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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1915)
- r THE-C0S BAYTIMES- "ABSHFIELD, OREGOM. SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1915 EVENING EDITION. -- .-rr p A TT. flfIVITVn SEVEN J.BCAU"' Jj "" "v.a rshfield PAIN I AND DECORATING CO. ORDER FOLGER'S TEA J2yANT & WEAVER si Of Course We Have It Folger's Famous Golden Gate Tea nt Kfcntly reduced prices this week. Phone us your order nnd we will deliver It. Wo nlso carry Folger's ttoldcn (Into Coffee, Folger's Spices, FolgeWs Ten, Folger's Kvtrncts, Folger's linking Powder. CONNER & HOAGLAND THK I.KADINO OHOCKHS DKAIiKUS IN OOOI) OHOCKHIKS 707 South llroadway Phones JMH-J nnd 2J Estimates Furnished 140.H. Mnrshfiold, Oregon OOD! wnnm o. 4 -- billing ffo" ncr lullu ?1"" ,0 "?- vood, 1G t -1 Inches 32 to I 'ice Del I very V. 11. LINGO 221-3. North First St. Cent nil Ave. ONE WEEK Phono 100 lone IHiHilM I COLDRN CATF TFA I I U AUTO CALL FUH rUUIt'S AUIOS Phono i!IO-L. Night nnd Dny. Right Ctifo. WUCAItS. CAREFUfi DRIVERS I). L. FOOTE. SAVE MONEY b; ordcriiif: tho fatuous HENRYVILLE COAL I coal, per ton $1.00 hi coal, per ton $5.50 hjlf ton of both $1.73 1). MUSSON, Prop. Irliono IS-J tir Iwivo orders nt llllljcr's Cignr Store MERCHANTS CAFE Popular1 Plnco for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial nnd R'dw'y. mmHtww WESTERN LOAN AND t BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 lays 8 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer SOUTH COOS IUVKR HOAT 8BRV1CK LAUNCH EXPRESS tm Mnrshficld every dny , ni. Irfuives hcml of river nt it: 15 p. m, STEAMER KAINHOW tm IicnkI of river dully nt 7 m. Leaves Mnrshflold nt 2 p. k For riinrtor apply on liourtl. hogers & SMITH Proprietors COMMUTATION nn TICKETS, SIJ.OO. U Mirelifleld-Nortli llond Anto Lino kn every ten inliititos from a. m. to 12 p. in.; to SouUi lough onco a day, leaving nt .ni.j to Empire three trips dy. COItST & KINO, Prop.. City Auto & Taxi Co. I 'y nun .lglit Hervlco p taxi, phono 20, Chandler Hotel iFor touring oars, phono 20, Chandler Hotel LVXX LAMRKTH. Prop. P Cars New Cora AVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See COrFhELL . Phone 3171 JPXH inirt nUTIfcXl) VIA FLORENCE Anto Stage Schedule pMawlifli'ld nnd Florence ik - 5.00 a.m. 1Mda'2 G:M a.m. " 3 c:00 a.m. M 0:45 a.m. 5 9.00 a.m. "r 6 10:00 a.m. ,y7 11:00 a.m. ilr 8 12:00 m. '"day 3 2:30 a.m. MO 3:30 a.m. u 4;00 a.m. h 12 4:30 a.m. I7 13 5:00 a.m. iJ H 5:00 a.m. " b:00 a.m. f."" 16 .... 5:00 a.m. ' 5:00 a.m. J l8 5:00 a.m. 19 6:00 a.m. lmo 7:00 a.m. ?ril 9:00 a.m. r 22 10:00 anli ehy 23 ...n-oo a.m. aJ24 2:30 a.m. u 25 3:00 a.m. rr!e 3:30 a.m. 7 4:30 a.m. r 28 5:00 a.m. rf.29 5:00 a.m. P30 .... c:00 n.m. Ate nna fimnn TiiiiIi M leaving Marahfleld before Coos Bay Tea, Coffee , and bpice House IKMIPIU of FOLGER'S TKA BALK it or the best In the grocery line. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House i.u .muitii KHOADWAV I'liono :ii)i.j. Folger's Tea Sale at Wolcott Grocery Of course o lmvo It. Phone send us or bring us your drder! We lire nlwnys prepared to servo jour needs or wishes in the kto cery lino. h J Wolcott's Grocery I North Front St. Phone 07-.I Folger's Tea is One of Our Specials Whenever we enn sine our cus. (onicrs money, wo always do so. This week wo are selling Folger's lea at greatly reduced prices. W. H. Dindinger &Co. nunker Hill Department Store rl'"c 32 Freo