MMW JJJjJAgDJAILWHO FLIRTS IS sgEK WHO ROCKS THE BOAT HfKff TO HIM m Coos Bay Times Your Paper altos A Southwest Oregon Paper Thnt's nlint tho Ooos ttny Times It. A South west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people and devoted to Uio best Interests of this groat lection . Tlio Tlmca nlmys boost Md aoTer knocks. The Coos Itay Times Is proud of lu title "The i'coplo'a Paper," ana It strives nt nil times to live up to Its name by do voting (( energies to promoting Uio pcoplo'H Interests. SttasmoiSuwHHaM (EmiB mn MJ3MBRRH OP THR ASSOCIATKI) IMKS8 VOL NO. XXXVIII. WILL I L Governor of Maytorena Says He Will Use Entire Force Against U. S. Marines T One Thousand Soldiers Sent to Yaqui Valley Primarily to ' Protect Settlers There FLEET EXPECTED TODAY Admiral Howard, With Ills War- shlps, Will Probably Arrive Late Today at Tobail liny Villa Troops to Oppose Limiting (Dr AMwUted hni to Com ntr TlmM. NOGALI3S, Sonorn, Juno l!).Tl.o Governor of Maytorena iiiithorl.ed tliu statement today that tlio forco uudLM' his command would ho used, If necessary, to reslBt tlio landing of Aiiioi'lciin marines on tlio west const to protect tlio foreign settlers In tlio Ynqul Valley from tlio Indians now nt war. Tlio detachment of nearly 1000 troops which wiih mint to Yaiitil Val ley yestorduy, ho said woru dispatch- ed primurlly to protect tho settlo'-s I ami crops iroiu 1110 iuiiiuuh, nm they had ordora to resist any laid- lug of Ainorlcnu military forcas. Hxpceted Today According to advices from May torena received today tho American warships under Admiral Howard wcro expected to arrive at Tobarl Hay late today. Tho Villa troops dispatched by tho Governor to tho attacked district south of (liinyiiuiB expect to arrive in tlio vicinity of Tobarl Hay nny tlmo to opposo nny landing of ma rines and bluejackets from Ameri can ships. CRUlSF.RS O.N WAV Colorado and Chattanooga Headed for Mexican Waters. (Ur Aiiocl.ted rru to Co nr 'IIuim.1 SAN DI13GO, Cnl Juno 19. Tho cruiser Colorado, which sailed from hero Thursday, Bhould arrlvo nt Guaymns tonight, according to lust advices. The protected cruiser Chat- tanoogn, which followed the Colora do, Bhould nrrlvo nt Oiiayuius to morrow morning. OHRP.HS F.LASTIO Admiral Howard Will LVe His l)K cretlou in landing Forces D Auo-l.leJ Ttfm to Cooi ey Tlmw.1 WASHINGTON. d. C, Juno t'J- Admiral Howard, In co nn.aul of I expedition now en route ' " Jor American Bottlers In tho J .H mile, uub uiuuin mm "- ' in fact, ho has no orders to mini a force. If ho fliuls It necessary to send a forco nshore to protect I G ROUBLE EXPECTED iiws. p-rr to do I S I j ke :io U I L ho has a wide discretionary to bo, but ho is Instructed to take territory nnd the Mexican author - itles wero so advised from Was;i-j,ti Ington, HILL IKE SPE 1IRVAX WILL TALIC AT VORK TO.NKJHT xi:w IreMenr Mukt'h u Social 'H " Does Xot DNcnss Inteniallonal Affairs.. ID AiiorUltJ rrew to Coo C Tluvl WASHINGTON, I). C, June l9--" William J. Ilryan left today for Xew York, where lie will mk a peace address In Carneglo Hall to night. It will bo tho first speoch since his resignation as Secretary of State. Ho will return tomorrow and proceed with Mrs. Bryan to Ashevlllo, N. C, for a brief so journ. President Wilson paid a social call at the Bryan homo lato The international sltua- vesterda Hon was not discussed. ECH Kstnbllshed 1878 As Tin. Const Mall. PI 5T. SURVEY 10IIX HIJAIl RF.CALLS IMPROVF. MF.XTS XKAItl.V .".