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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1915)
LUiUUyHUB L BUY YOUR FOURTH JULY SUIT NOW OF Royal Tailors made to order, $18 to $35. Kuppenheimors $20 to $30 Other pood suits from $8.50 up SHIRTS THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1910- EVENING-EDITION. OG ),(.. SlllltS, llllsllit'ss Shifts, OulliiK SlilrH. livery good put. tern, plaliod flouts son t,r sff cuffs iiihI tlic.v'1! III ,vou like a t.illcjictl f?m mnit, 'houtuse tfiu riiiii' 1 1 sizes (alios Into consider iit.'nii nil "'' ,,,"l' .'''t,'i. Ii tij; nini'i, l.iiw "'id Ninatl :icik, IiiihiiI or niiiTtnv shoulders, In deed, ve of-''' '' "in Shin lie .n I tnriil a .sltlrl service Mipicim' In every isepoil. .smile ulth us nvcr (ho pi let's, 50c to $3.50 Tu.v MEN'S FIXINS lluiuleul, of 'em In shades in '""'lo ii inl.tlmu. All prlees f'iii us little its .-lie tip ( sum. si'mmki: rM) Ilea. uo Iit'llovo is tin. host 'y nf milliner iintlervvonr out Mioui, li.v ,u oi- any oilier Mote (hi (.os lla.. Ii makes no dlf. loieiiro What the st.vle. what t:,c. vu'lght or uliat pi Ire jou've set to mi.'ilf jt.u. Wo have H " OltlS (o S.I.OO M( IIOSIKItVt 'linio to look out foe peilnl ap. I'fiiiiiiriN due. t the m rival of low shoes, ilnj Vni hv (lie lio "I (I lor S1..-.V. PAJAMAS: Ami Xlghtshiils, lo JSJ.,-,0. rIT wmm V A ai llt-ollicr On Ua(tUhip. J. Q jnr. vis' joiing brother la now on the t". S. S. South Dakota, which Is at Portland daring the Hose Fosllvnl. lie was formerly In the N'nvy Hos pital Corps at S.m Ftaticlseo. I nun SI. (in CR0SSETT SHOES the best you ever wore $5 and $6 TOE FIXUP MARSHFIELD - 0RTH BEND Where the price is always right ..ixi: Tii)i:s Time and Heights of lldm nt Mnrshrield. The tides are placed in order of orturretKc, with (heir times on tito first lino and heights on the second line of each day; a compar ison of onsecutivo heights will In dicate whether It is high or low , water. High tide on tlm nun hour nnd 5 I mlmites earlier than at children . Mo,-.i,ft.,i.i ii ..!. ,. .. - ...... tiuiiiriii ,.-...... ..vii4. n .uiiu ijcuu .11 mill- uios earlier than at Marshfleld. Seeks Dlxoue. Divorce proceed ings have boon staitod In Circuit Cotitt hy Mt s. Kdna M. Schrooiler. of Oinahc, Nebraska, against her husband, I,, p. Sehroodcr, a local plumber and hardware man. Clve Program. The Hunker Hill and Hay Park Sunday Schools have arranged session about July 1. 4Mr, .larv has boon witji the lied Cross fin some time and his departure will he regretted hy the nu.ny friends thai ho and .Mrs. ,laris hae mane ncro Wilson Xt Coining;, A mini In-; lo a report in North Hem!, V .1 Wllsey was expected here within a few weeks. However Warren Heed who was here from Gardiner todaj stated that ho had letter from Mrs Wllsey a couple of days ago and she stated that Mr. 'llse would not be back from New York for several months. Wllsey Is biivlinr mintilirs u splendid program for for the Allies In the east, day which will he held , . 9'Hra I Ft. lOUirs I Ft. , 11 Ulrs iFt. lL'IHlH I Ft. i:iiiits I Ft. 1-IIHrs I Ft. 1.1 I Irs I Ft. 12.35 3.S 1.22 3.7 S.00 .G.30 ..0.1 .7.10 0.1 .0.3. ..C.I 0.3 .1.11 8. 