'Attttttfe'tl r-sf-rzn . Jv.l .' ..A..r. I a bo of as Ire re cm Houb ly H asl ;ned Hort3 omnJ ho tl i'hls I be i In ho pi up its. IS ui i Jul) kle l .will the pi io hail n ol ned. ndledl rner io by ( las N .ttrafti arded classes! t a stl in ann naterh irdens 4 ave W ir. WM nore three . the n id and . platlo itheC I prol of Sec made intest ng !u eved tfcl n suca o on J cities. Simp TTERI ilLS PJMJJEARN Coos Bay Times Your Paper Ilio Coos Hny Times la proud of Its tJtlo "The I'coplc's Paper," and It strives nt nil times to IKe up to Its niimo by doroUng (i energies to promoting tlio pooplo's interests. mSmi ALL RIGHT, BUT THERE ARE QUICKER WAYS A. AN EDUCATION ffioflfi lay GETTING Wmm VOL NO. XXXVIII. MRMnnilH OP THR ASSOCIATED IMKRH A Southwest Oregon Paper That's wlint tlio Coos tiny Times It. A South, west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people ml dovotcl to tlio best Interests of tills grot section . Tlio Times always boosts tuid norcr knocks. Kstnbllshc.t turn An Tin- Const Mull lio KM HMuiEnnnino u MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mali ntid Coos liny Advertiser. No. 289 HUES A N HOUR I Wonderful Rate of Speed is Maintained in Five Hundred Mile Derby Today i RESTA IK MILITIAMEN STIMi PltflTIV'l' GOVKHNOIl SLAYTOX Term Kxplred lit Noon mid I .a si lny In orrict, vs Stormy One ttlj AiaoflitdJ ITm to can t)r,TImw.J ATLANTA, (la., Juno 2C Twen-ty-8lx men wero brought to tlio county Jail hero today by nillltlamen Kunrdlng thu country homo of Gov ernor Shiton. They were urrcstud while trying to enter tlio Governor's estate. Near-beo'1 salooilR urn rtnanil. tlin entire nlRlit wnteh of police was iieni at HtatloiiH for extra duty and the Ulianl of 111) I it In t 111 niit-riuiiiil. eil (loveruor Slaton's homo hi the eirort or the niithorltlcH to forestall today ami tonight any demonstra tions of protest against the coiinnu latlon or l.eo M. Frank's death sen tence. The term or (loveruor Slu ton expired at noon and crowds were In tlio city for the Inaugura tion ol Nat E. Harris. Tlio arrests at Slaton's home and the hostile demonstration when he appeared at today's Inauguration of his successor, Nat K. Han Is, made tlio final day of Slaton's term u stormy one. The demonstration at the Inauguration wan quickly sup pressed and Slaton was cheered Make Entire Distance at Rate of 95.6 Miles an Hour Shatters All Records 80,000 PEOPLE ATTENDED lotor $UI,( I" ,,l0 Money was Won by tho Kucco.snrui .Mini Porponitu Wns Second anil Il!chcisliuflc Uiinio " 'N'"'"! Br AttocUtiKS rri to Coo nr Tlm-U QPKKOWAY, Chicago, Juno 20. D,rlo Hesta won tlio fiOO mllu l)or- i .i.niimil unviirnl world's rec- j ana niiuiw" "-- ' - irds Tlio tlmo wns 5:07:0(5, about when lie reiuinkod on handing over It minutes mBter innn any previous me buuo ei mui u nuiw mm word l'orporuto was Becond, Kick- been abused during my admlnlstra- 10 QUIT WORK General Shut-Down of Chica go's Building Industry Goes Into Effect Today ANXIOUS FOR PEAG E GREA ,T LABOR IR It is Regarded That Worst Contest of the Kind in Re cent Years is Beginning DECIDED UPON LAST NIGHT SOCIAL DK.MOCItATS OK UKItLIX IT1IMKII A PHOCLAMATIOX They Say Germany Should be First to Itilng About Peace In Europe (llr AmvlitM l'rnu to Cvo tlr TlniM.l HEREIN, June 