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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1915)
MAN EVERGETS AHEAD IN THE WORLD BY FOLLOWING THE CROWD Coos Bay Times Your Paner ExmtB A Southwest Oregon Paper Thnt' what tlio Coos tiny Times Is. A Booth west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people lid dovoto.l to tlio best Interests of this great section . Tlio Tltnea always boosts and neter knocks. Tl,e Coos Nuy Times la proud of Its tltlo "The people's Paper," bihI It strives nt nil times to -eVl"w -- - r - .. Illl 111119 ill Uvo up o ltfl niinio by dovoUng Kg energlc .inllnir tlio nooplo's Interests. flea to MRMHRKH OP TIIH ASSOCIATED 1MKRH VOL NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 An The Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 14. 1915 E VENING EDITION." A Consolldntlon of Times, Const Mnll nnd Coos Itnv Advertiser. No. 278 BIG STRIKE IS MS I BATTLE SOON iMQSCOW SCENE CIINSJOSITIONS (ii:X. VAN MACKKXZKX TAKKS IMPORTANT POINTS iiikyax tklls now to i:xi thu DE1 N0 (Eons Tinit SOLUTION IBRIT1SH BOAT SUES MI I 1 R A LI OS in m uiiiunuu Street Car Men Quit and Tie Up Surface Traffic and Elevated Railways AFFECTS MANY MEN Said to be Greatest Street Car Strike United States Has Ever Known DEMANDING MORE PAY! Dnplojos Also Want Slimier Hours' and Strike Hrcukci'.s An- Rclng Ai ranged For People no lo Wink on Holler Skates l)y AwocHIM Vmi to Coot Py Tlmn.J CHICAGO, Juno 1 1. What Is said to ho tlio greatest Btreet car itrlko the United States linn over known begnn at I a. in. Fourteen thousand persons wero thrown out of cmplojnient, III 10 miles of sur face and ulovntcd track wero ren dered Idle, niul Hi" burden was thrown on tlio stonm loads, autos and other vehicles. For four hours not a car moved. Then a Squlli-aldo eluvated train, carrying only a fow passengers, nimlo a round trip. As n result, It was announced that t rains with itrlko breakers would run every 1.1 minutes. Tlio striken doiuand more pay nnd shorter hours. Uho Holler Skate1. Taxlrabs did n rushing business and five-cent faro autos, which hdio toforo failed to mako much prog ress, wero loaded with pnssongers. Holler skates wero brought Into use and thousands pedaled to' work on hlcycles. Arrangements to furnish 50UI) strllto bruukeiH wore put Into operation today. IS LARGEST .FLAG niiii.i.i.HKHivPMHTOTIIKCI.Tlio Supremo Court today declined! TV OK ST. LOUIS TODAY S.ild to Ho tho Hlggest Aincrbvin Flag Tlnit i:er Has Heeu Mndo (Dy AiiorlttM rrnt to Coot tlty Tlm.J ST. LOUIS Juno 1 1. What Is described ns tho largest United States flag was presented to tho city by tlio million population club dur ing the Flag Day celebration horo today Tho Kmblom Is 150 by 78 feet weights -100 pounds. CHAItLKS O. ILYNSHX IHHS AT IIOMK IN NOHTII HHXD 1-hcil Thero 12 YwiVh nnil Helped lluilil Many of the Ocean Vessels ' J Clinrloa n llnnunn nllO of tllO oldest of tho residents of Old Town 1.1 N'nrlli ll.n,l ,11ml tit his homo Iheio Sunday, aged 73 years. His wth camo after nn Illness or sonio I'nie and wob caused by compllca "on duo largely to old ago. Mr. Hanson wna one of tho oldest hip carpente.