'-' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1915-EVENING EDITION. ton KOOS BAY TIMES R n. MAT.ONEV. Editor nntl Pub. UN K. f7 SLILONEV, News Editor lelnl tfictel Paper of Paper City Coos County of Mnrshfleld. Entered at tho rostofflco at Marsh ld. Oregon, for transmission irouEh tho malls as secona-ciass Jilt matter. THICK liYIK SODKBIG LUMBER BIO 'The Fountain of Energy at Night ix less than ten days work IIEGINS HERE I I EASTERN SYNDICATE FHiTRKS OX MATERIALS FOR WAR ZONE EiikIiicct Fontaine nt Eugene TcIN of tlio Prop-am of Willamette Pnciric Construction Track laying from Coos Hay north will befiln In less thnn ten days ac cording to an announcement made by Engineer Fontaine nt Eugone. Thero will by that time be sufficient nails on hand hero to warrant start ing work with a largo force of men. Referring to the work nt Sluslaw the Eugene Register says: Tho track lalng crew on tho Wil lamette Pacific railway readied the Sluslaw bridge site, a short distance Addross all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. subscription hates DAILY. 10 year en r month B0 WKKKI.l. U ,...,. $1.50 SWhcn paid strictly In advance the bsulption piico of tho Coos Bay mes Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for r months. ijAn Independent Republican nows kpor, published every evening cx- l'.n Ounrlnv nnrl XVPpklV. bV !):' .' .. ...,.i..i.i.... rrt t . . - -.it...- n itiim1 r- iUo Coos liny xiiucb i-huu""k -" auovo acihu, iuiuiuhib i ,.... . ' . ... .. I. ...... nrf nna nr iceivcu nt mo eiiKineuiiut, u"11-" "' tho company here. Tho pre dictions of the engineers thnt it would tnko only nbout ten days to lay tho rails from a point two miles IjcIow Mnpleton, when tho track end ed, to the bridge alto were fulfilled. Good time was made by the crow of CO or inoro men, tho good weather being a help to them. Tho ballast trains will start haul ing gravel from tho pit near Nntron early next week. There are now about 100 ballast cars In tho Dlalr boule vard mnterlal ynrds and they arc be ing placed In condition for operation. AVII1 Have BlK Force A hundred or more men will be employed In tho gravel pit after tho work starts. There will be three train crows and four engine crews to handlo tho gravel, ono in tho pit, ono train crow and two engine crews to do the hauling and ono on the dumping trnln. Tho pit crew will tnko tho loaded cars from Natron to Springfield whoro n double-headed swing crow will bo mado up. This trnln will run only ns far as Nokoma, n point a fow miles nbovo Mnpleton, nnd tho unloading crow will take tho train from Nokoma to tho now stretch of track to bo ballasted. It Is expected that with this arrangement two trips a day can bo mado by tho ballast train. It will consist of 25 cars and will bo drawn by two of tho smnller typo of work locomotives. Tnko Month to llnllitst. W. R. Fontaine, assistant engin eer, said yestorduy that It Is expected It will rcqulro n month's time to comploto tho work of ballasting tho track between Mnpleton nnd the bridge Trains will bo operated to tho latter point after tho work Is completed. IIo said that tho excava tions for tho pivot pier of tho big bridge across tho Sluslaw have boon completed, tho sheet piling has been put In nnd the masonry work will stnrt very soon. Tho foundation piling for tho pivot pier Is also down. Plans .. EVENTS TO-NIGHT N --- Dlshop Sumner will apeak at ;5t. Ilary's Episcopal Church at iorin fiend tonight. Tho Elks annual ball will bo iold at tho Eagles' Hall tonignt 10 lelobrato tho birthday of tho lod&o. Tho Epworth League of tho Meili dlst Church will glvo moonlight xcursion to tho sandhills, it is rrco to all young people. Tho choir of tho Episcopal Church Will mebt for rehcnrsal tonight. A plcturo show will bo given tho Noblo Thcntor. at ACKNOWLEDGING FA UITS AND CORRECTING THEM f AMONG THE SICK 1 $$ HE first essential and tho most Important stop that Coos Bay. or any other community, can mako toward placing It In tho front ranks of progress Is to nc knowlcdKo Its faults, defects and weaknesses. Tho next step In Im portance Is to undortnko to correct thoso faults, remove thoso defects nnd to strengthen tho community whoro It Is weak. Every community, llko cvory in dividual, should Jiavo a purpose in Hfo, a