o THE COOS BAYTIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1915 EVENING EDITION. " FIVE :it Cab, U CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER FOR LESS AT THIS, AIK Compare these prices with others on identical -and von will at once realize the savincis vou and you sayings you l., nnmc see what we arc offp.rirm fnr m Vi" . r. "TinonAV mpi pnin.Vi u ,v" 'mDNF2LlflYT inunouHi himu rniUHT feftjood quality knit underwaists 1 ? 1 r es, nvtra snecial I62I Js'Black Fitted reuicoais, matie ot extra good erized Sateen former price nr find 1-75. now . 33C Qily Lonsdale Muslin, 36 inches yr .nnipervard 2l r" r..t Dlnnl QnJnnn Dlnnmni'n nil . 1 BrAll'S raM oiaur -o"" uluu"lb'a! " 1Ur Eiaiiifls to 35c, now Jt and $1.75 boys' wasn suits, matie ot Qor ifiaiatpa clotn, latest patterns, now Jrized Damask Table uovers, various d i r anrijattcrns, wer e $1 .50 and $1 .75, 1 1 . 1 J ui Indian Robe, bl ankets or Couch Covers, var- Af colors and patterns. nc rprlv sold at $2.00. Now only JJl ishort Flannelette Kimonos. ic;r :.. nottprns. wnrn nun. nnw wcrv. iiua w'"- -. - , Ectloii U or ltcfunderi "THE FAIR" Next door to Chandler Hotel ie Noble Theater here all the Paramount Productions are Shown CHARLES CHAPLIN world's greatest picture comedian presented In tils latest tl cmtivtly ' "A NIGHT OUT" a riot of fun from beginning to end. A "WIRELESS RESCUE" IjitcI Vit mjl;i'jiIi with mi itll-Mnr cast. ' HEARST SELIG NEWS PICTORIAL No. 27 i of the world In motion plctmcs. "RETRIBUTION" loillil two-iccl Kcllg (liatim that will please anyone who good pictures. i i m:i-:ii, all new xo repeaters l'uriiiiiotiiil Pictures nro iniiilo liy tlio following film man- ptm: Tlio I'tiiiuiiiH I'layerw imii hi., .icss i. J.sny icmuiu i ami Husuortli Co. J lthco pictures lira released through wliat Is known as tlio mount Picture Corporation." mjr other theater In tills city ntntcs that they hao pictures the PARAMOUNT ."SERVICE tliey mo not truthfully repre- nj the facts to tlio Mum-golug public of Mni-Mliflelil. Tlio AMOUNT PROGRAMS HANDLED EXCLUSIVELY 11V THE NOBLE THEATER ONLY If h.io ireilcutials to proxo our Htatciuciits. HOW DOES THIS STRIKE YOU? White Rotary Machines iewmg NOW ON SPECIAL SALE Id M vw ON EASY PAYMENTS, TOO GOING & HARVEY COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS ' inp liouso on North Second street. Win. Kyle, who formerly conducted it, htiB moved into the Conkllu resl denco on Seventh street. REV1TIK JUNE TIDES Time and Heights of tides nt Marshfleld. The tides nre placed In older of occurrence, with their times on the first line and heights on tho second lino of each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will In dicate whether It Is high or low water. High tldo on tho nar one hour and 54 minutes earlier than at Marshfleld. At North Rend 35 min utes earlier than at Marshfleld. 108 Postmasters appointed by the 1 President. Practically every other state In the union has such an or ganization already perfected. The I association works for tlio betterment Object To Items. Tho Uank of, of the mall service. Sillrs (Ft 9 llrs IFt. lOlilrs .5.49 ..0.5 .G.3C ..0.1 19 I Ft. 0.1 11 llrs .0.35 iFt. 12IIrs iFt. 13IIrs I IFt. lilllrs (Ft. 15IIrs , IFt. 11.41 3.8 12.35 3.K i on . 3. 7 8.00 . .5.1 0.3 .1.11 8.38 ..5.1 0.1 .1.40 9.14 ..5.4 0.4 .2.20 9.49 ..5.4 0.4 .2.BG 10.23 ..5.3 0.3 5.26 1.9 0.11 2.0 7.02 1.9 2.0C 3.8 2.40 3.9 3.24 3.0 4.01 4.0 4.38 4.1 11.18 5.3 11.5C 5.4 0.01 0.0 7.44 2.2 S.22 2.3 8.17 2.4 9.32 2.4 10.09 2.1 Bandon Is disputing items to tlio amount of about $200 on the Inven tory filed for tho Dandon Dry Goods Company nnd a hearing will bo held Thursday In the offico of C. A. Sehl brede, refcrco in bankruptcy. I-ouk Auto Trip. F. V. Cattcrlln returned last night from n fast trip to nridgo. He drovo Ills own car from hero to Bridge yesterday, stop