- THE COOS BAY TjrVlES, AftARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1915 E VENINQ EDITION. FOUR - .', COOS BAY TIMES M..C MAXONEV, Kdltor nncl Pub. DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor Official Paper of Coos County Official Paper City of Marshflcld. Entored at tlio Postofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second-class mall matter. SUBSCRIPTION HATES DAILY. Ono year $6.00 Per month .50 WEEKLY. Ono year $1.60 When paid strictly In advanco tho subssilptlon pilco of tho coos uay Tlraos Is $G.0O per year or f 2.50 for lx months. would bo that shu l the lady who Is getting six-bits u day for scrub bing tlio voodvork. When a man's anger Is smoulder ing, It Is up to his wife to turn tlio hose on Mini. ;T0 LAY RAILS SODW Many a Coos liny man's reputa tion for goodness Is founded upon j his ability to cover up. i If you can keep n good resolu tion aflont for only ono day It lias dono you at least 2 1 hours worth of good. l!V;li:i:il IIINR.MARSII HERETO IIASTi:. TRACK LAYINU WORK l.nrk of Locomotive Mas Been limn-1 perlng TIhmii for Some Days Will Itrnt One An Independent Republican nowa paper, published overy evening ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tlio Coos Day Times Publishing Co. Address all communications to COOS DAY DAILY TMIES. The only tlmu a Coos Bay man likes to hear a baby cry Is when he Is holding it. Ho knows that the nolso will bring mother to the res-rue. Flit MAKES OOOI) I'AVINO THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM editorially takes up the state in en t made that some have de clared Douglas fir not to be suit ablo for wood blocks for street paving. In this connection the paper says: "In n two years' trial of compet itive paying units in llaltlmorc, sev eral years ago, wood block was given the award by tho supervising engineer; and at the time tho state ment was specifically made, that Douglas fir was by far the best material, tho objection to it being that its prlco was prohibitive) by reason of tho freight rates. Thoro is no good reason why Douglas fir, properly selected and properly treated, should not be ns good wood-block paving material as can bo found anywhore In tho world. It is time enough to glvo It n black eyo when that test Is made and It falls." QUESTION KOI I TUN DAY Isn't It piovoklng to know n se cret and not ho able lo find any body who hasn't ulroudy heard it? And if you only knew It, thuio nro mighty few people on Coos Buy who do not live lit glass houses. Most every man hopes for the best, We'd like to dodge tho needs that fetter, Hut when wo get It wo don't rest; Wo wish we'd hoped for some thing better. A Coos Hay mnrrled man thinks It is polite to say ho isn't hungry when lie sits down to n table. Hut a hoy thinks It Is a darn He. Engineer V. O. llludmarsh, In charge of the engineering on the completion of the Southern Pacific i line from the Umpqtin to Coos Hay, was here yesterday arranging to hasten the steel work. They luncj 'been hampered by the ItuK m a smnll locomotive. Supt. .Miller of the! local line expected to lurnlsh thrin one or ins engines uui me moiui , car lias been laid up for repairs mid the engine has hud to be used i in its place. It was expected to' lime the motor car out or the shops before this hut failure to send some repair pints has delayed It again. I Yesterday, Mr. Illndiiiarsh was! trying to rent un engine from the1 Smith-Powers company. It would cost about $r per day but he said that they would save money by do-' ing It. lie was anxious to get It' out mid move some of tho steel at) Sand Point heroic the Hreakwatci brings In another consignment, on Friday. Notice to Campers To iircoinmotlaU' the Milliliter Iritfflr no will operate tlio I'nM boat Atlantic (lining: (ho camping mnimiii. Beginning .Inly I thin boat will urn on the follow lug; schedule, dull), except Sunday Will leme Marsh field at I : f. p. in., iiitIvIiik ill (.'oodulll's lit .