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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1915)
.-ifcrt . THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1915 EVENING EDITION. EIGHT v,7C tl&is NTCrUir LlXJtf3l.l -taftM6! ;shS5sSwCv. fcTxcysj?sVi CJ (Continued from page 3) "AT IKKMC" TKA 'nut. Mrs C W. luiuucrn. ." I.nst Thursdny Mm. A M. I. May. Mrs A. Osbcrg, Mrs. J. C. It O'llrlon entertained nt an after-, Kow. Mrs. R. B. Miller. Miss 1- or nooi. ton nt her apartments In the once Aiken. Miss Dunning. -Miss O'Connell bullilItiR. tl.c affnlr In . Or. re Williams. Miss Agnes Russell, stylo nntl decoration being one of Miss Genevieve Songstnckon. Miss the most brilliant of tl.o season. , Grace Kruso. Miss Nora Toww Miss The music room from whirl, floated Maude Reed. Miss Dor s feengstnrk- . . . .... . -- ehestra, was prettily arranged In pink, while the rolor srhotuc of yel low was predominant In the recep tion and the living: rooms, mi nnun dunce of Scootch hrooni being used. In the dining room, smlln.x nnd choice roses were artistically placed , jncet ncxt T,Ur(Iay afternon with and the tnhle was centered with nMrs ji. K. Templo who hns moved bowl of yellow iris. iiurKienorry , nnd tassel wood nindo a iienuurui background In preen nnd whltu to the decoration scheme. The hostess wns assisted by Mis. J W. nennott. Mrs. Kiigcno OT'on nell, Mrs C. A. Schlbrede. Mrs. Ar thur McKcown, Mrs. Ilobcrt K. Hrownlng. Mrs Otto Schetter. airs. V. A. Hold, Miss Grace Williams, Miss Doris Sengstniken tind Miss Marlon llorsfall. Among those linltod for the oc rnslon wore: Mrs. .1. W. Ilonuett, Mrs Rtigone O'Connell. Mrs. Frank 1'. Hngue, Mrs. Arthur McKeown, Mrs. C A. Sehlbredo, Mrs. Uoliort i:. Ilrownlng. Mrs.F. K. GoUIiih, Mrs. Otto Kchetter. Mrs. W. A. Held, Mrs. Henry Sengstnckcn, Mrs. K, (!. I'or 1mm, Mrs. Ollvln Kdiiinn, Mrs. Wll llain Horsfnll, .Jr., Mrs. .lames II. Flanngnn, Mrs. II. M. Rlcl.nrnson, Mrs. E. K. Jones, Mrs. (luy Warner, Mrs. J. Albert Mntsou, Mrs. It. A. AVernlch, Mrs. William F. Miller, Mrs. F. K. Conway, Mrs. Georgo F. Murch, Mrs. Hugo H. (Julst, Mrs. 1). Y. Stafford, Mrs. A. II. Poweis, Mrs. T. W. Powers, Mrs. K. H. llargelt, Mrs. A. 10. Adolsporgor, Mrs. (3. K. Perry, Mrs. Ward M. Illakc. Mrs. L. J. Simpson, Mrs. C. M. Hylor, Mrs. C. It. Peck, Mrs. Frank M. Paisons, Mm. It. II. Corey, Mrs. John H. I Coke, Mis. II. 8. Tower, Mrs. W. A. I Toye, Mrs. 10. 10. Straw. Mrs. (!. Q. Vnn Duyn, Mrs. Noils Jciisou, Mrs. A. 10. Ncfr, Mrs. A. T. Haines, Mrs. A. L, Houseworth, Mrs. Dorsey Kreltzer, Mrs. W. II. Kennedy, Mrs. L. It. Gorr, Mrs. T. II. Jnme's, Mrs. Charles Hull, Mrs. It. M. Jennings, Mrs. V. F. lOI'hecka, .Mrs. Vernon A. Smith, Mrs. Thomas II. Drew. Mrs. J. S. Lyons, Dr. Mnttlo II. Shaw, Mrs. A. T. Lagerst.-oin, Mrs. II. S. HarrlB, Mrs. O. W. Ilrlggs, Mrs. A'. (1. Aiken, Mrs. Ida Conrad, Mrs. 10. L. MtClnie, Mrs. Q. O. Sutlier lln. Mrs. W. F. MelOldowney. MrH. Eathor Converse, Mrs. F. V. Caller- 1 In. Mrs. A. S. Hammond, Mrs. G. A. Stephenson, Mrs. T. C. itussell,' Mrs. Otto J. Iludloff. Mrs. Karl 1). , Howe, Mrs. F. It. Anthony. Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, Mrs Mrs. William II. . James Polhemus, Wilson, Mrs. V. (. Hinilmiirsh, Mrs. C. It. Iliough-j ton, Mrs. F. W. Payne, Mrs. S. O. niiiiui, .ins. i,, i,. i nomas, .Mrs. iscis iiaBiiiiiKseu, Mrs. Harriet M. Kellogg, Mrs. II. 10. Kelly, Juris. 