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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1915)
HAVEYOUJOI!CED THAT THE MAN WHO IS ALWAYS BEHIND NEVER GETS AHEAD Coos Bay Times Your Paper Iho Coos IJiiy Times la proud of Its iltlo "The People's rJ5r," anil It strives at nil times to Uto HP Ua nnm0 " devoting Its energies to promoting tho people's Interests. VOL NO. XXXVIII. Petrograd State? that Austro- German Forces Have Met With Severe Defeats PET IpLCHIM Nothing of Importance There and Neither Allies Nor Ger mans Claim Advantages ITALIANS STILL ADVANCING Forces llitvi Crowed the Isonu Riv er n ml Have '"'' Keen Checked DNpattlios l''ront A'thcns Say Allies llno Mntlo ('iilns (By Aaoclalid Trrt. lu Coot flay Tlmta.l LONDON, Juno 12. Tho recent Russian clnlma thut Uto tldu of bat tlo lias turned In Gnllcla uro ncroit tUated h' an official otntoiuciil Trout Pctrogrnd. It BityB that the Austro Ocitnan forces south of Lcinber,; have HiiHtalticil sevoro tlofoatH. Tito capture or Bcvoral villages Is an nounced and many prisoner and much war material was taken, yttlot In Hclgltiin. Over tho Frnneo-llolglun lino no movement or inoro than passing Int portMicc Is under way and neither ildo claims any conspicuous advan tages, Italians Advance. Tho Italian ndvnnco across tho Isonzo Ulver wnB not checked. Utimo announces tho occupation or iho town or (Iradlsca. Newspaper Dis patches rroni AthotiB claim that tho Allies mado grcutor advanceH on Ualllpoll peninsula titan tho offl dal statements from London and Paris innko known. It saya tho Al lies tiro now near tlto town or Gnl llpoll. SUPPLIES CUT OFF WAM HIIASOX HCSSIAX i THAT CAMl'AlOX COLLAI'SIID Japan Quit. Kiirtilsliliij; KhssIii When Crisis Willi China Heaih ed ti Serious Stage f AmocII'1 TrcM tb (11 n7 Tlmti.l WASHINGTON, 1). C Juno 11!. Tho Btuldon collniiso of tho npiar ently overwhelmingly victorious HMtward march of tho Kusslnn ar mies into Prussia and across tho Carpathians Into Hungary and tho tevero rovorses tltoy have sufforcd since tho turn or tho tldo nt l'rz crasjl, wero dlroctly attrlhutablo to the recent crisis In tho relations between China nnd Japan, accord ing to Information reaching dlplo- matln hunt. According tO these accounts Japan was furnish- IZuil, ..minlKlns .. ., ,.,i ti, nncn. V.J. " "'...... ; "... . 7rVt . ! sai iioiiuii'j Willi Valium h-ii.iiji cal rwaa liunieilliitolv Bilnro rcsuiuei tho shipping of sup El lies T Iwji. IIHiLKTHOM WILL iKtilX LIIIJ SAVINO STATION' Iltecelnu Teleurain Thai lloml Was Accepted and Detailed IMiijik Are KtirnurdiNl for Work Wm. HIllBtrom, low blddor for the life irnviii cinMnn .,11 fnns Hay. last ?!I,t.rCl!V?.,, " '.,0?ra.1" ?"!,, nnd"! Mhiuu Kuimiir LiutL iu il llOntrart lm1 .l.nn ncnmited l)V the . . ,.,,,,(, .,..v ." 1 ., I - .--- I Movtrnment ctriclnls and that tlto uo- Italled plans had been forwards! ti; WDl, Mr Hlllsiroin oxoecta to start a Iforce or ten or rirteou mon Monday Itlearlng tho eround lor tho station. imtlng all preliminaries reeiiy to 1htltcan bo rushed to comnlotion. llll lllUllllllllkll U" -- . KOKX TO .MILLIONS tBr Auorltto( Tint to Coot Bay Tlmot.1 TARRYTOWN, N. Y., Jane 12 A Bon was born today '0 Mr and Mrs. John D. Rorkpffillnr Tr Tills IS 11 TURK FOR RUSSIAN STAR STATION their sixth chili and fifth boy Established 1878 As The Const Mull. SUBMARINES Scontixii: to tokpiiiio hoats IN llltlTISII WATKKS I Ciew of One Itildslt Trnuler Set