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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1915)
THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELU, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1915-EVENING EDITION. TWO M II lll' I l'FA"W t BmbM HI vv V k i Ik B JH H 0Sm B raj A iBet .rVBi BW Ba H Hi Bl l H j ' y vcfc ysH tllkZL V.lMJIJTWMf - t)- " -gHi &m tH4 CONTRIBUTIONS concornlng loclal hnppenlngs, Intended for publication In tho society depart ment of Tho Tlmea, must bo sub mitted to the editor not later than 6 o'clock p. m., Friday of each wcok. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In casos whero the events occurred later than th time mentioned.) TJIi; KAMI IKS .You wonder where the fairies dwell! To tell you what you ask Is nulto an easy task. They Hvo nnd work each fairy spell In baby's eyes "When glad surprlso "Wakes up the tenderness that sleeps Within your heart. They play n most Important part "Whero careful Mother Naturo keep Tho various hues, Tho pinks nnd blues, To tint tho flowers For golden hours In May and June. They teach tho birds Songs lacking words But rich In tunc. Thoy chaso tho clouds across tho sky; Indto tho brocao To stir tho trees; Trovldo tho clover for tho bees With ease. Mako kisses play ifllh bread nnd checso; Crcato tho buttercup With honey fill It up. 'And every day Somo ltttio fay Will teach somo happy child to play, Whero Joyous lnughtcr's ringing out. So suro a fairy's thereabout. And strange It Is, whcr'or they roam Tho fairies nlways nro at homo. !And that Is why without a doubt iWo novor, nover find them out! Selected fr 4 Slin was n plain-looking woman with an averngo education and ordinary personality. Sho caino from a middle-class family. So you taoo sho had no special bounty, churm no fortuno to recommend. Sho would not have been surprised had fate marked her for n spinster. Theroforo sho, oven moro than hor friends wns surprised boyond words when one of tho wealthiest brokorh In Now York asked hor to becomo his wlfo. Sho was so abashed that it took Iicr six months or moro to renllzo what had hnpponcd, nnd tholr anx ious friends composed themselves In tho thought that tho wealthy broker would renllzo Hint ho had madn t inistnko In taking this kind of & woman for n wife beforo it year lmd passed. Tho, first year of tho marriage "was marked by tho fact that In spltft of tholr wealth thoy wero both Imp y nnd oven moro In lovo than when thoy married. They celebrated tholr tenth, twentieth and even twenty fifth; nnnlvorsnry. I hi showed himself prouder of his wlfo and tholr affec tion than ho wns of his fortune and Ills successes. This scorned paradoxical, for ho appeared to ho n mnterlallstfc type of nmn. Ills friends thought ho was too greatly absorbed In stocks and money matters to value affection ov en In his wlfo. Tho ontlro mystery of their lovo nnd happiness was cleared In this PERSONAL, notices of visitors In tho city, or of Coos Bay people who visit In other dries, togothor with notices of soclnl affairs, nro gladly rccolvd in tho social do partmont. Telephono 133. No tices of club meetings will bo published nnd secretaries aro kindly requested to furnish en mo. (onst ho drank to his wife nt their anniversary celebration: "I am a happy man because I lovo my homo nnd you. You wore the first and only woman who tnught mo what lovo meant and retained tho lovo you called Into being. "This you hnvo done by your un told devotion, by your sunshiny dis position and abundance of common sense. Tbeso qualities which every ninu looks for In tho woman ho weds, becauso ho nenrly nlways lacks one and sometimes all of thorn. Though I nm ono of thoso unfortunate men who had nono of theso qunlltlcs un til you gave mo tho superabundance of your virtues. "You hnvo proved to mo through twcnty-flvo years of dally cxporlonco that lovo Is tho greatest thing In tho world. Hvorythlng; elso in Nothing compared with tho lovo which can exist between husband nnd wife. "I wish to toll our lady friends who aro with us that If thoy want to hold their husband's infections thoy can do