aj U- - A::: :::::::: i ...- ie hort ' The old-fashioned s trawberry short cake which mother makes in the modern gas range is about the mo st delicious delicacy which was ever baked. In the old days when grandmother made the short cake it was a day-long task. The fi re in the coal range had to be just right. She had to wait for the oven to come to the c orrect temperature. Now it is a question of minutes to get the oven right. The mode rn cabinet gas range makes baking a real pleasure. It has remov ed all of the guess work, all of the drudgery; there is no longer an over-heated kitchen and a tired mother at the dinner table. "It can be done better with gas" II (! WALL PAPER See VIERS About it. 5PIRELLA CORSTS I i . ii i r I I DeoDtainea in iviarsnueia from Hrs. Annie Holland, Corsetier. k 5th St, Phone 200-X PROFITS vs. COSTS i "I can't afford to use news paper advertising," said one merchant. "Well, I can't af ford not to," said the second one, whose business is grow ing even in dull, times.. "l don't look at what a thing costs, but what I am going to get out of it. "Continuous newspaper ad vertising brings me larger, more definite returns than any other kind I have tried. "As a matter of fact it costs less, too, for I buy no waste circulation." COO TIMES PHONE 133 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1915 EVENING fc - '-T'tij - - - - lSJ?N.""" """"""WB jW Js 1 L I r r now for -N3Q cake egem rower co. GOODRUM'S GARAGE IIOMR OF THE CADILLAC AXD 1)01)013 AUTO SUPPLIES FOIt ALL SIAKKS OF CARS a 17 Central uv. Phono 373-L Times want nds brine results. W 1sk wOver nr I, TOBACCO ,': U a .h m tj rvr r k..:JS " -inr x-g-ir i , ar ' e rr 1 m mi in r r ibihrtt b nr miniTr n "OLUFF an boast are props f3 for a weak case. VELVET is its own argument in the court of last resort yo pipe. U court of last resort yo pipe. U T. J. BCAIFN Marshfield PA,NT AND Kstlntatcs Furnished , Phono UO-lt. Mnrshflcld, Oregon u a. ii. ltiuif ii :u ' . . 3D WOOD! WOOD! Kindling wood, per load 91.75 to $2 Alder wood, 1C to 24 Inches $2 to 92.50 I'rco Delivery V. H. LIN'ttO ' Phono 227-J. North First St. SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton 91.00 Lump coal, per ton 95.50 Or half ton of both 91.75 I). SIUSSOX, Prop. Phono 18-J or leavo orders nt II lllyer's Cigar Store. - 4 SOUTH COOS IllVKIt 1I0AT SKHVICK LAUNCH HXPIttiSS loaves Mtirshfleld every day 8 ix. in. .mivoh head of river at It: 15 p. iu, STKASIKIt HAINHOW loaves head of river ilnlly nt 7 ii. in. IOiivch .Mnt'.sliflelil nt 2 p. in. For charter apply on board, HOGKHS & SMITH Proprietors YOU AUTO CALL FOR FGJTE'S AUTOS Phono 2(KMj. Night and Day. ItlKht Onfo. GOOD CA1W. CAHKFUL DIUVKRS D. L. FOOTK. 20 COMMUTATION TICKKTS, 92.00. 20 MnrNlificld-Xoitli Deud Auto Line Cars every ten minutes from 0 n. in. to 12 p. in.; to South Slouch ouco u day, leaving nt 11 a. in.; to Kmplro three trips n day. (iOHRT KIXCJ, Props. City Auto & Taxi Co. Day and Night Service For taxi, phono 20, Chandler Hotel For touring cars, phono 20, Chandler Hotel LYNN LASIHKTH, Prop. New Cnrs Now Cars THE REAL QUESTION Tho question Is not, will men l honor you for your work? Hut does your work honor you? Your concern Is not only to crcato pront for yourself, but to make that which will profit many besides yourself. COOS DAY STKAS1 LAUMHtY Phono C7-J. Chimneys Fireplaces J. N. BAYLISS Any kind or brick work nt prices that are right. And all work guaranteed Call at "Tho Flresldo," Johnson Illdg., 137 Second St. French ranges, bollor work. Phono 434-J JUXK 1015 TO POItTLAXD VIA FLOIMIXCK Auto Stage Schedulo Leavo Marshfleld anil Florence Thursday 17 C:00 a.m. Friday 18 5:00 a.m. Saturday 10 C:00 a.m. Sunday 20 7:00 a.m. Monday 21 9:00 a.m. Tuesday 22 10:00 a.m. Wednesday 23 ...11:00 a.m. Thursday 24 2:30 a.m. Friday 25 3:00 a.m. Saturday 2C 3:30 a.m. Sunday 27 4:30 a.m. Monday 28 5:00 a.m. Tuesday 29 5:00 a.m. Wednesday 30 .... 