mmm, THE Coos Bay Times Your Paper The Coos liny Times Is proud I'coplo'fl Paper," niul It strives IIto up to ita no ly do voting promoting tho pcoplo's Interests. VOL NO. XXXVIII. NOTE STARTED ONJT'S VlUf Document Which Caused Cab inet Crisis is Sent Today to German Government COWTEWTSASEGRET Not be Made Public by the Officials Until Next Friday ' IT CONTAINS 2000 WORDS Aiubasvndop (lOniril Will llnvc the Document llel'iuo film .Some Tlmo ' Tomorrow Heller Is Tluit t.'er inuny Must Answer Dlreet (Ur Aaaoclatad l'rra (o Caua n)f Tlmra.) WASHINGTON', D. C, .Ttmo !l. Just after '2 o'clock tho now Amur lean noto to acrnmny which caused a Culiluet crisis culnilnntlng In Hry an's resignation, waH started on Its way to licrlln. It will ho nlvcn out for puhllcatlon Friday. Simultan eously Ilryun'H resignation took ef fect. Officials ostlmated that tho nolo Is nearly UOOQ words lout;. Ambas sador Gerard will lmvo tho whole document heforu him soiuo tliuu to morrow. Ml'ST ANSWIIR DIRF.CT. llclicf Is ('ermuiiy Will bo Itcqiilrcri To Say Vcs or No. WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno !). Officials would not givo out uny tlilng about tho particulars of tlio note, but It Is gcnerully helloved that It Is nhrnscd In such a way as to admit only of an affirmative ! or negutivo answer to tlio quury or j tho United Status us to Gerninnys Intention to oxorclso the right of J visit nnd search when encountering , unarmed mcrcliaiitmeu on tho high seas. BIBli'LEllffiD; ITALIANS I.OSH ItlCi Allt FIGHT ING WAR MACHINI! Jlembcis or Crew Piiibably Allvo Hut It Is llelleved Tlmt They Aro Captured llljr AMXltUJ rrrM to Coot liar Tlm. no.MK, Juno !i An Italian dir igible which uttnekod tho Austrian port of Fluino yesterday caught flro and wns lost. Tho crow It Is bo lieved, wore snvod nnd captured by tho Austrlans. AGREE Oi SILENCE M'AMSH HIHTOHS WILL KFMP OCT CURTAIN XHWS Are Requested to Givo to Public Nothing; Regarding; Military of Naval Measures IDr Associated rreaa to Cooa Da? Tlmaa. I'AUIS, Juno a. Spanish news I1' pcrs called n mooting of news paper clltors yostorday and request ed them to maintain absolute sllenco regarding military and naval meas ures, says a dispatch from '.Madrid. E I'GUTLAND'S lilt. ANXl'AL FKS TIVAL WILL LAST TURKU DAYS Vatupo Todny Is u Paindo of tlio School Children Thousands Aro Attending Dr AuooUted Treaa to Cooa Par Tlnaa.l rORTLAND, Or., Jnno 9. Port lands fifth annual Rose Fostlval. the nnst olaborato over hold here. began today to contlnuo for three das, Thousands of out-of-town vls llo"s augmented tho throngs on tho tree's, T'ie featuros today wore a Parade o' school childron and the Penlm of the roso shows. Times want ads bring results. SHOW OPENS ILJLiOVMS USUALLY of ls tltlo "Tim nt nil times to its energies to Kslnbll.shod 1878 As The Const Mnll. CLAIM ILL mWtt iCK 10 KyiWTTKItS CLAIM RIGHT AT SMITH IIAV POINT PLANT Tube l'i Residence In MUUi of K .Million Dollar Concern In Ciiliforulii . (Special to Tlio Times.) HAY POINT. Oil., .luuu 0. The land on which tho plant of tlio C. A. Smith Company Is located has been taken up by stiuattors, wlio nl lego that they have a right to take it up as Government land. CI. W. Doolln and his son-in-law I). L. MInohurt, came here from Oakland with a tent, provisions and cooking utensils and pitched camp In tlio center of