Sjij--. a. MiiimmM MAKi- tf -r.-THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1915-EVENING bUNlUN. n?r FOUR 7 H m. f rfF3i dav TTrc;ri7C '' I $ I COUbbAY IIMBS WITH THE TOAST !j PERSONAL MENTION I AND THE TEA X i I SI. C. MALOXRV, lMltor mid l'uli. ' MAX 12. MAI.ONHV, News Kdllor'X liAiA..r Official Paper of Coos County Official Paper City of Miirtdiflcld. j 1 Entered lit tlio Posfofflca lit Marsh- fi.ii.1. flmffnn tnr transmission w0w.., .... - , . thrcuch tlio malls na second-class null matter. SUltSCIIII'TlOX JtATtiS DAIIiV. Otio year $C.0Q Pit month 60 WKKKIiV. Ono year $1.50 Whon paid strictly In advanco tho subscilptlon pilco of tho Coos Hay Times is ?G.0O per year or ?2.G0 for six months. good uvi:xixg You will find iiB "it look O IiiipU iitiiin vour life Hint tho moments that stand out obovo everything else nro thoso whon you hnvo done things In n Miiirit of lno. Druminond. o$$ ; tin fillltlintl .. rr,,i TMtmn tnu ' IJrJI. T 1. 1 1 I IU I. Ul l wun iinuii .. down this morning on n business till,. of offers of Rood poHltlomt nlnce hla retirement hire but for tlio tlmo being will not leuvo th Hay. An Independent Republican nows paper, published overy evening ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by 'Clio Coos Hay Tlmea Publishing Co. Address all communications to COOS IIAV DAIIiV TISIHS. Till: JI().MK.STi:.KU My stakes arc driven deep Into tlio sod. My plow has turned n furro.v thru tho loam, My tent gleams whoro tho cictitfl flowers nod; 'Unit's all but, stranger, It Is Home. Perhaps my eyes shall some day &;e ernnt trnns Xod o'er tho spot whero unchecked winds now whine; Perhaps, In yen ih to conic, tho vag rant breeze "Will whisper round n miuislon, mlno nil niliio Perhaps, beneath n not unkindly fate, My throw against tho desert's spell shall win, So ho who lingers at my outer gnto Sliull know prosperity Is housed within. Hut whether all my dreams shall be In vain, And whether gods of chance nod nyo or nay, Como hiiii or shadow, drought or welcoiuo rain, My stakes and tent and plow spell Homo today Selected A PItAYKIl I aBk not for ti selfish Joy, 0 Lord, Hut rather let me Joy to others boar; Uso Thou my hands to grant tholr htiniblost prayer; Teach mo to gently touch each bro ken chord. In Thy great world 1 would not miss a song, And yet my heart would comfort those who weep. The wild bird's lay tho wind's car ess I'd keen With laughter of n child to melt tho wrong. I.-ul I'jo to know Thy ?i!l In pc tor In pain, Tie tilunmh of n soul sorono In strife; Ho thou my strength; and grant that nil my Ufa liny show what seems but loss ns sill h puro gain. I'KVN'K HOWHOX Is n visitor In I lie lty today from his ranch at I.tikn-tide. DR. K. K. STRAW returned today on tho Xann Smith from San Fran Icsco whero ho went to make prep anitlons for the coming of tho lo cal order of Mooso mi the bin Moose Day In July. ,1. r.. AASI-3X roturned to Cotjulllo on the morning train utter u short visit here. . I,. SMITH, county agriculturist, scamo over today on tho stage from C'ouullle. '. 