DO iLiJMONG INT0 ANYTHING UNLESS YOU HAVE A THICK SKULL Coos Bay Times Your Paper Ilio Coos liny Times Is proud or Its title "The peoplo'i rnpcr," and It strives nt nil Uiuea to Uro up to Its nntno by do voting lu energies to promoting tho pcoplo's lntorcsta. (Enm mm Wtot VOL NO. XXXVIII. AUSTRIA TIES SACK PRZEIHYSL ISstnbllshed 1H7H As The t'onst Mull. MKMHKKS OP TUB ASSOCIATKl) IMKSH A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlint's what tho Coos liny Times Is. A South nest Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon people and deleted to tho best Interests of this great section . Tho Times nlrrays boosts and never knocks. ALLIAWCE BEAGHED: MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1915 EVENING EDITION. coi:s asiiori: Hf.ACII NORTH AT OK Richmond SKATTLi: Great Galician Fortress Cap turned by Russians Again Changes Hands in War ID THlIlG GUNS Czar's Arm Held the ,Big Stronghold for Period of Ten Weeks Only. MEN AND SUPPLIES MOVED Nubians Anticipated Their I'd 1 1 mid Sale All They Can Take Out of tho I'liico Refoi'o tho Kiioiny Hn- teih Deny Itulhiii AUwinco (D; AuaclateJ rrm to tool -rtj LONDON, Juno :i. 1'rzemjHl litis ken reclaimed by Austrlu. Official innounrement whb mndo ill Vienna today that tho great flallclan fort ress, won by tlio KiiHslunn tun weeks aj'j after a long struggle, had been recaptured. With 1'romysl In their hands tho Austrlans nnd Germans tavo concluded tho first phnso of tho new Uallclau campaign which was launched lu a drlvu from Cracow. Dispatches Indicate tho attacking forces relied largoly on their heavy juns which they used effectively nil through tho advance across Gnltcln. Dispatches say tho Russians had re moved men and supplies from Proz tmvsl lu anticipation of Its fall and that they considered It nut Improb able, that they would lose Lomhorg at "ell. Italian reports of sternly progress lu Austria aro disputed In Vienna. N In No Hunger and Will null hu Hauled Olf Smut Tonight Pioli. hkcrxtly cami: hkki; Tho Alliance for n long time was on the iiin to Coos Hay and was taken off the run when the George V. 1CI der started visiting this port uuiHii it year aiio. VILLA WINS IN LATEST BATTLE By Blank Movement He Routs Carranza Cavalry in Fight in Chihuahua ITAKE SUPPLY TRAIN A Coniolldntlon of Times, Coast Mall nnd Coos Hay Adiortlscr. No. 269 EM MS BREADJAPS REVOLT AT CAPITAL prick of VAitmrs kinds has hi:i:x m:i)Cci:n Government Allows People to Again llnko Siiuill l,o.iios or While Flour It toad HKRLIN. June 3 As an Indica tion that Oermnny's flour supply Is not Insufficient tlio authorities an nounced that tho prices of various kinds of bread will bo reduced nil over Greater Berlin June 7. linking smnii loaves or wmto flour bread again will be permitted. The Anti-Government Faction Holds Mass Meeting Which Ends in Disturbances HOME ISDESTRDYED rfsirhxci: ok hurt port huhxkd RAVKX- al Myrtle (Dr AaaoctttrJ rrm to Com nf Tlmea J SKATTLK, Wash.. June I!. Tho steamer Alliance, which went ashore last night at Richmond Reach Just iiumi 01 senme, was bound for :!a.8i11 Vi!!1'. i,a,8st!'1cr8 "' fiKht, I CARRANZA ...... io Dim 111 uiu Bimii, inn is in no dunger. Arrangements nre being m ml e to haul the Alliance orr at high lido tonight. General Obregon is Surround ed and Loses a Large Quan tity of His Stores. AGENT TALKS 1NTS TERRITORY Itl'MAXIA MUST KNOW sin: is to hut WHAT King of Haly