tiwwiwtimwrarial SOMt COOS BAY PEOPLE AIR OP THAT OUGHT TO BE. PACKED AWAY IN MOTH BALLS IN10NS Coos Bay Times Your Paper Tho Coos Hny Times Is proud of its Utlo "Tho Peoplo's I'nitcr," and It strhes nt nil times to llvo up to Its nnmo by devoting lit energies to promoting tho people's Interests, VOL. NO. XXXVIII. 110 GUY IS BESIEGED Gen. Gonzales Expected to Take Capital Yesterday, Ac Cording to Messages I Is Taken From the Zapata Forces After Sharp Engage ment is Fought There OBREGON MOVES FORWARD From La (Jiw II Is Soldiers Am He ginning (ho Investment of Annus Ciillentos, It. Is Stilled in Dis patches l''foin Vera Cm. Or AnoclulfJ l'rtus to Cooi IMj Tlmfi. OALVICSTON, Juno 18. Oouernl flonzfdex yestorduy expected to oc cupy tho City of Mexico In a few hours, following tho capture of Tex coco, 15 miles from tho capital, ac cording to dispatches recohed hero today by tho Consulate from Vera Cruz. Tho messages added that tho Obrogon forces had moved forward from I -a (Jos uud wore beginning an Investment of Annas Callenlcs. Tex coco, It was. Bald, was taken after a sliarp encasement with the Zapata foreen. RF.PLIF.S TO WILSON Latest Coal It Inn President .Vol In n Friendly .Mood. (Or AnocllleJ IT.M to Coot rj T.raci.) WASHINOTON, I). ('., .Mine IK. Francisco lo.gos Cliniit'o, the latest Picsldcut. ol tlio Vlllii-'npiitii coal - l I, Ion government. In Mexico, today , .....M...I ... i,..iii,.in wiisiinV Jim. Ii-iiii statement by challenging the , consistency or tho President's dec ; lurntlon wllli his Inillunnpolls Meech EXCDGQ CAPTURED I., ul.tri. ho miI.1 bo hud In dlNi.osi-lby .i.... ... i.......,1...... . iii Mf.ii.titi ii r to Interfere nltli Mexican af- j lllfll III HlluiiLir .... r..i... .... .i... .i.i - .1,.,.1,1,-n. thm "is to ho eo.,.s.,.ed s' threat," c..,., i.iw ! ....wMiilmi biiv. eminent will maintain the dignity or tho Mexican people." i Stlrn up Interest. "Hut." Baya President Chnzaros mi,, . ,, nglilMil Plinzaro's President Wilson's proclamation Is to holp us In u friendly way.' Ho blames tho Carrnnza forcos for Mexico's plight. Abounding In epigram, tho roply ninkcs oxtended references to economic and social refomiB. It innkes no reference to recognition by tho United Stntes. Clinzaro'8 hoatllo recoptlon of the President's statement, coming closo on Villa's roply, which roflectod a decidedly receptlvo mood, stirred up much attention In official circles. Clinzuro Is supposed to bo n Villa num. FF.AKS FOOD ItlOTS Hear Admiral Caperton Suggests .More Warships Ho Sent. Dr AnocltteJ Vrtit U Cooi Dtj Tlmn 1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno IS. The food situation In Vera Cruz has becomo so despernto that Hoar Admiral Cnnorton, fearing food ports. CVIHNIIT WAS IX SIISSIOX 1'Olt TWO IIOL'HS TODAV Mexican Situation Along With Other Muttrr Taken up by the .Members ut Meeting .... . ..... .. ... -. n. TlmM.l WvaiilNTTON' 1) C June IS.- Th! ) r ? ?i two-lours sos- ?' "a"CLh"ULa,, 1, variety o Zro rZnr,;7m the Mexican - "UUJVVIO, Uiuf3 .. --- - Sit.lnllnn nn,l Mm rliarCCS Of OSpIOIl . ... . . .,.. ..n.it.AAi. thO Bo on oiueiai maim uClv - Vnlted States and Europe. mo dlDlomntiP .imntlon with Oerniany la udmlttedly marking time, rlnla line ni.ninom f 1 HO AliVY i'V' ... ... n... 1 almllnr w-m -"- ..wt0 uo I'li'wovu - ., , RnsB no ntOU QUI imu uuuu .. ,ii- f llwi Krniifli nilU i.