delivery. A Good Combination Good Tea Good Grocers Good Advertising It 1 Unlv Know Wk .. How many times a day do you nsk that question? Jiou want Bomcthlnir. Perhaps you are not sure just what I crhaps you are suro but do not know where to got It. Tho advertising columns of The Times have dally answers to such nuorles. They tell people what to get and wliero to buy to tho best nd vantngo. Not to read Hie advertising Is to bo poorly Informod. CCYLON IftOU CNGLISH 0nCKf5! OOLONG JAPAN GUNPOworn OLACH k GnttN For one week :it these prices to con vince you that the tea is worth th regular price A pound ol this tea makes 300 cups. At 80c a pound, the cost is one cent for about four cups. You can afford to drink good tea. V IN LY AT GROCERS JUNE 7th to 12th, 1915 & (FOLGER'S Tff fEA) RttuU, SbmUJ rl4jl prio i.ltpri 1.0 TINB 80 SO H 4o as !-w l ao is J 3 ro a no ENTGR YOUR OHOin BtlOW ty u.iTm I tin tin.. 'JmBSBBJUBBL ' mMmfwmssBSsssm J. A. FOLGER & CO., San Francisco FOLGERfS TEA Sale at Eastside Of course wo can take enro of your heeds in tho big Tea Kale this week. Wo nro always pre pared to sen'o you. STAR GROCERY kastjsidi-: Phono UOlMi Folger's Tea Week Observed by us. Wo rnn furnish you any thing In tho Folger line ns woll as the best In the grocery line Nasburg's Grocery Folger's Tea Sale at STAUFF'S Phono us your orders, or drop In and we'll so that you participate In this great speclnl offer. We handle Folger's line of Gol den Ante Coffee, Spires, linking Powder, Soda nnd P.xtmcts. StaufPs Grocery 20(1 Front Street Phone 102 WE can't sell you Folger's Tea, but we: can sell you good printing from The Times' Job Dept. OETTINO ATTENTION Tho first great qdestlon Wifh alt snlcfl men nnd nil advertisers Is to get respectful attention. Thcro Is one tlmo and only ono In nil a mauls wakeful hours when ho Is all attention Is In an absolutely recepttvo frnrao of mind. That tlmo Is when ho sits down to rend his favorite paper. Honca, tho columns of his favorite pnpor which ho reads every day Ib tho best plncq to set forth tho merits ot tho goods of which you want to got a favorable Impression. Tho Times is Coon llay's favorlto pnpor. NOTICK OF ANNUA h MKKTIXG SCHOOL Notice Is hereby given to tho le gal voters of School District No. 9, of Coos County, Stnto of Oregon, that tho Annual School .Meotlng for ald District Will bo held nt Pun. tral School Uulldlng, to begin at tho honr of 7:30 o'clock P. M., on tho third Monday of Juno, being tho 21st day of Juno, A. D ;91C. This meeting Is called for tho pur poso of electing ono director to servo for tho term of thrco years and ono clerk to servo for tho term of ono year and tho transaction of business usual at such meeting. Dated this 2nd day of Juno, 19 1G. Attest. John F. Hall, District Clerk. A. II. Powers, Chairman Hoard of Directors uU fS FREE 1 SYSTEM S Calico Dance, tonight, Kaglcs Hall, Mnrtlu'M Orchestra, Don't Mis It. Have you tried Tho Times' want adsT GKKAT CONVBXIKXCB FOR. AU TOISTS AND IIICVCIjISTS PltO VIDKI) HY TOV'MU IlIlOTH FltS KINK PIj.Va'T COMPLKT. i:i Tho Gunnery yesterday complotod tho Installation of tholr freo air plant for autolsts and bicyclists. It will be a decided convenience to nu tolsts and will completo Tho Gun nery's sorvlco dopartmont. Towor llrothors nro dctormlned to furnish tho patrons and tho public tho best sorvlco In tholr lino nil tho tlmo. MOOSE SEAT SALE Times want nds bring results. PROFITS vs. rCOSTi i "I