, ono mile, three heats, every boat a race, pune c0 No. Running, ono and onq elghth miles, for Coos and Curry County horsos only, purse 200 No. 10 Consolation raee, for all horses not finishing as good as second, purse 17 J No. ll Motocyeio race, sn jtr to 2nd, purso...? 10 to 1st, Co rower 11L "! '! DUNCAN 1 11 UNDERTAKING :i PARLORS! jflj Mill bo kept H , m oi'i:.v to the rnti.tc , H A regular htntc licensed H Bj unilei taker f III be In H BJ tllMlgO H 'H Phono 1 .".; B L 1 nidsumme c MYRTLEPDIRi 29, 1915 EVENING EDITION. RUSE DAIRYMEN "iuriTi:it sim:s iihtteh mums" SAYS PKOF. fitts Flto Fnriner'.x Picnics 0cr tTio Conn- ty Are Suit'O'isful nnil Itestilt 111 Dull-) In;; Ini)c(us , "Hotter sires anil better herds," the slogan that Professor E.U. Fltts of tho 0. A. C. dairy department, was tho slogan that Prof. K. 11. Fltts I spread through Coos County last week. Ho arrived hero on his wny to .Conallls after attending four gath erings of dairymen ami their families In Coos and Curry. "Everywhere 1 met young mon , who nro anxious to do things," ho said on his return. Tho enthusiasm with which tho now propaganda was greeted by tho dairymen was ox trcmely pleasing to Professor Fltts. Ho arrived hero too lato to moot with tho Coos Hay dairymen Inst Wednesday on tho Charles Sclnndcr ranch on Catching Inlet. Howovcr Professor Fltts did moot with thorn at Coqulllo, Myrtlo Point, down at llandou and at Lnnglols. Wherever ho went ho preached tho gospel that is essential to local da irymen. This Is his second trip hero and tho nccdB of tho county havo Impressed him. "You need good full blooded sires here," ho said and so this Is what tho dntrymcu received straight from tho shoulder. "Oct them nnd then you can build up your grado herds," ho continued, This point too was cm phazlsed and tho result, declared tho dairy expert, was tho arousal of ln torcst In tho securing of now blood for the herds. Tho largo picnics held for tho first tlmo in tho county, were mulct tho guidance of J. L. Smith, county, agriculturist, who worked for weeks In conjunction with tho cow testers of tho flvo county associations. Tho result was gratifying and It Is ex pected that tho picnics will now bo held mutually as a direct stimulation of tho dairying Industry. STATE IS OltE. AND CAL.'ltAILHOAI IiANI) MltANTTO UK DISCONTINUED Itepieentiitlei of Coiiiiiicifhil IIihIIos To Meet In Portland-l-wiil CIiiiiiiIk'I' nmy Send Helegato A state conference of repicsentn- tlvcs of tho commercial bodies of Ore ,ton noxt weok In Porllnnd Is being called by the Portland Chamber of Commerco to formulate a policy with regard to tho disposal of property In volved In tho Oregon nnd California ' Hallroad land Krant caso. On Friday . night u meeting of tho local Chamber or Commerce Is called for a consider ation of tho nmttor. Coos county Is i vitally Interested In tho movoinent as this Is tho third county, In size or I holding, that Is Involved. (icnerally tho opinion hero scorns that tho land should not revert to the I government and bo hold In n hugh national forest reserve Hy doing this tho counties In which the great I tracts nro situated would bo without the taxes oidlnarlly duo from hucIi lands. j Tho policy ndopted by tho confer I once In Porllnnd will bo referred to j tlio Oregon delegation In Congress lis 'a suggestion In tho Introduction of i bills bearing upon tho disposal or tho i case, nnd tho uffnrt will ho to get tho Oregon delegation harmoniously pledged to somo non-polltlnil pro i gram which Is regarded as tho lair- est and best Tor tlio cltizoiisiup of Orogon. No doflnlte dny has boon set for tho meeting In Portlund bccaiiBO Sen ators I.ane und Chamberlain aro both absent for a few days from Portland. A special commlttco from tlio Port hind Chamber of Commoico will prob ably bo appointed to formulate tho findings of tlio convention and placo them before tho Congressmen. $ AT TUC UOTPI Q 5 $ Chandler Hotel Frod Slaglo, Coqullle; Ceorgo Cole brook, Portland; Fred Tobben, Port land Herbert Armstrong, Noith Ilendj