---- ' " L . aiR 'I THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1915 E VENING EDITION. FOUR 'fl .' CODS BAY TIMES .----. Af.MtSlALOXEY, Editor mid DAnAVMALOXEY, News ti Piib. Editor coos bw" ThTejid'sjilmom ahe raised Official Tflpcr of Coos County Official Paper City of Jlnrshflcld. Entered at tlie Postofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails aa second-class I mall matter. j I .SUM'S .MORE Ll'.MRHR THAN' AXV POUT OX COAST report snows rig ritonrc tiox of voi'xt; i'isii Records fur iist Iliill of .Alontli of .May Show TliN Poll nt Jloud. Hll.00 1,800 Salmon Tinned Out In I." Years From Local llntcliotlcs lteH)K of Sunt. Sinlt.li In 15 years n total of SU.OlM.SOO valmon three to four months old yUHSCKIPTION ItATKS Coos Hay Is aKaln for ahead of have licon liberated In Coos county jUitii'i'iuM UAxiia i - .. . . .. , .I, i..,,i,,i ,,, i DAILY. ' nny Mler l0rt " lnc ' acme coast i ireiuu i.u ... ' " " Ono year ....$6.00 In tho amount of lumber shipped to soma coos nver ami uoqiuno mer. Per ra'ohth 50 San Francisco during the last half Of this total OS, IM 3, 300 wero from , WEEKLY. . o( May. Over eight million feet went! tho Coos river hatchery and 123,001,-1 WhfnUVst f,'m th C0,,",,le r,Verl subsoiiptlon pilco of tho Coos Hay any other port was a total In excess j hatchery. Tirae8,is JG.00 per year or $2.50 for of four million feet of redwood from ' Slmc IfiOi! both hatcheries have, six inqnllis. I Kurokay usually a heavy shipping been In charge of Frank Smith. , port. Tho amount or lumber rrom i rimer ms supervision mo oiiuioncj each port sent to San Francisco Hay 'of the plants has boon Increased and j dining the laBt half of Mayfollowst'Jlhe streams kept stocked with fls'. I Mr nod Spruce . v Without these now supplies annual- , 'Aberdeen .1,:M5,000 ' ly It Is piobablu that there woi.H Angeles 1,850,000 bo llltlo salmon fishing In local ' Astoria 1 ,000,000 streams. j Handon 203,000, Work Mas Progressed I ' r.tuh,!.!., T It. ai i n ilDn 1lmn1itttiiitiit tf Him ui 1 nwtti fit tc UllllUUJU JlltUi 1IUUI'V UUi viuiui.Hi v uiw ohihimii o ERE Is a bilcf bit of advlro that Co0rt 1Ja' S.735,000 Ing In tho hutcheiies here, slates i ",nv i, n,i,in,i in M.nt whinli Everett 1,650,000 , Mr. Smith, has progressed under the . An Independent Republican nows paper, published every evening' or ccpt Sunday, and weekly, by Tho 'Cod liny limes Publishing Co, Address all communications to COOS IIAY DAILY TIMES. PRESS OX. H tho boys and girls graduat ing from school rccclvo theso days and which In a fow lines contains , all that Is needed to Insure their fu-1 tuio success. It applies equally to communities, cities and nations, ns well as Individuals. "This Is a speech, brief, but full of Inspiration, and opening tho way to all victory. Tho mystery of Na poleon's career was this, under all difficulties and discouragements, "Press On!" It solves tho prob- Grays Harbor 770,000 lUdmlnstiutlon of It. K. Clanton. Mns- I Portland 750,000 (or Fish Warden of the state. For Tncoma 375,000 'yeais ho has been In charge of tho Vancouver 510,000 work and so has learned tb Wlllapa 720, 000, of nth community. Ho Is said to have been Identified always with the Total 20,53 1,000 I best motives, working for each com- Itcduood munlty. Eureka 1,255,000 Now under tho "striking" up of I Albion .. ,.:., 71 7,000 .tho Fish and Game Commission of! Caspar 580,000 . tho state .Mr. Clanton Is again elect-1 Fort lira bb 1,207,000 ( cd Master Fish Warden but It Is, Greenwood 587,252 . said another office, that of Goner- lfniiit nil.. 1 ft?1 n II A . ..1 till ,.rv.. .... .I.... nt Tlnliili.iHtfi.i I., i , ll , I. I 41.