() VI3AHK AGO Aided In Flection. r 'Dr. Tower's Residence and Fence on I'resent liocatluns Ten I 'not Strip .lohn Hear, one of )Inrshflold's pioneers, while discussing the North First or l'hie street controversy gnvo sonic Interesting facta about It. The mlxup over the street Hues there, according to one of the prop erty owners, results from the vnr lance In what Is known as the Hall survey, under which Murshflcld was first laid out, nnd till) Clement Plat survey, mailo soino years Inter. Tho two did not conform. Tho Hall sur vey was sustnlned, It Is stated, In the Mel.eod property on Hroadway by the Oregon Supreme court. Hear llullt House Mr. Hoar, who now owns prop erty on l'lno street where ho lived for many years, aided In erecting the house, where Dr. C. W. Tower now lives. This house was built on Its present location In ISC". About two years later, Mr. Hear aided In putting up tho fence In front of the Tower property and tho fence still stands where It was built 40 years AgO. It seems that tho controversy over tho dedication of a ten-foot strip of Pino street to tho property owners , Is confined to the opposite side of tho street from tho Tower nnd Coho properties. When J. W. Heunett own ed what is now known as tho Xos burg property on Pino street, tho houso was built out to tho street lino. Ho desired n sidewalk and with others asked the council to give them a ten-foot strip. This wus dono and Mr. Heunett and the other prop- oily owners on the Hast sldo of Pino street took the ten-foot strip al though the residents on the west sldo did not. s P 1 U DR. STRAW AXD DWIGHT IIOIKii: PLI3AD .NOT GUILTY I,, Former Acciisetl Of Indecent Lang uago and IjiUit With IVIng Fists Hearing Later Arraigned In tho polico court this morning on a charge of fighting, hav ing hit Dr. Straw Into yesterday af ternoon while tho two wero standing In front of the City Hall, Attorney Hodgo pleaded not guilty. Dr. H. 13. Straw, charged, In connection with tho samo incident, of using In decent languago also pleaded Jiot guilty. Tho two hearings were post poned until July 10 when Mr. Hodgo will liavo returned from a trip to Olynipla Words aroso between tho two mon in connection with tho. Hugh Sned don case, Dr. Straw having sworn out n warrant for Sneddon's exam ination ns to his sanity and Hodge, of tho firm of Stoll nnd Hodgo act ing ns attorneys for Sneddon. Witnesses stnto boated words wero used and Hodgo slapped tho faco of Dr. Straw. Police Chief Car- ;ter nml Doputy Sheriff I.nlrd were t(miIBB , tho BBd .,, ,.. joly Intervened, the charges were fl - ml nm, tho men wont free on their, own recognizance. , A. CORTIII'.LL, OF lir.NICKR HILL, VICTIM OF TIIHFT Prize Burred Rocks Taken Fioin Hon House Dm lug Night Took Mure Than Half of Their Flock . ,..,,.' chlckon thieves are again gottint active and tho latost to suffer from their raids aro Mr. and Mrs. R. A. of Hunker Hill. Jinny I III IllUlli ..-..---- full bloodod barred rock hens ere .!,., frnm tho coops. Moro than balf of his thoroughbred fowls were stolen. , , Mr and Mrs. Cortholl liavo had a itrenuous tlmo protecting tholr chickens against animals and this Is tho first time that a two-footed Ihlef hs raided their hennery. They have strong suspicions as to the Identity of the thieves and may U able to prosecute the offenders. XOTICI3. I CAUSE ALS30CHICKENS ,, Aimt dock 'the lodge room at 12 30 p. in. to xniiipnma eaves from Aleit uoik, ,.,,,--,1 f - nornlnB for Albany Wos there for visitors' cn -nUmo lliolnrn Z D ML MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1915 EVENING EDITION. GARRANZA L Four Members of His Cabinet Have Resigned Changing Whole Situation IS Differences Arisa and He Sends Demands Which May Cause Political Break TAKE NEW HEADQUARTERS Lighthouse Is (liven Up Hy Cnriiinza mid He Moved to More Safely Fortified Place President Will Await Developments nr AmoMiIM