:sr: -"WVV -, Sift v , '"-"i II ),BUIIlllUJljaiiWB fflLPSllJWWER THE SUN. ALL THE GOOD EXCUSES HAVE Loos Day limes Your Paper "& (UtUttS Tlio Coos Day Times Is proud of Its tltlo ''Tho People's lnper," mid It strives at n tltllcg (() live up to Its nnine by do voting it, ccrKJei, t( promoting tlio people's Interests, VliOOB ?J ALREADY BEEN MADE VOL NO. XXXVIII. KslidilMird i878 As 'lii,. Cum n 51 KM Hints OF THK ASSOCIATKI) INtKSS A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlmt's what tlio Coos liny Times Is. A South, "est Oregon pnier for Southwest Oregon peoplo nd devoted to tlio best Interests of this groat section . The Times always boosts ad noer knocks. I BATTLE IS IN PROGRESS Germans Are Taking the Of fensive Along an Enormous Front Against Russians 1ST NO MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 17, 1915 EVENING EDITION. RESULTS EXPECTED TPREPAREQNE LIFE BOAT iMITM ISIR'iR SHIP GOES A Consolidation or Times Const Mull nnd Coos liny Advert lcr. MM AX SAVS AR.MAMHXT (IM, PHOVOKKS WAIt Additional Villages Have Been Occupied by Teutonic Army in the Baltic Region IS CRITICAL IN GALICIA llmsluiis Admit That Continued Successes of tlio ('eiiiians I lave Drought Campaign to a Vltnl I'olnl. B Aocl(J Ir to Coo r TlmM.I LONDON, Juno 17. According to a wlrulcsa mcBsngu from llurllii to day, a decisive Imttlo from which Important ichiiIIh nro expected Is now In progress nil along tlio Rua nlaii front. Tlio German forces along tho Itnwkn Ulvo'r, west of War saw, htivo taken the" offciiHlvo .ind tlio German hattlo lino In Polund, uaiicia ami utiKowinn. m wi inli-3 long. I'ctrograd ndmltH that tho Go tr.nns occupied adilltlonal villages near Shnvoll, in tho llaltlc region, but nsserla that tho Russians r pained lost ground near ' I'rznmiy?.. The Gallrlun campaign has reached a critical tUngc In view of thu con tinued Tl'tltonic HIICceSSCH. Homo eliilnm further progress t ard Trent ami on tlio Ihoiiio front. Tlio TurkH on (iiilllpoll pon Insula huvo taken tho offonslvii, li.it London claims that they fnllel to rccuipturu lost trouuhcH. la tho west no important ongngo mcnlH are reported except In Vosges, whuro tho French claim to have lus comi) nuiHtors of tho heights dom inating tho Fecht river north of Stclnliruck. In Second Installment of Ills State- '"lit, lie (,'hes Ills Vl.-us On Policy to Pursue Wr Awoi Utnl piTtn In Coot linr Tlmr. WASHINGTON, 1). (, J.,,,,, 7. Asserting that jireparedneM pro- vikes war rather 'than prevents war, vokis war rather than preventn war. nnd that the upheaval In liurcmo Is tin result or false phlbunphy tluil "might nmkes right forme Sep retnry of State llryaii toilny In the second of IiIh series or three state ments on "Tho Causeless War." sub mits an argument against military preparation by t,0 United Elites and praises tho coiirso of President Wilson la tho International onier gcury. "tlow can preparedness prevent war ir all preparo?" llryin asks In his statement. Kuril step taken by one n.it Ion toward a more complete pivp.ired nesrt (Mites other nations to addi tional piircluiRes and new levies un til all have exhausted tlio produc tive Industries and menaced moral progress. The doctrine that pre paredness will prevent war will not stand tlie lust of logic and the conflagration In Kurope shows that It Tails when tested by experience." I WAS LEAKING Such Was the Statement Brought Out in Investiga tion of Lusitania Sinking MUCH IIIXOICS OX POSITION TA. KI1X IIY CAKRAXZA to SEVERAL TESTIFY Attorney General Expresses Belief That a Second Sub marine Was Lying in Wait CAPTAIN ON THE STAND WOULD E PERCE distinguish1:!) .mux mkict discuss tiik mkaxs to (atlieiliig Is Held by .Vatiiuial Pin- iMnniil Committee at Ills. torlc Imlcpciideiice Hall til AmumIiIisI rrrM 10 Cow llojr Tim 1 PIIILADIOLPHIA, Pa., .luno 17.