The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 19, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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i ...... . ,
.urn. u. k. .Mcueorgo, . " WcilMMlIliyi thc coos Hny Womciro
, Thomas, mm. J. a. nyons, ir. - wn ;vc n pcnIc nt Seaman's
ueisperger, .".a. ,.. """, (rovo on South Coos River Tor llio
Mrs. I). V. Stafford, Mrs. C. K. I ei- bonofU Qf n M,rHmoMt rc8t ,,,.
Tliu Bteuincr Hnlnbow lina bern hnr
teroil for tlio occasion and will
leave Market street dock at
o'clock a. 111.
r. fl .. Mm.. II
rv Airs. .1. a. I1UII8UII. .11 in. ii
Uooth, Mrs. II. 0. Hutler, Mrs. It
K. Miller, Mrs. W. II. Kennedy, Mrs
G. A. Hcnnctt, Mrs. M. A. Dano, Mrs
11 surprise farewell last ovciiIiir nt M. C. Maloney, .Mrs. H. Sllngus, Sirs
(Continued from pago 3)
to vi:i SOON
the home of the letter's imrents, H. K. Lnraway, Mrs. II. 13. Qulst,
Mr. and Mrs. II. Mnthlson, In Hun-1 Mrs. Henry SengsiaeKcu, '
ker Hill, mill us u token uf friend- ovluve Songstucken, Mrs. V. L. Clny-
mIiIii made thoin a present of an , liaugii. airs. u. .. ".
electric rending Inmp. The
wns Bient In music, games and la
ter on, delicious refreshments were
served. When tlio tlmo arrived for
their departure, tlio guests extended
good wishes and farewells to Mr.
anil Mrs. Lee who mo leaving tomor-
.. -1.... r..- ,t...lM
row on me ureaKwuiur 101 uiuu
jiWymanAlbce, bridge tender ut
Clim lesion Hny, and Miss Until
Powell, of South Inlet, will bo mar-j fulll.0 i,,jlc a Helllnghmn, Wash-j
Hod next Tursduy, Juno 22nd. lngton.
- T"f. TT?T. TZ 2 . - wcr. elected to (of-
The upp'eV Coos Itivor 'ladlos met
Thursday afternoon, Juno 10th, at
the homo of Mrs. Nols McCulloch
and formed a sewing club which will
bo known as the "Happy Hours" club
..1.h iM.rt fnl.
meeting every iwo to, 1 nu ..
Two sliver medal contests were
held In Sunnier last Thursday eve
ning, flvo girls and five boys con
testing from North Ilend. ur the
former, Miss Hcrthu Chapman won
the medal, the other girls speaking
being the Misses Olive Phillips, Ma
Hilda Audorson, Vivian Johnson and
ldn Nellson. The boys contesting
were: Krlc Urnndt, who won tho
medal, Lloyd Hnab, Carl Hnnb, Han
dall Jones nnd Horace Holmes.
Among those who accompanied the
speakers to Sunnier were: II. Mor
ten, Clyde and Lloyd Tompkins, Ar
thur Chapman, F.ugcne Holmes, Her
man Meude, Merlin Chnpclle, Clias.
Yon Zlle, Lylo Chupullo, Prof.
Urubbs, Mrs. Archie Phillips mid
Miss Freda Johnson.
4, 4
On Thursdny evening of this week,
n number of North Mend peoplo plan
ned a happy surprise) for Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Kutou in honor of their
first year wedding anniversary, pre
senting them as a token of friend
ship a beautiful ft it lit. with Mr.
Looinlti as spokesman.
Whist was tho principal diversion
of tho evening at which Mrs. Kuton
and L. A. Loomls won first prizes
and Mrs. Loomls nnd Walter Ilus
huM tho consolations. At n Into
hour refreshments, which tho sur
prise! had furnished were sor'vod.
Those present weie Mr. mid Mm. C.
A. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Loomls, Mr. mid Mrs. N. (I. Humes,
Mr. mid Mrs. Jou Olln, Mr. mid
Mrs. Waller Hussell, Mr. and Mrs.