tho million-dollar Smith Lumber Company plant, un iiomicliiK that tliey owned tlio land and were going Id stay there. Tlio announcement entitled a fu rore In Hay Point. Constable A. Lud rleks was summoned and Inquired into the matter, but Doolln and Mlnohnrt produced Government maps nnd survey notes and tho constable, baffled, put In tho noxt fow hours gunrdlng tlio place. Mean time the Smith Lumber Company mobilized Its attorneys, and happen ings are expected. Tlio squatters, who surveyed tlio place a fow days ago, assert they lmvo taken up HCSI! acres of tho laud, Just behind tlio Smith cnglno I n.l I I...I.. ..I..1... .. .I...!1 1IUIIBU. 1 lltlj UUBU lilUII llllllll U LUU ' assertion that Government records show the land has never been home-, steaded and Is part of the public domain. Those who have looked at tho maps say they aro right. Meanwhile the smith tltlo to the i plnco Is heliiK nnxlously scanned. I Tho lima was sujmosod to bo under private ownership more man ten ; iT1tei, stntB ,t n Kruv llln, , , years and wns IioiikIU by tbo Smiths, foreign policy. from the Cunningham Interests sonic Through his 'friends It was learu ycars ugo. Hut whatever happened. 1 0d that llryan Intends to continue It Is said that tlio fact or ownership , Mn, politlrul support of tho Presl didn't get Into tlio Government maps ' dent, ltryan Is the first secretary to and records. ) resign as direct result of u clear Tlio new arrivals say tlioy paid Huo with (ho President on a tor "Government rates" for tho valuable oin policy. Tlio present approach tract. Their claim has been duly to llryan's action recalled hero 'was filed with tho land office, tlioy say. I, ii I.KO LA CHAPKLI.K HAS NAKUOW KSCAPi: IN AlC'IDIIXT In Dark on lllcylc liiins Into lluggy HeliiK Driven liy Guy Chimfi- III livening Leo La Clmpeuo una a -1 capo from death or from being sor-, louslv injiirod when last night, rid-, i.i,.i.pi in thn dark close to! tho spot wlioro tho Llbby track cros ses tlio county road crashed Into n buggy drlvon by Guy Churchill, nnd to which wns hltcliod a young con Tim vnilllir llinil was UUinjIircu ........ i though his bicycle- was badly bout, j Nelthor Churchill or his companion, Ira Sturdovunt saw tho blcyclo un-, m It' bud crashed Into tholr buggy.; That tho colt did not stanipodo was exceedingly fortuimto for Lai Chnpello or It Is bolloved that hoj would lmvo been crusnuu ' , ., wheels. I lie savs In tho darknosg he wasi unable to seo tho buggy approach-1 I ing Ho struck between tno snans. nnd tho loft front wheel which ho .rn.Mi.Mi nnd only was saved from diving bead first, under tno wuuu. bhh'i-"-' - , - t RUNS IITO BUGGY by quickly catching hold of tho bug-ior of tll0 stat0 Oopurttnont, wus up-1 to yesterday's Cabinet meeting un B) mop. ! pointed by Prosldont Wilson as Seo-1 til tho President's letter of accept- Tlio colt driven by Mr. Churchill rolnry ot stal0 ,i ntorlni. "For nnco rouchod him. The Prosldont . ....... ... .1... .ifilmrtl U'lllcll ' wni a irotuwr i iu --- i.mke iu lotc and cuiuu uoar ser-; lonsly InJnrliiK U rldor. Miss Lucy Uonohrako. two days ago at the com il..n.l Krn'IIIUUY I1UI1 !. I run away after being friKhtoiiml by offect wUh hJ dl8imtcll of ,t0 nn Vestlgation commission -.nil, u passing automobile. It Is said the , GormnllJP. Tll0 .eslgna-, pending dellhorutlon. have