ping at Coqullle, Myrtlo Point, Nor way and Arago and returned last evening, covering nlnoty-four miles in tho day in addition to meeting hi customers in that section. Proxy Of (iiaud Lodge. C. F. McKnlght has been appointed tho librarian Resigns. There was n meeting last evening of the Library Hoard and tho resignation of Miss Elizabeth Topping, us librarian was received and was accepted. For three or four years Miss Topping has, dono most efficient scrvico and has made a host of friends by her accomodat ing manner and they will miss her when sho loaves tho post. Permis sion was granted Charles II, I). Smith to use tho auditorium ot the library Sunday mornings between 10 n. in. nnd 11 n. m. for a non sectarian Sunday school for boys. To Let Sewer Hid. At least 15 bids are expected to bo opened tills i: WEATHER FORECAST proxy of tho Grand Lodge ot tho Ma- evenln- by tho North llend city fath sons and today went down to Dan era for tho now $25,000 sower pro don thero to Inspect tho lodge. Ho posed for Union and McPhcrson has already visited Coqullle, Myrtlo Avenues. Contractors from all parts' Point nnd North llend nnd expects of tno coast as well as local men to attend tho mooting of tho lodge-'have gathered for tho "big time." men in Portland, Juno 1G. 'From tlio interest evidenced by thn i bidders It is seen that a contract ot Averts Jtunnwiiy. Harold Martin ' this slzo Is not to be mndc light of. driver of a delivery wagon, climbed The sower is one of tho largest pro Into tho rear end ot Ills wagon and Jccts handled this season In Nortn tly AmocIiIM rrris to Coon Br TlmM.) OREGON Fair, north westerly winds. LOCAL TEMrEnATUItH IIKCOIID For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:13 n. m., Juno 8, by llenj. Ostllnd, special government motcorologlst: Maximum , 58 Minimum 48 At 4:43 a. Ill 50 Precipitation 00 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1914 GC.G2 Precipitation samo porlod last year G5.3G Wind Northwest, clear. 1 grabbed the lino today nt noon In 1 time to avert a runaway of his mules down Central Avonuc. Tho animals has already gained a good start when ho caught them. They wcro stopped without difficulty. Working Dredge Jim Aiken has resigned his placo as messenger boy for tlto Western Union nnd has taken u position on tho bar dredge Mlchle. Huys Lodging House. Mr. and Mrs. Shook, of South Marshfleld, 'have taken over tho Johnson room- Killed Deer. Deputy Gamo War den Thomas went to Myrtlo Point yesterday to prosecute Ed Dolan and Walter Rehfcld, two Marshfleld young men whom ho charges with killing a deer near Powers, where they nro employod. Mr. Thomas said that ho expected them to plead guilty boforo Justice Dodge. Bend nnd It probably will bo laid soon after the contract is awarded. That Million Dollar Look will be yours for the Fourth; will be yours if you give us your order now for that ' Royal Tailored Suit $16 to $40 Chicago Prices Leaves for Home. Lex Cope, who was in tho city for a short time on his way homo from San Francisco, loft this morning for Curry County. Mr. Copo lis managor ot tho cliccso factory nt Langlois and with his brother, conducts n lino dairy farm near that place. Tho ranch Is known as tho Copo brothers' plnco. They milk 30 cows and have ono ot the nicest farm homos in northern Curry County. Mr. Copo Is now starting to build n now house on his placo. Lloyd Hotel Danger. Inspector Trlbboy stntcs thnt yesterday a pieco of tho cornice ot tho Lloyd Hotel blow oft nnd almost struck somo pe destrians on Front strcot. An in spection showed thnt tho cntlro co'r nlco wns looso and dangerous. Also that tho flagpolo on top ot tho building was looso nnd dnngorous. Ho ordered tho cornice and flagpolo removed nt onco and tlio cost will bo assessed up to tho ownor, J. II. Ilrldges, of San Francisco. Xo Word From Womnn. Judge