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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1915)
Ifcri SE3?'55!?SgS l"2Si jE3 j Kjfi HV-ffl f wn 1HJJ!LK0LPMAN Coos Bay Times Your Paper Ibe Coos Hay Times Is proud PeopIe' Vnvcr," and It Btrhcs Ure op to Its nniuo by devotion promoting Uio pcoplo's lnloresbj. vliL NO. XXXVIII believed in German Circles Compatible Solution Can Be Reached by Countries' ITIGJARLIKE Document Purposely Phrased So It Would Give Chance to Meet American Wishes llSAGREE WITH BRYAN lost orfliluls Wonder Why Ho islpted, As They delicto tbo I Nolo Is Ono Willi Ii Whs Not nt All Mkely to Lend to Wnr. P; Auw I.IM rrrt to Cool XMj TlmM 1 (WASHINGTON, 1). C, Juno II. hh tbo publication today of tliu lit American nolo to (lerniauy con- ling the sinking of llio I.iisltmiln, plats of tlio United StalcM got- fcnent mill diplomats genuinlly missed tlio probublo cliuiacter. of German (!ovenimcntH reply. Uhllo thcro Is no doflnlto lufor- itlon, tlio fcclhiK In Gorman ii;tr- ri nas n fiuoriiblo response tuts ly, as tlio nolo scorned to open door to n Holutlon coinp.illlilo lie with tlio lutercstH of both Goi- ay ami tlio United .States. faMit'H an ()n'iiIiik. . iThe note, It wiih mild, was pur ely phrased bo It would glto Ger-I pny an oppoitunlty to meet the' kbes of tlio United States with' hlty nml In conformity with tlio. (man public opinion. Certain of-1 als nondorod why Sccrotary of ifB OPHED i IHHItl. te Ilryan declined to sign tlioi','IAXS m,:i:t ""VIJItSIM IV f.Rlilch they regarded as frlond-l nKST K,:A,J 1 :X A I :I I :NI1 llatone. Thoy claimed Its filend- 'M was tho tcry means bo sug- Ited-persuasion to accomplish American purpose. Dlsitgieo With llrjaii. Wost etcryhody In official circles weed Uli Ilrynn that tho noto pt lead to wnr. Tbo noto flrni- Irenews tho previous demands that patiy gto nssiirnncea that Amor tizes nnd vossols shall borenfter wfeRimrdcd. What action tho lied States will tnko In the otenl, many refiibcs to glvo such assur- Is not Indicated In tho nolo. U 1 IS EXEMPTED M. CAXAIi ACT NOT TO AP- i'bv ix oxi: casi: wn-Wiisblngton ltallionil .V Xnt- Wlon Company firnnted Petition J") Conuueico Commission jI8; AuikUtM rrrm o Coo Dr Tlmw j IASHINGTON, 1). C. Juno II. m Interbtuto Conimorro Com- jslon today grnntcd tho petition W Orgon-Wnshlngton Hallroad svlKatlon Company to oxompt oncrslilp of tlio Snn Francisco Portland Steamship Company tho provisions of tbo Panama I act prohibiting tbo ownership pllroads of computing stcumshlp 1111 MESS N!i (.ItWI) ,11'ltV STAHTS f'l'OHTVNT INVIISTIfJATlOX Weiii.',, f iYhiiiI Whs At- pptcd JJegnidliiK Affid.itilH I it l.usltnnin Wns Alined "t AuW,fti rrM, (0 CM1 ,)17 Tlm,.t j W YORK, Juno 11. Tho Fed- grand Jury which yestorda la an Investigation to dotorinlno Per there ttas nn nttompt to u tho l nlted Statos In con- lfon With affiilavlts Htibmittoil to poternnunt to provo tbo Lusl- 8 arml, examined one 684 today and temporarily ad- "jo- The name of tbo witness Pt Fe-ret. but tbo testimony ,a(l s be ImportVint. Jlf0 Dance. Sat. Nlulit. Kiniles 'art Ill's Orchestra, Don't .Miss of its utlo "Tlio nt nil times to K, energies to INtnhtlshed 187B Ah Tlii' t'nni M..11 ITTE1S HIIEWBEB SUNK SUM activj si:ciii:tauv Linsinu