THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, QREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 19.15-E VENING EDITION. PIVE FIGHT MONEY-SAVING SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY at THE FAIR I K3ll& -"-" i f best . i if,ti,lift i'i....i... i.. i .. Vlrnll(l !' " v """ ""V, mvyy, )a (Icry f miHle. Special . . fllll-sl (illiiiiui-i win inn mill tvoru (iloes, I'll)- I Men in Ih.ktn niul reindeer skin. For ,l'.s ((i yj.oo pnii-. Now . , . nier pi Ires . . J'l.llltllHl'w f till! tllllll llllll l'l,il.. II IllllO U " " ...I .,!.. I,, j.nlt'1, 7."r ami $1.00 iilues. Special All nIos ,15c buckskin, 98c 50c IjSutifiil C'uitnlns In luce mill net, in white, em. )lll(l a,.,,,,,,,,,' I' .. .i,i. u,i1i1 nf VI r.": i,. uiiu i.. jnr(, iMirim-i , m,. ,- ' v. i pair. Mile Ml I'fl" l'll' ,98c .1 I,., ,11'ik hi 111 k,lhlir nw Kfincnimi . . it, I .. . ..... .......I ....M.l.i ill U 111,,..., II id.ifk i in"" "i""" """ " o "rwi,a i'(MMk. ' " Lllili en's S3.00 anil 1.00 Wash Pongee Coats. I jje. lltMlllfCll lo . ii... .. m t.. jillcs' Sleeveless nmiiiiicr u-ms, kiln Hi1 fniicj. Wero '"' Special .$1.95 9c l Ml. lien's good quality knit Summer Pants, trimmed In prctly laces. Wore 'Sic, now, per pale . ., ..!. ... klllHi"'"'" njs or icy Refunded 10c "THE FAIR" Xct 1(MIP to Chandler Hotel WONDERFUL VALUES IX dressers THE REASON Iffo mo factory ogents for tho host lino on the coast. All llic latest finishes. Wc carry this pattern in stock in GOLDEN, WAXED, DULL, MAHOGANY, CIRCAS SIAN WALNUT: Priced 16.50 1?.50 Priced $25.00 $30.00 $33.00 UVnlso carry Diosscih In Mock In tint following finishes: White haiiiel, I'unii'il Oak, Wncd Oak, White Maple, at fioin S13.30 $17.30. TIicm tun styles nie mining tery 'H'st hellers. I Satisfaction guaranteed. GOING & HARVEY COM 1'I.I.TI. HOUSE ITHXISHKHS. he Noble Theater TONIGHT pirsonlN KVKLYX NKSIUT THAW iiiiil her miii, WIL- llM RUSSELL THAW In a wonderful iliuniu in mo pans. THREADS OK DESTINY. This Is a feuluio Unit you will make no mistake In ncelng. .. . .. .i... i.. !"Tlli: FAST .MAIL'S DANGER." Tills is niioiiici- ii - krtstlng stories of "The Hazards of Helen. I This Is n program Hint will l'lease tlio most critical. Ailiiilsslini, lower floor, 13c; balcony, l"e; chlhlren, 3c. Jesse 1.. Lnsky pre- Hern V..,1.....I,... ..I. ,1.1. 1 ,.1- II tlllltlllt IllUUt. ..v,...i .-...,, .., .. ..... ... ,,M, hM the foremost character aetor, Theodore nomus, Situs .Man," in five parts. Hire Wednesday anil Friday nights. "Am.etto Kclleininu." (She Uip I'oin. Divlno.) In "XeptuneS Daimhter." A welril, wim, p'luleifiil spectailo In heven parts. REVITIE5 uUXK TIDKS Time anil HelRhts of tides nt Marshflelil. Tlio tides uro placed In order of occurrence, with their times on tlio first Hue nnd heights on the second lino of each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will in dicate whether it is high or low iwatcr. High tldo on tlio Har one I hour and 54 minutes earlier than at , Marshflelil, At North Bend 3C mln lutcs earlier than at Marshflelil. ltilHrs .2.(30 10.23 (Ft. ...C.3 0.3 1.38 4.1 10.09 2.1 l: !: ; AVKATHKIt l'OUKOAST Illr AMotlltfJ rrris to Coo til; Tlmri.) OHEOON Walr, warm er In the East Wednesday; northwest winds. LOCAL TEMIU5KATORB ItECOIU) For tho 24 hours ending at 4: 13 n. m., Juno 15, by Ilcnj. Ostllnd, special government meteorologist: Maximum CI Minimum 48 At 4:43 a. m EG Precipitation 00 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1014 C6.84 Precipitation Bftmo porlod last year G5.G7 Wind Northwest, clear. KastMilo Senile. Hcv. O. C. Wrghlt, Supt. State Mlslons for the Uaptlsts, will Bpenk at Enstsldo Wednesday nt S a'clock. Mall Contractor Hero. Joe Laird, to mnil contractor between Myrtle Point and Itoscburg, was In Marsh flelil today. He hoped to get tho