HlUjjrjf. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1915-EVENING EDITION. EIGHT UK! IMPHOVNMKNT OX ("OOniiliK i IS AIIOl'T t'OMI'liKTHl) SHIPPING MEWS j- IIM "'""" ' him Jg RIVER WORK DOWEKILBURWARRIVESIftll "$3dfr' The Red Cross JSt (Continued on unco S) TIIIMIIU: CU'lt Mrq, Fred KniBe very charmingly entertained tlio Tlifmblo Club Indies nnd a few special guests yesterday nf- dredging tlio Coqulllc river from tho tcrnoon at her homo In North Bend, I sen to Coqulllo, the county sent, cut flowers being used artistically I twenty-four miles, Is about complet In decorating the parlor. Sewing and ed. Tho work has been done by tho Miplal conversation occupied tho af- Pugot Sound Ilrldgo and Dredge tcrnoon hours and towards evening, Company using the dredge Seattle the hostess served delicious refresh ments to tho special guests: Mrs. W. J. Conrad, Mrs. Dennis Hull and the Misses Lena Kruse, and Mnllndn Anderson and the members: Mrs. E. F. Itussell, Mrs. M. B. Kvcrltt, Mrs. M. 0. Coleiimn, Mrs, V. Ilesk.l Mrs. M. 0. Coleman, Mrs. W. Hen-, derlcks, Mrs. K. K. IMggs, Mrs. V. E. Wutters, Mrs. Geo. Mnndlgo, 'Mrs. Fred Glazier, Mrs. John Groves, Mrs. Hoscoo Hnzcr, Mrs. C. S. Kais er nnd Mrs. John Mullen who will bo hostoBB at the next regular meet ing In two weeks. I XOHWKGIAX I.UTIIIIHAN VOUNU PKOPI.K'S KOCIKTV "- I The Young People's Society of tlie Norwegian Lutheran Society met last evening In tho church nail nnd listened to the society paper read by K. G. Me'llem. After tho usual busi ness and soclnl program, n. Ivor son and Jolmnr llofsland served re freshments to Hov. and Mrs. It. O. Thorpo, Mr. and Mrs. P. U. Jacob son, Misses Sennlo Uefsland, Cora nnd Alice Mathison and Messrs. 11. Peterson, U. G. Mellem, Oliver l.ur sen, Chris and Peter Thorpo. Tht evening was very much enjoyed b nil J WKDDINW AXXIVKHSAUV Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoy O. Hralnnrd en tertained at their homo In North Dond last evening In honor of their fifth or "Woodo" Anniversary. Tho Invitations weru very unique holm: sunt out on wood. At progressive wilst, Mrs. W. II. Shoppard nnd Jon Ollu won first prizes and tho con solations woro awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Itussell. As nn nnnlvcrsnry present, tho guests presented tho host and hostess with a beautiful rocking chair. Lnto In tho evening, a tempting luncheon was served to: Mr. and Mrs. N. G, llnmcs, Mr. nnd Mrs, L. A. Loonils, Mr. and Mrs. CImb. Wil liams, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hussoll, Mr. nnd Mrs. W, II. Shoppard, Mr. and Mrs. Joo Olln, Miss Gertrudo Tcots nnd Tom Juza. $ I INFORMAL CHAT t Mrs. Gnlliraith and daughter Miss Mario of Enstsldo, have gone to Sun- sot liny whero they will spend tho Summer. ( Mrs. A. Larson nnd daughter Miss! Elslo mid Miss Jonnlo Johnson of Fcrndnlo left yesterday on the Nnnu Smith on a trip to tho Exposition nnd n visit with relatives In San Francisco. Hugh Long and wife havo re turned nftcr n sovernl months' stny In Montann and Minnesota Mrs. Kemp, formerly Miss Maud Painter, arrived this weok from Tulsa, Oklahoma, for an Indefinite uny with relatives mid frleudb In Mnrshfleld. Miss Esther Nelson left yesler day on tho Nauu Smith for Kan Frtiiiclsco whore she will vlilt .villi Ii'IoihIh and at tho Exposition tor a month. .Mrs. W. II. Lyons and duighter Helen of Coqulllo, are guilts nt the J. 8. Lyons home on Eleventh i Mid Klanngan. Mr. Lyons will Join j ihein for a week-end visit. I(( A. Copplo and family left tlilt wei'l' hi their car on a trip to tho Exposition in Han FrnneUco. They expect to return nhoiit July 10th. Mi, and Mrs. Guy Winner, and lit tit daughter left thts week to visit at tho Exposition iid also n lib relatives and friends k Oak land. Miss Lucy Horton unived this Y'i'ok from Poplar llluff, Mo., to visit at tho It. K. llooth home, .