20. The manag ing committee of the Social Demo eratle party In (lermany has pub lished In tlio Yorwaerts, n full-page appeal against carrying on the war for territorial conquest after the allies are ready to sue for pence. ".Germany, who was attacked by great superior forces, has thus far victoriously defended herself against all enemies, brought their starvation plan to naught nnd demonstrated that she Is iincouiiiicrnble, should tako tlio first stop to bring about peace," says the article. RUSSIANS HOLD TEUTONS BIliK DUTHIEIMTHE L EAR nbjckcr third Resta won more than ?-0,000 r!:o money. Highly tboiiBami peo- lu kiw tho race, porporntn was Ihree miles bohlnd llesta and four tiles ahead of Hlukcnbacher Anew record for 100 miles was side by E. Coopor nt the rate or in mlluH tin hour, or 1 1 miles ftist- tr than any provlous record. Hesta ilen took tho lend und mndo lto tiles nt tho rato of 110.2:5 miles an lour, ten miles faster than any pro rjous record. The big rnco wns participated in it 21 of tho best drivers m uio tounlry. Tho rnco wiib hold on tho uv unto speedway, ndvortlscd as it rosiest In tho world. The raco rirted nt 10:30 a. m Vllcox mnd it the rato o Eesta's tlmo wnB 11:10, n now rec ni for tho distance. 1 Harry Grant who broko worlds un-stgp compotltlvo record wns krth. E. Cooper was fifth and Ami- won sixth. Even Andorson broke i ie Indianapolis record, nvornglng 11.01 miles per hour. tlon. Trouble is Hosull of Kefei-endiim Vote of Sixteen Tlioiisand Cur- peutcrs Who llefiicl to Ar- Illtl-iltO QllOtl0ll In DKputo liy Anoclit.J rrrn to eou. lltj Tlmn.l CHICAGO, 111., June 2C A gen eral shutdown of Chicago's building I industry, which It was said will throw out of employment more than today. Tho shutdown was regarded as tho beginning of one of tho grentest labor wars in iccent years VAXCOUVHIt .MAX IS MAKING HKST (K)liK SCOHM Cliuin-at riajers Are Contesting for plousblp of the racifie Tacotiiii Today (llf AwtlllfJ Vtna In Ccn Hay Tlmo. TACOMA, Wash.. Jiiuu 10. At tho end of the morning play in the open championship of tlio Pacific Northwest Golf Tournament, Alex Petrograd Says Austro-Ger- man Forces Cleared From Left Bank of Dneister FIGHTDESPERATE i , Germans Attempt to Bridge Waterway in Order to Cross After Being Repulsed SKERRETT ABSENT IWIUS TO SHOW l'l TO MKKT IXSL'ltAXCK AD.IUHTKU mm army BATTLE IS STILL RAGING TURKS SEIZE GUNS srui'itisi: ai.i.iks axi cAnriti: Ml'XITIOXS OH W'AU I t.ll.l.. t 1...I ...111. Tho shutdown wns decided on last I 8conj of 7f(i ns ,otB, wn8 2oy. night as an answer to tho referon-, Ro)orl John8oni of seiittlc, nnd T. (Ill 111 voio ot iu.uuu siriiiiiig cur penters who refused to nrhltrnte tho questloliK In dispute. Official CoiiKtnnllnopIo Staleiiicnt Says That Attacks 'Ibis Week Met With Success REPORT IS UNTRUE SIM5MAKIXK CAl'TAlX NOT IIOX- tnr Awori.tea r to coo. n.r Tiu,.i I OKIIKU KOlt SIXKIXG KL'SITAXIA CONSTANAIN01M.B, Juno 20. An official stntementsays: Wcdiicii- J IViiskIiui Military Order (.lyeu for day night one of our right wing pa-1 Taking -""" trols surprised and destroyed a party , l''"-t (.Ibraltar nf the enemy near Seddul Uahr, ID. Aoctttj rr u coo mj Timw.i i in I'lii'tt - . - ,.. nnd i imtllnB their machine guns out ot, nBftLIN. ( wireless Sayvlllo) in-10 