through ,auto stages started In an other week or so. Will Take Pilot. Tho gasollno boat Ojoa which left here for Uoguo river, will stop at Port Orford and tako on Henry Colvcr who will act as pilot for tho boat going In aver Itoguo river. Carl Walker of this city made tho trip down on tho Cljoa to look ocr the fishing prospects. AUepmy Son Ice. D. L. Eooto said today that ho hoped to get tho Coos Uay-Allegany-Draln nuto lino sorvlco started about Juno 20. Ho had hoped to start today but tho roads wero none too good nnd the threatening weather caused him to postpono tlio service. Is a (iratluate Among thoso who graduated from tho Oregon Agricul tural Collego this year was Miss G. Grctchcu Sherwood, of Coqulllc. Club Chungcs. Tlio Kensington Club will meet Friday with Mrs. C. F. McUeorgo Instead of Mrs. A. E. Jensen. Hack on Old Hun. Win. Kardoll I who Is tho oldest conductor on the local railway and who has been serving on the North Uond-Mnrsh-flcld run slnco that was started, lms resumed tho old run to Myrtle Point. Tu Carter's Hotel 3U feet slip ped last night nnd t. ..o guests wero given qunrtcrs in tho Carter Hotol. They wero A. D. Aiken, V. Ingrlm nnd H. Strummers, two of whom ap peared beforo Judgo nutler .to an pwer for their transgressions, tho third man promising to bo good. I Mineral Investigation. Prof. Mlt- nl.nll nf l,Slmtn nlt.l ft t lltlllni lillUM Ul l.llftUIIU 1,1111 VJ. .,. (MHll.1 of Corvnllls arc expected hero tho last of tho week on route to Curry County to mnko an Investigation of tho mineral deposits In that sec tion for tlio Oregon Hurcau of Mines. They expect to spend about six months on tho job. On Ulg Hunt. Mrs. C. II. Meam la In receipt of word that N. H. Mcars, a well known Marshflelil young man, has taken a position on tho Newport, ono of tho Pacific mall ships plying between San Frnn cIhco and Panama. Mr. Mcars sopie tlmo ago waB honored by his rapid mastery of wireless telegrnphy. 50 I i 73. I I Heady for Haeo. Harry Scott had A. II. Powers' speed boat, tho juenoral II, out for a trial spin Sun day, gottlng her In readiness for the I Fourth of July races. Mr. Scott , will oporato her this season. Sun day ho mado tho run from Uanlols Creek to MarshUold In a little less than 33 minutes, Indicating that she Is In good condition. Phone Will Wed. Announcements have beon received hero of tho coming mnrrlago of Oscar Stauff, of Cops- Have you been to SAltTKK'S f,,,'lt0Il( nnd jjB8 rilshla pryo of por ptaurants on the liny. Ny for iniHinesH In an pur's notice. fi terms will buy ono the iirst equipped 5"Se It-Id About It." PMING HOUSE N buy , ver offered, f'l lOC't 1 lnvi- ,-niit ell on terms If de- H 0 " I1PP W'laltna I .- Pe Hcij About It." A. REID Wnt street 0c 10c LUXCH? If Not, Why Not? Sometlilni: 'w Kfry Day. Ice Cream bricks i Proiim. nuarts Ice Cream, pints ,",'"?.Z 'Hot Chicken Tamalcs. . . .- ir -M IMcnlv I.unches a Specially SARTER'S , Phono a0il-.L I Marshflold. , rr '"nco Hotel, Fr"t Street vallis, which will take place Juno 1C, at tho homo of the bride's par ents. Mr. Stauff is a graduate of Oregon Agricultural College and the nuptials tormlnnto a romance begun In collego days. Wed Wednesday. Tho marrlnge of Orover A. Williamson and Miss Edna Mcintosh, a well known Marshflelil young couple, will tnko place tomorrow at tho homo of tho brldo's sister, Mrs. Fred Weaver, In West Marshflelil, tho Itov. H. K. Drowning officiating. Tho young couplo wU reside at tho Wireless station where tho groom has Just completed a cozy cottage. t PERSONAL MENTION X t ?? C. P. COLEMAN was n visitor hero this morning from Tcmplcton. H. C. DIEUS, of North Dend, Is a Marshflold visitor today. DAVE COWAN Is down today for a short visit from Allegany. F. O. LESLIE Is over from Coqulllo today calling on the trade. OUS PETEItSON, of