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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1915)
PP7&M mLSF'i 3tViL-- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1915-EVENING EDITION, SfX "7 Children V Day Exercises Ait Marshfield Churches TO START TRESTLE I Lawn and Garden Sprinkling IIIU PEMHI.IM DRIXEH .SOON itrvm von operation Tomorrow, Children's Day will be) son. Leslie Isaacson nbsorved bv the different stinuny ouuk u tn-nui Schools of Marshfield, nay Park nnd , Bunker Hill; at 11 o'clock Sunday' mornlnc by the Presbyterian. J.etno- :30 , Henedlctlon .list and Episcopal Schools, at p. in. by the Bunker Hill and Bay Park Schools nt Day Park Chapel nnd nt 8 o'clock In the evening by tho Baptist Sunday School. The Christian church Sunday School has postponed their program for two wecltB. , Tho .Preabyterlnn Church pro gram which will be given at .1 1 a., m. Js ns follows: Hymn. Prayer. "Wclcoroe" William Dashnoy. Song, ''Chlldrens Day" Marlon "Wilson, Gertrude Stubblefield, Cleo Carter, Maxlne Jones, Ed na Rues, Elizabeth .lones, Mnblo Sneddon, Mnrgaret Fourier, Dorothy Ferguson. Recitation In Concert, Amelia Tratt, Ruth Snow, Viola Scalfe. Dorothy Raines. Tresontatlon of "Faithful Attend ance" Rewards by Rev. Stubble field. Solo by Mrs. R. E. Miller, "Suffer the Little Children to Como Un to MtV Howltt. Christening of Infants. Talk "To The Big Folks" ... r Sen. I. S. Smith. Song, "Rose Rose, Rose" Ellza- bcth Jonbs, Edrra Rces, flcrt Tudc Btubblefleld. Recitation Ethel Elliott Solo , . ; Viola Scalfe Offertory Solo, "Juct Before To day", Abbott Mrs. Stanley Henderson. Hymn. Talk, "To Tho Little Folks" J. T. Brand Bong By The Infant Class Recitation "Let Us Be Olad" MargrfVct Fourier, Elizabeth Jones, Dorothy Ferguson. JVnthom "The King of Lovo My Shepherd 1b" Shelley Hymn. Benediction. , METHODIST CHURCH Tho ChlldrenH Day program nt tho Methodist church wll be given nt 11 u. ru. Song Welcomes Prayer. Rosponslvo reading. Primary Welcomo Verses Alice Hyden, Jack Hanson. Cong by school. Recitation, "Tho Teachers Wo Boya Want" Lesllo Holmes Mandolin Solo Lesllo Isaacson Recitation, "Optimism" . .' ... .- Josephine Savage Song, "Tho Child Jesus" Primary Department Recitation, "Whon Things Co Wrong' Florence) Atkins Duct, "A Lullaby" Irene Wood worth, Ruth Corey. Primary Exercises, "I Know n Happy Story" Mandolin Duet ...Chcstur Isaac- HAITIST CIU'RCH EPISCOPAL CHURCH J, Tho children of tho .Episcopal church Hiiiulay bcIiooI will havo n special service on Sunday at 1 1 a. m. The Sunday school will assem ble nt 10: in ami after a short ses sion and class instruction, all will march Into the main body of tho church, accompanied by their par ents ami tho following order for tho service will bo followed: Processional Onward Christian Soldiers Hymn r. 10 Special Psalms ..,..1:27 nnd Ml St. Luke, SMO-fia Norrls Fnrrln Kneeling Hymn i.'ll Jeans, Tontlcr Shepherd Drill In tho Catechism Sermon Hymn fi ir Golden Harps nro Sounding Special sermon In Interest of both children and pnrcnts .... Tho Child's Fourfold Lire St, Luke, 2:52. Solo to bo sung by .Mrs. Charles Stauff. Offertory sentence and taking of tho offering by Masters Doulmnr and Ilakor. Recessional Hymn No. r. 82 .... . . Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus Tho vested choir will bo present and tho abovo order will form part of the regular service On Sunday tho 20th the Sunday school will hold Its session as usual and will bo addressed by Bishop Summer. ThlH will be the closing session for the glimmer. Tho nnnuiil picnic will bo hold on Tuesday tho loth. Phono 3SDX Blblo School nt 10 a. m with graded classes and competent teach ers. Worship at 11a. m. and 8 p. in. Special music. A cordial wolcomo is oxtonded to nit. . OlimSTIA.V CHURCH I I I SWEDISH EVANGELICAL ,JL0rV,a?8,8 f0Jl0owB t tho Church,, LUTHERAN CHURCH. cornor Sixth nnd Contrnl: now n. v. Henctson. Pastor. Regular sorvlcos every Sunday. Roaldoneo 294 lllishlnml avonuo. Wblo School at 10:00 a. m. Phono 04-R. v j Sunday school at 9:4R a. m. . Sermon It a. in. The Baptist church program will bo given fit S p. in. us follows: Organ Prelude . .Miss Alpha Mamey Song By school Prayer. Responsive Reading. Song By School: "Tho Troll Dwellers" . .Nine girls and bojs. "Light of the World" Seven girls, and Ladles' Quartet. "Tho Peace Fleet" Five Boys. Song By School. Recitation' Naomi Daniels Recitation Myrtle Smith Recitation ). . . Floyd Frazler Recitation lime McLaughlin Recitation Clyde Brown Offering. "The Wheel on the Trail" Primary Girls Motion Song. Prliunry Department Recitation . . . Recitation Phyllis Hall Recitation Ceclt Doll Recitation Evelyn Conkllti Recitation Harwood Hall Address. Song "Throw out the Llfe-LIno" School Benediction. : ' 1.IOO PH. Being Taken Oul Fur 2. (MM) Feet of Tiv-tle On Xorlli Anil South l-akos- Trestle work along the North and South Lakes at Ten Mile will be coin-. monced net week, according to V. M. Kaiser, of the lluuser and Hans-1 er company who was here today. , Within a few- days the largo pendu-j lum pile driver will be completed and i ready for operation. . A crew of 20. men Is now employ-, ed at the HnuVer nnd Hanger camps. They nro to get out 1.400 piles from , tho lclnlty of 'the lakes, the con-1 tiait for hla part of the work also having been awarded the company Tho piling will be between (in and f 110 I cot In length. Theio lire practically 2,000 feet1 of trestle work to bo built. A large crow Is expected to be put nt work , as soon as the main project is got-1 ten under way. It Is expected this trestllng will bo completed by the1 end of August or early September. According to the present Indica tions tho track by that time will be i ...Clyde Oosncyi"111 1,)m -oos "" "" '"' ,ls lllu trestle and ready then to Do extend ed to tho Unipiiuu. Steel Is now be ing laid south to Acme and every Indication points to tho opening of communication during the Into fall or curly winter months, n ferry be ing used at the River until the bridge, expected to bo the last link, is finished. i.-. ....... .... !.. ..iiiki'Im iii iisi- Miller for Iiimii or Kiiiilen sprink ling Is'iwinlrwl to Nlgn mi implication mid inako pa incut b'; ii-lntr niiv Miller for Hilt ptirpM The info flxoil by tho Rail road CoiiiiiilHsloii lor Miilnklliig N 1.00 kt iiioiKIi lor each fiHHO -iiniitv fool (."50 bv lOO-foot lot, or less, hultiliiig wpiiro included. Payincnl of lour mouths, or J? 1.00 In ndvnnco nlhms nso for ono MMir In advance for lawn sprliikllnn, vni'lilnu; windows, poro.ios, etc., but If paid bv Hie nioinli nso Is only nllowcd during the The rules filed vtltli tho Rnlliond Commission require thai pay ment bo made In mlviiiico each nmnlli before using situio nnd (hat sprinkling bo done only IicImocu (I nnd 8 o'clock, morning; iinil evening. No reiliicllon in rules will bo allowed In en so Malor Is not reunited for spilnkllng every day of llie mouth. If water Is used for sprinkling wllhoui. pitynionl having been iiinilo in nil vance or oiilslde of sprinkling hours, Iho service- may bo cut holy shut off and not luined oil until SI. 00 penalty bus been uild. uioulli paid. Coos Bay Water Company. MARSHFIELD AND NORTH MEND, ORENON. :.a.kilburnsanta7la5T ouii 1 1 ciiiuisuu-curBKa-uoos Bay-Portland North Bound FROM SAN FRANCISCO . 