THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1915--E VENING EDITION. FOUR COOS BAY TIMES V. O. MALONEV. Keillor nnd Tub DAN K. MALONKV, News KiHtor science to tell him wlien lie 1ms done wrong. A Coos Hny nmrrlcil in nn doesn't need one. lie has n wife. Offlrlnl Pnpcr of Coos County Official Paper City of Mnrshfield. Entered at the Postofflce at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second-class mall matter. Love's young dream ends when lovey'a snoring wakes dovey up. SUIJSCIUPTIOX HATES DAILY. Ono year $6.00 Per month CO WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid strictly In advanco the subscilntlon nilco of tho Coos May Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for lie months. It taltcs n mighty good liar to sit down beside u pretty girl and talk to her for nn hour nnd say nothing. You hear of other things. Hut you never hear of n mini working himself to death when he Is work ing for another man. An Independent Republican news paper, published every evening ex copt Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. Address all communications to COOS DAY DAILY TIJIES. .VAJOR MORROW COMI. gm A30R MORROW, f tho CJov y1 ernment engineers' office at "' Portland, It is announced, will soon visit this part of the state. Ho will Inspect the Jetty at the Sl uslaw1 River, tho Government work nt Hundon nnd will also visit Coos Ray. Major Morrow has always been a good friend of Coos Day and It" is to him that wo owe much that wo have received. It would be no more than fitting to show the Major some courtesies and appre ciation nnd glvo him some kind of nn entertainment. It can soon bo ascertained Just when ho will be hero and how long he will stay nnd what over Is done enn bo arranged accordingly. At the Sluslnw River Major Morrow will sco splendid results as tho result of the Jetty construction which will bo contin ued. Tho reports of captains cross ing the bar nt that river show that for nearly a year past there has boon eighteen feet of wnter on the bar at high tldo. This is an li crcaso of seven feet slnco tho Jetty construction was commenced. It Is certainly a flno result nnd shows what would bo accomplished at Cons Bay with tho reconstruction of tho Jetty. THE OLD CROITI! MAYS "The difference between sninllpox nnd marriage Is thnt you can't get smallpox the second time." WORTH FIRST STREET VIEW CLAIM THAT PROPOSED (SHAD IX(J .WOl'Ll) RE DISASTROl'S TO PROPERTY OWNERS WAUXIXO ISSIEI) TO COIXCIL MII.V 1'OR TOXKSHT'S MEETING'., Abstracts FOR RELIAHLE AHSTRAOTS OF TITLE AM) IM-'DUMATION AROUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, Sec TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAESH1TELR AND COOUILLE CITY, OREGON GENERAL AGENTS, EASTSIDE AND SENGSTACUEN'S ADDITION AGENTS l-'OK CANADIAN PACIK10 RAILROAD LANDB HENRY SENGSTACKEN, MANAGER The umbrellas Coos Hay men car ry nro nil of the dollar variety, but no man ever lost nn umhrolln thnt wasn't a five-dollar ono. Some Coos Day people go nround acting as though the world owed them n debt of gratitude for con senting to live in It. When n woman Is being married for the fourth tlmo It must make her grin when the preacher comes to tho "love, honor nnd oboy" part. A Coos Ray man will bellove that there nro 810,954,121,082 stnrs, but you can't convince him thnt other women arc built Just like his wlfo. ! THE OUIKT ORSERYER SAYS I "Pay will bo as you go and tho going easier." It doesn't matter whnt the price, Nor where they put tho pads; Somehow your clothes don't look as nlco As they did In tho ads. RERUILDING I IAN DON ONE year ago last Friday tho city of Handon suffered a big tiro which burned out n big portion of tho business district nnd caused n loss to property owners aggregating $250,000. The smoko of tho costly flro had hardly cleared awny until n reconstruction begnn. With Bomo tho flro wiped out till thnt thoy had, but a spirit which could not bo shattered and for which Handon has always been tr. mous, nrovulled and those who were tho worst losers prepared to begin in business over and to build up the city again. Of tho cstubllshmcntH destroyed by flro there nro only two which nro not now engaged In business. Others nro In largur ami moro modern quarters, tho main street of tho city where tho flro occurrod has been