11. PAOIO Is hero from Portland ngalii railing on tho trade for n few doys. .MRS. T. T. SPAUMHXG left yester day for Ktigcnc, her husband, who Is traveling auditor for tho Ore gon Industrial and Accident Com mission going to HrooklugH, Cur ry county, to look after matters there. i$$?5 When a man remembers tnerc are 2, 000,000, 000 people In the world be ,oi tiers why tro'iblo happens to pick him out and make lilm tho goat. oil ix vi:sti:rx oihtjox If somo Coos Hay men would do voto as much energy to hard work as they do to cussing tholr luck they wouldn't have anything to cuss about. A woman's mighty queor, by jlng! I'or, be alio thin or stout, Sho'll wear horsolf out worrying About what sho'll wear out. A. K. CROUCH, chief flro warden of Coos County, Is hero from Coqulllc on business. MRS. .1. HLUKORI) DAVIS wns down this inornhrg from her Coos Riv er homo shopping 0. A. MIXTOXYK, CoquUlc business iniui, rnnchcr mid booster, is here today on business. . P. MASTNUS nntl h. O. Mnsters were lsltors In tho city last even ing from Sumner. j to 4 , uii 4K r jnari jpl Sf-4 "TO A I IJCil if inraw a H SS 1 liM tt-il RUKOltn TURXER, n mnchlnht of Hamlon, drove over to the truck meet today In his "Red Oovll," a ono sealed long bodied machluo of oo his own maiiufaclure. He sns that his machine is so light it will tniv- el most any rond. 'o 1)11. 1AT1I1JR R. 1Y0TT left for Portland on tho early morning ? stage nftor dellvorlnit tho itrnd- tinllon ntldross for tho Marshflold nntl tho North Hontl high schools. Ho will arrive In tlmo to prench tho sermon In his church on Sun day. GKO. J. ANDERSON of Richmond. Va., Is oxpected hero shortly to If you want to know the road conditions, call 373T or drop in at Goodrum's Garage and you can ? the information you desire Automobilists II. H. nONAIlin enmo down on the Hronkwntor this morning and to day Is calling on his drug store trade. If a Coos Hay girl wants you bad- pauhxtly wnli fnttiidi.d rn. I !' oiioiigh she can twist a remark i ports of oil Indications an- rot about the wonthor Into u proposal. Infrequent In Wostjui Oregon, I I .1 ....!.. 1 I...I ... .1... I iiiiu mii'pu iiJi"ii iiihu I'Jii in im t a uiqiCH iiiiu tin milium in iiiiiuriiiiitu , nrivi'mv ioif 'rill.' ittv I may sonio time ho iniiilo iero. This. I i ''' lim ""' "-11 I hopo has been strengthened by tlio - general similarity of this country to Tho linker may u wonder be, tlio oll-bcarliig regions of Callfornl.i. Aml wmt j sny g0, I.lttlo encoiiraginent. howova-. Ig Klv-' ., . . . .. .,... whv en this belief by the geologht.. of tlio,n,lt ul,on " lmH t" """? W1 t lilted States (Jeologlcal survey. I 1 It he kneads the dough? . In Homo places In western Oiigonj tho rocks couliilu tiny gloi.uli's of (.II.i lf BI)1U0 of tho .,,, jir,L. lm,i nays a ropoit that has Just ben Is- ..... , ... ,. sued by tho survey, and in others ,u " l0 '"' ovur "K"1'1 ll,e "U"M they are cut by veins of so' 1 1, brltHn select April L as a moro iipproprlule oil residue, but nowhere Is ll-pild oil i wedding day than Juno J. known to seep out at the surface. The solid residues ludlcato only that oil ,, .... .... . ., ... ... was at one time presonl In tin rocks. Tlicro Isn't anything tu the world but It does not