- .... i Mnvar rinrlinnl novo. ' iruaiy urii un iiiuau n .... ,.. .artmont that -arshlps o , eu, ong J w. Hennett. who ., -"; t0 Wo8torn 0Ild , a iy olhoP work than tho peace of the United BUte. o transport relief supplloa na tliu- 1R , gainB of Ntlii' J r wlc, hil8 ,,oull ml f " 0 Oormuu ,llU woul, KVo u year'., time for nves- Increase his forces. For the pre- BUrceoll0(1 , ho dlng, ' ' ' ;ecMg f0,. U jnl.! r(porli , dollb a ent. however, tho Department will . - nilar mr 0n, UUb,ieu."",,t: ' ... ,.. . ,1V,.. ua.ll'),", ..- iix.t a voar's tlmo would bo suffl- import renui ui'i"" iso his forces. For tho pres however, 'tho Department will mo sending supplies on trans- lontlnuo sending supplies on trans- "" ay und Park for Mrs. -mo . y -- -- "" hV.l.iTn T B 1 T L nCR PL AFFAIRS DISCUSSED! IMiibllshcil 1H78 As The Const Mull. HUE OF raifflM HE BOY RESCUED TOM Mcmixnik withdraws NAMi: FROM PAPKR Tolls Itcruiilei- Hutler that I'etltlim Was Mlsiepivscnled to Mini Others May Do l,lkoule North First street, generally known as Pino street, hecatno inoro of a bono of eontoiitloii today when It became known that Tom McOInnls appeared before City ltecorder and asked that his nnmo bo with draw from the petition asking for tho grading and planking of It. Recorder Hutler raid that Mr. Mrdlnnls told him that ho was thu victim of fraud and misrepresenta tions when lie signed tho petition asking for the Improvement. Recorder Hutler could not cancel McOInnls' signature but ho liml Mcdlunls sign a card to tho council asking them to consider his name withdrawn. Tho petition which McOInnls pro tested was circulated by Arthur MeKcown, Kon-lu-law of .1. W. Hon nctt. McOInnls would bo bnrd hit by the l'luo street Improvement as he would have to pay assessments for the necessary changes and Improve ments on l'luo street, Park Avenue and Hroadwny. Others May Do Likewise It was stated today that others might do the same as McOInnls had douo to have their names stricken from tho petition asking the Im provement of the street by grading and hard paving. PI ST. IN TANGLE MAitKirr avi:. i:nd of first si. not dldicatf.d to citv .1. W. Hcnnelt Succeeded In Holding Part or Hroadwny for Mr. McLeod on Mroiiuds Similar to First Mi col Claims Tho proposed grading of N'orth j First street, plans for which tho uty tor wnicii mo my ,, , , ,, ,. ....I.. .... council ordered the other nig It, has caused city officials to recall thai tho M.uth end of tho street has never! aU UQQ w(,0 (U been formally dedicated for trcet- ,iron,0Bt , TllU ,,osltlon Purposes. Although It has been ,.,..,.,,-. threo barron ,, tho public tor somo cais. ino ny mo pum.c lor sumo v . ". entrance to tno street iron, i, avenuo. betweon tho Sumner hard ro und tho Flanagan & Heunett l'nH. wns ot leHitod as public LIIU1 fUKIIIMI (J It will probably bo necessary for tho city to Inatltuto boiuo rather ex penslvo litigation to get tho title to !""" ,i..rm..w.. .