paved, side walks Imvo been laid nnd now buildings nro changing tho appearance of tho business district. It 1hh been n hard year In which to mako Im provement, but thu Handon people woro not to bo discouraged and cortnlnly to bo congratulntert on whnt they have dono to overcome tholr loss nnd to mako (ho city bottor than It was hcfnro tho flro. I WITH THE TOAST t l A AND THE TEA J THE WISE GUY SAYS Never hit a mnn when ho'a got you down." t The older a mnn gets tho less ho knows ho knows. Tho Lord made woman and then sho nindo herself over Into n lndy. ' Tho nvorago Coos Ray man's conscience Is moro elastic than his suspenders. A Cooj Ray woman Is always looking on tho bright side of things, especially mirrors. A Coos Ray wlfo Is always telllnp how sho earns half tho Income and her husband gets It nil. Wo lmvo heard of tho blessings of poverty, hut wo enn't recall hnv- lug seen any of them. No wonder u Coos Hay woman seldom knows hor 'own mind; she changes It 4 so often. As a rulo tho child obeys paronta when parents nro mad. The 1ml- niiro of tho tlmo the youngster Is boss. GOOD EYENING Not only to Bay tho right thing In tho right place, but far moro difficult to leave unsaid tho wrong thing nt tho tempting moment. Sain In n crisis tho country needs at tho helm a man with a cool head and hot feet. Many of us have hot heads and cold feet. (Jo little ten spot, go; To pay an honest debt. It's a long, long way to liquidation, Rut you'll get there yet. THE LlTTLi: STREET I wont to tho llttlo street, Tho llttlo street whore sho died, And It scorned to mo as I turned tho Square That tho very pavomont slgliod, And tho blinds stared, vacant oyod, When I wont to tho llttlo street, The llttlo street where sho died. I she thought of tho days when loaned Out of tho casement there, And ulwnys watched for mo As I turned from tho unlet Square And tho nights when 1 watched tor tho flaro Of hor lamp nt tho window pane A beacon through tho rain. Last night I wont to tho street, Tho llttlo streot whoro sho died. Hut I could not soo for my tears. Tho houso of love denied. Tho winds, llko spirits, slgliod Then u star In lieavon flashed Over tho streot whero alio dlod. ChniiCH IlniiRon Towno. J AT THE HOTELS t $? Chandler Hotel Robert Wnrrack, Portland; Mrs. E. It. Kemp and son, Tulsa, Okla homa; John T. Albert. Portland: Frank S. Orant. Portland: K. J. Louey, Port Orford; .Mrs. Strange, Portland; Arthur Daney, Wallace. Idaho. Miss Elva Wlekham, Co qulllo; Mrs. Jess L. Kite, Coqullle: Jess L. I lite. Coqullle: Daniel Mc Donald, North Heiul; J. 1). Clinton. Norway; Alfred Johnson. Coqullle: lion Mc.Mullon, Myrtlo Point: Mnt tle C Anderson, Rnudou: 11. R. Mil ler. Soattle; II. L. Turuey, Port land; O. C. Wright, Portland; O. N. Ross, Portland; Tom Rnshuey. Power. Editor Times: I have been watching The Times for some statement regarding the North First streot question. As the City Council meets Monday night, June 14. to take action on the prop osition, It seems to mo thnt the conn cilmeu should be informed lest they start something that will be a hard ship to tho city of Marshfictd and especially to the property owners on North First street, or Pine Street as most of the older residents still call it. This is a poor time to start costly projects. .Money Is not too plentiful nnd most of us have nil wo can do to keep oven without attempting to meet nny extraordinary expenses. I do not object particularly to the temporary planking of the street be cause It Is something that will be of lmmedlato sorvlco nnd will not be prohibitive In cost. However tho proposition that some aro making to convert North First street Into a can- nl Is out of tho question nnd I trust that our Councllmon will have tho good Judgment to stop It immediate ly. Tho grading of North First street now would prnctlcally mnko nil tho property thoro worthless until tho lots nro brought to grndo and the cost of cutting down theso lots would bo terrific. Not only is tho big cost of grading tho streot nnd tho proper ty to bo considered but It would mean Hint nearly every property owner thoro would hnvo to erect a now building on his property to mnko It revenuo producing. Tho buildings there now nro nearly nil old houses, structures that cannot bo moved or lowered without practically destroy ing