-a In this part of tho ". Ho was a native of Sweden, lut had lived in Old Town for tho Pt 12 years and was n ship build r for ('apt. A. M. Simpson nnd lOrkol nn .,r-.,iiiii. nvnn- nliln that a built In North Uend during his tons resldenco there. Ho helped to ""Id many of tho vessols which lae nnu- nnaen.l nut nt OXlstOnCC Mr II. nnn ...i,n l .ton.) nild lie - 'it iduii a wiiu io iiuwu - ' survived by two children, Mrs. Robert Bressen. of North Uend. and S8frlej Hanson, of San Francisco. The funeral services will bo hold tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock Tom the Wilson undertaking par j'ora, nev. Hengston officiating. IAS RESIDENT WAR Will Make Another Statement Soon Giving; UN Ideas on thu Quest Ion. ttl; AttorlttM rrem lo Coot llty Tlmn WASHINGTON, I). C. Juno 1 I. Former Secretary of Statu llrya.i announced through friends today Hint lie will Issue another state ment pioposlng a means of ending the war. The statement will ho Ihsiieil Tuesday or Wednesday and will not deal with his resignation from the Cabinet, hut with the "war as It Is, the causes that led to It, and the way out." It will lie entitled "The Causeless War." PRESIDENT SPEAKS IS OltATOIt AT FLAG lAV K.Y KHCISKS AT WASHINGTON Smjs People Should Keep National l'mhleui Close to Hem Is at All Times. Illy AnocUloJ rrm to Coot Day Tlm-i. WASIIINOTON, U. C, Juno II. l'resldout Wilson, speaking at the Flag Day exercises here today, urg ed that Americana remember their patriotism on other days than Nat ional holidays and carry t ho flng f the country ever In their hearts. He mailo no direct reference to Inter national questions, but was ..ji plauded whenever ho miulo refer ence to tlio patriotism of tho ieo pie of tlio United States. SVPHF.MIJ COURT WILL NOT HK VI HW CAMIXKTTI CASH Is Snciiimento Man Who Is Charged With Violating White Slate Uivv. tny Atioclit! rrt to Coot llty Timet J U'ASIIlN'fiTON'. 1). C. Juno 14. to review tho conviction of F. Drew Camlnettl, of Sacramento, on charges of violating tho whlto slave law. SUPRIJMU COl'HT ACTS IX WKIIR KIJXYON .MATTKIt Convlitlmi t Adams Kvpic-s Set Aside but Coustlliitlonallty of Iv Not DelermliuMl pjy AnodtUJ Prttt to Coot ny Tlmt.l wASinvoTON. D. C. Juno H. ! Tlio suprdmo court today disposed of tho Kentucky Webb-Kenjou inuo. (aso without determining tho con stitutionality of tho Webb.Kenyon law. Under tho decision, tho convic tion of tho Adams Kxpress Company for shipping Uauor Into a dry state was set aside. PLEAD FOR F MINISTERS ASK THAT SHXTKXCi: UK CO.M.MUTKD Coventor of Georgia Is HenrliiR ''' KuiiiciitH In Famous Mm tier Case At Atlnntii Totkiy ,py Awocl.tM now to - Mr TlmM 1 ATLANTA. Juno 14Tl.o hear-In- on Loo M. Frank's plea for com mutation of the death wntonco to Hfo imp.lsonment was resumed be fore Governor Slaton today and it was expected if lo completed to night. Sollcllfir Dorsoy presented a brief aeolrSt Frank's application Lv C Il.k'lliiier. a local Episcopal ILlsteVXsenteda petition o, t Athintainlnlstors uisi..s Hon REFUSED CO T DECIDES CASE RANK irvdy imp! " l)l'"Km" Mt S-iicr's-. Was Carrying Cargo to Arch angel, the Russian Port 1 on the Arctic VESSEL IS BURNEUiHOPINB FOR PEACE Danish Boat is Destroyed by Germans After the Crew Had Been Removed ENGLISH BOAT TORPEDOED Steamer 'llopeniouut, it.'IOt) Cross Tonnage, Sunk Today by u Her inan Suhiiiarliio West of St. Ives Crew Was Saved. (Ily Anocltlt-1 Prooa lo Coot llty Tlmrt 1 LONDON. Juno 1 1. Tho llrltlsh stenmer Arndnle, liuSl! tons gross, wns sunk ns a result of striking a mine In tho White Sen. Slio was presumably carrying a cargo to Archangel, the only Important Hus sion port on the Arctic. VKSSF.L HU RNKD Tho Danish Schooners Stopped and One Is Destrojed. tDy AwocUttJ trm lo Cot py Tlm J LONDON, Juno 1 1.Two Danish bcliooners.wero stopped today by a submarine. Tho crew of tho Cocos Merstnl wore soul aboard the Ku trlno mill tho former vessel Bet on lire. Tlio Katrine arrived at Firth of Forth. 