North Inlet, Is a Mnrahflchl visitor today. ClEOUCiE A. TAYLOR today was In on a business trip from Ecklcy. FATHER McDEVITT went to Co qulllo today to testify In tho Church-Noblo case. MRS. A. STAMDUCK and children, of North Coos River, were Marsh flold visitors today. Dnrbers Picnic. With baskets of goodies tho barbers of Coos Day boarded tho boat Cadillac this morn ing nnd hurried away lor Ten Mllo whore all day long they have enjoyed themselves. They are expected homo this evening. And whllo they wero gono hubby went without n shavo and rued tho day tho barbers wont away on a holiday jaunt nnd put the "closed" nlgiiB up nt their doors. Dedicate Oiurcli. Tho Loggers' chapel at Powers was dedicated Sun day by Rev. O. C. Wright, secre tary of tho Daptlst Homo Mission Society. Tho pastor, Row G. LoRoy Hall, roturned yesterday with Row Wright. Tomorrow evening thoro will bo an address In tho city hnll nt Enstsldo at eight o'clock by Rov. Wright and a good attendance 1b ox I'"'01'- IDS Surprises Relatives. John J. Vrcelnnd orrlved horo today from Pearl River, N. Y to visit his cousin Gcorgo Campbell, a Coos liny pion eer. They hnd not seen oach for near ly forty-flvo yenrs nnd their moot ing today was ono of tho happiest ovor. Each is well along In years. Mr. Vrcelnnd is a second cousin of A. D, Campbell and will also visit him. Ho has been making a general tour of tho country, taking In tho ex position and visiting friends and rel atives In tho west. 4 4 AMONG THE SICK' j HE REAL QUESTION luestbn is not, will men 0r )ou for vour work? does your work honor you? !r concern is not only to f Pro'it for yourself, but r"e that which will profit I besides yourself. HAY STEAM LAUNDRY Phcne G7-J. i: GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAC AND DODGE AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS t 347 Central nr. Phono 373-L t A WALL PAPER See VIERS f j. N. BAYLISS I Any Kind of brick work at prices tnai r ..B.. And all work guaranteed Calt at "The Fireside." Johnson BldS- 137 &""" - French ranges, holler work. Phono 434-J I Wheat $2.35 Haines NOTICE Effective June 1st, 1915 Cream 20c per pint Whin Cream 25c per pint Milk 7V&C per quart, Buttermilk . 10c per gallon! Butter 30c per pound Ice 50c per 100 Special prices for larger quantities C00S BAY ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. Phone 73. Deliveries at 8:30 a. m. The llttlo child or Mr. nnd Mrs. Stouelnko, of West Marshflold, who was quite sick following tho acci dental drinking of kerosene, Is now Improving. Theirs was tho third child to drink coal oil within a fow days, ono case resulting fatally. Mrs, F. K. Gettlns, who hns been quite sick for sovcral wcckti, Is much Improved. Mr. Ilowllsh, of Camp Five, who has been laid up at Mercy Hospital for Bovoral weokH by a broken leg, was ablo to Icavo yestorday, the Injury having healed In good shape. Peter Dahl, a Smith mill hand who BU8tnlucd a broken leg one night last week, supposedly by a fall from an automobile, hns koiio to Mercy Hospital for treatment. Ho hns been staying nt the LIndnlil boarding house. Mrs. Georgo Hennessey Is report ed qulto sick nt tholr home In Hun ker Hill. Mrs. Frank D. Cohan has suffi ciently recuperated from her recent operation nt Mercy hospital to re turn to her homo In West Marsh flold. She Is getting along fine. MRS. ARTHUR McKEOWN nnd children have gono to Mnzo to spend tho summer. DR. LLOYD MOTT Is vlBltlng In Gnr- dlncr nnd it is said ho will return somo tlmo next week. JAMES FERRY nnd wife are down from their Isthmus Inlet ranch for n few days' visit. MR. AND MRS. CHARLES GOULD wero over hero last evening from their homo In Coqulllc. JOHN D. GOSS nnd J. C. Kendall went to Coqulllo this morning on tho Church damage suit. J. F. WENDLING. of tho Estabrook