TrfM to Cw. Ilj Tlmn.l WASIIINOTON, I). C., .luno 19. DlffrinciH between Carrnnzai and obregon, his principal coniinander. dissension In tho Carrntmi cabinet, and Carranza's roinoval of his head (Itinrters to tho Isolated safety ot San Junn Do L'loa fortress In Vera Cruz harbor, nil reported to Wash ington today, brought tho Mexican ultuntlon Into new focus. Official dlsputches say thesu de velopments threaten the. solidarity of Carranza's government. The occu pation ot Mexico City by (lenernl (lonzeloB was postponed pending the cublnent reorganization. Four mem bers of tho cnblnot resigned. Attacked Colleagues Tho latost advices say nfter four of the eight cabinet mombers reslgn- ,ui (Jniiornl Ohrouon Insisted in a telegrnin to Carranza that they bo re- tallied and a fifth member, tlio min ister of public instructions ho dis missed. A newspaper article by tho latter, attacking somo of his colleagues In tho cabinet, led to tho break. Stand Together Minister of tho Interior Zubarnn, Minister of Justice Verdugo, Minister of Finance Cabrera, and Minister ot Foreign Affairs Uertu decided to stand together and submitted their resignations. It Is reported that In t10 reorganization Carranza planned to retain Xnbrern. If ho dismisses the other three ho faces a posslblo break with Obregon. WINon Will Walt President Wilson intends to wait , several weoks for the situation to uliniin ftanlf linfnrn mu' ilnfitlltn atnnu ! nro taken In the new nolicy nnounc-i ed In n recent statement to the fnc-1 tlous. Iil3AVi:K LHJHTHOrSF. Cairanu Moves HeadiiuarlerH to a .More Fortified Place t Ilr Auoclat! I'rcu tu Coo. lit? TlmM.I st 1 .. .ft cZZ head- n Ue , hl hmiB0 t Vorn Cfm nm, Con81, Cn10B roporea ,0. day, and has established himself In the forts of San Juan Do Ulon, nut In 0 AWGRY the hurbor. Cairanu's move, coup led with tho reports of dissension "" and resignations In tho cabinet, Isi regarded hero as of much slgulfl ennco. TO VYKLSH MAOXATI. ACCL'ITS llltlTISII (JOVUIIX.MI3.yr .1011 Survivor of Lusltaiilit Will Super- Imj Making .Munition Contructs in V. S. and Canada. (U7 Auoclitxl rtm ! roo n rirae.) LONDON, Juno 19. David A. Thomas, n Welsh magnate 'and sur vivor of tho Lusltanla tragedy, huir accoptod an appointment from Min ister of Munitions Lloyd-Goorgo to go to tho United States uud Canada to supervlao tho making of munition contracts. NOTICI3 All memhorB of Hlunco Lodge No. 4 8, A. P. & A. M., and all visiting brothers, are requested to meet nt or Hcm. Ilr "order NORIS J.EN813N, fee, COMES AMERICA ot M. L CAPTURED HKRLIX CliAIMK ANOTIIKR VIC TORY FOR Till: (JF.RMAXS Fiiiheiiiicnit, Thirty Miles From Xuncy Taken After limine; lleen Fortified by French (Ilr AmocUIM Vttxt to Coot ll7 Tlmni.) LONDON, Juno 10. While Paris Is sllont today regarding develop ments, UcrHr nnnoiiHcM tho cap turo of tho fortified vlllago of 13 m berineiill, 30 miles ICast of Nancy. After destroying tho defensive works the Germans returned to their for med positions. Tho repulso of tho English north of Labasseo canal and other minor engagements nro reported. Romo says tho Austrian fortress of Malbor gcth nro being demolished, Along the Isotizo front tho battle is assuming Inrged proportions. Romo says a suc cessful air raid was niado on this front. In Oallcla, tho Russians aro limit ing a determined stand to hold Loin berg from tho onriishlng Teutons. Klsowhero In Oallcla Ilerlln announ ces further successes. (JF.RMAXS SANK llltlTISII ROAT FLYING SWF.RISII FLAG Say They Musi Protect Themselves Against Abuse of .Neutral Flags lly Mcrrhiiiilutcu (llr Aoeltt4 rrm to Co. nr TlmM.) HI3RLIN, Juno 19. ( Vlreless to Snyvllle.) Tliu (lerniiin Admiralty