moro with a chnrmlng smllo nnd common sonso thnn with hundsomo gowns nnd costly Jewels. "Do not forget, women, thnt you can look well In your husbands' eyes If you are nlways cheerful nnd mnko tho best of conditions. Wo men do not always mnko tho best of things becauso wo havo ninny things to try us, nnd somo of us aro naturally bad tempered. You women" by tact and polso can Iron out tho wrinkles and mnko our lives sweet nnd worth while. Thnt Is what my wlfo has dono for mo nnd what ovory woman can do for her husband If sho mnkes an earnest offort. This Is my tonst to my. wlfo nnd ndvlco to nil tho ladles present." fr sister of Mrs. Knusrud nnd tho groom, Archlo H. Kosn, son of Col. It. II. Hosa nnd well nnd favorably known la Bnndon. The ceremony wns performed by Rev. Horsfnll of the Episcopal church. The brldo was attired In whlto organdie with a shower bouquet of white Amerlcnn Beauty roses nnd asparagus fern. The houso was do corated In green with whlto roses. Only relatives on both sides worcj present, tho single cxcoptlon being j Mr. nnd Mrs. Wolcott, of Mnrslt ficld. Following the nuptials n dainty Inchcon wns sprend. When this was dono Justlco to, there was haste to eatch tho afternoon boat up tho rlvor to Mnrshfleld ns tho flnnl des tination whero tho Speedwell wns tnken for n honeymoon In San Fran cisco nnd nt the exposition. Tho bride wns ono or tho grad uates last year of Uio Bnndon High school, and has of Into boon em ployed In ttit) Golden Iltilo Store. Tho young couplo atnrt out with tho promise of a bright future and havo tho best wishes of all for hap piness nnd prospcilty." v ? v nbeth Hoelllng, Frances Smith, Viv ian Shrlver, Mrs. and Mrs. K. B. I Curtis, Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. E. Toots, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. J. Isaacs, Mr. and .Mrs. S. Smith, John Fnckler, Herman Monde, Ed Arnot and Eu gene Holmes, nil of North Bend, nnd Dr. nnd Mrs. H. M. Shnw nnd Victor and Marvin Shnw of Marsh field, nlso spent tho day outing at tho Hatchery. NORWEGIAN LADIHS WKD IN ST. PAUL I ; Friends of Itov. It. N. LowIb who resigned hor pnstoruto of tho Uni ted Brethren Church of North Bond somo tlmo ngo hnvo been apprised of hor marrlago to Itov. Wnymyro in St. Paul, Minn. Thoy will re turn shortly to mnko tholr homo In North Bond where thoy will be heartily wolconied by a host of friends. Tho wedding enmo ns a nurprlHo to tho peoplo of this com munity whero Mrs. Wnymyro had worked faithfully in her field. SOLVK-HOSA NU1TIALS Uegnrdlng tho wedding of two Bnndon young peoplo, MIbb Ksthor Solvu nnd Archlo II. Hosa, tho fol lowing excerpt from Bnndon Re corder will bo of Interest in Mnrsh flold circles: "At tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. 11. Knusrud In this city n quiet but happy wedding took placo at high noon yesterday. Tho eontrnctlng partieH wero Miss EHthor Solvo n Wrf Exposition ra is now opened to the World nnd promi nently situated on the grounds is a model factory showing the complete process used in making Ghirardelli's Chocolate A cordial invitation is extended our visiting friends to make themselves known at our exhibit on the Zone. D. GHIRARDELLI CO. San Franclico Sine 1852 I , mmk l 3fflVWWSTTIIiia3-l i,jJt,l' Zy t'ra "t? r 1 feiCliajEttX&VrtTvY M. E. BROTHERHOOD On Wednesday afternoon of this week tho Methodist Brotherhood hold tholr regular monthly business meeting nt tho church hall nt which time It wns decided thnt tho bro therhood would take chnrgo of the morning sorvlco on Sundny, Juno 27th. Tho mombors present were Messrs. Frank nnd M. D. Sumner, O. N. Bolt. E. II. Campbell, Will Stauff, Frank Howo, E. H. Joehnk, and David Nelson. They will meot again the second Wednesday in July. 4 I- CHILDREN'S PARTY Llttlo Bernlco Simpson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Simpson of North Bend celebrated hor second birthday last Tuesday with tho pleas ant company of n fow friends who spent the nftornoon with her. Child ish frolics wero Indulged in by tho Ilttlo tots and dainty refreshments wero served by tho hostess' mother, Mrs. Simpson. Tho