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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1915)
bnderfol WE ARE FACTORY AGENTS FOR THE BEST LINE ON fait- I'.'wfc'Bi I t i Mm mitim L.i Priced $13;S0 to $17.50 We carry this pattern in stock in the followinci finishes WHITE ENAMEL, FUMED OAK, WAXED OAK WHITE MAPLE. THE TWO STYLES SHOWN m eh h a:nun imjii. &- mot v at sin m1 b tw t r wv.k & a imvL w fljvjii o &jft s&r n w nuujc I w w lTjwr rTfc w m& & FURNISHERS 1 f" "" ' ' " ' "--- "M"'y,"'.',"M'''WJMIll,IMJMlllll 1 II I. .limn H.IHM in I Dr. Gray Extends Teeth Extracted and !.. AT CHANDLER HOTEL tilt and uir, ai.i, m:.t wi:i:k HOO.MS retf I i fttt ::-l g affl iff ' !US1S,M laVFFV && ! The old-fashioned strawberry short cake which mother makes i n the modern gas range is about the mo st delicious delicacy which was ever baked. In the old days when grandmother made the short cake i was a day-long task. The fi re in the coa range had to be just right. She had to wait for the oven to come to the c orrect temperature. Now it is a question of minutes to get the oven right. The mode m cabinet gas range makes baking a real pleasure t has remov ed all of the guess work, all of the di utlgery, there is no longer an over-heated kitchen anci a tired mother at the d inner table. It can be done better with gas a iiiisga THE ftswyswi Values in Dressers-T Priced $13.50 to $17.50 ABOVE ARE AMONG OUR j Stay Another Week Si if ' Bi Filled Without Pain HiMfci'in 1'iiflgaasKgi --.--'..--1: k! YrAi -irr,iir' i- - -ThJiuattie i Power L 8 H B i COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1915-EVENING EDITION. " THE COAST. ALL THE LATEST Priced ll n i''ii,i il l" We carry this pattern in stock in GOLDEN. WAXED, DULL. MAHOGANY, CIRCAS SIAN WALNUT. VERY BEST SELLERS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. The Victor Store i o VICTOR RECORDS Wo have all the popular se-' lections and can promptly ( secure any number that i you may desire. VICTOR MACHINES We can furnish you from our stock almost any style of a Victor machines that you may desire L L THOMAS Central Avenue ' 'fit -."iy i.S,3fc CA! tlitjlicaW Haas Brothers 31 ATP L. .MAV, W ostein Ottfti'ii ltepresentallo .Mai'shllelil, Om'koii. SPIRELLA CORSTS may be obtained in Marshfield from Mrs. Annie Holland, Corseticr. 352 So, 5th St, Phone 200-X HENR1K GJERDRUM PIANO INSTRUCTION Summer Classes Begin July Fifth ...-......-.-.- . 4 $25 $250 $350 $?00 MEDffiEiOSff Will sh jou a good Mart toward u Mifo In M'stmeiil. Sin inoutlily poyinentH. Will make jour first pigment on fine lesldciico lot anil netv liuiigiilow. Your own tliolie of lo cation. Sun inoutlily pa) incut. Will slnrt jou In n gixiil looinlng lioiiso, I wet lo cation In city. Low tent. 'ooil leiiM. Will start jou in ii (mhI, ell eo,ulpi'el rextiiur ant. A spleuiilil clianco to nuiko good. Will establish you in it good pool and hlllhiril hull, well limited, d'nod lease. - W. A. Sw Held iilmilt REASON FINISHES. Priced $25.00 $30.00 $33.00 COMPLETE SI BASEBALL SCO RE 5 frisco .'i,i:.ns in hits off of OAKLAND tOMMl'TIII'S l'oi timid Loses Fourth of Series Willi Salt Lake llee-i. Slips Are Constant Willi Heavers pkrckxtaoks ok coast li5agu15 II; AnocliteJ rrc to Cooa in, TlniM. W. L. P.C. San I'ranclsco III! .r.7i .MO .Ml .171 .l.'iS .is:. Salt Lnko . . Los An nolo Oakland . . . Portland . . Voullce III .:i :tri . :il :iu ! 