Offers Ills Seniles (n .Settle Question With Russia llr Auiof UloJ I'rtu l Coot r TlmM.J PARIS, Juno .1. King Victor Km muuucl of Italy offered his services as Intermediary lu tho adjustment of territorial questions which have arisen between Russia and Rumania, accord lug to thu Milan Secolo. Ru mania Is believed to ho exchanging notes with Russia as to what torn XI'AVJS WAS KUItl'ltlHi:. (Br AnoclaloJ I'rrM Io Coo. Bar TlmM.l LONDON, Juno 1. Tho fall of Prieniysl was received hero with a certain degree of surprise. Tho Austrlans entered Przemysl nt 3:30 a. m. today after n hammering with heavy guns that lasted mora than 20 days. Tho capitulation must bo ascribed to thu effectiveness of this artillery onslaught. When thu Rus sians were forced to abandon some of tlio out I'rzomysl foits they had no tlmo to destroy tho guns, which on falling Into the Teuton's hands wre turned by tho now owners against the Inner fortifications. Suj-n President's Xole Is Hue to Luck of Relations or the fulled Slates Willi tho Constitutional Hoierninont or .Mexico III AaaoiLtej I'riM la Coot Day Tlmri ) WASHINGTON, I). ('., Juno 3 Consular Agent Carothers nt Chl Iiunhua reported todny that tho Vil la troops lu a flank movement cap tured Sllue and routed the Cnrran 7ii cavalry. Obregon, he said. Is surrounded at Trinidad by Villa In fantry and has lost his trains and n large tiantlty of supplies. CAHRAX.A .MAN TALKS (U; AttocLtfrl m.a to Coo. liar Tltna.J WASHINGTON, I). C. Juno 3. Tho hend of tho Carranza agency hero Issued tho following comment on President Wilson's .Mexican state ment: "I believe President Wilson's note is largoly duo to a lack of re TROOPS RETREAT AUSTRIAN'S WITHDRAW fHO.M POSITIONS XKAlt TIHJXT I Soldiers Hue Virtually Heslroyed One of Noted Health Results ol' Southern Kurnno (Br AmocUIcJ rrf Io Com liar Tlmra 1 VKRONA. Italy, June :i. - The Austrian troops nre withdrawing from thu positions along tho Flom mo Valley, northeast of Trent. They virtually destroyed the health re sort of San .Martlno Do Cnstrozza. lory Is to bo hers If alio Joins thelhitlons between the United States allies. IRE VESSELS S IIRITISH Sl'll.MARIXi: DKSTROVS HP.R.MAX TRANSPORT HE 11 SAILS MAXXKI) HV XOHSKMKN CWII IN ANCIKNT WAR UAItl! In n Figurative Invasion of Amerl ra to Celebrate Xonuiy Hay at Imposition. IB Auocl.trJ IVCM to Coo. par TIlDM. SAN FRANCISCO, Juno 3. A Viking ship, manned by r0 Norse men, clad hi the ancient war gnrh, "lied Into tho harbor at the Pun- ima-l'aclflc Kxnosltlon today, her quaint sails aided by oarsmen, uratlvely Invading America for celebration of Norway day. Kalians Sink Tun AiMrlnu Merchant Vessels and Damage An Auxil iary Cruiser (lljr AmocIjIM I'rtu to Coo. Illy Tlmo. LONDON. Juno 3.A Ilrlllsh sub- mnrluo operating lu thu sea of Mum 0111 torpedoed n largo German trans port In Pandemia Hay osterday morning. Tho announcement was giv en out officially In Loudon today. It Is also said tho submarlo was ono of sovural operating In thoso waters. ami uonstiiutlonnllst governments nnd this has given room for many fulso reports which have victimized Cairanza. Lately Carranza ordered an advance toward .Mexico Cltv. which ho will undoubtedly niako be-1 w"h the Kngllsh at llooge, near foro the week Is over. Thero Is no ' Vpres, hits taken u course fuioruhlo danger thercforo tliut thu strife may 1 1" ' GorinuiiB. The German ut- proiong itself, and cause