children pres ent wero Mildred Froolund, Mnr garet Peterson, Edith, Mnrgarct, Au drey and Bernlco Simpson. ! jolly i)u.i;. uijuii J. ' IIUSIL'BHUS Tho Ladles Aid Society of the Norwegian Lutheran Church nt Mnrshfleld met In the chapel Thurs day afternoon, nt which tinio final arraugomcuts wero mndo for tho ba zar to bo held Saturday evening, May 1 2th at tho chapel parlor. Mrs. John Tcllcfscn of Eastslde wns host ess, assisted by her dnug"hter Mrs. Bock, and Miss Stella Potcrson. Those present wero: Mrs. John Pit man, Mrs. 10. Bcrglund, Mrs. C. G. Magnus, Mrs. R. O. Thorpe, Mrs. E. Erlckson, Mrs. P. B. Jncohscn, Mrs. T. E. Erlckscn, Mrs. Jens Hansen, Mrs. O. Lnrscn, .Mrs. A. Rctsinnd, Mrs. A. Snow, Mrs. 11. Mnthlscn, Mrs. John Tollefson, Mrs. Bock, Mrs. Knud Erlckscn, nnd tho Misses Ed na Johnson, Elslo Larson, Stella Peterson, Nellie Olson, Stella Mug mis, Corn Mnthlscn nnd Alice Ma thiseu. fr $ 4 CHRISTIAN SISTERHOOD Tho sisterhood of tho Christian church mot for work nt tho church hall Wednesday nftornoon nnd nlso mado pinna for the annual bazaar which they will hold this year tho first week In December. Tho la dles will not ndjourn during tho summer but plan to moot every two weeks. ! 4 . I NORTH BEND AID I wero Mcsdnmcs Henry Hoeck, A. 0. ltnab, F. W. Stovens, Anna Wood, C. A. Wilson, A. S. Illsoy, W. Laird, C. II. Everett, E. B. Curtis, It. Helm, M. Smith, J. W. Russell, J. II. Fnckler, William Cuthbert, William Chappell, and William NellBon. . PORCH DANCIXti PARTY A WORD TO g-v..,... T Miss Ruth Golden wns hostess on Frlduy of last week nt ono of tho most delightful nffnlrs given by tho younger set this sensun; that of u dnni'lng pnrty. The parlor nnd re ception room wero artistically nr rnnged with greens nnd cut flowers, ami the porch whero the young peo plo engaged In dancing was Hoftly lighted with Jupniieso lnmerns, which gavo n beautiful effect to tho scene. About ton o'clock tho hostess in sisted by u fow friends Borvod a tempting liirhooii to tho following guests who wero tho Misses Gruce Fnrrln, Lorena Hoffman, Tlielinn Lyons, Olcnda Farrell, Wllmn Hoag land, Clara Ferguson; Lillian Bris tol, Helen Gulovseu, Ruth Anderson, Agues Johnson, Marlon Horsfnll, Doris Scngstnckcn, Floreneo Flunn gan, Knthryn Nicholson, Ireno Four ier, Helen Merchant and Messrs. Norls Farrln, Georgo Schroeder, Georgo Atkins, Howard Kolley, Hnr old Haines, Jnck Barry, Loren Da vis and Herman Glossop. .j. .j. 4. THE NEWLY-WEDS is is?? -v. I BAPTIST LADIES AID Mrs. G. Johnson of Bunker Hill wns hostess Wednesday afternoon to tho Jolly Dozon Club whon tho tlmo wns spont soclnlly and profit ably in friendly conversation and sowing. Mrs. Ed. Duncan wns el ected to fill tho vacancy mado In tho membership caused by Mrs. J. Da vis who leaves Boon for hor homo In Washington, D. C. Mrs. John-) son was assisted by Mrs. Duncan In sorvlng n delicious repast to tho following mombcrs. Mrs. Marhoffor, Mrs. Otto Wnlmnrk, Mrs. J. Brock muollcr, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. A. B. Snow, Mrs, II. M. Albeo nnd Mrs. Win. Archor. Tho president, Mrs. Marhoffor will entertain tho club nt the noxt mooting. 4 . j NEW CLUB ORGANIZED 4, A new club named tho "Pastime Club" was organized last Wednes day afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Joo Oliu in North Bond with tho following Indies elected to offlco: President, Mrs. Joo Olln; vice president, Mrs, Arthur Dorbyshlro; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Roscoo Ha zer; roporter, Mrs. Roy Bralnnrd. Tho membership has boon limited to twelvo members who will meet every other Wednesday nftornoon for sewing and other social diver sions nnd nt Intervals will give card parties and private dunces. Tho next meeting will ho In two weoks with Mrs. Arthur Dorbyshlro. Tho present members are: Mrs. Dorbyshlro, Mrs. Olln, Mrs. Hazor, Mrs. Justin Arms, Mrs, Edward Thomns, Mrs. N, G. Hnmcs, Mrs. Richard Marshall, nnd Mrs. Braln I D. M. V. PARTY TONIGHT TIiIb ovenlng tho ladles of tho North Bond D. M. C. club nro en tertaining their husbands at the Flremon's Qunrters with a card party, thu