1). II. Keating, Mrs. It. 13. I.niaway, Mrs. Kate French. Mrs. Fred W. Smith, Mrs. Oconto Goodrum. Mrs. Georgo L. Dlndlnger, Mrs. II. ('. Dlers, Mis. 10. M. .HpuuhlliiK, Mrs. M G Diiiicuii. Mrs. It. IIiikkc. Mrs. W !,. tinyhinigh, Mrs. Geoigei Capps, Mrs C L Davis. Mrs. II llofr, Mrs. John W. Motley. MrH II L llargelt Mis ( F MiKniglit, Mrs W J Hill. Mrs .1 (' Kggles-, Mrs. Edna Richardson inched Hie fine gold South lleinl wnlcli whldi mis whs gleu nun) this nflcruiMin, This uutiii mis giieu iiuiij to iiilvertiso (lie fa mous Smith Hcml Witt eh mm nf Hie iiiosi durable, nt' filiate mill nilimiUo timepieces made. Let us Miow jour our Hue. $11.50 to $60.00 Jewelry Department. RED CROSS DRUG STORE PHONE 122 It It Uiderpoii. Mrs. F D Cohan Mrs John K lloss. .Mrs U T Stoll. Mrs. I. M Noble. Mrs Hdwnrd Mocllcr. Mrs. W. T. Merch- ... 1 MB .... Aiioe Mnrinn nnrsiiiii. ..una ' en. Ashman. Miss Frnnso nnd Miss .Sneddon. I north m:i) aii'ak ni,i - Tl.n Vnrt l Hnilll Aitnr UUIIII 1" !n(o t,(J (leorK0 uninnskl home on North Sherman Avenue. ! - I AIW'ILIARV TIOA Next Wednesday nttcrnoon tho North Hend Presbyterian Auxiliary Indies will be hostesses nt tho church hall from 1! to I nt n tea to bo giv en for tho other church auxiliaries of North llond. A general Invitation Is extended to all tho churches as u pleasant time Is being planned. TIII.MIIMO ClA'll SttltPltlSIO Lust Tuesday afternoon tl.o lad'es ,.r id,) Vnrtli linml Thimble Club ten trn Via dered Mrs. Lester Kntnii a dollgh'''il "iiibrnrcB all forms or manual trnln Hurprlso at Iter homo In Hangor. I -n "' ""'I domestic nil, besides ap vlsltlng ladles present bolng Mrs. I). I'Hed science, Including geography. Itussell nnd Mrs. It. II. Cavanaugh. urlthmotlc, school gnrdoning, music The ladles sowed and at tho clone or , anil supervised play. Tho hours mo tho oveninu' served tempting re- from U n. in. to 5 p. in., with a story freshmentM which they had brnu :ht with them. The club members out wero: Mrs. Fred Glazier. Mrs. M. 10. lOveiitt, Mrs. George Mniidlgo. Mrs. J. II. Groves. Mrs. Mullen, Mrs II. .1. Linden, Mrs. 10. F. Itussoll, Mrs. V. 10. Wallers, Mrs. M. G Colomau. Mrs Hendricks, Mrs. I Inzer, Mrj. A. " Deriiysniro, .Mrs. luusor nun .Mrs. ' " ',nrtlt'- TIIIMIlLi: CLt'll SIOSSIOX 4 Mrs. Georgo Mnndlgo was hostess yesterday at her homo lu North llond to tl.o Thlu.hlo Club memberH nnd special guests, Mrs. Karl Powoll, Mrs. Henry O'.Mara and Mrs, Olemnu nil or Marsl.rield. Special mention might bo made of gorgeous pink roses which adorned the parlor and dining room. It was decided that ' their .ninrleriy "clean up uny wohw iturIoa holllo lhlB wcol bo held on Saturday Juno lDth nnd, nil tho ladles nro nskctl to help out In this plan. At tho eloso or tho social session which followed tl.o routine or husl- uess, Mrs. iiMiidlgn, assisted by Mrs. Hull nnd Mrs. A. It. lloso served n luoiigiiiiiu coiiauou, anil f , k ,.,,. reheI0 W(, , and hero also as carried out. Mrs. Hose has usked the members to her homo Tor tl.o next meeting, ijm,,, until. Tho members out yesterday wero: Mrs. Itose, Mrs. Mullen, Mrs. llnm i moud, Mrs. Iliirmelster, Mrs. Linden, I Mrs. Coleninu, Mrs. Ilindrlcks, Mrs. I Watter.H Mrs. Graves, Mrs. M. 10. lOverllt, Mrs. (lln.ler. Mis. It., I Mrs. A. II. Derbyshire, and Mr. liar ! tie. , .,, MIhh Ivy Oii(ll.V(rHlorUton, Cal- Ifinnla, arrived hero this week for an eMe uleil lslt nt tho home of her mint. Mrs I s. Kaufnian. SOCIAL OALANDKK MONDAY Coos Hn Women's Club wl.h Mrs. A. K. niment. 