K: v-J . J. t. " THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1915 EVENING EDITION. T THREE E NTRAL enue Booster 0l. Ce Av jDiVJCdK o C12XTHAL AVKXl'i:, SOW TROUBLE UNT. nun.u, jin nan, km.-, Xo. It) elba ae ri:.( II MKLI'.A SI MlAi:. Th,. ,.,.,., , N "mI "sU r,' " - "'''.r.r'.'ss,": Stafford's Sanitary Fountain "HO ,SI.L nu: t i:tk.l avkxtis hoostkk I'nMUhod lively Friday die Ill(or. Ms r Cos y , (jcllcn ,, vonirnt Avenuo In particular. IL YOU NEED IT Alft I "i-vov: i.i.sti:x to this i! (i:Tiai. avlmi: savixoh f I Don r.. ...ii v... miner 18 SI101KI Mir a n..i. Tim,.- . .. less nlehis .n,in,i,,. i ""-' '""c " "ie giont nuncios on "- niRnis wondering how ho onn ' (Vinmi ,., i .. od members,,,,, , tho 1!oostcr j"b' IT J D"! "J" "..!?" "JiT M.,.W...,. I.. . -" "' mil trip 10 !,',, ,i, -...I -vijrtto l'o nt. Ami i,,.,..t... i . ' vU nuu.u nu nssoru fii'i tit (o... :'V1' ' "' 1 llt.M. , fnlnim ill his BARGAINS IN CHINA See Our Window or tho Famous HniuNon e fv.i.. i, . . jMilwo illmier wIh only . Alrliiwiep v,t.. . i tttix. I (IlltlWU Lttt mil.. t tt I ilM uO-iiii" i cllniior hot, only CO iiI.tu illnnur oo(, only . . . . 10 I'l'-i'o illunor sot, onlv . . . Odd mid (ini plot. III) . . ..Hlo.00 SI I..-0 SUO.OO (lUopoi(ii,,a(ej rhenp. L MIJSIIFIELII HARDWARE CO. . Conlrul Avenuo mil, llroiidvvnj. One Street. Ono Kin.? n,',' n.... .. ..Hli.l nu.. Mr ?.. ...... """'' met ll frlninl hi ( ' 111." lfMfivr nxlnilininiiiu. ..pf.,... ... lllKUUlg tile To 1)0 ,000 A. I ... w. . '.. "V.T" " . ' -n '0I,K Mtl I'rnn ont l'Oirrircs """" I'luwtcu irom tlio MoronnslnoEs t01' "ockct o1' ' McOco. Where- MlltP,rm nt lh0 Po'taflco ns strictly l",on tlu) law yolled lustily am. Eeco n.l.rT." - ... 1 '.I.1?. '.3 "olh,'? n" nl'l'e, by another ninuko "" fiuuiii, V.U1IIIHI AV' t iiuestlon with you. I m telling you." S.MIMSA.WIMM) ont STAir. I Managing n.lltor. "Nationally Ad vcrtlged" Frank I). Cohan. IMIiy Kdlioi-hy Comlroii. 1 iiiiiiii'lnl IKIIItif. Odioy KieUer. (.IIMlcil I.MIt.M liny oilhant. I eiTeall,,,, Kdltoiw,!. T. nn,rBII. Musl(iil IMIlor I,. Thonms. lyiiiMT i:l,iw(j0o. K. Cook. ( lilldieii h l)tpjirtmeiit "Candy Kid' Slaffoid, Koltor. YOUR INTERESTS FIRST " NOT J.lsl , OXIO ,.. I,,,, ,M , NlIll,,0M ,. iL in mm-lmmllsf. n.. ,.m iiui illlPll,N ,.nsT ' tii i:i:ki r,, ,,,. ,,, lN1 ,,,. , jnsr i. piira nu,, iii inhur r.m.ini,,,,-!,,,, r ,,,.,, ,,,; Whether .Mm p.i.elmso f.sh l0lllri. ,. pit!llllw, ,,, , lissiiiiiiico of purity mill ipmlit.1 u Just the Mime. Wo mint you to know uiiit-e about our ineivhaudNe n,. metli oiN, We mint you ti, apiUMhil that evei-Wlihix Me i.rfer Is on i, .atMaetlon-Kiiaiautoe,! ha.ls We're In hushit ilt., ,U. filemN ami to Ki:i:i Hkmii. , iM'.no Vour Onleiw for Aprots for Canulii-; AVIth IN Xo- " i'i:i:su coos mvi:i; vi:(iiiT.m.i:s OUivant & W PURE FOOD GROCERS The home of H. J. Heinz' 57 Varieties; Hunt's Supreme and Preferred Stock Canned Goods. Corner Third and Central. Phone 199. Eray Possible fenting