5:00 a.m. Si Autos are now running tnrougn. . 1 On trips leaving Marshfleld beforo i 7-00 a. m. you should make Port- I K tu 1 1 lib HtWAh tAKr NV H a POOS HAY TIMKS WAR MAPS. TEN CENTS ( 11UY AX UP-TO-THK-MlNUTi: I WAK MAP WHIM: T1II3 SUPPLY IjASTS I They Aro Golnj; Fnut 4 I TFonriAvaomoAr. Itntivt to You HO rooms, por day ..9100 100 rooms with bath $1.50 100 rooms with bath 92.00 200 largo rooms, with bath $2.50 Extra person In room, additional ...$1.00 .'fj''D-.J1 ?V J,pPMt?iyv-Ad& LOOK AT Til K HATKS which Kovorn this, tho best hotel in tho Northwest. You ran not nfford to stop uny plnro but tho .Multnomah when In Portland, WESTERN LOAN A'ND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer MARSHNELD-BANDON AUTO STAGE Via Const Itond Leavo Marshficlil dally at 7 a. in. -I p. in. Leave Hamloii tlally nt 7 a. m. I p. in. FA UK 82.00 'I Stands Slalhhflelil, Chandler Hotel; ' North Ilend, Opposlto News Stand; , Itauiloii, (Jalller Hotel. II. X. "DICK' IIICIIAIIDS Marshfield-Coquille Auto Stage Ienvo On I Pliariuacy Marhlifleld A. SI. 7:oo o:iio P.M. l:oo 5: ;to Leavo ClMlllllO A.SI. 7:00 0:00 ll:oo P.SI. it:oo ti:iio SIAItSHFIF.LD-COQUILLi: AUTO STAG13 TI.MIJ BOHKIHJLi: Schedule iiirangeil to connect with boats to Hnudoii, Stages to Slyrtlo Point, Wagner, Hoseburg. No delays. Faro from Marbhfltld to Coqullle; 75 cents. Single & I-nmlvth, Props. Will furnish extra cars for extra trips day or night; also charter cars. " MERCHANTS CAFE Populur Place for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial and D'Uiv'y. COOS HAY TISIHS WAR MAPS. TEN CENTS .' ...... . ... .... ...j-. ..! fflfcfTWL' huv a. i;ivivtjuwhou WAK MAP WIIILK tub. j SUPPLY LASTS EDITION. (iOVIIIIXMKXT LKAIt.MNd I'll KM. UML VAIA'i: OF WOODS Kxpeit Xow at liniidon Trjlnj: Out I a tine! Ion of Turpentine from Port Orfoul (Ydar Tho chemical value or Port Orford white Cedar is belUK Investigated by the government and It may lead to an Important Industry. TellliiK ot the InvestlKatlon the ilandon Hccorder prints tbo folio wing: I SI. (1. Donk, chemical eiiKlnecr irom tne Hnrean of Chemistry at Washington. I). C. detailed to tho Pnlverslty of Idaho at Moscow to i make tests of waste from the mills of tho coast to determine their value as chemical producers, was ln Ilau- don KntlierliiB samples of Port Or- ford cednr for experimental pur poses. Ills visit Is a direct result of sending samples of cedar pitch to the I'nlverslty of Idaho by Col. It. II. Homj. This test showed tho iinntlty of turpentine nnd higher oils to be obtained from a cord of this cedar as 170 callous where ns tho usual ' amount Is about ono third of that quantity. Sir. Donk thought tho samples sub mitted might bo belter than Hip or dinary run "of Hie wood nnd came himself to lake his own samples with n view or making a final (est of tho vnluo of tho cedar for distillation purposes. Col. llosa happened to be nway at tending tho meeting of tho port com mission at Coqulllo on Friday when Sir. Donk arrived and the latter had ample opportunity to tnko his own samples freo from guidance or sug gestion. Peoplo acquainted with the quality of tho cedar feel positive that tho ro suits will come up to the provloitB test. Tho amount of turpentlno In tho cedar Is ho great that It affects tho water of the lumber camps where It grows and some can not drink tho water. For n number of years tho gov- ornment has been experimenting to dotermlno tho value or wood waste and have conducted oxnnrlmouts In j n number of plneos with excellent ro. suits. 1 Times want nds bring results. " "" i J TWO BIG Saturday, Monday, N o FiCfS FFCBlt en lie CounW e; ItlYKItK AXI IIAHIIOItS COMMIT- I iiii; m, si:i; inos u,v .1. X. 