can't afford to use news- ! paper advertising," said one ! merchant. "Well, I can't af- ford not to," said the second i one, whose business is grow- i ing even in dull- times... "I i don't look at what a thing j costs, but what I am going to : get out of it. "Continuous newspaper ad vertising brings me larger, : more definite returns than any ; other kind I have tried. "As a matter of fact it costs less, too, for I buy no waste circulation." :coo 1 fc ! TIMES PHONE 133 "IIHOWN OF IIAUVAHD" PltOVKS 'IUG DItAWING CAltD FOR MOXDAV AND TUKSDAY KVK XIXGS OF XKXT WKIIK. Tho sent salo for "Drown of Har vard," which tho Mooso will pre sent nt tho Orphotim Thonter Mon day and Tuesday, Juno 14 and 10, oponod at tho Ilusy Comer drug sioro inis morning, tiio scats are selling fnat, and those who want tho good ones should reserve thorn early. Tho price for any sent lor cither performance Is fifty cents. Tho production of Itldu Johnson Young's famous college play will bo In more ways than ono u really ro mnrknblo event. In tho flint plnco tho piny itself Is a romnrknblo one. No American comedy over written has had no suc cessful a career, or has mndu so many stars. "Drown of Harvard," Is known among plays as tho "star mnkor." Flvo plnycra In tho orig inal cast becunio stars over night after the premier performance of tho play, nnd nearly every member of thnt cast is now recognized as n planet of the first magnitude In tho second place tho produc tion which tho Mooso will give hero is a romarknhlo ono. When tho nowspnpers from all parts of tho stnto Indulgo In what would seem to bo tho most extravagant pralso of Mr. Mott's production of this piny, thero must bo something about it thnt makes It different from tho usual run of "local talent" plays. lu practlcully ovory town that tho di rector has staged this play tho press has declared It to bo tho best theatrical production of any kind, amateur or professional, that had ovor been seen on the local stage. As for the Marshflold cast tnat will appear In "Ilrown of Harvard" noxt Monday and Tuesday, that too, Is a remarknblo ono. Tho dlroctor considers It one of tho best he has ovor worked with, and ho confident ly expects the local production to be ono of the finest amateur per formatices cvor staged In this country. GUARDS AG S T 0. S. MAIL DELAYS MAID CONTRACTOR LAIRD KQUIPH NTAGICS WITH FISK TIRKS AS A PHKCAUTION AGAINST TIRK TROUHMCH. .1. L. Laird, who hnu tho contract for carrying tho U. S. mall to and from Coos County points, between Camas Valley and Myrtlo Point, Is taking every precaution against pos slblo delays on the road. He has just adopted Flsk tires for all tho mall carrying autos as a guarantee against tire trouble on the toad. In doing' this ho Is tak ing iidvnutngo of the experience of big n kith of aiitoH who throughout thu country nro adopting tho Fink tiro as tho ono that gives tho most service for the money and ono thnt causes the least delay and trouble on tho road. TIiIh morning Tho Gunnery, Flsk distributors lu Southwestern Ore gon, shipped four heavy tlrcH to him. He has placed nu ordor for sufficient Flsk casings and Fisk tubes to oqulp overyouo of Ills cars and Tho Gunnery Is supplying him. TIDE WATER MILL WILL SHIP LUMBER NO CRKDITORS APPKAL James Sweeney Cmso Is Up llofore Judgo Seldbrede No creditors appeared this morn ing boforo Judgo Behlbrede, refereo In bankruptcy, for an examination of James Sweoney, of North Dend, who