A. B. Kruso, llandou; J. It. Smith. AgneHs; U. F. Mnderniau, Hul- Uer, Oregon; K. Sjierry, Coiiullle; .1. F. Wendllng, Myrtlo Point; W. IF. Hendricks, Myrtle Point; W. K. Pike, Myrtlo Point S. A. Sunford, Hoseburg; 0. P. Coahow, Hoseiiurg: W. H. Huinnilte. ItosoburK; A ,N. Oroutt, lloseburB; Charlos W. Hyde, Son Francisco; V. 0. Leslie, Co qulllo. St. Inwreino Hotel A. Andoreon, Kinplre; Itobert Ves "soy, Seattle; T. (5. .Marvin. Spokano; 0. II. Jllnuliain. Handon; 0. M. Stndden, Sumnor. HIiiiki) Hotel It. M. Hau, Portland; William Michael, Powers; J. 0. Qulek. Co ciulllo: John Ulhnm. South Inlet; If. Long, llandou; H K. Clark, Co- VOLVED - - HORSES ENTERED Ilf iOI 1 . - ,3te Mvima: point expects 1 1 r.x- Tllli:s FKOM INDEPENDENCE Celebration There Not Eccted to Interfere With Iak-iiI KcMhl. tie Closes Saturday Fourteen raco horse onirics from Independence nro expected at tho Myrtlo Point raco track this wcok, according to Harry Fcnslor who was over hero yesterday. A wire was re ceived a short tlmo Tigo, ho said, and It Is probable that tho animals will bo brought hero for this week, later taken to tho fair In ltosohurg and then out to Salem for tho state fair. For two days tho Declaration of Indcpondnnco will bo celebrated at Myrtlo Point, Bald Mr. Fensler. Tho fcstlvltlcstopcn July 2 and close Sat urday. Ho said tho belief Is that Oils will not tutcrfero with Marshtlcld's festivities and thnt, following tho rncca there, thcro will bo noernl hundred from tho Myrtlo Point vi cinity como hero for tho next two days. Much Interest Is being taken, ho mid, In tho wrestling and tho boxing match that havo been arranged for next Friday In Myrtlo Point. Jack Sherry, reputed boxing cham pion of Coos county, Is expected to meet up In tho nrona with James Do koy, amateur boxing Champion of Oklahomn, at his weight, lloth these mon aro from Marshtlold, ho said. Tho loggers from Ppwors aro ready to back to tho limit George Lambert, 1G0 pounds, In a wrestling match with DM King, of Eugcno who haB a good record In Northwest amateur wrestling circles. TAKE RACE HORSES TO MYRTLE POINT !'. I. Xorton Has Harry N. nnil Ilotinlo Joo In HcjidliiONft for This Wcck'H Ihciitii. Harry N. nnd Ilotinlo Joe, be longing to F. P. Norton, woro tnkon today to Myrtlo Point, thoro to re colvo their last grooming nnd train ing before tho racing events of Fri day and Saturday thoro. The two animals havo spout tho wlntor nt Provo out from Medford and wcro brought here about tho mtddlo of this month In excellent shape. Harry N Is n pneer and has dono tho mllo In 2:21 V4 minutes whllo Ilonulo Joo is In tho trotting class wth a record of 2;2I 1-4. Mr. Norton Is uncertain yet as to whom he will havo drive the horscM. They will bo led over to Myrtlo Point. News of Nearby Towns M:VS OF MOM) llKACII Notes of Curry County People Tnken from tlio Mlobo Arthur Andorsnn nnd Miss Hnzol Williamson wcro married by Ilov. Mr. Hnyt at tho homo of the groom'H brother, Gilbert Anderson In Weddor burn. Tho whnrf at Port Orford Is bad ly needed as there Is butter, cheese, wool and other porducts awaiting shipment nnd thousands of railroad ties to liu shipped, However work on tho wharf Is now being dono. T. J. Mllno bought most or the wool In tho Hold Ilonch district paying for tlio bulk or tho clip 2D centH n pound. Some small lots brought only 27 cunts. Tho Mold Ilonch Water Company hns tcaiim nt work hauling gruvol to Its roscrvolr silo on the hill. Tho plan Is to make n concrete, reservoir suf ficient to supply the city for some tlmo to como. mim hack som) Historic Place Will Xow Imj Com iiicrt-lulizeil Students of tho university of Ore. gon and the members of tho alumni nro wondering whnt will now happen to the famous Mill Itaco at Kugono which for yearn has boon known In traditions nnd songs of the Institu tion and which has beeu sold this weok for 2C,000 to a couplo of man ufacturing companies who use the race to got their water power. The stream Is lined with trees and for two miles winds through tho city making "trip of scenic beauty