1110 HOAT HONK. Tho llopeinoiint Is Toipedoed After Cievv Is Taken (Ily AuwUtfel rrnt to Coot I!y 'ilmn.J LONDON, Juno 1 1. Tlio llrltlsh steamer llopeinoiint, 3300 gross tons, wns torpedoed and sunk today west of St. Ies, Knghind crow wns saved. Tho SINKS FHKNCH STKAMKK (ionium Submarine (iles Crew Two Minutes to (let Off tny AiooUle. I'rtM lo Coot llty Tlmft LONDON, Juno 1 1. Tho French steamer Dlnmant was sunk V)' (Jor man subnmrlno off Pondlno, Wales. The crow wero given two minutes to I take to tho boats and landed at Ply 1 mouth. IS KILLKD IN SOUTH TOWN IN FIOHT Five OffUers and Another Man Wounded In Attempt to Take Pilsoueis from Officers tny AMocutM rrt u ct my Tim l WINNSIlOUO, S C Juno 14. ...i.n .,,.,., (mnioil IMminliaiiil was i VllfiU ,i.w. ,..... .-.. . prouauiy laiaiij nuuuuvu , '' Smith, n negro, tho latter charged with criminal assault, were five officers wounded, Sherlfr Hood probably fatally, In a riot hero this mornjng when a mob attempted to take Smith from tho offlcors. TO PAY OLD DEBT ISl'PRHMU COURT IIUCIIM-Jli Till; VIltOINIA.WUST VIRGINIA CASK Tho Ijitlcr State Must Settle for it Sum Owr Twelve .Mil lion 1)1)1111114. Dy AmocUIJ !' ,0 Co "' Tl".". WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 14. The Supreme Court today decided tho long-standing Virginia-West Vir ginia debt case holding that West Virginia should pay $12,393,929 us Its not shnro of VlrglnUv at the time of tho separation of tho two states. Invitations printed at Tho Times office. NEGRO IBGED Washington Officials Watch With Interest Conflict for Possession of Mexico City Developments May Lead to Ultimate Settlement of Mexican Trouble VILLA HOLDS THE CAPITAL Carrauji (Jenernl Marching' Against tlio City Has Keen Approached Willi the View of Seeur- lug Armistice IDy AtioclttM rrrit to Coot llty TlraM.) WASIIINOTON, I). C. Juno 14. Tho attention of the Washington oflclats was focused again today on where there was n possibility of Im portant developments which might bring ultimate peace to the southern republic. Tho chief Interest centers In thu outcome of n prospective bat tle between tho Carrauza and Villa forces for possession of .Mexico City, now In Villa's 'bnnds. Carrauza ad vices pays Ooneral (lonzales, tho Car rauza commander, moving on Mex ico City, has been Approached by members of tho rnuveitlon party from tho capital with an offer of nn nrmstico. CLAIM BIG GAINS HKKMAXS SAY TIIKV IIAVIJ FIIATKD Till: Kl'SSIAXS di:. Attacked Along I'orly-flvo .Miles of Front ami Met With Success (Dy Auorlttod lo Coot tidy Tlmtt LONDON, Juno I . In direct con tradiction to tho Russian claims, llorlln announced today that In Northern Gnllcla between I'rzomysl and Loinborg, tho Teuton Allies gained an Important victory, fol lowing furious fighting. An at tack along 4T miles or front la s.ild to Jiavo resultoj In tho captuio of Husslnu positions and tho taking of 10,000 prlsoneis. Previous l'e- trograd dispatches said the nuatro Germans wero routed leaving 20,- 000 killed. I In Northern Franco heavy flght t Iiil continues with llttlo material CAROLINA (vnntal;0 to either side. newspaper dispatch from Swllz-; lurland says