Accommmodlatioiiii aod Coimrtesy to Oo)r Patromis Tlio follow ,i of Ihlx iol Icy has icMilled In the .steady .mil substantial pouili of thN ' haul; hliuo it mis cstjihlMied. Kiery deposi tor, no matter hou small, Is untitled to mid re, elves eery iosIlili cnuilesy and aecoiii moilatloii hete. This is a homo hank oiu ed, managed and eonti oiled h.l local eltlens It hhoulil he VOl'i: Imnk. First National Bank Central Avenue Marshficld, Orerjon EDo MEADE KANBY NOOK TAKE A LOOK Noble Theatre, Central Avenue .mi:x I.JTTI.K Kill wrote tho follow ing composition on men: Men arc what women marry. Ther drink, nml smoke and swear, but I'lnn't ko to ehuich. l'erhaps, if they !'ort bonnets, they Mould. Ihe.v iie umro lOKical than women and .ilo more ?ooloi;lcal. Doth non am! women ypning from monkeys, but ti't- women sprung faither than tho u en. smim:-a.wiiim: A niiAwixt; i,i:ssox T TAKKS Join, Fei'Kiison to draw a chock, a Central neue Mlrl to draw attention. Dnvn Mmu vn' team to draw a dray, ono of Frank Cohan's porous plasters to draw tlio skin, and nu ndv. In The Iloostor to draw tiade. .smim:-a.wiiim: . Tin; KiiiToit rONSIDFIt tho editor, llo ivenr etl, purplo and fine linen. i'is abode is nmoiiBst the inuiisbim of the rich. Ills wife hath her llin oiiglne nml his first-born sported, a niriiiif car mat ran lilt lier ;ip in 10 riat. J.o' All tho people hreakoll, their nocks to liHiid him inonoy. A child Is born unto tho wlfo of a mureii.iiit In tlio bazaar. "Tho physician nut tet.1, ton Bolilon plunks. Tlio editor writelh a stick and a half, and toll uth tho multitude that tho child tippet li tho beam at D pounds. Yea, ho llotl, evon ns u Conturiun. And tho proud father Klvuth him a Cietno. Heboid, tho youiiK ono groweth up ml gi'Hiluateth, ami tho odltor put twill into Ids papur a kmoI, notlro. You a pouch of a nolleo. Iln tof ietli of the wlsdoui of tho yuu'm woninii, ami of her oxcecdliiK miiiio Ilncts. Like unto the roses of Shar on Is sho, and her gown is jilavaif up to boat tho baud. And the drctMimnkor netted, two-scoro-anil' four Iron moil. And tho odltor net teth a nolo of tl, anks from tl.e Sweet Kill Krnduate. 'I'lto daUKliter gouth on a Joiiinov and the editor throwoth Itlmsolf on tho btory of tho farowoll party, it runneth u column solid. And tlio fair one romeiuboroth him from afnr with h phturo postal card that .,M otl, six for a Jitney. HmIioIiI, she leturnotli and "he yoith of the city full down and worship. Slio picked, one, and 1 I he plckoth a lemon. Hut Ilia edl- i tor calleth him one of tuo our enue. Iiamk'd oer by Frank Calterlln I. I., so his friends say. ami truthfully Mionr, smoked peaceful ly until ho upset his cqitlllliituni. and tho beans, too, when the blast ed el(?ar wont off. "lio-ho," laiiKhed Don third, nor, as ho doubled up in nice will, D. l. thu proverbial Boat. "Che mo one too." Whereupon Don presented tho smoke to tho "Shlno" in the bar bershop. Ho too smoked peace fully, tllthiK In his chair and when tlio blast wont off ho foil back throuRh an elKht-dollnr window. And 1). 