10:oo ii, in., -luii,. hi. i,-, FROM COOS HAY FOR ASTORIA AM) PORTt""' "'"' :1"' P. M. Tide, .),, ,t J. ( FROM POHTLANI, SUlh BlllltJ FROM COOS HAV FOR EUREKA AXlfVlV Flt'Tv!!' I"' -' 80. "..M. TldoJime. i l, ai.M lul. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO " '" Sinllli Terminal Dork. Phono iilil. r v.i r ' LL:' ' lin. Agent liiiiiiliwiiiiii in mil "" in,, 1 1 1 Don'L take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Today You cannot afford to bo without health or accident Insurance You not only need tho Insurance, but you wnnt to bo suro nnd have tho correct policy In tho best and most rcllablo company In tho business. Sco mo or phono mo at onco and I will explain It to you. E. I. CHANDLER., Agent, JIarshflold. .'100 Coko Ilulldlng. ircUS I MARHHFIELR PHEKHYTERIAN CHURCH j Rev. Stubbloflold, Pastor ' Chas. H. Lowry, clork of sessions! (loo. 11. Stadden, Sunday School Superintendent. JIIhs Clara Myren, Organist. A. L, llutz, Treasurer. Mrs. Chas. McKnlght, president Women'M Auxiliary. Sunduy School, 10 a. in. Preuchlng, 1 1 a. m. and S:00 p. in. 11 a. in. 'Chlldien's Day Exer cises. Evening Subject: 'Children. Christian Endeavor, 7:1C p. in. Pruyor Mealing, 7:30 Thursday cvonlug, A very cordial Invitation Is ex tended to all, especially utrangers. . I CATHOLlOCHURCa MAHNIIFIELI) siass win no roicbrntcd at 10:30 b'clock Sunday morning by Rov. Fathor Wallace, and In North Rend at U u. m. MWIIODIMT KPIHCOPAU Josoph Knotta, Pastor. Sunday school nt 10 a. in, Morning Sorvlce at 11 u. m. All aro cordially Invited. Mnwnrth LoaKlio at 7 n. in. Junior Longuo Sorvlcs Thursday 7:3 !' ,u aftomoon at SMC. ! Prayer Meeting Thursday ovou-1 Ing at 7:30 o'clock. I CIIKISTIAN SCIENCE I Christian Sclcuco Hall. 237 Third Street North Services at 1 1 n. in,, Sunday and S ii. ni. Woclnnnilnv. Subject: "(Sod tho Preserver of ('"'' '"5,:i Rroodwtiy. CAMPED IN THE STREET 'All Iho World's n Slago" llelng True, Why Nol u llcdrooni on l'"iont Sdvcl Tho cramped life or tho city; tho little hull bed room with tho clothes closet hanging out the win-1 dow didn't look good to O. W. Hoi lenbeck Friday night. Ho was Junt hi from tho woods. Tho big "wide op en" appealed to his nsthctlc nature loving spirit nnd ho camped In tho street Inst night. "Oct up and go homo", ejaculated Officer Shoup when ho found tho nun asleep hi front of tho Nutwood Saloon. Hollcubeck merely sought another corner of tho sidewalk and stnrted to tako advantage of tho space. His shoes enmo off hi trout of tho Palace Restaurant, u coat was found on tho stairs of tho Pioneer Rooms and, trousers In hand, tho Imltnblo Adam wns found by Duncan Ferguson, Jr., of tho fire department, about three u. m. Ho evidently wns walking about In his "bedroom" then In search for a peg for his pants. Adam No. '2 was coaxed across the street to a warm nnd comfortable room In tho Carter Hotel whoro ho! slopt solidly through the iinornlng hours. ll.W PARK CHAPEL ' s i, At tho Hay Park chapel tho pro gram will be given at L':30 p. in. Directed by Mrs. Win. Phillips Chorus by the School Onward ami Upward Scrlptuio Reading Prayer , Song, School.. "In Iho Forest Treos Itodlntlou by Five Children Song Tho Old Story Recitation Clifford Thorwald Duett lime