-:.", p. in., letiiiiiliig the ne( morning nl K: I.". COOS RIVER TRANSPORTATION COMPANY Abstracts f.A.KILBURNjteamersSANTA CLARA wt c.uiouu-uu. ukci-uoos Bay-Portland worm uound FROM SAN FRANCISCO I FOR RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OK TITLE AM) INFORMATION AHOU'B COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSHKINLi) AND COQUILLE CITY, OREGON GENERAL AOEXTS, EASTSIDE AND SENGSTACKKN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LANDS HENRY SENGSTACKEN, MANAGER IOMIO n. iii. June , -jr. nnd ;, .h, .; ,,, .. , I'ROM COOS RAY FOR ASTORIA " A. ,',, ' f' " . '. M. Tide, .1,,,,,, .7, ail, 117, .luly a, 7, , "J !'' FROM PORTLAND SUlh BUnCl P. M. .Him. 111, , mi,.!,,,,. ,, ,, . FROM COOS RAY FOR EUREKA A.M. SIN VliCL, P. M. Tide ..,, ,, ,, a,., ,,,y ,, ,,, , un WORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP nn ""' Smltli Terminal Dock. Phono J!NI. y OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE iV King. GorM Cars leave Mi-i'slillcld. . . Cars Leave Sunset Ray til. .11 ii. in. and -I p. in. Fines, Empire, :t."e; Tarheel or South Slough, ."Or; Sunset Ray 7."e in. in. mill a and -I Ah! here ho comes! He's on tlio Job! He always gets my goat; I'm speaking of that brainless slob The man who rocks the boat. - UMTU TUC TAAOT AND THE TEA t f , The beo that gets tho honey doesn't loaf around tho hive. GOOD EVENING To tnko for granted ns truth all that is alleged aguliiBt tho fnmo of others, js a species of credulity that men would blush at on any other subject. Jano Porter. ttttttV - THE GOAL A bright, sweot smile on a w'ln- Honio fnco, ' In a fender heart, a wee, small place These arc- tho things that Llfo ran bring Smiles nro tho songs the sweot birds sing; Lighten the way for a care-worn soul 'Twill brighton thiuo own to the end tho Goal. A cheory nod when tho way seems dreur, A hand-clasp firm or n word of cheer; These, nro thu deeds which cost o siimll, That lighten tho burden for one and all; Kindness bestrewn o'er the paths men faro Will win you a Kingdom beyond compare. Selected. Most Coos Hay married men lose their good nature long before they loso their good looks. Think woll of n neighbor If you would ho thought well ,of by him. The more fuss a woman makes over n secret tho less It amounts to. It women controlled tho world there would ho no swords and guns. They would go to war with kettles of boiling water. REGALLSFIRST LINE ACTION OF RAILROAD REMIND ER OK OTHER ROUTE CHOSEN Mntcilal Will He Taken From Drain Where S. P. Mist Intruded lo llulld Did you know that we carry a full line of fresh VEGETABLES, FRUITS AND BERRIES, as well as a full line of GROCERIES AND COFFEES? Get a receipt and save FIVE PER CENT. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phcne 394-J. Broadway bet. Central and Commercial -". "Mauttfl'"HlllllHWwl IMTEH-OGEJUI THJUISPDHTATIIIH B Weekly Service Coos Ray and Sun FrancUco. STOMSH IP UN SMITH Freight and Passenger Service SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO l'() roos . .li'NU ai, AT il P. si. ' ' San Frnnctsco Office, 000 Flfo Rulldlng, j Vln Kumbw .Cooe Bay Agent, 0. 3 McGIeorge, phone '41 THE DAY'S ADVIC Always Iry lo remember that If you keep your mouth closed other people will be compelled to ugreo with you. I AT THE HOTELS X t Chandler Hotel K. J. Noble, Portland; Philip Ruohuer, Portland; A, 1'. Ruehiicr, Portland; A. l. Noble, Portland; 0. A. Sailor, Portland; Laura' Nottuge, Oardlner; J. M. Porter, (in nil nor; Theodore Unlike, Portland; 1 (5. Leslie, Cotiulllo; A. Hreymnn, Port laud; W. E. Taylor, Portland; J. K. Wendllng, Myrtle Point; J. R. Rus back, Now York; P. M. Hull-Lewis, Cotiulllo. St. Ituwienco Hotel James Johnson, North lleud; Clarence Gould, Coiiullle; Mrs. Clarence Gould, Coiiullle; Mr. nnd Mrs. L. C. Leap, Powers; James Thomas, North Heud; Jay Richards, Sumner; August Peterson, Empire. Itlaiico Hotel Fred Kelt. Powers; J. C. Tan ner, Portland; Dave Cowan. Alio-j ties, however, aio ehihsed as second gany; rciiiiueit Wlor, crosient city; i iiiiiul. and are used us temporary Sum Wilson, llluo Ridge; D. P. Wca-j spurs and sidings. .Mr. Fontaine ur vor, South Inlet; A. Sumner, Myr- inuged for the slripmont of u (juan tle Point; Fred Coleman, Coiiullle: tlly of these ties. George A. Taylor, Kelt ley; Alvln l.nrlc Nelson, superintendent of Smith, Coos Rlvor. (Porter mothers, tho construction l.lojd Hotel ! contractors, was In Eugene on his E. Klgur, I.lbby; t;. Arnold. Lib-1 way fiom (lardluer to Portland. Ho by; C. K. Haley, Myrtlo