1. Mciieo howled with Joy "to seo such fun" and thus It is told how the trial balance Is $S It, arrears. sMii.n-A.wiiu.n VKTOIIV Five hundred miles of nermnns, FIo hundred miles of French, And HiiKllsh, Scotch and Irish men All flKhtliiK for a trcueli; And when the trench is taken And many thousands slain, Tlio lowers, Midi ntoro s,n(?hter, Hotako the trench iikhIii. Life. .SMII.K-A.WIIM.i: Henry Von Hernhardl .Sout?nt.,ck en Is still holding out at Constan tinople UKnlust Sir Lord John Thomas Ilarrliupin. Sir .lolin, howoior, Is expecting re-lnforce-inentH today In tlio poison of Lord Admiral Thomas Jackson Ma'cttenn who will arrive from tho Columbia with tho armored cruiser Hro.i't wnto. Some fierce fighting nml then bo expected on tho Daru-Ji-nollos. (icorgo Seellg is 'rejoicing at tho reports from the front those .lns. (ieorKo says ho wants to soo tho Husslans Hiked, althougl, tho Czar ueer did nothing to him. "Iko" Chandler says tho Auh- trlaiis liavo watched the nlglits go by for a long time and now thr-y enn WHtcli tlio Dago. Harry .MclCeowu is offering to hot a - dog that the Russian vli: got hack to l'utrograd bof.io the Cormnns. If cortHln persons could stop thu war as easily as they stop their paper, the trouble would be over in no tlino. .SMII.K.A.WIIIlii: A TIIII'lilJ XIJHVnUS Tlioy M'oro discussing tho fl:ia clal situation In the K.ilutu and Hiu ueri corner at Tho Owl, who:, Will Chandler ohsonod that ho wonder od "Why is it t It it L nlonoy Is mi llOfNOUS?" "Wliy shouldn't It bo ii'MVons'" rujolnod Frank Cohan. "Ua e erybody ehasliiK It al, tlio time. II 's a wonder It isn't cray." smii,i:-a-wiiim: Will Dungan's clnlm that ho Is a college graduate Is bused on the fad that ho once took a cones lioudenco course In feather renovat ing. s.mii,i:-a.wiiii,k Aii i:lltors Tilnls. About ever hody around hero went sotnewliero Sunday, but they didn't tell where so we report same. S.MIIdl-A-Wllll.i: - 'Doc" Is Sin rustle. Itefenlng to thu fact that "The Christian" is to bo shown at tlio Noble Theater to night, Doc. Stiaw says that when a Christian eoines to Cential ave nue they put him in a show house and charge an admission to see hliu as a curiosity. h.mii.k.a-wiiim: Xou- Is tlu. Tlii,i f a ,,,, wishes a gill ,o bo his wife, let hliu face the parson like a num. June Is tho time for marrying. That's tlio time we fooled you, gentle render. Hot you thought wo woro going to say now Is the tlmo to subscribe. k.mii,i:...viiim: eomo out a bend with tus inb lingo crop. Lettuco hopo so COI.. (lOI.N'd, who, notwIthstnu-JIng his nillltnry title, remains neu tral, living on Central uvrnnu nnd doing business on Front ft, cot, took o F.dltor and Ills family out for a short spin In his auto Wednesday. Cosh' It's great to be u friend of tho unnolnted few. HUOKNi: CHOSTHWAITK lotiuned this week from San Fran Isco and when nsked about the Fair ho saljl ,t wns worth tho lilp Just to sco "Stella" to say noth ing of a. "slumming trl.i" through Chinatown with somo Knngaa "school mnrms." Qono lo smo tinvolcr when ho goes to the city. COUNCILMAN COOK Is getting to bo n tegular globo trotter. Ho wont to llaudon last week, made a trip to North ilonil last night nnd expects to go to San Fran cisco next month. H.MIIii:..MVIIII,K HAY Ol.t.lVANT threatens to coino homo from .San Francisco soon. hmim.'