- ..1 l... """; lirilUU ' OIIIWtll4H:4IUU4ll UI IllllUIIUIlUB, 13' lorn of all heroes, It is tho rulo by i .,.. ,. ', ,, ,, , ... . ... ' ... , . . I 1, I 1 41 II 1n ! ,-'ol-u"- V.IJ UU,VUU ' v " .(jiiMHUli iu.l. HI UU Jimi'l'.. 1111 Monterey 235,000 , tho hands of u now man. 1 Mr. Smith states thoro Is an action Total .' 9,278,252; on to petition tho keeping of Mr. I Clanton ns both superintendent of which to weight rightly all wonder ful niiccosscs, and triumphal marches to fortune and genius. It should bo tho motto of all ,old and young, high and low, fortunate and unfor tunate, so called." i 2 maybo If ho never tackled It wo I Wlmt Hatcheries AeromplM I nnvnr wniitit linvn Irnmvn lwi liilnv! Wl... ri1in...t.. i. .. . .,. WITH THE TOAST AMD TUC TEA nnu i ml. i un v never would liavo known tho Juicy sweetness of tho Coos Hay Graven- '. Btoln." I can opener when sho used them Inst hatchorles and In his present posl- J and sho stmts In to hunt for tlioni. tlon or to liavo him changed to tho j ' former office, the purposo being to ' "Adam made a failure of tho fruit detain In charge n man who knows' business." said Tom James, "but j tho hatchery situation of tho slate. 'GOOD EVENLVG Pass the watchword down tho line, Pass tho countersign "en dure!" Not to him who rashly dares, Hut to him who nobly bears Is tho victor's garland sure. John (I. Whlttlur. .OUR QWX SIMP Ol? STATU "Tho Undo Sam." Nail to th" mast our starry flag! Set firm each snowy sail, And guldo her through but peace ful seas, Nor bravo tho warring galo! Ho ours tho task tho mission high To backward roll tho tide of war, To strive, by peaceful nrtH to heal The , gaping wound tho blood wrought scar. Tho following Is n report that has boon submitted by Superintendent! Frank W. Smith showing tho wcrlt that has been dono annunlly in both ' tho Coos River and tho CoquIllo Rlv-' or hatchorles of which ho has charge. ' 'Art may bo long, but artists aro I Kbk Taken nt tho Soulli Coos River ' I ROY LAWHORXi: SAYS: offbii short."1 Heforo you get them they Willi bellevo anything you tell them. And after you got them they won't be llovo anything you tell them. You can't nlways Judgo by ap pearances. Tho man who is wear ing shabby clothes may be that way because his money Is all In vested nt S per cent. When you liavo rheumatism the other follow can tell you ten suro cures for it. Hut when tho other follow gets It tho only remedy ho can think of Is to sit down and holler. llntrlicry. 1900510,000 liberated in South Coos River. 1901 2,110,000 liberated In South Coos River. ) 1902 3,500,000 liberated In Boon nnd Wilson Creeks. 1U03 0,115,000 liberated In Hoon and Wilson Creeks. 1901 0,500,000 liberated Iij ' Hoon nnd Wilson Creeks. . 19051,500,000 liberated In Mil-1 mon Creek nnd Coos River. 19007,105,000 liberated In Coos River, Seaman and Salmon Crooks. 1907 5, 9S 1,000 liberated In Coos River and ti Militaries. 1908 5.150,000 liberated In Coos River and tributaries. 