' nouaijfj AND )RDER FOLGER'S TEA ATING 'CO aeU MNUII tsroUiUll'SSl'KllS. i:VH5A(-r.s, ( o ! , , 8 WOOD; 9Itt to v 0 fl th Pint J L.LI.YANT I null UKOCKItS bum 1 is Bay Tea, Coffee id Spice House S AUTO! Jill . ill ll' CIISIcllHMH tlio i ni.(.i;irs ti;. sai.k - i .L. .. i i (i ( 'Ml u- ,111111 Jillll'l lor "JIIVEul (M i.i-i In till" Hinrcl.v 1 no. 3S Bay Tea, Coffee nd Spice House ill) MUt I'll IIKO.IDWAY Phono :iim-.i. rrt o 1 apx s 1 ea Mr o. .. . . Wolcott Cjrocery folIlM' III' IIIUO II. I'IIoHO, us iir lii'lng in jour diilcr. lie aliwijs iii'cpaicd t(i mjiao ' ni'i'iN or wishes In tlu gin. ry lint. olcolt's Grocery Ui I l'i III St. Plume II7..I I Only Knew Where libit. .an times a iliiy do ou You tt ml something. Perhaps I'lrn.M.s yciu tiro sure hut do Till UlTtl8lllB (JOIIIIIIIIH 01" ill 'U.S. Tr 'n people what to got int: i Nor io rrail tho advertising In Agency Koonte G JVERLAND CARS GOODYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile llorth Front Street :: OCEAN BCACII Coit tV iii-.s loavo .Mtiislifleld .ii Lenin Siinvct Hay hues, 1 inprro, :t"ej T111I100I or NG YOUR JOB PRINTING I1 ' I 1 f- Li s I K I I i tjii B THE Ml DA & WEAVER Phono III!) Folger's Tea is One of Our Soecials i i .. II.Ml'H'I ' run suo inn. Mu. l iik IIIIIIIOI. p iil.i,,.u .1 I Ills UOOU III. iifit ....II i'.. i p , ....', ""-' I uigoi' i Kn-aii.v iiMHlicil piln's. W. H. DindiWer &Co. Hunker Hill l),.iartini.,i store Phone 32 i",(... ,iik. ,, A Good Combination Good Tea Good Grocers Good Advertising ? ask tlial iiucstlnii? nii mo nut him.. I...I i.f not lw w.h . , ,, TIlU TIllU'H him. ilnllv ,,.,u,..' ... and where to buy to tho host ml- to bo poorly Informed. was: for Repairing a Specialty Phone 180-J :: :: AUTO LINE Kin;:. 7 11. 111. mill i! p. in. II 11. in. mill I n. in. Smith .Slouch, Stic; .Sunset Day 7.'c TO THE COOS BAY TIMES I ' I IV'WMi 1 6 ismMsmsmmumMimmMm Some advertising is fancy, some clever, some strong and convincing. The last usually makes the most sales, and sales count. Wise merchants advertise to the point. They tell all that is necessary to tell, and they tell it with a punch. ' When it is best to list the details they do so. When it Is best to use pith they do so. But a punch is needed always. Way TIMES Phone 133. COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY. JUNE W ' Ill I IIUMHnMlil hill 1 . i Jff JSi A s X 1 J V. ft A ft . WBS.1 I 1 r m tw v, . i " 1 i ,. 'ONE WEEK fcnag'wrjftfiia cctlon iriDiA ENGLISH DRtAKMSt OOLONG JAPAN GUNPOWDr n HLACH & GOf l Tor one week these prices to i vince you that ten is worth t rejjiiliir price A pound oi this tea makes 300 cups. At 80c a pound. the cost is one cent for about four cups. You can afford Eto drink pood i ) J. A. FOLGER & CO., San Francisco y - ciiiiuiiojs riiopimvs J. N. BAYLISS Any kind or brlik work at prlu's that nro right. I And all work guaraniooil Call at ,Tho Fireside,'" Johnson nidi?. 111. Sorond St. Frcmh ranges, boiler work. l'hono i:il-.I I zzmmw&mmmm DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo kept oi'K.v to Tim I'lm.it' A lobular stulo llronsoil iimloilnkor Mill ho in elmi'KO IMiouo II .",! BBffl&SS&BSB8Km H ONE WEEK O N LY AT GROCERS JUNE 7th to 12th, 1915 (FOLRVffT Raiulti 3pciaJ rttill prlti ulipHti i lo tins bo co ik.i 3 T8 S BO 1 ya. Entcr voun onom below ;l ' V ' "&" "A W'oIIim i tin d rua on- tf-c." the Jyikm c' 'Mff''SW ' v-fMWSli licwav-n AifOr ALLEGANY ITEMS I X $ ( Special to The Times.) i Tho roads mo Imjnpvlng rapidly. Mr. Stall Is ilragKliiK- thoiu and rill ing tho ruts. Ho Is (it work this tildo 1 of tho shell rock bond. Geo. ltookn took a load of sued oats oer to his placo 011 l.oou Lake, whli h ho Intends to mow for. hay. Ho says hi mothor is much Improved In health. j The rireilRor Is hero at work. .They hnvo biteu working double jHhirts mid hautllliiK