Point; .Mr. , stated that the work Is rapldlj being and Mis. Wages, Reynolds; Mrs. Surah A Kcllcy. .North llend: Al. K. Daggett. Allegan; J. I). Horsey, Powers. Somo of the old material nt Drain Is to bo used on the Will amette Pacific. This recalls tho work of tho Southern Pacific seven years ago when it was proposed to build tho line to Coos Ray from Drain on tho mainline. A great amount of work was dono on grading and tun nels ami hundreds of thousands of dollars wero expended. Finally tho work wns stopped and when tho lino to Coos Rny wns resumed It was sur veyed from Eiigono down tho SIus- hiw river to Florence and on to this, plnco coming down tho const. Rofor-' ring to the fact that material at Drain Is (o ho used tho Eugene' Guard says: ' AV. R. Fontaine, Southern Paelf-1 Ic engineer, returned this morning from Drain In Douglas county, whore ho Inspected somo railroad material I to bo used In tho Willamette Pat-Hie1 construction. When the Southern Pa cific first planned to build to the const It survoyed a lino down tho ITmpqua river from Gardiner, and began construction at Drain. Sovernl miles or gratlo were built and huge (liiiiiitltlrH of materials wero stored there. Among this wero thousands' of barrels of cement, heavy bridge timbers and many ties. ! Tlio railroad has been using the ' material wherever possible on the Willamette Pacific, and little but the i ties have deteriorated in the seven' years that It has been there. The! GRAVEL Wo are now prepared to furnish GRAVEL In nny quantities from pile In our yard or in carload lots, at following prices: From pllo on ground, $2.i5 per ynrd. canond lots, taken from caro, $2.00 por ynrd. Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Post-Off Ico. Phone 100. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD KVERV SUNDAY Dl'ltlXG Jl'Xi; AT A.SL, AND FRO.M PORTLAND EVERY THPItSII.W AT 8 A.M. Tickets on salo nt Portland City Ticket Office, (111, ,,,,,1 Oak Slrtcd. C II. LAMir.llS, Agent. Phono H5-.T. INDEPENDENT AUTO SERVICE Mui'.shflchl, Noith Rend, Empire, Tarheel, Sunset Ray. Leaves Mni'shfichl,,nt Rusy Corner, 7 a. in.; 10 u. in.; 1 p. in.; a p. in.; ." p. in. Leaves North Rend L minutes Inter. Leaves Empire K:H0 a. in.; I !::!() a. m.; t.Itl) p. in.; ;t::t( p. in.; (1:00 p. in. Trips after these hours may bo arranged for. Phone Rosy Cornel'. Night phono 107-R. 1 n 1 c yinniyniirn professional directory I u I U IVIIUdUIVIIVlLu MCE MEET IT Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tho most powerful, best equipped and most thoroughly raodVri twenty-Inch hydraulic dredge Ir. Pacific wntcn Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. Main office, Seattle, Washington. MTHTLEPOB H. H. Harper I HOUSE RUILDER General Repairing and Cabinet Making. Phono ai'J-J. r Walt about a month mid you will discover that you won't want tho thing that you feel you can't pos sibly get along without today. Somo of the Coos Ray brides who start In doing light house. Keeping turn out some pretty heavy food. Official Program FRIDAY, .ll'LY a.VD, .1015 No. 1 Trot or puce, one-halt I mile, two heats, each heat a race, 2:3.ri class, purso $100 No. Running, ono halt mile, ' pnrso $80.00 No. :t Trot or pace, one-half i mile, best two In three heats, tieo for all, purso $iar No. -l Novelty nice, ono mllo, ' $:i0 for first to quarter post, $40 for first to hair-mllo post, $55 for first to three- , quarter post, $75 for first to ! mllo stake $200 ' No. 5 Motor Cycle, 5 miles, $25 to 1st, $15 to 2nd.... $40 SATURDAY, ,11'LY il, 111.-5 .No. C. Trot or pace, ono-half mllo, two heats, each heat u race, 2:115 class, purso... $100 No. 7 Running, five-oighths mile, purso $ioo No. S Trot or pace, ono mile, ' I Chatham, a naal Imso on tho lower (leased death rate or parouts how-1 a,B' ovory "eat a .Thames, there are 180 war wldowsiever. for 22S of the children have v r'.0' "ln's, , lfi0 on ono street. Most or them lost , been nddod to the city's list from 'Running, one nnd ono- thelr Hiillor Illinium. 