38 ..G.I 0.1 .1.10 9.14 . ,r..t o.i .2.20 9.1!) . .5.1 0.1 .2.5(1 10.23 . .5.3 0.3 C.ll 2.0 7.02 1.9 2.0(5 3.8 2.10 3.9 3.2 1 3.9 4.01 1.0 I.3S 1.1 11.5C 5.1 U.O 0.0 7.14 n o woo 2.3 S.I7 2.1 9.32 2A in the Hay l'aik chapel Sunday af ternoon at 2:30 o'ulock. Sued for DIvotro. Among tho now eases started In the Circuit Court Is n suit brought hy Mrs. defuses t p., j Illumines. Tho North Head Council has turned down , the claim of Mrs. Cora Honors for $1000 damages because of an al leged injury to hor when she step ped off tho sldowalk at tho comer i ..... ..... ... i.uiiu i.. vi ; nu lor divorce from hor i of Shorhlan and California streets husband, H. P. Wyatt. Mr. Wyatt some tlmu ago. She alleges there fouuerly resided la North Hond. Is a hole there and that tho plank- nig was not naiiou. vidi tho re- P3S2525252S J. ii5H52S25?5E!ESES2SB52Sa!S2SErai2JE V. KQSKI 1 1 Hi 1 1 CLASS liADlHS' AXI) (ii:XTS TAII.OK hints Kinlslicil in a Shot! Tlnn. O O o o o o wf.atiif.u fohp.cast Ilin Fine Kt multeities, K. ,. Chlireh at IiIh r.srin nn lutlimiiu i 12"9 ' lot not far from Flagstaff has raised five acres of straw boirlos this year. 'Iho rain damaged a few of them but the groatur part of them are coming onto tho lnnrket in good shape. fiisal of the claim It Is expeile.l tint suit will bo brought against tho city Iairket Awa0 1 I ru SEreZ5H2S5T!5Z52H!SHI5a5ES"i5n25 '0CM"BEACH AUTO LINE lljf A littnl I'rm tu Tixmi Itajr Tlm OHHdON Fair and wanner Sunday except near tho coast westerly wIiuIh. LUCAIj Ti:.MPi:itATUItK III'XOUU For tho 24 houra ending nt 1:13 u. in. Juno 12, by HenJ. Ostllnd, spedal governinent meleoiologlst: .Maxliuuni 59 Minimum 51 At 1.13 n. in 52 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1911 00. SI Precipitation satno porlod lust year G5.57 Wind Norhwest; partly cloudy. i V I ' Hot Woallter. Miss Harkness and other Marshfleld leathers who re cently lert hurts write that they en countered unusually warm weather In the Valley anil Hint It made mom long for Coos Ha's loollng breezes. IlienKs Log-. P. 1). Haiti, a Smith mill employe, who lives at ti board ing Iioiiko In Hunker Hill, suffered a broken log Into Thursday night, lie said It reunite, fiom a fall out of an automobile In whidi ho rodo homo from town. ioi'st ,V' King, Cms lento .Maishfielil 7 n. nt. and il p. n't. Cars I.oavo Sunset llnv I) a. m. ami -l p. m. I'n ios, Kiiiplre, :i."e; TiiiIkvI or South Slough, .-.De; Sunset Hay 7."e Write It On t-he Film ISyVy&i Hiin I'otil. Dick Illi'hards Iiiir puichnccd auotlier Ford for tho Han-ilou-Mariliflulil auto stage line, mak ing three In tho service. (.'mi t SlMI Hiisy. There still re main on tho proscnt Circuit Court docket some 1 1 ensos, nccordlng to .John I), (loss, though It Is not rer tnln that all of them will ho tried at this torni. It Is expected that the session will last for at least in other week. Ci'iiImu Timber. George Stephen son, who recently loturnod front the north Is cruising timber near hero Is Adjudged Insane. Judge Wnt son and Dr. Ira Hurtle Inst evening oMinilnod Mrs. Frank Cameron as to her sanity and she will bo sent to the asylum at Salem. She has been III for many weeks, some times ser iously and was In the Meicy Hospi tal, She Is said to bo suffering fiom locomotor ntsuln anil It was feared that she might do harm to hersolf. Frank Cameron Is with her at pies out. having been paroled from n term In tho county tall on account of her Illness. I Auto Hale War. According lo re-' DOl'lN teri'lvnil ltnr., ti Mil.. war between tho auto linos Is lin-l S niinoni. air. Koiiiagou who Ih Inter-, m .. ...... t t.. i. i. i .....