4- Tl'KSDAY Thursdn Club with Mrs. Allen O. Haas. WKDNKSDAY Tresliytprlan Auxiliary nt Church parlors. rrlsclllas with Mrs. llrock- mueller. Narcissus Club with Miss Torn I.nml. 1). M. 0. with Mrs. Chns. Williams In North Ilond. NVirth I'rusbyterlnn ten for church auxiliaries.. THURSDAY North Hend Altar Onllil with Mrs. H. K. Temple. . Mlnnc-Wls Club with Mrs. Chnrlcs Davls. Nor. Luth. Young Ladles' Aid with Miss IOIhIo Larsen. FRIDAY Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. L. F. Fnlkonstcln In North llond. Kensington Club with Mrs. A. 10. .Jensen. t 9 i LKAVK FOR CALIFORNIA - Mrs. Herbert Armstrong nnd chil dren left on tl.o Nairn Smith for Uerkeloy, whero they will attend the summer scshIoii of tho Univer sity of California. Mrs. Armstrong will continue her Btudles In tho de partment of education and Misses Jessie nnd Sarah will bo enrolled In the University Play School on t': campus. This school is held i inler the trees for tho children of pareut-studcutH who nro intending the University and tho children of (ho University professors. Kb conrao of study for tho little pcoplo hour nnd a big slug nt 7 o'clock on tho cnmp.iH, to wnich tho grown-ups nro Invited. Tho University o( California stands alouo among nil the Univer sities or tl.c world In thus providing an opportunity ror parents nnd ?Ml (lieu to pursue their studies togeth er Mr. Armstrong will Join Ills fam ily August 1st to attend tho Nat ional convention of tho American Phllutellle Association nnd sco the ralr. , t t INFORMAL CHAT X $ Mrs, Nancy Hodson or North Hend who has been nttendlng tho United rethnm convention nt Portland ro- Mrs. Chniics Hull and children will leave next week for Hood I River to visit ut tho homo of hor parents, They expect to bo gone several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. 10. K. Jones and sou leave tomorrow on tho Ilreak wator for Portland rrom where thoy will go on to San Francisco to visit at thu lOxpnsItlon. Mr. Jones will return shortly hut Mrs. Jones mil son expect to remain lor an indefinite visit with friends mid rel atives. At 4. 4. Itov. F. S. Shlmlnn or tho North Hend Presbytoriau church Is spend ing a low weoks' vacation wUh rel atives and friends on the Coqulllo It I vor. Mrs. 10. 10. Itlggs and daughter, Mlhs Goldle ol North llond who spent the past week at Ileal Lake returned homo this weok. I Miss HcrbIo Coko arrived on tho 1 Nnun Smith yestorday rrom Califor nia to spend tho summer with her ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coko of ' South Fourth street. ! ' Mrs. S. 11. Ward and daughter HlUabeth arrived overland yestor- 1 day from Duiiuoln, 111., to visit with her sister, Mrs. N. II lOlrod avenue. Mrs. H. 10. IlimnoUtor and llttlo iliuinhter .limn of North llend nhiii to leave Juno mil. via Mupleton for, n nionth's visit with hor mother In I Albany land. and with relatives In i'ort - Mis. II. J. Mr. and