',X , - & f -' -. . lExxsvcr1 -' .. :ti) i :tl. tit. )r AT M. Is. VL . . ' mwiwt. --. $ J!!!MY TIMES, MARSHRELD, OREGOH, FRDflY, JUME M. 1915EVENNG EDT0N i j3wp r Jrff N Harf Srliafr V ScMarx y hVhat are least money" clothes? 'HT rhose that arp nnVv1 fU I , v fi..vi mc. lUVVCSC W cmrh clothes are Msifsllu "u MU4- - v4 reaper Lhat they are than in price. The real economy is in paying enough get the quality in Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes ft what you get not what you pay Lf ma Ires these I he nincf tmnni jjthes you can find. 'ainrnil 5REVTH5 FIVE flXlJ 'IIDF.S .Time niul HolKhta nt )iiina MnrtOifintii. Tim i.i., i.. ,. nn , offl0,u"Micc, with their times n? . rs,t lluo nnd hoIBlits on the ?.. d.,,ne r oach (,(l": compar ison of consecutive heights will in Oleiito whether It Is high or low watw. High tIJo on tho Bar ono nour nnU 54 minutes earlier than at Marslifie ,1. At North Bend 35 min utes earlier than at Marshfleld. 25 'Hrs. ',Ft.., 2G!Hrs., n... 27 Hrs., IPt... 28jl!rs., Ft... au'llrs., Ft. . . Hrs.. 30 We keep your clothes pressed free of charge. Woolen Mill Stores. The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes 1 Harshfield. North Bend. Ft. 7.01 0.0 0.21 CO 1.1:5 c.i L'.or, c.i 2.55 c.i :i.tr, r.. 1.10 i.o 7.54 1.0 S.12 1.2 U.23 1.0 10.11 1.0 10.5S 0.C C.2S 2 L'.Ot 4.2 2.5.1 4.:i :uo 4.4 4.2C 4.C 5.10 4.7 0.0 0.0 7.:u 2.1 8.30 1.0 9.25 1.9 10.19 l.S 11.14 l.C at i WIUTHUU I'OHIXWST Mr AssoctitFJ Trwi lo Com lliy Tim 1 WIIATHKK I'OKKOAST OUEOO.V, Unsettled, pro bably Bhowers in the west, fair In tho Kast. warmer In Hast Saturday, Southwesterly winds. LOCAL TF.MPKKATURH KKCOIID For tho 24 hourn ending at 4.13 n. in., Juno US, hy Bon. Ostllnd, special government meteorologist: Maximum (, Minimum c At 4: 13 n. m ,. . . ,,,; Precipitation 21 Precipitation since Sept. 1, lII 67.17 Precipitation s&mo period last year i;o.4.1 Wind Southwest, cloudy. feu can't buy wrong at this Store vei if you know nothing about rallies A child can buy here as safely as a trown person. We protect you in regard to what you :uy and the price you pay. These are some of the bar- i we are offering for Saturday, Monday and Tuesday 61.25 and $1.50 latest Umbrellas, made of fast black Seniles Changed. The hour for the service in tho Kplscopnl Church on Sunday morning throughout the summer will bo 10 o'clock instead of ll. W. Sleep is .Malinger. During tho absence or F. D. Fletcher, who with his wife is visiting at tho Exposition, the Sperry Flour Interests hero will bo under the management of William Sleep. Mis. Helm Freed. Deputy Sher iff l.nlrd was over on n quick trip today serving papers on Clow Why in in mandatory Injunction. Ho said that Mrs. Helm was freed on an In , sanity chargo and that she has re ! turned to Marshfleld. Hero From Kmplro. John Lar son, better known as an old time resident of South Slough at "Snow ball," Is In the city on it visit. Mr. Larson is now lesldng at Kmplro nnd had not been to Marshfleld for a long time past. To lliiild Bridge. A frame bridge nlmut ISO feet in length Is to be built in First Addition on Oregon Avenue between Southeast Boule vard and 15th street. There will be grading done on both sides of the bridge thus making Improvement of nbout 1200 feet. Concrete Sidewalk. S. C. Small who recently completed a fine stretch of cement sidewalk on Broad way from Commercial to Market is arranging to put in another stretch of it on tho east side of Front street, extending south from the Busy Cor ner about half n block. I'oiiulllo Tied t'p. Engineer Kob- erts enmo over from Conulllu to day and stated that tho passenger boat Coiiulllo on tho Baudou inn has been tied up, He says that tho Jin-proof materials, select handles for ladies 'gentlemen. Special 95c en's 25c extra strong elastic Sleeve holders. various colors. Reduced to per pair 10c Ken's $1.25 and $1.50 Cream Soisette Overshirts, with per military or turn down collar, excellent for OCr luar. Reduced to . OJL un.i i t i i i- itniiareirs Knit unaerwaists, strong maue. Ill sizes. On sale at 10c wen's real 15c white Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. Ifflt finish, ready for use. Special 7c ladies' 20c Sleeveless Vests, fancv and plain. 