(. ....... von.-., in uiu itiiBuiiiirg-.u.vriio roiiii, mall contract Is snld to bo figuring on enirylng passengers fiom Marsh, field to Hoseburg for $5 00. Win fine on Iho old Coos Hay wagon road Is fS and It has been gettln-, tho hulk of the business. With a $5 fate on Iho nutos from Marsh-' flold to Kosoburg, It is likely that the faro between hero and Floiotuo will ho affected. ' ! WHEN you consider the origin of kid gloves what pictures arise peaceful flocks pastured in the sunny Alps towns centuries old a simple industrious people, whose glove making skill has been perfected through father to son. LMMAUC D aDSSSSEEl' LJTJL1 AWri)J arc tlie finished product of these ideal conditions beau tiful in form, delicate in colorinc., and fascinatinc to eye and hand. The thousands of miles between maker and wearer have finally been covered, and Simmons Gloves arc litre in our clove section awaiting your approval, J. C. PENNEY. CO. NUXT IKlim TO .MAJtSHI'IIIhl) POST ofikci: Sb im On Way lo Poithuul. lloderlck (Jet Illecirle l.lghls Frank Aikloy eaiiio In today from Povveis and , and expects to put some other cruls-i Maclony who owns tho largo estate' stales that thoy now hao electric Urs In tho field, according lo io-!at ""K"0 u'' ' wilnion cannery EW light servlco there. ports at Noil Ii Heild. It Is said tluil ' his deal for tho Simpson property Is llahy Hies. The infant child of j still pending. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hnlovv of North IIbiiiI died Thursday after a short New .Members. I). K. Lawyer, C illness of ai complication of d I wens- M. Hyler and Messrs. Itoss and Hug os, go were elected o membership In ,tho Mlllicumu Clitjb. Plans for 10- ( tushes Toe. .lire. . ii. asii- anemic the rent unnd oxpeusus nt Hoguo Hlver In Curry county. Is in Iho city today. Ho Is mi his way .JCHAXdM fiom Wedderhiirn lo Portland and will leavo overland tomorrow morn ing. Mr. Mucleay expects (o rolurit soon to Curry colint1. P! T :t I'ltO.M .ll'XIS III TO .If. NIC X AXXOPXCKMKXT - Iho AisLographic Ai Exclusive Eastman Feature "THE OWL' ?) The KODAK STORE (. A. C Professors To Allenit 1'our . . Picnics To lie Held In ThlM Seel Ion S ivlnl Sen Ice. At II a. nt. Sun- Chnnun of tho Ciiiih Hlver nlciile (lny the Hector of the Kpiicopal i for nil ilnlrymnn ai tlm KiimI Huliind- niun dropped n stick of wood on Hint tho ineuiharili dues will l),,"'''""-!! will duliver n sermon on tho Lr niueli on Caluhlijg liijot lit mado Bpeuim iuujuci: ruo ujiiid ror from Juno 10 to June 23 that two Christ and Ills Chinch." The Sunday .peaker. Prof. V. A. Hair uml Prof. ucliool Is to nttond In a body, no-1 k. . kuu, f O. A. C. may be In compnnled by Iho paiontM. Tltoxo In-. aHendanco. This was unnoumed lo torosted In the program of lpiw to dcy by J. I,. Smith, county ngrloul build tho child Into the church uroturist. cordially Invited to attend the sor- t NEW TODAY WAXTIJI) (ill I lo ilo general lioitso work. Family of two. Phono 71. WAXTIII) Mint mill ulfe for ritncli work. II. It., euro of Times. her foot and crushed