1 Illf AHortitM rrM I Coon IVu TlmM. I'OIITIjAXI). .Mini) II!. Kniw nrc wondeiiitK when tlio slump of the Delivers Is to reach low title. As tlio series advances the constant defeat. of tho Portlanders is u cause for con- stunt woiry and they nro wonderhiKJ whnt Is to become of, this yoar'H pen- unnt. The scores of yesterday follow: Con-st League At Poitlaud: i.) II. II. K Salt I. nl; i) r S 2 Portland ;. ...t Tt Oakland: 1 0 j a. n i Sun Francisco Oakland i O S 1" I n i j At Vonlco: Los AiikoIos i Venice i Aineiicnii League At Now- Yoik: ChlciiKo 11. 10 .:i . o N'ew York At PhllHdelphlii: ! Cleveland ) illMtMi Philadelphia $( At Washington: I St. oLuls , WnslihiKtoti , At lloston: Detroit lloston National League At PlttshurK! lloston, Plttnbiii wot grotiiijlg. At Clncluiiitil: Diooklyn Cincinnati ! At Chicago: Plilliulolplila ChlctMio At St. Louis: ' New York 3 i I t I St. Louis '' 3IO.VHV OX DIIPOSIT (Special to Tho Tlnieii) FLOltKNCIS. Or., June 1 a. Tlio monoj dsrlvwl from tho. Halo of the Port of Sluslaw bomU hits been plac ed on deposit In a Portland bank I subject to tho ordor of tlio secretary of wnr. ' Mliliv COAL. The kind YOU Iwvo ATAVAYH USHD. Plioiu 71!. Pnciflf l.Uery mul Transfer Company. k REID l.-O I HOST SI KM f 1 p, uaUAUIIL ji 11 1 BA TO"' & !gAw- " ! .lintinijiWwi;iiaM-Mit gy t Continued from pago 2) Mo . , iti;iu:tvn social i:vi:xixj Vfior ilu regular routine of lodge J business had boon dispensed with, last eduexdny evening, tlio Indies r tin- Hcbckiih lodge were Joined liy 'he Odd Follows In onlnylng n social tlmo rollowi'd li Ico cream and cake. shot i and Interesting program wits rondoiod, the numbers being: Vuml Solo Mls Anna C'o. Rending Dr. Mattlo 11. Shuw I'littio Snio .Mm. .1. V. .Motley Rending Mrs. 15. 15. Kelley The lodge social evenings nro pop ular urr.ilrs ami tlio members turn out In Rood numbers to spend a pleasant cu'iilng together. AITI'HXOOX PARTY A very delightful afternoon sow ing party wus Riven by .Mis. .1. S. Lyons last Saturday for tlio pieasnro or Jlrs. W. F. .Mel5ldovne and .Mrs. (. O. Sutherland. Tito parlor was os pedulh atti active with its artistic adornment of choice roses mul enr- nations. Tlio hostess watt assisted by .Mrs. I'rank Cattorlln in serving a dainty collation. The Invited list of Ktiests Included: Mrs. A. K. AdoN sperRor. Mrs. .1. S. Hanson. .Mrs. It. K. Irwin, Mrs. W. S. Nicholson. .Mis. Kstlior Converse, .Mrs. It. II. Walter, .Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. 10. .M. Harry, .Mrs. Catterlln, .Mrs. Ida Conrad, Mrs. R W. I'ayno. and .Mrs. A. T. LaBurstroiu. The affair was into of the most pleasant of Its kind this I season. : ('AKKTIIIMA Cl.l'll Ltwin:ox J As a token of friendship for .Mrs. W. !'. MeKldowney who leaves soon to join her husband In Los AiikoIoh. H'e Cafeteria Chili members at it luncheon tit tlio homo of ProL and Mm. P. A. TIciIrqii last Wednesday uviiiiIiik. presented lier with n heautl- fill bund painted tray, accompanied by appropriate remarks from W, A. Held. It Is deeply regretted thnt .Mnrslifleld must lose these ostlnuihlo people who have made such u large 1 'circle of friends and iiciiiiliituuccs during their stay here. A picnic which will be given by the club next Thursday will conclude their meetings for the season. Special guests present uoio: .Mr. and .Mrs. I'. L. Crannls and .Mrs. N'o- bio of Seattle, house guest of .Mrs. TIoiIkoii, mid the regular members out were: Mr. and .Mis. .1. H. Han oii, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. (ildley, Mr. and Mrs. It. II. Corey, Mr. mid Mrs. .1 S. Lyons, .Mrs. W. P. McKldownoy. Mrs Q. O. Sutherland, ami Mr. ami Mrs. Tledgou. COOS IIIIVKK OlTIXd' !