Hoy Mrnlnartl, Mr. and Mrs. Kuton,
Miss Myrtle Helm ami Leonard Kus
sell. :
, r9
Last Thursday evening, an 11
nuxlllary of tho Owl Lodge was or
ganized which will meet the sccomt
and fourth Thursdays In the lodge
hall. Following nre the officers elected:
fSIrs. Jonnlo Kourko, President; Mrs.
Margaret Hoss, Vice Pres.; Mrs. Leo
na Montgomery, lnvocator; Miss Km
ma Hagqulst, Sentinel; Mrs. Slurlot
Smith, Picket; Miss Solum Dodge,
Warden; Mrs. Amy Mletninn, Sec
retary and Treasurer,
.. 11... v M..r1linlf Sii. Mrs. -.
1 !... IID. """--" , '...!
(i. L. uurton; irons., .ra. 1. u. omu- a 4
111 meot fT
f'nv when "'..'TT" . -7 -
,. , m.u 11 ti.iunn. ,in.,l l,,u ,,u,,,u "'"""" "....:." "T. nun .Mrs. women woicou 01
so Sen'nlo Fefsland. Rl.lo La, ' 'l " 111 W, Byracu-e New York, uro ?peoloiI
M..-.I.. ai.,n.i iinnirino m,w,w I ""' etitertulii. hero next week for an extended vls-
T' J ."I.!.? rill 1Z l'l!lt wth t0 ,. imronlB( Mr
T. , ' -Vn ".:.,,,; " ntlon, the ladles spending tho time am, Mra A-
.uiiiiiiHuii ami ....m w..b. .w,ln chQt nm, H0WillB un,i of course
Jelmar Iterslanil, Oliver Larsen, h. . thofo wn )(j rofrcB,imenUi
0. Mellcni. Holger Peterson, A, An-1 Th(j e8cnt niolnborB of lh. club
derson. C. Thorpe. P. Thorpe, Steen nro. Mrg Sallnt,or8( M. A, c.
MngniiB, Melvln Steen. , CJX( Mr() a L I)urt0Mi Mrs. Geo.
J 4 4 'ni.ii.lM !. Gniii QntHnirtnn Mm. V.
VUUD tuioi wuui Jiwin"" - -
News of Near-by Towns .j
: uaslbui 5 cim
I SILVKIt MIIDAL COXTKSTS , (Jco IilML( Ml.g j. IlHrk,1(
Mrs. A. Snow, Mr. and Mis.
Steen, Mr. and Mrs. ICdward Urlck
flco: Pros., Mrs. Jack Horn; Vice
Hteen. .Mr. mm .,... ..u-uiu -.-- , j,car, chdgi
Hon, Mr. and Mrs P. H Jacobso , , ' pllj w
Mrs. K. Mcrgland, Mrs CO. Mag-1 C(
iiU-l'IllV IUWIIFON TODAV I , J- ,,ar""' Mr8 Jac, Uorn' Mr8' '
4 .OUlllllV ... . v.uw.... -.
Fred Auson, Mis. n. imcuiiuoc'i,
Wolcott on Park
avenue. They will visit at thc Fair
eu route here.
4. .5. .
Mrs. Fannlo Wheeler and Iioubo
guest, Mrs. Davis of Kansas City,
spent Friday nt Sunset May anil
Shore Acres.