Company, camo over Inst evening from Myrtle Point to sco about Bomo tics. J. E. MONTGOMERY, of the tele phone compnny, was a visitor to tho county soat today on a short business trip. C. R. PECK was called to tho coun ty seat this morning In tho Clny Church cnBo. Mr. Peck represent ed tho Noblo Interests. MISS JESSIE TRASK who bus beon making her homo with Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Jarvls, has returned to her homo In cnBtorn Oregon. J. C. Penney Co. NEXT DOOR TO MARSHFIELD POST OFFICE No mutter what tho price, joii can buy the same grndo or better cloth at tho .1. C. PKNXHV STORE for less otcry day In the jear. Our prices nro always the same, Then, too, you get nothing but new, clean, inerchaiidlxe OUR RIGHT PRICKS THE YEAR 'HOUND IS WHAT MOVES OUR GOODS AND DOST LET THEM GET OLD. Young men's Suits with long pants, brown check nnd blue sorgo. Our price $7,110 Ynw will not find any suit that will compnro with these under ?lfi. They come In blue serge, neat gray, brown mixed and every one this season's niodcl. Our prlco IM0 We nro showing better values that over boforc. It's worth your while to compnro these nt every day prlco $1U 30 Try ono of the STERLINGS In blue serge, brown novelty $22.00 vnlue. Our prlco ljlH.7.1 Doya' Knickerbocker Suits, Norfolk coats, at every day prices of ?MH. -"J-.DH. $:i.)H, i? LOH. lion's odd Trousers. They nro worth doublo the prlco !?t.'-3, $1.80, $1.1)8, 9'M)8, $;i.'M, The Originators of Inv Prices yj Interocrtttd S rmmmarMTti W-hW'llt-yM-ii'liIm Wo end Others Follow CLAY CHURCH went over this morning to Coqulllo to appear In tho unit brought against the No blo estate. Rny Demcrltt aso wont lis, a wlfneas. MISS, KAKDELL has leased the former J,. T. McCormnc rcsldcnco property on Market avonuo from A. E. Seaman and will soon take possession. OTIS WILSON, of tho Red Cross, Is enjoying n week's vacation on Coos River, ' fixing up IiIb now homo northwest of tho Coos Day Croamory. DEN OSTLINI) wont down to Daudon this morning whoro today will bo opened tho b(tls on tho DD block -which will bo ono of tho moBt modern structures of the city. FRANK LAI8E nnd J. Albort Mut son nnd MnstorB Jullua Mntsou nnd Lloyd LoMloux, returned last ovenlng from an pvor-Hu,ndny stay at tho Laluu ranch In tIo Sand Hills. JAMES 110GAN who has moved lils marblo nnd monument workn from Coqulllo to Marshflold loft on tho Santa Clara for Sun Francisco on business. MRS. DELLE DARN1DGE loft Sun day for Portland and Salem, ac companying Mtb. Frank Cameron who was committed to tho Oregon Stnto Asylum. MRS. D. A. JACKSON wiib hero for a short shopping trip today from Catching Inlet. PERCY (HDIIS, of Norpi Inlet, this morning was down for a abort trip. MRS. LOUI8 ST. DENNIS waB here on n shopping trip this morn ing from North Inlet. MR. AND MRS. AXEI, RUTH wore down todny from Nor(h Inlot, coming to attend tho funoral of ChnrleH O. Hanson. W. J. COLE came In this morning from his ranch on Hayncs Inlet, tho first visit lo tho city slnco last fall. JOHN HANSEN and C. E. Ijunscn came down today from I (ay new Inlet to attend tho funoral of tholr uncle, (jharlcs O. HunHon. MRS. WILLIAM DJQRQUI8T, of Coos River, Is visiting with nor parents, Mr. nnd Mra. John Mat eon, on Catching Inlet. ROY ADDOTT, who Is now ono of thp fulthfuj on tho smltfr-Pawoni lino, spent Sunday horo. Ho Is as much of an, enthusiast over base ball as ever nnd says Ihot Pow ers can tako MnrBhflcId down the lino this Bummor. EMM,ETT PIERCE, foromnn of tho Tar Heel camp, was hero over Sunday nnd Bald tbt o expected to resumu operations thoro to day or tomorrow, tho rpconstruc tlon or tlio long trestle being practically complete. COLLIER l. 1HIFFINGTON, now an attorney t Gold Donch but for soYoral weeks a resldont of Marah field laBt wlntor, camo up yestor