Inrve iiunntltles J or sand. There will soon bo a 1 groat Improvement In tho uliiumol of tho river. There was a ninall plrule party tin tho ICunt Fork above tho (Hen Crook school house Suturday. rou- IslstliiK of Miss MeClay, Miss Wook-! lly, teschor of the school at Alio- gaiiy, the teacher of tho (Hon Crook ' I school wo won't attempt to spoil 1 the nuino but It sounds like Man-1 i0lh. and your humble survant. a r..w nh ware luiiKht sail frlwi! over the camp flro and properly up pieclutod. Coffee whs inado, and served In hrlglit tin cups, bread and butter, boiled eggs, custard plo slid last, but not least, strawborrlos and rosl cronm. Tho day wns iduul and overyono onjoyed tho outing. XICW Sl'ITS KlliKI) The following an new suits rilod in the circuit court: Arthur T. Coach by Josojili W. Coach, as next friend, vs. Mary K. Cary, ns guardian of Arthur T. Coaon. Agues V. Johnson vs. Alverda Johnson. Suit for dlvorso. Mary K. Ctiry vs. Joseph W. Coach. Alum Wobstor and Walter H. Wol ster vs. S. C. Itogers and Frank ling ers. Sarah I. I'arkburst vs. U. A. l'urk hurst. Suit for dlvorco. Mol'harson-aiiiger Co. vs. K. A. Hwkett. II. L. Judsll & Co. vs. Arthur Coach, Josoph Cosch t al. Cnthorlne L. I'eck vs. Hurloss Han son Pock. Suit for dlvorco. Mbby CO.W. Tho Kind YOU Iwvo ALWAYS I'SICD. I'liono 7U. I'uciflf l.lry and 'i'ransfur Company. High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient cleikt, being out of the liteh rent district and keeping our pi ices as low as consistent with goud busi ness makes fetiiattfife a' lj?i- n... Conner & The Leading Grocers 797 South Broadway. 8, 1 91 S EVENING EDITION. Of Course We Have It Folger's Famous Golden Gate Tea III UlOiltlj Iftllll-Oll plIlPS tills XU'Clf. I'liniie iin mhii' iii-iUm-itml i will dollxcr It. c also rally l'olnoi's (loldfii (Sato Ciiffco, I'ntKor's Sillies, "oIrit's Ton. Pnljii'i's IMi-iu'tx, I'iiIklt's ltal;lti I'imilor. CONNER & HOAGLAND tiii: i.iDi(i jittK nits niui.Kits iv (jood (siiockiiikh T7 Soiiili Itioailwii) , 1'lioin's :t IS-.l anil :tl!(I FOLGERS TEA Sale at Easlside Of I'luirso o ran taho i-nro of Miif iiriils in tlu lil Tea Sale this mk a iv aluaH ire paiod to wmi on. STAR GROCERY ivstsidi: I'luino :u Folgers Tea Sale at STAUFF'S I'lmtio us joui' onlors, or ill-op In ami uo'll so Hint .miii paitlclpate In this nioat sporlal nrfor. Wo lianillo I'nlnor's lino of (Sol. ilon (into t'orfoo, Splios, HaUliiK I'nwiloi', Soda mid i:tr.utN. Staufffs Grocery Utlll Kiout St tool riioiio Kit! UCTTIN'fi ATTUNTION The flrt groat unoHtlon with all sales moil and all advertisers is to got rospectful attention. There Is ouo tliim and only one in nil n iuuu'h wakeful hours whou ho Is all attention Is In an absolutely moptlvo frame of mind. That tlmo Is when ho sits down to road his favorite paper. nonce, tho columns of his favorite paper which ho reads evory day - Is tho best plnco to sot forth thu nierltH of tho goods of which yon want to get a favorable Impression. Tho Times Is Coos Hay's favorlto paper. ricfS1 Fpontpn fgc-Cawy- xi:ws op eor.vrv skat 'oililllo .Votes Tolil In tho Sentinel of That I'liuo Mr. and Mrs. T. .1. Thrift started Woilnosday morning for Corvallls to attend tho commencenlont at Corvltl lls noxt week. Harry Clousor Is this wook repair ing tho Front street buildings Allen Mcl.eod recently iiiirchased of Mar tin Aloxsou, and putting them In shape for occupancy. Clnrk'H bakery will tako tho oast ouo and Win. Don aldson will run a restaurant in tho wost ouo. Dr. Frank I'ottot with Morris and Otis Xosler left hero in his Ford car for a trip through Orogon, Washing ton, Idaho, Montana and tho Dako tas. They expect to ho ahsont a year and to winter In Calfornla. A bob-cat In a cutM alongside of Shores' pool hall has boon attracting lots of attontlon this wook. It was btoughl In from