published confirmation of tho long standing rumors that tho submarine U-:!9 destroyed by a Hrltlsh tnnk steamer which wns flying tho Swed ish flag at tho tlmo nnd which ram med tho submarine after It hud been ordered to stop. Gorman newspa pers say this Is proof of the Hrltlsh abuse of neutral flags and that the illegal course followed by merchant men compels the commanders of siihmnrliicB to consider their own safety first nnd sink such ships without warning. RUSSIANS FORTIFY m:wspapi:r max ix galkta sicks preparations (icrmaii Advance Putiiil Kind Run Mans Making a Statiil In Front of Them. (1) AfforUI) rmi 10 IMM Hr Tits' 1 HI3RLIN, Juno 19. A dispatch from n newspaper correspondent In Oallcla says aviators report that tho Russians are fortifying hoavlly along u lino ten miles west of Lemhrg. Tho norninn advance patrols fur- ,l,u,moro 1,avo ""''!"""" that the, Russians are making a stand in front of them. llltlTISII ROAT SUNK 1; AmkII4 I'rm. lu Cooo IU; TluiM.J I LONDON, Juno 19. Tho Ilrltlili steamer Dulcle, 2000 tons was tor-' podoed and vuuk off Suffolk, The members of tho crew with ono oxcep-1 tlon wero saved. (JICItllARD TF.LI.H (iCR.MAX OFFICIALS AHOl'T V. S. Answer to American .Note WW Re I Prepnml After Information In Fully Considered fHr A..MI.U4 I'm. tu run. f-tj Tlm BI3RLIN, Juno 19. Dr. Anton Meyer Gerland, whoso long report to foreign minister Von Jugow. Un dor Secretary Zlmmorniuu and Count Mont Gelas, head of tho American pectlon of tho forolgu office, an (liiulnted tlioo officials fully with the stutus of public opinion In tho United States, will bo given an op - portunlty to make u similar roport to Chancellor Von Berthiiinnn - Hol - Iweg bofore actual work Iseoin-' menccd preparing tho Gorman repl) to the Amorlcaii noto. Tho reply pro bably will not bo ready for delivery' RUM CONFIRMED MAKING REPORTS In less tbuu ton weeks. It still Is an I'IiuIh Cuff lluUou. Mrs. Peter open question whether the reply will 'son, of the Java Coffeo House, has bo another ad Interom communlea - tlon or a definite rejolner. Hoery dance SaturtUy night, Km plro Hall. Don't forget tho I'lcnlo at Slni i. i.nk. Xorlli llenil. Sunday. Juno '"oth; bIvcii I')' the Liiiuea Lodge. G.E. DICKSON HER DEATH Former U. S. Senator Killed When Auto Turns Turtle in Big Relay Race Today E From the Mayor of Spokane to the Mayor of Seattle in Fast Race SKIDDED OFF THE ROAD Dickson Was u Resident of Kllens burg nnd John Glliuoro of tho Samo Place Was Slightly In jured ("a in Running Too Pint ID A.iocUL rn. I. Cki lur nnM.j S13ATTLI3, Wash., Juno 19. For mer State Senator (leorgo 13. Dick sou, of F.llonsburg, hearing a mes sago from tlio mayor of Spoknno to the mayor of Seattle, was kilted to day when n car In the Chicago to Seattle relay auto race skidded off the road and turned turtle two miles east of Redmond. John (lllmore, of Kllciishurg, was slightly hurt In tho accident. Dick enson left Spoknno In u enr which broko nn nxlo nt tho summit nt tho Cnscado run go mid the party wr.s divided between n Pathfinder cur nnd one driven by John Kellcher of I'llunsburg. Tho enrs wore running foflt In nn effort to complete tho ra iny run from Chk'ngo to Seattle In UIO hours whou Kolluher'a cur went off the road. ACCUSED OF GRAFT JOHN lU'RICH WITH TWO OTII MRS, 1XDICTKD. Was Former Manager of tho Com missary Departunit of tho Panama Railroad Ur Auocltttd IT'M to Coot 1)47 TIOIM.) INDIANAPOLIS, Hid., Juno 19. John Hurke, former inniingor of tho commlssury department of tho Pan ama rallrond, Is chnrged with ac cepting graft amounting to more than $d!i,000 In two indictments re turned by tho grniul Jury and made public hero today. Pncul Rlchurdo