rSSSsrMB oa i OIlCgOSBAYPmEWHO HAVf NOTHING ELSE TO KEEP, TRY Coos Bay Times Your Tho Coos Hay Times Is proud of People's rnpcrf" nl It strives at Uvo up lo Its name- by devoting Its promoting tho peoplo's Interests. VOL NO. XXXVIII. SECRETARY OF STATE BRYAN HAS HEINE Offers His Resignation to Pres ident Wilson Late Today i And It is Accepted I Thought Differently Regarding The Note to Be Sent to Germany by U. S. GOOD FEELING EXISTS YET liryan Did Not .Want, to Kniburms the President In Ills Administration of tho Korolgn Affairs Koh- ert. Luii'slng, .Secretary AKRAXGHD YI4STHIllAV A (B; Awoclttril l'rM to Coot tlar TlniM.) WASHINGTON, Juno 8. It heenmo known tonight tlmt Secretary Hrynn'H res- iRtintloii wiih arranged with I'reHliletit WIIboh yesterday. (Special to Coos Hay Times from Associated Press) WASHINGTON. 1). C, .Iiiiio 8. - Secretary of Statu liryan Into today itibmlttcd lilts resignation to Pres ident Wilson and It wiih urcepteil. It was staled aulhorllutlvuly tlini tho resignation which hail been un der consideration for Huvurnl days was accomplished with tho utmost Kood feeling between Secretary Hry an mid President Wilson. It restill cd from a difference of opinion ovei tho unto about to ho sent to Get many. Will Thank liryan It was learned that tho Secretary of State's hour of delay in reaching (tin I'lililnnt mectliiir yesterday was duo to tlmn consumed In preparation' of his letter of resignation. Presi dent Wilson will write liryan 11 let ter expressing Ills appreciation of tho services of the resinned 'cabinet officer. Iteiisou Heroines Known Officials let It bo known that liry an determined to leave the cabinet becaiiso of a deslro not to eniharaiw tho President by his opposition to tho policy of administration in the present foreign situation. ImnsliiR Succeeds While Sccrotary Hryiui's allltnilo toward tho situation which lias aris en between this country and Ger many Is not definitely known, it Is generally believed ho favored a note of a character which under no cir cumstances would Involve tlio United States in grave complications. The resignation is to tuko effect tomor row Itobort Lansing, Counsellor or state, automatically will becoino act ing secretary of state. Is In Accord In official circles tho belief Is generally expressed" that Counsellor Lansing would ho appointed Secre tary of State ad Interim. Lansing Is said to bo In entire accord with tlio I're-ldcnt'H views on tho nation's for eign policy. Will .Make .Statement Just before leaving t 8tll,,) l0" partment liryan conforrcd with conn scllor Lansing. liryan loft tho state department at 5:30 p. in. In com pany with Mrs. liryan. Up to that Unto no formal nnnouncomont was wade of his resignation and ho pos itively refused to ninko tiny refer ence to tho subject. It is understood that following a formul announce ment front tho Wlilto llouso, liryan will probably mako a public state ment. Outlined Ills Views In submitting his resignation, liry an oiitllnoii -JiIk vlownolut on tho administration's nollcy. Letters which passed botweon tho President and liryan nro said to have fully made known the Incidents leading! UP to the resignation. DNS DIFFERED COUNTIES GD DRY! V01THS MIX.NHSOTA AIM-jof yolIr great office and your oaK ISH SALOON lirSINHSS orneM to take advantage of overj . "-Klty DrlnkliiK Places Are Put "" oi lluslness by County upuoii HiiHtlon in that Stale in- a-m, ....a rr. t. co n.r r l , ST PAUL. June 8.