viiii i ami Kt'M'iicd Ten Hours I Later tBy AttoctttM rren to Coot Day Tlmn. LONDON. .Itt'io I a. Tho llrltlsh trawler James Lcymnti was Blink by bIicIIb from n submarine, which rii-st took tho crew on hoard nnd then set them adrift In Binnll boats. They woie picked up ten hours later. (It SH STFAMIIK Sl'XK The Lciirtru Is Torpedoed and tho Crew Rescued tlly AtaocUttil Trcia to Coot nay Timet. LIVERPOOL, .lutio 12. Tho llrl tlsh steamer l.eiictra wa torpedoed and Rtitik off Yarmouth today. The crow was rescued. AXOTIIF.K TKAWLKK GOXI 'Iho Wa Ago Kent to tlto Itottottt of the Not lit Sea (Fir AMOftatM Cftta tn too n; T.mra.J LONDON, Juno 12. Tho trnwlor Wa Abo was Blink by a BUbmarlno In tho North sen. Tho crow wiib rescued. add suumarinics iiusv ., dksthovf.r sunk. Tuiklsh Cruiser Put Itiisslim Xauil lloat Out or lliislness (Hr Atioclllcl Vtcti to Coo. Day TIum.1 CONSTANTINOPLE Juno 12. An announcoiuent Bays that a Hni shin torpedo boat destroyer was sunk In tho Illack Sea Friday night by tho Turkish cruiser Mldiilu, for inorly tho (lerinan cruiser Hies Inu. Tho Mldiilu returned safely to port. CHKAV LAXIH'.I) Men orf tlto llilt:inlaii Which Was Sunk Are Safe. lr AiwxIntM riiw to Coot llf Tlnrt.l LOWKSTOFT. Ktigland, Juno 12. Tho crew of tho trawler llrlttan- n, sunk by a sitbiuarlne, have Inmlcd horo. r 1 1 1 1 -r II WL Ullll I ii n r n I ii L I ' IIIIL. U w I - I maim: in poktlaxd koh hax- DOX .IKTTY WOHK i Soon To Pour Into l." K'eak In Xoith Jelly and Put Cur- I rent Hack Into Cottr.'O Pouring In of the rock that will nn n, i r.nn font break In tho Dan- lilt n,u .,..- don north Jetty is soon io , .u...- menred. Tho trestlo work rrom inM , hs ... I from' ..... quarry to tho water nas uceii i .,i,,tiwt mid now word rotitoB fron Portland that the ..urges '' lug the ZlS er w I soon bo on tno spui. Tho barges wero built at the yards BARGES SE3;5ftiTfi CLARA HERF Wind should loach there today. II till UU Kl ' ---- .. ... i.iiv,i II. n work or closing this gap will bo rinlshed by Christ-1 ti...n mill with tho water once inns Hmo ami wiiu iu "''.. . l,r in its ehnnnol t U lioliovoii ,t been at. o v 1 "To materially aided and eeieto-l The work Is under' and deepened. .. ...... w 1,1,0 Hr?,,t,on. "I"' ' ertimeni eiibio'- . cOLOXi:L Op "':'' " MnRRniflriRnnMiNG1 UI1IIUM3 l ww - 1 I ' ., ' ..'irivi..iiuiT. .ii.n. ,,. ... ... , - -..- iiiiii'.i " '"" , ,..k.M.ri Shtvlaw Jelly ml . i n. ...-i--- . .. . . ........ ..,...' ii, .11 t... Hamloii Work ami Ho On Coos Hay ... Mrrnw of HlO I'. S. KllglnO- o,s of Portland, will visit this IartMI(MJ Klimm st'ror, Wilfred Hlofnr' of tho stato tho latter part of the ' Frml Mnllw Mr. Nora Marks. Ah month. He will first bo at Sl.tslaw fro, MarkH, T. . Unlon. M. M- m" ;.. i.,uori iho Jotty work nnd "ur ." "" .. ,.,.," llnvitld will ... .!... ..ntiin III I .!!!( llJ -- iw," .., isnoct tho govonv 1 will then coino m -.. j work Uoro BI11, will return to Coos Hay "ami probably Ko iron. ... uu ..- . ,,- I to Portland on the urBn-. ! i HLKGMAX THKASCHKK (Special to The Times) FLORBNCK. Ore.. June 1-. n,u" . i,n niniointed 1 ;Ttreau;rVF.orencetor...tbe city treasurer 01 nersman , city treasurer -of Heren - . 