any greater lnK ll, '",,,H "ear Warsaw ate BATTLE UNDECIDED (.'RR.MANS AND PRKXCII I'K.'HT VIOLHXTIiV WITHOUT It IMP ll' Relief Is That Teutonic Army Is Preparing roc Another Ihlwt ul Wursiiu nr AtwvUted rrm to Coo. tlty TIoim. LONDON, Juno II. Violent Infnn- try fighting occurred yesterday near l.oretto. Paris says no ndvuutngu was won by either sldu lu this en gagement. Ilerllu says the battle .Memorial Hay Kxcirlscs Point and Other .Whs or That City (Special to The Times) MYRTLK POINT. June 3. Wed nesday afternoon about ono o'clock i no nert Davenport homo on tho Catching creek road was burned. Tho house Is about two miles southwest of town Mrs. Rnvonpurt and the three younger chlldruii had Blurted over to .Mrs. Sllngby's home, tho near est neighbor nnd u sister of Mr. Davenports' and hnppened to look back nnd saw Binoke lolling from tho roof. Help came, but only n few things could bo saved from the burn ing house. There Is Insuranco for $1,000 but this will not cover tho loss to this couple. All bedding nnd clothing were lost. Tho house was a rood frame structure, painted nnd In fine condition. Memorial Senlcn The Memorial sermon for (ho old soldiers wns preached at tlm Pros. bylerlun church, by Rev. J. K. Vor non Inst Sunday morning. Old hymns selected by tho Veterans were used lu tho service, sung by a union choir. Mrs. Roy Worley snug a hcnutlful arrangement of Rock of Ages, lu a contralto solo. Monday afternoon at tho Unique theater the Decoration day service was held. There was a ladies quartet and mnlu uunrtet mnl rlinrim. i.-,.f . Tiuina if 1 ! t-lil ir.t -,..... .... ...i.i . HKiit' u In. tl,r.. n, .!,( th. :.'.. " '"'"" "'" "" "iniress mr Y ARRESTED In House of Representatives the Opposition Party Turned Down by the Loyalists SESSION DISORDERLY ONE .leers uud Hoots (iivet Tho MciiiImw Who Attempt to Make Scochos Introduced Hosolutloii On liiw'.t of Coiilidenco llr AmocIiIi',1 1'r.M to Coo. liar TImni.J TOKIO, Juno 3. Tho holding of an nnti-goverumeut mass meeting' hero tonight resulted in serious dis turbances. Tlio situation outside tho building where the meeting was field was most serious. Many arrests wore made and manifestos Issued by tho organizers of the meeting were con fiscated. Reinforcements of police AN T IS PRE calamity. FOOD FORM S ri:d cross is distriiu'tinc suppmks at .montkrkv ITALIANS SINK TWO B AMolialfel 1 iraa to Loos liar TllHM.) OKNI3VA, Juno 3. Nows dispat ches dcclnro two Italian torpedo boats early yesterday entered the Gulf of TtJest and sank two inorchnnt ves sels nnd damaged tin Austrian auxil iary cruiser. Appeal From Mexico City Siijn Thero is Had Slinrtugu of fond llml (llr Auwlattj Trm to Coo. liar Tlmra ) WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno 3. growlut; lu intensity uud It Is liollov oil another drive t'lwnnl the Polish capital Is (outomplntcd. No now developments lire teported at the Dardanelles extupt the sinking by n lirltlsh submarlnu of a (ionium transport in the Sen of Marmora. city. Opposition Ronton A resolution was Introduced in the house of representatives yestenluy by the opplsltlon expressed a lack of confidence lu the present administra tion wns today rejected by a vote of 133 to 3L. Kxtronio disorder marked the session today. Hoots, Jeers, mid wordv nHo'-cntlons punc tuatod tho speeches dellvtsrad. DA ON .FEATHERS MRS. SHIIR.MAN, Of CHICAGO, KAYS NOT TO WIIAR TIIH.M T TODAY w. a. rordkr ci:li:hrati:s his hihthday on coos hay Distributions of the American Red formes ly Resided at Myrtle Point for Cross relief supplies hns bcRiin In I .Many ears nnd llullt Monterey, Mexico, Consul General ' Hotel There I Ilnnnn today reported that ono car; , , , , ., , , , lot corn, one car of beans nud a car1,, W' .'V ?r'L,r,?. V.'