her too. The In- J 1.50 instead of $2.50 per month nro Jury Is n very painful, although not being discussed, t sorlotiK. -- ' Mall lluiiloh. It Is wild the nuill from KoHohurg missed tho after- train from Myrtle Point )on- l.....lm.,., for ,. .mh.r.11 rty '' !" tlmu hiilf nn Itoiir Hnu Cnibiiiicle. C. II. Codding of inii.. ...... ...... i.. Af.,HUi.ri..i.t ...i..,. noon .'llillllKluil ill .i. ii nullum luin. receiving carbuncle, bandages. His head was swathed in Th s n Me TONIGHT este THI'J XI'JW KXPI.OITS OF Uli.VXK In tun leols, reiilinliig Ar mihl Duly ami Pearl While. A COl'PliK OF SII)i:.()HDi:n I'AIH.liS Kvsaiiay conicdy. Till: (illili AT XOI.l'S VlliigiMlili ilrnnui. MA'S (Jlltl Tuo-ioel Sell, foaltiiin Tom .Ml v. Lower floor, 15c; balcony, 10c; kids, 5c. Special Painiiii t fenliire loinoiiovv night "A1HSTOCIIACV" in four i eels. Ilenisl-Sellg Weekly o. I). Oilier good plenties. nud tho belief In that coon thu mall i will ho ablo to ninko, tho train dully. 'The todd Is said to bo 'improving rapidly. Program Committee. Chairman H. M. Jennings lias appointed Dr. l.oslle, W. (J. Chnmllur nnd Tom Hon-1 Ux' MoVl I ' nett as liiombors of tho progrum district Attoino), Minmlllnn f Mm I.Vlllitli (if llllvur. IlbOllt IIUIlIu UP Ills langemontB. vlco. 'I'll., WI.f.lllll rl'ltll(Ai1ll' .lllll.ll .... V.WI.l. ,,....... , 1I....U l.uuily's drove iienr Myrtle Want llasohall, Norm Johnson and other baseball fans nro endeav oring to hnvo tho Fourth of July Commltteo sot nsido u purse for somo hasohnll games during tho celebration. mind to move to Mambf It'ld from Comilllo. He In flgurlug on buying n homo hero, ho and Mrs. l.HJeiivlst having look ed It ovor nnd secured u verbal op tion on it. IteP'r 1,,'tier. A lotlor wan ro colved today nt tho Chiimbor of I I Comment from the San FrnnclHco ! U. A. MIJoii8t,'H(inrtl of Marine Underwriters, ro hun ovinoutly i plying that they hnvo no Jurlsdlo-, (Ion or can lake no action loganllng1 PHOTOGRAPHS1: The Style Abstract 5 VOH IHSMAIH.U AUSTltACTS OF TITI.B AND I.MMHCMATION AHOL'T COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAItSHFIIXD AM) COQl'IM.K CITV, Hi:ON OEXKitAh Aai:xTS, pastsidi: and si:osr cki:vh addition AOKNTS FOIt CAXADIAX PA( II IC ItAII.HOAD la.NDs llh'XKY SHXGSTACKI.X, MANAt.'KK (,'im's On .Mlchie. Andrew Koor ner, of Portland, nrrlved today and will be employed for a time on tho " ilreilgo Mlchlo with Captain Polho- ! mils an old friend nnd former school- mate of hi brother. Mr. Koernor In Stanford student and a member tlm Kiititm Slitnm friilnrnllv lo I which Camilla Pnlhiimiitt 11U1, ,.i mo'11 or llle w,l' lonws. the measure to lucrtiimo the coitMt guard iipproprlntlon to provide for life-saving ships. Thoy nsk that the matter ho referred to (he San Fiiiiu'Irl") Chambor of Commerce. An effort Is being made to IntoriMt (ho cominerclal bodlitH before tho inaltor In placed hefoie the Con- giessmen. Four picnics nro to he held In thin nectlou 21, ut Point; the thlnl on tho Wulson rauuh near I.ungloii, Saturday, June 20, Stimulation of Iho dairy biiHlnotm nnd Inlortist in thu cuw lontlnif lis ntnlntloiM Ih the purpoMi of the pic nic. Slock Judging will bo a foaturo off nil tho picnics. roi'XIl Several days ago, automo bile or motorcycle purl. Owner may hnvo snme by paying