'unexpired term ot J mn,or ho b.. "cen .Wlnc maor (Uoob MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1915 EVENING EDITION. LAND GUNS TO I iiu mmm Colony at Esperanza is Again Being Attacked by the Yaqui Indians Naval Commander Says Pro tection Must be Given the American Citizens MUST BE DONE" AT ONCE Of Five Hundred Marines Wilt lie Lauded on Mexican Soil to I .mil; iflcr Cltlens of tho Country Who A to now In Majtorcmi Iltr AtnoclaH"! rn tn Coot tlay Tlmra. DOUGLAS. Ariz. Juno 12. -Special dispatches front Nogalos, So tinrn, today state that rlflca ami machines guns wero landed front tho American cruisers on tho w-jst const of Mexico to aid tho Ainerl-an colonists tit F.sporattza, who pro again besieged by tho Yauul In dians. It Is iilno stated that tho Amor It mi naval commander at ( notified tho Coventor or Muyturcu-i that If ho does not Immediately fur nish niupio protection r.00 American tnnrlnes will ho landed. skcoxd ciiiiii) ix vi-:i'.K si: ci'hks I'oisoxors dihxk I. Idle Son of .Mr. and Mrs. I'red liar- iiatd S;ived Afler llnlm" ICfrmts or riiyslclnii For tho second tliuo within a week a lit tlo child on Coos Klvor hns drunk coal oil. Tho Hist tliuo the occiiranco proved Intal; tho second time. mnrly full". Tho llttlo tw) year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnard swallowed part of tho con- ! tents of a glnss of oil and had it not been for tho hurried appenrnnco of i tho doctor It Is believed tho Inrant , would ltavo died. Hmetlcs wero np- wiuilil ltavo died, nineties were l'1'0'1 ln tlmo l0 8avo hU Ilfe" n vuit ,o tn i,om f M ,. q,iii, ,,,, Pnns Itlvor and Mrs. Al Smith on Coos Klvor Mr. , .I..- l.n.l llninift lll'n fltlVM anil .ma, ri i' "- ago wero suildonly aurprlBod by t,l I t i.n littli lint. II unk upriMiniH of tho llttlo boy. It wns round ho had climbed up nnd tak en a cup contnlnlng coal oil from the shelf. Twenty flvo minutes after tho call Dr. Houceworth wus there making tho trip lu tho sliced boat Kid. MI1U W)H Kiiuii was given nnd then an eniotlc. inn , , already swollod and B,rnnKlui()n was feared. , . BlrnnKiiliitlon was feared. .st Sunday the 1 1 inontl.sdaugh - ter of Mr. and Mrs. I. It. Maddox or Camp 1. "Ilod a few mlimtili nrtor "r,"k,"B kfl"0 f0,",,, "l " i ICOMKS WITH f.'OOO 1ST FHOM POKTLAXD TODAY ,. NOTIFIES GUMl DRI1S KEROSENE i.eavo at i r. m. ioc i.iirriiii , uown iuoini ..." ..i"" "' ' , , .r,.,,,,, ,. IIIM, ... IVanclsco-To C.ury so high that It brushed Iho county ,, .o poorer people of Mo xlco a ,.- Freight Cargo. bridge. ST. rent above the wa or. ,on,derntlon and respect which I -11111 shook It. The li'iom Just below 'lll4 ,ol(, for him." Anlvlug hi rrom Portland abort.,''"1' ' .,, nllt. . y )0roro noon today tho stoaiuship ly boforo noon today tho stoaiuship Santa Clara, Captain l.nfatedt, brought Li a good piissonger list. She will lo.ivo out at 0 p. in. for Kureku nnd San Francisco. 1 Tiiii u'lui arrived wore 11. ! t.... im II I. Mii. Mallilo Col- ,,,, MrH. u. K. Laraway. llarbara La n. way. Mrs. Lta Wolvertou. Ado. la Wolvertou. Ado - Herbert II. Ilrad- M ..UwaJ: "?l,M."- .!'' ul' av 11 1,. iiuriiiu. iiii,u , i lov II 1 - Mitchell. Nolllo Arnston, II. It. Mll lpr, Kslolla Kogors. L. O. Hasbaugh, Mi. w. II. Stofer. Miss Opal Slofer, I lllltw "" I -- - tlnii nnu .WtllM (JWrtJ. .U(l. i t Dolpli. Miss I-aura Dolilt, J. A. Daw son, A. Komniisoth, J. II. Fox, HU; void Askor, John Peterson. OLD SHJXS (JO." IBT AMOltd Tint U root DT rlrow.J LONDON, Juno 10. Tho sign "nuslness as usual," which appear ed all over London at the beginning of tho war ha now vanished. It wB doomed a patriotic manifesta tion of llrltlsh pluck whon hostilities t ee 'filet . Ith the populir sfue 0 but now It Is seen to con- r mind m MKMIIKKH OF TUB ASSOt'IATICn 1MES3 VILLA IS VIGTDH - I MI.M.'Ifl .1 I. VI.'H'C IIL'KI'll'Ml !!. w ax ...i, . I.