necessarily Menu that "her than u pretty Coos Hay girl oil occiirH In quantity In tho rocks at uIhi nlu manufacturo a blush wlth the present time. The iilnei.c,. of oil , Mmng ,, iier luiu.l batf for seeps Ih tho most discouraging feat- ,, hid In this field, for the locks lire.1"0 "" so broken that It seems highly lin-' probable that much oil mimM iccuri XOTH'I', In them and still not leak n. the! The exuciillve committee of the Hiirrace anil form seeps. The iioimIMI-i Marwhfleld Chiiinber of Comment! ' ' ""'"B ' " tinning W meet Friday afternoon til C.'iO iTgiutlud us slightly favorable In a and the general meeting of the few plates In Coos. Douglas. I.lnciiln ' Ciliiimlier will be hold Friday ee aud l.auo Counties, but even tluro t '" I""" HI'. I!l '''. ' iS o'clock. the chances are not good. " ", '"'inosicii u. ai an men mors I IIU n 111 U IM V. K. CONWAY nntl his futlior-lu-low, A. Osborg, left yosterday to visit Hamlon and other Coqulllo vnlley points. NOVIA I.AXDRITII, son of the coun ty Jailer, came over today anil will spend his vacation with Fred Kent on Coos Rlvor. V. I). HIJAUMKU wns n visitor hoio Inst ovonlng coining over from Huiitlon In his big Iliilck and ro turned there today. i & , 5o Join his son, (leo. R. Anderson, in ft oo Everybody will be out Sunday trying out the roads so you had better add another lo the list ore St 's YM Cs the Coos liny Stationery Company nntl ninko his home on tho Hay. lie Is now at San FrnnclKco, tnklng t In tlio Exposition after having vis ited tho San Diogo l-'alr CARI, IIIIJAIiai'311, Floyd Rose. Hert Mosalos, C. W. ICaruer mid Win. Hills loft with a pnrty of carpen- tors this wcok for Powers where nicy win erect n rosidonce for D. O. Wolcott. Mr. Wolcott Is build ing tho hoiiHo for C. R. Dliidlng- or, agent for tho local rnllwnv tit i rowers. . AITOS TO IIAXIIOX 0 iv I Xeiv l.lnc Stnils Tomorrow anil Runs ' Over Hemli Road 0 Dick Rlchnrds has started a new drop in and let Goodrum look over your car and supply you with the things you might wanL gargscg-A.mfcugacs- ooorMiii s iaffslhiffiieHcL Oreaoira GaraLP1 auto line from Mnrshfleld to H.m- J5??fro'C.52Joio?'S'il?oSd4??v? .mi iiiiu niu iiiaiio mo irips on me i coast road whoro there is nb jiiuj! 3 iaajmnwtumnmx.ii ttuurMrtu CIIAItMiS JKNSKX nntl family have , ow. ne wir t.nrry 0iy t,.,.CP'1 gone down to Charleston Hay for pamrs at a tlmo and savs that n few days on an outing and arnhn run loavn .Mn.-.iinM t i reach Hhiidon about 11 a. m., give j ! linfthmttirni'u linmu i.. .u.... . staying In their cabin thorc. It costs one cent a word to tell your story oath day in Tho Times want columns I pnHsungoiH several hours to trail !, inns A n U i b LORIES' FORTY wns up from Port mvt i1Binoig antl eavo ltall,,0 t Orforrt last evening and loft this -j -,.iock ,,, ',ll0 nf,ornoon nil(l ,.. Homing together with S. II. Whit lctt, the Ford agent tit Haudor. rive at .Marshficld about (! o'elock. TPo coast road Is u highly sconlc mi and Is now In good condition for MRS. J. S. STirimi.F.F! F.U) came .mVel. Richard tried the road out homo this morning rroin u quick tllIay nilll wI lurl , lhe ri,,u trip to Portland, having