1 In thu Hlnkliii? ! IiirIIIiHIoiih Ih.ii mnn.K- ii,.i E"th miles, for Coos mid - " "p " ".... v., j luimru tilll i for tho walls themselves. J. M. Wright , Phono ISS-n RUILDING CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on request Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye, Em, Nose and Throat. CLASSES FITTER DR. MATTIK It. SHAW. Diseases of Women mid Children Offico Phono 330-J. Rooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Block MANY WAR WIDOWS ' In Olio Town ISO Women llnt Lost j Their Husbands. IIIj At.ocltlM I'rrH to Co lit? TIoim.) LONDON, Juno 15. How severe ly the naval ami military losses of the war have already atfected some communities In Ci oat llritalu is shown by tlio announcement that at lompleted. Miikl of tho construction Is centeied upon tho trostlo work along the lahos at present. Ho was accompanied by Wlllhun Kler, hooU l(eoier for Porter Riotheis, stationed at (ilcundu. Benjamin Ostlind CONSl'lriNO ENOINKER ARCHITECT AND Offlcos, 20G Irving Block. Phono 10U-L or 2C7-J. Marshflold, Oregon. MANY ORPHANS til, AmoiUioJ l'rM ( Cou n, Tlmr. J BERLIN. .Mine 15. -Tho number, of orphan children tor whom tlio i city of Berlin has to care has grown, since April 1. HUI. from 0178 to' 10.000 on April 1. tOir. The in crease is not entirely due to nn In- H. G. Butler CIVIL ENGINEER Room 301 Coke uidg. Phono 14D-J. Resldonco Phono 12S-L. Dozens of Savings Accounts Have Been Opened Here This Year Not all large accounts but the smaller Knows he is just as welcome here. For months we have been urging the opening of a savings account here because we want to encourage thrift and industry. We pay interest on savings accounts. You may open an account at any time in any amount. FIRST NATIDWAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Went. W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 1101 mid 302, Coke Building, Marshflold, Oregon. THE QFIET OBSERVER SAYS. "jihwb or iinmii' nro tnose who 'of Mu, iA,nnldnlilo. Bonnes and Prlu do not try lo flirt with tho brhlo- rosa nCno. groom," ' I Eyery pncti In u while you will I meet a man who is so worried overi tho money market that he can't dig' up any niarket money. lb R costs one cent a word j to tell your story each day In 1 Tlio Times want columns A !, IC Few Coos Ray men nro able to appreciate getting the short end of a joko. !- COOS BAY TIMES WAR MAPS, TEN CENTS Rl'Y AN PP-TO-TIIE-MINl'TE WAR MAP WHILE THE Sl'PPLY LASTS Curry County horses only. pnrso $200 .o. io consolation race, for nil hnrsos good as second o. it -Motocyclo raco, $25 to 1st, $15 to 2nd, purse... $40 Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshflold, Oregon. not finishing n8 Perl Riley Ballmger cond. purso $75 PIANIST AND TE. niER Rosldenco Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phono SCS-L, FLnlGl rl BEIETT BANK OLDEST RANK IN COOS COUNTY Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tinio i AND SAVINOS DIJPOSITS Officers T. W. Renuuit, President. I. II. Plaiiiigan, Vice-President. R. l WlllInniH, Casliler. Qeo. l 'Winchester, Asst. CftJ'lc'' Before she marries she is a princess. A'"l "Her she Is mtiirloil for a llttlo while she reigns as a quoe'ji. But, after about ton years of married life' and raising children you 'could walk Into the klteheii and ' your first guess would v that alio' Is the 'lady who. Is doing the washing, aiid the second guess I Cooling Wash Stops That Itch fnnVKour n In Ts-.net InhalfnnT hour not ten minute but lu b aoconas. Just a trvr drops of that mild, uoatli tnK. coollnc vunb, the 1. I), II. l'ro ccrlptlon. the ruinous euro for i:czoiii.i, unit tho itch la cone. Your burnlnu-Kln Ii lntantly raUavcd end you have nl olutu protection Xrum allteimiuerbUtn H,Uib,iC",..y:o eB ,v J"0" i Kt lra trial boltlo of tlio tenulno D, V. 1. J'roscrlptlon for only 15 cent. Don't foil to try thU famous remedy for nny kind or Biimmer kln trouble--, wo know r. d. n. vlil ..lu. .... ...-.rT7 relief. " ' DUNGAN UWDERTAKING PARLORS illl be Kept OPl'N TO -nn: Pl'BLIC A legulai' slate licenced iindei taker uIR bo In charge Phone ll).-)..l DRY WOOD Y CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street Phono -71) Red Cross 8 rug Store. Pictures & framing Walker Studio Koontz Garage "' ' Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES - EXCELS MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty MB. r o.. Phone 180-i I iuiii iii r iiiii .aii hiii -- '- .. - 1-V) ' ji in -, 4I. viu wuut