-j I'tll 1'iir HI'," 1TTFS CLAIMS OF CARRAXZA Says letter's Army Too Weak to Advance, Hut Moth Sides He-enforce. tllj Atocltll rrm lu root nay Tlmrr.l WASHINGTON, D. C. June 12. Tho first official news front Ameri can sources of the bnttlo nt Leon. ! in which both Villa nnd Carranza I alternately chilmed a victory, re-j celved hero today, refutes the Car- ranza reports or Villa's rout and says his army is nt Liberia with a Inrge nunntlty or captured supplies and that the Carranv.a forces are too weak to advance. The dispatch conrirms Villa's claims oT victory at Slloa. Dspatrhcs Inilicate that. both armies are gathering strength for another grapple. r ' ,U!0 sti:ami:u mixxksota to makij TltlK I OH Hl'SSIA Will Transport Hallroad .Maleilal Hired Kroui Seattle In Vladl- vostok Xtt Mouth fllr AMorlttfJ rrci to cH)i niy Tlnirt.l SHATTLU, Wash., June 12. Tho steamship Minnesota will sail di rect for Vladivostok next month with Mino tons of steel rails and ."iiHHl tons of ear material for tho Kusslnn government. The .Minne sota, which had docked at Kobe after being aground In tho Inland Sea of Japan, will arrive hero July I MVKTLK TIOX POINT THAXSPOHTA CO. (ILTS Sl".". Port of Coittllle IIImiiiimI for Putting llriish In I Hut Which Hesulleil in Daitiage lo limits. A vurdlet ror f 1 7"0 damiigoii and costs was awarded tho Myrtle Point Transportation Company by tho Circuit Court Jury yesterday nf tor noon In tho suit brought against tho Port of Cotttlllo ror alleged damnges to tho Doru and the Myrtle October 7, 1018. It was shown that slashings mado under order lof t)lu Iort 01l tM0 0!lst rork or tho .- .. .. ... .ln n.1,1. .In, rvorill roiK catno uunii nun rtrst rain, washed out tho boom of .,iiii n ni,, i tlto .Myrno I'onti .imiiiiH vuiii'!Mj to which tho two boats wero mauo rast and loH them stranded on Jet- ' wuh n muw. Tho throwing or slashings Into .. tho river Is said to bo strictly against tho orders or thu War Do - 'i'ii,. titifiriuwH declare Hill IIIUIIl. ...-...-" -- tlmt the Port hint year paid 2100 iitsi inn i "i i "" '- Idamagus to tho Myrtle Ikilnt Mill- ,.n(? v ,, nla(, that It cost R(J ,, (l jam HILL GARRY RAIL iGET HEAVY DAMAGES tho Port JfiOi) to tuKo up a Jam slates will Intervene. Tho Invltu fnrthor below, causisl by the brush, j u0K requost an early roply. The present esse occupied more, 1'ilcndly lo Wilson, than threolays and II witnesses villa's reply to Presldont Wilson wero exaiiilnud. J. O. Steiumlor and H friendly. Villa ileelarml ho Is John D. G'w appoarud as utloruoys I impelled to reply to President WIN fo- the Pint and Judge Sporry nnd 'hou'r dislaratlou or policy rogardlng ' i.., for the Myitlo Point m,.v,. hncauso Wilson's high spirit 'Transportation Company. ' . .,.. i A wIlnesH wno saw in" imihi" . . .. , i. ....,,.. out siihwi iui - - - ,.... .....i. ul.i, mmi mid out stated that '"" "" """" . i.i. i. rr,.,i unit ; . 0 Myrllo were ..... ..1..1.. Til., iinr.