ii 'nf -.. ,: r.J.a-B fj 14-k - 4-; (w5wiwihii VT1 flRW IS NO CRIME. IVSANY A MAN WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN RICH j - VE3SHK':--'sMHBl ""-"""""" i iliTriiVffl -, v.-saiMwatas; WBar vff -k fedw vEflBHBBBHBBHBBBVBBBBBl . .T I i Coos Bay Times Your Paper Ibo Coos Hay Times la proud of lu lltlo "Xho people's rnpcr," and It Rtrlvcs nt nil times to UtC op to Ha nnmo by do voting lu cnerBlei to promoting tho pooplo'B Interests. (E oob tt tttts A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Coos liny Time In. A South west Oregon pupor for Southwest Oregon people and dovoted to tho best Interest of this great section . Tho Times always boosts md sever knocks. MKMIIRRH OP THR ASSOCIATED IMKSH ;j5C no. xxxviil Kstnbllshed 1878 As Tlic Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times Const Mali nnd Coos liny Advertiser. No. 291 BUI' NOTE IDE PUBLIC y, s. Will Not Accept Ger man's Right to Destroy Ves sels Carrying Contraband 1I1G FOR REPLY It Is Asked That Refusal to Settle by Direct Diplomacy Be Rc-consideretl D TRE5 i MllSillOI HUT I in ,m..D.n...n i nil r nini iiri lb mmm govkuxmhxt sphcifiks wur.x U. S. SUM'S AUK SAIL1XG Probable Tlmo 'llicy Will Pass Through tho War 'one Is AIh Given III A.wnrUtcJ rrww to Cooi ll)r Tlm'i.l WASHINGTON, 1). C., Juno 29. Thu United Stntcs government lias adopted tlio practice of notifying tlio Gurmnn admiralty through Ambas sador (lerartl of tlio time of departure of every paHScngcr ship sailing under tlui American flag, and approximately tho hours during which It will pass through tho war zone. This precau tion Is being taken In order that tho German submarliio commanders may prevent a repetition of the nttacU on tho American tank Blilp (lulf Light. WOULD ACCEPT INDEMNITY GK.XKHAL PART HECTM'JHHIE ARRESTS '" WILL BE 1 MB BOB AXGKLKS HAS IX HUKRT.V MOVIi IB I Austro-German Forces Gain Two Important Points in Progress Against Russians STILL RETREAT Berlin Claims the Czar's Army Has Been Defeated at Every Point Along Front. THE FRENCH ADMIT LOSES Money for Loss f "ho essel Wil liam I. I'O'o Will lm Niimcicnt ltepiirntlon Provided That It In l'ald Without Any Delay (Br AuocltUJ l"r to Cooi In Tlmi ) WASHINGTON, I). C, Junu 29. With thu publication today of tho American nolo to Germany con cerning tho destruction of tho Am erican ship William 1. Fryo by tho Prlnz Kltol Fiiedorlch, Interest hero centered In tho character of tho reply tho (Ionium government would make. Tlio communication asms (hat Germany reconsider tho rofutial to settle by direct diplomatic ne jollatlons, Insteud of by piizo tourt proceedings, tlio cliiliu presented on behalf of thu captain and owuors of tlio Fryo. Tho American govern- meat deolurcH it wilt accept Indom--Dlty, If paid promptly, as u reparation. It is mado clear Hint tho United States will not accept Germnny'B con- .tcntlon Hint hIio had a right to Hop tho carrying of contraband by Amorlcnn ships "Uy tho destruction of tho contraband and tho ship car rying It." OPIXIOX GIVIIX THAT UK IS NOT AX IXSAXI2 MAX ppcars in Washington to Make n Statement In Person to thu Statu Department Today . would sf.k wiusox KURNISHKS HAIL OK 9 1 00(1 TO AWAIT GRAXD JURY Head of Xov Hampshire Stato In sane Hospital Is On the Wit netf Shunt Today inr AtniKittMi i'rt to cc mr Timw I NKW YORK, Juno 29. Dr. Chns, V. llancroft, head of the Now llnmp' IDr AnocUM rrtM to CM rur Tlmt 1 CORNISH, N. 11., Juno 29. Two Mexicans describing themselves as emissaries from General Angeles and Goneral ltaoul Modero arriv ed hero today for the purpose of having President Wilson give an Interview to Angeles. Learning tho president (was out motoring, they said they would return later. . Mexican Leaders Besides the Ones Under Bond, Will Like ly be Taken by Officers GII1EBI1 