s THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1915 EVENING EDITION. r . THREE roowxv'i 1 lfT)v ilcfs Fronts crjJcCpiin PDRTORFDRD READY 'm.ki:s plans ix)n ahath oau MVAIj AtJAIN this viiaii GARDINER BANK HAS NEW HOME liMltiillou Coniploles Modem Stitic. Hun Supplied Willi ('oncivto Vault ami Steel Siifo (Sioclal (o The Times) OAUDINHlt, Ore., Juiu. in. Tho First N'tttlonal Hank of tills city 1ms Just complotuil a now nnd modern building which tho Institution will NEWS OF BANDON Notes (if Cltj hj ilo sni front the Western Win III A mighty good doctor sajs to nic once: "When it comes to cur'm ' folks, Nature is the real M. D. I'm only her assistant. ' ' That's the zvay I fee! about cur in ' tobacco (or r Ipi tprr. rfH'K y ill i j r ill x IT'S hard to show Nature any 1 thing about curing tobacco. So vc have adopted Nature's own way to make VELVET the smoothest smoking tobacco slow, patient ageing. Er QpffiV Mfe1 may "process," but they can't pui iniw iuud(v-u any liner pipe qualities than those Kentucky's limestone soil so richly gives to the Bttrley de Luxe, But these qualities can be improved. They arc brought out in. their fullness in the agcd-in-t lie-wood mellowness of cool, slow-burning VELVET, For two yesn tho finest Burlcy leaf remains in scaled wooden casks, and then only is it ready -to be made inlo VELVET. Get your tin note join the growing ranks of tlie army who have found VELVET tobacco a delight without a single drawback. Send a 2c olamp for "Pipe Philosophy" a book of Velvet Joe'3 philosophy and verse. 1 Oc Tins Jfefe&fciufe&cco Gx, fJc Mctal-lincd Bags St. L01115, Mo. One Pound Glass Humidors Copyright 1915 K. H. Woslotlor, son of Mr. unci Mrs. Wcsleder, of this city Is heio to lslt his parents, llo Is n mov ing plctmo man nml has brought his machine ami expects to take some films of tills locality. An election will ho hold Wrdnos- occtipy as a bonking homo. In tho',1,,y w"" ,0,l,lt""ll, 'hoen building Is a uvcnrono.l rnnemt.,iaml w,lt,,l 80W'rul '"ensuics will bo 17. "lr uv .m&- Jr' " tt .-k (ft v-.fri" qi f Bl frj 1 I 1 1 ii)II K' V.' i1 ' l&l I &? 1 1 -El K iisctTT1'-' -s-sy !. , ,ii'rn ' y 1 1 (" "I 1 WOTH MaIIIMI !!! Illlll.lll IWIIMII lniildliiR Is a livenforcod concrete vault which sots on a solid concrete baso built nji from several feet below tho Biirfuco of tho kiouiiiI. Inside tho concreto vault Is a stool money safe and safety deposit hoes. WILL HAVE COLONY Aiistiiuiix Jhiy IjociiIu Oh I,anil In Ciniy Couiily Thcro will be qulto an addition to Curry county population aicordlUK to the following from tho Tribune: An Austrian colony near UiubIoIs H ono of tho possibilities that may add considerable to tho population of northern Curry In tho near fu ture. An. advance agent from that country has boon In this section re cently, and considering nn offer made to htm by K. II..Sypher. Involv ing 300 ncres of the old Walker ranch. It Is understood that this land was offered to tho Austrians for a consideration of $1,000. - I XIAVS or SOINCIt I voted upon Miss Krnm Cralne, of llandou and MIks Hello Thrift of Ooiiullle, dnugh WORK TO BE DONE1 BY THE COUNTY IH1I1 for Erecting ll(m-vi nt tho County Poor I'miii Ait) AH Itojeetnl (Special to tho Times) COQUIM.K. Ore., Juno 15. All of tho bids mndo for tho erection of a now superintendent's resldonco nml flvo cottages nt tho county poor farm woro rejected by tho county court and tho work will bo dono un der tho supervision of tho county court and tho