- .Mrs. P. A. (lolling, the Mlsson, Itutlt Ooldeii, Oleudii Km roll, Tlinl- tiin Lyons and Jack Harry, .lesso l-'rantz and Itoutiltl Nicholson spent yesterday outing on Coos Klver. 4 , . IMOII.MAL TIJA I Yostorday iVfternoou, Mrs. y.tUm Hlchnrilion entertained at an Infor mal tea for tho Mlbsos Shurliluii mul Mm. McCoIIiiiii of North llend. Tim ladles brought their sewing oer wlilcli they chatted during tho af ternoon hours. Thoso prosont bosldo the special guests were: Mm. .lames Plaiiatfuii, Mis. .1, W. Dennett, Mrs. K. K. Jones, Mm. Kiikoiio O'Connoll uud Mltw tieiiovlevo SeiiKstiieken, IXI'OIIMAI, ti:a Mrs. W. 31. Illnko was liovtotw at n Informal ten for .MIsh Kill Hi Dun- iiIuk of lloikeloy, last Tuesday af ternoon, choice cut flowers being used In the pni'lor decoration. Mrs. lll.iko was assisted by Mrs. K, Mln gus and Miss Dunning. - OltTII DIv.SD (HILD j . Oniim to circumstances, Hie North llend Catholic Ladlos' Guild meeting whUh was uunottneed to meet this week with 3Ir. A. Lelphton b.'S been Indefinitely post pone d, Airnox ititiixJK Hi,iii On Wcdiiosduy of this weok, 3lrs. An on o Uogers charmingly outer 'tallied tho niembent of the Auution UriiU'i Club and (wo suoelal guoets, Mr1? Malr IMiio und Mm. Ida Con rad, the former winning liih sejro pnz V delightful afternoon was I spent at tho qlose of which tho hostess served very dainty refresh ments. The regular niembors In at tendance were: Mrs. A. U. Adelspor ger. Mis. .1. S. lhuisou, Mrs. Curl L. Dnvls. Mr. V. V. Cnttorlln, .Mis. Hugetie Crosthwalte, 3Irs. J. S. Lyons and Mrs. Rogers. 3lrs, Adelspergcr will ho hostess In to weeks: : : I'LKS' AXXCAL DAXCII t 4 ICIaborato plans are under way for the nnniuil dance to bo given by tho 1'lks Lodgo on Wednosdny ovetilng, Juno LNlrd, In tho Katies Hull. The dlffoient committees nro omitting nothing that will tend to make the affair the most suc cessful of Its kind eor given. Pollowlng ate tho committees: Heneral- .Messrs. K. V. C.itterllu, Kugeiiu Crobthwnlte, J. W. (lardlner, il. 15. lliiltman ami W. J. Conrad, Decoration Messrs. W. S. Ter pen, Ceo. Uooilrinn, C. K. Perry, A. O. Rogers, and tt. (1. Chandler. Ploor Messrs. ('has. Q. Van Dttyu, Cordon Rasmtisseu, Joe Wil liams, It. A. Wernlch, 1 31. l'ar soits, Dr. 1,. (,. Johnson, Hco. Laird mid Jits. Watson. Reception Messrs. .1. W. Den nett, Hugh McLiilu, A. 11. Powers, II. Lockliart and ! A. .Matsott. 