Linden mid Mrs, I. H. Hnrtlo will leavo toinor - ' row for n nionth's stay at Mlrac-Covu tno tinitie summer tioino on South Coos Itlver. Mr and Mis. Georgo Goodruni ...w ,t..,...h .... ,..u .,..,., vuiiii uu I a ten days' visit In San Frniuisco. ; KILBIJIIN ntOM SAN HtAXnSCO, Kl'HKKA AND LKAVIvS FOR PORTLAND WhspI Had l.lttlo Itougli Wont her KlrM Day Out. Takes 2mhI I'nsonger I.Ut.s The steamship F. A. Kllburn, Cap tain McClelland, arrived In this morning from San Francisco nnd Eu reka with a good pnssongor list and cargo of frolght for Coos IJay. She left out at 11 a. in. with her ac comodations for Portland nil taken. Tho Kllburn left San Francisco on Wednesday nnd tho first day out ex perienced heavy weather but after that, the passongers sity, tho trip wns enjoyable. Thoso who cntno from tho south i wero: Harry J. Cordon, C. Scott, 10. ! L. Grncf, Helen M. Dye, S. Samuels, Ocorgc Green, George Luce, W. O. Eggleston, Miss Gladys Marshall, Mrs. John Marshall, W. A. Votter, Mnry Kocmcr, J. M. Keller, W. J. Kocmcr. Thoso who wont north woro: Mrs. S. 10. Newton, F. T. Swnn nnd bnby, Wllllnm Grny, .Mrs. Wllllnm Gray, Mrs. A. A. Cnckhuff, Leonard Nnopl, Charles Swnnson, O. iSlvcrs, John Flnnngnn, Hort Charles, Thomns Kol loy, Hort Huffman, L. II. Van Slykc, Wllllnm Do Mnrs, S. T. Hnrmon. T. N. Wllllnms, Mrs. T. N. Wllllnms, James Carter and Mitchell, tho tail or. $ t WATERFRONT NEWS t $$ Tho Hrcnkwntcr wns among tho vessels at Portlnnd on which tho wireless npnratus wns tested this week by V. Ford Graves, radio en gineer for tho Department of Com merce. Tl.o Ilonmor is undergoing repairs on hor cnglno nnd probably will not bo back on tho Gold Ileach nnd Port Orford run until next week some time. Word lias been received hero that tho gasoline schooner Hustler lias loft Portlnnd with n cargo or rrelght Tor Gold Reach nnd Wcddcrbtirn. .MOHIO FltlOIGHTIORS or Interest In Portlnnd Is tl.o rnct that noon then? arc to bo two moro largo slzd rrolghters on the Pnciric. Const, brought by tho Ainerlcnn Hawnllnu Steamship Company. Tills company will thou hnvo L'S vessels plying on tho coast. Ono or thorn, tho Novadnn Is now loading in Port lnnd, nnothor, the Nebraska!!, wns torpedoed orr tl.o Irish const a ow days ago but wtts not sunk. Ono or tho remaining vessols or tho one-time llect or 52 that be longed to tho Into Captain A. M. Simpson, tho schooner Encore, has !Jll8t ,oft "olllnghani with n cargo or iiinipor and Is bound ror Capo Town, Arrlca. Tho schooner was Inst on Coob Hny several months ago at which tlmo ono or tho crow, u Chilean, jumped overboard and wns drowned. For tho first time slnco October -I wheat in Portland has been load ed for shipping nt $1 a bushel. A' Hrltlsh bark has Just cleared with a cargo for tho United Kingdom. During Fehrunry wheat ndvancod to a higher piico than was over ho roro paid ror it in tho Northwest. TAK10 AMIOHICA.V PLAN Nino lorolgn ships woro placed undor tho protection or tho Ameri can ring Inst month. Thoy repre sented 27,813 tons. Four or them liml beou flying tho Gorman flag and five or thou, tl.o Ilritlsh. During tills hnmo period In tho United States 1711 nailing, steam and unrigged ves hols or 19,11)1 tons gross woro built nnd officially numbered. Of the 1711 vessols, olght nro