Amort- :ai;ima, had beon only partly broken., o. tg BoorlUry over u (llffor. ( ciaI18 rofraIl, from uklnu passage land was bolnic rldde.t by a -1 Bnco 0Il a vital question of forolgnlon ships uirrylux contraband, or " . . . I. ininore" Iiutead or n urmi" ( 1o..,..iiits for the young Udy's hslng; unable to control the horse. . Will Need Dredging. Willi the '!,,, ,g courageous fight for his i moval of the old Northwest from th ids aul hg dotunn,natloa to dock In rront of the Coos May M J"-8,n,nttt0 MmwAt rather than con- lnK Company's plant on Isthmus Ii,. Calj)not m u 10BI,,b,0 lot It l snld tuai ob'"i . , necessary lo doepon the " there that large uoi ;, "--, .i.uii. landings. lds for tho romovati .., ,i,o vnribwest snd also ror tuei Ibuylng or her anchors and wna i. Gonnan Jg a8 yot unto,d 0 heft of the '" '",; ToJS,,"' road, no effort to align other mom the meeting of tbolort coining hlllli ,, whon he came I .loners Saturday At ';t0 ,he p.rtln. or the ways on n inresent time the will o srs ', c11buIo ,,uetlon of principle, I cutting just enough lumber to u M f hg ,,,, BOn. ,1,0,r aMMZ' !J wiifStaroi imllr. hoping hi. actions to the M.i pnd ot the mill, ltn mis ui nrn,nPn nnv rnmnll- Lin iiio --- - . , .t ' " ....i;..o. in niifn HI"1! um u ,..--. - . .jdete they are ''- I full operation It Is -aid (MtfB MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1915 PRIVATE LIFE Leaves Office of Secretary ot State Which He Held Over Two Years WOULD fijWE PEACE oays rrevenilOll OI War IS o inn i im i ouut)U vviiiuii is ivuaiusi To His Heart SITUATION UNUSUAL ONE Causes Grave Tutii In the Foi-olgu Policy or the I'nlted States llpyauVi Friends Say He InteuiN to Coiitiuuo Political Support (Hr AtaoolatoJ rrM to Cuoi Ilj TIbim.J WASHINGTON. D. C. Juno 0. After two years and tlireo moulds ns Secretary of State, William Jen nings llryan today returned to prl- I lillll 111!' I1IM lid I I I II'M II'llIll lllll rnI)lncl ,mlor BOII8atlonn, clreill. ttaMm ,)CCU1S0 ,,0 C(JHl, Wt Jol , nil,,rovn, of tho noto t0 aorMmn.f or reconc,i0 Ita ,nel.,loM to tho mum wllch ,, (leclnml rarest his heart jelared nonroat his heart, on of wnr," doveloped j uly tho most unusual sit- Provcntlo t,i,iy ,10i ., jatlon In the domestic) policy of the tho resignation of Postmaster Gonor- al Gnry In .McKlnloy's cabinet. His roslgiiatlou wns baited on his repug nance to the approaching war with Spain. orriclulsnud diplomats who follow ed tho sltiintlou closely pointed out that tho President stood with llryan In doing everything posslhlo to pre vent war, but believed It was neces sary also to bo ready for any oven-i . ,..f i . . . i luaiiuoH in casu uermaiiy ruiiiseu 10 m-uuiowo .u mo Aiiierimiii i.oiiii. oi, vlow ns to neutral rljfhts on tlio high seas. I llryan was up early to begin clos- WHS 111) Wirlv to llOKin e!0S- Ing Ills affairs at the state depart-, mont. Heroic breakrast ho took n horso bnck ride. Wlion llryan start-1 ed to his office, the old stuto do- . . i .. iiiininuni. liiuviiiiiiiii sm uunii uiiin tho box nnd, lint In hand, told how, "My teason for roslgnlng," said! much ho regretted to sou Uryiin go. ,t)10 stntoinont, "Is clearly stutml In , Chnncollor Lunslng wus ut his desk my lottur or reBlgnatlyn, naniuly j vnrly and before 10 wont to tho that 1 may employ us u prlvalo cltl- White Houso and saw tbo Prosldont. I I LANSINf.' NAMIID J Wilson Appoints Counsellor to Sue , ' , ceed Hryan fop 'Ihlrty Days. Dr AMoMatad rrn. lo Cooa Iltr TIoicm. WASHINGTON, 1). C, June 0.