Pcnnock is now wondering what has becomo of Mrs. H. II. Watson, for whom n warrant wns issued several days go by tho Business Men's. As oclntion. Mr. nnd Mrs. Watson wore detained In Portlnnd when they land ed thero from the last trip of tho Kll burn, tho claim being that they hnd sold furniture bought on tho Install ment plan and not yet belonging to them. It is said Mrs. Watson went Into hysterics nnd probably this la tho renson Deputy Sheriff Laird hns not yet returned with her. J. C. Penney Co. XHXT HOOK TO MANSHFItilit) POST OFIKCH GREATEST SHOE VALU ES EVER OFFERED That is what we are doing every day at the Busy Store, and' they are all new shoes, and latest styles, you are not getting out-of-date footwear if you buy them from the J. C. Penney Store, THEN TOO, YOU BUY THEM FOR LESS. (ATENT Cloth tops, Lacejand Button, the latest out. These shoes are worth from $1 to $1.50 more. Our price fS: $2.49, $2.98, $3.25 Gun Metal Vamp Cloth, $4,50 value, Our price $3.50 Ladies' Every day shoes in: Gun Metal, Kid, Button and Lace. These shoes are worth a third more, at the least ..$1.69, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98 l I, t.V31 Jli 7 tiHtrfntttl J The Originator of Ixiw Prices Wo I .cad; Others Follow llend, wns n visitor hero last ove- M118. G. A. GOULD of Allegany, re- Brother l Weil. 'Announcement hns co mo hero of tho marrlngo fo Robert Burns Powell, brother ot Mrs. Lo Verne P. Tower, in Port land, to Miss Gcrtrudo N. Dongart. Mr. Powell wns hero for a fow dnyB last fall to visit. Both aro grad uates ot tho University ot Oregon. For two yoars Miss Denhart was assistant instructor In Oormnn there. Mr. Powoll Is nlso a graduato of tho law dopartmont and expects to prac tice In Oregon. Their marrlago thero a fow days ago wns tho culmination of a romnnco started when they wero In collcgo four years ngo. nlng. CAPTAIN JOHN EWING, of Km ptrc, enmo up Inst night and van n visitor hero today. MISS OELO M'CLAY wns a visitor hero today from Allegany, com ing on n shopping trip. MRS. K. GEORGE SMITH nnd Mrs. E. R. Hodson, of South Coos Riv er wero MarHtifield nlsltors yes terday. J. T. HARRIGAN and wlfo havo returned homo fro ma trip ot several months in California nnd also in Mcdford. turned Inst night from a trip to Arizona nnd California, spending most of tho time near Cibola, Arizona, with relatives, . , MISS IRENE HODSON and K. R. Hodson, both of Coos nivcr, re; turned home Inst evening after n short visit in tho South. They camo up on tho Santa Clara. MR8. MATT1E PlNKERTON camo up last ovonlng on tho Santa Clara from California, whero Mho has been for medical treatment for Bovcral months. FIXUP Htato Postmaster Meet Postmas ter Hugh McLaln loft on tho morn ing train via Rosoburg for Portlnnd whoro ho goes to attend a mooting of tho stnto Postmasters. This is tho first meeting of tho kind over hold In tho state and will probably mean tho bringing together of tho I I PERSONAL MENTION $$ CELL IRELAND spout Sunday with relatives at Handon. GENE GRANT, who Is spending n fow weeks hero while recuperating from an Injury to his log, spoilt yesterday nt Camp One. MISS N. R. GILF1LLAN enmo In InRt ovonlng from Dolmnr nnd this morning loft for Portland on tho steamship Santa Clnrn. N. M. WADE, a Portland brick man, returned homo on tho BnnU Clarn today after 10 days horo during which ho sought to Interest local men In a now patent brick ma chine . Will Meet. Tho Baptist Ladles' Aid will hold their regular monthly meeting nt tho church parlors to morrow afternoon. MISS ELM A MDONALD, of Co-i qulllo, has resumed her old posi tion nt Tlio Chandler Cigar stand, Miss Slgna Lnrson hnvlng renlfcii; ed to tako n position at Tho Gojdon Rulo. W. A. LU8E nnd wlfo of South Coos River aro Marshfleld visitors. O. G. HOCKET nnd wlfo and fam ily ot Empiro loft on tho Nnnn Smith