for this ad at Times office. FOIt Sightly Marshdohl, only Kau f man & Co. lot In $100. Wewt i. a. Homo ' on I "any Payment, 90.1O buys9 now modern home, owner forced to leave city. A bargain. I. 8,' Kaufman & Co. VKssias xow m'sv Kevlvnl of llitslitess Pills Idle Ships lo Work at Tin: shasiioih; TO I.HT T.vo-rooin ftiriiMirxl apartment with wood nnd running water; also tout sites for tonnnts; near rostniirnnt nnd Sunset liny Hinge; fresh eggH and milk on grounds. Heference desired. For terms npply In person or oddross MHH. llAUKHIt,, Norton's Qulch. Hntplre, Ore. : for sale :: iiiihooi uiu vuhuih ui iiih nvviiyitu .(in HAliK Dairy uml stock farm mid lloyt Company vvblcli have forI reasonable Address H. W. Ban- - merly inndo thin -port nro oiiRukod. . ford, Buinnor, Oregon will suit The Price will ho rlglit The Sualit,y will please on If made nt Qtua&ermass Studio Open Sundavs 211 NOHTH FHONT Phono 100-1, ' i (,'tie Home. J. F. lloylon, the Smltli-PovvorH brakeman who was Injured a few wank ago by strik ing a bridge tlmbur while loaning out of a car, will be Hblo to lonvu Mercy HospltHl tomorrow and re turn to his homo in Coiitillo. Ho Is suffering fiom partial paralysis on one hldu of bis Into but most of this may later disappear. of day vvoik. ephoiie ;I12'J P. O. box a09, Tol- j for t'Hrttoeii out of Portland nnd many I $$ ... of tlm Idle bonis nro now being oini? WAWTED X Walks Hack Home With his punk, .,,,,, ,, ,,, ,.oimulll(, t10 Port- ? , on his hnck "Curly" Larson arrived.! ....:, . ." . ' TLJ VX home front collone. iiflnr whikIik ....'" ' ' " "' "'" "' " iawNkiu vniawon in hi uiu ttiiii I'lll Is explttllHi,.mll.el. ...n, i)U ,,,i.nI. , .... p-ran.l howovor, by tho fuel (hut lmvln fin-, ,.iBfM, tlV ,i, I1H3t, tilrou Btunor of lilted his semester at O. A. C. het,o Swayne & Uriyt flout to leavu " , vTPI) v hlml" f",b l.v went with two friends to Newport. ' harB flir ,h. ,,. Tll(1 llni ot the , U'(V,M',V,el "vork IrelerreX Pl.onS Thorn thoy fagod out uml iiiiilularr,tr(f t0 KOt nwHy will lit tho Saginaw i :iaO-X. ed. Mr. I.arsou started on down tho ()W p0rti umj Bl0 wm , followed J boHch, ilttlerinliiotl to hnvo a wlioi t , ,y n,e DMy Piilnnm. Tho thlid lojj CQD npMT vaiatlon Juunt . Ilu left Newport .eienr for tho otniipnuy will not boi X Sunday ufternooii and nrrvod at Iho ntinoiiiuHd for a tlav or so. Prnctlcul- l'iiii(im on WoduoHdHy aftornoon. j y all of the Count fleut aio hack In inters a Port, filarnum .Now (hut ue have verlf.eil t'"ij tjrffM8rBKremfWflr'w-'w i MMHHI I MHWHT tl.ilm relallvo lo (his Hint of Inntl iiiiluilliig rnone 181 J .Mnv Hint uo ",, "7, , ,.,. good m.II iiihI .ioitl.n fiom (Lo n ml. U....sp.),ltl. faultb-N Mi v,i,r ,e" ' ,"t'' VKM M. The,,, a.e uo ,,.o going to a.k ,.. to . (u((( n fj soM.tll!U M....0 good things In More f "'- Mlst, s,1(),(, ,, Mlfrk.t. ; ol. doing in Hie si " h',,u' v """ full particiil..i.s call on. mhU or )..... f RiZEEN (1 DUNCAN -- y ; wr)TTZ322l2i i 68 CENTRAL AVENUE Has Hani Time. Ceo. (iulovson, who Is spending a few months with his wife and family with her parents Mr. nnil Mrs. A. I,. .Vincent, noar Central Point writes that ho Is hav ing n run of hard luck. Ilo left hole to reeiiperato from a slight lllnoiw ami soon aftor he got there, he con tracted poison oak and later