-'bo ' was tho Inspiration j'or sovo-al ', ,. c-lul functions the past few .lays, i .Miss nosslo linini'l returned this vtl; from the State Norn ij ui . Monmoutli, whero she has spent the 8 nest year. ' ' i p. F. 1). Kletcher nnd wife lot' fh's ' Wade week on u trip to the Imposition 4 ?rcu Mrs, Henry Fourier has as her fa, house Kiiest her brother, Taul l).un- Iqh, from Chicago, who eamo here hreo after suumiliiK n few weeks 111 1.0s . AnL'pli'.i and Sun Francisco visit- Ing relatives mid the Imposition, nt which Mr I)utulos snld Coos Hay was vory well ropieoiited. The meeting of tho Donns Club was postponed this .week on account r.f tho Fanner's picnic null Wed- v -- j 1 f gray rt next week when tne nieiii-! Vessel (Yosslng the- llnr nt Dnmlon Can Now Co Up Ktronm to County Sent 1 " (Special to The Times) I1ANDON. June 2C. The work of which was at work for many months on Coos liny. Tho dredgo will have finished the work within n week. Tho cost of dredging tho river Is about $40,000. Tho Port of liandon Is paying for It but It was not nee- ossary to make any bond Ibsuc. mo amount Is met by tho taxation. Tho members of tho port commission feel gratified that they havo been ublo to do this important work without n bond Issue as It leaves thorn free to Issue bonds In larger sums when over n bigger project Is needed. Snngs hnvo been taken out of tho river and all shoals havo been ro- j moved by tho dredge. This makes I clear sailing rrom the bar to tho city ' n,..llln rM nil tinntd rwmilmr 111. fl iilJIfllU iUl till MWMl.T x.w......n .... . V08S,,i tlrawltiK 11 1-2 feet of wa- toJ can K0 t() Coiiullle. Ah a matter of fact there Is moro than that much wnter In the river litit n vessel draw ing 1 1 1-2 feet can cross safely over tho bar and with tho dredging of tho river can now go right up to Co qulllo and load lumber or freight of any kind. Donald Chnrleson has been nclPi'-; as port engineer Inspecting t' o work for the port. Superintendent Ml'lor who has charge of tho dredgo (loin not yet know where tho Senttlo will be taken from tho Coqulllc river. Ho will await orders from headquar ters. , Members of tho port commls?lon I point out the fact that by being nbloj to pny for tho river dredging with! tnx money they nro In a position to Issuo bonds for moro extensive work. ) Should tho government appropriate for bigger Improvements of tho har bor tho port will bo In a position to do Its shnre. OAITAIX .MACtJKNN I Mi Captain Peterson yestcrdny brought tho steamship Hrenkwator in from Portlnnd on her regulnr run. Inking tho plnco of Captain T. J. Moc genn who Is 111 In Portland. Captain Peterson Is said to bo a prominent Columbia Klvor pilot and n mariner well known on this coast. The steamer Phoenix Is hero for u enrgo of ties. AltOL'T KXPLOISIOX Editor Times: After Investigating tho mnttor of the Wymore children being hurt by lighting a match and touching It to n blasting cap used to oxptodo giant powder, 1 find thnt tho caps wore In a box which was Inclosed In another box and tho packages placed about four feet from a barbed wire fence on tho sldo opposite from the county road. Tho box was down ovor tho bank and wis covered ovor with a rain cont and was out of sight of anyone standing In tho road. In or- dcr to got at tho caps It was ncces- snry for the boys to crawl through n barbed wlro fence and get tho caps out of tho box. The boy who hnd his fingers Injured will not lose any of tho Joints of his fingers or thumbs nnd tlio other hoy will not suffer a disfigured face and his eyesight is not liupnrcd and Is all right. It is very fortunate that tho boys were not hurt more. V. P. Norton. ,K,r8 w" h.o entertained nt tho homo of Mrs. Gunnell on Catching Inlo. