The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 08, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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council wocld clamp nmv.vlcoxcitKTH sidhwaiiK and xi:w
lid on law ni(i-:.Ki-:its
iihoacii to cofncil kfciii-tion
Sny "Coal Oil lliiKlr" KiHliiiwr
Lives of C'lllens Ill-lire Of-
feMiler.N Slinulil I'ny
Clumping down the speed lnws
ni)tl flnliiB speeding antolsts the
limit of tho ordinance was tho sug
gestion of tho city dads for tho
curbing of over ciithuslitstlr owners
of "coal oil buggies." "Mnko It 2f
instead of $&," Bald .Mayor Allen,
"and we'll hack Judge Hutlcr In
whatever ho does.''
Leniency to people who speed
vtfthlii tho city limits, endangering
tho lives of themselves and others,
Is unjustifiable, Bald tho Connill
mon. Not only the making of ex
amples through tho heavy fining of
a fow was suggested as a menus of
stopping "terrors" of tho street, but
tho heavy fining of all unruly auto
lsts at nil tlmo to come, constantly
showing them that tho law has not
been enscd ono particle.
No definite action was undertaken
by tho oily fathers beyond tho dis
cussion. It was stated that under
tho present ordinance n fine of more
than ?r can bo Imposed and that
Judge llutler will bo Justified In Im
posing It on those who do not oboy
tho traffic lnws of tho city.
Projects Am Complete.
On tho recommendation of A. II.
Ridley, city engineer, tho two proj
ects of Johnson & Larson, tho im
provement of Blglith Terrace from
Klghth to Tenth street nml nlso of
Tenth from Klghth tcrrnco to Hem
lock uvoniio were accepted.
Tho first was estimated at $1,
r.L'l.Tr. nml tho second ut $ 15.71.
Thcso nro to be paid for In bonds.
No protest has been received
ngalnst tho hard surfacing of Tenth
street from Klrod to tho bridge and
tho Council ordered that notices
bo posted and bids ho called for.
Tho Hiiine action will bo taken re
garding Twelfth ciiuit, no protest
on tho Improvement having been
Scwntli KlHVI Sow or
Threo bids were received for the
Seventh street sower. Moon At llar
cluy were tho lowest ami to them
the contract was awarded. Thls Im
provement will extend from Inger
soll down Seventh to Kruso uvouuo
uud thonco to Fifth street.
Tho bid or Moon & llarclay was
t,(ir.0.or; of lugmuu & Iljroiivlst,
? 1,8 1 1. Ill), and McLean and McLnln,
JI.SS8.1MJ. Tho estimate niailo out
by I). L. Ilucklnghiim ut the tlmo
ho was City Kuginecr was $l.!).r..r.
Permission for tho Fourth of July
committee to take charge of tho
granting of street concessions dur
ing tho celebration hero was allow
ed by tho Council, subject to tho
sumo .provisions of Inst year. No
concession will bo granted on the
street' without flist securing tho per
mission of tho store keeper located
ut that spot.
Tenth SI met In NihmI of Water Kjs.j.Mny Ham I'lnco on Fourth of July
loin, Siij-h CiMinellinoii, and Hall- I Program To Discus First
mail Commission to Ho Queried Street Iniprmcinent
A citizen reception, tho formal
New concrcto sidewalk for tho
west sldo of Front street from a
point near tho comer of Market to
Alder avenue with a now sower '
over the same ground was formally .
sanctioned by tho city fathers r.t
their mooting of lust evening. The I
I Improvement marks n forward stop
In tho benutlflcntlon of Front street.
It will mean tho tearing out of
board walks that for years have dono
their duty nnd also tho Installing
of a sewer system adequate to tho
Tho estimate of A. II. Glilley on
tho sidewalk and curb Is $070 and
for tho sower $liifii. Three vlowors
aro to be at onco appointed to ap
proximate the assessment of abutting
property owners. At tho corner of
Front nnd Alder the sewer will turn
off to tho Hay for Its outlet.
