BMPIHIHK!H!lflH8fwffiMfaw3ciik THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON', THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1915 EVENING EDITION. FOUR :ra mm K CELEBRATE? SUHEflMEW AGENT IS HERE MERCHANTS AUK HF.SPONSIVR KAY COMMITTKKMNN TODAY Pledge Money And (iiinmntcc That Mfirshricltl Will Have Plenty of Firo Crackers Yo scribe peored Into the door of the Woolen Mills Btoro where George II. Rotnor was gaily displaying still more gay tics for tho summer trade. "Aro wo going to have a Fourth of July celebration?" Yo scrlbo was rut short. "Going to have a celebra tion! Man Alive, how enn wo help it. Thata what I want to know. Have one? Well, say, dan n fish swim? Now listen, Hints old stuff, we're going to have ft celebration and you can bet your last year's straw hat on thai." All riled up ho was at such a ques tion and apologies wore accepted af ter a short parley. And then canio the explanation. All about the city the oFurth of July committee went yesterday. They visited tho butcher, the banker and tho shoemaker. "Not a turn down in tro whole lot," says Mr. Hotnor, "nnd what do you think of that for spir it." Again today the committee was at work. Success Is theirs tlioy say. "Not tho biggest wo over had. Who expects It this year though?" soy tho committeemen. "We're going to havo plonty of flro crackers, some ball games, somo more races, reg ular thrlllors those, Oh yes and then maybe wo'll havo a potato raco open air dance, a parade tho band out, oh well, all tho celebration that our old forofathers novcr thought of, thats what wo'ro going to have." So through tho week this commlt tco Is busy. For a starter they say that each of tho bnnls havo contrib uted liberally for tho causo and would'nt huvo "hollored" If asked for more, And it Is In tho spirit of Rood will and optimism that Marsh field Is making preparations for a good old Fourth of July. Holiduv ut .Mill Gonoral Superintendent Moreen an nounces that tho Smith mills will closo down Friday night, July 2, and r.craaln closed until Tuesday morning. A. II. Powers announced that tho Smith-Powers logging camps would close Thursday night, July 1 and ro main closod until Tuesday morning, July G. This will onablo tho employes to como on spoclal trains Friday morning and return Sunday and Mon day as thuy ploaso. Two or three dayB will bo given ovor to tho colobratlon, though this Is a point to bo left uusottled until tho mooting of tho Chamber of Com merce on tomorrow ovonlng. Tho com mittee today said that all efforts will ho mnile to again secure Harry Klm 'ball to manago the colobratlon. THEODORE HERGMANN, n Port land shoo manufacturer, has re turned from ii trip Into tho Val ley and to Curry County on busi ness nnd came over on tho train last ovcnlng. C. R. WADE, a prominent nttornoy of Dandon, accompanied by Mrs. Wade, arrived hero last evening. This morning Mr. Wade left for Salem where ho has business be fore tho Supromo Court, while his wife will visit hero with her hIs ter, Mrs. James Cowiin. NOTICE OF A1XNUAL SCHOOL MEETING ' Notlco Is horuby given to tho lo gal voters of School District No. 1), of Coos County, Stato of Oregon, that tho Annual School Meeting for Bulti District will bo held at Cen tral School nuildlng, to begin nt the honr of 7:30 o'clock P. M on tho third Monday of June, lielug tho 21st day of Juno, A. I) I tun. This meeting is called for tho pur pose of electing one director to servo for tho term of threo years nnd one clerk to serve for tho term of one year and tho transaction of business usunl at such meeting. Dated this 2nd day of June, lUlfi. Attest. John F. Hall, District Clerk. A. 11. Powers, Chairman Hoard of Directors Watch T,etwi In lij -inllo Friday. That Graduation Present Will be Right if it Comes From The Red Cross For Girls BRACELETS WATCH BRACELETS BROOCHES RINGS LAVALIERS EAR RINGS KODAKS MESH BAGS, ETC. THE QUALITY GIFTS Jewelry Department RED CROSS DRUG STORE PHONE O. 1. IirHNKTTK IS ASSISTANT TO AOHNT STUHIt Comics From Monterey Office to At tend to HiinIiicss of North Paci fic .Steiinmlilp Company 0. 