in. viti:i 'H hi: phi:si:.nt Agiecel Nothing Mine Can He Done llcffaiilliijr (iei ninny t'ntll Answer Is Itcicltctl (Dj A.aixltlH ITtm to Coot Dr Tlmw 1 WS11INGTON, I). C, Juno 11. Tho Cabinet met today with Acting Secretary of Stuto Lansing In the plnco of former Serrotnrv iiivnn It was agreed nothing more e.m bo (lono on the (lei man situation pend ing 11 reply to the latest Anicilc.n note tlolltored todny to the Hei::n Foreign Office. While the Piesl ilents expects a prompt answer, It Is realized It may ho two weeks In coming. In IntKcd. Ac ling Secietnry of Stnto Lansing attended lodut's Cabinet meeting by specific Imitation of President Wil son, lie was not present at the opening of the bcsil'iu, taking tbo gumiid that he should not atleud unless hit lied. E HIMILIN PAPIIHS WITHOUT PHUSSIOX OX XOTIJ i:. Is I'ublMied In 1'nll, llowetei', In tbo l.'iuly Afleinooii Paper t)f tbo Cll.t. llljr AkhkLIcI I'rrwl In Com Ilnjr Tlii.i. I IIIJLIN, Juno II. Tho Amerban note, though pi Illicit In full and glten the greatest prominence In tho lleillu papeis, Is not ik ioitii. in led by any editorial lomuieul In tho eaily aftciunnn editions. Among captions weio "Ameiba Sends I'lim Note," "Veiy Solemn Winning;" nml "Urate" HAVE FIRST BATTLE Piogiess Slopped I'j Aiistilnu I'lauK' l'lie, Hut liiipoilaut Fiontlcr Town Is Cnptmed ITAMAXS TAKi: 'IOWX IPjf AlNKMltt.l I m lo Coot r Tlinr. INNISIlUUCK, Juno ll. Tho Italian foices captured IMooken, In Austria, close to tho frontier. Possession of this location Is Important as It endangers Austrian communications. llir AmocUiM I'rtw to en rjr Timw i COI.OONi:. Ooimnny, Juno 11. N'nwHiinnur dlHimtches Bay tho first considerable battle of tho war with Italy has been fought ln tlio region of tho lhon?o Itltcr and ro sulted favorably to tho Austilans. Tho Italians attacked Corllu, Ora dlBia.nud Monfaliloii, but tho ad vamo was checked by tho Austrian flro on tho flanks. scpposiid mi:mhi:h or swi:u- ISII, HOVALTV SHOOTS riAXCCH Ciimmlls Mimlcr In PmK. In .New V01I.. mill 'I lien Takes His Own Life. (Ilr Aw MM I'm ! lu' T'"" ' Ni:W VOHK. Juno 11. Fieder ick J. Ilussonlus. said to bo a mom bor of tho Swedish ioal family, but ostrangud from his relatltos, today shot and killed hlh flanceo, Anna Mulimiulfit. in Control Park ami then sent a bullet Into his own bi.iln, c.iuslnt' death. IS )VXMITi: tsLI T ILSTH0V Hl'TTi: SOll LIST PAPKH Poliie Aio Inwstlg.ttlug '"o ""' ho Car .No Anests Unto Hih-ii Made. (nr A- i'- """ w c" lttjr T"M ' 1IUTTE. Mont, June 10. Intos tlgatlon by the police leads to the theory that nt least a box of d)na mite was used in blowing up the minting plant of the Dutte Socialist comimm ear.) ,U Th- d.R. I GDMMERKT KILLSllu LADY! PLAIT BLOWN 'is estimated at H". "" " I hate been i'a,le KINDNESS IS fflouB lan MARSHFIELD, OREGON, Austrians Claim They Destroy ed One of British Fighting Boats in the Adriatic ZEPPEIM ACTIVE In North Sea They Attack and Sink Two British Fishing Smacks. RUSSIANS LOSE TWO BOATS Swedish Htisiniei' Is Also Scut (n tbi Hoi loin b, Siibmailnes mm u 1.111 go t.lnsgou Sleaiusbip Is Sunk Ciews Aio Silted CliAI.M SUM' lljr Awh-IIo. Pii-m lo !'.