Is Hero Recitation Laura Kllslng Song ami Chorus . . Vesta Schwartz Recitation DoiIh Philips ! Drill My (ilrls: The D.ilsy Solo and Chorus ....Roses of .limn I Doris fiulhrulth I Itecllatlon Mario Schwartz Song Tho School i Scripture heading 4 , Itomarks Rov. Williams I Song Iteaullful Roses or .Itiuo 'I pholsicihig of nil kinds, at the Wowii Who .Mnltrcss .V P.cddhiK Auto cm talus, Did you know that we carry a full line of fresh VEGETABLES, FRUITS AND BERRIES, as well as a full line of GROCERIES AND COFFEES? Get a receipt and save FIVE PER CENT.- Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phcne 394-J. Broadway bet. Central and Commercial IOTEHCEH TflWPOflTlTi Gi Weekly Service Coos R,,y i.d San Francljco. STEAMSHIP II SMITH Freight and Passenger Service SAILS FROM .MARSHFIELD FOR SAX Ht.Wnsro AN PEDRO, Sl'NDAV, .IUNE lil, AT ll:;!il .. j. ' San Francisco Orflco, 000 Flfo Ilulldlng, ullt, ,.lep Numbw Cooe Bny Agent, 0. F. McQeokqe, 2 u GRAVEL Wo nro now prepared to furnish QRAVEL In any quantities from pllo In our yard or In carload lots, at following prices: From pllo on ground, $'2.'l per ynrd. caiinad lots, taken from cars, $2.00 per yard. Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mig. Co. Opposite Post-Offlco. Phone 1110. :)i?iimei with wireless Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM .MARSHFIELD EVERV SI NDAV III lt(j .R'.Vi: AT II A.M., AND FROM PORTLAND EVERV Tlll'ltSDAV AT 8 A.M. Tickets on wile ut Porlhind Chy Tlckcl Office, lllh ami Onk SlrwU. Phono Jir.-J. (-. . laXDHUS, cocih, ciiihloii iluv ' Phono ll).t.,l Mttii." Reading room open overy except Suiulay anil holidays from 1 to I p. m. 4 EPISCOPAL CHURCH. R. E. Drowning, Rector S a. m. Holy Communion at St. Mary's Church, North Hum!, 0:ao a. m. Sunday school. 1 1 n. in. Special service arranged for the Sumho school. All parents urged to attend. Rcctoi's bcrmou "Tho Child tor Clirlut and His nlng nt Church.' , y:;iu p. in. sorvii'o ami sermon hi St. Luko's Episcopal church, Em pire. s, clc, ii Npcclnlly, I NORTH REND PRESIIYTERIAN I Rov. Frederick Slihulaii, Pastor . iiinio sciiool at 10 a. in. UNITED HHETHREN CHURCH NORTH HEN'n Mrs. R. N. Lowla. Pasto Sahliath School at 10 a, in. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. in. Proaeulng at 11 a. m. nnd S rrnyer Meeting weuncsiJay oto 8 o'clock. c- INDEPENDENT AUTO SERVICE Macshflehl, Noilh Rend, Empire, Tarheel, Sunset Hay. Leave-i .Mncshflchl, ut llusy Cornel', 7 u. in.: 10 u. m.; 1 p. m. u p. in.; r p. m. Leaves North I tend ! minutes Inter. Leaves Ihiqilre Hino u. in.; I I::I0 it. m.; l.'.W p. m.; :i:!!0 p. m.; (1:0(1 p. m. Trlw uflei' Iheoe hoiir.s umy ho nii'imged for. Phone llusy Coiner. Night phone I (17-11. luluiDulU 1EET IT lEPOIfi M MTT - i Official Program FRIDAY, .ll'LY UNI), PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY H. H. Harper ' ' HOUSE BUILDER j Gonernl Ropnirlng and Cabinet Making. Phono 3-1 9-J. J. M. Wright Phono 1S8-R! RUI LDINO CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on request Puget Soisnd Bridge & Dredging Co, Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coasl work the Dredge "Seattle" the most powerful, host equipped and most lliornuglily modem ttvcuty-Iuch hydraulic areilge In Pacific waters Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. mi METHODIST CHURCH Rev. A. S, lllsey, Pastor North Ifeiui I I SEVENTH DAY ADVE.NTISTS. I Local Elder, J. 11. Quails. Sovonth Day Advt utlst services aro conducted overy Fatunluy as