architect, 1'. M. Hall-Lewis. Shelley & Knsolo made n bid for tor of Assessor Thilft, are among ( tho wholo work Including plumbing, tho list of HO!) Sonlois giadiutlng , painting nml wiring for $l,:tlt.or.. from the O. A. C. this year Mrs. .Margaret Ogiou and daugh ter, Anna, and Miss Kll.nboth Vox Tho other bids were by B. W. Crogg, for labor and materlul. Ja.OTiO: Ooodman fc Uoodmnn, for painting, luno returned from a lsit with $0G7.S2; .1. A. Lamb & Co., for relatives and friends nt Marshfleld. plumbing S3S I: nml Kroil Schlliii. J! .tLJLlLwJL !L 3LZ3C 3C (Special to Tho Times) SUMN'IJU, Ore., .luno K.. Mrs. W. 11. N'orton enterlalned very nloas- I nntly tho Sumnor Social Club Weil 1 nesday afternoon nt their usual sow I lug and Hoilal mooting. In serving delicious refreshments tho hostett was Jywlstod by .Miss ! Illhlur Selandor and .lowdo Xorton. Those present were Mrs. Clins. So lander, Mrs. A. 1). Wright, Mis. Fied Hanson, Mis. L. (1. Mnslors, Mrs. W. II. Purrln, .Mr. X. II. Hansen. Mrs. Andrew, .Mrs. I Masters, Mis. .Juiiiob Stock, Mrs.' Orover C. Motley, Mrs. O. . Wilson, Hlliliir Sulander, .les slo Xorton, Ilothol Stock. Ollvo Ulib- nrds, Helen Motley, Mary and .lames Mlsa Klslo Wolfe, who has boon 111 for about two weeks, Is consid erably Improved. She has been re moved from tho Wolfo homo to the Kmcrgoncy hospital In 01 dor that she may bo better caied for. Mr. ami Mrs. Jerry Croft of San Kranclsco, who had been visiting nt tho homo of H. M. Croft of Now Lake, the past few weeks, leturnod south on tho Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Croft are in tho thcatilcnl pro fession, and have been on the Or pheuiu circuit for some time. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Van Flout and family left '011 tho Kllzuboth for San Francisco to take In the ICxposltlou. From there they go to Redding, Cnl.. where Mr. Van Flout will bo principal of the giadu schools tho coining term. They shipped their household effects. REPORT MADE ON THE TRUST LAWS lloMilt of l,'teiislo Sillily 1111 (lit Subject N PiOM-nted to Pies. Ident Wilson Today -ff 1- .-s-i F 'l- ' -n n&f fiisTjS 1. iiii -1 ' II V I SJC t Ui.'jC-lTVia-?. 1T. m- 1 . .. -; Tjitm . -. -j ii 1 . f4. JmlKB&r - 3 8 t t: iff? ' , . . v.,ijsa pwjsifif.flg . c ' m ' i, isfc&zF,m , r.zL-. d fiKvaww a ftra-. nxi h ( . mmmm -mJi j v irn n n W . QHj 1 aiil MOW 1UI : the storfe cukei IDKAIj SL'.M.MHIl TltlPS Steamer Rainbow leavos Marsh- field for South Coos Itlvor every I Sunday nt b n. 111. and returns at C p. m. I.Hiimh KxprcsB Wouk day samo . Iiouirt. IDCAIi I'ltlli: (iitovi: AND I'ICXKJ CJIt()U.l)S 11,-liiK your lunch baskots. ko- 'daks nml fishing tiuklu for 11 fow I days' outline. Sunday school and 'all picnic ciovvils a spoclalty. , ltound Trip, 75 (outs. For chatter apply on hnaiil or phono "lOX'J or phono :ilC7. nr AiiocUltl IVi to Coo Iltr TIraM j WASHINGTON, l C, Juno II. Results of an extensive study of Tiust l.awH and Unfair Competition vvero submitted to President Wilson 1...I... I.. .. ........ ...