destiny to fulfill nnd nn nm bltion to fulfill It. Prosperous nnd progressiva communities, cities thnt lncrcaso rapidly In wealth and pop ulation, possess qualities that make for such conditions. Evidences of advancement In othor communities should not nrouso our envy but should stlmulnto us to omulntion of their virtues. Wo can glvo to Coos Hay all tho qualities wo so greatly ndmlre' I'.i cities llko Spokane, Scnttle, Port land, Los Angeles. Wo can bring to It tho prosporlty nnd wealth thnt so powerfully attract population to thoso cities; wo can educate our pcoplo to so full an understanding of our resources nnd so great an appreciation of tho advantages of Coos Bay that thoy will hnvo for it tho samo lovo and loyalty that ate tho foundation of tho prosporly nnd progroBs of these successf il cities. In nil that arfects tho prosperity and general welfare of Coos Hay, Its citizens must bo united In opinion ns well bb interest. Wo nro ull In terested In succeeding nnd our suc cess, ns Individuals, Is indlssolub'y linked with the success nnd pvon porlty of Coos Hay. If we make Coos Day what It should be wo shall find It mora easy to succeed In our Individual undertakings nnd our success onco achieved will be inoro substantial and enduring. Narrow, selfish interests nniht be subordinated to tho broader I )b f0()t Bn, ank)o mu nno more generous inioiubiH i "" edent comnunlty nnd wo must exennugo personal shortslght for community louRslght. Wo must not allow tho penny on Its way to our personal pocket to obstruct tho vision for the dollar that will fall Into tho community pockot. Thero Is no piece for llttlongss In the relations of the citizen to his community. to Hnvo Largo Number of, Hemly Hulltl Houses Heady Tor , Supplying Europe Parties representing a New York , syndicate which is planning big op- eiatlous in rebuilding European conn-1 tries at the closo of tho wnr have ! been negotiating with local con-1 corns on one of tho biggest bills of lumber ever sold hero. Tho New York syndicate's plan Is I to have an Immense number of ready built houses prepared to supply the demand for homes In tho towns nnd districts ruined by tho wnr. They hnvo strong financial backing ns In dicated by letters from New York bankers. They nro figuring on one, two and three-room houses. For the first order, about 50,000,000 feet of lumber will be needed. Ed Moehler, who was conferred with about it, said that he was In hopes that nt least part of tho order would bo .landed for Coos Hay. Sometlmo ngo, tho French govern-' ment asked tho Simpson Muniicr company to submit bids on n lnrge number of portable houses but It ...... .1l1ml nl . mnlrn f. lit. I Howover the eastern syndlcnto Is said to bo prepared to pay cash on delivery and wnnt tho houses all In New York all ready for shipment to Europe tho day the war ends Notice to Campers To iircommoditlo tho hiiiihiioi truffle wo will opeiato tho fast bout Atlantic Uui-lng tho eninphiK season. Heglnnlng .Inly I tliln bout will 11111 on tho following schedule, dully except, Sunday Will Iwivo Mnrshfleld nt. 1:15 t , arriving nt, cSuu'ImIII'm nt fi:"." p. in., returning; tho next morning nt 8:l.. COOS RIVER TRANSPORTATION COMPANY fAKILBURN! 'aiffluuvBjoaa Steamers .SANTA CLARA lIIE lierolc Fountnln of Energy nt the rnnnmn-rnciuc jnirrnnuu.iui im position, Sim Francisco, is hIiowii hero spouting Its Hpccmcuinr stream when under illnmlnntlon nt night. This fountain Is ono of the greatest sight of Interest In South (lardcu nt tho Exposition nnd faces tho innln cntrunco to the grounds. It ban an nllcgorlcnl significance, ns ir ay in boll7.es tho force that achieved the Panania cniial, tho motive for the great International Exposition. Ho sure to visit the great Exposition. x ORGANIZE LEAOUE Taxpayers of Douglas County it New Association 'orm Fountain of Energy When President Wilson Opened the Panama Pacific Exposition v (Special to Tho Times) ROSEBURO, Ore., Juno 2a. Tho Douglas County Taxpayers' League ' is the namo of n now organization which has been formed In this city with sevonty-flvo chnrtor members, i The purposo of tho organization Is not to nntagoulzo but to work in liar- ( inony with tho public officials for tho i betterment of tho county. It will bo tho work of tho commlttco to show to tho county officials the needs ot tho county and to endeavor to gain appropriations and expenditures for tho work which they think necessary. In other words they will try to se cure a closer harmony between the mnn who pnys nnd tho mnn who spends tho taxes. San Francisco-Eureka-Coos Bay-Portland FROM SAN FRANCISCO North BOtinCl t():oo u. m .lime uri, mill :io, .Inly , io, i,, yo, i!.