1 9r Nuced to lJVj ladies' $1.25 and $1.50 fancy night gowns, made of ambric. lonn cloth and Nainsook, trimmed in QQ broidery and laces. Rnrlnrwd In UhL ladies' Beautiful enameled bar and brooch pins. 1 Cr fere 25c and 35c. Now. ' faction nnvvn l A VtTk4 Next lo,ir ") or VxY Itefundcd "THE FAIR" tn ('handler Hotel ffl The Noble Theater TOMIRUT TL i . 1 . . i I ie photoplay that revolutionized motion piciuie iu toons and established a standaid of excellence that win enciure toi ws Hall Caine's Great Love Story " . . . . MMi a ! "THE CHKIS1IAIM" eterht filmed acts, featuring Earl Williams and Edith IStupendous in qualities of human interest, Maivelous ""is treatment of a tender theme, So human it will Horn you from uegimmis w' I" litl IJUllUI IJIUtlllti lllclll in- -i Klin's ten piece orchestra will furnish special music for tins nig auiciwiuin Up Stairs and Down, 25c; childion, 15c, Two Shows, 7:00 and 9:15. A'cmI Htow 11c LEST YOU FORGET THE PALACE MEAT MARKET ItctnlW meat nt wliolfsnli' pilcw. Wo curry nothing hut flrM class rrfilgernted meat, iiiopoily ngel. Tho following nra some not specials but e(ry-ilny prices: Shoulder Pol Hi 1 t I.olu Veal Chops I.olu Mutton ('Imps 14f 18c 18c Boneless (Men Ilo.ist 18c Boiling .Aleut A A Mutton Stew .Shoulder I'oik llonst llc 10r 15c Sh loin .Steaks I VVt lJ 'qQ Sliouldcr Mutton Shoulder I'oik CIion Shoulder Voal Boast 1 4C I UC Tf Shoulder .Mutton I.olu or Kill Poik Shoulder Veal Chops Chops 'bops 15c 15c 18c linitlililloii lo tliu ntaivouo will Iumo tomorrow, Satuidiiy, mhiio eiy lino MVKTI.i: POINT (iKAlX-FKI) CIIICKHXS AT SO CIIXTS A POUND. Trade- tit llio Pnliiro Meat .Maiket mill wio money. Tel epbono oiilers glen prompt at tent Ion. PALACE MEAT MARKET Leg Mutton 16c Phono -IDO-I. nutoi Imu- cut consldeiably Into the passenger traffic between tho ounty seat and Bandon. School Board Meets. Thoro was u meeting of tho Marshfleld School Board esterday afternoon In 'the office of .Judge Hall for the pur pose of sweating in Bennett Swnn ton as the new director. The $16,000 bond furnished hy Judge Hall as clerk of the district was approved, l.ittlo other business was done nt the session. (Jets Cieainery Andrew Chrlsten son, who wns formerly employed by the local cieainerles hut who took o er the Sugar Loaf Creamery some time ago has taken over tho (liavcl Ford Creamery which Fred Moser nin. and will operate the two of them. Will Stni 1 Another Boat Bogers .t Smith will stnrt another boat, the Atlantic on the Coos Hler run on Inly 1, leaving Marshfleld at -I'HO and letumlng from C,oodwlirn at 7 o'clock next morning. Leo Bern hardt of Gardiner bus been engag ed as Captain of tho now vessel. Badly Disfigured. J. A. Twolley. a workman on tho Kmplro road, met with a very bad accident. The handle of n scraper flew back nnd struck him In tho face. His nose was mashed and It Is feared that his face will be badly disfigured as the result of tho accident. enlarges Bungalow. It. O. Graves is making an extensive addition to his bungalow In First addition, tho contract having been awarded to .1. M. Wright. Concrete Biippoits aro being placed under tho house, a large living loom added and when It Is complete Mr. (lraes expects to have a homo with six good sized rooms. New (iiiiiiu Watdcii. Carl Shoe maker or Hosehiirg, who is knowu Coos Bay through a visit heru last year, has been appointed Master (Initio Warden in Oregon. He has been associated with his brothers In publishing (ho Bosnhurg News. IIo will assume his new duties .luly 1. His Coos Bny friends aro gratified to J. C. Penney Co. Ni:.VT BOOK TO MABSHFIKM) POST OFFICIJ llnvo jou eer stopped nnd