1). Uurnctte, of Monterey, Cal ifornia, has arrived here to take the position ns nssistant agent for the North Pacific Steamship company, operators of the Kilburn and the Santn Clara. For several years Mr. Uurnctte was agent of the company at iuonicrcy, previous iu inu menu- ulna ' Intlon of the now service to CoB'MIS3 IDA MATTSOX of CatchlnB In Hny and Portland when tho office there w closed. Monte, ey Hay ranks high as a fish ing ground, says Mr. Rurnetto. In tho last few years there has been erected several big fish canneries. Much attention is being paid to tho sardlno Industry and perhaps more of theso little fish aro caught there than In any other place on tho Paci fic Coast. Two million cases were packed and shinned from there last season. In, great schools tho sardines flock In to tho liny. Formerly tho people used to catch them off tho Monterey docks with snag hooks, catching 40 or CO within n fow minutes time. Tho schools enmo In so closo to tho shoro that often tho water was black with them, a fact that brought tho whales In for their annual feasts. Salmon fishing and canning has also taken a boost there. About 10,000 barrels were sent from there last season. MISS LAURA KRUSE AND W. J. CONRAD MARRIED Popular Young: Couple Iicavo On Fnily Stugo For Two Weck Honeymoon nt Fair Miss Laura Kruno, at tho homo of her parents Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Kruso of North llend, was last ovonlng mnrrled to W. J. Conrad, one of the most popular young men of this rlty. Tho ceremony was porrormed by Row Father McDovltt. Tho brldo was attended by her sis ter Miss Lena Kruso and tho groom by W. C. Swain as tho best man. On I Ittimnillnln fnlnniln tifitrt lirtiiliillt ho ma lane. Immediately a er- wards tho groom slipped away from his Elk frionds and tho brldo follow- ed shortly hut wns discovered In tho act of leaving and entertained until tho nowly made husband returned. f $ X LOCAL OVERFLOW X ?? Itiiys Fort!. Win. Halo of tho L. L. Thomas storo Is tho proud pos sessor of a new Ford touring car. Autos to Coqulllo Lynn Lambeth snld today that they would resume the Coquille-Mnrshfleld auto stago Borvlco tomorrow Ray Martin wns nblo to got through with his Ford yesterday nnd again today with good passongor loads. Takes FAiimluntlons. Twenty flvo pupils of the Mnrshflold eighth grado arc today taking tho statu examina tion for graduation. It is expected thcro will be 37 graduates, 12 of which havo received honors and aro exempt from examination. Thcro will bo no exercises for them at tho closo of school. Tho examination is boing conducted by Mrs. R. E. Waito and the pnperH will bo corrected by the county board. Medical .Men .Moot. Tho Coos and Curry County Medlcnl Association met this morning In Coqulllo for n discussion of topics Interesting to tho profession. Dr. George Dix and Dr. Mlngus, of Marshfleld, woro pres ent, tho entire number being 12, Tho next meeting will ho held tho last Thursday In July In Myrtlo Point. Propollor Stolen, Deputy Gnmo Warden Thomas this morning was traced a propollor wheel that had boon stolon from the hack porch of his home In North Ilond. Somo tlino ago ho sought u propollor for his gas oline boat and took one homo to try out. He found