-a-whim: I). Y. STAFFORD was a pleasant uillor hi this sanctum Wednes day nnd wo wish lie had been nblo to stny longer, ('.ill again, Dave. - smiii:..mvium: MCW THOMAS wlslios us to report that ho is still on tho sick list, hut not so much so as ho was last week. Wo are glad to nolo Unit l.uw Is improving. smiuna-wiiiu: A. K. NIH'F Is planning on organ izing a Fathom' Cub for tho pur poso of Inaugurating a F.iIIiom Pay. Notwithstanding his name, ho says "Dad" Welsh Isn't ollg- ilile. smii.k-.mviiii.i: 011V CilAMHIJHS, who Is now n full-fledged, horiiy-hnuilod son of toil, was In from Ills much MiU week. lie says lie expects to FRUIT CANNING APPLIES Wo are nil preare,l to supply all jour needs the cans, tlio lids, tho iiiblier, tho fruit uiid tho sugar. MASOX .IAI5H, in pints, ipmrts and halg-gallon hle.s. , KCOXO.MV.IAIIH In pints, qiiatis and half-gallon sle.s. v HUKK-HIIAIi .IAIIS In plutM nml ipiuris, j IMni Ihls and MihberN for all thiee in all slcs. ,'. . Also ,ngs and rovers for (ioldeii Stato .Mason Jars. ' ' Phone us your order, or drop in. COOK'S GROCERY M P ROMPT OPULAR ROGRESSIVE riiono ihi). I . .. w- rAvtfirt) A.C i 'nu; iMioi'ij; of iioidiAs, 'Vi:, coos A XII (THIIY COIXTIKS. Imluiling old fhovvtli, Second (,r"lli and Saplings. Wo want to ,l" )u that Dr. I.osllo, of the Mb l J"lj rominltten (old lis jester ''') that Mnihlifielil is pilng have 'e best in, f .itily celebiatlon on l;"lh, (overiiif; July St 1, Itli and oli nml bo mints all of joii t Oinm nn, i i,,. I.,,, ,,,,,.. ,-,.i, ,,u Wi- . '. ....... ....'' -- kiin ii.. ...ii,. , .. I,. ,.,.,,.... mi... - .nnnu illlll lllll S'",",, ' Knead the Dough? ? a '" his truthfiiln I J )s WalMff T 'tt TITLE GUARANTEE. & ABSTRACT C0.; Henry Keugsl.u l.eu, Igi" , TRY OUR FLOUR. Good Flour Makes Good Citizens. HE GOOD I Tho fury of a pomiiu scorned Is nothing who,, (on, pared to tho fury of friend wife when friend husband wakes her up and tells her that her i nil mucin nun mm .11 mu wm j ...... , linotl promising young men and ,,,'""" '" '"'" """ '"""' teth away with it. And tlioy send unto him a bid to tlio vuuldlng feast and behold, the bids nro fashioned 1 b .Miiutgummery Hawbuck in u far city. I Flowery and long is tho woddlng inotUe tho odltor prlntoth. The min ister gottoth ton bonog. The groom deth die odltor off fo.