(,. Ur Tlm" LONDON. Juno II. The Ilrltlsh Press Bureau, coin inentlng on tho announce ment from Austila regarding tbo sinking of a Ilrltlsh irulser, said tonight that tho ship inestimably refoned to was safe In n harbor and "not seriously damaged." t I'r Amoclntel l'rui to Coot Ilj Tlmra 1NNSHUUCIC, Juno II. -An mi noiimement made hero by Austilnns, s.i)s ono of their subinailues yes tciil.iy sunk a Itiltlsli irulser of the l.lterpool t)po IK) miles off St. Jean Memlua in tho Adriatic Sea. .i:ppi:i.ix ATTACKS SlnlvH Two llllllsb I'lsliliig SiiijkI.s In tbo Xnitli Sen til Auocttud rtnm lo Coo. ruj TlmM ) MAAK 1AJIS, Holland, Juno 11. The Ililtlsh fishing smacks' Wcl faio and l.auicstlna wero attacked nml sunk by Zeppelins In tlio Not tit Sea. Tho crows wero In ought hero by a Dutch smndc iik; sti:aii:k victim 'I bo St nit linn ron, of (ilasgow, In Torpediieil b.t Submarine. ID; AuorUtvd I'rni. lo iu liar Tliuw I CAHDirK, Juno 11. Tho Glas gow stcumshlp Stiutbcirrou, 2807 tons, was torpodocd yesterday by a stibmnrlnc. The crow landed hoio. HCSSIAX .STKAMSIIIP Sl'XK Swedish .Strainer and Kiisslan I link iii Also Lost. (II7 AMOtlitnl I rr. to Co. Ilr Tlmo LONDON. Juno 11. Tho ItiiHslan stonmur Ditnl.i w.ts sunk by a sub minlno. Tho crow was bated. Tbo Husslau bark Thoimislmi was sunk by a submarine 011 the southeast coast of Ireland, and tho (row sated The Swedish steamer Otago, bound for Hull, was sunk by a sub marine Inst night. SS Lii:rii:N.XT and so.mi: mi:x kscapi; i.nti:h.m:d viissiil ' Custom Collcdor Hepoil.s Hint Pail 1 of Ciett of Pilnz llitel I'l eld- lb h Ale .Missing I lf AMod't'l l'r lo Coi II. jr Tim's I WASIIINdTON, DC, Juno II. Lloutonaut Hiauor and "cortaln men of tho crow," of tho Piliu Kltol I'reldrldi, who loft tbo ship hoforo sho w.ts formally in turned unit mtto not lutiiriiedi aro bolloved to bnto loft tho country. Customs Collec tor Hamilton ut Norfolk made this roport today to tho Troustiry De partment. Captain Piomiseil. Spoclal agonts of tho Dopartniont of Justlco aro now conducting nn In toetlgatlon at tlio Instance of tho Stuto Dopartmunt to which Collector Hamilton's roport was roforred. It appoars that Leutenant Hrauor and his men were not on parole because tho ship had nf been Interned, but Collector Hamilton understood bo had the word of Captain Thlerloh ens that none of the officers or men men would loate tho 1 trinity of New port News while the status of the rrulscr was in suspense, Bf SUM IMF GERMANS linn ii 111 n wHuiiuim ii WJwrawiiWgMiMHBiWHBIBlMBBHBHMMB'lMiLH USUALLY DISTRIBUTED IN RATHER MKMHKH.H OP TIIH ARSOCIATKl) IMRSH FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1915 EVENING EDITION. IS CLAIM THAT ITALIANS AHII sriM, ox Tin: adanci: Itusslatw Sa 'I bat Tbe.t Aic Hat- lug hucie-s In (.'allila Against The (leituaus tnr AoclitM rrr to Cow nr Tlmrt J LONDON, Juno 1 1 The Itnllnn Intnslon of Austria made further headway. It Is claimed, and the Italians captured the town of IMooken. A dispatch from ITdlno says tho Italians nie adtanclug tlnough the I'redll Pass, about sl miles on tho Austrian side of the Hue. After their success In the Il.iltlc legions, tho Husslaus now diilm n consldernblo tlctory in (lallcla. The Austro-Oeiman foices, adtanclug on l.ombcrg from tho S6uth, aio said by Petrograd to bnto been defeated along tho Dniester near Hurnwnn. On the Western fi out, numerous en gagement continue , between tho Preiieh and Oermnns, but no dof lnlto gains hate resulted. 