-Elghty IU be forced to discontinue oper- Mnn. . i,. .. ..nalant IV'S n.iuim : ii a T-ua 1111 1 lusitio .. . . i ...n Paper Its tlllo "The nil times to energies to Hstnbllshed 1878 An The Coast Mull. HIS OFFICE! FULL TEXT OF 'S RESIGNATION (Special to The Times.) WASHINGTON' li p. Tin... s jThe following Is tho onipleto text 01 hcereinry liryans letter of res- igniitlon to President Wilson ".My Dear .Mr. President: It Is with sincere i egret I hao reached (he conclusion that I should return to you tho coiiimlHHlon of secretary or stato with which you honored mo at the beginning of your lulniliils t tut It tin. Obedient to your sense of duty and actuated by the highest mo- lives, you have prepared for trans- mission lo I lie German government a note In which I cannot Join with out violating what I deem my obll Ration to my country and tho Issue Involved Is of such moment that to remain a member of the cabinet would bo unfair to you as It would bo to tho cause nearest my heart, namely tho prevention of the war. I therefore respectfully tender my resignation, to take effect when the note Is iient,' unless you prefer an earlier hour. "Alike desirous of reaching a pea ru ral solution or (he problems mining out of the use of submarines against merchantmen, we find ourselves dir forlng Irrcronollllnbly as to the methods which should ho employed. "It rails to your lot to speak officially for the nation; I consider It noiio the loss my duty to en deavor as a private citizen to pro mote the end which you have in view by means which you do not reel at liberty to use. "Severing the Intimate and pleas ant relations which oxlstoil botweon us during the past two years per mlt 1110 to acknowledge tho profound j !jlXTRAj BRYAN nil 1110 lo acknowledge tho prorouin ; ' """ ...... , ' w neieaieii nowoi-i, n.. ......n. .- Ssictlo, which It has Riven n.e Secretary Kellogg, of (he MitlomiL (,UnK ft ro,0,lUm (attacking the S b 01 2d 1 1 with you in tho:i.nibcr Manuracturers AK.r nllon. .caIot on ,,, , f mterfer- .TJlSh i-- hefore 1' "J WHh " ""!0' the state department and .0 thank or 1 mi ,... ,."" u t I tli vou for the courtesies shown 'With heartiest wishes for your wolfaro and lor tho success or your administration, I a ny tleur Mr. President, very truly yours, (Signed) "W. J. liryan." (Special to The Times.) WASHINGTON. I). C. June 8. Tho President's letter follows: -My Hoar Mr. liryan: I accept your resignation only because you insist upon Its acceptanco and I ac cept It with much more than deep regret, and a tooling of personal 'sorrow . ... ,.l Our two years of ciow ""'"-1 Hon have beon very um.b - i.,iiifiiirin in 1 mo. Our Judgments have ' " J' "' ,, Hd.c policy until now: your support of the work and purpose of tho adininisuuioi . ... Jean Konorous and loyal hoyond ....... vonr devotion to tho duties great opiiu""' J afforded, have been ou oxmlo to lreat opportunity it -- 1 ti,e regt 01 ua. ..-- our affectionate admiration and 1 rri.ndshlD Bven now we are not h, oUj9Ct We seek, but H X In the mtlhod by which we seeii . n- H " ek It. ,. taa, Ke reasons my feel - "tlrement from or- ,t is for these ' - nnrp lililPnU'O . 1 mr k. m w a m m m - rnw niLuunu trTTrn m I lilllll ill Ltiitn in sec. n mes a'lout your .- (&um MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1915 EVENING EDITION. jGERMAN HE IS y Discussed by Cabinet Mem bers at Meeting Today and Put in Its Final Form M READ FEW CHANGES MADEISAVE GREW OF SIX:KILL ENGLISHMAN i Gn in Rnrlin Tnmnrrnw Practically as Originally I Prepared by Wilson REFUSE TOJJISCUSS NOTE Cabinet Members Are All Silent Hcgni-dliiR tho Mattel' and Only Thing Made Public Is a State ment I'roni Sec. Tumulty. Or AniocUlftl rrcn to Coon lit? TlniM. WASHINGTON, I). C. .Iiino . After a two-hour discussion of tlio note to Germany at the Cab inet meeting today. Secretary Tumul ty, at the direction of President Wil son, made this aunouiiceiiient: "Tho note was gone over and illsciisseil ami put In Its final fonn. It probably will go forward to Mer lin tomorrow." Tho Culiluit members uniformly refused to discuss It. It was learn ...i definitely that only a few