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kelley and I sons, Howard and Eugeuo will j leave In July on a trip to the Ex ' position, returning via He no to visit ! with Mrs 11. V. Nelson, slstor of Mrs. Kelley. Mrs. C. It. Uiillur of Monmouth nr- rived Friday to visit for several i weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Matt Steiiholm. She will bo rcmoui- ""od ns JIIss Hilda htenliolin prliw I'hml ' t Central School nnd will ,l0 warmly Kreeted by her ninny friends and former pupils. KI.OWIIU SHOW ON Exhibits uro coming In rapidly this afternoon to tho Flower Show at tho Husy Corner Drug Store. Six o'clock Is the latest for bringing In displays. 1'rlzes nro to be n warded for first nnd second exhibit in sweet peas nnd roses. Tho Judges are Mrs. M. O. Moloney. Tom James and Hdwln 0. Scott. Tho flowers are 0:1 exhibi tion tlilo evening. - -- " co.mi:s with 2H passkxckks jj tf-KMOilwa MHEHBHHMHMreHBMwWKfflHHHMMHMi tfflfc vl Vtssclq Conn's In Night lonves IS lw"ORw9!Ml IU fYmwilm BbL v ft W" vL iyJII Down nt 1 p. ". for Kurckn W BfcPKJ& liVUltfY iWA Ufe Vlf ami S Francisco M (faEffaT2S2is U I II M !LjBLOHt W''J W tVJf During the night the steamship Kllburn, Captain McClelland, nr rlvod In from Portland and remain ed until tills morning nt North Dond, moving over hortly after 8 o'clock. She brought In 28 passengers from the north and 100 tons of freight. At one o'clock this afternoon tho Kllburn left down for Eureka and San Francisco. Thoso who arrived hero from Portlnnd wore: Miss Mnrgueretto Hall, 13. G. Mc Dougal, Mrs. E. W( Chnppsoll, Wal ter llowcn, Howard Helmer, Wilbur F. Welch, John II. Welch, Gils Mar tin, Mrs. Levi Snyder, Geo. S. S. Levi, E. H. Thompson, H. L. Gebott, Hen F. Lindermnn, J F. Darch, Don Wright, J. W. Ste'ffens, Mrs, W. E. Foute nnd baby, Jennie Farmer, W. C. Hradley, Florenco Goodwill, John Martin, Leonard Nunpl, Stanley Hun loy, Geo. Wicks, Arthur Wicks, dim Palmer, Dolt Forlander, John Kol inose. Outgoing List Those sailing south were: J. II. Colemuii, O. Lawsou, 11. Cole, J. C. Hrooks, John Ellis, Geo. Vnsey, D. Anderson, G. II. Loyd, Chns. Mend. Mrs. J. Whaten, Mrs. Cotighlln, Geo. I Cotighlln, Amel Hugo, William Sallo, ' G. S. Handel, Mrs. Sccdhems, Abo Htitiengardt, Geo. Morgan, O. L. Clark. J. C. Payne. F. A. Donnls, S, S. H. Stewnrt, J. Leo Urooks. II. M. I O. Ilrae, T. Waters, Minnie Newton, I Miss Moss, L. Xoeucr, Mrs. S. J. Fcn- ney, S. J. Foney, David Fceney. . VESSEL MOVE.MKXTS Airlvcd. i Hardy, San Francisco, I p. m., yesterday. , Phoenix, San Francisco, I p. m. yesterday. Adeline Smith, Oakland, f. a. in. today. F. A. Kllburn, Portlnnd, 0 n. in., ' today. Sailed. F A. Kllburn, San Francisco, 1 p. m., today. Yellowstone. Duo Here. ' Santa Clara, from south, Mondny. Duo to Sail. Ycllowstono, San Francisco, G p. in., today. ' . Hreukwntor, Portlnnd, 8 n. m Suudny. HOATS ALL I1USV Vessels Havo IH'cn Tnkeii Out Ami Put Into Uho Cnpt. Olson of tho steanior Yol lowstono says that from appearanc es all available vessels are now being put into use. It was but a few months ago that tliero woro porhups sixty or sovonty vessols of different typo tied up In Oakland creek becnuso there was no busl-, ness. Cnpt. Olson tells of ono boat which was formerly In his charge being out of commlslou thero for twenty months but now conditions aro different. Ho says (lint i only last week ho noticed thnt thero woro only three boats In Oakland crock thnt hud not been called Into commission. i.o.i)i.(j i,r.Miu;u The stenmer Hardv arrlvod In tho bay yesterday afternoon to take luiuber from the Porter Mill of the Simpson company and tlio steamer A. M. Simpson will todny,, start loading. This will make 1-0 trips for each of these vessols during this month 1 FINES MUST STICK SAY WASHINGTON OFFICIALS Department of fnmmcrco Itefuses To Intervene For F. W. Pan. . . tei' ami Company Refusal to Intervene In the mat ter of two fines of $100 each, 0110 against Captain F, V. Punter and tho second, the Myrtle Transporta tion company, Is made by the De partment of Conunorco In n letter to Collector of Customs llurke In Portland, Tho fines wero levied by