It didn't fit and left It on tho porch nnd when ho wont for It later found It hnd been stolen. Ho traced the wheel and round that a hoy had sold It to tho Nelson Iron WorkH, Tho wheol wns at oneo re turned to Mr. Thomas and now an effort Is being made to find tho youth who disposed of the wheel. MRS. EDW. E, DYER wns very ng reality surprised when her father J. S. (Ireenleo nrrlvcd last Fri day from Vlctorvllle, California, to spend tho summer with hop. Mr. Greenlee spent tho summer with his daughter threo yeais ago and mado many friends, who aro glad to v.olromo him hack. For Boys WATCHES CHAINS CHARMS ' FOUNTAIN PENS WATCH FOBS TIE CLASPS SIGNET RINGS MILITARY BRUSHES KODAKS, ETC. 122 J J PERSONAL MENTION X $ L. J. POST will leave tomorrow for I'owcrs. JOHN AASEN Is over from Conulile today for a Hhort visit. MRS. NELSON of Catching Inlet was a Marshfleld shopper yesterday. W. IL SHOUT was In the city yes terday and today from Lnkesldc. MISS MYRTLE SMITH was a vis itor her today from her homo nt Ash. GKOROK ROOK camo down today from Loon Lake to do somo shop let Is n guest at tho Henry Illack home In South Mnrslineld. ALFRED DAYNES returned to hfs camp above Allegany today on tho afternoon boat. CHARLES H. KROEOER was n visi tor hero today from his home at Allegany. T. J. HALLANTYNE Is down from North Fork for a short stay, visi ting nnd shopping. WILLIAM CROSS moved his family to Daniels creek todny where he ald-Vaughan camp. E. N. SMITH, u promlnont timber man of Bnndon, camo over last evening from tho south. CARL ALDRECHT will leave over land tomorrow for Portland and other northern points on business. A. II. POWERS came In yesterday from Powers for a short stay. He Is suffering from n sovcre cold. SHERIFF ALFRED JOHNSON who has been in tho city on business left this morning for tho county scat. O. D. DURNETTE, of Monterey, hns nrrlvcd here to become nssistant ngont of the North Pacific Steam ship Company. R. E. MILLER, superintendent of tho dredge Seattle, left for n short business trip to Coqulllo this af ternoon. DR. EVERITT MINGUS nnd Dr. Geo. Dix were visitors In Coqulllo this morning attending tho meeting of t''o county medicos. REV. LUTHER II. DYOTT, who speaks at tho commencement ex ercises this evening, Is rcglstorod at Tho Chandler Hotel. niSTUICT ATTORNEY L. A. LIMB QVIST returned to tho County seat this morning after attending to tho game caso hero yesterday, ARUY NASnURG expects to leave 0I1 tll0 Nann Smlth gatur(lny for San Francisco to join Mrs. Nnsburg and the children for a visit thcro MRS. CARL SMEDIJERO and son, John, woro Marshfleld visitors yes terday, coming down from tho ranch on Catching Inlet. CLAUDE NODLE, n promlnont young Ten Milo ranchor, camo In yestor day to look after business in con nection with tho Noblo cstnto. HARRY GORDON expects to leavo on tho Nann Smith for San Francisco where ho will confer with n shoo representative for tho fall stock. HERUERT BRADLEY, son of W. C. Hrndley, who has boen spondlng tho pnst fow montlm In Portland Is expected homo soon. W. C. BRADLEY nnd his mother-In law, Mrs. A. D. Traer, aro moving from Third and Anderson to nn apartment In tho now Langworthy apartments In South Marshfleld. MRS. CARL SMEDUURG with her son, John, or Catching Inlet, Is visiting nt tho homo of her par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Black, on Fifth street. C. N. MURDOCK and his wife, tho latter a slstor of R. O. Graves, havo loft for Salt Lake, being call ed there hurriedly in regard 'to a carp In which Mr. Murdock is In tel ested for tho Department of Jus tice. MR. AND MRS. W. J. CONRAD loft on tho enrly morning stago for San Francisco