.'.08. 'i1!'8,. " .,'a Thinks WnmeiiV Club IVderntlon .Memliei'N Would he liicouslsteut If They Do So. (llr AmooUIo.I I'rwn Io Com liar Tlmra. PORTLAND, Or., June 3.-At tho I'lnttliii uituulfiii Iniliiv tt thu Mlii. I 11 lit ii lit ti I tfMit lint I it t tin il li it Pii 1 federation of Woipen's Clubs, Mrs. John Dickinson Sherman, of Chlcugo, created a stir among tho delegates when shu declared: "Just as long as the women of thu federation wear featlurs on their hats will they bo open to chin gos of Inconsistency." Shu spoke on the work of conservation. of flour has arrived. Tho Red Cross HILL FOR HT.VKXUI Ml) IX fHfXCII : IXTRODUC CIIAMHRR tie tho PREMIER ATTACKED NATIONALIST HITTfH AOAIXST ASQUITH IN PARLIAMICNT Meeting of lirltlsh Parliament Today Results in Strong Opposition to New MenHiue, (Br AnoUt4 rmt to Coot Car llmfa. LONDON, Juno 3. Tho first as emtly of coalition of tho lirltlsh Parliament today devoloped.lnto an Hack on Promlor Asqulth by Lntth ce Qlnnell, Nationalist, who blt J"ly opposed tho susponsory hill In troduced by tho Homo Secretary. ft Provides for Over flic llllllon fninch to Ciury on tho War. 11. Is today rolubrntlm; his birthday i. .. .i... ii.... ... .i...; lino no is jv yuiirn oi uku. hiiuiikii I iterlor ol. s s tl e iranw ortatlon 0,,u r l" Mcsi ",!r80ns '" thc C0I,n interior points ns me iinnspoiiniion . . Ini, n ,, ,...,,,. i ,i, facilities aro restored. An uppeal ,' "., '" ..., ,,,' ,., ,i,. ,' ,i. Red Cross coming from the In-, "" ".-" X ";,; 'i, ,i 1.n7 hi Z nn nrn inopr oiimm: i-ii " i i - m .i.i ...ii . . .. i.. H lILU LI OL UU V I ""'ftVr' ..i.0".0. '.uVV, " ril'0..ed In ICuropo. Ho follows tl.owar .... - i w vi b.jd tsiw ofcti.w. nv lilUl. rrivnriiiiv tiiwl ii nu in wmilfi n Ity Is desperate on account of a , vo l0 ,, lu0 yelua ,,, B(, tlmt ,10 1 MUCH ACTIVITY SEEN ALONG ROGUE RIVER Weddeibuiu Tindliig Company Has I Icon Making Many liuproveincutN Theio This Season shortage plies, In food and medical sup- Hr AhocUI.4 I'ren to Cooi rar Tlnw. PARIS, Juno 3. Fronch Minis ter of finance Rlhot today Intro duced a bill In tho cnnmiier oi Donutles for an upproprlatlon of Claims Neyispnper Man nnd Hoci can see what transpires Mr. Dorder Is lu excellent health ot.O there Is no icasou why he should not live for years nioio. Ills only trouble s with his eyes, having been struck by a limb of a true some years ....a . 1.II-. I.. ,1... tt-nnilu Ii.. tn (I . ilhu " llliu ill tnu ..WW..R, ii., i tin .. i ,,, ' rea.i by iisIiik a muKnlfyliig Khiss and , '" iMM.i-i civi! in mmc'I'Is chief Interest in life Is following M "miirn mi liiin iip niiT ill t,lr ,,ff",rH ,ako ,n ," worW' lllltl.l) IO MAUI, Hl.iOLI I JIr onlur WH i)ora ( umiforu 'riiniitv Ph.. nonr tlio fanioiiH lled- Roderlck Macleiiy, piesldent of tho Mncletiy estate of Portland and head CHARGES GEN. BTISi C.COO.000,000 francs, provisionally, rnr tlm reoulrements In tho third quarter of the present year. PKOPLi: VOTING TODAY Itond Issuo for Railroad Is Helng lle clded Today (Special to The Times) ROSDUURG. Ore., Juno 3. Tho Dr