for San Francisco whoro thoy will tako in tho Exposition. J. S. BARTON of Coqullle was a Marshtlold visitor last night. It. II. OLSON ot Empiro wbh a Marshtlold visitor today. ANDREW FORBES of Empiro is a Marsbflold business visitor today. T? sssyosTrz Home of Good Clothes Marshfleld North Bend 1 GUY TORREY returned to Ms pob. Hon nt Beaver Hill yestorday af tor spending Sunday horo. HALL located, woll equip low rout, good e. Win Q..n ..i..... i fn nt onre. Ensv terms laired, Owner coliic on Ich. pe Ueld About It." 1ING HniiRF r buy ever offered. located. tniv wnt i" 'ell on terms ir ,i. Owner wishes t) . i I I're. se Item About It." A. REID IfRONT STREET JATERMAs QTimin QUALITY PHOTOS P site Blanco Hotel, 1UB-L. SHFIELB, OIUCGOK Marshfield-Coquille Auto Stage Lenvo CoQiilllo A.M. 7:00 0:00 11:00 P.M. 1:00 3:00 0:30 7:30 Lento Owl Pharmacy Multifield A 31. SltiO 8:30 11.00 P.M. uoo il:00 5:30 MAIWIII'IKMKCOQUILLE AUTO STVGE 11.'"' 3UIIWW Schedule arranged to connect nltli boats to Dandon, Stages to Myrtle l'oint, Wngner, Hoseburg. No delays. Fare from Marshfleld to Coqullle: 75 cents. Slaglo & Lambeth, Trops. Will furnish extra cars for extra trips day or night; also charter cars SAVE THE BABY; At last a way Is provided to dlmln Isy tiny heart-breaking cries to prevent tired and weakened moth-1 er8 for baby to entertain nnd do-t volon himself, safely, naturally to I I release mother for other duties ( thru tho use of tilts Invaluable and indispensable family nsslstant. Gets Them a Brownie $1 to $12 "-"TiTe Owl"- Frank I). Cohan, Tho Central Avenue Drug Btoro FRANK LAISE and Clias. Fenslu: wero among thoso spondlng Sun day at Powors. JOHN ARLANDSON linn gono to Portland to tako a position on dredgo thero. JOHN DASHNEV, ono of thn old nnd rollnblo foremen of tlio Smith Powers Company, spout Sunday at his homo In Mnrshfleld. II, IVERSON and wlfo of Handon nro Marshflold vlsltora and shoppers Mr. Ivorson Is connected with tho dredgo Scuttle. GEORGE ANDERSON, A. 11. aidloy. J. W. Motley. D. L. Buckingham, N. Moon nnd James Barclay raino over last ovonlng from tho coun ty sent whoro thoy had boon on court business. MRS. FRANK M. PARSONS enmo In from Florenco last evening where sho went to moot Mrs. A. L. Housoworth And return with Iter. C. II. MARSH, of tho 8. P. Compnny went to Dandon today wlicro ho Iibh somo business iiiutturs to at tend to. J. L. JUSTEN, managor of tho St. I.awronco Hotel camo back Inty night from his ranch nt Coonton, whero ho has been sovornl dnys making fences and cultivating a coat of tan. . . v MISS MARIE T. MALONEY will loavo ovorlond tomorrow for San Francisco and Bcrkoloy wlToro sho will visit a whllo and then pro ceed with hor slstor and brothor-In-law to tho old homo In Iowa for u vlsltt MAYOR F. E. ALLEN left on tho train today for Bandon whero hu was called on his trade today. C. F. McKNIGHT loft this afternoon for Bandon, going there to Inspect tho Masonic lodge I H. S. MURPHY camo back this nf- ternoon from Coqulllo wlicro ho was called on legal business, HENRY SENOSTACKEN will leave this week for Portland to attend tlio minimi mooting of tho Ore gon Title Men's Association of which he is president. HUGH SNEDDON has return from Salem. Ho also went to Wash ington to look uftor a timber claim which ho and August Frl zecu have there. MRS. JOHNSON and son, of Min neapolis, arrived hero on tho Ado lino Bmlth to vlBlt hor other son, Victor Johnson, of tho C. A. Smith Company. Thoy havo boon tak- lug In tho Exposition and camo up on tho Adelluo Smith. , CONSTABLE COX and Judge Pon nock, In tlio Kid wont thlr. morn ing to Allegany whoro E. Kinney was summoned as a witness In tho rnso of the Myrtlo Point Trans- of Coqulllo. Tho trip was mado In two and ono half hours. THE HUH COHKAL ( I I 1 S. A. CARMICHAEL and wife, of Bandon, wero Marshfleld visitors last night. DR. GEO. DIX has returned from an over Sunday stay at tho ranch near Bridge. Ho states that the projects for u good npplo crop nro excellout. 