day on lognl buslnqsB and will ro turn ngaln tomorrow.' Mr. Duf riliRton Is strong In IiIh prnlso for Curry county. MRS. E. MJNaUB visiting today on Coob River with Mra. B. L. RcHtioy, having gono up on the early uont. C. L. MOREY and DeForest Mason, with hlnnkctH and fishing tackle, loft this attornoon for Ten Mllo on a fishing trip. DR. J. T. McCOIjMAC went up to his summer homo on South Coos Rlvor today, expecting to return again this evening. Itarley $ l.!W Rallies R. E.MILLEl?, superintendent pr tho dredgo Seattle, roturneij on the morning train to Dnndou after a short visit horo. 153 H ETiF"H -J'1 lw We Do and MRS. T. J. MACGENN cqmo yp on tho Vega from Emplro to North Dend on a short visit 'thin morning. MRS. WARNER OGREN und Miss Ogron, returned this morning from a camping trip near Ten Mlo on the Nola, Rasmusson place. "The Owl" Frank I). Cohan, THE KODK STORE MARSHPIELD-BANDON AUTO STAGE in Conht Road Leave Marhliflelil dally at 7 a. in. p. n I'jive Itutidon dally at 7 n. in. I !' " I'ARK 9S.OO. Ktanib yarnliflejd, Clmiidler Motll Xorjli Hend, pppoloXews Stand; Haiidnii, Gal I lor Hotel, II. X. "DICK RICHARDS MR. AND MRS. P. W. SCIIIFFILE camo In from Ilaynes Inlet to day 'whoro they have boon visit ing with Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Schiffolo. CHARLOTTE AND TYSON KEY- 8ER, nulco and nephew of Mrs Harvey Smith, Icavo overland to morrow via Eugene for their home In SIrhoii, California, after spending tup past year 8Ch0' hero. MISS EDNA LOUISE LAR8EN loaves the last of the week for Berkeley whoro sho will study music at tho stato university for tho summer. On returning In the fall, Miss Larson will Jcuch his tory of miiBlc" lu the OJordrum conservatory. MRS. W. S. CHANDLER returned this morning via Portland from a YlsU of Boveral weeks In San Fran cisco. Slio was mut at JarvU Und ine Vr Mr. und Mrs. Irving Chand ler and Mr. and Mr. Wllllum Chandler who wont up shortly be foro eight o'clock (n the speed boat Kid. Writes of Coos Schools. A most Interesting nrtlclo Is carried in the Sunday Qrcgonlnn on tho schools of Coos Cqunty. Tho pictures of Super intendent Raymond E. Baker and Supervisor F. A. aildcn rro carried, ns well as tho pictures of tho schools nt Eastslde, Hunker Hill, Denver Hill Dora and Rlvcrton. Columbia Hour 91,7,1 Haines. - MRS. WILLEY'8 NFAV STORK Is named THE NKEHL'ECRAFT Xow In new Honio. 78 Central Ave. Ladles' Emporium NEW TODAY 1 FOR SALi: Furniture of Ihrco. room house. Bargain. W. II. Fo toy, West fluuker Hill. WANTED General housework by experienced girl. Address P. O. Box 800, Marshflold, Oregon. WANTED Girl for general IioiisO work. .Mrs. A. II. Powers. FOR RENT Small modern fur. nlslicd bungalow, Phono 183-J WANTED By capable working housekeeper, position In small family. A. S,, Times. FOR HAILE Light team and wag on, a Biinp for unyono wanting to move out ovorlnnd. Only $225 for outfit. J. D. Gllflllnn. Del-mar. FOR RENT Two nicely fiirnlshodj roouiB, Mra. R. Nordrum,' 070 'fio. Fifth, Phono 37CJ. ttt t ' FOR SALE $1 FOR HA LK Dairy mid slink farm I reasonable Address II. W. 8an i ford, Sumner, Oregon. mj WAITED ' Vt ! ! WANTED Man and wlfo for runch work. II. R., caro of Times. .tmtl 1 FOP HEN I tmtmmmtti FOR RENT Furnished .Vrooni cot tage at 438 Hall uveniio. Phono 385-L or apply 081 So, h st, FOR RENT Myrtlo Arm1, modern furnished apartments, freo ,h,et and wator, $25 per month up. $ j financial" t'I I A1 receiving application for 1st mart, loans on Iraprovod ranchos, F. E. Conway, Myrtlo Arm Apt, i Have your programs pi luted ul Tlio Times office. FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOQDS FREIGHT AND 1!A1GA,GK . Cull FERGUSON TRANSFER i , i Phono 103 v Residence Phong HW Market Ave.' and Waterfront apcr 2:00 p. m. daily About it, :!wr- I'lUIVI" ., , ,