slight ..bunues lu tho phraseology were inailo at the Cabinet meeting. Tho unto was taken up In the rorm In which It came after Secre tary liryan spent several hours en It after a conference yesterday with the President. After tho meeting. iirviui went to luncheon with the i other Cabinet members. FEELS NO REMORSE s DIE. S( IIH.NCK THI.LS HOW l-'HHI.S TO KILL .MUX 1'ornier Head or School or I'oroMry Wounded When I'lglitliiR With German Army ci. n,i 1 in.' ldll Hoes not cause any pangs' of conscience or remorse for Dr. C. A. Scheiick. who rormoriy brought his Hilt more school of for estry students to Coos Hay. accord ing to a loiter which has been re ceived from him. Tho West coast Lumberman nrluts tho following I regarding tho doctor who bus many WomlB hero: MOSHlltll iuiuiui 1111 ! j troduced rorostry In the uniieii States, and who Is well known to ( luiiibernion and timber cruisers ti.rniiL'hout this country. Dr. Schenck. now In tho German nrniy, was wounded last December In the fighting around Lodz. In his letter to Mr. KolloRg, ho says: Times havo changed conditions hut they cannot c'.iango men - not you. not me. wo , remain friends." Continuing he wlys: "This war business Is not bad for those thut nro really In It. Tho lite , Ik honlthy. It Is more like cumplng', i In tho winds than anything I over ..,,,.io.,,.r.,i I,. Mil. Kathurlalid. It's. (.-A'. lull. .... ..- - - . i... .,11 -What ImprowoH me the most this: When you shoot .0 kill, you I inrA-rH-i.Nii-do not fool any more or u pang or ANNAPOLIS. .Ml-. J"" i..,. .. ,.f miimnin tlinn VOU 'IllllO Week" OllBcid lit till- .Ml.M do wlion you kill a deer less than , Academy to-lay when .members or that for you do not hoar and see the now first, socmd and third tho pain and struggle for death classes at the Institution embarked which you witness with the uaiiio on 'or. tho battleship Mlskourl. Wis- a hunting trip." cousin and Ohio, composing tin; FA.MOCS PLAClfCLaSHD 'Hiimmor pruetho squadron which v.lll inr awkkiii rrw i i n.r ti.ih.j be under command of Hear Admiral PARIS. June 8.-TI10 roitnuraiit.wmium V. milium. The sduudron .. , ...i.. ,( ,.r n... """" " "" ,llinrtor of the Central Markets, has - ... . .. ,00 closed and will proiiauiy never bo rooiionoil. No resort In tills worm was bolter Known to nig.i mors sou saiuo. and wo ought to pursiio them together. I yield to your desire only because I must, and w.s.i to ... you (Sod-speed on parting. U e shall . .i.i.rl Ifil. lllO Mil 111(1 ...w.iiniu, in work for tho sumo causes oven when we do not work In the same way. "With afroctloiiRtQ regards, sln- ceroly yours.. "Woodrow Wilson." XOTICH, H. P. O. H. All members and visiting Klks -will i,. at the lodge Wednesday night ! be at the touge ...., . ... June 0 Initiation Importan b .. I .. 1ll...i.,A,..l,ial illlllln .. swlfll (111 lilllll U1 I. tf - - " InltlatIon. ImDOrtar, . ,. . . mm MKMIltiltH OK TI1H ASSOCIATHD IMHS8 !BDATTDRPEDOEB;'VILLA FORCES SEVENTEEN DIE Captain of Nematier and His Advices to State Department Wife and Daughter Are I From Vera Cruz Say Tux Among Those Lost I pan Was Taken Sunday First Mate. Pilot and Twelve Sailors Are Missing From I I1C VUSSUI SUBMARINES STILL BUSY Two Norwegian Vesels Trtidvaiuruud ' Superb Are Heported Sunk by ('etniaiiN ami Probably u Third lloat Was Destroyed IXtf AuocLtM rn. lo Com r Tlmw.J LONDON, .Juno 8. -The Helglnn steamer Nematier was sunk by a submarine near North Korohintl. Out of the 2:i persons abroad only six were saved. The captain, his wife and daughter, tho first mate, pilot and I- members of tlio crew lost their lives. TWoTiti:"suxK Norueglan Vessels Trudvang; mill Superb Victims Possibly Another I My Amo.UIo.1 I'm" lo Cuik Ilr Tlmr. LONDON, June 8. Tho Norwe gian vesels Trudvang and Superb were hunk by submarines. Another