1 lot It Paris and Ilerllu itaim adtautnges nt different points. fl smtniAV Titoops aim: iti:i'oitr III) hCOHI.Nt; A VICTOUV 0(inp,t Albanian Town of Dlbassau nml Mm ill Towntil tbo Adi little ('(insl. (Uf AiHwIitm! rrmt to immi hr TlttM 1 LONDON, Juno II. Soiblan lioois aio reporteil to htito- oc (tipled tho Albanian (own of i:ibns hiiii, 01 miles southeast of Scutari, and are marching In tho dlrettlon of the Adi little const. This Infor mation Is contained In u prltate message lecelted at llcilln today f i oin Athens ami telegraphed to Loudon. TAKE Ii PRIZES itrssi.WK capiviii: cannons axd (i-oii u:itu.. SOLDIKItS I'ctioxiad Claims That After Haul Fight Hooty Is Taken to tbo llnelstcr Itltcr. Ilr AiocUtl Trrai to C'ooi Utj TIoin PirritOOItAD, Juno II. All of ficial auuouiuomeut h,ih that after bind fighting yesterday (ho Hus sliiim (aptured 17 cannon, I'J ma cliiuo guns itud G700 men on the Duolster Hit or. ARE KILLED ali.ics losi: 11000 Alvl'i:it 11(21 WITH TCHItS ri.iufn-Hiithli expedition on fit III- poll Peninsula Hast Cost K1111- moiis Loss of 1 (.fe. inj AnorliMI PnM u to ltr ns 1 IIKIIL1N, Juno 11 A wiiulowi nicbsago from Conitaiitlnoplo ro poits that fighting nt At! Hurnii on tho Cnlllpoli Peulnstilu on the night of June r. cost tho Allies more than 2000 killed. Tho Ions of tlio Fiamo-Hrltlsh expedition last week was enormous. TROOPS Tfl REM s()Lini;ns will nop hi: moi:ii I HO.M ikon licit Moticfui Officials Inclined to Intel - foio With lied Ciosk In 1 Food lllstiibiitinii I II; AwL.Ut"l I'rnii to Ctv II. J 'iIium I WASIIJNOTON, D C, Juno II. -Postilblo Intorferonco ly tbo Foilouil Mexican officials hIoiik tho b'l.-dor with the plain or the Hod Ciom to 1 dlKtrlbiito throtiKh American Consii-j lur officors mid Its own iibbiicIos ' food HiipplloH to tho Mexican people I la t tut million for nrddrs f 10 III tho I War Department to delay tlio do-J parturu of three relmenUi from the border to tho Phlllppliios. Amorlrttn troops cannot (ions the bordur with out Instructions from Washington, but in tlow of the possibility of ro 8lfctanco by the Mexuan offlcluls, the War Department Intends to hate at band means to onfono any orders that may be glten by President Wil son. Auto sertlio to Ten .Mile, 1-ate Mni-hlifielil at K a. 111. or Ijilll p. 111. nml IcMte lakeside ut li;:( a. in, ami t! p. in. dull). T TOI MANY IDE SAYS COUNTRY ! WANTS PEACE Bryan Pleased Because News papers Feel the Friendly Tone of Wilson's Note T Thinks "Warrior Journalists" Realize Now People Do Not Want War UNITED STATES MUST LEAD Makes Stalesineiit 'Hint Ho Intends to Adtouito H,t Pen nml Speeili Ills Ideas of the Piopcr I'orelmi Pollcj IHffei-s Willi Wilson (lljr Awndiill rina In to lldjr TlnttM WASIIINdTON. 