Mrs. O. S. Torrey returned this
tnlnlng nt luncheon followed by
hrldgo today for the Auction llrldge
Misses Gertrude Parrltt ami Pearl
Lead by aouerals Otllla Hoclllug
and Arthur Harris, u regiment of
North Mend troopers took Sunset
May by storm last Sunday. The
first victory was the comiueiing wm, u. Hoagland
p Last evening Mr. mid Mrs. Irwin
Tho Kenslugton Club which was to 0r South Fifth Street were the rcclp-
btivo met with Mrs. C. F. MeGeoryo tuats of a surprise farewell party
yesterday was postponed until iiex nlvon by the members and friends
Friday when sho will bo tho host- of tho Methodist church, tho affair
ess. coming as a complete surprise to
them. After nn evening of games, de-
, Melons refreshments were served nf-
LADIICS AHT CI.UIl ter which Mrs. Gldloy sang In her
t ti8iinl sweet way and Miss Mario Lar-
Mrs. L. F. Falkonsteln of North Kcnl pnj.0(i BOvoral pretty piano so-
Mend entertained tho Ladles Art j0Sf Mayor Allen with 11 fow nppro-
Club nt n club session yesterday af- ,rut0 remarks of appreciation f,t
tcrnoon Mrs. Anna Larsen being u,0r valuablo sorvlco In tho church
present ns special guest. Choice Work pri'sented Mr. and Mrs. Irwin
roses and flweet peas wore prettily heautllul mahogany tray on behalf j Pcarllno Moffat of Hugene, Oregon,
arranged In the parlor where the 0f tho members. Mr. Irwin responded Seaotnry of tho McClnnnlum Incu
ladles sowed nnd chatted during tho ror himself ,Utd Mrs. Irwin with 1 bator Company.
Mrs. Davis of Kansas City Is tho
house guest of Mrs. F. 10. Wheeler
on Third street. They expect to
mako the trip to the Exposition to
gether. Mr. liiul Mrs. Irwin expect to
lenvo Tuesday overland for Molse,
Idnlio, where they will make their
homo In tlio future. They will great
ly be missed by the many friends
they had made during their stay In
4 ?
Sir. and Mrs. Palmer C. Leo, tho
latter formerly Miss Mabol Math!
son, will lcavo,Sunday on tho Mrenk
water for HolliiBhain,' Wush., wheVe
they Will .live In tho future.
Miss Mlnnche Cutllp of Marsh
flcld has ns her house guest Miss
afternoon hours. Towunls evening, words of gintltude. Then all gather-1
Mrs. Hoss Smith nsslHted tho hostess 0,i around tho piano and had n good
to Mrs. J. A. Mlalt, Mrs. A. S. lllnn- , rnshion "sing."
chard, Mrs. W. C. Curtis, Mrs. .las.
Cowan Sr Mrs. Olivia Kdiuan, Mrs.
W. U. Hoagland, Mrs. L. G. Lang,
Mrs. Charles La Chapulle, Mrs. N.
F 'f
Miss Lucy Powers returned homo
from Oregon University at Eugene,
this week to(spond the summer with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. II.
Powers, on Hall and Fifth street.
of tlio rough roads, which was nc
compllshed In mi cvoii hour. This
wns followed by an attack upon the
lunch, which was done, uwny with
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin leave Tuesday
overland for Molse, Idaho where thoy
will make their home In tho future.
Those present wore: Mr. nnd Mrs.
Hasmusson, Mrs. Henry lloeck, nnd it. n. Irwin, Mayor mid Mrs. V. 12.
Mrs. II. 11. Wnltor. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. SI. Lnrgent, Sir.
It was decided to hold 11 picnic 0110 1 and Sirs. Aug. Isaacson, Sirs M. It. 1 from Lakeside whero they spent n
week from tomorrow, June Ji, nt Hrown, Sir. and Sirs. Howard Sav-j few dnyfl outing,
riper s uruvc. ugo, Mr. nun Airs, uaviu iNciaon, .Mr.
Next Friday tho club will meet and Sirs. SL D. Sumner, Mr. nnd S'rs.
Frank Sumner. Sir. nnd Sirs. F. C.
Mlrch, Sir. and .Mrs. G. N. Molt, Sir.
and Sirs. A. I), Qldley, Sir. and Sirs.