n in Kestn nnd "ullUB l"u" ., llBUhIN, twiroiess sayvnuw e ilio fst wo t7n.ll nct,0' be3,,,cs Wturlng r,f ,- ,, Bbr0Bd f m.7 1 miles per i10,,r. '"""'I' ttlul othcr W"r bly- that Captain Herslng of tho German ' III APPEAL TO LANSING; DIB S DROPPED IWITISII AVIATOHS C'AUSK OA.M- AGKS TO THU (JICHMAXS l) Ainmiiiiltiou Depot Destroyed anq Soldiers Arc lulled by tlio Kxploslou (Br AnctHIM Treu to Coo Dir Ylme. Loxnnv innn ir. iinmbs dron- W by llrltlsh uvlntors near Houlers, Mjlum, caused tho explosion of u !"5e ammunition dopot and nlso ro uted In killing- tho Gorman soldlors AMIMIICAX IMPOKTKIIS WAXT TO SIIH' CIIHTAIX 1'ltODL'CTS Facts Will Probably lie Presented to (heat llrltuln In a Sep- arAto Xoto tnr AuooUleJ ritu to Coo. llr Tlro.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 2C Ilopresentatlves of n thousand Amer ican Importers presented to Secre tary Lansing today a petition for ac tlon by tho I'nltcd States to enable them to bring out dye stuffs, potash and other Amerlcnn owned goods In Germany without Interferon. It U hellovcd the facts will bo presented I wail vnwi iv....n "- -' nevy received tho order or rour I.e- tnorito. tho Prussian military decora- Ion, for sinking tho hiisltunla Is untrue. Horsing was decorated for taking tho submarine past Gibraltar. S. Gallup, or Vancouver, Htood sec ond mid third. MINISTER RES m IIKAD OF Itl'SSlAX W.llt DU- pautmi:xt i.i:avi:s oi-fici: General Pollvanoff,' Former Assist ant, Succeeds to liuportuut Placo In That Country Illr AuKKlitcJ rrfM to Coo liy TlmM.I LONDON, Juno 20. Genoral W. A. Soukhomllnoff, ItusBlan Minister of War, has resigned, according to n dispatch from ' Petrograd. It Is understood General Pollviuioff, for mer assistant Minister or War, win succeed Soukhomllnoff. Franco Deports That Thero Is u Comparative Inactivity at Western Front as Progrevs Was Checked by Slot ins Still Deadlocked (llj AuoclttcJ rrr to Cvoa lltf 'iiium I LONDON, Juno 20. Petrograd reports that tho left bank ot tho lllver Dneltser Is entirely cleared of Teutonic troops, who forced tliolr way across at two points recently, but tho Austrn-Gcriuan forces are making desporato efrorts to effect a passage elsewhere. Bringing oper ations wero begun by tlio Tutons south of llukas.owlco on tho very nluht tho remnants of tho detach ments which had crossed elsewhere wore being driven back. A battlo Is still raging at a new contact point. Tho Uussltins claim thoy luivo check ed tlio attacks elsewhere except III tho Orzyc region. Tho French report comparative Inactivity on tho Western front. Their progress was checked, thoy Bay, by storms Tho Italian front Is without developments. A dead lock continues on tho Galllpoll peninsula. START FOR P ATTF.MPT TO TAKK WAltSAW LIKF.LY TO I IK MADK I S IMF'S UIFW niMiin1 " ' CITIZENS AROUSED Ml'CII FKKLIXO AT XOIITII DKXD AHOt'T LAIIOH MA'lTKIt Foiclgiiers Drought In to Work on Sewer and locaI Men uio Dlsfliuigcd ' HAS NO FKAKS OF I.OS1XG .Mill TO Olt TIIUOl'GH llKXXKTT Heavy (Jims Aro Ixmded on Trains by (Jernuins for TniiMportu- tiiiu to tho Front Siijh That He Knows of No One Ho Would Mather llao As An Op ponent 'Hum J. W. Dennett Judge J. S. Coke today In dis cussing tho report that J. W. Ilon nntt bad begun a campaign against him In h'jpos of securing tho Circuit (Dr AMoeUttJ tiv io Coo l Tlme.l . .,,,v ...... on A fiinlrlll I.U.MIU.X. - ... -- -- ; - " fnp ,, ! ,,,, 'ows illsiiatt'h iroill rtlllHluruuu. wjo U....BV.....,- .