-..,,., HA.1 I... 111,. .., " ""IllllIM Ui il lUj'UU jii Viill 1.11 V l nt80n, Wllmn nml Francis Fariln. .,1,1 1. ,,. nt rvinw.mHiiiia f,. nu I.avelle Cllnklnboaid. Zarn l.on8dnli;,,,fornmtlvo valuo to Congress In orIn nml Cuil Wilson. Lmiwtinv 1i.i.iImiiim l.Vilomi mill. I.loyd Ilnnson, Mrs, N. II. Hansen, luuHt laws, Judicial decisions and Mrs. F. Mnslers, vvero taken into tliu I tliolr lufluoncus upon forms of busl- j club ns now ineinbors. j 10MI orKanis5atloiiB mo discussed ns , The next mooting will bo hold nt are tho state laws and thoso of for- tho homo of Mrs. I.. 0. Mastois. Lgn countries. , SIih. Hobt. It. Watson and clillilron The chief conclusions of tho study 'Spondlng several clays nt tliu liuiuo.iim Hint ili iiKifilnniiiiiiii of nntl. of Mrs. Watson's slstor Mru. U. Q. trust luglslatlcm and consmiuont Ju Mastor of Sumner. dklal cloclslons have boon Imporlant - f.mliilin lit ulititktliir f il ttiiu tf fillilltlikUCI - luiwt n ill niiMfiiifS l'tin in iniainunn C0QUILLE CITY OFFICIALS "rKiiltloii and that Interproliitlous ; of tho Sherman law, especially tho J ,J for painting. J5St5.7n. Tho nucrocntn of thoso, Including only tho lowest bid for painting, vvns $I,110.0C. .Model 11 JIimiso Thero will bo nn eight room houso for tho superintendent which will bo n modern home, livo cottages will bo for tho Indigent who mo sent to tho farm to bo cared for. Ono will have four rooms, two will havo two rooms and two will bo ono room cottngoa. A wnter system Installed Inst fall will furnish vvn tor nnd tho houses will all Imvo sow er connections. An nddltlou Is to bo mndo to tho main building to provide for n fruit ennncry. Will llo .Mnclo 11 lllgger Kvent Than liver Held Thero ' Ueforo (Special to Tho Times) POUT OltFOitl), Ore., Juno 1C Croat preparations nro being mndo for tho Agnto carnival this year which It Is expecled to make bigger than over before. At n meeting of tho Commercial Club plans for tho event vvero dis cussed nt consldornblo length. Tho carnival, which will bo on August lit, 20 nnd 21 .will bo hold nt Agnto bunch, on tho snmo ground os last enr. A now nnd attractive fenturo thnt will bo put on this year Is a carnival chorus of Bomo forty voices. Other new nnd novel features wilt mako this tho biggest celebration In tho history of Curry county. Tho club him gono on record ns opposed to booze nnd bootlegging, and will bend every effort to mako tho carnival a clenn colobratlon vvhoro a good wholcsomo nlr will Biirround tho women nnd children Hint como thero. ARE STILL CANNING SlIAIIOItO VACATES I'OIITIO.V OP lU'MMXti AT ItOdUi: IllVKIt 13. MVItTM: POINT POINTKItS (Special lo Tho Times) W. K. I.undy. Mr. and Mr. II. I.11110, Dr. and Mrs. Johnson, Chut Ilullng and Misses DoVoro and Far bur, spent Inst Sunday nt IJrowstor, fishing, O. II. Ilnlght loft Tuesday morn ing for Albany, Ore., his old homo. Mr. Ilnlght Iiiih boon living In Coos county for uomu tlmo unci will bo missed. Tho Flniingnn nnd llennolt bank building, the Ponrso Harness shop and tho Pratt furniture- store nro nil being ropnlnted this week. J. h. Knight bus bought In the Ment Market ImisIuobh with Frank Davis nml thoy Imvo moved tho nmr kot to the Knight bullillu: west of Ilullng & I.undy's building recently vncnted by tho ltohbliiH shop. WIDOWS LOSE PENSIONS Cuiiiily Court Itiiluccn IJM lo 'J2 In Cons CAIt kou 111111: ' Oliver Kephnit Phono :tl() QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Phono 106-L. I MAItSIIKIIUiH, OHKGON The old-fashioned strawberry short cake which mother makes in the modern gas range is about the most delicious delicacy which was ever baked. In the old days when grandmother made the short cake it was a day-long task. The fi re in the coal range had to be just right. She had to wait for the oven to come to the c orrect temperature. Now it is a question of minutes to get the oven right. The mode rn cabinet gas range makes baking a real pleasure. It has