I , Scott, Sir. and Sirs. Fred Weaver,
sir. nnil sirs. A. J. Drews, Sir. nnd
Kmowcll Parly CJIven for Heslileiit
Who Is Ihwuiik: Other Ni-mw
of People of Town
(Speclnl to 1TI10 Times)
POWEUS, Ore., June 1U. A fare
well party was glvon tills week In
honor of Mrs. Wnkciunn of Camp li
who will leave soon for her homo In
Sllnnosotu. Thoso presont woro Mrs.
Sugden, Sirs. Dnmcron, Sirs. Will
lams and daughter, Gertrude, of
Powers; Mrs. Gedklo and chlldron,
Sirs. Corliss and sou, Sirs. Stoll mid
chlldron, Mrs. Charles Zlmniormou
mid Miss Ada Clnwson mid Sirs.
Clnwson nnd children of Camp fi. The
guests all enjoyed 11 pleasant day.
Sirs. Nelson mid Mrs. Drake both
made a trip to Slnrshfield.
A. 13. Wleslnndor, n graduate of
the University of California, has re
turned to his homo In Oakland, Cnl.
Do will report for duty In the forest
service whero ho expects to work
during the summer nnd this fall will
go to the University of Michigan to
complete lis studies.
The infant child of Sir. and Sirs.
D. King Is much Improved and now
out of danger after a severo spell
of Illness.
Tlio Powers base ball tenm Inst
Sunday played With I leaver Hill and
the homo team was victorious.
Hev. G. Leltoy Hall, accompanied
by Itev. Wright, stuto missionary
visited Powers last Sunday. Uov.
Wright preached to a largo audience
Sunday evening. Tho two ministers
went from Powers to Mandon.
Messrs. Stlcnhoff mid Davis made
a trip to Slnrshfield Monday.
Sir. and Sirs. Wakeman went to
Slnrshfield the early part of tho week
to visit friends for a fow days be
foro depnrtlng for their old homo in
'"""axi, ,r....
""IK Mini. ." TAKE
h,,a ''''"ills,.,, ., ....
I Hasten J00'"
" "ITIM,
Pint Is Filed for Mlto on lleaeli Xenr
llnrvitra In Duslrnlilu Locution
(Special to Tho Times.)
FLORENCE, Or., Juno 1!). The
Sluslaw country will have a new re
sort plac.o. Tlio plat of llocetn
Meach on the beach north of Flor
enco was filed with tho County Clerk
at Eugouo by tho' Harbor-Sound In
vestment Company. The townslto
has been laid out lit strectH and
alloys which extends to witnin n
short dlBtunco of the ocean. At HiIb
point and shrubbory nnd trees nro,
dose to thu ocean beach and affords
u very desirable spot to build a
summer home. The beaches north
ami south nro considered to be us
good tin any on the const and will
eventually hecomo the playground , ami a ... " eiter.
wasi lEicru
lt Aiiotlitu rr-...i 1
Salt Lnfc. 2! W .511
' AnReleiV.u :5"
Pf.ll In... I ' 3.!-
"'""llll .. .. ..
Oakland .. ,, -W
Vcnlco .. , l -U
A. . . . . 1 II I,.
tllj AMOfUif.
I'OltTLAMIi . . """-I
'CB''d with tl 1. ,,Mi
of thousands of peoplo who desire
Ilnppeiilngs uf the City Told In
Tlio Hi'coriler.
The old ico plant in tho Laundry
has been discarded and new machin
ery Is being put In. C. S. Sturr,
Mandoii's plumber', has the contract
for tho work.
O. Hlbargor, contractor of .Marsh
field, was In Mandon to put In u bid
on tho now bakery which Paul Sto-
phnn Is preparing to build.
Commuter,,. ,,aln again
10 tin. Hi ,HIB
ll .con, oi m,. N
tho ocean nlr ind B.ilt wuler. On
thu north beach where tills now re
sort has been platted the beach is
skirted by a substantial gro:tli of
Bluubbery nnd trees, giving a pro
tection from the ocean winds ant!
providing u delightful plnco for Bum
mer residences.
It Is the Intention of tho owners
of the tract to grado tho street where San Francisco
It Is possible to do so and when the Los Angeles
proposed plank roud from Florence At Salt Lala-'l
Is completed a hotel will be erected.