1). C, Juno II. K01 liter Seiretary of Ststto Ilryan Is sued today a statement expiesslug nullification oter what ho tot mod the chuttgo In the tone of tlio press legal ding tho Amei lean unto lo Ociinnii). "I mil glad (o note a change In tlio tone of the press','' said the statement, "In regard to tho note to (iernumy. Instead of waiting until tbo nolo was Issued, they put their own construction upon It In adtauio ami (oloicd It to suit their own purposes. It Is 11 lellof that tho newspapers aio emphasizing tho fi loudly tone of tbo unto ami point ing out that It does not necessarily in en 11 wnr. "Something bits been gained If tho warrior Jouinallsts at last real ize tho itotintry does not want war, but that on tho lonlrary It will sup poil tho Pieslileitt In his efforts to find a peaceful solution of tho difficult problem raised by tho uso of Uio uuhuiurlfy, against menhnul inen." ' p. s. siiot'Li) li:ad (Special to The Times.) That sonto nntlou must lead the world out of tbo "Hluek night of war" nml that tho United States should bo tho ono to do It, Is tho con tention of William Jennings Ilryan In a statement ho has mailo sotting forth his reasons for leslgulng tho office or tho becrotnry of stato when tho note of Piosldont Wilson wns sent to normally. Tlio statement Is directed to tho AntorliRii peoplo. Wltllo llrjan ued Its tho president with peaceful In tentions bo statoM that ho sees in the the note application or tho doctrine or force which Is nmtlnst bis prlnclplim. Ho hays ho believes such methods nro pttmiiuic nwa.y and that Uio pro blent Is mistaken In framing n note which could lead tho (ouiitiy Into war. Tho difference In opinion as to what kind or n nolo should have been sent U to bo made an Ishiio lo Ilrynn according to bis stutomaut and although bo Is out or tho cnliliiiit ho Intends by speaking "ml writing lo put before tho couutr) his Ideas on a foreign polity although thoy conflict with those of President Wil son MRS. WATSOW FREE WOMAN WATi:i IV MAHSII. 111:1,11 ui;li;asi:d i.n poktla.nh Will Not Ho lliouglit Hack (11 this ( It) for 'Ii In I As Was Supposed Doputj Sliurirr A P. Dsvl. this morning state d that Mrs Watson, for whom a warrant had been bunion charging her with larceny, has boon frond In Portland, ami. with her hus band and children )i now hoiio to Vancouvor, Wash. Tho warrant was Ibuiiod heio when, It was nllegucl. the family sold fiirnUiiio buiiKht on tlio Instsllmont plan ami not yet paid for and thou willed 011 tho Klllmrn under an uiwuiued name Mr. Datls said tbo Portland or ricom refuted to have Mrs Watson brought back until the warrant bud boon luruier aiKlieci n a r.oniuiiu , judge and this, he uuid, had been re fused Deputy Sheriff Laird, who was then In the iioitb, walled sev eral days expecting to bring Mrs Nutoon ba'K IS STATEI A Consolldntion of Times, Const Mall mid Coos liny A(h ertlser. T Sll'SIiAW HlVIJIt CHOSIIX AJ! PliACi: HY ItKI SOCICTV Xatlonal Senility League I'tiithc-iln; Plan to Ptoteit tbo .Mouth of ' Itltcr Xoith of lleie. The Idea of lint lug a foil nt tho mouth of the Sluslaw lilt or Is be ing advanced by the National Se curity League of Now York, nn or ganization which wants tho United States better fortified Just why tho Sluslaw liter Is selected as tho seaport In this part of Oregon which should be fortified Is not glten, but It seems that It Is tho one which lias been selected. The IJugeno (lunrd tells the following about tho plan " 'A fort at the mouth of the Sluslaw.' Such Is tho slogan of tho National Security League, of New Yoik oily at tho head or a letter sent to Hit genu peoplo soliciting membership to the derense