figured It up what the .1. ( Penney stoie saves jou on every purchase that ou make of us? Wo sa jou from 12." per cent to !i:i per cent. Wo do this by dim. InnlliiK tho middle men's profits and kUIiik It to you. THINK THIS OV1JK. Bed Stnr Diaper Cloth, 21 Inches wide, 10 yards to tho bolt, $1.00 value. Our prlco ... ., h:i The same, only 27 Inches wide, lo' yards to the bolt, $1.10 value. Our price H)) House lining, .'10 Inches wide. This Is worth at tho least one-third more. Our prlco aijr, -I Uc nc, 75i', Lilc Percales, 27 inches wide. S 1 3c vnlue. Our price (I l.C A bettor one, 32 Inches wide, 12j vnlue. Our prlco Hie Best Peicale on tho market, 30. Inches wide, 18c value,.. IS l-Sc Apron Gingham, a good nnd heavy grade. 7c value. Our price Jie Amoskeng Gingham, best gingham on tho market. 0c value 7c Galateas, tho best grade, 20 to 2Iic value. Our price IHc and I.V Ewnco Sheeting, tho good heavy grade, 0-4, the sheeting that you pay .13 l-2c per yard for. Our price UHc Tho Originators of I.ow Prices SJ Intaroorattd S wm.-h wiif.'--i'j7rTfm Wo lead Others Follow (WJriE AUSS& WHY? WHY? WHY? Why buy tho LHFT OVKHS anywhere when you can buy from the owner, tho FlItST CIIOICH LOTS. In tho FIHST ADDITION to MABSHFIHLD, Oregon, for original cost, pliiB tuxes and Interest? Your own terms. I huvo bought a ranch and need money to stock tho farm. Wrlto mo today. SNAP. Prices will ndvanco soon. MKIGS J. CAMPBF.LL, Box 10, Derrick, idnho. ' hear of his election. May Bring; Homo Bride. Mrs. Gen, Honucsscy of Bunker Hill is In receipt of n letter from her uncle, A. K. Gng non, who recently went to Mlnneapo, lis, which Indicates Hint tho report that ho was to ho married had somo I foundation. In his letter ho speaks of "brlnglnR a now nun tie" back but ho gives no furthor iinrtlrulars. I Ho says that tho weather In Mlnnca- t polls has been cold, wet and dlsagreo nble. Ho Is expected to return nbout i July 1. .Makes Largo Map. A map of the county seven by five nnd ono hnlf feet Is holng made by Hoy Iiiwhurno for exhibit purposes at tho Panama Pacific Exposition. It will show in , definite outline every ono of tho five cow testing associations of the Coos county. In largu figures tn the side jaro to ho shown tho production nt ouch creamery and cheese factory during the your, tho nvcrago prlco of Ibuttorfat nnd tho number of cows of loach nshoclntlon, together with their results for tho yenr. j ('! Brought Down. Tho enr be longing to D. L. Footo that wrecked i last Sunday night nbovo Allegany I wns li rough down todny for repairs. It was not badly damnged, Tho rear 1 door had been broken In, and a front fender Clashed besides various 'scratches on tho body of the ma chine. It Is said tho engine Is In good 'slinpe mid will tnko very little fly 1 lug to put In good running order again. 1015MIDSUMMER RJKGE MEET AT I P0I 1 Bin Lucky Dunce, Slmpsnii'H Pa Ivlllou, Satuidiiy o ruing, Juno -II. Plenty of refreshments ut Simp, sou's Pavilion, Saturday night. Official ProgTnni nilDAV, JULY UNI), loin No. 1 Irot or paco, one-half mile, two heats, oach boat a race, 2:35 clnBfl, purso $100 No. 2 Ilunulnff, one half nillo, purso 980.00 No. 3 Trot or paco, one-half mile, best two In three hsats, free for nil, purso 9123 No. A Novelty race, ono mllo, $30 for first to iiimrtor post, $40 for first to half-uillo post, $GG for first to threo quartor post, $7C for first to mile stnko , $200 No. C Motor Cyclo, G miles, $2G to 1st, $1G to 2nd. ...$40 SATUKDAY, JULY il, 11110 No. 0. Trot or paco, ono-lmlt mile, two heats, each heat a nice, 2:35 class, purso... $100 No. 7 Kunulnir, flvo-olglitha mllo, purso $100 No. 8 Trot or pace, ono mllo, throe heats, overy heat a race, purse ,,.$1G0 No. 0 llunnlng, ono nnd one eighth miles, for Coos nnd Curry County horses only, purso , $200 No. 10 Cpnsolatlon rnce, for all horses not finishing as good as second, purso $7 J No, 11 Motocyclo raco, $2G to 1st, $15 to 2nd. purse, ..