remov ed all of the guess work, all of the drudgery, there is no longer an over-heated kitchen and a tired mother at the dinner table. "It can be done better with gas" regon Power Co, ISiilHHH&iiiSyffiaMHBi At the boglnnlng of tho war, whon business looked bluo, tiio automobile manu facturers deelded thoy would go tight ahoad. Thoy did not curtail tholr newspaper advertising. If an) tiling thoy Increased It. What was tho result? Tho manufacturers almost with out oxcoptlon now report that tliolr salos have Increas ed right along, and In somo Instnncos nro from 25 to 50 por cent ahead of tho same months or 1913-11. Tho big automobile shows held In New York, Philadel phia,' Chicago and Iloston, have boon attended by tho largest crowds over known in tho history of such oxlil bltins and the numbor of machines disposed of has been far In oxcess of thoso of other years. TIIIl TIMH.S. Can help your business Mayor Monition named the Mine1 officials who Imvo been boning the iniht your nnd thoy vvero confirmed: l.ogicl Advisor--!,. A. I.IIJuvlst. City Knglnoer- S. K. Ilendoricou. Marshal A. P. Miller. Night Marshal-Oiicar Wlckliam. Wut or Supoilntcmdont H. V. Kp-porsou. Tronsuror It. H. Most. Health Officer Dr. V. I.. Hamil ton. Tho monthly snlnrlo of tho np polntlvo officer wug mndo the hiiiuo ns last jear: .Muralm!, $70; night marshal, $70; Wutur superintendent, $70; flroehlof, $5; til engineer, $1 per day for aorvlciM netunlly render ed; tronsuior, $1'00 por jonr; lognl advisor, not to oxceod $50 por mouth and honlth officer, such amount as tho council might prcmcrlbo for nor vlcos rendered. Coiiulllo Sentinel. .Mc.iilson Ximics Appointive ioro lucent decisions, Imvo demon wiih its nicio istrnted lis fur reaching effect. Prac tically 110 twilight one bus been loft 1 tho lepoit says which cannot bo ' reached by state or federal law. 1 "Although the Shormuu null-trust mitt Hie iniiml. "It In lint so rliMiriV .,.... -.---. ----- ..- .,.,. .... , ... ' . tllUt tllll JlllllClUl cie.ll- iiira iiuiii lllillKeill HOIIIIorS' About forty nppllcnut'H for widows pensions appeared before tho county court to present their cuboh under t lilt 111 VI 111 l 'Pint not .... it I I .. II... ..' .tv... itM itiu nut, ivhiiil in iiiu ...v imv iiiu iiiiv rnn action tiikuii by Unit court on tliuBot80 tl,Ilt tho 't part of tliu now mt.l il. i.n . . , (iimmrts vn.., I.....1 .1 TeniMirnry Iiijunctloii Kccted to bo DNiiIsmiI Today, Hnyn ('. II. lliifflngtou "Not for a mlnuto has tho snlmon cannery of I). A. Sunborg on tho Koguo Itlvor boon stopped because or a temporary Injunction granted tho Woddorburn Trading Company IT. ilnyn ngo." snya O. II, llufflngton, nttornoy for Seaborg who was In tho city today. A motion to dismiss tho Injunction, ho said, will bo present ed to County Judgo Wood today and thnt tho nttornoy for tho Maclcny in terests has given assurance that thoy will mako no romonstrnnco In tliolr Injunction being dlssolvod. Mr. Moc loay stated InBt Saturday white In Murshriold thnt ho had ordored tho Injunction dropped In ordor to sturt n suit in equity Involving tho linos. Clmngo or Itlver Tho Injunction reculls tho story of how tho Itoguo river, In Its frenk windings, finally cut bnclt so far thnt tho control of nil tho lands on botn sides of tho lowor river was lost to It. D. Hume. Years ngo Ilumo took up land bordering tho rivor. A tract owned by Alf Miller wns hnlf a mile back rrom U10 water. Tho course so chnng. ed that It loft Miller n frontngo