0RPHEUM ' -'Where Motion Pictures Look Better" HUH COHKAL Simplifies baby problems protects from danger keeps clothing clean teaches walking ten uses In and outdoor, Including crib; folks like a ruler for small places, so baby can go along to beach or picnic little sister can handle enaorseu hy scientists, physicians, and motnors. WALL PAPER See VIERS TONIGHT tztMti"""i Mnson-fiulovsen Co. ---- - .A WM W - I I nn.-..r. Kenlinit .... im ! 'iiiiiin Tuesday- WedneMlny "THE GREYHOUND" Five-part production by tho Life Photo Film Company. A combina tion of dectectlvo and undorworld plot and an expose of trans-Atlantic gambling mothodB. This is a high credltabjo offer ing and ranks well above some of the good features shown lately In the Orpheum. OTHER PICTUHI-S, TOO. Lower floor, lCc; balcony, 10c; Children, 5c. Superior, Supreme. Defines Para mount, meaning Orpheum rrniurn I pictures. MRS. G. A. GOULD, of Allcgauy. was down this morning visiting and shopping. W. G. BESSEY was down today shopping from his homo on Coos River. MRS. P. II. PlNKERTON, of North IDEAL .SUMMER THIPK Steamer Rainbow leaves Marsh field for South Coos River every Sunday at 8 a. m. and returns at C P. in. Launch Express week day same hours. IDEAL FREE GROVE AND PICNIO GROUNDS Bring your lunch baskets, ko daks and fishing tackle for a few days' outing. Sunday school and all picnic crowds a specialty. Round Trip, 75 cents. Tor charter apply on board or phono 31CX3 or phono 3107. LESLIE ISAACSON' returned Sunday from California points where hu vlsltod following tho closing f the school year lat tho University of California. MISSES I8ABELLE and May Iroland who have boon attending tho Ban don high Khool rnmo over yesr torday to visit their undo, Coll Ireland. Aftor a short stay hero thoy will proceod to their homo nt Ollalla, possibly stopping oft nt 'Camas Valley for a visit. " 4 1 MI88 FRANCES FRAN8E will leavol soon for Portland whero sho goos as a delegate from Doric Chapter to tlio Oregon Eastern Star meeting. HWmHMMMMt AMONG THE SIUK Wm. Shoup, Jr., who was recently Injured In an accident In a logging camp, Is hero for troatment. Mrs. Ed Conklln, of South Inlet, Is In Marshflold recdlvlng treatment for thront trouble. Elizabeth Ross, llttlo daughtor ot ,Mr. and Mrs. George Ross, of Ofttch lug Inlot, underwent an oporatlon at ono o'clock this morning at Mercy Hospital. She hnd been III but ro ceutly has been Improving until last evening, when sho became worse and was hurried to tho hospital. M. P. Ouloveen Is rapidly recuper ating from a prolonged Illness. Miss Nora Cordon, sister of Mrs F. E. Raymond and who ,Js visit ing hero from Rosoburg, met with HENRY SENOSTACKEN went out) a painful accident on aunuay wueu on the Santa Clara this morning sho fell and sprained her ankle. for Portland where he expects tot Mrs. F. K, Octtlns Is still con t,n conn for several daya on busl-' fined to her homo and under n phy- MR8. E. C. BARKER nnd child were down this morning from Allegany, coming to meet Mrs. George A. Gould who returned on tho San ta Clara from San Francisco. MRS. J. O. STEMMLER came over from Myrtlo Point last evening and left this morning for Po:t land on tho Santa Clara, whero sho will attend the Rose FeBtl.'.il. 11088. slclan's caro. "V&l rJl ixr WJMf . vWS isAWv. - .. iii wis? MlTVW t Ct .Ibtl WWf r , f 7 t.LSFt ' rtar wr' 1 -muteim 1 ", A JfJ ( , - v it v mwt .? Mf .AriUiuj.. ' W ;r-j WMtrciru , tSE 1 MtV.Ui "" ' -" iwaw. J3CWWKJ mT''t rlm,m r, r-K. 1 A UM A ' i-.r UK ' - W I rV v - $j&$-:z& '- - ..jk.1. i: . .i " A 0 MkllAoiL r"W(p -? Wll 3Rte!3t: IKwi ;:J EKHKS iK.'sa! KMn vi wmu ,mjm I fcjft.--. .-, i ; jMl . wm rJ if "v czwy - .jut-4s About it, " (r'I