gone uii i run it morrow. Oil tho lllSt trip of the Hrimkwn., !.. " V I PALACE MARKET ' RETAILS MEAT AT WHOLESALE PRICES ARTHUR IIOOTOX mid Ray Hums are hero from Coqulllo us uiom-j bers of tho high school track team I taking part In the meet of this' afternoon 11 Ik requested that ..II. .11.1 .....1 KUULI l.l t. .. . ! (iiivnii .lint iiobibi ill Seeps of oil have been reported In 'this Chamber, practically every county In Western I ! Oiiw.ii. but most of the material ... , WELL, LOOK WHO'S "USEE! TIIAYKR (1RI.MKS nntl Initio nro ex pected to leave New York nboiit June 1" for San l'rauclsco and MHishflelil iiccordliiK to word re ceived from there. Spscld Sale Of FOLGER'S GOLDEN GATE TEA One week only June 7th to 12th Hcrlbetl ns oil proved on luvestlK'ttlmi to be only Iron oxide, n Miibst.iuce which when present In water in mi nute amounts forms an Irredosceut scum that looks very much lllei .tu oil film. Iiiflaiiimiible mis otfeapos from es tuaries anil MWiimps along the cunt and has been reported In one or two deep wells. The gas found In Hi.. swiiiiipM has no relation to pctiolmini but Is formed by (ho demy of vege table matter buried In the mud. 'Pd amount found at any one plttro In I never very great, and oul enough lor very local use can be cpecu.'. i The khk Is iisutl tit present In oik. or i two place to light fnrinhiiiii.f t one place enough being collected dur ing (lie tiny to run a burner fcr fj;n hours. The gas that H found In deee vvel'i Is legaitlwl by tho goveiuiiient getd oglsts it k more algulflcaiit, ocnime It romes out or tlio aolld rock Ju,-t as does tho gtu In the large produclim Held. A careful survey of nl! s. i h I.I1HVVII oecurieucoa In the weUi"i 1'iut of the stale, however. Indlcatis thai the I'liaucea of iIiiiIIiik niiiiral gas in commercial qiiauililes -lie t--treinely icuiolc. Times vMint ads bniiB results. WliONa, IT'S KOT JOHN D. No, It Isn't John D. Tho furrowed brow of this strango Individual, the , sharp, Mparkllug , eyos, tho wldo mouth, the thin lips and Inst but I rot least, tho almost total absence : of hair where tho hat la worn, aic all utrlklus characteristics of the world famed "Oil King," hut It Un't he To oaso your mind, It may ho 1 .MR AXI) MRS T. C. RUSSKU,. ofi ' u..ou' V,"VU lUcl "MliRUI Ulcll the. Heaver Hill mine, returned I 1110 tea IS WOrtll tllC PHCC homo today on the Hroakwuter. nnn ,, , ,. Mrs. Itusaell has been oast to Vvo. OnC-lialf OlIllCl tlHS 25c niliig to visit hor parents. , OllC pOUnCI tillS 50c Five-pound tins $2.50 V. ('.. IIIXDMAKSII wiib iliuvn vn. ' terdny and today from Xorth'in- Refjlllar prJCC )ei' pOlllltl, 80C let niul tins morning directed In Wq are )l'epnrC(l tO iirv reiiiiiviii in iiio 1 11 us I rum uiu Hieakwnter at Xorth lluiul. llolllng Iteef Leg i,f Million 11c 16c Choice Pot Cliolco Slitutliter Itiuisi Pork HtiiiHts 14c 15c Choiro Kill Cliolco Slitmttlcr Riinst Pink Chops 16c 16c Itouiitl Siciks Chtdco Hlli or 1 Qq .olii Pork Chops Sirloin stfitlis "JQc 18C i('i' l'iirk '""'In .tliittiiu Htew 16C 10c l'a' ';u',v 'liulco Shoulder "1c Glutton lin.isi Cliolco Shoulder Aq ' 'ool Kuiiit Cliolco l.olii "40 Mutton