hostesses of tho occasion being Mrs, L. A. Loomis, Mrs. Irn Weltzol nnd Mrs. Wnltor Russoll. i-J: j COOS RIVER OPTING j : Tho Hatchery on South Coos Rl ver seemed to be the favored resort for North Bond picnickers last Sun dny, who spoilt the day In fishing or other outing sports. Among tho North Bend people who enjoyed tho trip were: Mr. nnd Mrs. E. M. Shrlver, Mr and Mrs. Mllas Richard sen, Mr. and Mrs. Fnckler, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Fackler, Mesdames Meude, Mntsou and Stovens, the Mis ses Knthryn and Helen Menae, Ger trude Tools, Juliana Huss, Edna Dow, Ellon Ogron, Edith Rnab, Ell- Tho Indies' Aid Society of tho North Bend Methodist church held tholr regulnr meeting Thursday af ternoon. It wns tho regular mon thly business session. Arrange ments vpro mado for a strawberry social which will bo held Juno 1G at tho church. It was also plan nod to tnko charge of tho services at tho church evory third Sunday of each month. Tho mombers voted to Join the Union Aid Society for tho Bummer months. A social vlll bo hold tho second Thursday In each month at tho church parlors. Tho for tho July meeting na med nro Mrs. G. A. Perkins, Mrs. Matt Smith, Mrs. Joo Taylor nnd Mrs. Shorman. Thoso present nt tho Inst meeting At tho regulnr monthly business meeting of tho Baptist Ladles' Aid Wednesday afternoon nt tho church parlors, plans wore mado for tho annual picnic which will bo hold on Juno 24th on Coos River. Other matters of business wore attended to, tho following Indies being In at tendance: Mrs. Alva Doll, Mrs. John Nagle, Mrs. D. D. Ross, Mrs. Moars, Mrs. Chas. Donne, Mrs. F. 11. Story nnd' Mj. J. Hauser. ! S , I EVENING AT CARDS . : On Thursdny evening of this week Miss Eva Dresser entertained nt un evening of cards, five hundred be ing played. Tho affair was a de lightful one and wns thoroughly enjoyed by tho following guests: the Misses Frances nnd Irene Stnek, Rilln and Cnrrlo Ross and Messrs. Will Curtis, Emmctt Stuck, John Ferguson and Ed. Steele. (Continued on Pago Threo.) lXX: Quality furnishing will give you ideal sur roundings arid make your new home the cozv little spot that you hav e pictured in the court ship days. You know how easy it is to mar the attractiveness of a room by the wrong piece of furniture or failure to carry out the symmetry of the plan. Let us furnish the home complete. Then your dream of the home you planned will not be shattered. Nothing adds so much to the charm and coziness of a home as pretty floor coverings. Their luxurious soft colorings enhance the warmth of the home spirit which bespeaks a cordial and ready welcome. Even though the furniture may be nice, it does not appear to best advantage without this necessary setting We are only too glad to serve you and give you the benefit of our experience. Johnson-Gulovsen Co. The Quality Name With the Service Fame NOTICE II Effective June 1st, 1915 Cream 20c per pint Whip Cream ' 25c per pint Milk 7VjC per quart Buttermilk . 1 0c per gallon Butter 30c per pound Ice 50c per 100 Special prices for larger quantities COOS BAY ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. Phone 73. Deliveries at 8:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. daily Phone 73. been to BARTER'S for LUNCH? If Not, Why Not? Something New Every Duy. Cream bricks noc Cream, quarts H)c Croam, pints tiOc Ohlckeu Tnmals....U for U3c Picnic Lunches a Specialty SARTER'S Phono l!i:t-J. Mnrshttold. Opposite Blanco Hotol, Front Streot Hnvo you Ico Ico Ico Hot QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Phono 106-L. MAHSHFIELU, ORKGON GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAO AND DODGE AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS Meet me in Narshfield for the Fourth" uTtL Glor Great and Two Days Celebration Saturday, July 3rd Monday, July 5th 847 Central nv. Phono 373-L 1! I , , : ! ! WALL PAPER See VIERS About It, CO You know the Coos Bay way A BIG booming pro gram of enter tainment prepared for you Something doing every minute You can't afford to miss this one big event of the year Make Your Celebrate on Plan to Coos Bay -