- Wlllluin Jennings llryan formally loft his office ns Socrotury of Stuto ' today and Robert Lansing, Counsel!- . . . . . u.. .i 1 nori'Jii noi to uxcuuu .jo iiujo , socretarv shall liavo beon I IU,,)0,tod iuid ,,MalIfIeiI. I ..t,1(j clmllKa , tho cabinet at a I . . J. .t. .. 1 f .... I.I.. DJIL'U Uli U 1 lll 'MW'UWII w .wt ... 1(.y WUH mogt druinntlcully t-Jiich- j which vonture nun inu uuiikui .oii.w ,f t .. of0M the high sous. " " I personal regard for llryan. Tours 'stood lu his oyos while friends coin- onibarrnssmont to tbo Prosldont. MlllU, ,,,,., AloIll.. T0 gtory of ngllt t0 8Way tho ...nmnt on the method .itniin with nr iiiuAiiiim nun ihw sMaa,w. ...... ta0Iia , ,e cabinet From Sutur - MORE EFFECTIVE THAN San MKMTiRHH OP TT1W ASSOCIATKT) IMESH ;MIIE1S WILL SUjlUK FL? RF.POHT THAT SF.CRKTARV OK navy riisigxf.d is diixmid Nine Members -el' the Caliluel Stood ie Members -yl' Solidly for ?il tin President In Tile Crisis. Illy .Wo, Utr.1 J'roM to Cou tiny TlniM WASHINGTON. I). C. Juno P. Ueporta that Secretary of the Navy Daniels had resigned or would do so, which were current today, were flat ly denied on nil sides. The report grew out of the well-known ship between llryun nnd Daniels. a matter of fact, nine members tho Cabinet stood solidly for the President's position. Secretary Dan- lels wns ouo of those who differed w i t li Itrynn. SKVH.V SAII.OHS OI-'P WHKCICKI) HAItK ItlvltTllA Itl'ACH POUT Vessel Was Norwegian Moat mid Was Hound from Poriluud, Ore gon to l'n.niontli. IDr AnotUl.l rnn l Cu lUr nM N1CW YOItK, Juno . Tho steam ship Mnnchloncnl arrived hero today from Kingston with seven members or tho crow of tho Norwegian baric llortha that was wrecked .May u:t on a reef near Old Providence, B30 miles from Co lon. The llortha was bound from Portland, Oregon, for Kaliuouth. nrriipr H r r 1 1 r 1 1 LI (JUL PIHKON HOAltD WILL NOT IMIC CO.M.MKNI) COMMUTATION ti'overnor lloccr. Will Conduct Hearing In Oiso or Man Con demned to Die. f II y AmocUKh! 1'im lo Cnot ll)r Time.) ATLANTA, (In., Juno U. The Georgia prison commission today de clined to recoiniuoiid to tho Gover nor commutation of tho dentil sen tonco of Leo ,M. Frank. Tlio com missions decision is li'it binding on tho Governor, who will conduct n hearing before milking a decision. - I o Itesluneil Ills ii..v qvils Will' omco Miikes a StiKeiuent .las as N(W. (lVl.IMan X(llo N started .... I'" Aaaorlalrt ITm. to Cooa IU, Tln.M.1 m Aoriai.i rrmiotooa iim.i . WASHINGTON, I). C Juno . Just ns tho new American note to Germany started on Its way llryan, at his homo guvo out a statement - .- ...... 01 Ilia posiIIOII. on moans which the President doos j t fool ut liberty to employ. 1 honor him for doliiK what ho bo-, Ilovos Is pitch t. and I am sure ho! doslroa as 1 do, to find a peucoful solution or tho problem croutod by tho notion of tho submarines." day to jiommy uio i-iesiuuiu ", Upyun'H rusignutlon under consider- utlon and the Sccrotary did not go l.n.l I. ,1.1.1 lil,, Ifi .ittftml nflor lot- u ... .... - -...... - -- ting tho Cabinot know the situation. CREW BROUGHT INJ H IS REASON llryan's Pliin. '...,-,, Uryan contends that It would bo, I IHMSl Iinlloti 1 r U It 11(11 II lllll HIIUII