- n ed. In vlow of this, oppononts of tho niovo to grado and pavo Pino street aro today claiming that tho Flanagan & Heunett proporty and tho J. II. Minor proporty do not front on l'luo street nnd consequently glioma not street nnd consequently shuuiu hoi; bo considered on tho petition for it. j On tho North end, tho street has not beon opened nnd to connect It with North Hroadwny or Front .tr,,0t it unnlii noaslblv cost tho city considerable to condemn a right of , way for It. I. Hackor and somo otli ors wiio own tho north end of tho I street made somo pioposltion to tlio j city council a few years ago but nothing definite was ever done. Heunett Mot Sti-eot I Anothor lognl tanglo In tho North First or Pine street has beon brought up in tho discussion of It, is 1110 ownership of 10-foot strips on olth - er slilo of It. Tho proporty owiiors woro allowed by tho city omciais many yoars ago to tnko In this strip. In tho discussion, cny imuiu Francos MeLeoU a .ow ,- . , TllU strip of land still Juts out Into, Hroadway lu front or tlio Mceoa proporty. Tho McLeod wiso wa car ried to the Oregon Supremo Court laud eot tho city coiiiiuorau.o u.- though It lost tho suit. IVrhum OpM'l It K 0. Porham. who Is being quoi od by somo as having figured on get ting tho contract for grading Pino ting uw i ..".. " : ' . street, is tho son-in-law of Mrs. A. ! Hutchoson w ho has consiuerame property on It. Ho Is now In , Cuw county but before going there, ho informed Knlneer ClhUoy h was oppood to grau -.-- ... ... .tiio time. Ho statod thut ho ..... i Hntcheson sign tho petl- . ,n uu '" .. . i.ii It However . M Hutcheson chaueedl .aeparture, . r .departure, . I fa her attltuilf iflrtrtts MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1915 EVENING EDITION. LOSE GROUND Turks Have Driven Them From Most of the Positions Which They Had Gained. T OF Such is Report Made by Asso ciated Press Man After Making Inspection THE FLEET TAKES REFUGE Is At Anchor Out of the Way of tho Submarines, but Tin Us Have Succeeded In Causing Seeiiil i:pIoslons Culler Warships tllr AwocUlf.t Titm to Coot llnjr Tlmo.) CONSTANTINOPLK, Juno 18. (Ily Wireless to Snyvlllo.) An In spection of the Turkish positions at Avi Hiiruu, on the west coast of tho Oalllpoll peninsula mado by a correspondent of The Associated Press, shows that the Hrltlsh have now lost most of the ground thoy formerly hub! In that district. Tho coriespoudent was reliably Informed Unit tho Hrltlsh fleet had taken ref uge from the Merman submarluo In Kefala Hay on tho northeast coast of liubors Island about thiee miles from tho lliilllpoll coast. The Hrlt lsh ships could have been seen from tho holghts on shore at anchor In the bay. On three different occasions tho Talks hnvo been suc cessful in exploding mines under tho Hrltlsh vessels In their place of ref uge. Short, of Water. The Hrltlsh now hold only a ,.... , small cioscuiu hi u.u iiuuuii.uu u. Ul0 Wl.gl conBt ot tllu ......... ... ... ,,onn nml .ho ,,C!K.,, bolow, Tl0 . . without shelter from tho sun. SIR ITER SHUT HE KILLED Herlln Claims That Hut Very Few Stu reeded In Hetmitlng In Noithem Franco Clash n Aliortltixl l'rM lo Coo llr Tlmwi.J itKRi.iN'. Juno 18. An official ...... .,, 11...1 tho1' " ,, " s ,' "l a nina fnrcn Hint nttackcd tho Oer-I man jiosltlons north of La Hnsseo, In Northwestern Franco, wns do- ,...n..o.i nniv 11 few succcede.1 in , OkllfJW... w...rf ..