Ikiw ' l.oln Vtyil Ro.iNt 18c 18c mm i i i i mwLm gn 0mjf isal 'oceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef- finlnnr rlnikR-r-hninp mil of tho hiHi rnnf rlictrf orvi kecpina; our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness maKes Conner & Hoagland The LeatliiKj Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries I 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 your orders. p ( K liL '. - t y I JAMFS II. POIillKMUS and wife enmo up yesterday from Kinplro. They were nrcoiiipauloJ v.'jy her mot her, Mrs. Wilson, who Is here from the The Dalles for a short lslt. wmn cash : GROCERY I . J. J. ItrilHIlinaF left cm tho after noon boat and will spend two or three days In the Tan Mllo district on business, though he Mid h wouldn't refuse tho chance tu catch n trout or two. In addition lo cliolco itiaJlly lYodi me.its, o iilso carry n lli'M-rliis-, line of llniiiv, Itiu-oii, Irfiril, PJckleil Poik niul Mil kind.-, of Siiiimikos hi minted pi'hc. PALACE MEAT MARKET ' l Xoitli llioiiiluny. Phono HUM, PK.WV ( ll.X(..J WlMWVMi k Sure How Yoor Meat is Kept Win he .niiii'o.-ii' i nl Hit' sniniticr sciisoii. Ollr UHi Stii'aj?i plant hecniiH'S iiuhv than everu factor that every moat consumer should consider. The fold Storage plact it nil HenmiiH or the your permits the meat to be properly kept 5d ripened before being delivered to the column cr but lo the tmnrT aeuaon when tho fllea an I hiiiihIiIiui thie.iten rriRli meat, jou il"il be sure about the kind of meat you arc KcltliiK In nddltlon to our tiaiial ex client meat Miiity. tills week we Lh Hoiuu very fine clilckein!. nprlng liunbH and f .ch pork. THE UNION MARKET Jw E. Ford & Co. Phone 50-J. 174 South Broadway. 86 COMMERCIAL AVE. Phone 433. TO '"A' .? .ll'XK 1111. PORTLAM) VIA I'l.ORHNCK Auto Stnue Slii'tlulo It . WKRNK'll who recently re tired manager uf the Xonlt Hend Sanb and Door Fnitorv n a Miimliflidd liulne-H lltor e unlay, lie lias reielved n numbi r I fc.S ONLY niF MC-DiriNU .Akl .... J. .A.. .''.. .' .'Z--.'-' .".," '.'7" "' ' LljllNCi IN' tflttlUJIUM The First Principle of Good Health Ono Krcot moillcat ninlioilty iiu cliirin Unit dIiikkUIi Iiuwi'Im ntv Hid caimu of mom limn half Hid lllu tlmt lilMlct inaiiklnd. A cuimUiiHUil con tlllloii iiulrkly ufr.ol iho llvi-r and ellui uiuuiiv, ho Umi linliirovilitii una rpimtlimUim nri ko.hi fullouoil hy lil ItiilviifitK, IuiuIu.Ikh, cIiiomIo ViiI I'ltuUi ami n Ki-m-ittlly illui ranged ClLlitlOH(jttlO)tU!H. l'uluy Cntliurtlii Tdl.lMt n nil I'lfal hyiilr, fur tholr anion la w link bollix niul tlioriuiKlily oU-hiiiIiik, ulili nut urlilmr. imiimH or liu'inucul, m-... Tliey ItiviKorulu uiul ulu'iimlu'ii tho liuvvfl nrlliiii uiul 11 tt"l vffvit en tliu Mteimirli anil llvor. I. U l.cMjy. (lio.'ii llay, wis, write: "Fur u Iuiik limp 1 aurroreil from IHlllktiliMtlon liu.1 llwtr Ir.uil.U. Kuililnif utiiiio tu liilp ma. I nnully Hiuuriiu ia uiu 1 rtUTJOIIND MAN AITCAII . C0NYCRT4i"AeUA.Hcc (MUTUAL) I Btatetl (hat the nrvnnrv.iyiiiR plio- ' terrnpli in Hut if n oil cIik man," I a member of tl.o tribe i.f Itolluucc- aiiijei.liii lmllnni who ilfrure prom I Inemly la (! hotot I