and a placo fnnioiifl for swimming nnd boating. It Is problematical here whether -or not the famous stream that wasilredged CO jears ago will now bo changed. ir,-nr,- qullle; James E. Monroe, Powers. Llojil Hotel Frank llogers; Coos Illver; It. C. Williams, Powers; J. Hllyer. South Inlet, Alex Anderson, Coos Illver; L. Martin, llaudonj Ous McCullooh, Ash. I Moildens of Liberty Content Noble Theatre Tonlglit Sr reeln of Pie lures 1'UoSiwlnl Fentmes, .Mai tin's Oiclutra. Ono lllg Show, H p. in. ( THREE - 1 MUST VOTING TAKES PLACH W," THIS KVENINO AT 8 O'CLOCK' Six Voiiiik Women Named on Can-' illtlntcs' List Three Highest to lta Vol ml nn Tlmiiulnv ' ' i i CANDIDATES FOK THE . koddess of unimTV J9 Hutli Matthews. Ann Holland. Emma Quatermuss. Marjorlo Graham. Virginia Lystor. Adolaldo Clarke. i frrl 'J w 1 !! r 1 iiiilu ui iiiu nuovo young women will this evening bo solcctcd. for tho final voting on Thursday night; .!..- . .1 . when the Goddess of Llborty wllPbe chosen by tho peoplo of Mnrshtlcld. There will bo a long show nt the Noblo Theator this evening and every tlckot wllj count nt 100 voteSij to bo voted for any of tho young women named. During tho .per formance tho votes wilt do cotiatod. nnd tho Judges bcIloo thnt boforo tho crowd leaves It will bo possible to nnmo tho three that havo stood highest on tho list. ' i' Much Interest today centered nbout tho solcctlon of tho Goddcw of Llborty nnd the belief Is that to ulgh thoro will bo a bumpor crowd waiting to aid In choosing tho young woman who Is to prcsldo over mo uusiiiuca oi mo rourin oi juijt ; celebration. . f. Spcclnl features havo been added to tfyo bill this ovoning, commenc ing at otght o'clocok. ., On Thursday ovcnlng tho three young women, hlgcst on tho list to night will bo voted for In a similar manner nnd at that tlmo will bo mode known tho nnmo of tho .God- I ilnfltt ' A sharo of tho proceeds of these two entertainment will go to tho Fourth of July committee for tho purposo of purchasing a gown for tho young woman nnd also to dec; ornto In regal style, her float. FINK PItOMItAM FOK Till: SHOW TONIGHT 1 ' It Mood Knterlntiimcnt Provldol fer,.' Thotto Who Attend tho Vot lug w At AoUlo Tonignt i Tho following Is tho program for tho ontortalnmont at tho Noblo Theator tonight, when votes will be tnkon on tho Goddess of Llborty..'' Overture "Tho Candy HhopV Golden. ' Picture. "Gcorgo Ado Fables!," Comedy. ' ..' "JiiBt n Fow Songs." Volma onU Itnlph Quntormass. Picture Threo reel feature "Tlio Enemies." , Declnmntlon. K. M. Spnuldlng.- " Martin's Orchestra. "Hits or Kern- Ick's lilts." by Lampo, and a waits, by Vollstodt. Voting nnd collecting of ballots. Picture "Knlom Hallroad Story' lllack Pattl. "Imitated Dut Nev er Equalled." "Good Hyo, by tho Ilurgor Mr. Hommlngway. Ilrotlicrs, Ham and LI in. The "Agony Quartette " In "A. Llttlo Harmonious Dlsrord.' Picture "Jack's Pals,' Wild Animals. Hcsult ol Voting. Sellg BE GREAT EVENT MANAMHIl MOOIHIUM HAYS OAIW FItOM ALL OVKU COUNTY WILL PAIITKJIPATIN-NOHTH HKNI) TO HAVI! HPIJCIAL HKiU TION OCCUItH ON KATUUDAV MOHNINM. Managor Goorgo Ooodrum of tho Fourth of July auto parade says It will bo ono of tho finest over hold In southern Orogon. AH of 'tile nutolsts throughout tho county are promising to bo In line and many or them will ontor tho contcsta for the best decorated cars. Mr. Ooodrum has arranged to havo u Nortli Hend section In tlio parade, tho North Hend cars being put In one division. Somo of the Coqullle auto enthusiasts havo been planning a similar arrangoment for the Coqulllo cars so that thero may bo considerable frlondly rivalry bb to which section will havo the best showing. The auto parade will start at 10 o'clock Saturday morning nt Fourth and Commercial and Mr. Ooodrum asks nil autolata to have their cars In lino promptly nt that hour. ; -. NOTICE Alt the wishing Fowrth ot JHly CoiuwkIoiis should m bw IhwkhH ely und get locations, MJf going fait. V, . HOUTON. (1ialnian'CeHClo Cowmltt uo PARME Til 'AI . 4 n ft i t i i w 93 m ifm 1 iV & mlwmWtWiV'f J?