Cannvngglo ormude. nnd wore also Indicted. All threo were In New York. previously Indicted T ITALIANS HOLD MITII (JltOL'XD IX Al'STRIA.N KMPIRi: Twice as Much Ah Was Offered Italy lit Remain N'eutrul I in tho War I (Ilr AmovIiI! Vrtu to Coo. Br TlmM.) ROM 13, Juno 19. Tho assertion wus mnde In newspapers hero that the Italian army has now occupied 1000 s(uuro kllomotors (a kilometer Is about two-thirds of a mill) of Austrian territory, or more than twice as much as Austria offered Italy for remaining neutral, KING OF GHI3i:CI3 IS IMPROVING ( uuli Xtl! too) 01 '.( 4!lMMV III WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 19. Slow but steady Improvement In the condition of King Constantino is re ported lu a bulletin at tho Greek legation hore from Athens. ,0 . : p.-ovod tho efficiency of limes warn nds. Sho lest u cuff button, Inserted u want ud. In The Times and next day It was returned to her by tho person who found It and read the lost notice In The Times. The Times want ads. get results becauso ovory ono on Coos Hay reuds Tho Times. HI MESSAG AKE MUCH GROUND A Consolldntlon of Times, Const Mall nnd Coos liny Advertiser. PAID OUT BIG SUMS COl'XTV IIAXDLKD LARfli: AMOUNT OF MOXI3V About Thlrty-One Per Cent of Alt Spout Went for Road Purines Soino Interesting figures regard ing the finances of the county nro shown In tho report ot tho Insurance Commission of tho operations ot tho accounting department. Tho report shows umong other things the re celptH (and dhjhiirsemcutH for Jlast, year, the year ending Dec. 31, 1911, for ench of tlio counties of the stnto. Tho following figures show tho various sources from which money was received by Coos county dur ing tho yenr. Taxes and Penalties .. $02-1,102. -tL' School Funds 17,337. K. Flnefcf Court 2.890.95 Fees Circuit Court 3,101.20 Fees Probate and County Court r. . SM.OO Fees Mnrrlago License ....702.00 Fees Recording 3,934.79 Fees Sheriff UG7.20 Fees Mlscollnncous 719.20 Motor Vehicle License 900.25 County Fnlr 1,271.00 Interest on Deposits 4,190. 33 Scalp Honiitlcs 290.00 Trust Funds 12,270,24 Forest Reserve Rentals 003.3K Land Sales 15 percent U. S. .15 1.48 Sales Miscellaneous 1,3 12.30 Sales Honds nnd Interest Wurrnnts Cancelled hy Court .3,700.50 MlBcnllnncotis . . , 2.G87.57 Totals $G81,781.08 Money Paid Out Tho total disbursements for tho year for tho county totalled $715, 504.24. Tho biggest Bluglo Item wns for ronds nnd lilghwnys, $220,205 m In other words nbout 31 per cent of nil tho mony paid out by the county went for roads, Tho uuxt big Item wan for schools for which purpose $131,110 wns paid out. Klectlons cost tho county $8,110, nnd tliu relief and care of tho poor cost $12,533, nml $9,482 was paid out In widows pensions. Tho totnl stnto tux paid from this county was $30,089, and niiiung the treasurer's disbursements wns $57. 079 for cities nnd towns. Fund Condition At tho close of business Dec. 31 Inst there was In the geiiornl fund $197,080 but with bonded Indebt edness, outstanding warrants uud agency funds liabilities this Is offset so the county Is charged with n fund deficit of $99,195. POWERS CANDIDATE Y ilK w,u' livs mm Nt-'"""'' HOARD AGAIN ICIiH'tlou of Director and Clerk Takes Place Next Monday at Central School. . .Tho meeting of the patrons of tho school district Is called for (:''. Monday evening In tliu Central School when there Is to bo elected a direct! for three years and a school clerk for ono yenr, At the same tlmo Judge Hall, school dark, will maku public the untiual school report on tho finances of the dis trict. An effort is being made to get us many us possible 'out to the meeting. A. II. Powers Is closing hit. term