iv. "The Huron Coi.cit.." dlmcd by the He- llnuce studio fu u'.ouso In tho ' nark Cloud, a mem'-vr cf tho tribe nntl well known tj renvv f.ina of 1 ltellant e release, wrete the ncenarlo of "Tlio Huron fonvertr." baainc It on a letfcn.l handed do vn to him by bin unreatom 1 1 ;!to piny a pioiitlncnt inn (n t1' I'mtiipliy. lcuril Co ley nalliarll lakM I have ev.r imvj AMd Uitfr uffast nm iilwMd to atutu tliey liavy eurd iir are inu nutiai UU U'I euraa tie to U iiulvk and nurv," COOS ll.W TI.MKS I I WAR MAPS. TEN CENTS I HIV AN nvro.TIIH.MIM'TK WWII .MAP WHIMS THIS j Sl'PPl.V LASTS j They .it (Jolnj; Fast $ NOTICE i Effective June 1st, 1915 Cream 20c per pint' Whip Cream 20c per pint Milk 7':.c per quart Buttermilk 10c per gallon Butter 30c per pound I Ice 50c per 100 i Special prices for larger j quantities COOS BAY ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. i Phone 73. Deliveries at 8:30 a. m. 1 antl 2:00 p. m. daily 1 o28 iaassissfisffss: MtTlM'ttOMGOtf Hates to You CO rooms, por day ..$1.00 100 rooms with bath .$1.50 100 rooma with bath $2.00 2uo largo rooiuH. with bath $2.50 Fxtra persou In i oiuu, additional . . .$1.00 T.enve .Mui-wlilhdil nntl i-'hironro Tiumlty 1 jj.oo n.m. Wednesday 2 r.:00 a.m. Thursday 3 0:00 a.m. ni,luy I C:j5 a.m. Saturday fi 9:00 a.m. s"lny 10:00 a.m. Monday 7 11:Q0 a.m. Tueailay 8 12:00 111. Wednesday 2:80 a.m. Thuraday 10 g;30 a.m. Friday 11 joo a.m. Saturday 12 -1:80 a.m.' Sunday 13 6:00 a.m. Moutlay 11 B.-00 a.m. INDEPENDENT AUTO SERVICE Leaves ."Mnrxliflold nt ltusy Corner 10:00 11.111. 2:00. p.m. 5:00 p.m. Ionvefl North Hew 15 iiitn ntOM Inter Multifield Xoitli Itcutl Kinplro Tarheel Sim-ct liar Tueaday 15 Wednesday 1C Thurgclay 17 . . l'rlday IS ... Saturday 19 , , Sunday 1'0 Monday 21 Tueaday 22 . . Wednesday 23 Thursday 21 . 5:00 a.m. . .. . 5:00 a.m. . . . . 5:00 a.m. .... 5:00 a.m. .... 0:00 a.m. . ... 7r00 a.m. . ... 9:00 a.m. .. . .10:00 a.m. ...11:00 a.m. . ... 3:80 a.m. vori.i, ATTKNI) Tin: HUMS I'HSTIVM. mid jour fi lends vll 1 there. ."viiiKe jour luHtiliiunrtviii m ihu ho. ltd. All plrwaun' nntl iiuvetilrnc lomliliie in iiwl.-n I'liSST ('IU)U'R. Friday 25 8:00 Satunlay 2C 8:30 a.m. 8,,,lllay 27 uso a.m. Monday 28 5:00 a.m. Tuesday 29 5:00 a.m. uequesday 30 .... 8:00 a.m. f a c3f.".aa?gxc3C5gaH EL tit i f ..,. .- t...t,u nn.WKL In nny qM i mo linn- iiuiiui7ii iu i...n. nrlCfl' from plltt In our yard or in carload lota, at following l l'-rom pile on ground, $2.vr. por yard. jUjl , .... ..b.. frnm cars. S2 0f"' I unnuiiti iuii i" Itetnil Heparliuont. C. A. Smith Lumber &Mf Opjioslto l'ost. Office. 1'llOllf ' jr n vimm Abstracts l-Olt IIKI.IAIU.W AHSTI1ACTS OK 'TITLK AMI AHOl'T cci(v. rav RFAI f.STATE. See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO, ... rItl .fiO. SIAHSIIU'IKM) ANH COQl 'II.I.K i" "" pjgfp GBXEIUTi AGKXTS, TASTSinK AMI hl'--u'V ,,nVn b&W AGKNTS roil CANADIAN I'AUI iv ,k"V" mmviiv KVSTACKK.V, MANAGEH "wniaiww T Autos are now runulng througU. i 1 11T16S un 1 np leaving Marahfleld before 7:00 a. m. you ahould make Port land name day. Vant Ads BringRf on,., tlic nnns Bfti '1 DHIWU TUUK JUb r'KINIINU IU t,iU ww HTTTTI