-i I liU ' " - - " I...I lfil I llll IIIUIII. ..! .. . . ... ,1 1...... ti wns left sirantieu in "" " one or tho Jottlt and the .uyriio. iiiiu "i t ,, WWW .. f tho larger ot the two, was "hogged, It was claimed, on anoinor juii The transportation company staled r. :;;:'.:""; 1 Uml rom,rH (,()Il $S(J u, ,. ' .;.. ,.. .., wi10ll they were I that 1700 was lost when they wero UIUI f I "" "" '- taken from the run ti... nii-1 of Couitlllo oonteitdod that the boom of tho milling coin- I,.,, fin- In tho stream ,, Umt u was Bllence on the ,)Mt ,.,1IHialiy to, make n.ufl faHl , l0 ,loom. " w T.T...7 ..n.'in'CC CLAIM PHOOHI'.SS in Atrial..! I r- o &. Sar Tln 1 PARIS, June 11. An of flclal Btatemetit says: "In the Dardanelles we consol idated the results obtained June 4. At the right ond ot tho ravine or Kerovo Here, we made tunm-i i",v HDPE OFFERED S Villa Sends Note to President Wilson Showing Willingness For a Settlement. Q .... . . , n, . , - SayS United StatCS Chief EXC cutive is Much Respected oy iviuxicuii ruupiu. CARRANZA MAKES APPEAL I litis Issued Proclamation Making: Hid for Kceognltlnn by the l, tilted Stall-. llffett on Wllsoti Tol- lej .Matter of Cotijecturo WANTS HKCOtJXMiOX 4 lltjr AMorlttM I'rrM tn C liar Tlmta. WASHINGTON, Juno 12. Cnrranza has Issued a proclamation nt Vera Cruz making a bid for recognition by thu I'nlted States. What effect, If any, It can havo on President Wilson's Mox- lean policy can only ho con- Jeitiired, (11; AMorlalnt I'rmi to p Hjr Tlnu.,1 Kit PASO, Texas, Juno 12. General Villa, In a nolo lo Presi dent Wlls-jii, expresses his wllllng uess "to Invito a new situation for nil Mexicans to work together to Insure tlto triumph of revolutionary principles, especially tho ngrarlan ptobloni and tho extension of In struction among tho poorer classes.' Tho note, which Is a reply to tho recent communication sent VHU and other lenders In Mexico, Is expected to bo presented today lo tho Stato Department, by a representatlvo or tho Vllla-Zapata faction lu Washing ton. Nolo to Ciirrana. .Another nolo slgnod by Villa has been dispatched to Carrnn.a, asking tho latter to agree to a conforonuo or the leaders lu Mexico to "ttnlto and reorganize." Tho nolo states that tho proposi tions nro bolng placed botoro 'n pnta and Garza. No explanation rroni Villa In this connection Is had or tho reported ousting or (lurzn rrom orrico at Mexico City. Garzn Lwns choBon Provisional President by tho Aguns Calloutes convention several months ago. (Jin. Two KciiMin. Villa In tho Invitation ror a eoa- i , - - foreitco points out two reasons tor . . H...I unliiuu llllt ,B at Hon. First, that unleBS tho 1 constitutionalists reorganize tho uMviirtiinnnt (Mentiricns will ngalll p..,,. - ! K()l ,i,trol under gulso or anothor hji name, and second, , M(,xr ro Imp stattm will Intervi hilinu , ..-. unless conditions roved, tho United !r just ami "the consideration I 1.I..I. In, lu lintil lilllll unit rospeci in - I. . i. ,i.i.. tilu ( cntlii- Linsiito anti umi" . ,.i..ik. in Din 111 lilil lit idasi nii" - u.,niiiiiv iiv tho inltli o elasr iteduceil lo Ansriliy ,. viiiii nolo charges "raise I i.i....u rr iiinrrniiiirv OlirilOSOa. lllf- !( -..- , ,,. r.ii ; fused by mono win. iiik , ,...,...i..i,..i.. ...tiii, mi InuH. re nownr Indoflnllely without laws, re iluccd us to a most outrageous an archy In the capital, and that It was ii - -r - rs"r. s Henor i;arrwii " strained relations with tho coun tries friendly to ns." Wus .Military. ti,,, .into rovlows a roiiuost or the chiefs or tho division or tho north ,i the ed by a populath and the different army corps mius ed by a groat portion of tho civil population, that the first chief of tho Constltittlonaiuu an as i-ii-.1....1 u. I111.1-H11. 