on Koguo Itlver. Ho lonsod this to Son. borg for a toim or years on which to build n ennnory. Tho Wochlorhiirn Trading Com pnny conlonded tlTnt tho lines rnn I nml other cuso ot uppllcutlou ror.nld as follows: Widows' pensions granted, 22. .Monthly nlowuucefl from ludluont 'fund, 10. j Widows' pensions discontinued, fi. Widows' pensions refused, 10. IIowIiik nro tho widows to oMiiiiMsuoci 1 mu inn judicial cieni- slons iifford 11 basis ror determining . '""" " .. . .... Tin. fill wiui oxueincw ino lawiuinoss, or nn- " "" "iiiu m . - - i vuurnu . ...1,,,... i .. . ... cnl nff tlw.1.. ,1,... 1. 1.... .. ..... vvrulnoHN when taken soveially of """" ruiimuim uru niioweii wiui r " "" ""i iir. mining. any particular devices that have lll "tlily rate; Kmlly A. Worth, j ,0" S"'H 't all freight ami fish aro ten used collectively to control tho i0 M"ssa Nelson, $2r.; Clnrn K, "ow ''"Klit In from thu side, niket. Almost every decision has Canterbury, $25; Hobo K. OwiHiy, "" ' or JIcu .In I ma 1 been mniket. Almost every decision has been biisod on a complux set or fucts nnd tho U80 of a numhiir of dirferuut dovicos to restrain Undo, cannery extondoed over on tliu com- puny land. Moved In Night Hoarlng of tho move tho night bo foro tho cannery men vacated the ontlro fiont pnrt of tho building. In Iho hours or darkness, mvlng tholr muehlnory nnd supplies to tho rnr Thoy roped off an olght by about iihiiimi 11 "dead lino." This, of r.mr. cm on tnoir dock but Mr. Hurling. NEW SERVICE FROM HOEY DENIES CHARGES MADE S.ijs No .Men Weio DIm lunged After llelug Slilpjicil In for Woik 011 thu Itiillioad Denial or charges lucuntly made at l.Tni'nliii ruirlirilllll u'nrlc fill Hill mil- WPATHPR DIIDCAll Iroad Is mndo In tho following from . tho Kiigono Itoglstor; IF..I11II10 II. ....I. It... ,.. ...., . .. ' V.i nif.tt iL'i.ri, flluflirirffHt nml lllil ......,,,,. ,,!,,.,,, 1, t) , .i or IIIU. ' ' ",v" ""- ...--... n - 1 -..-v... ,,,,, ,,,u iuiiKuil railroad is 1101 snippuiK in men in nuiiiiers- niiid wero as follows: J. II. 1. 1.. ....11.... ... 11...' AI11. tn. f... 1.. ... . ... 'l I niiy iiiiiiiiiuui, uuciiiiiiiik i" HIU...MU4, u, ,uib. ii, 11, uiiurcu, Jli, . ... .. i ,....... I rpl.,. I...,, . . . WvquiWTnv 11 r sintoiuuni 01 11. r. nooy, uwibcuiii. 1 1 nu iuuikuiii iiiiiu allowances ells wAHill.MiTO.N, I). C Juno IS. (southoin Paclflo onglnuor, who coin-'continued woro as rollows: Mrs 10 lOllltlvu llllllllilllv In Iho ..,1.1.11,. . . . ... , ,,..... ... ..1 ,...lll,,... 11, ...11 -. Day $-'rij Cora J. Conrad. $10: Mnrla (Irnnt, $10; Annlo Hunsen, $10; Allco J. King, $:i2.f.0; Porl It. Hal linger, $I7.C0; I.ydln McUy, $10; Flosslo M. Ferrari, $215; I.ury i:. Hither, $215; Cnthoiliio M. Chirk, $17.50. Tho allowunco mndo rrom tho In digent fund woro as follows: .Mary K. Tanner, ,2G; Kllun Motclf. $2Gj Mary u. Yonkor, $IC; Abblo I). Ilrulnanl, $B; j.y porry( jir,. Louisa J. Corbln, $IC; Nuiiciy A. Hoi lenbeiik, $2B; I.onii Dull Morohouso, $20; H11111I1 Itofce liovt. 