Aaaoclat I're.. to Coi rar TlmM.l LOS ANGKLKC, Juno 3. N. Zogg, a self-styled Mexican of the Wedderburn Trudlng company writes that ho will leave lu a few days for Poitlaud after a visit to his Curry county propeity, and oxpecls to leturii to Wedderburii Juno If. and letiialu there most of tho sum mer. I Mr. Macleay has boon doing big UhingJ on his property this season, I baling Introduced blooded stock to I build up tho hunts of tho commu nity, started up a cheoso factory and i Installed dairying with many of thu Ifarmois nud Is laying out much of tno ftons or veterans and Dr. L. O. Johnson was tho speaker of the day lor the soldiers, lloth addresses were sp'ondld nnd well given. The little girls gave u pretty drill nud Bovornl f tit 4I -i-tl.l . ii.. t .. i..... tnu buiiuiii reciu'ii poems or readings fitting to tho day. Young Couple Miiriled Mr. Wayne Woods and Miss Nettle M'ller iero ninrrled nt the Christian church, pnrsonugo, by Rev. Cannon, last Tuesday evening. The ninny friends of the young couple wUh them tunny years of happy life. Hold i:ainliiiitloiis Tho slate eighth grade examina tions will ho held lu (he grammar s'diool Thursday and fihhty of this week. Mrs J. 8. Whltnkor will con duct thu examination. Miss Ida Gamble, of North Rend, ulll bo hero Thursday to assist lu the stnto examination In the work of nrranglng for the pupils what they are exempt In, ns sho was tho ef ficient tenchor of that uruilo the Inst two years. Notes of the Cllr I W. C. Ilradley was calling on the candy trade lu Myrtle Point last week. Charles Stauff of Mnrshflold, was a business culler hero Thursday morn ing, wlillo tho train went on to Pow ers uud returned, Mr. and Mrs. Allison Roberts hnve gone to California to mnku their home1, sailing on the Nairn Smith from tho liny Inst week W. II. Waiinn of North Iloud Is a business caller In the city Mux Dement nnd fniully have mov ed to tliulr homo for the summer. Miss lllnnch DoArmoud, the school mistress nt llonryvlllo. uinio tin homo Sunday, returning Monday. Miss Mota Hanson rotiiruud Sat urday from school at Rlveiton, io mnlulng until .Monday afternoon W. C. Cooloy arrived from eastern Oregon Friday night. Ho expected to taito ins car out with lilm but will hnvo to wait on the roads or loavo R. Mrs. Cooloy did not return, and Mr. Cooloy says they will como homo nrtor they harvest tho crop on the eastern state farm. They will luiio three crops of alfalfa there this season, DICK AT RANDOLPH ford Snrlnus. Ho Is the father of A. General Wanted Tronhlo Started ), Uorder and Mrs. L. W. Travur In Lower Callloriila. with whom ho resides. Ho has four giand children. Mr. Hordor in tho east followed the R. lnicliinau nf n I'nnt metnr. lovolu-i lie tho Pacific roast yours his property for salo to settlers. tlonnry Kcnornl. declared In tho Su-' ago tint! for a time lived lu California! Mr Macleay operates a largo sal- porlor Court today that ho had been and for somo yeais served us a forost , ,.nnory mi the Roguo River uud on-ncml liv Harrison Grov riitiiror (hero. .. .... . . .... . rttn n.. ...... r ,1... I r.u A,.,riilf,u 'Cliiinu nnrltii' thn Htmt Xlr Itnntnr linu and General Vlljoon, a former Roor'ieslded in Coos lounty ho has lived salmon for the mouth of Mny which inn. in i nrimnlvn n invntt lii l.iiu'. In Mvrtln Point until ii few vcars Is omir.llv a slnrk month. uponlo of Rosoburg aro today voting I ,. callfornln. an