-,, :to. PROM COOS HAY FOR ASTORIA AND PORTLAND. P. M. Tide, .liino U!I, 117, .Inly 2, 7, ili, 17, U'J, U7. PROM PORTLAND SOUtll BOlintI (I P. M., .lime HI, lil, .Inly I. , I I, , lil, l!!. PROM COOS HAY FOR EUREKA AND SAN FRANCISCO. P. M. Tide, .liino l!2, al, July I, , II, l, lil, lid, :tl. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. Suiill. Tern.li.al Dock. Phono J. W. IU. STUI LK', Aavut. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD EVERY SUNDAY DURING JUNE AT 8 A. M., AND FRO.M PORTLAND EVERY THURSDAY AT 8 ,. M. Tickets on sulo nt Portlnnd City Ticket Office, (Ith nnd Oak Streets. Phono 5..T. II. J. MOIIR, Agent. PEOPLE'S E0RUM Tho Coos Bay Times will bo pleased to publish lottors from Its 1 renders on all questions ot public Interest, giving his or her address, nnd so far as possible limited to J"i0 words. In publishing theso let ters Tho Times docs not Indorses l tho !cws expressed therein; It ii slmplv aifordiug n menus for tlio voicing ot different opinions on nil questions affecting tho public wel fare. . ;; !;; am. iffEHCEUI TRAMSPDRTATIDII CO. IJiar' ' . ?! f ' . ' I IU '" Weekly Service Coos liny nnd Snn Franclico. . vT . . ' ' . I I I n II I I I II 1 1 H I n N I n I L II II I I I J A1..',.. v' J n La . . . I U. h ... .. .1. II. .. .... .. Ut'm-'- ".l' .:.?! aiuuiJi" iiii M vv.1' 'Mrx T Freght and Passenger service . igpB3 V . WTmWPiif ' SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR SAX FRANCISCO. FRIDAY tlWr,V " ..'v&VS. . '.BsrA7 , JUNE li.1, AT 8 A. Jl. &?'SW'iY rjjfer 8ai1 Frui,c,sco omce 00 Vlt0 ,Jululll,K' Hl,a 1',er N",Jr '-a : HV1SK.tW!iife "'ffiR .Ooob Bay Agent, 0. F. McQeorqe, Phone '44. w -W jj -- v ssa8 ' ' i THE Fountain of Energy when tho water wns released by President Wilson piesslng u button nt Washington on tho opening day of tho l'anaiua-l'aclllc International Exposition at Sun Francisco. This fountain is tho work of A. Stirling Cnlder nud is between tho Tower of Jewels and the main entrance nt Scott street. Mrs. W. 8. Turpen Is very ill and It Is feared sho has appendicitis. Herbert Hradloy Is suffering from nn attack of the mumps. Attorney N. C. McLcod, of North Horn), was taken suddenly 111 while at his office yesterday. Ho Is some bolter today but Is confined to hlr home. v Horsey Kreltzer wns roported to bo u little better today, having paus ed a favorable night, lie Is not nhlo to sit up hut nppcars quite cheerful. Many of his old friends have called to lui.ulro about him. TIME TO IM PROVE. Editor Times: Will you kindly nllow mo a llttlo valuable space In your paper In which to call attention to n situa tion which hns evidently heon over looked by the citizens of .Mnrshtleld. Last night tho City of North Hand sold a funding bond Issue bearing only flvo and one-half per cent In terest, at a premium ot a llttlo bet tor than ono per cent, tho purctius ers to pay ho cost of printing ulso. A short tlmo ago tho City of Portland sold a largo Issuo of im provement bonds similar to the im provement bonds Issued hero nt a I premium of five nnd ono-qiinrtor I per cont, almost enough to pay iho .loo Whlto of Hunker lllll Is slowly j first year's Interest at six por cent. recovering from painful Injuries to The city of Coqulllo this month sold stained In nn ne-ia funding bond Issuo nt n generous nt the Smith mill tho other premium. day whon ho was caught between two j In the fine of this condition tho timbers. city ot .MarshfloUl has almost flatly laid down on Improvements this year Contractor John (J. Horn, who Is on account of "hard times," whon superintending improvements nt tlio fow small Jobs put throiiKh Shore Acres, had u fall which broke hnvo been let at tho cheapest price tho small bono of his right foot. Ho ever known In tho history of tho will stay at Mercy hospital for uiclty, as tho bids of Monday nlgut while. nt the .MnrslvCleld City Council