An assessed cost of $1.0.'! u liont
fcot Is the cstlmnto for tho Andor
fcon nvcniio Improvement liotwron
Third and Fourth street. Tho Im
proving has been estimated at
$318.10; tho Intersection at I'lilrd
at $C:i.'.iO, and at Fourth 7ili.l!:i.
North Tenth street Is in need rf
water service declared Councllnrin
IJvertsen. Ho stated Hint the wiar
company has several times been
mp lied about the Improvement and
btiH promised It, hut as yet no
bus been taken.
On recommendation of It. A. V v
pb tho City Attorney will ,uldrMi
a letter to the Railroad
trlllng them that tho service iii'i
1 1 acted for has not been granted "iircl
niUli.g them what action Is now v
oFHiiry to comiiel tho water co'iipnuy
lo t.upply Tenth street. Tho main Is
i peeled to go out Tenth street ;m
f.ii as Date and thence down to
Ninth street.
Put On IiioiiuIcm'cnIs.
"Wo had no luck In getting more
light for less money from tho Oio
gou Power Company," sa'id Council
man Kvertscu. A move had been
niailo by tho city fathom to reduce
tho. monthly light bill; $ 1 1.10 was
added to It and six, rr.caudcseontH,
No change will bo mnilo In the light
ing system of South Mnrshfiold.
lucnuilcsccnts wero recommended
for tho corners of Klghth and Klg'itli
terrace, Tenth ami Klghth terrace,
Tenth and lllrch, Tenth and Dato,
Ninth uud Uutu and Tenth and
(Ireenwood. Tho recommendation of
tho light committee was accoptal.
Permission wiih granted J. C. Ken
dall and others who aro proposing
a tenuis couit In tho rear of the
I J. Albert Mntsoii homo to allow
their courts to extend onto n portion
of Ninth street that Is unused.
I have takMi oer Miss Asboo's
stock of art Kods and will bo pie
pared to execute all ordois piompt
ly. Stamping dono to older. Free
lessons with purclutMcn of material.
Individual lessons will bo given by
Mrs. Travis, an export needle work
er for 2 fie.
Mis. II. O. Wllley
7vS Central Amuuo
Ladles Kmporlum
M. . K.
at .M. I)
Tho Port of Coos Hay will io
reive cash offers up to six p. m.
Saturday evening, Juno 11', IP in,
for the ilgglug, chains, anchors and
other valuables which can be taken
from tho h.irkoutiuo Northwest prior
to her destruction.
Also healed bids for towing tho
Northwest to sea after being strlp-
llnvo your letter
Ph.) Times office.
heads printed at
pod, it being understood that she hot
lowed ur tho bar and about two
miles up tho const m she will drift
In on the beach above tho north Jet
welcoming to the United States of
all newly legalized citizens to be held
'July fourth was bronchd to the city
. fathers last evening. It wns referr
ed to the colouration committee nnd
mny bo placed on tho program of
tho day.
j Two years ago the movo was In
itiated in Cleveland, according to n
letter from N. C. Howe, Immigra
tion Commissioner nt New l ork.
Foreigners come to American nnd
aro legally mndo citizens; tho re
ception wns tho formal recognition
of tho new Americana nnd their
wolcomlng to this country. The plan
was a success, he said, Thousnnds
witnessed tho giving of u small Am
erican flng and button to each now
citizen of the United Stntcs nnd
tho newcomer was mndo to feel that
he was welcome.
No report of tho Flnnnco Commit
too wns mndo rcgnrdlng tho monthly
donation of the city to tho women's
rest room. It. A. Copplo stated tho
women had tiBkcd that no report bo
made last evening
. Sewers aro Needed
Sowago that lays on tho flat nnd
causes n stench Is n menace to tho
health of tho community, declared
Councilman Klmlmll, speaking about
i condition said lo exist on South
iProadway. Ilo stated Bovoral houses
there have no connection with a
1). 1 1. Rood, owner of property In
that section declared that ho has two
bouses now using antiseptic tanks
though ho would in no way oppose
an Improvement If tho sowor Is lo
bo Installed. Tho matter was refer
red to City Knglneer (Sldley for his
Investigation and report.