--.Men distinguished In many walks or lire gathered at tho historic Inde pendence Hall today at a conference. Says He Did Xot Release Collapsible Hoiits on I'ntcrlne; the War Zone Mfcuiiso lie Feared They Would Slide When the Ship Listed (117 AmocUIixI I'itm (.1 foor ll, Tlmri.J LONDON, .luno 17. Upon re-' sumption today or the Investigation of tlio sinking of tho Liisltnnln, At torney (lenoral Carson expressed the J I conviction that a second submarine 1 ! was lying In wait on tho port sldu of tho Lusitania. dipt. Turner was recalled to thu stand, ami In reply I to a iiuestlon as to why thu collap sible boats had not been freed on entering tlio danger zone, ho replied that ho feared tho boats would slip when tlio ship listed. When asked by Huron Mersey If tlio Increase In tlio number of small ' boats on liners since tho tlnio of I tlio Tlliinle disaster wero of advan-! fulfil fiinfnlli Turn.., miuti'iii-iiil fit'. ' he did not think so. Did Not See Hells. Chler Stoward Jones declared liu Consldeiitblo Speculation as Whether- lie Will Continue. Fight or Talk Peace. 11 AorlIM rroM to Coos Itnj Tlim. WASHINGTON. I). ('., June 17. -Considerable speeiilntlon Is being In dulged In hero today as to whether Carrnnza would continue his course and right on or modify his attitude In lew of tlio overtures for peace In Mexico by Villa. Soino definite word from Cnrrnm-a 11s to whether ho will accept Villa's proposals was awaited hero with Interest as upon his answer probably hinges the next movo In tho situation. Would Not Heed. C11rrn11y.11 thus fur has allowed three proposals for parleys mndo by Villa to go unheeded. The last of Ter to agree to an armistice pond ing a discussion or pence terms was made through American diplomatic channels. To this proposal Car ran.n Is said to have stated thoro would bo 110 reply. 10 THERESGUE Flagship Colorado Starts for Guaymas, Mexico, to Aid American Colonists MARIN ABQAD TORPEDO THREE ES Admiral Howard Prepared to Land Five Hundred Men If It is Necessary GOVERNOR PROMISES AID IS No. 281 AWARDED SMALL ciav DAMAOKS OHTAINTI) HV Clll'HCII IX !j!.5tKK SUIT US u Transports Filled With Troops Are Sunk by British in the Dardanelles SUBIRIN E IS LOST to consider tho adoption (if incns-l had not seen any life belts on tbii urcs for a true peace and to decide! upper docks of tlio Lusitania aftei what steps will bo taken with a vlewj tho liner luft Now York. In replj or obtaining tho support or public a statoinent or an attorney for .t opinion nnd or tho governments. The relative or 0110 or tho victims that meeting was called by tho national , a certain lifeboat leaked badly, mif. provisional committee and was pro- that all hut two occupants who RUSSIANS RETREAT AIIAXDOX POSITION'S OX HlVIIlt IX (JALICIA SAX 1'idl Mack 011 Tovtn of Tnrnogrod In Front of Advancing (,'er- .Mini Army IR; Aisoctilrd Trr to Coo. n.7 Tlmoa.) UI0IIL1N, Juno 17. Tlio Itiuwlans abandoned their positions Nortli of Slcnnwa on tlio San rlvor In (lallcla nd havo rotroatod toward Tarno Broil, in Husslnu Poland, according to an official statomont. REACH ES BERLIN 'sided over by Wllllnin Howard Halt. Tho munibershlp of tho national provisional committee Included well known publicists, cducntois, peace advocates, editors and economists. Tlio plan was largly tho Idea or Taft ami is understood to have the per sonal, though unofficial, umlorso men of President Wilson. Germans Admit That U-4 is Destroyed and Crew Cap tured by the British MTCIli MKSSKXOKH KHO.M U. LANDS IX (iKlt.MA.VY S. German Knibassy Makes Denial That Dr. (eiliaril Was In Heality Alfred .Meyer 111? Auot l.le.l rfl