4 ' SWKDISII AID SOCIKTV The Ladles' Aid Society of the Swedish Lutheran church of Not tit llend wns entei tallied by .Mrs. John Andeison, Wednesday afternoon nt their home. A pleasant afternoon of sowing followed by refreshments was enjoyed by the following: Mrs. 15. Wlttlck, .Mrs. 31. KJelnian, 31m. J. Hill, .Mrs. A. Wlckliind, .Mrs. Carlson, .Mrs. Saud(tilst mid .Mrs. J, Smldeii or Kentuck Inlet, .Mrs. John Anderson, .Mrs. Maria Sunhoiiin, .Mrs. Krlrksou, .Mrs. A. Strang, Mrs. Aug. Tyhorg, .Mrs. .MiibcoiiI, .Mm. Thomas, Mrs. J, 11. Johnson, .Mrs. L. Kniniot, .Mrs. Alex. Anderson, .Mrs. W. 31. Strang, Sirs. J. Anderson, the 3Ili ses Vile, .Mnlliida Anderson, Kdna Johnson, Selma KJelnian, l.ydla Smi (ttlst, Ksthcr llcrgland,. Gladys Mat son, Mrs. Kermlt Wlcklund and Rev. 11. I Dengtson. Tho society will hold Its next meeting at Mrs. Hminiilst'ri nlnca on Kentuck Inlet, July ittli, whon 31m. John Siiuden will help entertain, .j. .j, .. THURSDAY AKTI'RNOO.V (Ll'H .Mrs. Tred W. Smith was hostess tills week to tho members of tlo Thursday afternoon club and ono special guest, ills. Spaiildlug. Tho time wns spent In the usual social way In sowing and chut and lo waiils evening appetizing refiesh iiieuts were served. The niemboM out were Mrs. ICtito Kroueh, 31m. Allan O. llaus, .Mrs. A. T. HalnoH, Mrs. Heorgo S. Capps, mid .Mrs. Smith. 3lis. Haas will cntortulu on Tuesday Instead of Thursday next week. I ItOXI'llli: PARTY I Tho .Misses Mu bid and Helen Im mel were pleasing hostosso last Thursday ovenlnu at n big bonfire parly nt the honioof lp il Mrs. C, A. Sohlhredo in Plat 11. It min ed hut undaunted tho young cou ple enjoyed themselvoM to the full est extent. While the huge flro was roaring und crackling to tho music of pattering ruin outside, u merry patty was enjoying a delic ious lopast Inside tho pleasant homo of Judge ami .Mrs. Sehlhredo. When It lincl sufficiently cleured, a rush wus made to the flro whero intirsh iimllowH were loaded mold Joyous laughter and Jolly songs. Among those enjoying the affair were tho .Misses Lillian Cook, Vera Carrol. Wllmu lloaglund, Ruth Hoag laud, Volniu Ross, Helen Reose, .Ma bel and Helen Hniiiel and 3lossr. Monioo Upton, Wuyne Pulntor, Paul uud Harold llurnolt, Ignatius Chup inau, Jowiu Fruutz, Norls Furrln, and l.oreu Davis. . I KXTHRTAIXS AT IIRIUIC - I FAST I 31 rs. 15. K. Kelley wtu lUistosH to a few friends at broakfast yesterday inornlimf, hor guesls Inoludlng: Mrs. Carl Kvortson, Mrs. H. A. Sliitonson and 3IIsb 1'iunco Frunso. I KLKS' ST.Wl PARTY a " ' Yosteiduy beliiK the birthday of J. w. Hllilonbraud, a uumbor of brother Klks surprised him with a htag iiarty lu tho oveiiiuK. cards and THREE I smoking being tho principal diver sions. Ml', lllldenbraml was pre sentcd with n hmtdsomu pair of 1511c ettft links 111111 card case. Tho ntfalr wns an unttsunlly delightful ono and the honor guest was wished many j happy returns of tho day. At a lato I hour Mis. lllldenbrnnd served a de- Helens luncheon to tho following: I Charles Curtis, Win. Kkblnnd, Dr. HotiBoworth, Harry Dultman, F. I). (Kletcher, Tom James, T. S. Harvey, J. Q. .Tarvls, C. W. Cumbers, Jerry Kinney. Chits. Van Duyn, and J, W. IHldcnbhind. YOl'XtJ PKOPLHS' SOCIHTY Tho Young Peoples' Society ot the N'orwoglan Lutheran church met in the church parlors last evening un der tho entertainment of 3Hss Alice. .Mathlsen und Chris Thorpe. A very enjnynlilo so. lal evening wns cngat; ed in by Rev. and 3lrs. It. 0. Thorpo, j Mr. and Mrs. P. 11. Jucobson, .Mr. and .Mrs. Palmer C. Lee, the .Misses: Scn- nlo Refshind, 15lslo Larson, Cora und Alice Mtilhlseu, Messis: Jolnmr Rofs lnnd, 15. U. 3Iellem, II. Peterson, llert I vol son, Peter Thorpo and Oliver Larson. In two weeks, tlio society will meet nt tho church whon II. Iverson and Jelitmr Refshind will entertain. : KKXSIXt.'TOX I'l.l'll 31 rs. J. S. Lyons was hostess yes terday to the members of tho Ken sington Club at which tlmo Mrs. 0. W. Cumbers mid 31m. W. II. Ken nedy were elected to membership. An afternoon ot sowing and chat was followed by dainty refreshments served by the hostess to: Mrs. 15. 