PASO At Least Fifteen Federal Gen erals Have Been There in Past Few Days Arrested by I,ano County Offi cer On Hi-quest of tho Coos County Officials. . (1IVICS $1000 1IOXI) Cmu'cde That tlio Germans Mado Galas Apilnst 'llieni in tho Vos- ges Region but Claim to lluvo Mado Soino Progress Wr AuocliUO Prm to Coot Hr Timw. LONDON, Juno 29. According to reports received further pressure by the Teutonic armies In Galhia re sulted lu Important advances for nlilrn Rtnlo hosiiltal for Insane, and inemher of tho federal commission I them at two points. In one caso which examined Harry K. Thaw In the Russians north of Lumbers have Now Hampshire, testified today that! been driven nt several pouts over I n his opinion Thaw was not only! the GalKflau border. In the other, sanu but always had been sane. Dan croft testified as an expert alienist In tho Jury proceedings to determine Thaw's mental condition. "Tho killing of Stanford White." ho said "appeared to us as a passion uto, Impulslvo act growing out or a condition of mind duo chiefly to lin ger and Jealousy, which was thu Hnat culmination of a scries of circumstan ces that had been hearing down on hlni for a long tlmo. Tho act was no product of systematized delusion G Fl Y A N AT LI1GDLN TOHMKIt HKCltKTAUY OK STATU AIUMVK8 1IOMK TODAY SHIP LIIE APPEAL Will Sjiealc Tonight anil Leaves To morrow on n Trip to San I'rancisco (Bt AMoelitJ Pim lo Coo C7 Tlmw.1 LINCOLN, Nob., Juno 29. Will iam Jennings Hrynn, accompanied by Mrs. Bryan, was mot by a party of personal frlonds this morning up on tho return of tho former sec retary of stato to his homo. They are tho guests of Mayor Charles W. Bryan, a brother of W. J. Hryan. The lattor will spealc tonight on "Tho Parmer, a Friend of Peaco' He will loavo tomorrow for Sail Francisco. WAXT SMAMAX'S LAW RKPKALKD Y COXGHISS AS HKI.U'.K Maritime Association Will Appe.d to President Wilson to Call Special Session NBW YORK, Juno 29. The mar Von Llnslngen forced the Russians back f i oni tho Gnlla Llpn river, up on which thoy retired from tho Dnelster region northward of llnllc.. llerlln reports that eugagoments north of Lumber every where i wmlled In tho defeat of the Russians, who In ouo section wore driven oor tlio border. Fighting Is being reported as far north as ToinaBZow, In Rus sian Poland, which Is about CO miles northwest of Lomberg. Admit u Retirat. A l'otrogrnd statement Indlcntea n continued retreat In this region. The Russian center Is expected to mnko tho next Btand on tho river Hug. As ovlduiico of n further ro trogrado movement, pressure being exerted has already resulted In tho Russians beginning to ovacuato tho positions thoy held in tho Tnnows section and nlong tho lower San, tho Germans dcclnro. In tho west there have been spor- tOf AnocUtM firm U Cii nT Tlmet.1 WASHINGTON, 1). C, Juno 29. Genorul Angeles, Villa's chief lieu tenant, nrrlvcd hero today to deny In person nt the statu depaitmcnt that hu was connected In any way with tho coup to reestablish tho Hucrta regime In Mexico. Angels first went Into conference with tho head of tho Villa ugoncy hero. General Angolcs announced ho would explain In a public statement shortly his relations with Villa nnd may say a word about his mission. i .Military Mission General Angeles and Hnrliiuo C. Llorento wont to tho War Depart ment and confeired with Hrlgmllor rsnii..r.ii Scott. In view of tlio an nouncement that thu nilHsIon of An geles was u military ono and Scott's familiarity with Mexican mllltury nffalrs, which Includes an Intimate neiiunlntanco ,wRh Villa, tho con ference attracted much attention. Nothing Given Out. After a two-hour conference Scott said Angeles did not reveal tho ob ject of tho mission further than ho had been visiting his family In os- HUERTA TO BE ADVISER Will AVorU lu That