Falrvlow whoro it had boon caught In a tnip, which cut off ouo of Its villainous looking paws. T. II. Campbell is going to build a lMiiiItJv on a fivo-acru tmt on t:i hill oust of town that ho has just bought of tho Coiiulllo l.aud Com- puny, that will bo us unliiuo In Its way as Is tho Oregon building at tho Fair. Ho will use thu logs on tho laud, fitting thorn togothor snugly and plastering tho Inside, In con structing a genuine bungalow log oabln. HOXD MOXKV ItKADV (Special to Tho Times) -Fl.OKKXCIS, Oro June 8. Tho I'oit of Sluslaw has rouolvud word from Swoet. Carney and Foster of Denver that the inouay for tho bonds Issued by tho port will bo turned ov er at once and will bo available for tho port. IIKItO.MAX IK MA VOIt (Spoclal to Tho Times) FI.OIH5XCK, Ore., Juno a Tliji city council has uppolutod J. W., liurguiHii to net as mayor of Klpr onco to fill tho unexpired term of 0. I). Murey, resigned. Mr. Ilurgiuaii hus been city treasurer and thu coun cil declared thin office vacant but has nut numed a successor. J Times want ads bring' results. Hoagkmd Dealers in Good Groceries Phones 348-J and 326 Tea Week Observed liy us. Wo ran I'liinUli jou any tiling In tho Kolor lino as Moll as tlu host In the p'ow1)' lino. Nasburg's Grocery WE cant sell you i ' Folgers Tea; but we can sell you good printing from The Times' Job Dept. Wll.l. UATIIKIt DATA PurtH About Itoguo llivor Sent to KiigluiH.'!' Will Mo (Special to Tho Times) 001. 1) 1IKACII. Oi'o., .Itinu 8. A rommlleo compoHoil of F. 8. Mooro, I). M. Monro and ,1. M. Caughell is to gather data In reference to tho shipping of Koguo river and tho rea sons why tho liver nud harbor should bo Improved. Tho Information whou irathorcd Is to bi forwarded to Knglneor Hrownlco who recently visited Koguo river and by him will bo used In connection with his roo ommondatloii for Improvement of tho rlvor. PACTOUY TAKKX OVKIt (Spoclal to Tho Times) HIITIIKUMN, Ore., Juno K. Tho Food ProiluctH Company of this city lirts beon tnlton over by Fred Taylor I and (luorgo Kelly of Ogden, Utah, and will ho enlarged and operated. Cash will he paid for fruit and veg-' etabloH which will bo put up at tho I plant. Sittherllu will ho tho north western manufacturing plant and of ficii of tho company and at Ogden there will also bo n. manufacturing plant and office. QUAKHY TO OI'K.V (Special to Tho Times) ItOSKIIUItfJ, Oro, Juno 8. TI10 miarry of tho Portland Cumont Com pany on llohorto crook which has boon cloned for sovernl years will again bo oponod, Now machinery has been Installed. Tho company owns excellent cement rock which will bo crushed nud shipped.. AXOTIIKH l.l'.MIIKIt MIIJj (Spoclal to Tho Tlmos) ItOSKIIUKO, Ore., Juuu 8. Tho l.oouu lumber mill In tho north part of tho county which has boon closed down Is again to bo operated and the capacity of tho plant will bo lncreas- iwj n tlyiJ.,y)j,OJ.0 f.uet of lambda day can bo cut. riltST UH'.K IIA.Vlil.lfD (Spoclal to Thu Times) nit ANTS PASS, Juno 8. Tho first log train over hauled over the new municipal rnllinad delivered logs at tho Mnou-WIIIum Lumber Co., mill. An excursion train for pas Hungers Inm also run oyer thu road for tho first tlmo. Twoliy Pros, hnvo tho cnutnut for continuing tho road on down to Crescent City, Cul. Folgers WILL GltADlTATK Mrs. V. K. Cralno, of Uundon, ! loft for Portland and Corvallls, ut , which latter placo she will attend I the commencement exercises of tho . Oregon Agricultural College, when liter daughter I'rniu will grad'iato. Mrs. Cralno and Misses Krma nud , Pearl will return about Juno l.' - liaudou World, THREE ftflOOSE HONORED COOS COt'.VrV .MKMItKltS AIMMtK CIATIJ COl'ltTKSV SHOWN Kory llctall Has Hecn Arranged for VMt. of tho OiiU'i to San I'Vatichro on Mmwo Day Tho ntntoment piibllahod In Tho Times Saturday that tho Coos Coun ty JIooso would