- .ows uibpaiiii i.u. slKhtost fe,irs liellovcd tho facts win uo ii"-"' u,at goveral trams loaueu mm ii) " - - - ,.,.,. o rent Ilrlloln apait from a new avo ,ofl Kgwm for the Gorman I of losing his position to or tl..onh . i n-inuii h ini! - . .... .... ... ,... ,.u.,.r in Vn niiii. Jir. iiennuii. i-- . ........ ... .. iroui on uiu ......" - . that 'en proioronco, especially as n.ur.. ..,!.- i. i linllnvr.,1 thev will bo used , "1 do not Know oi any uhu "iuu . ....-.- -w , note belnc prepared on llrltlsh block- ude. ... oiTicLus spicidi:. Tho:o was a good deal of feeling among boiiiu of tho North llend poo plo today because of tho employ ment of outsido labor on tho part of ICdward Sanberg, who baa tho contract for building tho Connecti cut! avenuo sower( Mr. Sanberg hail boiiio local men employed ami It Is Dialed that ho dlichargod theso men to mnko places for Flnlnndors whom ho brought In hero yesterday. Tho position was taken by many in North llend that tho monoy ror tho sewer was paid by tho proporty ownois and that In tho employment of labor local people should bo giv Was Notified to bo In Marshfleld Today to Undergo Kxaliiluatlou Is in Mosevllle, California. K. It. Thompson, ot thu Sun In surance Company, arrived hero to day to meet H. C. Skerrett, who filed a claim with them for $C00 Iokh III rnniiectloii with (lie liitriilnir of tho Hunker Hill hotel last Feb ruary, when several Uvea wore lost. Skerrett failed to show up nnd Mr, Thompson wilt return to Portland in tho morning. ' This Is his Becond trip here to meet Skerrett concern ing thu loss. "Skerrett wns notified to appear In Mnrshtlcld at 2 o'clock this af ternoon to undergo nu examination In connection with tho circumstances of his alleged flro loss Inst Febru ary," Bald Mr. Thompson. "Ho Is In Hosevllle, California, and wo have his receipt for tho registered let ter In which thu notification was sent him. He did not nnswer thu summons, though." Mr. Thompson wns reticent about thu affair, hut plainly Indlcntcd that his company did not propose to pay tho Insurance without a thorough Investigation. Ho said that so far as they had Investigated Skerrott's past record, thoy had uufnvornblo renorts rroni nrnctlcally every nlaco they had written nnd Intimated that boiiio or them wero of u decidedly Bcnsntlonnl chnrnctor Skerrett loft hero soon after his relenso on thu chnrgo of arson that wns preferred ngnlnst him by thu Coroner's Jury In Justice Ponnock's court. Paul 'lei Ice went with him mid his exact whorenbouta wero not generally known hero until Mr. Thompson gavo them out today. Mr. Thompson wns today coiuor rlnir with August FrUoen. tho local agent, who wrote tho Skorrltt policy. SEND FOR CLOTHES Chillies Tower Semis (u Wife's Par ents for Wearing Apparel A lottor hns henn received brio by LoVerno Towor from his broth er Charles Tower, nBklng that U'o clothes ot himself and wife ho aunt to thom, wherever thoy are. He l'iivo tho brother an order on Mr. nnd Mrs. I. H. Poolo, parontu of Mrn Tower. As to whero tho conplo now mo, nothing Is given out, and It Is inld that this will bo kept Bcrot nH long us tho warrant Is hanging over tho head of Charles Tower. Tho brother horo atutcs that "thuy wont ii long ways on tho train." It has been said tho cnuplo tinn ed north from lloseburg; othorii wiy thoy turned boiuIi. 