Auks for Itopmsciitiitlto
A representative from Mnrshfleld
10 tho meeting of the National As
sociation for tho Prevention of Tu
berculosis to bo held In Seattlo Juno
11 and If! nnd In Portland Juno 17
wns nsked for and tho matter was
referred to tho Flnnnco Commltteo
nnd tho Health Committee. Infor-
mully tho city fathers believed
exchequer of tho city unable to stand
tho expeuso of sending a delegate
north, but nn nttempt will ho mndo
to have soma ono from hero, going
up at that time, attend tho conven
tion on bohalf of tho elty.
A fence across tho foot of Tenth
street whero It makes tho turn by
tho north arm or Mill slough Into
Klghth Terrace Is necessary, declared
the- councllmon. Thoy stated auto
lsts descend tho hill nt high rates
of speed and tho feuco at tho bot
tom would show them tho turn,
otherwise hoiuoouo Is likely to somer
sault Into tho lnko.
Street ContntlBsloner Lawhorn will
erect tho fenco at onco.
To HItiihi I'hht SI met
A niootOng or the council will be
held next Monday evening princi
pally that proporty owners on First
street may confer with tho city dads
regarding tho proposed gradlii'.! and
plunking or tho streot. Tho owners
will bo given a chnnco to stato their
positions to tho council, It bolng re
ported there Is objection to tho 'Improvement.
rho sumo opportunity will bo giv
en properly owners from Mureh and
Klghth streets.
From Moth KuiN of Willamette
elfle Steel laying Will Ho
llushlng of trnck Inylng nt both
ends or tho lino Is tho order which
bus been given out on tho Wlllnin
etto Pncirie rond, according to the
following from tho Kugeno Guard
of last Friday:
"Moro orders to rush work on the
Wlllninctto Pnclflc, tho only railroad
construction under way on tho Pn
clflc const totlny, nnd for concontrn
tlon of forces licro for tho enrly
completion of the project wero
brought to Kugeno Inst night by II.
P. Hoey, Southern Pnclflc engineer
In chnrgo or construction. Ho re
turned rrom u three weeks' confer
ence In tho ofrico or William Hood,
chief engineer or tho Southern Pa
cific, In San Francisco. Mr. Hood
himself may come north shortly to
make n second personal Inspection of
tho work.
W. It. Fontaine, as.ifstant engine
er under Mr. Hooy, returned Inst
night from tho "front" announcing
that track laying hegnn today, with
n crew of sixty men.
Malls hi Twelve Days
"Trains will bo In Acmo within
twelvo days probably less," ho an
nounced, "nnd wo are arranging for
tho construction of a spur nnd tem
porary dock to hnntllo freight nnd
trnrric on tho north sldo or tho riv
er. We'll Bond pns8cngcrs over this
track to tho lower Sluslaw as soon as
tho mils nro properly Biirrncod. This
depends upon tho condition or the
grndo ami weather wo don't dnro
tako passengers over tho trnck, lr
thorn Is any question whatever. It
may bo two or three weeks beroro tho
rondbed is sufficiently ballasted for
passenger traffic.
"Wo ortiorcd a steam shovel from
Portland today for loading gravel In
the Natron pit. Tho crow has been nt
work at Natron for moro than a
week building trackago for remov
ing tho gravel.
Track Laying at Miit-.shflold
"Truck laying nt tho Mnrshfiold
end will commence Just ns soon n
tho rails can arrive. Thoy have al
ready .'been shipped from Kugeno.
Ant! wo'ro driving sheet piling for
tho fiislngH on tho Sluslaw bridge.
This work Is well under way."