Capacity it 1h Said, lint her Than TaWo Actlvo Part hi New lU'Milutlon Think. Arrest of No Conscuuenio tnr AnKidri rr m ei nr tidim.i Kli PASO. Juno 29. The possi bility of additional arrests of Mex ican leaders by tho United States officials nnd of nn early beginning of tho new revolutionary activities across the border wore two outstand ing features of tho situation today. A lnrgo number of prominent Mex icans are under survollnncu. At least fifteen former Federal gener als of Mexico have been In Kl Paso tho lust tow dayB. It Is apparent nmong tho adherents of lluorta there Is n fueling that tho Gunoral'M ar rest would not retard tho revolution ary movement, as lluorta would act In an advisory capacity rathor than tuko an actlvo part. IIAVH Hr.VKUH FIGHT tllr Auoclttl rrM to com inr . ..-., . .,,.,. . nrnvo., limn 5!L TllCrO t0"-. T181!:, '"llen hasten sorero f.g'ht.ng for the last iiuioi ruiiiuiB ui !" Villa and Angulcs, slnco tho lattor presented to Scott a porsonnl letter from Villa. ItcfugiH-s Arriving. A message from Carruiwa to tho agency hero says that American refugees from tho capital uro be ginning to nrrlvo at tho camp of Gonzales, which Is southeast of tho outskirts of Mexico City. What ills- .'position Is being mado of muni is ndlc attacks by tho French, who re-, i hM t )b ireBIiniod tnoy port progress between Angers audi q coMnm on t0 t ilnln 'I'lll I ILmUIL .Ul.vww ..- ,m association of the Port of Now A"- - . ' tQ Vcm Cruz, York, numbering 800 roproBoiitatlvei Vogges rcB,on of domestic and foreign "' linos entering this port, was prepar Ing today aiuippcal to rres.ueu rDine him to call a special 0 of congress to repeal the sea nian's law. Unless the law is repealed o association averts, long estab lished lines will of necessity bo with-drawn. tiin.n days between tho Villa and Carroniu forces at Villa Garcia, be tween Monterey nnd Pnrodon accord ing to passengers hero today from Monterey. It Is cstlmatod that tho forces nro about evenly divided, thoro being from flvo to fifteen thousand on each side. Tho Villa forces nttackod with tho object of preventing tlio Carrauza cn.ium.B against Torreon. HKMOVH AHCHIVKS tur AocltM r" Co" w TIbm.1 nn.vi'STriM. Toxas. Juno 29.- vi,i .' " (Special to Thu Times.) COQU1LLK, Or., Juno 29. Word has been received hero that Charlemagne Tower Iibb given bond In thu sum of $1, 000 to nwnlt tho action of tho grand Jury. Ho was ar rested twenty miles from 15u geno by tho Lane County of ficials. It Is understood that his relatives went on his bond. Tho fact Hint Tower has been arrested and given bond, the offi cers will have no further concern In thu roso until It comes up at tho September grand Jury. Tho churKo against Tower la nssnult with a deadly weapon and It will bo up to tho grand Jury to dccldo whether this charge shall ho mado or if there la anything olse against htm, It Is understood that Tower's relatives wont his bond. Ho for merly'llvod nt Junction City and bus relatives In that locality. Ho told a friend hero before leaving that lm exnected to K0 oil n claim 111 Lnno County. Ab far aa can bo learned Ills wife whom ho took nwny by torce, la atll with him. Hydo In tho City. Hon Hyde, tho young man who was with MrB. Towur when her hus band took her away from him nnd who took Mrs. Tower to thu danco ut North llond tho night tho trou ble occurred, wna ohout tho city this morning.. Ho asked what had boon dono about tho caso and wheth- or or not Towor bail glvon bond. Uo had Httlo to say further than that ho regretted tho publicity wilch tho matter had given him and said ho did not know matters stood na thoy did bulweou Towor and lila wife, believing that they had been separated for some tlmo. bad been soparuto for nonio tlmo. Was n Singer. In speaking of tho caso tho Hu eono