iU- THg uoos BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1P1B-EVENINQ EDITION. two ; tti'tii' r Mi HHO'fllfiECTOflS MEET; i& mstnuninuinmnnnnnnnntnnitnnnninnnmtnjnninnn'nntttit fc v v VSBt" lit MGDUTBILLS 1110 KQl'ITV SPIT 1IICIXC IIMHDiTO ATTEMPT SETTLEMENT OK CKEniTOKS OK- OKOCKItV LAIlOlt todav dekoke hkkekkb , school coxtkoveksv at koad worn? t 'ft involve Klrt National Hank of Hoe- Supt. Itiiymoml K. linker nn.l .Mrs. ,.Vovl I'lmi nf . ttiyiiie.it Intioilucc.t burg and Sums Loaned by InMl- MclimKiii., Scl I Cleric, Until by .Mo.fhai.t. of Col. Until. tutlnii to Outsiders Approximately $22,000 Is Involved Ltimr Ciinsullntlon. 1 I" tiirry County Knstsldo school directors will moot , (Special to the Times) In an equity suit being licnnl todny tomorrow evening hi .:. at .. (joi.u iji-jaum, .111110 z;i.w. .. before A H. Loud, n reforeo, ltv the, 8ncc,nl session called for the pur-) Moo,.0( prominent merchant of this case of S' 'A Sanford, trtisteo of thoMiose of nttcmiitliiB to settle the res- , ,!., said to ho a whole lot lllto former Viral National Dnnk of lloBP-t tllfflriill resulting over tlio eloc- Tom Sawyer, so much so, that lie lion 01 -Mrs. irvius mikhuck , . como tie cnnraeier 01 .uiiik school director. Superintendent of Twain ono bettor. The story Is told ' County Schools It. K. IJaker this ' ,oru 0f )0w Moore scralchoit lili morning, together with .Mrs. Me- u,ti nn, won led ninny nights iiver I Lnggun, newly elected school clork, accounts ut his storo that kept con- j Willi . burg versus W. K. PIko .Anna Piko. P. h. Vholan of Myrtle Point and W. 11. Ilnmmlttin TaiiRled Is tho mass of ovldenco and much Involved. A. 11. Loud will hear and roport tho facts of tho case and then tho attorneys will nrgito Hits hnv of Ihb cane before Judgo Coke. O. IVCorfhow, of ItoseburR, and A. J Sherwood, of Coqulllo. nro hero representing tho trustee, S. A. San ford. A. X. Orcutt, of Uosoburg and C. F. McKulght, of this ct'ly, aro ap poarliiR for V. D. Iliunmltto and JudRO Sporry. of Conulllo. and A. S. llanimoiid, of North llond, for W .K. I'lko and P. L. Pholan. H wa In Juno of 1011 that the First National Hank of Uosoburg, of which T. 'Jl. Shoiiilnn was then pres ident, 'iis sold to tho Douglas Coun ty Hank nml S.' A. Sanford was thon nppolntod trustee of tho first Insti tution to collect nil notes outstanding At that time. It Is stated, both Pike nml Pliolnn. woro indobtod to the First National Hank in tho sum of about $1.1,r00 and to Hnmmltte, for about $1,000. Independent of Itiink TJio claim Is mndo that Pike and Pliolnn, thon connected with tho Myr tlo Point Milling Company, besides tho amount they borrowed from (ho bnnk also needed $1000 for a busi ness deal and that thoy secured this amount from Ilannnltte, Indepen dent of tho bank despite tho fact the noto is said to have been endorsed by T. 11. Sliorlilaii. When tho bank was sold this unto wnB classed In, it Is uvorred, ns ono; was In consultation with .IiuIro Hall, ' tinuiitly Increasing In size who for years lias boon clork of nothing coming In on them, tho Marshfield school board. It Driven to desperation ho be Was definitely decided to seek of ibciiRhl himself of a great schoine. District Attorney Uljetivlst his opln- Ho bid on flvo miles of county Ion on the legality of Mrs. Iladlock's loadwork In tho vicinity or Cold office and tho opinion was expressed , ijL.neh bid low on It and tho con that probably another election would tract eunio to him. have to bo called. ' n waH iora thut Moore's liiRon Tho question directly under ills- ,,1. became evident. Ho gathered ciiHslon Is tho one whether or not tCf.clher his "poor accounts," ex Mrs. Ilndlock Is a qualified school .l:lnod to them the situation, and voter of tho district. In tho ills- ,U)l t lis men to work on the road, trlct of tho third class either ono jt H sa,j tluit In this way Moo.