to Coin liar Tlm- I HKRLIN. Juno 17. Dr. Anton Meyer Gerhard, who sailed from Now ' mct iiH having a Gormnn suniliarliio York on n mission to tho Gorman sink your ship, you may collect no "orff. reached Horlln last night, insiiranro. but wo shall pay ynur bmi Thls inornlng ho hnd n conforunco oflclary tho ninount ou havo paid Willi Forolcn MliilKler Von JllKllW 1 m iiromf 11111." --- - ...,..... . .. ... ,-. - BAR WAR LIFE INSURANCE Tlu-eo Mlg N'i'w York Companies Hs. fuso to Take ItNks In righting Zone NKW YOItlC. Juno 17. Tlio threo largoht life lusuraiico companion ot Now York, tlio Mutual, tlio Now York ami tlio Mqiiltablo. havo virtually quit Insuring persons who purpose making any voyago to a bolllicoront lountry. It ninkes no dlffoninrn whethor they sail under tlio Ameri can or foreign flag; whether tho In tended sojourn tlioro Ik to bo for a day or a year. "Wo Isrnio no lnuraiico to any person who plans to go to Kurnpo". was the Information given at tho Kiiultiiblo offlcos today. Wo are willing to Inwiro you, ev en though you admit that you In tend going to Kuropo within tlio next two years," Art miry Hall of tlio Mu tunl lire wild', "but wo havo Insort od In our pollclo tho fcpoclul pro vUo that, should you moot death on vonr triii through war rnuo.V drowned, Ciller Carpenter said It was possible for tho hot sun to havo warped thu boat's sides, 'evi dence showed that Staff Captain Anderson countermanded tlio orders of Captain Tumor given pruvbusly to get tho women and children I Into tho boats. A' number or wit-1 nesses tcstlNcd that they got Into I tho boats and had to leave them later 011 the orders from Anderson, who was heard shouting "Tho shl'i Is safe." ENGLAND USING WOMEN POLICE ENGLISH SHIP IS SUNK The Tiaffonl Is scut to I ho Hotlom and .Members of Civw nro lies- cued Hill Mi Cruiser Is He- porled to Have Ituii Aground II); AmocUOI rnu U Ccoi lit; nmM. LONDON, Juno 17. A dispatch from Athens says that a Hrltisli suhmarinu torpedoed and sank three Turkish transports loaded with troops In the Dardanelles. ('ICUISI'lt AOHOU.VD Sends Word That Ho Will I'lirnlsh .Mexican Troops to Protect, tho ColoulstN Who A10 Helng At tacked by Ynqul Indian (11 Aorllv. fmi to Cvki. n. Tlmva.) SAN DIKGO. Cal., Juno 17.-- With threo companies totalling '100 , men of tho Fourth Uoglinent U. 8. 1 ninrluo corps aboard, tho flagship 'Colorado, .Admiral .Howard .com manding, (ailed today from Han Die go Tor Guaymas, Mexico. Orders for embarking wero received last night ami without any loss or tlmi' four rapid firing field guns ami two Colls automatic tins wero sent aboard. Tho Colorado's crow of bluejackets numbers sr.0, or whom 000 will bo available for landing In case Ad miral Howard decides on an expedi tion to relievo tlio American colo nists reported to bo besieged by Ya iil Indians -0 miles from tho coast. lioforo leaving Admiral Howard staled that tho Colorado would maintain 11 speed of 1 1 knots. At tills speed, tlio Colorado expectud to arrive at (lunymns about noon next .Sunday, PHO.MISICS IIKLP (ioil-IUUI- of S0110111 Says I'lirulsli Troops Ho Will 111 AuodaiM I'rtM to Co (147 Tlmr, WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno 17. Governor Maytorono of Sonorn ad vised tlio United States today that It would bo iiniiecessnry to lund any of Admiral Howard's forces to res cue tho American colonists as ho would furnish troops for tho pin poso, Howard's orders will remain unchanged however, and ho will bo oxpected to art Willi wldo discretion In tho emergency. Witnesses Fur Defense Contended That Molorcjch' Was .Making Too Much Ski1 A verdict for $20f was awarded to Clay Church by tlio Jury tills morn ing In the circuit court at Coqiitllo In tho $5000 