meet- - lug show. Miss Esther Sullivan underwent AT THE HOTELS J Chandler Hotel R. S. Wright, San Francisco; W. J. Clarkson, San Francisco; E. Wlest, Portland ; Peter Oherlo, Port land; O, 1). Thomas, Portland; D. C. Ilogart, Portland; E. M. Rosenthal, Portland; II. T. French, Corvallls; XV. E. Wadsworth, Portland; .Vrs Mary Hnrvoy, Pendleton; C. N. Nel son, San Francisco E. N. Myers, Portlnnd; W. W. (iraut, San Fran cisco; If. S. Sanders, Decoto. Cat.: J. R, Linn, Salem; Mrs. V. Carter, Salem; Mr. Wynuiii Albeo, South Inlet; Mrs. Wymaii Albeo, South Inlet. St. Idiurenco Hotel r R. Harrow. Coos River; Mrs. n V. fireen. Portlnnd; Mrs. Robert llrldg. Miller, North Hend; J. (). Hrooko. Holso. Idaho; Thomas J. lliish. .inn Francisco: A Upplnlng, Elgl'i: J H. Jlerrcn Elgin. Kobort Wheeler, El an operation to have adenoids nud tonsils removed yesterday nud is getting along very well today. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. J. Ilurbrldge Is quite sick at her home on South Fifth street, Buffering with qulusey. Francis Nelson, of Oardluer. has ta tar recovered from an nttaclc (if typhoid that he could bo removed yesterday from Mercy hospltnl. Pospal, Eureka ;(iiis Sjogren, Po were: Ed. Sjogren, Powers: W. It. Lewis, North lleud: .1. Mlchelbrlrk, Allegany: Joe Swanck, Allegany; John Porter. Allegany: A. K. Pld geon and wife. Allegany: Ah In Smith. Coos River; A. R. Daney. With contractors bidding almost ton per cent lower than ever bofo-o nud municipal bonds nt a premium, wo nro missing a golden opportunity while practically overy other town In the state Is hustling to get in rn ( the Improvements whllo tho ".-jet-! ting" Is good. We will wait until the times are good nnd contractors, are busy so that they will not bid j low on work and Investors nro ovirj their scare and will turn to indus trial Issues Instead of paying u pre mium for low rate municipal bonds. I And yet the wise ones here nro shaking their heads nnd wondoiing how North Hend will pay for her Improvements! Wake up. Mnr&li. field. North Hend will lonie you behind! PROORESSIVE CITIZEN. May Miller, Lloyd Hotel ' Miller, Wedderburn: Jerry riaudon; Edna lhillev, Wed- derbiirn; T. Ilussey, Powers, Ul'nir In, E jClaiK' II union Rlnnro Hotel n Siirliigateen, Oakland rtJnhn f.ai 1 land. H Finuchco; JI, f flould a id w I V Jackson, Po. l- HTIMES Want Ads Get the Results i COST "I can't afford to use news paper advertising," said one merchant. "Well, I can't af ford not to," said the second one, whose business is grow ing even in dull, times "I don't look at what a thing costs, but what I am going to get out of it. "Continuous newspaper ad vertising brings me larger, more definite returns than any other kind I have tried. "As a matter of fact it costs less, too, for I buy no waste circulation." COO Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tho most powerful, best equipped nud most thoroughly inodorm twenty-lucli hydraulic clrcdgo lr. Pacific water Main office, Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. GRAVEL Wo nro now prepared to furnish O RAVEL In any quantities from pllo In our yard or in carload lots, at following prices: From pllo on ground, $2.55 per yard, ennoad lots, taken from care, ?2.00 por yard. Itetnil Depart inent. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Post-Offlco. w,one ,00, TIMES PHONE 133 wWWWWVW4WWWWW 1 4rr Abstracts VOll RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OP TITLE AND INI'OHMATHLN AHOUTj' COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSHFIELD AND COQUILLI3 CITY, OREGON GBNEItAL AGENT'S, EASTSIRK AND SENGSTACKEN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC UAILROAD LANDB nENItl' 8ENGSTAOKEN, MANAGER Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: .. Phone 180-J INDEPENDENT AUTO SERVICE Marshfield, North nenrt, Empire, Tarheel, Sunset Ray T.pnvia Mnr..liflilil. nt llncv Pnl-noi'. 7 11. 111.! 10 II. IU 2 p. in.; B p. in. Leuics North Hend l."5 minutes later. Leaves Empire fiiHO n. in,; 1l;no n. in.; 1.510 1. '! !,i!, ', (1:00 p, in. Trips nfter these hours inny bo nrrniiKed for. 1 ..,f;pBiSSJK,JtMiiiiflJiPJi,JI:!l v,H'.t?i; i p. ni.; , in.; bono f t - ." r-vrrrnr. yrmici v 51 fcW.v I . : ii i .? i W V ' ' T WX X r ' J 1" 11 ..' bi u-r f a' s m