organization seeking to piomole the establishment or great er defense urmaincnls. Its hoiioi 111. pieslileitt Is Joseph II. Choate, and Its president Is S. Stauwood .Menken. "Its for a Tort ut the mouth ol the Sluslaw Indicates that tho distent 111 liniment enthusiasts are nwiire or tho existence ol the Sluslaw its a haibor, ami bullet o that It should bo fortified. Local militia men nolo the slogan with Intel est. "Tho Sluslaw, t liny say, will piob ably not be the next Oregon lutihor to bo foitlfled this they think, will bo Coos Hay but etentuully tlio I. nno County Inn bor will doubtless bo foitlfled. "The piluclpal object of such fortifications, they say, would bo to pretent mi nttmkliig enemy from limiting. Without nimameuts it light bunt could coiuo in tloHoiuid shell the shore while the trnuspoits wme binding marines, or might easily enter tho harbor, especlallj U Hie bar In deepened us planned. "Tho binding of fones at Port Arthur by tlio Japanese la tiled as 1111 example similar to that which might occur at hoiiio stub harbor as (lie Sluslaw. It would bo a tnn lago point bemuse or tho tall ( en nui tlons." PATRDWS TO MEET SCHOOL DISTHICT TO IJLI'.tT HI- Hi:CTOIt AND CLIIHK k - II) Mom Pupils nml 1,000 Mink Will Ho Itme-Jicel mid Dlstibt Then Will Ho Hated an I'liht Class Should 10 more pupils enter the Marshrield public sriiools next hill than wero registered ut tho (lose or this tour this district will hate 1,000 school children and will become a rirst class one and two moio direct ors will hate to bo elected at a gen dial election or tho district. There are thiee dlroctois at prosuut. On Juno 21 at u general mooting or tho district u director lor three joars and a clerk tor ono )oar aro to bo elect ed. A. II. Powers Is finishing about four ) cutis us a inninbor of tho school boanl It Ik umlerslooil that ho will ngnlu bo a candidate. .Judge Hull foi more than 20 jours hits been school clerk or this dlstilct, being olootncl ouch year lor a 12 months period. Ho also will be a cnndlditto agin. At this meeting the Nminclnl ie port of the jour will lie road by Judge Hull This bo In how pitiparhiK Ho stales t luil the oxihiiihos have boon somewhat larger than In previous tears Tlio school lax for the district wits 111 :i-S mills ami tho value of (he district Is estimated nt V.'.NOO.OOil. The census or the illstrlc I a lew mouths ago showed about DOT child ren of school ago. It Is expected tint by rail this number will have been Increased over the 1,000 mark Tills will plno tho district, it Is iwlil. practically under the direct super vision or tbo statu Supeiiutemhiiit or School; this being provided for by the Oregon law. There aro 27 toaithors In the Miirshfleld district uecordliiK to the school roport Should the district bo come rated as a first c.lntui one there will be lioroctfter five directors, i imronso of two over the pietwnt number. 4 TL'MPHHATVKK IIK.II t Or AuotUtM I'KM W Cos Iltf TlmM 1 ATHENS, Juue I J- A bill letln lust ulKht said King Constantino's temperature was 9s x 4 SIUSLI SMALL CANS A Southwest Oregon Paper That's tvhnt tbo Coos liny Times Is. A South nest Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon peoplo and dctuted to tbo best Interests of tills great lection . Tbo Times always boosts ud neTor knocks. No. 276 IS Rejoinder of the United States Handed to the Foreign Office at Berlin TEXT MADE PUBLIC Details Arc Given Out Last Night by State Department at National Capital IS IN FRIENDLY TERMS Pieslileitt Wilson, lloweter, Insists Ah In Hid FlrM Note. 