Bailors, 121 nro steainera ami 1 1 nro unrigged. . HAH :i:i KIOIOT ox liAlt Soundings nindo a few days ago lu tho Biirvoy of the Colunibln liar aro claimed to havo shown a depth LAIIIIOS' AHT CLl'll Tho Ladles' Art Club was enter tained at tho homo of Mrs. W. II. Foloy on Fiidny or this wook tholr rogulnr meeting day. Huckleberry, McMillan or1"""0 earnatioiis mill Scotch hrooni I formed very pretty decorations ui.l woro arranged artistically In tho l'rlor nml iltnltiE room. In Boning, ,M0 Imstosa wns usslsted by Mrs. ,loss Sln,th "'", 'Mr8- 1'rn, Sumnur. Noxt l''ldr.y nftgrnoon tho Indies 1 wl,t moet w'tl Mrs- '' '' Fttlkon- steln in North llond. Thoso present wore; Mrs. J. A. lllatt. Mrs. A. S. Illauchard. Mrs. jW. II, Curtis, Mrs. Jas. Cowan, Sr j Mrs. Ollvln Kdnian, Mrs. F. M. Fy0 Mrs. y, i:, Honglaiid, Mrs. A. I, ( HouFowortb, Mrs. h, G. I.ang, Mrs, ' ( Chas. I.a Chapollo, Mrs. Nels Has- '" intisgen, Mrs. Uoss Sinltb, Mrs. Frank' nuiiinur, .Airs, ivy conuron nnd Mrs. Foley. lu 111 Tr F W Irii LF IR f 2 IS DOING IT! H PATRONIZING r linHES2S2S5Z5S5HSs5a5Sn!iZ52S2Stl!5E ., ii wi u. Replacements Made on the Spot EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY AT G onniRni hap a & & C& Ca main chunncl ncrosa tho bar. Over an entrance .'la 00 feet it Is said tl.o water has an avegngo depth of 27 reel. Tho bar dredge Chinook Is kept constantly ut work 21 hours a day and with three shirts or men working on tho entrance. Tho mirvoy nindo a week ago on the Coos Hay bar by Captain Pol hemus showed that hero there is a depth of nt least 20 feet nt dentl low water and prnctlcally tho entire cliannol is between 22 nnd 2r root deep, with n maximum of 28 rcot. From Portlnnd tho gasoline schooner Hustler arrived In today leaving this afternoon with a deck load of sugar and oil ror Gold Ileach. Sho In ought salmon boxes rrom tho north ror tho Wedtlcrburn Trndlug' Company. Fully repaired, tho gasolino schooner Restless Is expected to get away tlilB arternoou ror Florence. Tho gasolino schooner Holier left down this morning tor Florence with a miscellaneous cargo or rrelght. Tho Nanii Smith Is scheduled to leave ror San Francisco and San Pedro tomorrow morning nt 1 1:110 a. in. From San Francisco and lOuroka tho F. A. Kllburn arrived this morn ing nnd left ut 1 1 a. m. for Port land. Tho steamship Santa Clara (s In Ironi Portlnnd Is expected to leave ut 0 p. in. Mr 10 ii reka nnd San Francisco. MAN.AXITA IMOKIJ Tho lighthouse tender Muuzniiltn arrived during tho night nnd crossed in over tho bar. This morning sho (a mo out and landed oil nt tho light liouso nnd took up tho old boll buoy off tho point or Capo Arago and re placed It with a now buoy. Tho Man zanlta left nt uoou ror tho north. NII.UIItOCK A TOW HOAT Jack McDonald, ownor or tho gaso lino launch Shamrock, which Ivy Condron hnd built Bovoral years ngo Is having her romodoled nnd Is put ting aboard n 3.1 horsepower on glno. Ho nxpects to uso tl.o boat lu towing logs from tho Isthmus lulot boom to tho mill at North Hend. For Bomo tlmo this boat wns used In tho night ferry sorvlco to Knstsldo but hns boon loplaccd now by tho old ' (Tn0I) , Crystals or sodlumiiltrnto so pnro nnd perrectly formed that thoy can bo used In optical Instruments ,havo been nindo by u Turls