110: r.nni- I Hondorson, $10. Tho allowances rrom tho Indlgont Moro than 00 moil nro nmninva.i by Heaborg, snys the nttornoy. Or this number about 30 nro rishormen. "Thoro hiiB boon not a bit or (rouble botweon tho flshormen of the two outfits," ho says. Chinook salmon this yeur nro bringing about 7C cents n piece, n boost In the prices of last last year. "And In tho last two weeks," con tinued Mr. lliirriiiKtou, "wo hovo canned moro fish than tho Wodder burn peoplo. Wo Imvo steadily put up botweon $fi00 nml $000 worth every clny and tho season Is now get ting hotter." Will lie Included in llepoils " ;noiiiuuiu I'Jifiiiu eimiiiuur, wihj tuiu- Iho lolntlvo humidity In thu mldillo pieted an Invostlgutlou or ohurKOs C tllO day Will htreaftur bo llicllld- mmln l ll llylrlel nllnnniv. iiurllnr oil In tho vvemther loports furnished ,iu t, week. A laborer had coinplun-l Win, Hughes, account r Hoyt fum, dally by tho Weutlior Iliireau to tho 0cl thnt Portluud omploymunt tin-illy V,; T. J. Stlllwull, $10; H. D. nowsiiapers. At present observations roniis woro In collusion with sub. Mtiulyiu, $20. Cociill0 Huntlnul. or tho rotative humidity nro tnkon contractors to dofpaud tho labor-1 fll ft A.lnr.l 1.. .1 ... I ... muwi 111 ins illuming unci s ors. o'clock in tho ovonliiK, but nt thoso j Mr. Hooy found thnt no iiion havo tliiios tho tomperature Is likely to bo 'boon shipped In to sub-contraotors much lowor and the rolutlve humid- ;Buco April, nml Hint tho only men Ity much higher than In tho ruldilln i.,i,i,,,i aii. ltu r,.r,, t r.n of tho dny. An oxtra observation ofien, truck Injurs, sunt In to Iny Mary Wuilhum. $10: Mrs. Vina Ar. liugtoii, $10: Mnrla llurko. 110? ADMINIK'lillt KSTATIW RUSSIANS SURVIVE N 11 o In the Probate court Arublu Homm or Marshriuhl, was uppolntud ndinln- istrutor or tho uslute or Alnhonso i). -" ..,, w. j iiivii, iiucn injuiv, uiiv 111 iu ih in,,,.,, , , .... tho rolatlvo humidity will thurafnra u.i f-m f,.ii,iA.. in An.,... nt i,iJ ,loono' "sensed. 'Iho ostato consists bo taken, probaly at 2 p. ,. 'n,nI)or 3 were ttnaWe to stand tho "j1 It""tt, v(aI"ttd at 3'000 ' This additional Information Is ox- heavy work, and twolvo moro nion , ,.,"0M "ro"orly o nmount of POCtOll to bn nnl rinlv nt MO,w.,.l i . . ,.. , ,.... ... ..., ' """. ... ... ., ... BB,U, iii-iWUru "iii. 111 iwu iihjth miur iu iuru. .... In,.,.l ... ... .11. ...... At llin fifltTlf. Il.tin A -!...- Itchi'iilhls cm (lie Limllimlu Itc-acli Pclriignul Knfely nr Amtlttfel rmi to two s7 TtmH. PinitO(JIlAI), Juno IP Nino Itiisslun survivors or tho r.usltanla Imvo nrrlved hero. They nro all re servistH, who woro an tho way rrom Ohleugo nnd New York to Join tho army. After tliolr rosouo they wero ta ken to Quceiistowu, where they re mained In hospital for several days before resuming their Journey, Of ttio 82 Russian passengers on board thu liner only U9 escaped unci or 21 Persians only ulno survived, '"'"" '" l" l,u""c "i largo, nut or, their places. These men woro not :. ' - """' " ",u",r, aaaaaaaaaa practical value in certain branches 'employed by tho sub-contractors, but J!0" WaH , n(,," ,lT,u,, 'lml,,a- Jnmn rnni.J . or manufacturing- The humidity of bv ihe Wlllamotte Pacific comi.anv r ' ,r of tl,u eslato of ," Orosilonlc bl.Id.l.NO 0001)8 ho atmosphere plays, tol 2, H1 ? 0- -1! JSi'iJlZ Sm'er t nn Important part in cotton anln- rnnim . Mr. nv. , PrlilnR pononnl property to tho Boods is Ratline the customer JL-nsX1-sw. amount or $981.55. Couiilll.i Son. Into tliu storo. uoos Hoy Illntr nml I., .,,..,, rviitn .....i.. .. . -..c ,.,. 11 , nereHU.lri' in Initgui II 1... n.ii,..., ...iirlt ti.nrrt .irnriluli t..m,l L'rl - ,w ,v ,,.,,,,., ,v Miuuiai ...". ....,.... t ..,., ..u... UleatlS. An ni rri. ttinn gf It... ..1. Ii.l' 1 1. nil illnn j 111. in fl.llri.u i.l.lfilnitfl tlvo huuiiuit) utJro.jfciyiiJ.isaolU,,c teemwIHK oi t'ud of tho day. L ',,"u'a wul au"3 brlim results. ) i . Tlmoa ads will help you solve this problem. mtvt