Norwegian steamer reported (0 be sunk Is the Gllttertlnk. thawlhh shhli.hd German Submarine Sinks lloat the North Sea tllr AwwLti-l I'itm c.i rw rur Time.) Ill HULL. Hnglnnd, Juno S. Tho rnwler Pentium! was sunk lu the orlh Sea by shell fire from a Ger man Mil ininrino. Tlio crew wan saved. M .iapanlkt iiorsi;"or hhphh kh.ntativkk NKAIt VIOI.HXCI) Itcsolullnn Attacking the Cabinet for Interfeirnio With Klcellon, Is Defeated Today Ilr Am.vIiIcI 1'imm In Ciwn llajr Tim?.,) TOKIO, Juno S. An attack of the ........uiiiiu. iii ilin Iioiiho of renreseii- ... rimi'liinl II HtllLIU wlllc.ll I borders on violence. Tho opposition was defeated however, the house r" .., AMI I tM eanir3 VVIl-U COME THROUGH CANAL .Milton CarKoii, or .Mnndifleld, With Hie Heel Wlilili Will VWt The Purine Coast iv LOCAL HOV AHOAHD Milton Carlson, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Carlson, or this city, Is a cudot at the Vnvnl AcmllilllV lit AllliapollS and Is aboard one or tho vim- sols making the cium throiiKU tne caiiui. tint miller way suniiay. oihk , ' . ... rv...l In Si. I. I tiirougn u 1 ....... - , ....!.... 1.1.1 11 rr itiii in rtiui'ii Lilt rrum-.m-u, .-... ... .. --- exposition .. u ov uiAn ..A.NK IN NHW ,,mi,.i w., .... - vmh ,,,. . r (.Msll,,,,. ,, .s.,,,eiliiieiiilci.t or on I. I... ll... dens' il .'inii iihimi" ' Victims or Handlts (Hr Am liwl P- l Cw iwr Ttmt J NHW VOItK. Juno 8. Georgo A. Llstardt. cashier, and Thomas J. Hoyd. superintendent of tho branch . w. t- fL.M.I..nuul til 11 If DOI FPOSITION ROBBERS GET WD 1 orflce of uorum.s ..-.. ", Company, while drvnghrougn ,;,""( hree men and - 'bank wer, l.ed up J JbTS mmm CAPTURE CITI Thomas Mallard and Wife and Infant Child and A. T. Graves Are Wounded OBREGON LOSES HIS ARM Heportcil That, he It Wounded In Guttle at I.0011 When Ho Defeated the Villa Forces Consul Sllll nirn Confirms Victory (nr AllocltllHl IVfl lo ClH'C Il7 TlmM.) WASHINGTON, I). C, June 8. Advices to the Stato Department wero received today from Vera Cruz, transmitted by wireless from Tatn plco, reporting the capture or Tux pan by Villa's forces Sunday. One Hrltlsh citizen was killed and four were wounded during the righting. Consul Sllllniau reported that Ohro gou's victory over the Villa forces at Leon appear to bo confirmed. Ho said It was reported tlmt Genernl Obregon lost his right arm In the fighting. S. P. Jones was tho nanio of the Hrltlsh subject killed at Tuxpaui. Thomas Mallard was badly wound ed ami his wlto and Infant, child were shot through the stomach and A. T. Graves was shot through the spine. Consul Sllllinnn also reported that a udlef train which went yesterday to bring refugees from Mexico City was under the direction or the Hrlt lsh Consul at Vera Cruz, and car ried the llrlllsh Hag. A message from the Consul at San Luis Potosl stated tlmt General Natra had oc cupied Guaiijunlo. Natra lias been In command of a detachment or Vil la noons. Tho Carrnnza agency I claimed today that he had recently been seeking to rejoin Obregon s forces. CLAIMING JAINS OI'I'ICIAL KTATHMHXT MADH TO DAV HV TIIH GHH.MAXK Says That Hnemy Made Heavy Uisses AttempGiiR to Hecapliuo Old Position M; AimrlilKl I'ri-.i lu runt ll Tllnm.) .HHItLIN. June 8. Tho official statement toiluy says: "in the "Western thoatar or war attacks by the enemy on the southern slope .. . ....... itiii.. .....1 ui.iitlt or Noll- iw'ol iireui in"" "ii" "" villi) railed. Southeast or lleliuierne I 11... battle conllniies. All attauk at, ..... Moulin Soirn Toutvent was brought to a standstill by our counter al- tack. At Villa Ail Vols, 1110 enenu imiffered heavy losses In an unsiie- . . ... ... ......... 