THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1915 EVENING EDITION. i'i FIVE YOU, have juast afeomit time to J tailored f s the Fourth,, :: Get your rdeir in mow. :: Remember it wIM have :: to lb mad for yom, Suite from $16 to $35 J airsMIeld FIXUP HH,,H4,lI,Hl4,TWW4'W4''H4-4i. GOLDEN WEST COFFEE AN OREGON PRODUCT NONE BETTER Will cup more than any coffee on the market. Order a can today Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phcnc 394-J. Broadway bet. Central and Commercial HOW DOES THIS White Sewing NOW ON SPECIAL SALE ON EASY PAYMENTS, TOO GOING & HARVEY COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS 510 PER MONTH choice building lots with bay vlow or any location deslrod with in easy walking dls danco on small month ly payments. J15 PER MONTH Will build you n mod ern llttlo bungalow You select your own plan, "See Reld About It." 1 M.REID, 150 Front St. .UALITY HOUSE FURNISHINGS ' MAKE tho ideal Home We sell them JOHNSON GULOVSEN COMPANY - Nortlh Beirad STRIKE YOU? Rotary Machines 0RPHEUM 'Where Motion Pictures Look Better" ! "OITICKR noil" from the famous play. In five parts, I nt the I ORPIHR'M Tonight Tho funniest funny tim ovor ro duSaondtho cleanest clean comedy ivor shown in Marshfleld. You'll laiiuli l J cr' ' Lower rioor"lSc, Ralcony 10c Children fie BREVITIES WKATIII3K FORRCAST tnr AMoitj rrm to coo. n.r tiidm. ORKGON Fair, not much change In temperature. Western winds. LOCAL TKMPKKATURE itncoun For the 24 hours ending at 4:13 n. in. June 1, by llenj. Ostllnd, special government inotcorologlst: Maximum CO Minimum r2 At 1: 1,'i a. in 53 Precipitation 10 Precipitation bIiico Sept. 1, 1011 . . .CC.CS Precipitation sumo porlod laBt year C1.21 Wind, West, partly cloudy. i t BORN $ KARDI3M, To Mr. nnd Mrs. A. 15. Kardell, of Coos River, on Juno 1, n dniightcr. Mr. Kardell s n well-known Coos Rlvor ranch er. Still In Hawaii. Arno Merccn has received n letter from C. A. Smith who, with IiIh family, went to Hawaii on a vacation trip. Mr. Smith writes that ho Is enjoying his visit nnd Is visiting tho points of Interest on tho Islands. Niece (Jrnduutos. Henry Hugglns yestorduy received announcements of tho graduation of his favorite niece, MIbb Knthorlno H. Hugglns from Lin den Hall Seminary at Lltltz, Pa., on Juno 9th. This Is tho lCOth com mencement of tho seminary. Flno FMi. Dr. Vaughan, H. J. Vaughnn, Tom Jnmcs and Ferd Painter who returned yesterday brought In about eighty trout from Ten Mile which they had on exhibi tion in Tho Gunnery window. The fishing there lately has been tho best In years. In Wellington. C5 J. Loumuski, who was formerly iwd m tl"J moving picture IiubIiuuJ hero and (t North Hciul and who recently de posed of his show houses to Rob rrl Marsden, Jr., and Denny Hull, writes that ho has located nt Ken ton, Washington. Hearing PoMponcd. Tho hearing of Alfred Hayno on u chargo of hav ing elk horns In his possession un lawfully has been postponed In tho Justice court until tomorrow after noon nt two o'clock when It Is ex pected that District Attorney Llljc qvlst will bo hero. Indoor Picnic Tho Marshf lold Women's Haptlht .Missionary Clrclo Known as "The Central Avenue Drug Store ' "The Owl"- I'liink I). Cohan, Tho Central Avonuo Drug Storo PIANOS AT SALE PRICES Some exceptional bargains in slightly used instruments. Terms as low as $1.50 per wesk. L. L. THOMAS Phone- HW, 16C-J, 259-J t IBB .and their friends will hoia Un Indoor I picnic Wednesday afternoon at tho homo of Rev. and Mrs. A. V. Bass ford. Each guest will bring a bas ket luncheon and a pleasant after noon Is being Anticipated. I Too Much Flrc-Miitcr. Jack Mur , phy found a placo in the Jail last levelling for Imbibing too freely of I fire water. He was released this I morning. Hatchery Wins. There was a , ball game Sunday on Coos River j between tho boys at tho Hatchery i and tho Coos River nine. The rc i suit Is said to have bcXn a land ! slldo In favor of the Hatchery team. Clmiigo Meeting Place Tho A. X. ! W. Club will meet Thursday after noon at the homo of Mrs. Frances Hazard, Instead of with Mrs. C. F. , McKnlght as previously announced. I Mrs. McKnlght loft on Tuesday morn ing for n visit with her sister, Mrs. 111. L. Porter, of Oregon City. Left Fortune to Clmi-ity. Henry Hugglns Is In receipt of an announce ment of tho will of his aunt, Lady Hugglns of CheBter, Kngland. Sho