'I ho met ro mnliiB that thoy aro not In lioso- h'.ng and beyond this very few uio much tho wlBor. Towor states In tt.o letter that ho took his wife n tho train and that she mndo in out break thero and thus ho indicates thoy have been reconciled. IS JDEFEATED Zapata Forces at Mexico City Drive Back General Gon zales and His Soldiers mm A RETREAT All Rolling Stock Ordered From Vera Cruz to Aid Defeated Army in Escaping WILL PROTECT FOREIGNERS Promiso is Made lly Curmnui That ir Mexico City Is Occupied ho Will Soo That Xoii-CombntniitM Aro Not Injured ttlr AmocUIM l'r.i to Co 11; Tin."., i WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 20 Official advices todny report ft smnBhlug dofent of Genoral Gonzales nnd tho Carranzn army advancing on Mexico city by tho Zapata forces. Curruiun ordered nil avnllablo roll ing stock from Vern Cruz toward tho capital to aid tn the retreat and In nu effort to snvo Gouznlos nnd his army. PHOTF.CT FOHKIGNKD8 Cni'iiuuit Promises to Iwtk After tho Xou'Compntuuts (tlj AuwLIM ITm is Coo IUj Tim. WASHINGTON, I). C Juno 20. Statu department advices today con tained nothing bearing on the re ported occupation of Moxlco City by tho Cnrrnnta troops. Tho depart ment Is In receipt of advices from Vora Cm thnt Carranra hns glVon assurances that In tho event of righting In Moxlco City, tho Inter ests or non combatants, whothor na tives or foreigners, will bo lookod after. A.MK1HCANH AUMKD Setllem In Yntpil Yalley PreiwinM to Defend Themselves tnr Auociii) rru to cum n.r Tim. TOIIAIH HAY, MKXICO, (Wlro less San Dlogn) Juno 20. Ameri cans In the Yiuiul Valley aro woll armed with rides and an adoquato supply or ammunition and uro ready to repel further nttacks according to advices today. Somo Atuorlcans have arranged to hire other foreign ers to usslst In tho defense. "wu in Killing tno uormnn Boiuiuio . 1'kowero loading ammunition train. ,.,, with Musslan Army Mefuso to at. . n....... .. ii ,A. ..fifii i ll.. iii.Iiii'ImI. in nu ndvanco against Warsaw. 1 a Central news dispatch from iwterdom. APPKALS TO XAVV Or AMocllleJ rrta to Coo 1U; Tlmn.J SEWPmiT i t innn 2fi. Sec 'ttary Danlols, in an nddrcss at tin wing of tho navy war collogi lDDAlOil ... II. A...nMl.. .tni U IU II1U illlUI ILil.l ll., - w to profit by tho lessons being "Sht by tho great war In Kuropo fearlessly discard nil theories I'fch fall n oln.wl II... iikM (put. .. .u giuim hiiu mu... -. T.UUXt. LIFK KASY i Auorlt Prw to Coo U7 Tlmw.1 PAnVloir x. ,w . ? Ilrna. I ".MOW, .X. Jl,, JUHU -u. "' Wllspn. taking n brief vnca- at tho Summer Whlto Houso, ' the morning walking through Boods on his place with uiembors ''Ms famllir n..,i .iT.rl.-lm? In Ills T oa correspondenco. He recelv- lle Canturcd. ,),AKllJI'r"oColIrTln.l thkhi. Juno 20. Major ixu..- L'SK FALSK WOKK FOM L'.MPyi'A HMIDGK jlnia and Captain llashlnioto. Jap- J J" ...... f..,i..i,. with tho Hub- Sec- ancso oiiii'eia t.h ,,. at th J shin army l Tl ;ohero!llarl Karl when lie (.a lea,, ... valof-ital fell, rather than "' J "L II HO Wnnl tvntn AVnalilnirtnll It. . "'" " "" . . . i. 