31. Harry, 3lrs. N. H. .MnttBon, .Mrs. h. L. Thomas, Mrs. C. S. Hoffman, 3lrs. W ll. Kennedy, 31rs. A, O Rogers, 31m C. W. Cumbers and .Mrs C. P. .McOeorge. Next Friday, 3lrs. A. 15. Joiiroii will entertain tho club ladles. : ii. it. it. 3ii:i:tixo Uist evening, Clio llnptist Hoys' llrotherhood met at tho homo ;iC llownnl Kelley on South Fourth Street for a business session and so cial time. It Is planned to give a pic nic, lu tho near future. Tho routlno of business was dispensed with and tho remainder ot tho time wns spent in tho usual delightful way with the usual delicious refreshments. Thoso present wore: Chas. Smith, teacher, Ksintind and Herman Olo.i sop, Harold Savage, Lawrence Dun lels, Josso Krnutz, llownnl Kolley, Lot on Davis, Harry Schwartz, Al bort Hansford, Cltty Clausen nud 15ii geito Kelley, INFOILMAIi DIIIIKii: PARTY ' .Mrs. Claude Nasbtirg was hostess very Informally last .Monday after noon at two tables of brldgo, hor guests Including .Mrs, Chas. Hall, Mm. L. J. Sliupsuu, .Mrs. C. 31. Ilyler, .Mrs. lMna Richardson, .Mrs. 15. K. Jones, Mrs. Arthur McKcowu, und .Mrs. L. 8. Doble. 1'ho ttf tor noon wns delightfully spent nml a dainty collation was served by the hostess. I Dl.TIIAXY CLASH SOCIATi Last evening, tho Dotliuny Class of the Christian Church Sunday School, ('. A. Sehlhredo toachor, onjoyctl a program mul social at tho church Tho following numbers were ren dered: Vocal Duet.. Mr. . W, A. Hold mul 31 rs. J. W. .Motley. Vocal Duet ...Mrs. Custer nud Miss Anna Cox. Address C. A. Sehlhrodn. Tho remaining hours were spent In Karnes and music mid nt n lato hour, .Mrs. Custer, .Mrs. C, 15. Powora mid 3IUs Anna Cox served appetiz ing refreshments to: C. A. Sehlbrodo Mr. and Mm. W, A. Hold, .Mrs. Mat tlo Hlalu, Mm. Irvln Smith, Mrs. J. W. .Motley, the .Misses; Helen mid Mnble luiiuel, Lancaster, Lillian Cook, .Moody and .Messrs: Harold ami Paul lliuKolt, Hecker, Ronald Nlcli olsou, A. Custer, .Monroe Upton and Wayne Painter. DORCAS ("LCD u The Dorics Club of Catching Inlet met hint Wediiohilay afternoon nt tho homo of .Mis. Olsli. Twenty-four ladluA emtio to oujoy tho hostesH hospitality. Aftor tho biislness ses Ion, a few hours of sowing and con versation wero enjoyed until tho hostewt assisted by Miss (Jlsh served a dainty luncheon. Tho guests wore: Mrs, II, Smith gull, 3Iis. J. Collvor, 3Irs, John Slat son, Mm. Carlson, Mrs. Harry Hus. soil, Jlrs, V. Lackstrom, 31rs. Chas. Siiooner, .Mrs. Dan .Mntaon, .Mrs. Lea tor Hnzelton, .Mrs. Fred Mos torlo, 31 rs. J. Parker, 31 rs. L. Smith, .Mrs. P. Dlako, 3lrs. C. Collvor, 3Irs. P. 3f. Collvor, Mrs, Knino, tho 3llssos: Thurbor, Irono Holinos. Gortrudo Cunnell. Kdlth and Kloanor Kalno, Zoo Dolan and (llhti. In two - eks tlio club will meot with 3lrt. t.unnoll. ' r (Continued ou -"Jisufw 8) i i t '1 1 a iA y. if i if; il I' 4 J i I 1 I 1 WQ YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIMESj" "Kattomjtsacarjutiix.