1 nr,. Ilin nnsl COHHIIII Olion i i'i ,tiou lost III May. Ill tl KnHtom 'ilimitnr of war tho nffonslvo inovil iiieut In tho Shavll district und south of Dubysu Is taking Its course, In tho southeastern theater prlsonors i taken by Von .Macjen.on since Juno first number more than 20,000. Nun' Nowo Nowoszjn Genorul l.lnslngeii again defeated the enemy." IS .MOON AND HAHCLAV SI 11.7.' In Suit l..,iil I'or :"(. Mr. ami Mrs. 'I. II. 1 Harry lso In Couiiler Claims For -SUM) UulMll,m t tho extonl of $1 11 .70 uwur,M ,)y tll0 Jury yesterday afiernoon to eontraelor Moon and iiMi-rhM Iii their suit against Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Harry. They asked lor l"0. cUlmlng that their low was niiiiiiint. W Kill worKinK " ! provH.u.t of Hlghth street, their - ' ,( , JU j,,,,,..,, ""'" """ ' .. .. .. .....r.wi hv Mr. and Mr. Harry who ! claimed thulr property was situated 011 Seventh street, hence not under th Klghth streot project. A counter claim or $100 ror water used by the oiikIiio of the contract- or and for 1800 dkmaiftt allogod to ;"-, ,,., ,inllI., H111i 0 "g Jud J Coke .lis auiv '- - allowed the first and found that the l.ttor had been done bv the port DAMAGE GIVEN TO KEEP UP APPEARANCES A Consolidation of Timet, Coast mill Coos Hay Advertiser. COOS RIVHU HOAT SIVCU Till'. .MCI) I'l.ATS OX Was lttown to South of Channel When Starting on Trip up The Itlver The steamer Hnlnbow when start ing up Coos Hlver this afternoon got stuck on tho mud flat. A henvy wind blow her toward tho south nB she was entering tho channel and she struck In low water south of the channel. She was there for nil hour nnd a half. Tho Mae. Hanger and Allco II. all attached lines and other lioaM wero lu readiness to help. Tlw Hnlnbow got off tho mud about ;t:;!0 p. in. and continued on her trip up the river. BEST EVER WIIHAT CHOP TIIIK VHAIt GHST I.N IIIKTOKV DIG. This Country Will Vlehl Million Hiishcls and Perhaps HohIi 11 Hllllou tllf At.nclllr.1 I'rru In I'oua llr TlniM.I WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno 8. Tho greatest wheat crop thecoiintry lins ever known Is In prospect for the coming harvest. In the forecast today, based on the condition or winter nnd spring wheat Juno I, the redcrut cron reporting board placed the prospective wheat crop at !&(,- ODO.Olll) bushels which exceeds IiihI v.x.r i.v r.s 11110 nun with continued good conditions, the crop might reach a hllllou bushels. THAT IK TIIH PHHDICTHIN MADH 11V KING Ll'DWKJ SajH P'rulls of War Will He In Pre lect HiuHro Against I'litiito Attack (lljr AmikUIM I'rru lo t'u liar Tlmra AMSTHHDAM, Juno 8. Tho ex tension of the German empire be yond the old frontiers to secure agalst future attack Is predicted by King LiiiIwIr of llavarhi lu an ad dress yesterday before the canal l,,,Bi uninllw lot lulMrnm fn.1.1 Munich. "Tho fruits of war." he said "Will ho the strengthening or the empire with 1111 extension beyond the old rrontlnrs as far as necessary to secure it ugnlnst future attack." ELECT SAME GKOItGH L. HIGHI.OW HAKHIt AND C. A. CO.M.MISSIOXHHK 1 . St. .1 is an .Hon Taken Into Tlio Cllv ami Water Meter Law Was Heaten I lljr AiuwUlnl Vim lo t. liar TIhim. POUTLANI), Or., Julio 8. Thr total returns of yesterday's munic ipal election give tor City Commis sioner: George L. linker, 2 1, 1. 'I I; 0. A. Illgelow, 18,010, ami Wil liam Adams, I7,8r.0, thus re-elect-lug tho two former. Thirteen, ran tliilutus wero In the race. ' A. L. Harhur was elected City 'Auditor. Amendments providing ! for tho annexation, of the suburban 1 1 towns or St. Johns and l.liiiiton I passed. Several orilliiaucoM, lucliid I lug one to regulate a nickel rare for 1 union, passed, the only measure do- RAINBOW AGROUND oil EXTEND FRONTIER MEN fealed being tho ones providing ror SI'.CI Itlv.a water meter system, the Sunday I closing or stores and the municipal 1 aarlmgo collcctl'in system. LAND IN GDILTY W. .1. TAVLOH AND It. .1. I.LUIS