-e or three requisites aro necessary, J Wna able to clear up his cash jour tlmt the person own property and lmH Xv 1 1 1 1 flying colors, have his or her name on tho last. jt,.t j0010 a a young man wo assessment roll, that ho or she bu lms ,i00 Wli wro lxm B very veil head of a family having children mlMli nu i,nH built up a genera! attending tho school or that tho ' atrt, business that Is ono of tl.o person own stock in a corporation I hirsost in the county, or company paying taxes within tho , . Mrs. Hndlock claimed that she ARCHBISHOP CHRISTIE owns properly In Eustsldo and has thn 1011 tax receipts. This Is true It was stated this morning, but It. 1 . " ... .,, . Is claimed her name watf not on thol' Anniversary of UN .Monition 1011 assessment roll. It Is said lo-' to the Episcopacy Seventeen gal decisions havo decided that Yeats Ago ' though tho wlfo has equal voting I prlvlleso with tho husband sho Is mimcim iu ...v ......-, not. tho legal bend of tho family so I PORTLAND, Ore, Juno 20. Mrs. lladlock can not mnko thin' Archbishop A. Chrlstlo of the Cn ehilm it Is said. I thollc church is today celohratlng tlio Jacvcntooth anniversary or ins eleva tion to tho episcopacy. This Is tho ! feast of St Potor and Paul. Tho 1 archbishop colebrated high mnss at HOLDS CELEBRATION :: n tt tt 0 o t tt- BIG FOU R.TH OF JULY 3BmZ3BKHMi2ZffiilHESKW?J5f FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JULY 2 AND 3 AT MYRTLE m The Best Program Ever Offered in the County POINT, OREGON $1,500 IN PRIZES s BIG PROGRAM ON THE SECOND Log Rolling for Championship of Oregon, Tug of War, Greased Pig, . Greased Pole, Foot Races, Tub Races, Swimming Races, Etc WRESTLING MATCH DEL KING, wght 158, Amateur Champ, of Washington, Idaho and Oregon, vs. GEORGE LAMBERT, weight 160, of Powers, Oregon REIIE 1HIIS SUIT of tlio unnicjj Bocuntios anil, novor;,M'nv DKCIDKS HIM NOT MAIIM3 si. Mnvv'n nntbndral. Luncheon In .1 " . . " . .. 1'iHi .i.i-(iidi .MiTii honor of Arcliblsbop Chrlstlo and having boon properly untauglod, the who in mm iieiii uiiiiuiouHsiee, .wr.j A Vonllrt foFHnTToroiulunt, P. 8. the visiting clerg wai sorvod nt Banrord, see is IU. collection as such. ( U(!,)()( WfJ (h0 ,,ccB,01 ()f ,0 Jry lloon by lho womui, of tll0 cathodral Ilammltte, it is understood, Is ap-.()f sx 110,) n tho jBtJcu court re. 1)a,.8h In tho now cathedral hall. This pearlngiift In.lopeitdont altogether of jtur(1J U ,0.ir lgt u(,1t mw ,J0. R tho f,rBt llbe colobrution by tho BIG PROGRAM ON THE Log Rolling for Championship of Oregon, Tug of War, Greased Pig, Greased Pole, Foot Races, Tub Races, Swimming Races, Etc. BOXING MATCH JACK SHERRY, weight 170, Champion of Coos County, vs. JIM DEKOY, weight 165, Champion of Oklahoma p p I i ! It i T? 'l ? i tt :: tt tl tt 1 n tt tho hiiilc and claiming that his nolo ( Ing out about two hours. The suit archbishop or his elevation, although i was brought by Herman Sanford ! ho has been archbishop of Oregon hud no connection with It. lfaminitteb also claims that liojnKn,Bt uol)U( cttmig the amount , City for many years huowR pothing whalovor of his noto!nM ,. , ,.,,.,,, ,. ,.. ,.,. .,. I being classed In with tho sottlomont THIS IS ALL FREE.9 Everybody, Corns, &M Enjoy Yourselves! (Signed) Celebration Committee iW?S' 666i4AliAAiln440 Vir5r!r?4,' I -T- -. - - ftftMtttttMfttftttti ? :: tt Jointly when Itloliu wim managor of tho Peoplo's Co-operative Storo, now nlcrupt. Saufoid