1909 1.S37.000 Illmrntnil In He ours tho hand to point tho way AVhero gently sways the bough; Tho trouble with standing In tho I Coos River and tributaries. hall with your hand on tho door-1 1910 4,002,000, ( 1,117,000 knob and waiting for opportunity i silvers,) liberated in Coos River and olive to knock Is that tho fellows who tributaries. knock aro either collectors, book' 1911 " ' I To send aloft tho dovo of peace; agents on Insurance solicitors. To dim tho brow. flame on Martian To treat with forco for reason's rolgn; To voice nfar sweet mercy's pica; Drapo pity's robo o'er crimson fields And plead, with might, for lib erty! Richard 11. Taylor ! AT TUC LlfTCI O 4 H.I I lit. DUILUO difficult for her to honor and oboy Traco uny complimentary story 'ou a man to Its son ice and you 1.520.1000. (2.121.500 sllvors), liberated In Coos River and . ti Militaries. 1912 .'Mm. 7no. uniitr. no: ... '. : V. " 4 B.iium., iiuuraiou in uoos mvor and ; ti Militaries. r.u :: 5.220.000. r3.21s.00n Chandler Motel Mhois), liberated in Coos River and O. W. Hackwood. ('ouullle; O. I., tubulin les. (liioss, San Franclbco. C. M. Dimtln,, lull 1,277,500, (2.219,000 Porllund: hex Cope, UiiibIoIk; S. On- silvern). Ilboiated In Coos RIei and lirl.tl. Snn Frnnrliu.i; I? .1. Il.nl.ill. IrllmlMi l.ui l Sacramento; K. .1. Oahlor. San I'ran- Total 05,0 I3.3UU. cIko: Clara Uncoil, liuiolui; W. II., Sawlltt. Oakland; W. W. Wotd. San, l'rauclo; J. 1). HolHiid, San I'ran dkco; N. X. iN'owman. Coqullle; W. It Is extremely easy for a Coos Hay woman to love, but It Is vnrv ' i.liii Mn hii lliii.fiii l.'.iunliii . II .... in r.KKs muni I'i'om the Co.iilMt Rlcr llati'hciy ! 19U2I1o,(iih iraiibforred from Coos, hlberutod in Coonnii. uiv..r will likely find lhat ho sinned nji,;K,u; C'I0,,H",0!i,,,y VMni """' transferred from, himself. '" P.or' IU"', '",,1 ,0,; "lK"y- ; . l.ll.oiHtu.1 I,, CuunliiKham ' l'l. N- M Wle. Portlan.l; .Noll R. Crcok. Co.iiIlle Rhor. No Coos my man believes that l'" "pl "' r: MT- '' " h,oln- I'JUS S.T I l.uuu transferred from tlw loss which will occur when llu i'r. Jljrllo Point: It. A. Carmlchsel C'ons. I.lberatod in CoquIllo River. dies can bo .ovcred by n.e.o ,,,.,' l.tanlon: A. II. Oilo. Port- ltlu 2.s I O.uo.i transferred from Mirniice. ' ft"' ' R !" ,'i,. Mo' ' fS- Coos, hlburated In CoquIllo River ,1.0.110. Coqul.lo; K.va Miller. Han- lBo7SiSM.ooo transferred from A "On. f'nnj I II.a .i I.. . .,. STORY I'OR Till: HAY l.loj.l Hotel toos. hlboratod in CoquIllo River. ' ltlOK " IRO n.i. i ,0r , , T 11 M,..n I ..1,1.1... 1 l.,.l .. -..- a4.Mlt.-ll 1IIIIII I., theso days of h.gl, cost of II y. Spauldlmc. Coos River; Hon Maiso,., 0,'''r 1 ' ' ,m "J"' Ing and'low Unromos there will bo 'oo River: j. h. Myo.-s. K.lon Val- ? '."n Sm 0I" general appieclat.on of the answer ley; G. Hanson. Mnpleton; Ml. s. l. T 1',1 ' "C" '"" ",ver' - - - - ...Vw,v... itinv.wuv flf a llttkv school girl made In tho j1" Newton, hong Roach; Mrs. P. 11. sllvorsldo), taken at CoquIllo. Hbor- course of a study of Inventions. I Vir.ko.ton. Xoith llonil: R. Martin. u -7" Co. ill. u, nurliiR tho exercise tl,V tensor )!)t, nn.lou: J. Sanders. CoquIllo; t ,,,- "J 30(i ! Ui roa w occasion to ask: ' ' - VSandfiB. Coqhllle. , ' -;t, l' 'l i . ..... . ibiivoihidoH taken at Co.iu n.. i "What-I tluit nnost iwondecful . ' thing a man over made?" llonry R Hlaiu'o Motel ledllllo. Kmplro: "A living, lor his ramlly.'l the little girl promptly answered. SMYROh OF hvgom: hays. 1 haw a sight this morning That niado my fancy fly Hack o'er tho years, in vIhIoiis Of blissful days gone by. 