tho Itallan-Kastorn nrmyi from K. O, Poiham was rend In . pugnnK forward along the HuHi Wilch he stated that no drain should q ,Prl(J8t townri the city of Trlest, ' j,0 (mt across Ills lots In Porham , Tmo rj.lirka aIinoiinro n repuise ofjjar without first securing his per- i tho Allies' attack against their right mission. It Is understood this pro- Wlllg Oil IIIO uuiiijiuu uuiimniu. .PHYSICIANS MEETE&: DISCUSS TROPICAL DISKASKS AT SAN FRANCISCO HATHIJItlNH Speakers Sty Mnlked Stucos Has At tended Kffoils to Free Coun try of Troubles Illy AuocltttJ ri lo too Dy Time. 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Juno II. Marked succos has attonded tho ef forts to free the United Statoa from tho nlaeue. the hookworm and other tropical dlscakos, speakers said today nt tho opening sosslon of tlio iwenwi annual convention of tho American Society of Tropclal Medlclno on the Panama-Pacific exposition grounds. Hurley $1.1M Haloes Dr. ii. i:. Ki:irv. dkntist Phono lia-J, Hnom -L t-'oko bid,'. Columbia Flour $1.75 llulne. Anti-German Demonstrations Continue for Period of Two Days in City . LOOTED Everything That Bears a Sign Which is Not Russian is Attacked GET DRUNK ON SPIRITS Itlotei-s Conttiiuo DNorder and In dulge Their Desires Until They Are. TlitsI Out Another At tempt StopjKMl by Troops tny Aorll.t Ttm to Cux tlty TlraM ) (Delayed In Transmission) MOSCOW. Juno 11. Moscow for tho Inst two dnys hna seen street rioting nnd nntl Oorninn demonstrn tlous nnd tho people Indulged tholr desires by looting until they wore tired out. They began with tho Her man! shops but proceeded Ho Jiiot every establishment that horo other than a Russian name. Thu mob be came drunk with spirits looted from the stores. An attempt to rcsumo tho looting Frldny was checked by tho troops. COXTUACT FOR KKMOV1XO NORTHWICST NOT (HVKN TODAY I'ort .Must Await I'eiuiUslon of War Deimrliiieiit ami Follow l-e- pil 1'rocts.lmii Hills opened this morning for .tho removal of tho hulk Northwest on Isthmus Inlet nre said to have rang ed from under $r00 up to approxi mately $ 10,000. The blila wero not mnde publle by the I'ort Commission era but wore resettled to await n communication from tho War De partment giving them authority to net. It la expected Hint tho port will dofrny the expenses and tho romova) will bo carried on under the Htipor vIbIoii of u government engineer. Hut ouo hid, It Is understood, wnn rctelved for tho (iilpmout still re maining on the old barkoutluo and this was for t'iT. Tho bid wns not acted upon. The fact that fivo thirty-seconds of the barkcntluo Is still owned In Portland has mado tho port wary and It Is holluved that tho romova'l will hnvo to ho promptly ndvortlsod before tho hulk can ho towed to son. Work on Noilli Ann Tho drain to the North Arm of Mill Slough Is now about ulno tenths Is reported. A letter tecis iiib imu m iiiu tiiiBoiiiHi I runt mo drain turougn inu iiruun fill below Porter Mill refuses to work tho complaint of James J. greed lo do tho labor clean It out providing tho port would provide the lumber. This wus agreed to and Peter Logglu will have chargo of tho work. Money Duo Drtslge Company Julius Larson, of thu Larson Dredging Company, declared Hint ho needed money to meet his operating bills. It wus shown thoro was more than $ l.r, 00 due him mid ho was giv en a warrant for about $2,500. This Is for work on North ami Ilayues In lets and partially for Catching