'IVnl SllKK"t.s They lie .Vtkiil Hill Poll I omiiilHslniiei' lliul AlreiMly Done So .1. N. Teal of Portland wrote to Coos liny RiiKKORtliiK that the com mercial bodies Invito tho member of tho rivers and harbor committee ! of tho House of Representatives to visit this locality on tho occasion ot their visit to the const. This had nl- ready been done by the Port of Coos I Hay which body unrceil to pay tbu 'expenses of the committee from San Frnnclsco to Coos Hay If they would nm It o tho trip. Sir. Teal's letter, which wns dlrec:- ed to .1. W. Dennett, Is as follows "Tho IUvcr nnd Harbor Committee of tho House of Itepresentntlves Is to visit this state. They wcro Invit ed to visit the Coast by tho l.ofclh laturo of California, that Stato pay Iuk their expenses to California. The Portland Chamber of Commerce bi Invited them to extend their visit to Oregon, nnd Washington eomniercln: bodies lmvo Invited them lo go to Washington. Doth these Invitations hnvo been accepted. Tho expense, or course, Is borne by the respective commercial bodies. "Wu uro all desirous, U It Is pos sible, that tho Committee should vis It Coos Hay, nnd wo Intend to urge them to do so. What I would like to know Is whether or not your Chum her or Commerce would pay any por tion or tho expenses or the visit to Oregon. You will understand that our Intention to hnvo them visit Coos Hay Is not based upon the request that ivuy part or the expenses ho paid by your Chamber, but at the same time as tho trip Is being handled In this way, I thought you would be glad to aid In tho matter. This Is n clmuco In n lire time for Coos liny to put beforo tho entire Committee tholr sltnntlon In u wny that will bo effective. I nm not advised as yet Just when they expect to visit this State, dint probably the middle or hitler part of July." lluvo your programs printed at Tho Times office. oin the Crowd and Celebrate in Marshfield This Year DAYS July 3 July SUNDAY, .JULY 4, there will foe a foig Omitiimg apd Clambake ait the Beach. Make your plans to take in the THREE DAYS' EVENTS All Marshfield will join in a welcome that will make you glad you came and make those who miss it long regret their absence SEVEN GARDINER I T TO JJtlL' Found Guilty or HontlcgidnK. ami Muxl Seivo .Sentence of 55 Days (Special to Tho Times.) (LMtDINKlt, Or., June lit. John Compton, or Gardiner, who was hi ought hero a row days ago rollow Ing the return or an Indictment by the grand Jury charging him with bootlegging, appeared bororo Judge Skipworth In the Circuit Court for sentence. Attorney O. II. Porter, who rep resented tbu pilsoner In tho absence of Attorney J. A. Duchnnan, mado a brief tulle on bohalf of tho de fendant. Attorney Porter said that he understood this was the first time Unit Sir. Compton had been arrested. He claimed that the de fendant was not In tho business of selling liquor, but was merely trap ped by a state agent, or "spotter," who had been sent to Gardiner by the local officers. District Attorney Neunor said tljo defendant bad n bad reputation, but as far as he knew this was the first time ho had been arrested for .boot legging. In passing sentence Judge Skip worth said ho would tnko Into con sideration the statement of both tho District Attorney and ho counsel for the defendant. In view of tho state inentH made by these men tho court said he would be lenient In Impos ing sentence, it wns then that Jmlgo Skipworth sentenced tho prisoner to a term of 30 days in the county Jail, couple with a fine of $50, Do ing without funds Mr. Compton will hnvo to pass tho next 56 days In the county Jail, ! 'S I U It costs ono cent n word C to toll your story each day In ' 1 Tho Times want columns "4 c ic Hnvo your LFlTKIt .hoads, ill heads, etc., prlntod at Till: TIMIJH offlco. Times Wnnt Ads bring roulU.y : 5 ii r i '4 ; s 4 ,- ,(. r v i i.'n J, I 4 i t v 1 K nnl-j 'i in h "nia mil A 7(1 U 1)1 - 1 mi .t A. t net A .iu laud same day, r tm wiiiwiiWTMaaigrinnwt;T.