'Twos but a tiny symbol, Ilut oh, how It did grip! A bow of gaudy ribbon Tied on a buggy whip. Charles II. Moleis. ore . Mvoihldos taken at CoquIllo, liber ated In CoquIllo Rhor. Hwlnir. I.'miilrn. f!.iul .ll,un.. ..'..,. I --S.ISU..-.UII, (l.f.23.000 WCIO Iplro; A. Andeison, Powois; w 0 b,ho' ln at CoquIllo, llbor-' .lloittoy. Coos River; (loorgo A. Hlnke "Uu Iu L'0(l,1,11,, vor. 'catching Inlet; Chnrlo l'iv, Pow-' U' -.0 is.ooo. ( i.r.l S.00O were lois; Oeorgo F Smith. Coos River: 's,Uolslll'1' at CoquIllo). lib.' I Frank hang. CoquIllo Hatchery; Mn. l,ulou '" - onini lllver. 1 G. A. Gould, Allegan): W. II. Mil 'lor, Portland; T. Uaydon, Kniplio V. h. Pierce, hakesldo. St. liuieuce Hotel til ant llosborg, Handon: Harry 1911 2..Q10.UOO. (1.410.000 w..r . sllvorsldos. taken at Coqullle), lib-' orated iu CoquIllo River. J I Total 23,901,500. Kach year tho fry aio earod for Joints, Handon; O. W. harson and m,tw'Hui thioo and four months. jwlfe, Handon; O. M. Havls, Handon: I Mrs. h. Olson. Coos River. until they are about turoo or four luihes In length, and t lion Ilboiated. Thoy aro hold Iu tho tearing ponds and aro thou able to shift tor them- Dr. M. i:. KlllrV. DK.NTIST- Whon father Is hunting for tho Phon,, liti-.l, Room at) I, C0K0 l.ldg. selves. corkscrew and tho bottle opener . A ,,,, of ,ho chm)ok mother always Insists that If ho put ll'pholsteilng ,,f m Kinds, at the from the South Coos Rer hatchery thom awny when ho was through , Woven Wire Mattress .V Redding aro each year trausfeired to tho Co with them ho could always find, Co., nin Hroaduaj. Auto eiutalim, iiiille hatihery and there tared tin them. And then mother wondora j covers cushion, etc., a (.peolalt). until turned loose in tho streams where sho put the scissors and tho' Phono 103.J, 'there. 1 tf wsf v. '-,, .-;. it&ml3 " WSl " tWiUt4t? & W Jtfffiw wm 3SIPB?5 1-1 -Z2 Kf'asttK? -.'',. SiAvizx.givmti;JtzmririS'!i , .: -Ci "i. .. VRkbPH --ri WTIMr i'SBhu.. ... r siisii zi wj.' f.. At ,-syfc.v. "- ' -"t.. VjT . 'Vi4 A mighty good doctor says to me once: "Whan it comes to curin ' folds, Nature is the real M. D. I'm only her assistant. ' ' That's the zvay I feci about curin ' tobacco for VELVET. te$0f Q , i VI m n.....lIIT.. mmh,mmmmim& fui nwr l nin nniiiiiwii J rxiTil Imm IT'S hard to show Nature any- J - ming aDoui curing tooacco. oo n vc have adopted Natures own way to make VELVET the U smoothest smoking tobacco slow, patient ageing. Men may "process," but they can't put into tobacco any liner pipe M qualities than those Kentucky s limestone soil so richly gives to the Burley de Luxe. But these qualities can be improved. They are brought out in their fullness in the aged-in-the-vvood mellowness of cool, slow-burning VELVET, For two years the finest Burley leaf remains in sealed wooden casks, and then only is it ready to be made into VELVET. Get wour tin nom loin the erowinc ranks of the army who have found VELVET tobacco a delight pj witnout a single drawback. Send a 2c stamp for "Pipe Philosophy" a book of Velvet Joe's philosophy and verse. SsionaT " " Harper - n,;lusl! nuiM,r.n H ' Tr nmi c' P103ln.J.Mnkln'' J. M. Wrighf UII,l)0 mv.:."", EtmatPS furnished I ? Dr. H. M. Shaw I'.J'C. l!ni. v - 1 e nnii in 1 (!'HSZS . .MATTIIJ H. sm. DIseniUM of V.....n.. Office Phono n30j 1, ' jW.Irih.SJ: Benjamin Ostlind Alt('lliT..