has filed bankruptcy proceed ings, asserting his assets to be about 1250 and hU liabilities in the neigh borhood of 149,000. It Is said the as sets consist or the furniture and that this Is owued mostly by his wife. Only one claim has been filed. Sweeney came hero from Eugene not long ago nnd has been In business lu Seattle and Portland. A report will be made to the clerk In the Port land office, a hearing held nnd Sweeney's application for a dis charge from his debts considered. t AT THE HOTELS J I Chandler Hotel, Mrs. Joseph Hcndorsnn, (Inrdlnor; Miss M. L. Henderson, Gardiner; Holla II. Wilson, (Inrdlnor C; Drey man, Portland; Henry L. Mass, San Francisco; J. K. Webber, Portland; Chnrlcs 1. Hochborg, Hound-Up; Montnna; II. A. Myers, Portland; A. Stride nnd wife, iVnncouver, Wnsh.; A. II. Colo, Portland; K. J. Ilodell, SaiTumouto; J. S. Mooro nnd wife, Dolmnr; Frank II, Ack loy, Powers; Kdward T. Skey, Em pire. St. Laurence Hotel. Jny Richards, Sumner; Charles Dowmun, Kmplro; Mrs. Charles Dowman, Empire; John C. Mullen, Sprlngflold; J. C. Colo and wife, So nttlo; Paul Fahoy, Dandon; J. E. Hawkins, San Francisco; Arllo Hall, Portland; Jorry Stone, Portland. Lloyd Hotel. Lawrence Darklow, Myrtle Point; J. D. Darklow, Myrtlo Point; Wil liam McDonald, Myrtle Point; V. S. McElroy, Denver Hill; E. M, Pring, Powers; W. E. Lowellon, Myrtle Point; II. A. Mclntyro, Conulllo; J. Cushman. Coqulllo; C. Ferguson, Portland; D. Sporon, Norway. Dlnuro Hotel. E. Erlckson, Powers; Thomas Con way, Lester, Wash.; Charles Paul son, Lestor; W. J. Hunt, Lester; William Dergman, Lester; Fred Cox, San Francisco; Emmet F. Wler, Crescent City; J. Ernst, Coos Riv er; 12. E. BpIliiK, Los Angeles; O., O. Laly, Portland; D. P. Weaver, South Inlfit; E. E. Render, Myrtlo Point. Mnnnger Duttou Arrives At Florcnco nnd Will Send Cargoe. on I largo fjiwrenco (Special to The Times) FLORENCE, Ore., Juno 12. II. P. Dutton, mnnngor of tho Tide Wa ter Mill Co., has arrived In Florence nnd when aeon at tho Mill Com pany's offlco Stated tlrnt nrran( menta had boon made to ship two cargoes of lumber by (ho bnrgo Law rence, which arrived In port Tuesday morning towed by tho tug Glonn or. Tho mill company also expocts to run tho planers lntor and clean up what lumber Is at present In the yards. Dr. Dutton was highly gratified at tho final results accomplished In soiling tho Port bonds nnd provid ing money to eontlnuo the Je(ty con Btructlon, nnd feels thnt with tho completion of the project the Sins- Inw will have a bar second to none lu Oregon. L T DGETHER ONLY OCCUPANTS OF COUNTY 11ASTILK MAKI3 QUKKIt PAIR C0QUILLE WILL MAKE MORE FILLS Will Uo Dredge Seattle While Up River to llcttcr Condition of Low Place Coqulllo Intends to take advautago of tho presence of tho dredge Seat tle to do some noedod filling of low places nrcordlng to tho following of tho Sentinel: As the dredge Seattle will proh ah'v finish tho Job of furnishing n channel from Coqulllo to Iliindon 10 foot In dopth and n hundred and fif ty foot In width during tho noxt two weeks, thcro Is n plan on foot to keep her at, work hero onough longor to fill tho swnle at tho cast end of Front street which runs on up between tho Tuttle House and tho livery stable It Is estimated that It would cost 50 cents n yard to fill this hole with dry earth by tho uso of teams; hut the Band In the bed of tho rlvor Is nearly 20 feet In dopth boforo tho clay Is reached and the drodgo