$40 ii.Mi"iiTiox nn TICICHTS, $i!.0. ZU i North llentl Auto lfshflelil i ,.... IV. I,. CVe,T Ion minutes from P- lo n. ,.. ,, south to"2l, .. .. ' .... ', t ID.; to I'liinli.. tli,, liltlM . " ""- GOllST Kixo, iroM. lB390CCBCJOC3C2SeB3Oes Us. 1. 1D" Maimircr and i'lis Ji't R 250 KEAKWXV 5 Uet.3utttrnau.M Auto & Taxi Co. "f llllll Xll.li M..-li-n ta'i Phono 20, Chandler F Hotel 0r touring cars, phone 20, Chandler Hotel " LAMIIETir, Prop. CarS New Cars I i I I .! 1 8 1 U ItbiN. Kb li.rfMBP1 b i SAN FRANCISCO A moJnB. fl.e-proof, up-to-d.te Hotel. trd lU center ol tverylhiog nd oa L d.iecl line lo the fcpoimon Cwundi. . RATES Detected Bath Private Bsth $1 00 J1.50 single 51.50, 52.00 $mg;e il'MirnilUle 5100, 52.50 double fjO Roooi of ScEd CnJort-Eoy Convene. Tak' "uairaal" 5u direct to Hotel Do It Now! Don't wait until the last minute when the rush and hurry of the Fourth may cause you to overlook some of the needs of your car and cause you trouble and grief in the parade or during the festivities. Bring your car around now in the morning, afternoon or evening or Sunday mornings and The Gunnery Service De partment will see that your auto is ready for the road. Everything that the car needs is at your disposal. FISK tires and GUNNERY service are your safeguards, on slippery Roodi THE GUNNERY Flstc Distributors Southwestern Oregon GOKST KINO OAKAfJR Nortli Bend Agent kimi: & VOX PKOICKT B. 0 WIIITSirrT Cociiillio Agent llumloii Agent ISO X. Broadway. I HEAVY CAR TYPE FSK The Tire . ' i Of Greatest Service ' II Low prices and big mileage GUNNERY I open evenings I and Sundays FREE AIR h -FILTERED ftAQni imp wr v w ! iiii A I' V VOlMk'iKf L'l'f f I H i I I SBBsraiSrVnl QJWMi-i I il l:4eA74Ht HI? IB hi WVAmm '; j I NEW TODAY X WANTHD A woman fur general housowork by C. L. Pennock, 1 0CU Central avenue. Phono G4-L, FOl'XD Yulo Lock key near KroniK way and Klroil, lniiilro Times of fice. LHSSONS lit any grade nf school work given during summer by nu experienced teacher, Gth to Cth grade arithmetic n specialty. Terms reasonable. Call at 1308 I 13th mid Central, or phono 318-L. . $ j ,: wanted : 3 J v WA.VI'HD Any kind of wink, (ieo. JL Deeter, euro Times. WAXTHD Young lady would like J. place to work nt onro. AddresB "V." care Times or phono 202-1,. jl r " rent n four beautiful prizes a '( I'OK HUNT H-iiMim House, Miutli" Tenth stieet. Apply John F. Hull I'OK KK-NT llouie, closo In. In- "l!!!!!!"!"!"!!!!!!!!!! J.-JJJ "ir!!!'!!!!!!'!!!'!''!1 'IIDONT FORGET THAT-ODRi THIRD ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW wiillll toe held SATURDAY, JUNE 26 when we will award rjulro 17 North Front street, OK Itr.NT Suite of hiuisfkivpliig rooms. 3rd and Andcibon. Phone Dr. Leslie. I'OK KIWI' Xlr Bcdro In 11 il'. vuto family. Apply 3G2 First St. i . North. I'OK HUNT Small modern fur nished bungalow. Phono 183-J 1 I'OK KKNT Tmo iilidy furnished j looms, Mrs. It. Nordriim, 071 So. i Fifth, Phono 37t,-J. i I'OK TKAXSI'HK AND STOK AOK OF HOUSHIIOLD fJOODS FKKIOIIT AND llAfUIAfa: Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono l(i:i Kesldeiico Phone IIM Mtnket Ave. nnd Waterfront M for fthe Best Displays of ROSES aod SWEET PEAS The Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st Prize for Best Display of Roses. 2nd Prize for Second Best Display of Roses. 1st Prize for Best Display of Sweet Peas. 2nd Prize for Second Best Display Sweet Peas. Our Dahlia show will be held next month, announce ment of date will be made later. There are no conditions or specifications attach ed to entering flowers at this Annual Flower Show. Just prepare your displays and bring them to the "Busy Cor ner, Saturday, June 26. Don't forget the day and date and help boost for Coos Bay Roses and a Coos Bay City Beautiful. LOCKHART & PARSONS DRUG COMPANY "TKe By - Corner" j J44.jmj-hHHHH- ' !' MwiiM'Wlvw-iJbhiwtf Uf w-vmm umarBRftW 'fgtF r v-a-w .. fm.i x . h m-Jr w - ! .".. ' it -J-IWCa