llllllHIIHJll I -a- - ( .Meets tlio 1'nisKlL'iu Aftor bidding rurewall to. his ns- soolutiw In tho Stato, Wur and Nsvy ' lory flichtlug Tuowlay. Flro liruhu ! Dopartinonts. llryun wont to tho,,t on a transport or the enemy White House. Ho talked I ft mln-1 which wan struck by our shells. I ho utm wth the President. Kach spoke j vessel und soon sank and un- dispassionately of the dlfforonco and of tbo holler thut tho other was (ininv u-hst hu thought best for tho Unltod States. Those who saw them u-,r tmuhod with the regard tho ,..- w two men displayed for ouch other. Finally llryan remarked that ho know the President was a busy man and would not detain, him longor. Tho two meu clasped hands. "God bless you." oach said. Socrotury llryan confided to IiIb friends today that ho slept all last night for the irirst time lu months. I Wxmt EVENING EDITION. OVERVBIKE Drop Bombs on the Italian City Today and Do Some Property Damage report SiOME PERSON KILLED Several Others Are Injured by the Explosives Which Are Showered on the Place AIM AT AIRSHIP STATION Twelve Itoiubs aro Dlivcted at tho llangiic, but' Kail to Hcach It Corporal or ICiiglncvi-H Is Killed .and lloat and Hotel Damaged (lly iMorltrl Vtn lo Coon llif Tlmr, VKNICi:. Juno li. Two AiiBtrlnn ncroplnncs flow over Venlro thin moruiiiK and dropped bombs, kill ing ouo person nnd injuring sev eral. It is believed ouo aeroplane, was damaged by an anti-aircraft uus. Another threw 111 bombs aimed principally at the airship illa tion nt Cunipaltoue. Nonu of them struck the hangar, lint a Corp.ornl of the Kugluccrs wns killed. Other : bombs damaged a steamboat nnd tho Monaco Hotel. RUSSIANS RETREAT Al'STIHMiKHMAN KOHCIIS IH'IVH HACK CZAIt'S I'OHCKS Ouo Portion or the Army Has Itcen Fully Cut Off From tho Main llody (llf AMOUlhl ITmm to Coin liar Tliuu. I COLOGNU, Germany, Juno 9. A dispatch from tho Austrian press houdquurtcrs on tho KiiHtern front states Hint the Russian army In Ilu kowlnn, which has been streiigtliouei j by portions of detachments already i defeated at Kulusz, In Fasteru Gall- tin, has been fully cut off from the mldillit Onllehin forees of tho ItllH- . hIiiiih and aro being drlvon eastward. JThe victorious AUBtro-German forces I from Kalnsz are onlv a few miles i from Saulslaii. BALOONS TO RAGE J ltl GAS HAGS RHADV I'OU Till:, MYKNT TONIGHT Will Hliu-t Iruiii Pamiuia-Pacino UxposlHon (Jroiiuds ul San Francisco i (Ur AaKlill I'rtaa lo Cooa Ho Tlmaa. HAN FRANCISCO, Juno 0. Four pilots were busy toilny putting the lust tnuchos on tho big gas bags lu preparatl'in for the western Inilooit r(u. gc1()(iuied to start tonight from t)(j ,,nimimi ucfC Kxposltlon rmmgi i TRANSPORT IS SUNK SHIILLS sirr 1'iiti: TO vkssklofam.ikk .iuiT17Z .1,,, vnmt m Anil r r I .. i '" " tlV,SrZu "' i'"um "'" m,A..p.iirrivimf to.i CONSTANTINOPLK, Juno J. All oiricliu siauimoiii miys: uu iimi I . ..y.. ..... Dardanelles front thorn wus urtll other transport hastily lott anchor- , ago. In I'Imi on". Frank II. Pago, who represents M. L. Kline, dealer l,i plumbing, mill and stoum sup plies, Is In tho city und today road with much anxiety the Times bulle tin or tho rire lu Purtlond. The business house which Mr. Pago rep resents Is on the wator front and until ho learned the particulars ho foarod that It too, might lmvo been burned, hut It wus evidently safe THE