alleged project no when ho cnnio to Coo Hay. Iloi ut a special election on tho proposl- which recontly resulted lu tho In- hullt a i hotel ut Myrtle Point uirl con- BAYNE PLEADS GUILTY Ul u "l'" " .... ,..,,, I .,,. ... , .,!, un,,.l,..l,.u ilmrf iliu.l.i.l t fnr n liini. mill wim nun of "" ' .". ..r. ... lltmlor wuli MIMU btlMICIMUC. rui urr Point Mis. Cm I Away at President Wilson Works To day on a Message to Send to the German Government VESSEL If ARID Germany Claims Lusjtania Carried Guns But U. S. Has Proof to the Contrary INSISTS ON ONE " POINT Germany Is Asked to Say Whether She Will Olisrrco International lns Hegaidlng the Treatment of People on Hoard Vescls nr Ai.orlaloJl'rMa la Cooa liar Tlmra.) WASHINGTON. 1). C, Juno 3. The President worked most of today on tho new nolo to Germany Tho situation developed to a point whero although the ilslt of Gorman Am bassador Ilernstorff to tho Prosldont yesterday was believed llkoly to en lighten Ilerllu on the attitude of the United States, the American gov ernment is unmoved In Its Intention to determine promptly whother Oor mnu submurlue commanders will hereafter respect tho principles' of Inter. intloiuil law. Tlio facts upon which Germany asked for an iigrconicut, It is now practically certain, will ho treated by tho note a-i not Irrevelnnt with one exception. It Is understood the note will restulo thnt tho Lusltnnui wns on u peaceful crulso, did lint r slst capture uud wns uuarinod. Put pose of Note. The purpose of tho United States lu tho new unto will ho to discover whether Germany will In the fu ture, on encountering vessels of any nationality thnt aro unarmed, to answer that tho pnssougors end crew aie to bo taken to places of safety. Should thu vessol bo curry ing contraband It would bo certain of c'ludotnuntlou lu the prlzo court nnd theruforu subject Io destruction. It Is reiterated nt tho Stnto Depart ment that while affidavits filed by the Gorman Klubassy contending that the l.usltania was armed Hnvo boon carefully cmiBldorod ami that tho proof of the United States that thu vessel was unarmed Is beyond ques tion. NEW WIRELESS STATION (llr AMoilatM I'rt.a to Co.. liar Tlmra RKRLIN, Juno 2. Tho Gorman Illustrated newspapers give pictures of the Tolefiinkou wlroloss station at Damascus, Tho apparatus came from the Hamburg stenmor Potor Rlskmers, which wns sunk In tho eaily days of the war, It Is stated that tho D.tmuscus stntlol lias re peatedly spoken with the great sta tion at Nation, nenr llorlln, uud that it has Intercepted wireless messages from the Klfful Towor In Paris. STEEL TRUST "IK U.MTIID STATRS STRKL CORPOR ATION IS VICTOR tlon of whethor or not tho city shall dlctment of Otis' son-in-law. Hairy .iuete.l It for n time and w ls o bonds In tho sum of $300,000 'chandler, on ii charge of consplrl.ig ( he men who laid out lie Us to bonds nu o s in , , American neutrality. Renders addition to Myrtle IO U1I1IU I.1IIIUUM " " - , HONOR JKff 11A.V1S IBr AsorUtc4 PrWa to Caoa Dar Tlml ATLANTA, Gn., Juno 3. The I08tlr anniversary of tho ulrtlt of Jefferson Davis wns observed generally through out the South today. It was legal holiday In most of tho .ouuinern states. "IMVI , NEW ARMY ORDER fBr Auod.t.J Prm to Coo Dar THHM.J LONDON. June 3. An amend- nt to tho army act has beon ""posed by H. J. Tennant, under Jffetary of war, by which Parlia nt is asked to civo tlio war de- rtrnent power