'jT ivm.i.'vn iiiiviiv 11 'uoclHM Prn to Coo nr TlmM.l SEATTLIO, Wash , June . !5- Tho Chlnoso' Commer- tljl Commlsslonors, who ar r'ved hero yesterday on tho la" leg of a 11,000 tntlo tour around the United States, devoted today to In Ptlng tho industrial f'aQts 111 RontHn . 111. lull, l,,v' , tnoy considered tho dishonor o be i,,B made prisoners, according to of- riclal advices iron, .-..-.--. A ? '" .... .f1 MAY t'Si: liH.r... FIIOM MYltTLi: POINT Engineer Hood and Engin eer Uoey are now consider ng So use of g,avel from the Sinlth-Powers Hue near Mr Ue Point for ballasting tho ow lino from Coos Hay o he' umpqua. '''hey aro aullng rave. from K.l for the balance of tho bal astii.K. . . a a . -.A.A.AOVVTr'T V---AAAA4A .:r; M.: A STOCKHOLM. June .0. ! The Netherlands steamer Cer- ! e, bound rron. Amsterdam for ! iulla. Sweden, was sunk ah I'ul .... r triklng a mlno m the Gulf of Bothnia. The eTevf was axeu. . C. H. Hroughton will go to Gardiner tomorrow on matters connected with tho drawhrldgo there. It Is un derstood that plans uro be ing niiido whereby tho false work for the big concrete plors and steel drawbridge can bo used as a temporary bridge for trains crossing tho Umpqua until tho perma nent structuro can bo usoi This will eliminate tho ne cessity of ferrying. MILL OFFICIALS ' w I ARRIVEJIERE TODAY .riio Mciccn Ai rites mi the Adeline Smith ami Salesman Comes Is to bo moro preferred as mi op ..nnont than Mr Dennett" Inush ' Ingly remarked Judge Colco. ' Arno Mo.-eun, general suporlnten- dent for tho C. A. Smith Interests, ' arrived In tho city from San Fran- elsco on the Adeline Smith tins 'morning. Mr. Moreen has been In i Cullfoinla on business, On tho boat , I alfo was O. G. Corkruin, city balen- iinan for the company ai nan . .- olsco. Mr. Corkram cumo hero tor Witikliii: over tno VILliA PMOdllKSSlXa ii... iiiirnnsn or t .1... li.lulllUDU ! inanuractiiilug una o, ,ni ....-...-- no ho would bo bettor acquainted -" " ... .... .!,.,. ,,t tint (omn:inv. . .--- , Willi UIO Ul.UIl.u - -.' -T r Y -, - - XOItTII DKNM Mv IS AI'POIXTKD SALKM. Or., Juno C Governor Wlthycon.bo has appointed A. A. Drash, of North illond as ono of the stock Inspectors. C A. Smith und Hitmuei ii"". ,t.i. !.. chuTuo of tho fJianctB ... i for tho credltois' comiiilUoo, wore expected, but did not rom. Mere.... said that h did not know just when Mr. Smith mil Mr, liloiw might arrive ut Marshfleld. Don't forget big italic.', Simpson's Pavilion, Saturday nlRlit. worn (inlto a number out of work Mr. 8nnbnru stated today that thero was nothing In his contract requiring him to employ local iiipii hut that ho wanted to as lar us was i.nuoiiitii He stated that It was nemisiiarv for him to have boiiio ex perienced ditchers and pipe layers and that ho had sent for thorn, lie claimed that tho work could not ho done nt u profit If ho hud to on. ploy Inexperienced workmen. It was BtutoJ that tho forolgnors who had been brought In bero wore urraiiKliiK to llvo In a houso by themselves and do tliolr own cook in., nn, i Unit others hud secured board at a very cheap rato In Marsh flold uud wero walking back mid forth to ami from work. It was also claimed that tho men wero to bo paid vory smull