Register saya: "Towor was on- gagod In the cigar store business at Junction City for a niimbor of yoars previous to going to Cooa Day four or flvo yenra ago. Ilia wlfo was n singer In a moving picture theator nt Junction nnd they wore mnniod I Inter nt Cottago Grove, where tho SIMPSON ILL WLJE BUSK Company Gives Orders to Con tinue Operations for Next Six Months at Least SHIPMENTS LARGE v Hardy and A. M. Simpson l Each Make Two Trips to ai: i. tu:. M...ik uuiiiuiiiiu una muiiui TRIAL RUN WAS SUCCESS IOlKUiitioiiH Wcro Started ns Kipcrl inent, to Continue if Profltablo and Slnco Manager Arkley Mado Report, It, To Keep Going IclTfilitis'Limt to m SEHTEWGERQBBERS SAID THAT KOODSTUl'F FROM , MEXICO SOLI. TO Itl'.D CROSS Investigation or An Unofficial Na t.uo Show That Only "no Cube of tlio Kind. , . ... ti.nt iim Zniiatn govorii- mont archives have been removed K,r w10 Was only about 10 years CHARG EIS SERIOUS BA1D HltlTISir KILLF.D GKHMAXS WHO fII) DOWN ARMS MAX AX" WOMAX AT H.KK TO PHXITKXTIARY Clmncellor of tho Kviheuiier Sa)H When Question Asked It Is Scan- ilaloiiH nnd Fnlso. IDr AiiotlitM nM to Cooi Dir Tlmn 1 LONDON, Juno 29. "Scandalous and wholly false," Is the way Chan cellor of tho Kxcliequor McKeiina, speaking in the Houso of Commons this afternoon, stigmatized tho ques tion put by Lauroneo Gulnneil, Nat ionalist member, suggesting that the hrltlsh troops were killing (JornmnB alter thoy laid down their arms, instead of making them iiiisoners. . ..... ..r (!i..iiinf ST.ooo In) Found tiiiuiy "' '""""": ' fiohl million ,u " n,"h" Is Held Up ,DrAuocuuar"tcoo.nrTin..l .,. on Mrs. Mol- HAKHR, Ore, Juno -9. " lv Horgett. Joe Carlson and Sour jv Rorgei m sr-r.. ',' ..rs: 1)R .MnVUR-GintHARD Pl'llLISH- i:s articli: SajH UN Opinion I I'liHwl H,"U,H and Geriiiany Mlsiindeistaiul Uach Other tar Aixii r" t0 co ""' '',, IH3RLIN, Juno 29. Wireless Say Vlllo . n . n.ll tlflKMIIllllI .t W.- Mr. I'll HI11II 1U ...w - .....r United States re-T' '' 80t back to Mexico for L,,nn,. iho Lusltaiiln Incident, pub- freo aUtr . . . At... fm Tnir In i i.i... milt nilA a -.ilnln 11 1III4 II 111 ktr 1IIMIIV Illll J llslieu an arv-.u - -- - - r- -. . . a,.out u -,.i Mnvlcn Uliy lu """i i and trains for the trniiMportutlon ,..,, from tho capital aro being hold In readlnoss, was brought to the hcailuuartors of Gonorni uu..- ..i i. Ainnr cans ycsicruny, co.dtng to information reaching tho of ago, was similarly engaged. Thoy wont to Mnrshfleld where lowor onoiiod n theater. Just previous to going to Coos Hay Towor's store was destroyed by fire. Ho and tits brothor wore sleeping In tho building at tho tlmo the flro broke out ami r-,,t nationalists Consul hero today nurrowly escaped with their lives DREB"GE'IS"SUNKjHATCH IS GUILT! (II, A""!'!" rn to Coo. pf MmM.l i.,viiKnO. Texas. Juno 29 An un- ..wTTSKxii OX SOUTH ,-.'.. ,nl.-r.nnrlmrd. who was' ttlpa Investigation of reports that , " .,'., . HT SMUT sent from the Unite States to foodstuffs have been IwijrloJ from ,1.1 .-l i.... i..niwiif in 11U111 UlBiriuuiiuii uiub... .- --- caso of tnai iuiiu. Rnlnbow stago of $7,000 in gold bul' day on t ........ lm niri(tf1 i..,. .n-i n. n cur ni uifuiin imi'wi v which ho says his Qiur. .- - , moi.u. . , -- wM that botn counuien "- irom .,111 ,.-..- vlnccd hlni understood each other. About tno i-i-. later purchased men Say Sho Will bo llontwl un ILoW Thh Does uomi ... Striking a snag last night whllo being towoj on tho South Coos River, tho bucket drodgo Oregon sank and this morning lay at tho i.ni mm of tho river young coquilli: vallf.y .max gous to pi:xiti:xtiary John Httlluvll. Father of Girl Con corned, U On Tilal Today For Contempt below Oood- hor decks awash. "It Is true," says Moyor Gerhard, j )h Moxlco .... .i. Anmrrnn ureas. "tnai io .' shipped nero mm '": , ! ..,,.. in,. with Red Cross aim "' '" - liollnwnil ..... nl i0v water 11 WHO iwiiv.w --- - .... by tho press, , .,inv to threo linn woro BonieuKW" .