Ith n, ,,.. "-Httl
Hon n ..
"- ai ,..,..i
llllllnro 11.1. . . WlM
. itu no- t. ... b
10 the MllMlnr ,"",U,ttW
-" "U1IK8
esterdar Ln.JB
H....1.1. .. -""
At Oalclnml
Portlnn.l '4H.
At Los Angeles
Ni:i(illli()ltll()()l) FKIHT
Iliinildii I'niivt Tells "if Iteinmkable
Cuiiilltlon In Tluit CI I, v.
Outdoing almost tho terrors of the
war In Europe nro tho conditions in
11 cartntu neighborhood in Mnmlou,
according to the Recorder of that
city. Tho paper says:
"Several families with niinipious
.tl.tll.i.,i ti.l.... ..!.... I.i ......1. II.. I....
, ....,. l.-.Wh...h W VW., ..,. ,,,
Salt Lake
......!.-.. .
.iiuiiiaii ia(an
At Philadelphia rf
Philadelphia ... ",',',',',',1
At Washington
Washington .....',
At St. Loiila
St. Loiilx
' l
Niilloiml lM(tue
At Pittsburg
New York
above Moore's mill nnd within the
city limits, bine created 11 stuto of
war among themselves. The at
tacks and counter ut lucks consist f ' pittHtnir
liuuwiiiK luuiit), tiuuu i;iui:iieii, .1.1- ., n. . '
. , . . i . . . i At Cincinnati I'h adtbUr
ful imugluutloii can conjecture ns
most likely to Incur tho displeasure
of tho recipient. A pan of paste
flour or dishwater applied to a win
dow Is reported to bo a common
nnd ravorlto pastlino mid vulgar uiullsi 01jg
obscene epithets uro reported to he '
frequently Indulged in. Inasmuch as1
clnnntl gamo postponed ca i
of rain.
At Chicago Drookljt-CkltJ
game postponed on account el r
At St. I.nuls-
mtiiK.'i: pa it'll i :s
Sir. mid Sirs. Allan O. Haas nnd
llttlo daughter returned this week
4 t
Miss Ruby Wntklns loft this week
for San Francisco to enter the Lnno
tho respective belligerents live In I GUN CLUB WILL
houses only u few feet apart the HOLD SHOOT TOMORRfl
Miss ltoso K'onnedv is now a real- imoresi in mo wariaro is iniensi-
dont of Coijulllo, huvlng accepted f,t,,, n1"1 ,w l11't'"'li"y continuous .Mt.mi.-s to Meet at OrounJult
a nosltlon In a cuar storo of that aaV IlI" ' vur l!,0BU,y 'esoiuu- viock li) Take I'art
-.--- -- ... , . , ,. .,
Sirs. Adolnldo Reynolds and Sllss
Kntliorino Itosa oro In Portland ns
dolcgntcs of tho local lodge to at
tend tho Grand Chapter of tho East
ern Stnr. Thoy will attend tho Roso
Festival at the snino time.
Ncls RnsmiiBseu, Dr. Sorenson, SI.
Hospital whero sho will take tlio . 0con, nnd J' L- Uca wl, own lotH
nurso'H training course
Sir. nnd Mrs. W. J.
Conrad re-
hoforo tho reinforcements arrived! Sirs. A. O. Rogers was hostess this, Mrs. F. A. Sncehl, Sir and Sirs. I. S.i turned this week from San Frnn-
Upon tho field. Said reinforcements week nt two brilliant brldgo partlec, Kaufman, Sir. and Sirs. J. O Lang-'clsco whero thoy visited tho Expost
went hungry. In the afternoon,
scouting parties were sent out, some
months. Her daughter, Mrs. Crnlg
nnd baby roturned with her for a
f n )
Sir. and Sirs. W. G. Mernltt mid
adjoining one another on Chicago
nvonuo nnd First street, nro going
In Jointly to drlvo plies for futurr.
buildings. Karl II, School, tho arch
itect, Is managing the work. Tho
plies will bo capped, ready to ro
colvo tho future buildings.