dnmngo suit brought against Harry and Charles Noblo for Injuries sustained when a motorcy elo ridden by Church ran Into a en- bio stretched ncross thu street In front of tho new Noblo building. Surprlso was ovldenced at tho am ount of tlio verdict, tlio opinion be ing that a larger sum would ho awarded. Two days wero occupied by tlio trial and approximately liTi witness es wero examined by tlio both sides. John 1). (loss represented tho plain tiff ami C. It. Peck I ho defendants. It In stated that witnesses for the defeuso on tho stand testified that Church was riding at inoro than tho legal 15 miles and hour when ho ran Into the tnut cable. Church contend ed that ho was not. Ho said thai not until ho was but 11 fow feet from tho caldo whlcii wns lying slack on tho ground did the drums haul It tight, not giving him enough tlmo to slop. Chilli h Pays Costs Tho derenso urforiMl to settle for J 100 In court but thin was refused by tho plaintiff. As n verdict was for nn ninount less than that which was (endured Church must pay tho costs, If tho verdict had been for an ninount moro than that which wns tendured tlio costs would havo to bo paid by tlio dorendnnts. Tho cosls will amount to something In tho neighborhood or $100. It Is snld that the Jury In arriving at $.'05 as tho amount or tho ver dict figured that tlio sum covered doctor bills, clothing ruined by tho ncrldent nnd loss of time. Thu Jury did not allow anything for tho dam- ago to tho motorcycle, ('lien DnuuiKcM Clark, who was Injured by rock during blasting operations on a road Improvement project In Nova Harry's district 011 thu old Coos Hay Wa gon road last year, was glvun a vor dlcl for $l,H00 damages against the county, lie wns suing for $5,000. WRITER KILLED I WAR I Henry Beach Needham Meets Death When French Mil itary Aeroplane Falls MS A PASSENGER Lieutenant Warncford, Who Was Running Air Craft, Also Killed in Accident HAD GAINED MUCH FAME Wiih tho .Man Who Herently Illow to Pieces n Xcppollu Over Ilcl- glum ami Kent Had Mrouglit 1 1 lut Much Notoriety (Special to Tho Times by Asso ciated Press.) PARIS, Juno 17. Lloutonnnt Wameford, who gained fatno re cently by blowing to pieces a Zop pelln over Hulglum, wnB klllod to day by the fall or an neroplnno nt Hue Franco. Wamoford won pilot ing tho machlno whnch had nit n pnssenger Henry Ilcnch Necdhtim, tho American wrltor, wns was also killed. TO ELECT GODDESS I'OUHTH Ob' JULY COMMITTI'i: AX.VOU.VCKS CO.VTIWT SiTLlLiT IE I'OHMKH VICrOHIA MALL TKAM IS XOW AD1U1T Out I'lcwn Thousand llao I'urol led and lek After Ibo Wom en and Children (n Auofliiol I'm. lo )'ih.i u Tin,". LONDON. Ju to 17. It lu an nounced that over 1 1, Odd women havo been enrolled lu Groat llrlt-1 aln under the scheme aulhorl.oil by , tho Homo Secretary for organizing, women police. At llrlglitou, Winchester, and oth er plaros, women police havo boon lu evidence for sumo months, but (hoy havo boon tho result of local effort rathor than of a general na tion wldo movement. Tho Homo Of ficii aiitluiilntlon wns Intended to give official recognition to thu scliemo and encourage its gouural adoption. Tho women pollen aro Intended partially to tako euro or young wom en nnd children In their respective Turkish Aviator Tells or .Mbdmp to HrltiKh Heat. DISCUSS RIGHTS STIO.M.IH MILITAHY I'OHCKS ALONi; CANNOT PHOTKCT U. S. (U AmixIiim rim In nil lu riruM. AMSTI5UDAM. Juno 17. A dis patch from CoiiMtaiilluopIo says that airordliiK to an official announce-1 Con rci euro or liileriialloiial Hela iiimit. a TurklHli nvlutor roportti Imv- , n,MIS Takes up National (ues Ing observed a Hrltisli warwhlp of, ,.,, fol. csldcriilloii the Agaiiieliinoii typo aground in Ko- j fala buy al Dnbros Island. Tho , deck of the veksel was almost com pletely Hiibmurgnd. a"d Minister Solf of tho Colonial of K.MHASHY DKXIKS IB, AMocltted Preu to Coot Ha TlmM.l WASHINGTON. D. C, Juno 17. At tho statp dopartmont today a tol 'Brani was recolvod from thq Gorman embassy at Cedorhurst, Now York, faking gonernl denial of tho pub llshcd charges that Dr, Anton Moyor Gerhard was in reality Alfred Mey " n high Gorman official secretly n the United Statos buying war ma 'erials. i (i''t your Job printing done at Tho Times office GDETRALS HDNDRED (,'IVK.V GMAVD PKIi: IX DLPAHT .MIJXT OI' SOCIAL I'COXO.MK S AiiiU'iH'celiieiit Is .Made by Jury of Awards at the Panama Pa cific KHsltlon forts are lining put forward in thu vl , dully of tho grunt military camps such as Colchester, Chelmsford, Can terbury, Dovor, Wlnohiuitor, and Kx otor. Tho pollcowomon nro glvon a 'cnurso of special physlcnl trnlnlng and wear a illstlnctivo uniform, I with nn armlet not unllko that worn by tho Special Constublos enrolled ) soon after tho bngliinlng of thu wirj for use in casu of aerial attack and for homo defense. STKA.MKU TOHPKDOKD. Hiitisb Ileal Sunk by u Submarine ami Her Crew nnieil. III, Awo, UlM l'(i. lo im. n.l Hum i LONDON, June 17.- The Hrltisli steamer Tralford, Z'll kiohm tons, was torpodoud and sunk by a sub marine. Tho crow was savod. KUH.MAHI.VK LOST. ('fniiaii Moat I'-1 Dcsirojcd mid Ciew Is ('apt in ed. MKMI.IN, Juno 17. (Via wireless to Sayvllle. )--Tho Admiralty pub lluly auiioiiures thu loss of tlio submarine U-l. Ilor crow wan cap tured by the Hrltisli. Mclleio Celebiallou .Vol Coinolcdt I Without (biddcNs1 of Lllicrly Much lulcMisi Aisiused ' I A Goddess of Liberty for tho ' Fourth of July civic parade was an nounced this morning ns a feature of tho celebration ami voting on tho ' candidate is to start tomorrow , morning, according (o Hubert Dll I lard, chairman of tho contest. There t will bo four ballot boxes, thu votes will cost one tenth of a cent apiece Mid tho contest Is lo last approx imately a week. Tlio money thus so cured will go toward piiruhiuliig tlio roboH or (ho Goddess or Llbeity ami up her float lu legal I'la.X'i'H Arrlie at. Vancouver ami Will Probably Find it Sow Homo Soon. til, AuotUlk! I'rnii to Coo IKj TlfflM. CANCOUVKIt, II. C Juno 17.- Tliu former Victoria busoliall team which was (,,1Ht "drift Inst night by President Klugham of thu Victoria Club, arrived hero today to finish a week's schedule with Vancouver. President Hluwott, of tho North western League, arrived from Seat tle, to confer with Malinger Nye, who was liiHtructed to hold tho team together ami conduct It under tho league's parentage until ft per manent homo Is found, l-'vorett lu considered a likely candidate ISLE OF MAN WOULD BECOME BRITISH Place Hun Partial Independence Hut Wauls Kiiglnutl to Tako Oior Territory (11 Auoltl rr. to Coo ll TIiom.1 LONDON, Juno 1G. Dr. Ambroso Oualthroiigh, a member of tlio Houso or Keys, tho govornlug parliament ot thu islo or Man, gnvu notice at tho last h(hIoii ot that body that at tho next meeting ho would movo Hint tlio Kiigllsh Government bo aBkod to annex the Island. Ho complained that tho Islo of Man could not get needed roforuis, and III AmicUp. rrM IQ Coot ll TlfliM I ITHACA, N. Y.. Juno 17.- That Mtioiuior nillitaiy toices alone, can-' a,HO " r'x not soeuro tho rights ot tho United I Hl'lmidor. i . .... .. .. . ..i --.