showed that ho hnd paid I effected between Plltn and Pholan with the bank, until sovernl moiitliH ' iJnnt.u.,t laier wiion no weni 10 Becuro ino Huiiii-iiiiiiuui ..uuiesu iuiii .. uuo. . ()0 ?lr0 ,,, t Uo j.nlmBnn & Phelan's share of tho $lS,oon In- ,u.UIielt aIlK, Ull!,,0( trollKh ,., debtednoss to tl.o former bank Is attorney, Oconto Watklns. declared said to bo $4,8r,y nnd that of I'lko nt Snilfor,, forfeited all claim WET IS Himit NSW II SUCCESS!! Ml' i.vsnt..vt'i: SKKIC MAXV COMPAMKS .Mom,; rrllAX 700 .:oi;.j SICK I KlltS to he ?i:!,r.0() according to a noto of Ills on April IC, 1910. IIo commonccd mi action o re cover mid tho notion was stayed lioudlng tho suit of tlio trustco nml later tho action nt law and th,o suit ciicult Court. In oiUlty were consolidated into tlio .yHy Doyle K ono presont sun, tuns settling tlio wrlnlit, I). P. Harnard, .1 nntiro qiicHiion nt one tiiuo nl, ,,,, nPitnm. I 4 aKainst him porsoually when ho ap plied to tho bnnfmiptcy court, put ting In his noto against the storo. K. II. Joohnk appeared for tho plaintiff. He may nppcnl to tho Tho Jurymen woro P. Don nl Koi-ly-TlioiiMiintl I'oi-mmik Have Cncli Coming us IleueflclarleH and llolrs of Policy IloldeiM Somcwlipro on Coos Hay, In Coos County or In Southwestern Oregon, INDIAN PANTOMIMIC 75 In Cast Slum Ing (Nulling of White .Man to Coos - .Mrs. Kronen- born "nil Kiitliv Charge. (Special to Tho TIiiigh.1 UANDON, Juno 2!L More than WOOD! WOOD! Kindling wood, per load !?l.7." to :?'.! iVIilor wood, 10 to 21 Inches ?2 to .?2.St) Kieo Delivery V. II. LIXCJO 'Phono 227-J North Firat St. for lien iviiiu i ,. ... ! -- .., - -.. . Ing Uoutinro nr0 " "u,,1,,or "r !' wl"'700 persons witnessed tho Klacknina I YV.' Watts i ,mvo lllon,,y com,lB ,0 thcm from j pageant hold horo Saturdny, It was t EVENTS TONIGHT t Tho first voto for Uoddoss or Lib erty will bo taken tonight at tho Noble theatre. The llusluoss .Men's Association will hold a supper nt (i p. in. at tho Chandler. The North llond city council wlllU meet touluht to consldor tho paving! of Virginia Avenue. I'omisT Fiiti:. It Is reported this after noon that there Is quite a forest flro In lho neighbor hood of Powers mid Hint log gers aro engaged In fighting It. Secretary Conrad, of tho Coos County Kiro Patrol As sociation, said that ho had not been notified and that a fire now could not do any dauiago to Umber as tt Is too. wot. somo of tl.o life Insiirnnco companies, fouml t0(lny on t.ieckii.g up tho which iney can navo ny preseming, ruL.0t8. Largo crowds snt about tho proper claim. on tho llU1 sltiea ot tll0 0,,eUpai,. alu. Tho lifo insuninco companies of phlthcntro watching tho cast of 7.'. tho United States havo begun a youB mo nml women tnko part In search of tho country to find about u,0 pantomlnio showing tho coming ' 4U.UUU persons wno nnvo money com- of t)l0 wj,t0 mcu t0 Coo9, Mrs j, jlng to them as bonoflclarles or heirs' L. Krononborg had ontlro chargo joi poucy noiuors now ueaii. Tiioj0r tho pageant nnd horsolf took the janiounts waiting to bo claimed total jImrt of Old Mary, oxplalnlng to tho In tho millions of dollars. audience tho pantomlnio. Practically ' Kvi.rv llff, ItiRiirnnrn nmminnv ltnu'..n .. .i.n ..nn. nn ... ... . " " ..