011011 courts and .'cull a general election to orgatile , ... ....., ..i.,ii ,i.,iriiiiiniit. ,a constiiiiuoimi It declared that inatw". a iwiui coiiieiitlon was convoked. MAKKS IIKJ CLAIMS. CalTiuua KaH He Cotiliols Seum- Klghls f .Mexican People. II, Ataotlall ritu to Ct Hay Tlu...l WASHINGTON. I) C, Juno 12. John K SlUlmaii. per'oiml represeu OR ffi CAN HAS HIGH REGARD A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tho Coos liny Times Is. A South, west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people siul devoted to tho best Interests of thin grout section . Tho Titties always boosts Kid nerer knocks. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nnd Coos Hny Advertiser. T OKKICIAI.S CAN DO HIT HT'l'Li: TILL Itl.l'LV COMI.S Scettt to llnio Confidence In Nature of Answer (icrmniiy Will Make lo V. S. tflr Aitoclltxl mil to Coot D.T TlmM.l WASHINGTON. D. C, Juno 12. Orfletal Washington , today seemed to havo settled down with an nlr of confidence to await Germany's reply to president Wilsons noto. Tho President himself went ofr to play goir on his regular week-etul rec reation. Are Hopeful. Throughout official itiartcrs thorc wi:h nn oiitimlstlc feelltm Hint tho United States lu the rirm, yet friend ly reiteration or Inslstatico that Ger many conform to tho principles of htiitintiltv and International law had opened the way for Herlln to con tinue peaceful relations. On tho now note to Great Itrltnlu, which lt In L'c forward In the near future. there wero no official comments o day. SAIS TIE IS HERE .ii'DGi: (Hcokgi: (iitAV ;ivi:s his ox pki:si:xt situation United States Musi Xow Assert Vi tal Cltaracler of Obligation of International Unv (n; Anorlite-I I'rnt to Coot liar TlntM, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J Juno 12. Judge George Gray or Wilming ton, former United Slates senator nnd member or International per manent court or arbitration under iho llnuuo conference, addressed the New Jersey bar association horo today. Ho asserted Hint the time had come" us never before lu our eventful history, for America to as sort tho vital character and binding forco or tho obligations which Inter national law has placed upon thu belligerent nations." wahhijx hi:i:d says that cox- STKCCITOX IS IHCIXd IILItltllCI) Piling 11M l''iH-t Look llelnir I'm-iI on ltUcH Woik Train Itiiiiiiltig Fnuii Sinllh Itlvcr Warren P. Keod, the Keedsport magnate, mine down today from the Umpuun on business. Ho says that the rnllroad conMriictlon Is being hurried. Ho has tho contract for getting out tho piling for tho trestle work north of tho Umpiiita. Some of the nllliiL' used are 12ft feet loin;. A idle- j, j driver with Kfi-root beams Is belnn used near Tslltcoos lake. Tbev aro now oiieratlng n' work train through tho tunnel from Smith Klvor. Mr. Kced says that ho Is hope Ml ror a marked Improvement lu business conditions. WOULD CHAXGH TIIKATIKS U. H. WiiiiIn Thein to Conform Willi Seamaii'N Hill, (11 Aaaotlalu! I'inm l Coot Hay Tllnn I WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno 12. The United States has Instructed diplomatists abroad to ask for tho annulment of thosu paragraphs or commercial treaties -which conflict with tho nuw seaman's bill. tatlve or tho President, telegraphed to thu State Department today tho text of Carrauza'H proclamation which calls on tho other factious to affiliate with his government, and which claims he now control iiluo-teulhs of the population and Hovim-elKhtliH