scientist. SKlUNG GOODS Tho big probloin n sellliiB goods is gotting tho customor Into tno store. Coos Hay Times ads will holp you solvo this probloin, Goodrum's Garage Where They Get SERVICE We treat everybody alike no matter what make of car you drive wwoirairatrsirairatrstratraCTiTaiTStratrstrrPCTtrscsCTtrair U i. l . . , - - - j ii t i i ii u u ta ca ea ,11, j TIRES FOR MILES w V.X a V Ah iS 5u Anr.S bc& i MARSHFEELD5 OREGON WILL GIVE PRIZES IXIHTCIOMHXT MAIHO KOIt DIOCO- HATiXG Arms ox roritTii Ono Hundred Dollars Will Ho I1 viileil Into Seven Different Pre miums for Winners The prizes lor tl.o auto parade at tho Fourth o! July colohratiou hnvo been arranged, nnd nro uiinouiiced i today by George Goodrum kif tho committee Thero Is $100 to bo dis tributed ns rollows: First prlzo ror best decornlcd auto, 1U. Second prize ror hebt decorated auto, $20. Third prlzo for best decorated an-' to, $10. For most original auto decoration, $10. For most patriotic auto decoration $10. First prlzo for best comic nuto decoration, $5, Second prize for most comic un to, $n. A now globular Ufa preserver to bo strapped upon tho shoulders of two persons can bo packed flat nnd ' Times Wnnt Ads for results. Hnvo yi.iii' letter heads piiuled ut Tho Times offlco. Invitations printed ut Tho Times office. . AN OIIJKCr IjKSSON At tho hoglnnlng of tho war, when business looked blue, tlm automobile mnnti rncturers decided thoy would go right ahead, Thoy did not curtail tholr nowspnpor advertising. If anything they Increased It. What wbh tho result? Tho manufacturers almost with out oxceptlon now roport that their sales havo Increas ed right along, nnd in Instances nro from 25 to GO por cont ahoad of tho sa'mo mouths or 1913-11. Tho big nutomobllo shows held In ov York, I'hilndol phln, Chicago and Boston, havo beou nttonded by tho Inrgcst crowds ever known in tho history of such exhi bitions and tho number of machines disposed or has beou far In excess of thoso or other years. TIIK TIMKS. Can holp your business ' GE ttammmmmmmammaHmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmtmmmtmmmwmmfammm. : Unmatched SpeedgRfiE Speed that runs away from ill other rowboat motors. Power to carry hoavior g?Oj.71g loads no vibration to shako the boat and mar th pleasure of rlJInir. It does not triake the boat " -CYLINDER w '1 ROWBOAT MOTOR v .-&.' The2-cylinderKobin io the wise mtn choice this year. Lt a.nn't records nroved its mettle. Abiolutel; der81 under all condltlons-Mir" jut reverses while running VJ WW pressing the button. Trophy Winning RtcefTn Tht Kob.n h.i 2 oppcud "? thal'a whtt rmove vlbrtlon-lif motor on the ro'litt. CII cod l dtl B"""" C. P. KEATING, Agent PI. ono itOH-U .MnrfcMlfia TWUMX ltntes to Voa r,0 rooms, por day ..''M 100 rooms with M 1J i i :i 100 rooms with Wh ,iW 200 lorgo roomi. with bath '' Kxtra person In . room, additional ... f&& JJW0W ok vou rw HKST l'"" I ,. ai "I -Location, nccomora -- .., , stent !" ' VltU 111" l wiillo rates aro n lo' !tt'W hotels. 1o T It costs ono cent IO ..fhHT1. 1 to tell your "'.- story Tuo 'in""-" "" . 4 wani v- . , 4hWMl "HjIfjgSo a 1 um HJI wllis Til "' . o-nrd I a - ,MI i wmw 1 V M W K.l IP "Brown of Harvard" See Page 7, Today's Times Ornheum Theater. June Seats on Sale at Busy Corner 1