RULF B A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull nnd Coos Itny Advertiser. NU TWINS THIS STATIC AWARDIID FIRST prii: in hortici Izmir. Competition Was AguliM tho Whole Woild mid Honor Dig Trliuupli l-ir Stuto Tho Oregon commission at the Oregon building t the San Fran cisco Imposition sends the following special telegram: (Special to The Times.) SAN FRANCISCO IMPOSITION. Juno i. Oregon hns scored a tre mendous triumph nt tho Panama in ternational Exposition by being nw nrded tho gold medal for her horti cultural exhibit. Tho Jury on nwnrds wns made up of eminent horticultur ists from tho Nothorlniids, tho Fast, Japan and California. Tho competi tion was extremely keen, nnd Ore gon won over magnificent exhibits from all over tho world, ninny of tho states, and nil (lie Pacific Coast states. Oregon's exhibit cost tho stnto IIM'.UO, Washington. 'h ,$7,500 an J O'dlfornla's a much lnrger sum. C. N. Rnvllu, of Hood River, chief ot horticulture for Oregon, lays his suc cess to the fact tlmt ho prepared nu All-Oregon exhibit, even tho frame work of tho Oregon section was of Oregon logs, tho floors of Oregon tl'iihers, tho hedges of Oregon shrubb nud plants. The fruit and flower exhibit was varied, fully representing tho state. Tills Is tho first time California has been beaten hortlcul turully. It Is a mngulflrcut tiling for the state and will boost It. Hurl I culturally, to thousands of people now thronging tho buildings." TIH'TONIC ALU I PltOGItlvSS IS COXTINl'F. IN IIAIiTIO TO French Continue tint Offensive, Hut Aro Meeting With Strong' U'' clstuuco from Germans i (llj AMoclalaJ I'rraa to Coo. liar TIuim.1 LONDON, Juno P. Tlio Teutonic allies continued to progress In the Russian llaltlc provinces and lu Gal lelu. llurlln announced that Httinlslnti In Gallcla is raptured. In tho West tho French aro continuing tho offensive, hut aro meeting with u stubborn rcslstaiiro that has pre vented material gains, Aside from aerial activities, no Im portant developments aid reported on tho Aust l-ltulhin frontier. Tlio Allies' attack or tho Dardanelles has mado little headway, Constnutliinplo reports, I July Celebration Cnmmlttco lliilliu- slastlo (Iiit ltcsoiiM Made lly Local MfiifiniilH Monoy dally continues to pour In to tho coffers of tho Fourth of July Committee nnd the members today stated tlioy aro having greater suc co lu securing monoy than they had expected. Not an Instance or u direct refusal to their call has bueu registered. It Is now positively dotorinliiod that tho celebration will lust for two liivu lii .Mnrahriulil. on Saturday and STAISLAU S T E !NE POURS Monday. On Sunday, July I the cob- brntlon Is to ho moved to Sunset i Hay whoro u lingo clam bako Is tut WATERFRONT NEWS "'" ... ..... , . bo held with tho entire ""tryslde, invited in 10 enjoy u.o ii; shortly nfter nine o'clock yester uud eat their hiwrt s content or the (lJ. afu.rnooll , Adellno le down sou roods lo bo prepared. f(H. Hal ,,.nlIll,Ul.0 wUh ,llur curB0 of ITailHOiiiuuiH iiuvti iiuuii lomi'ivr ed with tho uulo drivers whereby tho regular rare of $1,110 for the round trip to Sunset Hay will bo out to $1.00, thus making u price with in tho roach of everyone. CommlttuoH ror tho taking chnrite of tho various parts or tho program n ro being uamud today. Possibly with their anuoiiucuuiuiit will be maf!o known