-- letreatiiu fllirni TUT HI I ITP "10 Department's attention t CHECK THE ALLItu:.7r.v;:t; : TIIKIH ADVANCi: AMAINST Till! MKKMANS 1SSTOPPKD . ne,.in (yui,s (hut Itiisslmw In Mill- Ida llmo Heen Driven I'ar- (her Hade IP7 AmmUI. rru lo C Hi Tlm. aokIn8 fljrf0 aeo nis dostroyed with tho oxcep Hon of a smalt number who rot rout ed. In northern Oullcla. Herlln says 0 ?;ni-W.PS2 S!n?X ropS Slta?. t arodek. only 1C inllos from Lemuerg. reirogruu says tho Toutonlc lowos In mon woro enormous In tno ija.iciau cwmjirtiB... (lonft ,)0twoon ti,0 ullled enormous lu tho Qallclan campaign , m ,, t(0 i,alkan 8tatos aro un w , A Sofla d,Biatc, say demands territory from J, (lroeco nIul Sorl)Ia In rc. turu for participation In the war California Jul.lleo Quurtelle Or pheuni Tlirolio .Momhiy. und Tufwluy. T nV Il .lllllft S.-' . .... .... ..,, v.. "-"-- - ill iiiufi- r ii i ii r nii.i mm MKMHICItS OP TUB ASSOCIATE!) IMK8H FBI IHE UT .IIMMV IIOSKISSO.V FALUS IN WA Ti:it AT MARKF.T STHKKT Charles Tower, the limber Jumps In and (lets the Hoy Out Safely Jimmy llosklsson, nged ! or 10 years fell Into the bay at the foot of Market street at 3 : :t 0 o'clock this afternoon but was rescued by Chu. Tower ,tho barber In the shop on the wharf. Tho boy had been warned b someone not to stand so close to the edge of tho boat slip nnd ho up pnrently was turning to step back when ho fell over. Tower saw everyone running nnd went out of his Mhop nnd Jumped Into tho water. The boy was nbout six feet away from the slip uud had sunk under tho water. Had ho no: been rescued nromnth tho hoy would I In all probability have drowned. He was taken to his home. The boy la the sou of James llosklsson who lives in a float bourn) near the Union Oil dock. SPF.CIAI. MKSSF.XMF.R TALKS MKH.MA.V OH'ICIALS WITH I If fool of Ills Arrival I'pon Answer to American Note Is Not Pcircptlhlu tPjr AxocltlM l'rri to Coo. IUjt Tlmr..) HKRLIN, Juno IS. The effect of tho nrrlvul of Dr. Anton Moyor-fler-hard from Washington upon tho preparatory work of Herman's an swor to tho American nolo Is not thus far perceptible. Ho spent most of yesterday lth tho secretary for colonials, Dr. Solf, following a brief conversation with tho foreign min ister and under secretary. Of men In tho higher government positions, Solf Is tho most familiar with life nnd conditions In tho United .States Ho has in fact n good deal of tho American In his muauor, talk mud nctlou. His Influence upon Oer- many's policy, concerning wl.leli It Is evident there nro conflicting cur I rents, mny bo expected to bo favor- l.il.l, 4n . . iillliiwiin iiiiilnpotn tiilllin UU1U IU Ull lllllllllliu iiiiuviouoimiih' raES THE STORY (iKHMAN AMHASSAIIOH MAKF.Sj STATKMKNT I Say Hi I Only .Meyer MerhTuil Won Here on Mission for (.'einiaii , Hed ('loss Society. INCIDKNT CLOSIID Illy Ah.h Uirl I'rfu lo Coon llr Tlmr. 1 4 4 WASHINOTON, D. C, Junu 18. Secretary of Stuto Lan Blng authorized tho an nouncement that as far as tho State Department Ih con- corned, tho Moycr-Oorhurd Incident Is closed. Ho said It uovor was offlclully culled III AuuIlM Vlnm lu r. flit Tlm. WASHINOTON, D. C Juno 13. - i ...i...,. Jnl. Ilnfitutnrff InilnV HdT. '........ o..,....irU of son.iiiy lulu..... ,,.h .mmw -. Stuto Lansing that neither Ho nor ...... ... ,,.... u.ff any meinour u. i..u "'""'". I hud any knowledge of Dr. Alfred Moyor, said to havo beon secretly In .1.1. n......trv buylnic war su.iplls. GERHARD BERLIN iiij Timw.i this country uuying war minium. AccordhiK tu'Tho Alll,nssador also ussuiod Laus - norm uii.uiiub- I II 111 Li IU LlliUU IVrilHHTATi: COMMKKCrS COM I MISSION TO MKLT IN CH1CAMO . ui- Ti, , WASIHNcn-ON. D. C . Juno ,. The ZiZl botslu In Chicago on July 1'J on one ..i.ngo of the proposed nenoral ud- vaiico lu f.