them. With vacant Istoro buildings on Front streot, on Market Avenue nnd on Contrnl Avenue, thero Is no de mand for additional storerooms or business rooms. To meet tho 1m menso cost or grading North First street and -the property itself, It would bo necessary to convert It In to business properly at good rentals; It certainly would not pay to replaco tho present houses with other resl deuces. With tho prospect of four teen or fifteen moro business places! being emptied by tho closing or sn-; loons, It cortnlnly Is not tho tlmo to ' expect thnt thero will bo n demand for moro business locations. Conse quently tho putting In of n lot of store rooms on North First street! would simply mean that thoy would I either remain Idle or that storo ' rooms elsewhere would ho emptied I I" fill them. Not only nro theso things to bo tnken Into consideration hut nlso tho ' fact that North First street Is n short Htreet with a blind end on tho North. To mnko It servo any considerable! trnfrie, it would bo nccossnrv for m, ' city to buy an cxponslvo right or wny on tho North through prlvnto prop orty nnd to pnvo along vacant prop oily In the dredgo fill j xrn, MnrshriPhl. 1 do not hollovo thnt tho Cltv Councllmcn want to bo n party to any Proposition that will nlmoHt bank nipt those affected nnd will further Increase the city's Indebtedness. 0e property owner, n widow, recently st hor property ,i r. for ono at least, do not wish to seo hor experi ence duplicated. r, .TrT-'-IV"? It0iul01, I- C. Roberts. Oakland: Harold Fla linrty. Oi.kland. Llowl Hotel Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Home. Coos "ler; Hr. llenson, Lakeside; J. Adams. Powers: P. Grant. Myrtlo I "Hit; Walter Phillips and wife, .'j.uu i-oint, Don McKellar, mar; C llalloy, Powers. Hitmen Hotel L. Rutler. Handon; Ray Noel, OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst ,i King. Cars leave Miu-sliflclil 7 a. in. nnd 1! p. in. Cms Leave Htiimct Hay !) u. in. ami I p. in. Fines, Umpire, :i.e; Tarheel or South Slough, ."Or; Sunset Rny 7.V Scandinavian-Ainericaii Bank "WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE" WITH $1.00 YOU CAN OPEN AN ACCOUNT IN THIS BANK GET ONE OF OUR HOME SAVINGS BANK Free for your use HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 ifftttisraareaTKKSfn-ciMsorfiiars FAKILBURNISSANiAaAjn San FrnnRiKRn-Fiirnln.rnno d.. n. .. " wuua yrortiand Mni'lll Rniinrl J-'ROM HAN FRANCISCO 10:00 a. in., .liino lo, in .. .,. FROM COOS HAY FOR ASTORIA AND POHTUm, ' ""', ' .'i. Title, June fu .. .,, .Qniifli Dnn.., i FROM PORTLAND "will ill FROM COOS RAV FOR EUREKA ANl'V F1M v! ' "K "' . p. m -1.1.1.. '.:. V,lN' lsn. NORTH PACIFIC STRAMRmid nn'""" '" . . ,,,,vll jJ, Sinllli Teriuliml Dock. Phono Did. r n .,.,, U ' ' 'S I i 1 1 IJ, A' EKuwiasaawstxasstTiiSi;' ronf a i pi SSiiT Did you know that we carry a full line of fresh VEGETABLES, FRUITS AND BERRIES, as well as a full line of GROCERIES AND COFFEES? Get a receipt and save FIVE PER CENT. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phcne 394-J. Broadway bet. Central and Commercial GRAVEL Wo nro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL In nny quantities from pllo In our yard or In carload lots, at following prices: From pllo on ground, $2.?6 per yard. canond lots, taken from cars, $2.00 por yard. Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite lW-Offlco. Phone i0. INDEPENDENT AUTO SERVICE Mi!ili!'lchl, North Rend, Umpire, Tarheel, Sunset Ray. Lenvos Mur.-lit'lcld, nt Rosy Corner, 1! p. in.; 5 p. in. Leaves North llemt ii. in.; 10 ii. in.; 1 p. in. ." minutes Inter. Leaves Umpire Sirtl) n. nt.; 1 I ::tO u. m.; J. ltd p. in.; iltilO p. in.; I:(M p. in. Trips nfter hours may ho iirrmigeil for. Phono Itusy Corner. Nlht phono I (17-It. inic nn inpiinnnnrn professional directory I 9 I U IVIlUDUIVIIVILn E MEET IT MI RE 01 Del- St. IjiwiOiho Hotel. nine RldKo; v. Mather. Onrdlnor;' h. Krlelisou, Powers; J. Kn,ory, Nortli Rend: R. L. iinrrott. Randon; Altus Kingston, Coqulllo; H. , Churchill. Powers: R. stonunorinnu, Coos River; John Xlolhon. Randon; Kiumett Wler, Crescent City; A J Newtnan, Powers: J. W. Hunch, llea ver mil. A bachelor has to hnvo his con- August Potorsou, Kmplre; .lolui Murray, North Rend; Jay Richards, Sumner; John Lewis, Kuge'ie; YV. R. Smith. Kugeno; Mr. nnd Mrs. Gray and child, Rutto; Frud Stotlc. Sumner; Cleorgo L Oberst, Suinncr, Isertlon, July 12. XOTICi: TO CRIRMTORS .Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, by order of tho Coun ty Court of Coos County, Orogon. has l.eon duly appointed administra tor of the estate of Alphonso 1) Roone. deceased. .Vow therefore, nil persons lunlim claim RKalust said estate are here' notiriod to present tho same to the undersigned at the office or John P- Hall. Room ll. Kldorado Rlotk. Mnrshfield. Coos County. Orecon! duly verified as by law required with proper vouchors, within six mo'iths rrom the date hereof Dated this nth day of June, I'M". ARCI11K DOON'P, Vdmlnlstrator of the estate of Mphonto D, Roouo, ile.nicil, rirai insertion Juno ll, Last in- Offlclnl Pioginm FRIDAY, .IL'LV 2ND, 1UK No. 1 Trot or pace, one-half mile, two .heats, onch heat a race, 2:35 class, purso $100 No. 2 Running, ono half mile, purso .VHO.Ot) No. a Trot or pneo, one-half mile, best two In thrco heats, frco for all, purso S123 No. 4 Novelty race, ono mile, $.10 for first to quartor post, ?10 for first to half-mllo post, $5fi for first to three quarter post, ?75 for first to nillo stnko $200 No. S Motor Cycle, 5 mllos, $25 to 1st, $15 to 2nd $10 SATURDAY, .11' LV il, 1 1 I o No. G. Trot or pace, ono-hnlf mile, two heats, each heat a raco, 2:!15 class, purso... $100 No. 7 Running, flvo-olghths mllo, purso $ioo No. S Trot or pace, ono mile, threo heats, evory boat a race, purso $ 150 No. 0 Running, ono nnd one eighth mllos, for Coos nnd Curry County horsos only, purso $200 . io Consolation raco, for all horsos not finishing as iiuu no cumuli, imrsu fa No. 11 Motocycle race, $25 to 1st, $f. to" i'ml, purso... $ to H. H. Harper HOUSi: HUILDKH General Repairing and Cabinet Muklng. Phono 310-J. J. M. Wright Phono 188-U Rl'ILIHXG CONTRACTOR Kstlmntcs furnished on request Dr. H. M. Shaw Kyo, ICnr, Noso nnd. Throat. GLASSKS l-'ITTHD DR. MAniK 11. SHAW. of Women nnd Children Offlco Phono 330-J. Rooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Rloclc Benjamin Ostlind COXSl'll'IXG KXGIXKKR AXD AHC1I1TKCT Offices, 200 Irving Block. Phono 103-L or 2C7-J. Mnrshfield, Oregon. H. G. Butler civil i:xgixi:i:r Room 304 Coko Rldg. Phono MC-J. Residence. Phono 12S-L, W. G. Chandler ARCIIITIXT Rooms 301 nnd 302, Coko Building, Marshflold, Orogon. Wm. S. Turpen ARCIHTKCT Mnrshfield, Oregon. ; Perl Riley Ballinger , , piaxist axd tk; ACIIKR Residence Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phono 3CS-L. Weekly Service Coos Ray mid Him 1'r.iin, 31 0. SIUMSHIPNI IS Mill Freight and Passenger Service sails prom sax praxcisco mm: ,.,HW ltn M .IP XK 21. AT II P. M. Ban Krunctsco Office, riot) 1-Tfo Hi,,llg, ,.Ifl. .Oooe Bay Ageut, O. F. McQeorqe, pi1OU0 44 Kgi'IPPlID WITH WIRLLKSS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TIMi;. SAILS PROM MARSHPIKLD KVKRY sr.VII.W liriMMi .11 ; .T A.M., AXD PHOM PORTLAXD KVKRV TIll'RSIlAV AT 8 A.M. Tickets on Mile nt Portland City Ticket Office, (Itli and ok stiects. Phono :i.--.r. (., 5i ,,U USf Aj,c)it Poget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tho most powerful, best equipped mid most thmniiKhly inodcn twenty-Inch hydraulic 0rcdgo Ir. Pacific miters Coos Bay office, Mnrshfield, Oregon. Main office, Seattle, Washington. Dozens of Savings Accounts Have Been Opened Here This Year Not all large accounts but the smaller depositor knows he is just as welcome here. For months we have been urging the opening of a savings account here because we want to encourage thrift and industry. We pay interest on savings accounts. You may open an account at any time in any amount. F1HST MATIDHAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safely Deposit Boxes For Bent. FLIMGU & I! I Bl OLRP.ST HAXIC IX COOS COIXIY l'Muhli.shcri I SHI). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $11 3,000 Interest imlrt on 'lime ' AXD SAV1XCJS DISPOSES Officers J. . Dennett, President. ' J. II. PluiiiiKnn, Vice-President. It. 1 Williams, Cnhliler. , , rj,er. Ooo. l Whichever, As-t. Cfti"" 1 " H A rcuhir stole licensed I DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Pi out Stieet Phono U7 Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Sncc.alty North Front Strnn, r. :: .. Phone IW rZmir7S7SSEBXIzxwi3ssnDsu