Tho annual Alumni banquot wns
hold ut tho Odd Follows Hall. It
was mndo quite informal. Tho vlce
prcsldont, Sllss Pearl Craln, mndo
an address, but otherwise tho usual
toasts wero ellmliinted.
llttlo dnughtor Meryl arrived this
Wednesday nnd Friday afternoons. worthy, Sir and Sirs. W. Lnngworthy, ! Hon on tholr honeymoon trip nnd
on weiinestiny, four tamos or sir. nnd Mrs. Cnl. Langworthv. Mr. have taken an mmrtmont in tho
going to Seven Devils and some to , bridge wero plnyod, Mrs. ciauil .as- Ui jir8. j. k, Cooloy, Mr. and Sirs. , Slyrtlo Arms.
Shores Acies. There whb n large burg winning trophy for high score. I c. W. Davis, Sir. and Sirs. A. Abbott, j
number of cameras among the Tho decorations woro both beautiful ' Mr nn,i Mrs. W. II. Perkins, Sir. and j Sirs. O. S. Torry returned this
troops present and many photographs, nnd unique In red nnd yellow. At the i Mrs A. II. Woodworth, Sirs. Harvoy'weok from Mlackfoot, Idaho whero
of tho enemies' fortiricntloim were ciomi hi uu huvuiuuu h ' smiin, .Mrs. Heaton, tlio .Misses: Vera sho has boon for tho past fow
Hoeured. I nosiess assisieu uy .Mrs. . ". j Harris, Slablo Lang, Corn Dye, Roxlo
In tho ovenlng, nn uttack was Kennedy and Sirs. S. C. Small served Hall, Ireno Preuss, Slay Preuss, Eva
made upon Sunset Inn nnd buiuo a delicious collation. Tho Invited list Hanson, Dora Mrown, SInrlo Largent.
was very easily taken. .Music was Included Sirs. W. F. Miller. Mrs. L. ' Slyrtlo IsnacBon, Ruby Cooloy, Hol
furnlBhcd by the regimental band. I S. Doblo, Mrs. Claud Nasburg, Mrs. : en Perkins, Merthn Davis, Slablo nnd
r it 11 it I. i ftli?.,.. ...
n graphaphono, nnd the evening was, niaii, .ms. v.. u. inn, .u. v. v.,uons .Nelson and Slessrs: E. H
spent In war dancing. The general
ret i cut for homo started at '.i::!u
n. m. The only loss suffered during
... ..I... M.... I.-. ...... ..!. 11 . . . ...
tho day was tlio capture or two or i'"" "' -"" wmmur nnu l.csuo Isaacson, Ed Molt
tho girls by Major Mill (So-nlmm. 1 " Erlday ufternoon. the artistic j Loron Cooloy, nnd Will Stnuff. Sirs. F. M. Frlodimrg and Sirs. III-
of tho enmnles' forces. This was ' decorations vero all or yellow, the of- ' barger nro spending tho weok end at
accomplished Blnglo handed, with f''et l,,"B v'r' PHV- l-'our tablos 1 4 tho formur-8 Summer homo on
tho iiBsistanco of a Ford. of ,,lll,u Wl'ri" llltlM I'l'cd, high n. r. vltVn ( !Sout, Cooa River.
w' vrtav going to Sirs. C. F. ( 4 MrB w. s. Chundlor returned this
, .",,.. mi, .'v,t x,. .,,. McOcorgo. , T,0 n. Ct SowllB Cll,,, t ,t;wock from on oxtemlod stay In San
; KMC MR. AM) SIRS. ..1,1. 1 serving dainty refreshments, 8ntlinJ w , Francisco and Portland.
J"a- KCl-8 was assisted by Mrs. ,.,,,., ,. . , ' . Mr. nml Mrs. Dors.w Krnlfzor rn.