the scliodulo or tho three days celebration, together with tho list or races and the prize thut aro to bo offered. TAYLOR SKILLS' wus III this morning from Ills homo on Isth mus Inlet on a short huslnoaW trip. . J. SIIKKHAN cuiiio in from Pow. ors today und tonight will bo In itiated Into the Hilts. XOTIOU, II, P. O. K. All members und visiting Klks will bo at tbo lodgo Wednesday night Juno 9. Initiation, Important busi ness and big feed. Come out, lllll lly order LXALTKD RFLF.R OF MIGHT A Southwest Oregon Paper That's wlint tlio Coos liny Times Is. A South, nest Oregon pnper for Southwcat Oregon people ami devoted to tlio best Interests of this great icctlon . Tho Times always boosts nd oover knocks. No. 274 Five Blocks On Water Front Near Bumside Bridge is Wiped Out Today E Most Spectacular Blaze Seen in That City for Many Years Past SEVERAL FIRMS AFFECTED Stund.ird llov ami Lumber Co., tho Acme Planing Mills and Pugo & Son Aio tlio Chler Loscps llrldgo mid Docks Fscapo lllr AMorlstr.1 Fmi In Uc. a? TlftlM 1 PORTLAND. Juno P. Flvo blocks on tbo wnturfront near tho Hast approacli or tlio Iturnsldu street hrhlgo wore completely destroyed by riro early today. Tho dninngo Is over 1:100,000. It was tho most spectacular bltuo seen huro In years. Tho bridge nnd municipal docks nar rowly csenped, Tho losses aro: Standard Hex and Lumber Com pany, $170,000. Acmo Planing Mills, $90,000. Pago & Sou, $10,000, The hlnr.1) started In tho Standard plant. 44 4 HAY IIM LANSING I Ur Aaaotlalnl Pra lo Cooa Uar Tlmfa.l . WASHINGTON, Juno 0. It was said today that tho President would bo In llttlo hurry about making n perma nent appointment ror Socro tury or Stuto nnd tbnt must likely bis choice was Lansing. n SIX GFJtMAN OFFICFRH AXD Tllli CHIIW ARM CAITl'RIID Will bo Accorded by Kugllsh .Same Tieatmeut as Any Other Pris oners or Wnp 4a) IlltriiSII 1 1() AT SUNK Ur Aaaoclalixl I'rraa to Cooa II. r Tlmaa. LONDON, Juno 'J, Tbo Ilrltlsh iitoumor Lady Salis bury wus torpedoed by a sub marine nnd sunk this morn ing. it (Ur Aaalata4 Praat lo Cooa liar Tlmta.) LONDON, Juno. Ail official an nouuceuiunt was iiiudo todny that a German submarine was sunk and six officers and 21 membors ot tho criw ruptured, Socrotury of tho Ad miralty llulfour uuuouuccd also that the German subinurliio prisoners hereafter shall bo uccorded treat ment Iduutlcul with nil other prls- niiftry lmnlinr Cuptulu !:. George Smith, of tho Rainbow states that It was the break lug of a steam pipe yostorday thut but the stunner lu trouble. Ho drop pod his anchor which failed to hold allowing the craft to drift onto the flat. The Ralnhow was undamaged and the anchor wus picked up lat er. "Kery time u ship Is wrcckod on the Alssku coast, n ruck Is charted" roiiiHrkeil Captain 11. W. Olson ot the Adeline Smith yesterday In dis cussing the hidden rock wnicn thn Adeline struck hour the mouth of Rogue Kltur last woek. Tho Rogue River rock bus now bueu put on tho ihart hut the cost Is heavy. Tho rook was in the inner channel along the coast which Is protected against tho lieuvy seas and winds and Is gen erally used. Capt. Olson hud beon using the channel, which Is a half mile wide, for six yours, ('apt. Ol son suys that tlio Hngllsli shlpplnu charts nro much moro thorough and. nccurato than the American chnrtB, "PORTLAND HAS COSTLY FIRE DAMAG !i S0B1IE ISSUI