Tho arrival of the rail at Acmo
will mean thu completion of track
laying on tho Sluslaw tho terminal
! tt r.nt.r .. ..... .. . .. .. ..
tho "" vjiij n Minn io mo l'ucir-
coasi. ai, turn point tho Wlllnm
otto Paeirio lino turns south, follow
Ing a string or lakes nlong the const
to Marshriold. Tho grading on tho
rorty miles south of Acmo Is virtual
ly comploto. Tho trcstlo work Is near
ly finished. Tho tunnels havo been
completed, and only tho orectlou of
tho steel bridges across tho Sluslaw,
tho Umpqua, and Coos Day, and tho
laying or tlio Fteol remain. Tho steel
Is being laid from Coos Hay north to
Hit Unipqun crossing, In ordor that
construction on nil threo bridges may
proceed simultaneously.
COLUMN, Advcrjwirlo.s Plajlng Poor
Seconds. Today Xoi-lhwost Teams
Change lo Xcvt- Fields.
I In sol nll Team Defeats the Daniels
Creek Nino In Game Played
Sunday. '
Kastslde won from Daniels Creek
Sunday by a 11 to 9 score.
Thoro was n good crowd out
to root for their homo team from
Kastsldo, Coos Mlvcr and tho nine
Hldgo camp.
Knstslde Is now out for a chnnco
to get In tho games . during tho
celebration and thoy nro willing and
want to cross bats with any team
on tho Day.
Tho line-up:
Kastsldo Coos Klvor.
Johnson Sanderson
Third llaso.
V. West Hamilton
Robertson Qoshcn
Tcllcfson . .'. Williams
Second Huso
O. Pcdorson Storey
Short Stop.
K. Vineyard Robertson
Lolt Field.
A. West Jutron
First Hnso
Ragsdalo . . . Carl, C.
Center Fiold
C. West C Cutllp
Right Field.
I'li-st. Addition Loses
Tho First Addition team went
down in defeat Sunday at tho Smith
mill diamond, tho speedy Hunker HIP.
team winning, I to ;i. It wns ono or
tho best games or tho season. A wenu
ngo, Hunker Hill defeated Milllug
lon nnd .Manager Ralph ClirlHtcnstm
Is looking Tor moro games. The
Hunker Hill team Is composed of
AH my profits for 1
rificed on the sale ol
ning June 10 and continuing
All others at proportionate
almost given away. Sale
my new location
1 - v
- season
and A
ff $5.00 at
prices. R
to take A
Get Your A
hoys of about 17 but they
rounded Into shape fast.
II; AunclttM t'rrri la Coot llij Tlmci.
W. L. I'.C.
San Francisco 3d 21 .5113
Salt Lake . . . 33 37 .64 1
Los Angeles . .30 33 .103
Portland .. 35 31 .153
Oakland 30 37 .111
Venice 3K 31 .III
Qinlity Printing
Phone 133
VVE INVITE the privilege of dti-
mating on printing of praflically
any cnamucr. IVloSl ol our work ii
flationcry Letter Heads, Emeloptt,
Cards, Bill Heatls, Booklets, Folden'
Let us furnish you with forceful and
attraillive printing. Phone us;
will call.
a nan
EM. M I "I
dati: of .vri:iti-:sTi.N(i i:vi:nt
4- ..
l Up-to-date
Red Cross Optical Dept,
f Tone Lenses keep you ever young.
Flat Lenses make you look old.
---- ---- - . . -. . . . -. .... (
Class Plenle. The Hplhcopul Sun
day hihool class ol Miss Corning.
I Known ns tho A. V P. A., enjoyed
u flue picnic at Kastsldo yesterday.
No1 1 1 lull School Teacher.
Kugouo dispatch repot ts thu appoint
ment of .Miss lleulah Stehno or latt
oars graduating class or tho Hut-
voifclty or Oregon to teach Ooriuauj
and Kugllhh in tho Maiahflold high
Many (I'rniliintoil. In tho clawt of
-'OP seniors graduated this year from
tho Oregon Agricultural College tho'
names of several htudents trom
Mnrshfiold and lelnlty are Included.
i hi ...-. ii,..ii..u i.'i,. . """" ","" lm' 't'cuou innt ,(c-
f.ei, .,.,;; . . :: r.:r.,.(,,,,,- wr " -
-.---.- ........... II(1IMI1'M( ,
Mlh Hello Thrift, Coriullle; MUs Kr-
Flrs IMsplny Will l.o or lt.,es nnd
Sweet Peas Dahlias Will ho
Shown tM Monih
IDj AMurUird IVm lo Coo )ky TIoim.