In let work. Tho Port treasurer was authoriz ed to forward at onto tho llfi.OOO duo In Now York on July 1 ns tho seinbannuul payment of Intorest on , series A and II bonds Want Jetty Kttcmlcil An effort Is being mado by Sccre tary Senestackeu to Kceuro an appro priatlou out of tho emergency fund of $3,000,000 In the last Rivers and Harbors appropriation to begin ex tending the North Jetty. He was to havo conferred with Major Mor row when In Portland but tho en glneer was out when ho called. Mr. Sengstackou bellevca that Oils RANGE G Said to He Holding tho Kutire Front In the ICnsteiu Aivtia of War. tny Atioclttis) rtmt lo CWt llty Tlmft 1 HKKLIN, June 14. An official announcement this afternoon says that General Von Mnckonzon baa oc cupied Russian positions along the cntlro front in tlio ICastern arena from Cyeinlawa to Slenlawn. French I lino los-ses Thcso places are In Gnllcla. Slen lawn Is IS miles northwest of Jnr oslnu on tho river Snn. Tho stnto mont follows: "In tho Western the atro the French have suffered sovero defent on th front between LleUu Arras. After tho enemy's column was repulsed several times during the tiny, tho enemy's attneks in close col umn begun toward evening on both sides of tho Loretto hills and on Neil-vlllo-Rocllncotirt front. They wero ropulsed everywhere Minor attacks by the enemy on tho Yser canal wero repulsed. Advances against tho posi tions conquered by us In Champaign wero beaten back. In the eastern theater northwest of Shavll a few of tho enemy's po sitions wero taken, Southeast of the road from Mlrlnmol to Kovno wo took tho first Russian Hue by storm, Makes Gains "In tho southeastern thentor Gen. Von Kockcnson begnn nn nttuck over tlio lino extending for 43 miles. Stnrtlng from the positions nt Cyer nlawn and Slenlawn, tho enemy's po sltlon was taken along tho entire length of this front. Sixteen thous and prisoners fell Into our hands yes terday. Attacks by the troops under Von Llnslngon nnd Von Dor Mar wltz made progrnss." BELGIANS ADVANCE CLAIM TO IIAVIJ MADK HA INS SUNDAY SOMIJ Take Herman Rlockhoiiso Slight Progress Is Result anil of Fighting- Sunday (ny Auocltl4 I'rrtt to Ctut nty TlmM PARIS, Juno II. An nfflclnl statement this afternoon says :" Del glau troops threw a battalion ovor to thu east bank of the Ysor, south of the railroad bridge going to Dlx miulo, and organized thomsolves on tho ground thus gained. They nlo destroyed a Ourmitu blockhouse near tho Chateau or Dlxmiido. North or Arras yesterday saw var ious I n fun try actions. Onu or these advances mndo us musters of tho (lermun work eust of Loretto. An other resulted In oirr losing a por tion of tho trenches occupied by us north of tho Souchez sugar refin ery." ALLIES REPULSED TURKS CiaiM TO IIAVIJ DRIVKN Til KM HACK llomhnrdiuciit by Tmklsli Coast Itat- teries of IJiiemy's Position U Successful (Ily Aitotlitfel !'! lo Coot IKy Tlmto.) CONSTANTINOPLE Juno 14. An official statement Buys: "Friday night tho enemy repeatedly attempt ed an attack In our right wing, but wcru repulsed with heavy losses. Yesterday our coast batteries sue tessrully bombarded tho enemy' po sitions," LKASKS DIG RANCH The Port Orford Tribune Buys: Thu Marshall ranch, one or tho host known stock and dairy furniH In Northern Curry County, has been leased by J, J. Williams, of Fieo wutor, Oregon. This place was sold about three years ago by Win. Mar shall to the Mono brothers for $00, 000. The