-- HtatcH lii a National crisis was thu Mr- ""mru iibh uppoinieu as His ,mt l)0 overnniunt had rolapsod opinion expressed hero at tho open- assistants, Claud Thoinpnon ami Mnlt0 rt ono-mnii power." Tho Mnnx Iiik of tlio conteroiico of luturnat-r """ ' "" " "" "" nuuiuu loual HolatloiiH by Norman Angoll, "'morrow morning wm. anoiit lo tho noted KiikIIkIi pnuco advooato. "American rights can only bo protected by, among other things, u radical form of sun law that Im plies an International law and some means of enforcing It moro effectively than taking Hides In a war In which both nidus may bu violating her rights." young women and anyone oUo will bo allowed to enter the contest by peoplo, be affirmed, wero worse gov erned than the Germnils, Tho Island, owing to tho cutting off of boarding houso and hotel IiubI- siibinltllng their iiameu lo any mom-' (MH ,,y ,,, smr , 0 , uorior of mir ui uio commiuee, sturvallon. Tbero will bo four ballot Iioxhh. ' ,,.,,,, ,,,,,', of Mn,( aMl0URh )art of according to Mr. Dlllard. Thoso will , ,.,,, ,H,1(Ht InUntani( A bo nt The Tlimw office, at tho fn 0rUilu Indopundoncu. it Is govorned SANTA CLAHA DKLAYKI) Heavy head winds have deterred ID Awoclitel rM to Coo n Tlmw.l SAN FUANCISCO, Juno 17. '....i n,.,-ui r.niimu W. Goethuls. .ilBjuj uoiivi.i ...- ,.oi,i,.i. u.,. ni i i chief eiiKlneer In charge of the con-'-'" -"-.i"- ''" -a. ....u.... ?r t!on Tth. Panama canal. wmJ from San Francisco and Kure--L-.-H h. .ran.1 nrlze In the de-. aecordlng to a wlrelewi. from l,,nni or social economy. It Mas Captain Lofste.it and sho Is not ex '. .i indnv bv the Jurv of Peeted n ,,, " , .1.-ii.iin,i Pftilfli exnosl- 't Mheduled to leave out fo Cnlllnn. ...!.. ..,..,.. .i ... n.i... rrin.o mvards of the 1 anania I ' I'll eiio ,.ffi ' " i-ruiiiMi at iiiv , ,1., d tomorrow at 1 p '"lice. Hon. before this evening and Put in Kl.liS XOTICK I, HI'LOAHIAXS A HI! CALLIII) HOMi: All Klks whether vlnltors or mom bars of other lodgwi who rosldo hero, are oxp(M:tod to attend thu Hlrlhday Mali glvon by Marshfleld Lodge 11 GO U. P. O. K. noxt Wodnosday evening. Juno 23, without reculvlug a formal Invitation. Como, Hrother Hill, a cordial wel come waits a'- our birthday party. Il order of (11 AwwUM P'm lo Co n Tim". SAN FltANCISCOO, Juno. 17. HiilKarlans In Sail Fran elsco have received ordurs to return home prepared for ar my service In tho field, It was lonrued today. 4 , uaturod rivalry. This contest was put 444444444jon last year ami was one of the most successful over conducted on Coos Hay. by a separate legislature callod the Tyuwalil, consisting of two houses, tho Governor ami Council and tho .NSVSS.SS or thu I'venlng Record, tho Husy Corner Drug Store mid at tho Owl , drug store on Central avenue. ...i ...... i . . . - i irmiw aro io no priniwi, nono or , Uonm of K(iyH. mu n(ior ulng thorn to bo for less than 10 cunts )I1MW.(, ,mt(, ,10llltwi ,nl8t recovu (he 4 wnien means iuu votos, iiiu largest i r(,y UM,ut. ,iicKei win no rur moo voion ami m to rosi ii. All Arc Welcome PormlHHloii Is freely granted to lodges, compiiulns or stores to put forward u candidate for whom to work and It Is oxpected there will bo aroused much competition and good M. (' Maioiioy, John W. Motley and A. It. O'llrien. .Money Still Comes hi John Motley and Fred 'McClcea reported latu yesterday afternoon that already $'J72 has been collected and that the total will probably run to $1,100 with about $300 moro ox pected for the concessions. YOU .MAY NOT KNOW One or (net tilings tbat should al- Hucauso of tho short tlmo now ro- ways in, taken fir grautud Is a malnlng between this date uud the kiw. Fourth It Is said the contest will bn " i j only for u week. This will bo on- A tumbler with a rompartmont Think twice before ou speak and I noiincod definitely tomorrow the, that can be filled with Ice or hot wa- uiaybe you will disovcr you were loiumltteeuien state . tr to keep Its contents cold or warm rnVCR COVMITTFC not foinu to ny ntiv Ihlntr Tho Judges of tin loutest will I" bn fn i.iwnted mamsmsm'imimmmm X rt'"'" - '.!-