There will ho general Interest
In tho announcement made today y
Lockhart-Parsons, thnt tholr third
annual flower show will he hold fat
tho "llusy Corner" Saturuay,
I'C. The success that has huen at
tained by previous exhlhlts Is as
Hiiruitiu thnt tho conilni; show will
ho well worth while. Thcso events
nro now looked forward to by tho
ontlro elty and practically ui i;,0
an Interest In them either u ,.v.
hlhltors or spectators.
The first display will ho of roses!
and sweet pons which should ho at
their host about tho last of Juno.
Tho dahlia show will ho hold not
Mr. Parsons announces four
prizes this year a first and soooinl
prize for roses and a first i .d scu
tum prize tor sweet peas. Tho
prizes aro both beautiful and val
uable and woll worth striving lor
iibiuo iroin the distinction thnt
POUTLANI), Juno 8 Tho Chica
go tennis In both tho National nnd
tho American leagues nro now head
ing tho percoutngo column In the
eastern scries.
Tho scores of yestordny rollow: League
At San Francisco:
Los Angeles 18 1, San Francisco fi
0 1.
American League
At Now York:
Detroit 3, New York 2.
At 1'hllndolphla:
St. Louis I, Philadelphia 1.
At Washington:
eland 3, Washington 6.
it Ilostou:
Chicago 0, lloston 3.
, National league
At Chicago:
Now York, Chicago, wot grounds.
At Pittsburg:
Ilrooklyn 1, Pittsburg 0.
At Cincinnati:
lloston, Cincinnati, rain.
At St. Louis:
Philadelphia 8, St. Louis 1.
A Times' Want Ad. now and then
Will satisfy the wants of many men.
--X I I-- !--! X I X I I X 1 I 1 I I 1--1 IJ--1 I-II-l---4 l-I-I-H-J
for: ffimwi
ma Cralne, Uauilon
Lyster, (Ludliier.
.Mlds Kathleen
llnvo your lariTCIl heads, bill
heads, etc., printed at TUN TIMNS
Maik tho date on your calendar --Loikhart-Pnisous
Flower Show, Sat
urday, June 20.
M. IJ.
nl M. i:
As cortaln porsons havo dollborn
tely, and ngalnst tho protest of tho
representatives of tho owners and
underwriters of tho steamer "dure
moot," tnken proporty from tho
wreck of thnt vessel, itttontlon Is
called to tho following section of
tho Penal Code of tho United States
providing u drastic penalty for such
nn ofronso:
"Whoovor iiluntloi-H. nteni nr
destroys any money, goods,
merchandise or othor offects,
from or bolonglng to any
vessel In distress, or wreck
ed, lost, strandod, or cast
away, upon tho sea, or upon
any reof, shoal, hank, or
rocks of tho sea, or In any
othor plhro within tho admiralty
and maritime- Jurisdiction of tho
United States, shall bo flnod not
moro than flvo thousand dollars
and Imprisoned not moro thnu
ten years."
ino proporty tnkon from tho I
recK may no immediately returned
to tho lirson Dredging Company,
Salvage Contractors, at .Marshriold.
For Better
or For Worse;
Whether the June bride will begin her new
life under the best conditions or not, depenjs
largely on her kitchen. No matter how goon
a cook she may be she will boat a great dis
advantage if she has to put up with an out-of-date
cook stove.
Give Her a Gas Range and
on the Safe Side
The gift of an all-gas kitchen will be fee
most welcome one which you can maKe.
will be the gift which will last through t
future years, one of the greatest helps w
your permanent happiness. Many a romance
has been shattered by poor food, uka i,u
chances. See that she cooks with gas.
Oregon Power w
Rudolph Hilstrom in
Orpheum Theater, June 14-15
- ' L '
" - - .. ii.mi wwtmam
"Brown of Harvard"
See Page
Today's ft