A number of friends of Sir. nnd Kennedy. Sirs. SI. A Dano. and Mrs, of Mw B, vn;,lto chn '' " turned thfs' week from the East, j Mr. Lougston states that ho has
Mrs. Palmer O Lee tcndercl them 1.1 S. Lyons Tlio ladles Invited woro; I Sn, ,.,,,. , ..... ..., .. '. whero ihv hnv h.-o.. viRitin.r i.i . Iid jyears of oxiiorlonrn nt i.rtnk
Baaa.BMaM.WMa.BaBKaaimaanaaa.wa. I '"' '"" hlim "III IIIL'Ul Willi' ' " " "' , ' " -" ,
: Sllss .Marjory Fulnior. Those nres- people. , ihuiwuk ami uiai no is cortaln Coosj
cm. wero ino .Misses: Wllmn Hong- ',1B l,"'lK uuma way anu uuio j "' " '"" imujiui- imico ior mo es-
man, Slyrl Cox, Wllla Monebrako and .Bon nro expected hero this summer , uiunbiuueiii oi a piant with a dally
Cumbers. SI ra Win. llorsfall Jr.. Mrs. Campbell. Chos. Smith, Chns. Rny- wi.ok to spend two weoks with tho
W. S. Nicholson. Mrs. Geo. Slurch. nioud. Frank and Ira Howe. Leo My- former's parents, Sir. and Mrs. E.
Mrs. F. SI. Parsons. Mrs. W. P. Slur- ory. clay Church, Hnrold Weaver, w. Mernltt of First street.
W. .1. Iuigstoii, of foqulllo, Prom
ises to Secure S& To .Mutch
Similar Ioeal Amount
To Interest the Chumbor of Com
merce In a fiO,000 brick plant
ling trench warfare in Europe. The.
landlords uro threatened with re-;
la ContO't
Tho members of the (ua c!iH
(liinwl rout nnil Imvi) I ii ken nn lull'--
est In tho matter peace officers hold ''it' Sunday nwiki
l.n l.on,, n,.nnln..i,H. Int.,.vl,.um U:30 o'clock ttt the POUldl U ,
n ....iin.i n ,.,.n rii ,i ii,.. All members are expected to
whole thing threatens to bo ulrc.1 ' lcl1 ' otb"'"
l n., I.. ll. no,,., fnt.iro lllliu purnii Ul luuuii-i ... -i
to bo present and to Join tbe
l If they desire.
lloat eriirJoii and picnic M
cflt of Public ll'.t ltoomtH
Cimw llhcr, .Scanwn'i Grow.
nesiluy. Rainbow Iim MAH
dock at H a. in., returning tfl
iiults no rts, Chllilrea ml
Oi'pmlvuijtlon f Lumbermen.
Funned to Further tho For
eign ICpi)i'tntIou
For tho purposo of dovoloping the 2o cts. Children under 8,
business of oxportlng forest prod-, .vcr)iiHiy inuieu.
nets of Oregon ami Washington, mo
Douglas Fir Exploitation nnd Export
company Is In process of organiza
tion nt Seattlo and in Portland. Ac
cording to Information from Seattle
tho capitalization of tho co-oporat-Ivo
association will lie 200.000 at
tho outset and tho shares will bo lioltl ; CrGHDl 20C pSf P
by lumbor' manufacturers who w"1, Whiri CrGam 25C p6T P
turn tholr export business over t I 7UCPSf(
mo now company, which win cuiuihu , " .,, 1 H npr OB
lt niinrntlnn.. nnllrolv itn fnreicil RllllCrnil K .-IwPS
trado. It Is said tho nlnns of tho com-' RllttGr 30C P6f f
Effective June 1st, m
W. J. Lougston, of Coqulllo, late yes- pany havo tho approval of tho Fe'M Ino
lftf1 n V nlrifllAntt nn.n..A.a 1. I m ... . w . .1 A (IUW
torday afternoon appeared beforo
tho commlttco on Industries. Ho
sooks a promlso of local backing to
tho extent of I2G.000 and promises
that O. A. Klntonor, of Mound City,
Missouri, will match It dollar for dol
50c per "
See Birch
See Better
Toric Lenses $5.00 Per Pair
No Experimenting We know our business
A mm Downs.
from Monrovia, California, to spend
part of the season with her parents,
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Tower.