-eiKht rates throughout Mm wnatiirii territory. Tho Incrottses on which cUdonco Is to be taken woro proposed aftor tho hourlng hail begun In the Bo-callod Western-advance rate taso and wore made a separato caso by the Commission. Artl'Ies Included In the proposed advances are lumber, cross ties, grain aud cannel goods mmm FIFTEEH DIE Wind and Rain Sweet Over Parts of Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Nebraska Thousands of Dollars Worth of Property is Destroyed Last Night and Today FIVE DEAD IN ONE FAMILY That Number In the Homo of John Hui'gcs, Neur Oiingu, Knnsns, Aro Killed uud Two Oilier of the Household Injured tllr AnvIMM rirni lo Com Ilf Tlm't.l KANSAS CITY, Juno 18. Fifteen persons were killed, dozens Injured nnd thousands of iloUurit worth of I property destroyed by wind, rain jam! electrical storms (hat last night land this morning swept over parts of Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Nebraska. Flvo members of tho family of John Hurges, near Oiuiga, Kuiibuh, were killed and two others Injured in tho tornado. CASHIER IS GUILTY VF.KDICT lllCTTCHNKD A MA INST l T. JOHNSON TODAY Was Ciishler or Defimcl Trust Coin pauy, und Chnrged With Milk ing l'a I so Untiles. tllT AMoclttxl n i Coo Df TIihm.1 SOUTH HKNI), Wnsh.i Juno 18. Tho Jury trying P. T. Johnson, cash ier of the defunct Raymond Trust Company for entering a false stiito- inent In tho books of tho bank, found n verdict of guilty this morn lug after deliberating 21 hours. A recommondatlon for lonlcncy accom panied tho verdict. B ISAVS .MKDIATION IS WAV TO STOP Till: WAIt Investigation IMendliig Over Yea Would I'utwiit Trouble Ho Says. I ..,.. .. . o WAKIIIISIilUiM, w. U Jtinu io. For;nor Secretary of Stato Hryan, In J the third and concluding section of bis stntenient on "Tho Causeless i Wnr" Issued today, suggests inoilln- ' tl'in as "tho way out." As n pro- ventlvu of wur Hryun proposes tho universal extension of his Investl- L-iiilon cominlsslon iieaco treuty plan. "When can peuco bo restored! hit nxks. "Any time now, If tho partici pants are really weary of tho wur. i.nt unv ruler Btato In definite toiniB the condltloiiH upon which his, country Is willing to ugreo to peuco, , - ".., ,u , r,.r,ilnli. .inun. h.' ., ' li.biuiii for tho cintlnunnco of tho I :.,. .. .i. i. .nb ; war win ..,.,.. -.. , uhubi.ui .i.....-. l In "rglng adoption ot his Invos- "" . ,. . , tlgatlou treaties, Hryan Buys. A 1 . i. ......1. . it llwian f u iinuf llffllftf'I elont to reach uu umlcublo solution ,.f i.iniriKi ovory dlfflcu ty? Doos i uuyone HUpposo tho present war ' wnui.i hnvo begun If a year's tlmo had beon tukon to Investigate tho dispute between Austria und Sor vlu?" WILL TltV THAW IO TIISI' 8ANITV U Awo-Ulfcl l" '""' "' TIMW 1 ALHANY, N Y.. Junu 18. Tho Court of Appeals today was uphold by an ordor In the Supremo Court by Jus tice Hendrlck. directing a Jury trial to test tho sanity of Harry K Thaw II BAD STORM SCORES ARE HURT RYAN SUGGESTS A Consolidation of Times Const Mull nnd Coos Hny