company agrees to make Just as much or a fill as Is desired, by pumping this sand Into the hole, at a cost of only 20 cents por cubic ynrd. It will probably bo several years boforo thorn Is a drodge up tho rlvor again and tho opportunity Is not ono to be lost, Calico Dance Tonolght, Eagles Hall, Mnrtln's Orchestra. Don't MIks and leave I-akesldo nt ID.IO n. in t 1! p. in. dally. Auto service to Ten .Mile, Leave .Miirxliflehl nt N a. in. or 1 JMO p. in. nud SIUSLAW JETTY WORK WILL START SOON Illds Will Ro Asked for In A Few Duys by Major .Morrow PORTLAND, Ore., June 12 Major Morrow of tho unglneorle corps received authority to go ahead with north and south Jettys at the Sluslaw rlvor and In a few days bids will bo advertised for. Tho south Jot ty Is to bo extended farther out than the north Jetty. Tho Work will bo paid for by a government appropria tion and money raised by Port of SluslaW bonds. ' Ono DoMM-tcd Ills Family While tho Other Offended Against tho Same Family (Spoclnt to The Times.) COQU1LLE, Ore., June 12. Two men stood behind tho bars of the county Jail yesterday ns tho only occupants of plnco. Doth are mar rlod men but ono Is young and the othor much oldor. Tho older man fares tho chargo ot dasortlng hjs family ton years ago and tho young er man must answer to tho chargo ot contributing to the delinquency of a minor1 girl, ono of the family which tho oldor man du.ortcd, his doivghtor In fact. Tho younger man Is Neva Hntchcr nho Iiiih boon tried onco but lu whose car.n tho Jury disagreed. Ho will be tried again. It Is illogct ho was guilty of wronging tho minor daugh ter of his older Jail companion, John Stlllwell. Another young man, Earl Ensolo, wnH found guilty of tho same clmrgn nnd sent to tho penitentiary, Whou these matters woro brought boforo tho grand Jury It was learned that Mrs. Stlllwell nnd hor daughtr hnd been keeping up a llttlo ranch near Dandon and had been doing tho work Ihemselvos. When tho grand Jury found that Htlltwoll had desorted his family ton yenrs ago thoy decided to Indict him also. When he loft this county Stlllwell wont as a member of n traveling sect known as "God's Regular Ar my," Thoro was a warrant out for him onco boforo and ho mado a short visit horo soino years ago but escap ed nrrost In some way. Now ho must fnco tho chargo of desertion nnd await his trial In Jail with young Hatcher against whom tho samo family has a grievance Stlllwell was located and arrested at Vancouver, Wnsh., and was brought back from that place Thurs day night. KEEP LAUNCH ON NIGHT ERRY SERVICE Judge .nines Wii'sun Relieves Truf fle Not Enough to Justify Dig Ferry nt Night. In nil probability tho presont ar rangement of a gasoline launch for the night ferry service between Marshflold and Eastside will bo rotalnod, according to a statoment last evening by County Judgo Wat son. He stated there is not enough heavy traffic In tho evening to jus tify the added expense of running tho ferry Transit. Illds are again being asked for by tbe County Court, he said, for a gauolluo boat to tako the run. Fig ures by Captain Cavanaugh, at pres ent operating tho old launch Union on the run show that 1640 persons used tho night service last month. The Cadillac lu place of Mllllco. iim will leuvo .Marshfleld SlllO na. Dr. II. K. KEIrY, DENTIST day morning for Allegany, i-ctMrulutc Phono 11 2-J, Room 201, Coke lilihj, riiiuday evening. I t H t 1 j 4 " yon should make Fort m9 day. WKWj