to transfer soldiers ''0m one enmmnnil tn nnother without their consent, evon If to different branch of tho service. Ucl tiansference, however, shall Do' deprive the soldier of any pay 0r allowanco formerly received. Rave Vriain lailAH!a ....Idloil fit , '"' r ' "V'"" RHSTAURANT MAN LKAVHS C f. Tucker, who hat. been con Ro Klmliiill Tieasmer Harry J. Kimball hs been choshn to act as treasurer of the celebration i Relief Is Thnt Other Arrests to Made lu Connection With Flk Hum Case Alfred Ilayucs In the Justice Court n,n Pnsendo mountains. Tho Kendall Company, an eastern concern has nromi to build tho road, erect a lum ber mill In Roseburs. and bring logs ducUnB tho annul restaurant In , corainjttoo- 'noa.r .''" rY" K""0' ' yosturday afternoon pleaded guilty to ever tho road to Rosehurg a issus. " "-":' ,,'pnld. Ho had his fixtures nil Hughes Piinm-m Her Homo COQUILLK. Oro., Juno Georglaun HtiKhes. wife Hughes, who died nt Rundolp May 28 was the daughter of Mr and Mrs. j George Lenevo and wus 31 years old. , She was born In Myrtlo Point May 13, ISKt and had lived all her life, lu tho Coqulllo valley, much of the fine run of r'llu nt Coqulllo: Dusldes tho hus- iiaiiu, hiiu iuuvi'b ovu . iiimreii, a iioj . of tun uud a baby girl 1 1 mouths ' old. Her health had never been ro-j bust, a fever In her childhood having loft her heart lu had condition, The cause of her death was heart failure brought on by some excitement caus ed by thu hunt for a wild aiilmnl tjiat I.hiI attacked tho chicken house Into I lu the uiuulug, Mrs. Hughes became ; much uxcltcd nud died lu a short time. Decision In Historic Suit Is That the Concern Should Not ho Dissolved only tho Issuing oi mo '"''7" ,'"lror excepting bonds on tlio part oi inu ciw. u i" proposition Is carried by tho people tho Kendall firm will build a big saw mill and do big developing work In tho woods. It Is said that If thoy establish their plant the payroll at tho mill will amount toa large sum. RKKLIN HULKS STRICT (Or AMoclatrJ Prw to Cooa Bar Tlmra J URRLIN, Juno 3. The regula tion! concerning the mixing of rye with potato flour and of wheat Uh rv" flour apply as woll to housewives as to bakerL Disregard of these tog nintlons led to a disagreeable sur P ise for a christening party In Iler fin The mother had baked an olab rate cake to celebrate tho oecr.ston. lust as the guests were sitting rion to the table, a police official appear ed demanded a slice of the cake, and n MecInK that It was not lawfulb K.nJe SSi It. A fine was later Im-posed. paid I no. Through an at torney tho creditors seeureu irom Mrs. Tucker a bill of salo for tho fixtures and she linn left for Port land. TWO RIG .IORS Tlio North Rend City Council will ut the next meeting let, two Dig con tracts, ono for a seweir system esti mated to cost U'.r,300 and tho othor for grading Virginia and McPImrson uvenuos, estimated to cost $11,027. WILL OIVK RAXQURT. Tlio Marshfleld Masons will glvo a banquet tonight when many Ma sons from North Rend will ho in nttendunce. Frank Heath and sev eral others aro to bo given tho third degree at a session preceedlng tho banquet. ASK VOIR NKIGIIROlt .ir.vij nth. eohed gteat praise. On nuouut of his I In his possession preferred by Deputy excellent work us muuager last year Mr. Kimball ius made treasurer this year. Will Play Hall. Tho Mnrshflold flio department will go to the sal mon hatchory on south Coos rlier next Sunday to play the hatchery nine. They will muko the trip on the boat Rainbow leaving Marshfleld ut X a. in. GRARCATIOX l.'