- e-mouth subgciiptlou. , 'l flesh is grass and in tlui) the' Ite Is gatlierud into the silo. 1 1: i, Inlster gottoth his hit. Tr.o e-Ji tor piinteth u douth notice, tvv; (o'uiniii of obituary, throo IrniK'J no- lees, n cubit of pootry ani a cid of thanks. And ho forgott:;i to rei.d proof on tho bond nod lli .mined thing coineth out "'Joni to Her Last Hoisting I'hico." And all that nro kin to tho ile- KiiM.l Jumpeth on tlio iditor with v toiling groat Jumps. And they pi1leth out their adsand idiuellelh ilulr siibsdliitlons and ''.n svviug tie hammer unto the third and totn!ii generations. .smim;... wiiii. i; Tf rVY.v: GOOD THINGS TO EAT Wo place the iholcest that tho Portland, Kim l-'rimclsco nnd Coos County maikets iifford, nt jour command. Among the new things this week me eliolco iaspberrlts, loganberries, plums and gieen peppers. Other good things for tomorrow are: Local (iieen Teas String I leans I led and Whlto New rotutoe.s Itliiihath lliinih Turnips ('in i tils Itadlshes Onions CuciimberH X'evv Local Cabbage lllpo TomatoeN Cauliflower (.'aliforiiln Cherries Coos Cherries I'emliCM Apricots i Caiitalotipos Walerineloii Htravvlieriie.s Oranges llaiianas v I'lorhhi and California (.'ntpo Fruit I'lrsl, CocoauulN CurrniitN NASBURG GROCERY Corner Central Avenuo and Kvcwml Ktreet. IXSTA.NTLV ItliMOVIW ALL STAI.VS I'HOM WIHTi: (.'OOIIS ntici; 50c i:iliislvely at -FOR- TailoHng, Cleaning & Pressing Be sure that you send your clothes to the right place, or call JAY DOYLE Will call anywhere any time. il."(l (.Vntnil Avenuo liiouo iir.O-X "TBe Owl" I'ninl. I), Cohan, Tho Central Avenue Drug Store Avtro A.C -ivrvivA 1-1 j u and FILM' HERE we have the Ansco development of the folding camera. Comes in three sizes at $45 to $55. Other Anscos, $2 up. See them all. We are headquarters for everything photographic. Coos ll.ij Stationary Co. rim no CHI. l);l Centrul Ave. JjJJ'J rv r VISIT OUR NEW STORE Wo have Hied to aiiaugo It to please joii and your friends. Diop In, Wo will he pleased lo show tho mrniigcinoiit to joii ami lo have joii try miiiio of the new sheet imisle helectloiiM on our pianos or to play (he latent rcortls on our lctor machlnos. L. L THOMAS MUSIC CO. Coiiholldallon or Wiley II. Allen ami W. II. Haines .Music Stocks l:i Central Avenue, Waiting For One at the Plate Haines V!.oni fi;i:d wdhw Watnfieut, ' onti.tl Avenuo . nit. w. a. tovi:, DKNTIST Hours 9 to 12; 1 lo 5. v itoom l!OI, Irving Hhlg. Central Avenue. Murshflold -. ."'1 .. waiTrTai t-- , fn niniui t i wfe''MMnm27rTMftlZHr :';il InventoryList Free Special blank forms provided for Itemizing tho articles In your household, furniture, kitchen furnishings, etc., so that In case of a loss you can havo everything listed. Thoy aro most con venient, pull t my office and secure one. They are free to everyone. It's our aim to servo our patrons and tho public. E. I. CHANDLER IXHI'IIAXCIJ coki; iiuiLiuxa Isn't half as much fun as waiting for a friend at the Smokehouse The Home of Good Cigars and Good Tohaccos Chandler Hotel Bldcj. PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER AT THE Chandler Hotel a Good Menu The Hub of Central Avenue .'SKaT"'1"" flhws. 3sr 75, ii.iiiw nimwsW tM '! J.r3?