Advertiser. W. CROSS IS KILLED Miners ACCIDKXTAI. DICATII AT M'DONALD-VACMHAN CAMP Was u Married Man uud Leaves a Wife and Child Sur vUlug Hint. William Cross, employed nt tho McDonald-Vaughn logging camp nt Daniels Creek, wiib killed this af ternoon. When tho message cniuo to Mnrshfleld for tho coroner there was little known of the ilntnllx nf the ac cident. At tho camp headquarters It was stated that Cross was killed fnr back In tho woods where tho logging Is In progress and as the body had not been brought down It was not yet known how ho met his death. Cross was n married man nnd be sides his wife leaves one child. Ho was employed by tho compnny when tho camp was operated beforo and Is known to many on Coos Hay, Ho was formerly brakemau on tho train on tho logging road but It seems Hint ho had been working In the woods since tho camp opened the Inst time. llI'Mll H. SNKDDON TAKHN CIIAHMH TODAV Moos to foqiilllo TiHtny and Will He Tried In the County Court Hugh 1). Sneddon wiib arrested this afternoon by Deputy Hherlft Laird on a complaint made nut by County Judge Watson nnd this even ing nt ft:. 10 will be taken to Coqulllo where ho will ho Judged us to hm sanity. Tho uuino of the person mak ing tho complaint was not uuide pub lic. STEEL IS COMICS ON HOATS FKOM NOHTII AND SOUTH Kngloo uud Flat Chin Mo Down to Haul Halls on New Itoad Steel Worki'j'N For Hildgo Hero Two thousand tons of rails still remain to bo brought hero for tho laying St track botweou Coos Hny and tho Umpqiiu. A locomotive, nlno flat cars and n cuh'jnso nro being rushed to the big bridge from tho Coos Hay, Hosoburg & l'nst- ...U WUUO ...., ..WMU.....n . ....... orn, und It Is expected (lint truck laying, umler Kiiglnoer Illndinurali, will bo resumed next week. Already a mllo of steel has been laid, Further construction was hold up beruusu of tho lack In rolling stock with which to carry the rails from thu bridge out along tho road. Tho locoiuotlvo Is undergoing re pairs today, according to Superin tendent W. F. Miller, but will prob ably be ready tomorrow for trans portation on ii barge, to tho bridge. Part of tho flat cars are being soul down today on barges. Steel aud rails aro being rushed hit') Coos Iluy as quickly us pos sible, nay tho engineers, thut the work muy not bo delayed any fur ther. Last night tho Tlllumook ar rived from thu SIiibIuw with about 200 tons of bridge steel brought down to Acmo from Kugeno. Tho Hreakwnter from Portland loday car rlod liar, tons of steel and rails. The Nan.i Smith, returning from San Francisco next week, is expected to bring a lurgo ehlpment of bridge steel. Already Bteel workers are arriv ing on tho Hay and It Is expected that lu u very short tlmo thu buzz nt llin .luiilnni will III, ll.Ml.ll. MllC.1 INSANITY CHARGED RUSHED of tho compressed air machinery !hW l,ll,,Ke and now lu North' llond ready to bo put ( wl""o missing lo work, It Is Bald that ull of tho plors on the north Hide of tho channel ami Including those! that will he used to pivot tho big draw spun aro com pleted ns far us tho concrete work Is concerned. With thoso railroad activities' ut their height tho urrlvul of the first train Into Coos Hay from Ku gono Is already being dlseusnod. Sev eral of tho engineers huvo stated their opinion thut this fall will see u through