-w -..., j ,ui u, mu luaiuiiiutt uni nuiu 111 ! been accumulating on Its books II-! tho real Indian make. abilities LllllliAltntlHll.. Illn ...nt.. ... - - . . . .1 ! .........., iU.,woi;iiiiiih mu uiiiuiuii riot, iiicunnis, ot .uaisuiioiu, duo to policies issued on tlio lives of took tho part of lluniar, mi Jndlaii Make a Trip to San Francisco and See the Great Exposition for Less Than forty Dollars Iby Joining lho ISM.' i:critMOX and CKI.CIIIt.VriOX of tlio .Mooso mit liuunli jou ma) mi the bin fall- at a price that jou cannot iift'oi'tl to miss. Dr. II. K. Straw lms iikiiIc iiiiaiigeiuentH av lilt (lie Tcrniuial Inn, a Mildly first-class Imiol that will enable i it to savo iiioiioy on the lou rates mviiiviI, lleie Is nil itemized list of jour expenses ns- piepared by Dr. SIimw on (Ills special OM'iiislini, von i'ivii nivs ix sax riiAxeisco Itnniitl trip Into on S, S, Xnmt Siullli 0.00 Itponi at Tormlual Inn, 5 Iiin, 1.75 lo.. 5,0(1 .Meals, n la,s nt Sl.li.T pec day ... , ti,jj5 Ailnilsslou ( Kxpohltlon, I da.tt. i.no I'liundry no ThCiilcis u.no Car faro to l'Niiisitltu, vumiiii1 llootblack , r ttftti .no .no Total Vou iimy lento on tlio Xaiiu Niiildi miIIIuk fiom .Min.slil'leld on July 15 or UL". Vou (lo not- have to bo a member of tho .Mouse Lodge to net tlio benefit of these special iiites, Vou will eujoj tho iidvniitiige lipil pleasure of being iiccoiupauled by tlio Coos liny Conceit Ititnd. If you n io tlilnklug of iiiiiMiik the trip to San I'lamlsco, soo jiny of tlio foltiiwlng commit cc. .Mombers of the .Mooso LoiIko vlll bo given preforciice. mi. v). !:.' stuaw, imsaxk iiohtox. If. M, 1MHSOXS, .MUL. O. lU'XCAX, persons, now deceased, under which no claims havo over been mndo and under which, porhnps, no claims over will bo filed unless tho holrs nro lo- agnln next year, catcd mid apprised of their fortune youth, and with his mnto danced tho Blanket Dance. Mrs. Kronoiibcrg says tho pageant will bo repeated anil Kugiucci Will bo Moved Domi llond School llli- , octoi's .Make Improvement M-ISESW . . ,,c0GS FROM GOULD ords of 10,000 policies in tho vnr- VI" " VVAIbtt InilM llfn Inuiit'niif.n r,,iiii,ititi.a (lw. ' 'luililni'H nf wlilnli linv.. .ll.wl n-IHimi I ' "H'M'IH'1' claims being presented. It Is con servatively estimated that thero aro! i 10,000 heirs to the money duo onj (Special to Tho Times.) these policies. Such a condition or( ALLICtlANV, Oro., Juno 20. Tho 'affairs Is said to bo duo to the laxity i logs to bo taken out or tho Could ( of policy holders In confiding to tholr' camp near heio aro all out In tho relatives thnt thoy carried Insurance, water nnd tho ongluos and ninchln- i to their lndlfrereiico In keeping tho j cry will bo brought down lho road companies posted as to tholr whore., from tho camp. It will he necessary Phono 7.1. Havo you been to KAHTUIl'K LUNCH? H Not, Why Xo(? .Something Neiv livery Day. Ice Cream hilcks " Ico Cream, quarts Ic Ico Cream,' pints "Or Hot Chicken Tamnlcs. . . ,U for U.'c Picnic Lunches n Specialty SARTER'S Phono 'Jti:i-,1. Mnrshticld. OppoBlto nianco Hotel. Front Street Wo nro now proparod to furnish QKAVUb In any qnantltlci from pile In our yard or In carload lots', nt following prices: Kroni pllo on ground, $2.?G por yard. Cnnoad lots, tnkon from cars, $2.00 per yard. Itetnil Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Pos'-Offlco. Plume 100. ill tkMt SAVE MONEY hy ordering the famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, por ton $1.00 Lump coal, por ton So.50 . . , . . Or half ton of both $1.7."i'J- M. Wrifjllt I). .MUSSOX, Prop. Phono IK-if or leave ordcr.s at lllllycr's Cigar Store. DEPENDENT AUTO SERVICE .Marshfield, North llond, Umpire, Tarheel, Sunset Hay. Leaves .MurMiflelil, nt llusy Corner, 7 n. in.; 10 n. m.j 1 p. m.; 1! p. in.; 5 p, in. Leaves North lleiul 15 minutes later. Leaves lhuplro :no n. in.; 1 1::I0 a. in.; l.ilt) p. in.; :J:il0 p. m.; (1:00 p. in. Trips nfCer these hours may bo arranged for. Phono llusy Corner. Night phono i(!7-lt. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, Phono 1S8-H ISUILDIXn COXTItACTOll Kstlmntes furnished on request iiibouts, to tho separation of families , to the omission of these records In to do a good deal of work on tho road to mnko tho moving of tho mattors of probate and to numerous' machinery possible, Tho Sinlth-Po-other delinquencies. ' wers boat Hanger was horo a fow K. I). Noouau, tho well known In- days ago mid got a raft or logs suruneo man of Murshflold has boon 'from tho west fork of tlio iior. Investigating this feature of tho busl-i luiproUng School ness and fumlllaiizlng hlinsolf with ' There was an error made In THE REAL QUESTION The question Is not, will men ) honor you for your work? Hut docs your work honor you? Your concern is not only to creato profit for yourself, but to mako that which will profit ninny besides yourself. COOS II.VV STIIA.M JiAUNmtV Phono G7-J. Dr. H. M. Shaw ' Kjo, Car and Thront. Specialist CLASSICS ITITKD Phono :i;SO-.l. Kooiiik 00-201 Irving lllock. 1)11. .MATTII-J l. SHAW. Physician and Surgeon Phono :t;l().,l. Olflce Iioiiix hy npiolii(incn(. YOU AUTO CALL 1 FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Phono ITOO-L. Night and Day. Itlght Cafo. OOOI) OAKS. CAltKPUL IIlVRBa I). L. FOOTK. 4 Benjamin Ostlintl CONSUIl'INC KXGIXKljri AND AltCIIITHCT Offices, 200 Irving Dlock. Phono 103-L or 2C7-J. Marshfield, Oregon. tho details necessary for the presen tation of claims. He states ho will be pleased to render this service to any poison lu this section who may have or thinks thoy have a claim. If any one knows that any deceased relative carried life Insurance, which was not paid, or holds any old policies ho will bo pleased to investigate tho pros pective claim and If It develops that tho policy Is duo mid unpaid tho money will bo quickly secured. Mr. Xooiinu says he will bo pleased to render this service gratuitously as the life insurance companies are very desirous of getting theso claims off their books, n- portlug the result or the school election In this district. Kugoito Ter ry was olected director and not 1M Noah. Tho school directors are now Charles Kruger, Kdwurd Darker and Kugeno Terry. Tho directors aro having tho school yard fonco repair ed, a new water system put In mid a sanitary fountain installed. 20 COMMUTATION' nn TiCKirrs, $2.00. ll Miirsliflelil-Xorth Demi Auto Line Cars every ton minutes from O a. in. (o 12 p. in.; to South Slough once u day, leaving at II a. in.; to Kmplro three trips a day. COIIST .V KIXC, Props. H. G. Butler civil i:ncixri:u Room .104 Coko Dldg. Phono l-HJ-J. Rosldonco Phono HOa-L. City Auto & Taxi Co. Day and Night Sen Ico For taxi, phono 20, Chandler Hotel For touring cars, phono 20, Chandler Hotel LVNN LAMIIIITH, Piop. Now Cars NflW Car3 DRY WOOD at CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front .street Phono 270 W. G. Chandler AltClIITKOT ItooniB aoi mid a02, Coko Iiulldlng, Mnrshflold, Oregon. IWm. S. Turpen ! AHCIUTKCT Marshfield, Oregon. XOTICK KLKS All Klks are ospeclally notified to attend tho business meeting and In itiation Wednesday night. T. E. Dan iels. District Deputy Grand Kxnlted Kuler will bo present. J. W. Illldobrund. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 Perl Riley Ballinger PIANIST AND TKACHEK Uosldenco Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phono 3C8-L. Havo your LKTTHU beads, bill heads, etc., printed nt THE TLMKS mce .Vifii, WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 t Pays 8 per cent on savings. I. S-. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer tftAAflftAl66 T, J. SOA1FI3 A. II. J10D0IS" PAINT AND Marshfield Sating co. Kstlmates Furiils!ied Phone 110-11. Mrf.lifiolJ, Ort U