.YHHCISP.S Tho graduation oxorclsos uro freo to any who uUh to attend uud uo admission feo will be charged. FOR KALi; Lots r,.(l.7., Ferndulo for $1.-00. $200 down. $20 a month, at C per cent. Phono f!3JX. Steamer Spoedueli nails south fioiu North Rend, I'lhlaj, it p Reser- witlou at Abstract office, .Marshfleld uud Wurren Painter, Xoith Rend. Five selumli In meet frlday, Game Warden Thomas. Sentence was postponed. Though tho officials have inuilo no finther statements It Is generally be lleied in thu court room that ut least one other arrest Is to bo mudu In con nection with tho affair. As evidence u large flvo-proug elk horn was Introduced. Rnynu declar ed that he had no thought of violat ing thu statu law at the time ho made his collection of horns. Ho says thoy is uro to ho takim south to tho Klks Carnival In Los Angeles this summer. Mr. Thomas secured about l'J pairs of horns above Allugauy. fOR.M GIRL SCOUTS (llr AKlala4 I'rroa to tma liar Tlmra PARIS, June 3.Tuo "girl scouts" of franco are to bo seen exercising In the country near Paris every Sun day now, going tluough all tho ex periences of camp life llko boy scouts ' MAHHIAGi: LICL'XSUK Tho following marriage llrenses have been Issued at the county clerks office: Wayno I Miller. Palmer C, Leo and osou. Wood ami Nellie May Mable Mnth- 3. Mrs. or win i ,...,...... . TRKNTON, N. J., Juno 3. Tho United Stutus Steel Corporation won the government suit In thu opinion riled In the United Htatos District Court hero this itfturuoon. It held that the (orpoiatlou should not bo dissolved, Thu piliiclpul points of the decision wore It refuses to Is sue an injumtloii, uud It holds that the forelg i trade of tho corporation mis not lu violation of the Sherman law. it WATERFRONT NEWS 1 ? I Rucking a heavy nor west wind up j from Sail Piaurlsco tho steamship Nann Smith this morning at seven n'chxk reported via wlrolovs that sio I was off Kureka, 3tS hours out, C f I McGeorge, the intent here, states sho i will not bo In the bay before tomor row morning but will null either Ha' unlay or Knmli.y morning again for tho south. Portland papers huiu printed tho receipt from the Marshfleld and tho North Hend Chamber of Cammurco ruguidlng the proposition sot on tout here for the government building of coast guard ship. Thu statomont CITY HXTURTAIXS SUTIIKRLIN, Ore., Juno 3. Tho city of Suthurllii was host to the com mercial men or the slate u fow days ugo when tho keys of the city woro.was that under tho presout situation turned over to thorn. Nearly a bun- lire savors from the shoro aro at drod "Knights of tho grip" had gath-' times completely uuablo to launch ered together to enjoy a duy's outing their boats through tho hroakers to In various forms of amusement which roach Btrandod ships or to furnish uld hud been provided for the occasion, j In pulling ships from dangerous posl- . itlons The plan does not nrguo the jubolUhment of coast guard stations. $ t AMONG THE SICK $$ Ueon,i Uoodriim Is suffering from .a sci ere told uud slight attack of la rrippo .MANY TO KIRRRIA (llr AmmUI 1'rc.a la Cooa Dar Tlaw I OMSK, Russia, June 3 Since the beginning of tho war, 5,193 nffl'-ors ami 2011,944 mon have paused throu 'h this city nu their way to the u in In Siberia "' "nice. r44 - "r i-ATt f 1