Borvlco In operation, a ferry sorvlco being Instituted across tho Umpqiiu as tho bridge there Is expected to bo the last lap of the line to be lompletud. Culling curds printed ut The Times office. Times Want Ads for results. A Southwest Oregon Paper That's whnt tho Coos Hny Times Is. A South west Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon people mid devoted to tlio best Interests of this great section . Tho Times olwiys boosts sad oerer knocks. No. 282 Reoorted Drowned Near Mule Creek on the Upper Rogue in Curry County Was Son of C. C. Inmann, Prominent San Francisco Man Run Sixes Mine BODY NOT YET FOUND Fiithcr Was In California, Hut Loft nt Onco for Curry County lllvcc Will bo Put i oiled mid F.very Kffort Made to Find Hmly ' (Special to Tho Times.) IIANDON. Or., Juno 18. Word has been recolved hero that Claudo Inmann, son of C. C. Inmann, lost his life In tho Iloguo HIver. No particulars aro known further than that the accident hnpponcd near Mule Creek, which Is nbovo Agncss It Is n place whoro sovornl hnvo been drowned this year nnd watch has claimed many victims. It lu Biipposod that young Mr. Intunnu wiih either coming Into Curry C xm ty by wny of tho West Fork down tho river or perhaps wns In that part of tho county prospecting. The father, "C. C. Inmann, In n prominent San Francisco mnu who owns nnd operates u gold initio on the Sixes rlvor. When iho ncclllont hnpponod ho wnH In San Francisco, but has sturted 'for Curry County. Ho ordered that (ho river bo pntrol lod nud that no oxpeiiBo ho spa rod In tho efforts to recover tho body. It Is not lnfreiiiont that bodies lost In tho dangerous parts of Roguo Itlvor nro never found. COMMITS SIMCIDi:. Douglas County Man Kills Himself In Portland (Special lo Tho Times,) UOSKIIUIUI, Oi., Juno IS. Al len O. Hamilton, u resident of Cow P.-....1 Viillnv for morn than 30 . W..W.. , .-. years, committed sulcldo nt tho homo of IiIb duughtor, Mrs. Henry Bliuck In Portland. Ill health Is said to havo been tho cause. Ills wiuow and children resldo ut Olendalo where he has boon residing lately. Mr. Hamilton wns wldoly known In Douglas County. He had sub mitted to uu oporntlon for rellof of cniicor of the stomach nt Portland five weoks ago. BE FOUL PLAY HODV OF .1. J. POWF.HS, DF.PUTV I'. S. MAHHIIAL, FOL'.NI) Was Flouting lu Hay ut Seattle hut Ciiuso of Dcalfi Not Vot Determined . IX Auo,Utl rreu to Cooa 11.7 Tlmn.1 ' i SHATTLi:, Wash., Juno 18. -Th body of John J. Powers, aged BO and uhluf deputy of tho United States marshal's offlco bore, wns founn flouting lu the bay ai the foot of, Washington Street today. It had been In thu water only a fow hours, Whether It wus uccldontal or ho met with foul play Is not yet dctormlued. revolver hostler RAVE A WILSON DAY MAYOH ALHFH ASKS PHOPI.i: TO hHOW TIIF.IH PATHIOTISM SetN .lime Ul in Day When Citizens Show They Will Stand Hehlnd ' Tho President. Lllf AmoUI4 PrtM UCum 07 TlmM-J PORTLAND, Juno 18.- Mayor Al bee today Issued it proclamation fix Iiik June SI us "Wilson Day," at whluh tlmo ho urge ull citizens to dueorute tholr houses and weur fjugs on tholr lapels to show that tho oltWcnery Is behind the Presl dent In whatever ho decides to do In the International crisis. The oc tusloii Is strictly non-partisan, U CLAUDE mm II DIVED VICT! DETAILS KNOWN MAY