bocamu afflicted Willi tho hlvos. Iv'teller lleliniiliig. Col. (irimes rocglved a telegram todsy from hi daughtor, Mrs. Dursey Kroutzor, say ing that she uml Mr. Kroltur left Chicago toilay nnd would arrive In Portland Tuesday. Mr. Orlme will moot them there mid accompany thorn home. Although no prdcii larg woro given. It U believed that thoro has been marked Improvement lit Mr. KrelUer'u tondltlon. OK HUNT Fiiinlslieil .Vrooiii rot. tiiKo ut HIK Hall avenue. Phono 385-1, or apply 981 So. -1 tit at, I OH KKXT upts. Day Sep.iralt) loom ami phono 113, Kvo , 19-U H't ClohO I loo I. J. Q. Jarviu has about cloved negotiations for (ho purchase of the Knorr drug store at Gold Heath and if It goes through I ua he now fcxi'itts, he will take pos- Thero wus no boat to get across, oi active senlto ngaln, some of which ho campotl for tho night and unmolnre opeiatliig In the off-ahoio trade homo Thursday. Mr. I.aison Is lak- j tempoiarlly. The unproudtiutol do lug a LOtirso In arahllettuio and maml for tonnage of Hint sort has stales next full ho will probably go ( md the effect of giving employment ' either to tho University or (Jullfor-,to many or the coasters whleli had .()lt Itli.VT Xlie heiliooiu In n nlu or to KtiBeno. been lying IiIIh for an unusually long j prvato family. Apply 852 First j spell. It was not so long ago wliott utreet North. u InrnH fleet was tied up In Oakland . . H'oit aiil.ial.. nicliard Hehr vri)ek t , R,M1lt fr0l, of ,,,,, !,.. HV,tkMlM, ilim.ilT fur rfitnriiHd vMtnnlnv from Sa l Pran-- i i uit mi. i .moii.iii iiunguiovT, lur- - ' lliii'iiiuuiH iu miti main i-iiiiiiiih 1111 cUto on the Nkiin Smilli after an .,,, iaiifornii. fiiii.ra of ii.h lurieit iilshed. Phone 21 7-1 1. ahaeute of throe weeks In the South, lmttl .tinier. ,uu pijiug In tl, Pa-l,,ou nKSV uiiriiig which nine nu .ib...i , tr U-Atlaittlc tnnle Ma the Punnma Fraiicia4o, ficramoiilo ilono, Nevnila. Two ... . . i nun" ensi 10 euuul. ,W. lll',,U l .Mj i do Arms, moilciii furnished npnrtuionls, freo heat and water. $25 per month up. ( 'A.AAAAAA.AA.AA.AA.AA.AA.A.A.AA.AA.A.A.A. shocks were felt in 8un lrninlseo 4.44i4e44f Jtv"vtttttttj lust Sunday, he states. One was a' . AMnMp Tup oipt t FINANCIAL t nine o'clock In the moinliig and (he AIV10N6 THE SILK J ''""'" A I other ubout three 6Vlock In the uf- o,..o. . J V VJZZhZ ZMZJtVZi.7tm i - " " --" He says the people seemed , lurnoon. iisotl lo to men are overly plentiful all through California, he stales. Peter Lal'lue lost lite tips of two the experience nud failed I ... ,...,,,. a. ,ha t. A. amnu become hsterUal. AufimubllHnvM w T)e aerIllBIIl .,!, 1st itiurt. loans on Improved rauchc3. F. K. Conway, Myrtlo Arms Kn. VUIIn (lie (Tly. Amlerton Wright one of tho old eltUmis of the Sum ner district, was in the city yester day. Thli was the first time Mr. Wright hud been In Marshfleld for the pawl three mouths within half au hour alter UtPlne bud and referring It to (he prie court. Calico Dance, tonight, Itagloo Hull, .M.ullii'h OivlitDtia, Don't MKs II. FOIt THANSFHU AXD STOK- aoi: of iiorsiiiioi.D cjoods PltKK.'IIT AXD HAdOACi: Call llavo jour progriiins pi filled ill 'Hie Time, off lie. 1 I FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono Kill Ittvddetico Phono 1JI-J .Mai hot Ave. uml Wutei front -