Kd wnrds and FitllciuwfypsluU'lupdii wards ifml Fnllor, government In spectors of boilers and hulls, sottio time ago for an alleged violation of tho law aboard tho Telegram on the Coiiullle River, Captain Punter was accused ns acting ns both master and pilot of the Telegraph without a license. llig Dance nnd ltasket Picnic in SliiipMrn's Pavilion, Sunday, July I. The Cadillac In place of Mlllicomn will leave .MurslifJcld .tiitO Simd.iy imiuitiig for Allegany, ivtunilng Sunday- evening. Commencing Monday, June 28 Sale at 2:30 p. m. Sale at 7:30 p. m We will offer our Jewelers How does this strike you? aPhone 181 J FRJZEEN i DUNCAN ' lUtKIHii: WOHKINO FAST Two Weeks MxptfcdHl to Heo Finish of Project at Itaiiilon Diedgo I May lie Drought Hero i ! Two weeks Is oxpocted 10 see tho finish ;of dredging 011 the Coijulllo lltlvor, tho project now under way 1 by tho dredgo Seattlo. For several weeks tlio dredgo has boon work ing night and day scooping out the channol of tho river and Is reported to have dono excellent work. It Is not known ns a eortalnty whero the dredgo will bo taken at tho completion of the project at ENTIRE JEWELRY STOCK for sale at auction This will mark the Largest Sale of Fine Goods Ever Con templated in the history of MarshfiefcL It will be a rare opportunity to secure high-grade goods at your own price Stock consists of Watches, Fobs, Chains, Charms, Cuff Buttons, Brooches, LaValliers, Emblem Charms, Bracelets, Lodge Emblems, Umbrellas, Sterling Silverware, Gold Filled Jewelry, Diamonds, Band Rings, Set Rings, Fine Cut Glass, Fancy Leather Goods, Hand Paint ed China, Art Goods, etc., etc. The object of this sale is to raise a stipulated amount of cash which we must have and also we are going out of certain lines which do not pay us to handle and so doing will enable us to open a New Era in the Jewelry Business in Marshfield. This sale will continue afternoons and evenings until our object is accomplished. ATTENTION LADIES! You are especially invited to attend this sale. All attending will be treated with utmost courtesy. Sev eral beautiful presents will be given to the ladies attending the open ing of this sale. R. M. HARDING, of Chicago, Jeweler's Auctioneer. ed Cross MARSHFIELD A now, tlioi'oti;ilil,v modern elglit-room home, full basement, spi'lug Mater, two liuno lots protected from tlio wind, less Hum i'lvo minutes vuilk, .ploiulUl neighborhood, nnd nit Ideal location In every particular. Till j property run be bought for $:tni)) mid upon incept lonally favor ublo terms. For full pnrtlculm-.s. cull on, address or phone Ilaudon, but It has been rumored thut temporarily It will bo brought to Coos Hay. Thoro Is said to bo little dredging o 1 An this coast this summer. SKIPPIMt VOUNd MAX Cuplalii of Norwegian Dark Vim- dura Is 211 Years Old ami I'm- lliermoio Is Named Smith Tho sklppor ot tho Norwegian I hark Vanduara, which sailed with grain from Portland somo time ago, , has two reasons for dlstlnqulshed I mention Ono Is the fait that ho Drug Store tai 68 CENTRAL AVENUE Is but 2G years of ugo mid Is in command of a largo sized deep wa ter vessel; the second Is that he Is sklppor of a Scandinavian, ves sel and has tho name of Smith. VI1010 aro few captains that ovec mnko tho Pacific coast In deep water ships who aro under 30 years of ago. Captain Smith left Portland March III for tho United Kingdom making tho trip around tho Horn In the fnlrly fast ttmo of 115 days. Ho writes that he lost a sailor ov- ' erboard when crossing out over the Columbia bar in heavy wenth-ier. (iiiiypj Emmm Opt icians ! Call BASCOM BROTHERS MESSENGER SERVICE ' PHONE 420-R Messages or parcels delivered 1- l nf nlh IUl iu any jmi -.--- Quick response to all calls. nff!n QKK Mnrth RroatiWay - j. J..i..K.-r'.M..H' BOAT sumiD LARGEST STOU m w nniiMTY Agency foi;TTrpFs RED SEAL DRY BATTERS w ai wni IMC ni!S PIONEER HARDWARE t....H.tWM-rr Read THE TIMES