via Eugene where they are to Bpcnd their honey moon of two wcoks, MRS. E. M. SPAULDING returned today from a two-weoks' visit to Portlnnd and to her homo In La Grnndo. While In tho Roso City sho bought tho fall nnd summer goods for tho Spnuldlng (i, 10 nnd lfi cent storo. MRS. GEORGE SNYDER nnd child ren moved to Daniels Creole today where Mr. Snyder who preceded them is employed In tho McDon ald and Vnughnn camp. Mrs. Bo znnsou nccompnuled them for a soveral days visit. L. R. BAILEY, an old friend of J. L. Brlce, arrived hero yestonlny from Rosonbtirg, Texas, to locate on tho Bay. Ho has boon engaged In tho Jewelry business, about fifty miles west of Houston nnd reports busi ness rather quiet thcro. II. S. MURPHY returned last evening from Camp 1 on South Coos River whore ho wont yestonlny to inves tlgato tho death of tho Austrian, lso Grozdanle who was crushed bo ncath u log that ho wns bucking. Snveral employees of tho camp wore questioned. MISS EVA SCHROEDEH, of Coqulllo has returned from nn extended va cation trip nnd visit with friends and rolatlves In Eurokn and other sections of California including tho San Francisco fair. lr. H. E. KEITY, DENTIST Phono nti-J, Room 110 1, Coke bli!Sl ' iii TELEPHONE SERVICE TO POWERS We aro pleased to announce to our patrons tho extension COOS AND CURRY TELEPHONE CO. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING KIDNAP THE BRIDE W. J. CONRAD ESCAPES ELKS VIA KITCHEN DOOR Part of Herd Descend on Nculyweds in North Bend to Rid Them 4 God .Speed Like wolves of old that descended on the fold several car loads of Elks last night mado their way into tho Kruso homo In North Bend whllo tho last strains of "Oh Promise Me" woro still 'fluttering nbout and de manded to sea tho brldo nnd groom. Mrs. and Mrs. W. J. Conrad, blush ing, .mado their appearance and greeted tholr friends. But Conrad early became suspic ious of knowing winks exchanged be hind backs and whllo tho health of tho couple wns being pledged slip ped quietly out the kitchen door nnd disappeared In the dnrkness. A fow minutes lntor tho bride, accompan ied by her brothcr-in-lnw fled via tho sam'o route, but by that tlmo Conrad was locked In nn apartment in tho Myrtlo Arms. Finding their quarry escaped tho Elks instituted a search. Two blocks away Earl Powell, L. L. Thom as nnd "Bill" Chandler found tho young lady in question with her brothor-ln-law John Mullen, who had somewhere secured a baby car riago to ward off suspicion. Like good nmntour detectives the two Elks spied their game nnd tho brido was kidnapped and taken to tho Elks Iddgd rooms and thcro en tertained until tho groom mado his appcaranco shortly after midnight, Thcro was a little but Joyful ban quet in tho wco sma' hours and tho couplo wero given n hearty good byo with many congratulations. Several wore loft at the Kruso homo ns guards beforo tho brldo waB carried away. One of tho guards was Will Goodrum who, losing his bal ance, fell from a box Into tho slop barrel. ATHLETES III Till COME TOMORROW FROM ALL OV ER COOS COUNTY FOR .MEET Imndon In llt'lpgliig 21 Men; Myrtlo Point and Coqulllo To Ho Rep- roM'iited on Rneo Truck Track athletes from all ovor tho country aro expected hero tomorrow for ono of tho largest Inter-high sshool meets ever held In this city. Coach Royal Nilcs, of tho local team, states that the meot will stmt at 12 o'clock. Had woathor intorferred with tho first dnto set for tho meet but so anxious woro llio schools to partici pate that a second date was selected. The present indications nro that tho Iiovb will havo good sunshiny weather for tholr races. Last year tho Marshfleld High School team won tho county cham