-l"l ,., "'VI unices. 20G inn, B. . hono loa-L or 2C7-J. H arshlieia, Or,; H. G. Butler C'VII. KXOI.Nker Tlnni.i 1111 (, " ',.,."1, to "no 128-U W. G. Chandler UlClllTI'iT Itooins yoi nn, 302, Coke B flimmiiicKi, Oregon. win. a. mrpen AitciiiTi:cr Mnralifleld, Oregon. Perl Riley Ballinger nM,.,r. -m'.ob ..ww.. mmuu, v17 x0.Th,l i-iioiio 368-L. jQfflctytycuOoaccojCa; 10c Tins 5c Metal-lincd Bags St. Louis, Mo. One Pound Glass Humidors Copyright 1915 ziaaaizzzjE 3EZ3C DRY WOOD nt CAMPBELL'S WOODYARol North l-'iont Slrwt I l'liono 270 Pictures &Framiog Walker Studio a THE REAL QUESTION Tho question Is not, will ca Jionor you for your wotkli Hut does your work honor rost Your concern Is not onl; to crento profit for yourself, let to mnho that which will profit ninny besides yourself. I COOS II. vv sti:.m UDDRT l'hono 57-J. MJliau zvgByTrJrTL.-ja-jrnyaui F.A.KILBURNjEISANTA CLARA San Francisco-Eureka-Coos Bay-Portland North Bound 1'IIOM SAX i'llAMISCO lii:()(i 11. 111., Juno n, 30, J 5, no, 2r, nnd !J0. THOM COOS HAY Foil ASTOlll.V AND I'OltTliAXI). I'. .M. Tide, Juno J, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, July 1. ' ' South Bound WO.M I'OltTliAXI) O I'. M. Juno !, D, 11, II), 21, 20, July !. l'ltO.M COOS HAY roil IJl'IIHKA AM) SAX KHAXCISCO. 1'. M. Tide, Juno (I, II, Hi, 21, 2(1 mid ill. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. S.,,1.1, Tcuilnul Doikt Hl.ouo Jtlll. ,t STCJI1K, AgCllt. BaBBmamEg2sssaSEKm Did you know that we carry a full line of fresh VEGETABLES, FRUITS AND BERRIES, as well as a full line of GROCERIES AND COFFEES? Get a receipt and save FIVE PER CENT. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phcne 394-J. Broadway bet. Central and Commercial 1WTER-0CEAW TRAWSPORTATION C Weekly Service Coos liny and Sun Fronciico. 5 Freight and Passenger Service SAILS TltO.M SAX FHAXCISCO FOIt COOS HAY Tl'ISIltf, JUXi: HTH AT !l I. 31. Snn Fi-uuclsco Office, 000 Flfo llulldlng, wud Mer Numbtf M .Coob Bay Agent, O. F. McGeorgb, Phone It STEAMSHIP m Mil a m mi GRAVEL KQL'ii'i'iii) with wihi:m:ss Steamship Breakwater ATAVAYS OX TI3IK. SAILS FH03I 3IAHSHPIKL1) MVKItY SL'XIJAY Dl'lllXfi Jl'VKAt O A.M., AXI) FH03I POHTLAXl) KVKUY TIIUHSDAY AT 8 A Tickets on solo ut l'oitlund City Ticket Office, (llli mul OakStrw1- l'liono :15-J. O.II.LANlK"VBt W0 are now pfeparcd to furnish GRAVEL Iu nny quantities from pile in our yard or in carload lots, at following prices: From pilo on ground, $2.i-3 por yard. canoad lots, tnUen from cars, J2.00 per yard. Uetnll Hcpai'tiueiit. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Host.Off.co. ,.,. lfl0 .. 1 Abstracts FOR HULIAHLC AHSTUACTS OF TITLH AND 1XKUHMATIOX AHOIT? COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAltSIWHlJ) AMI COQUILLV, CITY, ORFGON QEXKRALAGUNTS, lUSTSIDi: WD SKXGSTACKEX'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CAXADIVN H Mil-1C UAILROAD LAWS JlliXRY SFXGSTVCKICX, MAXAGER Puget Sound Bridge & Dredffm co. Dams, Bridges. Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARB0H wurm , viit uuus Dity uuice lias avaiiduiu ii w.-a work the Dredoe "Seattle" . ... .,.nfl.lr inoa1 uio most powerful, best equipped nnil mosi i..u."o-. twenty-luch liydraullo drodgo 1k Tuclflc water Main on Seattle, Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. Times Want Ads Bring Rs