bo at tho head of tho bis pnrmlo of 30,000 inombors of tlto order with tho Cooa IJny Concert linnil at tho San Francisco Exposl- ! tlott was an amcrimcomcnt whtcn i croated great Intereat nnioiiK1 tho lo cal members., Tho arranKetnent woh iqulto an honor t6 tho Coos county members ns It Is iijuinl In 'such casen for tho orcanlzatlon of tho city whero tho Kathcriui; Is belli); held to .net ns escort and tako tho chief placo In tho parade. It Is also a tribute to tho huatllni; ability of Dr. Strow and Manager Martin of tho band, A detachment of tho U. S. Cnv- 1 airy will act as escort of tho Coos county lodges that with tho Coos Hay Concert band will head tho par- ado as escort to tho officers of tho supremo lodgo, tho Governor of Cal ifornia, tho mayor of San Francisco and other prominent men who will bo guests of tho order. Tliero will al so ho a ladles' section of tho parade. Autos will ho provided for tho ladles who participate. Will Give Luncheon Tho paratlo will form at tho Mooso lodge hoado.uar.tors 011 Van Kens Avonuo and will march to tho Cali fornia building nt tho Exposition wncro exercises will ho hold. Im mediately after tho ceremonies tho officials of tho Oregon building will rIvo n luncheon to tho Coos county lodgo officers, tho supremo lodgo of ficers, tho guests of honor nud tho memberfl of tho band. Admitted Free On Mooso Day, July 2C, tho day 011 which tho big Mooso par.lo will tako place, all inombors of tho order and their families will ho ndmtttcd to tho exposition grounds frco of chargo nud tho members of tho band will bo admitted frco without chargo tiring their entire stay In Sail Frnu cIsco. Tho hand will doubtless bo a drawing card for tho Oregon build ing. Kach afternou for flvo days pro ceeding Mooso Day tho hand will glvo a concert on tho veranda of tho Oro gon building. Hotel Dates Tho arrangements for tho Mooso whon they visit tho Han Francisco exposition nro complete down to every detail. Dr. Straw who lias J'.mt returned homo nftor looking lifter tho plans states that hotel accomoda tions hnvo been provided for at ono of tho first class hotels. A special rate has been arranged for tho Mooso, which will bo ns follows; Front room, with hath ono person $2 n day, two persons 12, CO n day, without bath one person fl.fiO a day, two persons $2 n day. Inside court rooms with bath for ono person fl.riO 11 day, two porsons $2, CO a day, without bath ouo person $1.00 two porsons 11. CO a dny. These rates can bo depended npo.i by tho local members of tho Mooso unit mil bo jsecured M tho hotol where thoy were arrnnged. 19 IS MIDSUMMER RACE MEET AT i Official Program IIIIDAY, JULY y.VD, 1015 No. 1 Trot or pace, ono-half mile, two heats, each heat a race, 2:35 uIubs, purso $100 No, 2 Punning, ono half mile, purso , ijiHO.OO No. 2 Trot or paco, ouo'balf inllo, bust two In three heuts, freo for all, purso ., $125 No. i Novelty ruco, ono inllo, $30 for first to quarter post, $40 for first to' half-mllo post, $CC for first to three quarter post, $7C for first to inllo stuku $200 No, C ;Motor Cyclo, C miles, , 4-'5 to 1st, $15 to 2nd..., $40 KATUJIDAY, JULY , 101S No. C. Trot or paco, one-half tulle, ,two heuts, cuch hoat u race, 2;2C class, purso... $100 No. 7 Running, flve-olghthH .inllo, .purse ,..$100 No. 8 Trot or puco, ono rnllo, threo heats, every heat a rare, purse $1S0 No. 'J Runulng, ono and one eighth miles, for Coos and Curry County horses only, purso $200 No. 10 Consolation race, for all horses not finishing as good as second, purso $71 No. ll Motocyclo race, $2S to 1st, $15 to 2nd, purse... $40 4 I C It costs one cent a word Q t to tell your story each day in The Times want columns 4 MYRTLE POIN nvrr m JIU4 i 'Iff. i f r t ": I: - I , le' A.t in- !' -,it ;t Mil Oil Af Mil"! I f i ' I0 ) 3U -a ' lilt id' 1 nil 'rt' VIZ Tift ft; tf i- I