latter still own tho land, but havo moved to Fiuowatur, Ore gon, whore they have othor prop erty Interests, leasing tho Marshall ranch as abovo stated. amount would start the work and that with It allowed, Coos Hay would stand u hotter chance next jear for a regular appropriation. Donald Charloson, Port engineer, was unable to attend the meeting this morning because of slukuos. Ho Is at llaudon. OF JOIN Big Gathering is Being Held in New York City Opening Today TALK PROTECTION Military Preparations Noces- sary in This Country Are Taken Up. ALL BRANCHES PRESENT Representatives or Ainy, Navy, Clergy ami Huslness, as Well ns Imbor Lenders Take Part let ters from Roosevelt (liven (Dy AitocUt rmi to Coot llty 11ium. NUW YORK, Juno 14.--Sailors, soldiers, statesmen, clergymen and representatives of business and la bor, mot here today to (Hbcubs tho military needs of tho Nation. Tho National Security Leaguo, with whlcli the Idea of the gathering orig inated, mimed It the "I'oaco and Preparation Conference." Iludslu Maxim presented to tho conferonco n lettor written to him by Theodoro Roosovolt. "Advocates of Pacificism," snld tho letter, "have been pronchlnc poltroonery. Such preaching, If ro duceil to practice, Is rulnuoita to tho National character. Thcso men are doing their best to mako us the China of tho Occident." TO MAIL CONTRACTOR WILL NOT WAIT FOR COUNTY TO ACT Now Working on thu Highway li Put It In it Metier Condition. (Special to Tho Times.) MVRTLIJ POINT, Or., Juno 14 J. L. Laird mndo a trip through tho rauyon In a enr and found tho rond dry, but vofy rough. Tho malt carriers will not wait for tho coun ty to Improve, but nre working on It thoiiiBolvca In order to run the mall truck through and got tho mull In sooner. Tho W. C. T. U. mot Tuosday af ternoon with Mrs. J. S, Whltakor, Mcsdumos Ilouge, Pulford, Arnoson, Whltakor nnd Short gave Interesting readings, Misses Helen Whltakor nnd Vivien Annln played a piano duet mid after tho business moot ing tho hostess sorvod strawberries, cream and cake, assisted by the two young ladles present. Thoau presont Tuesday wero Mcsdnmos Houge, A. IJ, Aruesnu, Arthur Arucson, II. A, (luurln, Annln, Pulford, Horry, 11. A. Schroedor, Short, Racklotf, Strong and Harriott. Misses Helen Whltakor, Vivien Annln, Joan Ouor lu and Ksther Aruoson. Tho young son of Attorney 8. D. Pulford sustained some bad burns about the face this week when ho lighted some powder ho had taken from cartridges. Tho (Miles of the Christian Church served a strnwborry tea at tho homo of Mrs. Clins. Adams Inst Friday. Sweet briar waa usod effectively In (ho decorations. Grandma Curver arrived this woek after ulniost u three years trip In various places eust and In Idaho and Oregon. Her many friends nro welcoming her back and thoy havo missed her pleasant words and fun. Sho Is looking woll despite her savanty-oiio years. Tho young people of iho Presby terian Chinch are arranging for a hlko ami a weoka camping trip near Powers. Mr. nnd Mrs. I). A. Hullng re turned from a trip to San Francisco and San Diego Friday, coming up on tho Nairn Smith, Thoy enjoyed the two fairs vory much and aro well aftor the rest and vacation. Mr. and Mrs William Smith, living abovo aravelford, were in town on a vlstt. N. R Pratt and J. F. Veruon are spending a few days at tho V. W. Williams home ut Hock creek and oiijoylug tho fishing. IPROVE ROAD tmtw j -." si. -k J 1. l.UJbL-!, ,