pionship. Thcro will bo four schools iu tho meet tomorrow afternoon and tho general bollof Is that tho scores will bo exceedingly closo. Athletes Kntcrod Tho entries rccolved from Myrtlo Point aro Larry MUlor, Roy Spires, Arthur Wldby, Elton Spires, Chester Iloot, Chester Adams, John Hall and Harry M. Mlllor. Thoy will probably bo accompanied 'by Principal L. W. Wlmborly. "Wo'ro coming In full forco writes Conch H. W. Qulgloy of Ban don and ho sends an entrnnco list of 14 mon. They aro, for tho sprints, Rnynor Golsendorfor, Raymond Webb Morton Lowry and Kenon Smith. In tho nunrtor mllo will bo Edward Hell. R. Golsendorfor, K. Smith, R. Wcdd nnd in1 (ho hnlf mllo event, George Stoltz nnd Dullard; in tho mllo, Floyd Wilson and Dullard. There aro two entered in tho shot put, Sam Armstrong nnd K. Smith; In tho discus, Lloyd Hess nnd in tho Javelin, Ivan Pullon nnd S. Arm strong; in tho broad nnd high Jump, K. Smith, R. Webb, and S. Arm strong; K. Smith In tho hurdles nnd Pullon, Clalro Shumate- and Carl Stophonson In tho polo vault nnd in tho relay, Webb, Lowry, Smith, Gois endorfer nnd nell. Multifield Entries Tho entries for Marshfleld aro, for tho 100 yard run, Morchant, Seaman, and Holt, In tho 220 yard dash, Mor chant, Seaman nnd Holt; in tho 440, Seaman, Wntklns nnd Lecocq. McDonald, Hack, Chapman and Lo cocq nro entered for tho half mllo nnd for the polo vault. Wnttors, Wat kins nnd Chapman. Hack, Merchant and Davis will ho in tho mllo nnd .Morcnani, Frnntz, Lecocq nnd Sea man in tho high Jump. 'with Mer-, Chamber wF bo lie d Friday" o-o-chan. Seaman and Lecocq In tho nlng. Juno 4th. 19 5 at 8 o'clock broad Jump and Hunter. Merchant. It Is requested that all mon SS .'." Chap?"? and Lecocq In tho shot attend and assist ft mTI? put. Graham, Morchant, Lecocq and nuur win iry mo jitvoiin and In tho relay will probably ho Morchant, Wntklns, Seaman and Lecocq. Tho entry list of tho Coqulllo Hlgn School will probably not bo received hero until tholr team arrives tomor row, Seo Merchant win inn 10 sec. ii Millinery Sale COMMENCING THURSDAY, JUN.E 3RD, WE START THE GREATEST THE SEASON IN MILLINERY ncH,tbr THE SEASON'S BEST STYLES WILL BE OFFERED AT- HALF PRICE TRIMMED HATS REGULAR PRICE . SALE PRinp $J5.00 $12.50 0,00 $ $ 8.50 7.00 6.25 North s. THE STORE THAT BASEBALL SCORES BOSTON AND NEW YORK TIE AT NlflllT TIME A HE C.iiino Closed 5 to -I Portland Heav ers Again Full to Catch tho Winning; Streak 1'KRCENTAGES OP COAST LEAGUE Ox rrr to Coot Hi Tlmn.J W. L. P.O. San Francisco SI 21 .r.Ufl Los Angeles 27 .r.GG Salt Luku . ...ISl 2G .554 Venice 27 110 .474 Portland 2.'1 2G .4 Gil Portland 25 :i5 .110 Dr AwocUt.4 rmi to Ooot IUf Tlmw. PORTLAND, Juno 3. Again tho Heavers wero out of luck yoBtordny arnd lost to tho Oakland Commu ters by a score of 2 to 1. San Frnn- Cisco I'llmched her place ut tho top with unothur victory. Tho scores of yesterduy follow: Coast licnguo At Portland R. 11. E. Oakland 2 5 0 Portland 1 7 0 At Venice R. H. E. Salt Lako :i G 1 Venice l 4 4 At Los Angeles It. H, E. Los Angeles :i G G San Francisco 5 15 1 Anicrli'iiii League it tho ton At Uoston Hoston 7, Now Yoik 1. At Clovelnnd St. Louis 4, Clove land 0. At Washington Washlugton-Phll-ndolphla, rain. At Chicago Detroit 4, Chicago 1. National League At Philadelphia Philadelphia 2, Brooklyn 7. Second gnmo Philadelphia, 3; Brooklyn, I. At Pittsburg Chlcngo-Plttsburg, rain. I At Cincinnati Cincinnati 4, St. I Louis 5, ! At K'nw YnrlfVni. VnA r. Una. ton 5. Cnlled end tenth, darkness. Raco track :lfl 3( cuiitn. lllir ilaucu at Itlnif Kiitiminv luuo nth, Gentlemen $i,o, Luilie I'Yco. NOTICE Tho executlvo commltteo of tho Marshfleld Chamber of