of the territory or Mexico, Giles Principles. "Ono or tho greatest difficulties lu tho maltor of foreign policy," Carranza says, "has been a lack of understanding, particularly ol tho United States." lu his proclamation Carranza sets forth his principles, obviously to loam how the Washington govern ment regards them. Tltoy lunicatu u guarantee of tho rights of for eigners, Indemnity for property damaged, settlement or tho agrarian problem without touflscatloii. and tho calling of a National Congress to provide for the election of a Ir anient. IS lull I IRn RAILROAD No. 277 S LONDON p U E Daily News Refers to Presi dent Wilson as "First Cit izen of the World." PAISABIGTRIuuTE English Newspaper Devotes Two Columns to Space to Tell of U. S. Executive GUIDED Bf PRINCIPLES Admits lie May .Make .Mistakes Like Any Human, Hut Hay VTlicy Arc Not .Mistakes of Weak Mnn or a Political Oaninlor (llr AMwlato.1 rrrtt to Coot tit TtnM. LONDON, Juno 12. In a two-column trlbtito to President Wilson, the Dally News says: "No mnn lu the Democratlu world todny la so entlrel governed by prlnclplcnd moral sanctions. President Wilson Is not merely the flrot citizen of tho United States, but the first cit izen or tho world. Ho makes mis takes, no doubt, ror ho Is human, hut they never nro tho mistakes of a weak man, tltoy novor nro tho mistakes of the political gambler or ono touched by sordid motives or ambition." Hit. llllltNAKD l)i:ilXlli:itG GOKS HOMi: TODAY Unorriilal ItepicNcntatlve of Kaiser Complains Only of Occasion of the Lusltnnla Affair III; AMOctitn! I'mt lo Coot Stf TlmM.1 NHW YOKK, June 12. Dr. Kor nard Dornberg, former Colonial Sec retary of the Gorman lCmpIro, who has been termed Kmporor William's uuorriulal reprcseutntlvo In this tAitintry, sailed for homo todny aboard tho Norwoglan stenmor llcr gonsrjonl, Ho said Uo had boon treated lu thlH country with "In discriminate nicety, excepting on ono occnBlou, tho occasion ot tho Lusl tnnla affair. FAKMF.KS OK 'ITIXMILi: DISCUSS HIGHWAY TO LAKKSIDH Committee Named to Iocnt Un- surveyed Portion and Present To Hie County Court. Tho ranchers living In tho Ten Mllo district held a meeting nt Snr gent Landing a low daya ago to dis miss plans Mr furthering the plan or n road rrom North Hond to Lake side A commlttoo composed of J. T. Davis, J. P. Davis, A. Lakoson, W. G. Colo ami F. Adams, was ap pointed lo locate tho routo for tho uiiBiirvey'id portion or tho roau, which will extend from Ilonson'B Lauding to Ukosldo. Tho committee vlll mnko a pre liminary survey of tho dUforont i outus and tho County Court will bo asked lo survey the routo found to be the most suitable. .vi:w suns fili:d Actions Instituted In The Circuit Court at Oxnilllo The following now suits havo been Hind In the Circuit Court. Peter I. Gohlke and Dolclna Golilko vs. Carl Hwolgln. Ilaxler Robinson vs. Suslo L. Rob inson. Suit ror divorce. Mrs. Hello Spong va. It. A. McNalib mid Herthtt K. MoNabb. Suit for lore, close mortgage. Sadie Ilalr vs. Dale Hair. Suit for divorce. It. N. McConitell vs. Goo. V- Mooro Lumber Company, Mary Mehl, Oeorgo Mohl, William Mohl and Agnes Whetstone va. Coos county. Oregon. Potltlon for writ of review of proceedings for oponlug the Hall stroot-ColIler hrldgo road at Coqulllo, Kdna 1-3. Wyatt vs. II. F. Wyatt. Suit for dlvorco. Have your LirrrHH heads, bill heads, etc., priutod at TUB TIMHS office. IVES HIS IS IELL TREATED i hmiuug run I1UHU ll