was the widow of Sir William Hug glns, n noted English astronomer. .Most of her property went to chari ties and educational Institutions. Tho estate wns appraised at nbout $75, 000. Mlllliigtoii (Jaine. Sunday tho Hunker Hill boys team defeated the Milllugton team at Mllllngton by n score of 13 to 1. Tho Hunker 11111 team is composed of young boys, bonded by tho Johnsons, whllo tho Mllllngton tenm was a grownup ag gregation. In consequence, tho Hun ker Hill boys nro feeling highly el ated. fioos Kimt on Visit. A. E. CKi non left today on tho steamer F. A. Kllburn for Portland nnd from thero will go to Minneapolis for n visit of about n month. Mr. aagnon re sided In Minneapolis for 25 yours until ho camo to Coos Day with the C. A. Smith Company and ho Is going Host again to visit with his old friends there. For Waterworks. S. R. Cnthcart City Englncor of Eastsldo, went to Coqulllo today to gathor somo data regnrdlng tho municipal water sys tem at tho county sent. Hu Is mak ing a very comprehensive report on tho pioposcd wnter system for Ensl sldo nnd Cooston nnd wishes to lako advantngo of any experience tiiat Cenulllo mny hnvo gnlncd. Petit Ion Kent. A petition con taining tho names of 120 Coos River pcoplo was sent this morning by Postmaster Hugh McLnln to Wash ington nHklng for Coos Ray's first rurnl frco delivery. It must ho In Washington on Juno 7. It has boon stated tho petition will bo favorably acted upon. PixtlKiiio CoiicoH. Tho Hxocutlvo Hoard of tho Chamlnado Club has decided to not give (ho Coucort In Myrtlo Point nt this tlmo. At tho meeting of the Club Inst Friday, It was decided to go next Friday, and slnco then it has been learned that tho County Track Meet is to bo hold on that day. Rather than conflict with this event, tho Coucort has been postponed indefinitely. Relative Indifferent. Rolntlvcs of Frank Ollbort, sulcldo of n fow days ago whon his wifo rofuscd to ro turu to him, nro Indifferent nnd In dicate that ho ran bo burled In n potters field. John (illliert, a brother In Idnio has sent word to Fred Wil son to bury tho brother here. Kfforts nro being mndo to locato a cousin, a Dr. Gilbert somowhoro in California. ( luicl Is ltcndy. Tho now chapel of tho MothodUt church In Ray Park Is now ready for services nnd will bo opened for tho first tlmo next Sun-1 day. Tho building cost approxima tely $1,500 nnd wiis put up by Ralph Carst. It is not altogether finished insldo nnd there arc largo windows to bo added at a later dato. Tho lot has been donated by tho Marshfleld I.nud company. Ilr. II. K. KICITV. DIIXTIHT Phono lit:-.!, Room -01, Coke lihlg. WDBLE THEATER Tl IHT Entire Change of Program Council Meets Tonight. The city fathers are scheduled to incut this evening to talk over the nffalr3 of tho city. Tho meeting was not hold last night for tho reason that yes terday was a legal holiday. Married nt Spokane. Miss Clara Ilahn, of I.anglols, Curry County, wns married to 1). F. Koefe, of Ida ho, at the Church of tho Holy N'aiuo at Spokane on May in. Tho groom Is employed by a mining company nt Wallace, Idaho, and the couplo ! will make their homo at that place Hummer Schedule Starts. Today June 1. Queued mi the summer innll Rplmilnln lmf l'netmnatnr MrT.ntii! states It will have no effect on tho , time the mall reaches or leaves Coos I Ray. It will mean that tho mall here after may leave Myrtlo Point in tho I morning instead of the evening bo , fore. It Is said tho roads are so bad Ion the Myrtlo Point road tlmt six horses toll through mlro almost Un payable In handling tho malls. ("niiuetyiiiuu Expected. R. A. Seaborg, who Is starting a new can nery on the Roguo River, Is expect ed In from Portland within the next two days. Ills chartered gasoline schooner CSJoa, of Seattle, Captain Olson, Is still horo waiting Tor a pilot, they say, to take them over tho bars, tt Is now reported tho owners nro afraid that tho vessel will bo of too deep draft to make the Roguo River when loaded. Hood Is Had. J. II. Paulsen, tho' Coquillo tlmborman, wns here last I evening. Ho hns Just returned rom I a trip to tho eastern part of tho coun ty. Ho camo in on tho Myrtlo Point mall stngo tho night before last nnd says tho road Is In nwful condition. They nro using six horses on tho stago through tho canyon nnd ho says that mud Is n couplo of feet deep. Ho so)s It Is rcmnrkablo that the mall