follows: Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Rlblo Study at 11 a. m. Young People's Society nt 3 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at Tho services Sunday , iohows: Sunday School nt 10 11:00 a, ni. Sermon. Vesper Circle ami Epworth League ai 7 p. m. No. 1 Trot or pace, onudinlf mile, two heats, each hoat u race, 2;U5 class, purso Stoo No. L' Running, ono half mile, purso JjHO.OO No. a Trot or paco, one-half mile, best two In thrco heats, freo for all, puiso !jSll!5 No. ! Novelty race, ono mile, $110 for first to quarter post, $40 for first to half-mllo post, ?55 for first to throo quartcr post, 575 for first to mllo stake $200 No. 5 Motor Cyclo, 5 miles, $25 to 1st, 515 to 2nd MO SATURDAY, .IULY it, llliri No. C. Trot or paco, one-half mile, two heats, each hoat it race, 2::t5 class, purso. .. 5100 No. 7 Running, flve-olKhtlm mile, purso $100 No. S Trot or paco, ono mile, threo heats, otery heat a raco, purso 5150 No. 9 Running, ono nnd 0110 clghth mllos. for Coos ami Curry County horses only, purso 5200 No. 10 - Consolation 'rare, for nil horses not finishing as good as second, pursu 575 No. II Mototydo raco, 525 to 1st, 515 to 2nd. purso.. 510 Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, (i LASSES FITTED DR. MATTIE 11. SUAW. RlsenhCs of Women and Children Offlco Phono a30-J. Rooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Block Benjamin Ostlmd CONSUIriNO ENdl.VEER AND ARCHITECT Offices. 200 Irving Block. Phono 103-L or 2C7-J. Marshflald, Oregon, H. G. Butler CIVIL ENOINEER Room :i0 1 Coko lildg. Phono M5-J. Rosldenco Phono 128-L. W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms !101 nud :t02, Coko Ilulldlng, .Marshfield, Oregon. Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshfield, Oregon. Dozens of Savings Accounts Have Been Opened Here This Year Not all large accounts but the smaller depositor knows he is just as welcome here. For months we have been urging the opening of a savings account here because we want to encourage thrift and industry. We pay interest on savings accounts. You may open an account at any time in any amount, FIRST TIA L B m OF COOS BAY Safely Deposit Boxes For 'Bent. I NORWEGIAN Ll'THERAN. I Rov. R. O. Thorpe services win 110 neiu m uie Norwe gian Lutheran Church nt M.u-hlifleiil. Sunday at 7:15 p. 111. Sunditt sthool nt 1 ik 111. Services will bo hold In the Norwc- l'THHT RAPTIS1' CHURCH Albert V. Hansford, M. A. Residence 97o So. Fourth St. I CATHOLIC CHURCH I NORTH REND Rov. Katuor McDorltt Mnss will bo celebrated Sunday glan Lutheran Chapel at North cllnd morning at 8 by the Rov. Eatherl Sunday at 11 u. in Sunday school at Wallaco. 1 10. will bo as a. in. 'Idungan I llninPRTAkMnin T 1 PARLORS! mmi "mi ni- i-iii ni OPEN TO Tin: Pl'RLlC W H A icguhu- Mute Recused H . mulct inker ulll he In Ql mm charge M H Phone 1 D.V.I H I ilHHHHHHHHlil Perl Riley Ballinger PIANISP AND TEACHER Rosldenco Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phono IlGS-L. DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street Phono li7D RJUUGU & BEIiETT Bfii OLDEST RANK IX COOS COINI'Y Esdihllshed 1KKI). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Ti'mo AND SAVINtJS DEPOSITS Officers J. W. Reiiuelt, President. ' .1, II. I'laiiiigan, Vlco-Preshlen't. It. !'. Williams, Cashier. . c(r. V.'eo. 1 Wlitrhe.sler, A' tn Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELbi MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty Phone iou'J miu-ifi rnriT virnnr - t . t - m nwi ill tuiil vJilUUI " H 1