of office, but he lias stated' that ho will run ugaln. Judgo Hull has been school clerk In Marshfl-ild for more than 20 years. l3rt"H Carries Mull. dipt. Hyrd Luttlii says that while the Kxpress Is pretty speedy ho objects to huvlng It called tho Telegraph- us It Isn't quite that fust. Tho Kxpress carries tho mull on Coos Lay's first Rural Freo Delivery route. While tho con tract calls for only threo times n week, the Captain says thut while ho carries ho will give dally service to tho patrons which will bo a great convenience mid will doubtless ho greatly appreciated. Hay Paik Service Tomorrow night Rov. Williams will speak at 8 o'clock In the Hay Park ohapol on the subject "Hravo Young Men." Service Changed. Instead of 1 1 o'clock tho sorvlco lu tho F.plscopa! Church tomorrow, when Bishop Sum ncr will officiate, will bo at 10:30. Invitations printed nt Tho Times office. Mm your letter heads printed uf. -rim Tlmo. office. Tho Tipies office, No. 283 u. With Sister Ship Pennsylvania Is One of Two Largest Bat tleships in the World Both Used and Make First Double Christening in tho American Navy W. C. T. U. MAKES PROTEST Object to CWo of CEiiOiipngno 11'ut Gov. Hunt Decides Not to Ilrvuk the Rule Miss Kthol Ross In the SK)nsor. fr FACTS AHOL'T Til 13 ARIZONA ( Dlsplacomont, 31,400 tons.. ., Guns Twolvo 1 1-Inch nnd twenty-two 5-Inch. V Complement 900 mon. Speed 21 knots. t Ilr AnocltleJ rrni to Cw 117 Tlmt.) NI3W YORK, Juno 19. Tho now battleship Arizona was successfully launched at the Brooklyn Navy YiU'd today. Tho Arizona shares wi'lt her sister ship, tho Pennsylvania, tho honor of being 0110 ot tho world's two largest battloshlps Arizona was roprcsontod by 11 dlo- tlligMshed delegation, Including Ouv- etuor Hunt, United States Senator Ashurst and Miss Kthol Ross, tho sponsor. UmmI Water. They brought a curboy of water. the first spilled over tho Roosovolt dun, which was used In an 'nnisnaK double christening. This wns said to ho tho first In- stnuco of a vessel ot the United States Navy being namod with boih wine nnd wator. W. ('. T. U. Protcfitcsl. The decision to use champagno ns woll as wntor was mnde by Gov ernor Hunt In tho fnco ot protests from both tho National and State . Women's Christian Tomporanca U'i lon Leagues. Secretary Daniels, Admiral Fletch er and Major General Wood vero present. FEAR FLOODS NOW MORI3 TIIL'.NDKK STORMS TODAY IX MIDDLi: WI3ST l)ehi)i'd Reports Tell of Further Daiuages lu Houlhwiiit Nino- teen Deaths ItcHiilted. II; Auocltt4 rrx la Coot Bit TlnM. KANSAS CITY, June 19. Thun der storms prevailed ovor Kansas und this section of Missouri today, causing fears ot serious floods. De layed reports from tho scenes ot Thursday night's storm lu Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma contlnuod to tell of property damago uud na row escapes, but tho death list lias not increased. At last uccounts It, stood at 19. People Warned. Tho government weathen huriAU today Issued a warning to residents of the east nnd west bottoms of Kansas City to move Immediately' to tho upper stories of tholr dwqlU lugs und ho prepured for a flon4. Tho Kansas and Missouri Rivers are rising rapidly. . DEM0REST CONTEST HELD AT SUMNd Miss Hertha Chapiuan and Axel Itrandt Win Flivt Prlzen Tho launch Marshfleld last ovc took a largo crowd of young pcopl from North Bond to Sumner whortf they took part In tho Demorest coa test. Mi's Bertha Chapman winner of the first prUe for thi young women nud Axol Bra,mt fin 1 the young men. On tho return they stranded for a tlmo and the party reached home early this mornln;:. S. S. ARIZONA IS LAUNCHED ITER W 'Return o v Times Want Ads for results. Kiiv wTtuat - . w