- appeal was tuken. ILL P GLAUS sihtm: fou 1SSUFS I1AXK CALL IBr Aociit.a rr to coo. n.r tiom 1 WASHINGTON, . C. Juno 29. Tho Comptroller of cur rency today Issued u call for tho condition, of ull national banks at the close of busi ness Juno 23, inull WILL "" HOM)lX STIJAMKH Get . .. Mii...lintiia Will 100,000 as tho 1'ln.t Iiihtallnieiit -.- n TlmM.l governuif"' - $100,000 iiu intciuiu" " " ' llA MR. AND MRS. DROWis. " "" Palaco, spent a pleasant Sunday at tho Burton rahclt at the head of South Coos River. was i..tMt(lnil lia ,,..- , Ml. T ho f rst ini'-- - , 08 . tho claims of tho owners tiement of t , wllnol. 1,6 l AmDrlcan steamship Wllhei ot. lhe.r! seized by the Brit- mina. ." ng a Car- STSHZtH 'from Now York to . t..i.i nvAontinnft. oancclaUy ennrn lilllllUUlU WA.w""- - - tbo Gorman-American papers, lave .,n Kcceeiled in ronialnlng neutral, U but tho Influence of the press upon , nubile opinion Is some times greatly over-estimated. Doubtless the larg est sections of (ho American people ,.i,nv toward Gormnny, whoso efficient organization Is dally win ning new friends and arousing in torest In things German "" CIIKAP APT" ''" START Al wun'""' ,B,At,tirr...o -''' 'lm-I SPOKANI3. WbbIi.. Juno 29. Three and a half cent faro automobiles began operating on tho Spokane streets today. Tho company operating the reduced faro machines has ,i in ivnuuimfrorH. cara sea ...b .- .---- f l VVV-r-r-' - - "XOT1CI-: KLKS FAST AIR TRIP ,u, AMof KM rr 10 r-o. n.i Tl" I TACO.MA, Juno 29. Gus tavo Stronior lult hero at t;-0 a. m. In 11 hydroplnno nnd arrived at Port Augoloa at 8:3r, u. m.. without u stop. Tho dlstanco Is I IB miles nnd ho followed tbo u,,.,,i,i nit tho way. nut . - A. A. A. A . v'm V v -v - ....Ai..l nti.1 flnnt .,i. ..milil in soon ruimiitu . led again. Hoatmou stato thut tlio .lamage done to her is siigiu i " b I some of the crew were forced Into I . e- tlm nlL'llt. I10W lliaiiurn I"' "" """ (Special to Tho Times) COQUILLU, Ore., Juno 29. Tho tnrv In the circuit court last nlfiht returned a vordlct of guilty against Nova llatchor who was tricu on n statutory charge Involving Paulino Stlllwoll, Vi minor girl 01 .-uyruu Point. Carl Knsolo was aont to the penitentiary on tho samo cbargo. Hatcher Is n well known younh ..,.. and belongs to a family widely known on the Couulllo. lie has a ir.. m..i little child, making tho caso a distressing one. Tho wife's father Is well to do and can proviuo ror nur Tho Simpson Lumber company at No'Hi Bend will contlnuo to oporsto right along for the next six months at least. When tho mill was oponod ngatn under tho now manager, A. . Arkley, It was at that tlmo , announced that If It would pay to keep tho mill going operation would continue. Since Manager Arkley has made his report of what ho has been ublo to accomplish tho conipnny Iiub ordered that tho mill continue for nnothor six months. Woik for liirge Number This moans that tle. Porter mill will bo operated as woll as tho two logging camps. At tho McDonald and Vaughan camp about 80 nifh are employed and at tho Tarheel camp about 30. There nro 75 men In tho mill and with othor omployos this means a total of. aboul 226 men who will keep right on work ing for tho Simpson company. Tho mill hns boon operating qulto extensively since It opened. When tho steamer A. M. Simpson, which tinlved Saturday nlglit, goes out this will make two trips each mado by tho Simpson and the steamer Hardy this month. Tho lat ter carries 450,000 feet of lumber and tho Simpson 800,000 feet ma king a total of l.suo.uuu leei 01 lumber shipped and In addition $7000 worth of products from tho sash and door factory woro shipped. In