'I hat Assur ance be (Sit en That Neutral Shipping be Hespeeted. NO II IS PHINIIXTHI) I Ilr AmmuIUM I'itm lo Cooa Hay Tlmn I IIKItLIN, Juno 11. Am bassador (lei ard presented the American noto to tbo (leriiiiin Foreign Office at 1:10 p. m. todny. (Special to Tho Times.) WASIIINdTON, I). C, Juno It. The Aineilciin rejoinder to tho Gor man got eminent Is In part as fol lows: "The got eminent of tho United States notes with gratification tbo full i ec (ignition by tho Ituporlnl gov ernment, In discussing tho cases of tho Uiishlug and (lulf-Llglit, of tbo principle of freedom on all parts of tho open set to neutral ships and tho Trunk willingness ol tho Imper ial (lot eminent to iicknowlodgo and meet the liability ol the attack on noutinl ships which wero not guilty or any hostile net, by tho (leriunn nlrcruft or the tessels or wnr, sat- I Isfiu torlly otuhllshoil, and the (lov- ornuioiit or the United States will In due course lay before tho (lor mini (Internment, as It ronueatB, full liifo-nmtlon regarding tho attack on (ho dishing. Hxpiesses Surprise With logard to the sinking of tlio steamer Fnltiba, by which American citizens lost tbolr lives, the (lovorn inuut of the United States Is stir pilsod to find tho (lermnir govern ment contending (hat the effort on (ho pint or tho merchantman to on citpe capture) and secure) asslotnnco alteiH tho obligation of tho offlcor seeking capture) In respect to the safety of tho lit oh of (hose an board (bo merchantman, although tho ves sel hud cousoc! (o attempt to cscapo when torpedoed. Not Uiulei stood. Tho do wit mount or the United States, however, does not understand (lormnuy's attitude In seeking, In this inso, to relhito Itself ot (he lia bility, but only Intends to sot forth tho cln iinistiiniOH which led tho (omimimler or tho siibiiinrliio to al low himself to bo hurried Into thu course ho took. Ltihitintbi Case. Your Kxielloitey's nolo tllBciiBsing the loss or American Uvea fro.n the sinking of the Lusltunbi adverts at some length to cortaln Information which tlio (ionium govornnipiit ro celvecl rewarding tho character and outfit of tho tiMiul, and your Ki lollemiy oxprosbOM fear that the In rorututlon may not have boon brouxht to the attention ot tho Oov eminent of the United States. About Hcpilpmoiit. It Is ststwl in your note that the Luiltiinla was undoubtedly equipped with masked gnus, supplied with t ml nod Kiiuiiorii, special ammunition, was tiuiisportliig iroops, from Cana da, mrrylim cargoes not permitted under (he laws or (ho United States to tessels currying passougors, and serving as an auxiliary uaviil force or (ireut Hritaiii. If, S. Informed. Fortunately, those nmttorH con earning lbs cargo or tho Lusltanla, the United States Is In u position to Kite thu Gorman (iotornment offi cial Information. The facts alleged lit your Kxcolloiioy's noto, It true, would havo plaood tho Govornmont of the Piiitod Statos where it would (Continued ou Pago Two.) GERM IDTE DEL