Commorco will meet Friday aftornoon ut 4:30 and tho gonoral meetlnir of tlm attend nnd assist iu tho work of this Chamber. OAR FOR HIRH T'r'"r5 Oliver Kcplmit 4 Phono itlO 4 $500 BUYS BEST ROOMING HOUSE IN CITY; WELL LOCATED; CLEAN; NEATLY FURNISHED; COST $1,500 LOW RENT WILL SELL ON TERMS IF DESIRED "See Reld About It" W. A. REID 150 FRONT STREET Great S. JENNINGS SELLS THE BEST FOR JUST A LITTLE LESS DEFECTS OF BILL MARINE .MEN HAY NEW SHA MAN'S LAAV HAS FAULTS Point Out It May Danish American Passenger IIojiIm From Pnclfic Ocrmi Putting Into effect the now u mnn's bill will kill practically all ser vice of tho Pacific mail liners now ongnged In tho trans-Pacific trade, say mo murine experts on the vy. The reason for this statement Is Hint tho law provide American chips must curry snllors speaking tho name language ns tho officers. At present theso hi'; ships nro carrying Mongol ian crows tvho speak not u word u.' English. Wlion tho lav- becomes effec'I'u ! Is held that It will la-come noewnry to Buppl.nt tho ("jlncso sallow t' tho Pacific nrnl'. liners. Tli.a lo not permit o? tho employment ofWcirs, Tho wage scale of tho Pacific mall llnciH nt present Is nbout $345,337 nitnunlly.. Undor tho now hw tho wages, It Is claimed, will bo about ?7'K irl'. :i direct Incronso of Jin 771. Tho passongor stonmshlp com panies det.'nru that tho Incrcau will bo too much for thorn to opora'.Vnt a profit. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR JUNK nth. DIAMOND Squeegee Tread TIRES BEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES PioneerHardwareCo QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel. I Phono 10G-L. I MARSHFIEL, ORKdON WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, 4 DRESSMAKING nnd TAILORED HATS Work gUMantoed mid prices reasonable MRS. II. O. WILLEV Over Norton & Hanson'o Phono 1C9-J. SAVE MONEY by ordering the famous kt HENRYVILLE COAL . . Nut coal, jior ton ...,..,.. .81.00 Lump coal, per ton ',' ,$5.J$0 Or half ton of both $1.75 1. MUSSON, rroji, Phono 18-J or leuve order nt Hitler's Cigar Store. . Chimneys Fireplrvcr A J. N. BAYLISS '! I Any kind of brick work at prices that are right. And all work guaranteed ,, . Call at "Tho Fireside," Johnson Bldg., 137 Second St. French ranges, holler wqrk. Phono 434-J SAVING OF $250 $6.25 $5.00 $4.25 $3.50 $3.13 Bend MERCHANTS CAFE Popular 1'Inro for Good Meals , Prices Reasonable r. Commercial nnd irftrj. '.HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171 THE REAL QUESTION Tho question Is not, will men honor you for your orU i Hut does your work honor yoa! ' Your concern Is not only to .crento profit for yourwlf, but I to mnko that which will profit tunny besides yourself. COOS BAY STKASI Ul'XDIlV Phono 57-J, t SOUTH COOS IllVKIl H01T HKKVICK LAUNCH HXI'IUSS loaves Marshfleld eury iby 8 a. m. Lentes head of Href nt .1:15 p. m. STEAMER RAlXltOW loaves lie.ul of river dally tt 7 a. m. Leaves Multifield at 2 p. in. For cliai ter apply on borJ. ROGERS .V SMITH Proprietors DRY WOOD nt CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Mrm Phone !!7P nn COMMUTATION ff II TICKETS. 82.00. tUI Blarshfleld-.Vorth IKnd M Lino Cars over,- ten mln '" a. in. to 112 P. "! u " Slough onco a day, l'l ' 11 a.m.; to Kniil three n ilnv. GORST & KINO, IW- pii H Antn A Taxi Co. Day and Night flwiW - i.l nlinnA 2U. W'" :i rur ui, '-- -- JV otel ...... For touring can, pnoB Chandler Hotel ,... l.tMllOTlf. W JxTmit fn ra I Hf WESTERN LOAN AND BUILUINU uw. Assets $2,340,000.00; Pays 8 per cent on savm? I. S. KAUFMAN & CO., Local irew"" u--"!, DUN.?.DTfl,lrJG UNU pyVRLORSl A rgu!r tWffi undertaker wW w ennrg Phone 03J , . ... B i m Wr2