Miss Mutli Allen returned homo
thts weok from u visit in Portland,
following the conclusion of the
capacity of 100,000 brick. Ho says
that at present brick cost us horo
about $12 a thousand-uiul thnt thoy
could bo manufactured horo for,
about $S a thousand. Tim nlnni
would bo situated close to tho city
and to transportation.
Sir. Klnteuer, ho said, Is willing to
make tho Investment prpvldlng locn
UIUI I IUUU LUIUllllBHlUIl. Jlt;uulUlll I- .
ors of tho company will bo nt Se- Special pHCeS lOr I
attlo with sales offices nt Portland ( quantities
and Snn Francisco. I
The Victor Stoer'PiES
Phone 73.
Deliveries at MO'
and 2:0U p. m.
r i
; 4
1 Last Thursday afternoon, llttlo
i Duster Slllllorn entertained nt i,ia i school year at Corvallls.
homo In North Uoud In honor of his Mrs' u' J ""l aml H'"0 80U
firth hiitininv in.. .........ii.... ' Ikivd been spending thu nast week
a Jolly tlmo In frolicsome game of ttt ",0 J A Ooodwill place on South I ,uc" wU ta.ko half Interest n tho
various sorts after which tho youn L008 "'. -
host's mother served toothsome daln-i J"8a J-aot' Kennedy arrived
ties to Jnno Uiirinclster, Nthel anr-,lcro tllls wk from sPkano to visit
diner, Kthel Itoynolds, Helen Wlnsor'ut tno J" w Qnrilnor homo In North
Knthryn Wernlch, Warren and HI1-, ,,endi
lio Painter, Kenneth Juzy mid Hub- lLKS"xr)Tlcir
' ter MHltorn. A Kks whetuor visitors or mom-
. beis of other lodges who reside hero,
project. The matter Is being con
sidered by tho committee
College IV.iteinlty"VilI Go to San
Francisco (iathcilng
picnics ni:xt wi:i:ic
Thero was a meetliig or tho Coos
Hay alumni chanter of tlm sii-nm ri
are expected to attend tho nirthday fraternity last evening and prepara-
? I flail Pll-rttl liv Mnrcliftnl.t I ,1 Li .....
" ,Vt.n b' MarsllfleUl L"ko tions were made for an attendance In
On Wednesday of next woolTn S .' r," ,L. '"" "V.. ?J " "0U) .or '. entire chapter at the
Uoyal Neighbors will give a , Ic.o A" ,.,.;,"' " .!yonuo;, tl.e natonal fraternity
nt Mnntal.ln n.o. ...,..,.,.. ". 'm uo Iloirt in Han Francisco about
:.:.. . "'v: "J W"S B Come, nrothor lllll. a cordial wel. th .,,.,,. , a..-' 7 , '
iiiuy inKo ino io 30 ferry. A uoo.i pnm .!., - ...,,..,... . :" . i- """"" " b'i'. i is expect-
tlmo Is assured as the ladles are UyorZ at
I ...u.ut, iu uiai enu. Also oi
cu mat io nienibers will hq from
hero for tho trip. They Jnte'nd to
leavo about August 10. '
juts. AViby,"8
STUnt- ,
U namrf
Tl: xnE?
Now In $
t Central M . j.
Wc have all the popular se-'
lections and can promptly
secure any number that
you may desire.
we can furnish you from our; ru - .
ctnol olmncf nnw etulo ft O ' fJot Ihp f ieS OUl u'
uiuui uiiuuoi aiij oij y ( WOl u.v -
nnrcu nOORS
5onci-" -- ..
Victor machines that
you may desire
Central Avenue '
Right- J