roXVICTHD l' I'HAI'D Af Vain imver, II. '., Were Tiled rc Selling Oregon Land Which They Did Not Own. I llr Aw Ul4 rr lu Ci f'w I VANCOUVKIt, II. '.., June W. J. Taylor and It. J. Lewlu, eliam dld not belong to them, were con victed today of fraud and seuteuc d wltli selling Oregon laiuli which ed to two years and IS month" re spectively. It Is estimated that thi' - eMarod ,100.000. I M. 14, iJidlef Tamale Sale, 'Wedni'Mlay al M. I Chuivli A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Coos Hay Times Is. A South, west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people and devoted to tho best Interests of this groat section . Tho Times always buosto and noror knocks. Mall No. 273 ES F Russians and Germans In So Deadly a Fight Waterway Is Stopped by Corpses GERMANS ADVANCING - . Cause Russians to Continue Retreat in Galicia and Win ' in Baltic Provinces RESISTANCEJROKEN DOWN Italian Invading Army Still Pro gresses and Austrian 1'o.stpono Hntcrlng a Derisive Hattle Krenrh on Otrenslvo f (nr Awociit.) re., to com n7 Tim.i LONDON, Juno 8. Offlclnt nd vlces from Petrogrnd admit that tho Aiistro-Gernian Torres crossod tho Dniester Itlver nenr Zurnwno In Galicia and ammrently tho HusslnnB are still railing hack along most of tlio rront. A German victory Is nl most as striking as tlmt In anllcla, It Is said lu Merlin, was won In tho llaltle provinces, which woro In vaded several weeks ago by tho Germans. The lliisslnu rcBlstnnco Is said to have hctm broken nown. Hiissla Claims Victory A Petrograd dispatch, however,' asserts the Russians woro victorious lu the bitterest battle of tho cam palgu, fought for control of Dubysa Itlver. It Is said tho fighting was so deadly the river was choked wltU ! the bodies of the dead. ItullaiiM Progress. The Italian forces nre making methodical progress. Apparently tho main body or Invading forces una not yet crossed tho Isonzo IUvor. The Aiistilnns aro still postponing a decisive bnltlo, lu the West tho French continue a vigorous offensive. Tho gains, however, nre not oxtonslvo nnd llorlln claims to havo offsot them at other points, DRIVEWBACu Tl'HKS CLAIM TO IIAVH WON HHCHXT VICTOHIHK " ' ,""1 ,:.""' '" '""' .T'""l" Of Hie Allied Army Was Prevented (llr AMoritl 1T la com nr TIom. AMSTHHDAM, Juno r.. A Con stiiutliiople dispatch says: "Our ar tillery destroyed tho enemy's posi tion near Z.vl llurnu, Noar Boddtil llalir, tho enemy has shown no fur-' ther activity. Our Asiatic coast batteries shelled the village of AJnnes, opposite Mytllen Island. Subsequently tho cuomy nont a steamer filled with soldiers to this port and attempted to romovo somo bontB anchored there. Fire was op ened on the steamor and tho vessel ran ashore. The crulsora retire." I'HHXCII CLAIM TO 1 1 AT 14 A VAXCHD AGAINST GHH.MANH Official Statement Says Two Lines or German Trenches Wero Taken lu Fighting. (llr AmwLI! Tint 1. root nr TlmM.) PARIS, Juno 8. An ofHclat stnliimont this afternoon says; "On tho wotftern slopea of tho plateau of I.orette, the enemy replied to an attack by us with throo violent counter attacks hut without result. Northeast of the sugar refinery at Koucber. wo made further prog ress. At Neiivllle and St. Vaast wo gained possession, as the ros'ilt of violent fighting, a furthor group of homo. Southeast of Ilobutern tin. Curmaiis made four vain coun ter attackH lu an endeavor to recap ture tho positions, they lost. Wo Increased our gain by taking two llnwi of German trenches on a 600- yard fruit." LING VHHV KICK r Aw It4 ft lo Coo. !r TlmM.) ItOAIH. Jeno 8. -Tho Mes aaggero has a war now dispatch from Athens, saying that the condition of the Kink Constantino of Groeco, u varv Kravo. i M. V, lollies' Tiinialo Nt, Utduesday at M. II. Chuivli. DEAD BOD CHOI RIVER IKE SILL GAINS fill realn saloons, 1 l' V