wages, uiesu facts made qulto a stir ut North llend nnd thoro was u good ileal o. talk. Nothing doflnlto had been dofio this afternoon. HOLD NINE KEGS DKPL'TY V. H. MAMSIIAMi MAKUS KKIZL'MK OF CATSUP Says Was Shipped Hero From San Francisco Packing Plant .May Do Dumped In Day Sends Word (hat His Operations Aro Oulte KutUfactory (Or AkUI4 ITm lo CV Iter Urn I WASIIINUTOV, D. C, Juno 2C Genoral Villa, In n moiBago dated ycBterdny nt Abiioh Calontca nnd re ceived ut tho Villa ngoncy hore to day says: ''The reported capturo of Agnus Callontos by tho Carrat.ilstas Is absurd, our oporation aro prog ressing favorably. DOHX WILLEY Horn to Mr. and Mrs. T, K. WIHey, on June 25, a son. Dig Lucky Hunrf, Simpson's Pa xlllon Spend SUNDAY up COOS HIVr.lt. Tho KXPMKSS leates SATUMD.W KVKXIXG t o'clock. DlK Lucky !.'" " Hlmpsoii's Pa- . Micky Dance, Simpson's a-1 . .u .-- i, Satin day I'tcnliiB, June '-. tlllon, hatimu ItASFDAI.L (IAMHS DKUK SUNDAY At Daniels Creek Illuo itldge Tlgurs versus Kast Kldo the Ilutchory nine to play tho winner. At I'owors Powors versus Iiandon. No gaiuoa scheduled for vnrii. iinnil or Marshfleld. Ten little kegs of cutBiip Bitting In u lino onu wus broken and thou thero wero nine; nine kegs of cat sup sitting on tho dock wero Bolzed by a husky, etulwurt Deputy United Sheriff Marshall this morning nil the waysjfrom Portluud and hold under tho arm ol tho law, tho government contending that the deep red Hulil within thu nine little kegs was made or "putrid nnd rotten toniutoes rilled with black rot." Tho catsup was shipped from San Francisco by a packing houso there, nuld Deputy United Marshall Leonard Decker of Portland. It was uoilovcu tho nroduct could not puss muster un der tho Pure Food und Drugs Act. A wire wns sent to Portland, 'll.o District Attornoy got busy. Papers wero mado out, tho guvornniont got Into motion, and U. S. n.urshalls woro appealed to and tho result was tho trip hero of Mr. Decker. Mr, Decker goes back to Portland tomorrow. If by July G thero Is no rnsimnso from the packing company and tho food la declured bad ho will come hero from Portland and with a hammer knock all the nlno llttlo kegs In the head and pour out their life's blood Into the waters of tho bay. $ t AMONG THE SICK t t W. S. Dreppard, who was severe ly burned by u gasoline explosion n month or so ago, Is now nuie io bo up uud around. Guy Lattln Is Buffering from a rather painful Injury to hU hand, getting It sovcrely bruised while working on tho longshore gang that wub loading tlio Nairn Smith. Elizabeth Hobs, daughter of Geo. Itoss, Is out of tho hospital, havln recovered from an operation. C. II. Codding Is reported quue 111 at his homo at Mllllnston. as a result of complications from a car buncle. Frod Wilson Ib sick aud has been confined to his home for a couplo of duys. Mrs. Frances K. Halloy is at Mercy hospital recovering from a surgical oporation. Sho Is getting- along very nicely and hopes soon to bo out of tho hospital. GAUD OF THAXKS. Wo wish to thank nil thoso wha have aided during tho Illness And doath of our llttlo girl Margaret, and also for the many beautiful flowers that were given. MK. AND MltS. M. C. HAUSHAW. VARE "ty nf iri-..vi,iiiPiis ut Simp- "' I'm in,.,. i... i i. .1,1. "'"iw" Dtlllllllil ..