addition to these shipments the company has furnished about 1, 000,000 of lumbor for the bridge work of tho Willamette Pacific railroad. Reiidy-Hiillt Hoiisch Tho company was recently asked to mnko n figure on portable houses which wore supposed to go to the French government, but a bid was not mado, as tho reuuest for figures did not come direct, but through other pnrtlos lu this country expect ing to handle tho order. The Simp sou Company, however, Is prepared fo furnish ready-cut houses either In largo numbors or In Bmall orders. Manager Arkloy Is making some Im provements In tho plans whlcn win make It possible to ship tho houses In tholr knockdown form in a very rompact package. At tho plaat of tho compuny thore Is orcctod one of theso houses to show Just what one Is llko when set up for uso. It Is believed that there will be a large business In this lino later on. TlT i.rii WHATIIKH 9 m, ..... niii.if.'iiN KM l.l "" O O i.v,h 10 ,iivh tho Oregon mis been t, .,,. youth Cooa River, work- Hie up Btream from tho forka of tlio river. During this tlmo a vast improvements baa been made n tbo channel, according w waptaln b. George Smith, of the Rainbow. .. .mint, that was especially bail. I doso lu to tho Seaman ranch " Lro tt widow's pension. now boon blasted oui unu -,... until thore la nine ic ""-" tho ihannel thereat low tide. Tho d.-edgo will after working In and near . . ,.. inn 1 own sireuiu a 1 nnoawiiis, as""1 v... THROUGH AUTO STAG l-M .Maiwhfleld and ltiebnrl Uno Cars Arrive Through Today Joo Laird urrtved hero at 3 o'clock this afternoon with the first throuuli auto stage from Rosoburg. .... .. .... ll,.l,,,rn- nliOIlt 8 o'ClOCK "......, m im from threo limy 'ei- ""''"" ":..... Tlio puuimiiHwm "" .. .,... i thia morning. Ho nau nvo p- t twenty years In tno pe .... w-1 MuMlo,a nn,I reports the It 18 prOIIUUlu mi " - Times want ads tiring results. Germany- Times want ads bring results. t.. nrinil in All Hlks are especiau -- attend tho business meeting and n Illation Wednesday night. T L. Dan tela, District Deputy Grand LxuRed ..... ...in lm nresent. muv VW. HILD10NI1RAND . . . pu luf TlntM I IU7 A"" K'M """ ' WASHINGTON, Juno 29. -Fair weather for Hie Fourth of July holiday next Monday was promised today by tho Weather Bureau for every station In tbo country except Oregon, where light ..i .. nrn urobablo. liun. -- . A A JZ 1110 AUCTION' S.M-i.vir,...,. going. Red froHH Joiiriry Iep(. I .. i. said sho will ho at worn I Altl4 ... . ...niilO 11 Ihero for probably iwo - "' TaccMcnt to the dredge hap poned shortly after eight o'coclt.i b said, whllo the gasoline boat Mae las towing. The fact that she la in fresh water Is taken to moan there can bo Httlo damage to ma chluery. most of which unyway is above 'Vh, water line. The channel lt this point Is fjulto shallow. .i,..i in nxiflllont condition .... . ..i. i,.u!i.a uiil lio main- Paulino Htlllweii, . "" , icd t,tty , fine autos. The autos torneil. has been comu.mvu ... .- Marshfleld t 0 o'ciock in Good Shepherd Homo ut rori.n.u,. ......, Blld connect wth the Father on 'I run nQBOburg- for Portland. Tho girl's rather. John Still well. " n. Coim of The Owl Dnl 8 on trial today on a B'""0wfi.cJnB,oro, cooa Bay agent for the line. tempt oi courv i"- i - wlfo alimony. Ho was arrested ut Vancouver, Wnsh, for falling to sup port his family during the past toil years but a recent stato lw ma,, . ..,i tmnoHslblo Ulld lio was held on the contempt charge. UATCHHH, SILVKUWAKK was iium uu. L. ni.icu . veur nrlce. . a il... Ill.il- I ' ! Slll.ht7K7 " -..-- . ! rents for ever) body. !' '" ,,H,I' '. . ,..i n ocrount of expects Heavy i""y ... , -id the superior service, tie will be gta to furnish any Information aVeut It as well as to supply Uckets. Bd lied I'M wffc v 'Jt m r-i iiiimwri-T-""'!