Is brought through nt nil. liOgghiK Oimp Ojh'iis. Jack McDonald stated this morning that tho McDonald and Vaughnn Camp on Daniels Crook will open tomorrow morning with n crow of G5 moil. Ho snjs that many of tho old loggers, tho llluo Rldgo Tigers, lmvo re turned to their old "stnmplng gromid" nnd also that word has been rccolved tlmt "Hill" McKay will como hack. Ho Is now nt Powers. Tho camp has been closed down since about last Decombor nt Christmas time. In llnuki'iiptcy. J. Goldsmith ar rived hero from Portland today to tnko chargo of tho Hcudrlckson hoe stock on North Front street, rep resenting R. L. Sabln of Portland , who has been appointed temporary receiver by tho U. 8. Federal court, j Hcudrlckson having gouo Into bank ruptcy. Heudricksou tried to recall his petition of voluntary bankruptcy jwhon ho first filed it, finding that his homo and other belongings would not bo exempt. As soon ns Mr. 'doldBtnltli completed tho Inventory 1 of tho stock, hulk bids will bo asked on tho stock, !.!.. ....... V..i J...II...1 .1 , ' l-ll 171111-11 H'l Jllll'll..llUIIIIJU.IJ of tho flro department hnvo unlaid an explanation of the reason thy big engine wns not taken to the hlnzo nt tho Hiulth mill on Satur day afternoon. (ionlon Knilth states that no alarm was turned In for them, Ho then called up tho mill and was told thoro wns no need of tho ougliio, because tho building wnH already doomed nnd tho force nt tho mill was plenty able to keep It from spreading. Miuy of tho firemen from horo we it over on their own responsibility mil aided tho mill men In fighting tho flames. Nothing on Coos Coiiuly. A clip ping from a WIsiouhIu paper bonsts of u cow-testing association In that statu and goes on to uny that per haps It is ono of tho best lu tho world, Tho association consists of i!G farmers, Coos County has five such associations and practlially ovoryono of thorn has 20 dairymen enllHted, each association boasting of upwards of r00 to G00 dairy (at tic. County Agrlcultiist J. I,. Hiulth has done this work In u year's tlmo nnd right now Is preparing to open a sixth nnsoclatlon that ho may tako In practically evory section of tho county, believing tho host work ran bo dono In dairying only when tho cows are tested. Xo Wood; No Stdini. It wus n a legal hollduy yesterday nnd II. Rugge, cashlor of tho Scandinavian American Rank, with Mrs. Iluggo, j went down to Ilatidon for n visit. 'They wore accompanied from Co- qulllo by Miss AaBon and Mr. nnd I Mrs. Johnston Mr. Ruggo claims ' that he spent ten mlnutoB lu tho ' surf. The party went down to catch tho boat for Conullle, but found tho engineer hnd no wood on hanJ, honco no steam. Via tho gatollno ' boat of J. U. Krononborg tho party arrived in Conulllo after tho train hnd loft. Mr. and Mrs. Ruggo camo I part way to Marshflold In an auto, I hut struck had roads and remained overnight at a farm house, coming down Isthmus Inlet to Marshfleld Wills morning on a. boat. What about those new shoes? The all-leather line that wears, fits, style, and has the right price 'E and buttons. These shoes 5.00. Our price J. C. PENNEY SHOES ARE FIT BETTER, Tho Originators of luw nrlces t PERSONAL MENTION V $$ , DR. 15. M INCH'S and wifo spent yes terday nt Powers. TIIUI-J SAMNtt and wife, of Allegany nro Marshfleld visitors today, HURHIORT HLAKK, of Nortli Coos River, Is n Marshflold business visitor. MRS. V. K. WKSTKRRICRO.ond her sou nro registered today nt tho Chandler. MISS ANNIK WICKMAN. of Um pire, was n Marshfleld visitor ovor Sunday, MRS. JAS. MAClHi:, of Umpire, wan tho guest of Mrs. P. M. Wilbur ovor Sunday. II. 10. RKSSICV, of tho Coos River Crcamory, loft yesterday for Co quillo Valley points. riUS. K. 10. DYIRl nnd Miss Ruth Heddnu of Daniels Creek nro Marshflold shoppers today. M. C. MAI.ONKY returned today from a business nnd plcnsuro trip to San Francisco. J. Q. JARVI8 left this afternoon for Clold Rcnch whero ho will Inves tlgato a business proposition. MISS 1CDNA UOODRICH and Kllim McDonald ,of Coijullle, spent Sun day hero ns guests of Mrs. I.ynn Knmboth. ROHKRT KRUO10R loft this nfter noon for Dnnlols Creek whoro ho will start work tomorrow with tho llluo Rldgo Tigers. MRS. ROSI3 MelNTOSH and her daughter MIhh Alma Mcintosh bavu moved from 1 15 Fourth street to tho Williams apartments. F. M. PAINTKR returned last ovon- lug from a three days fishing trip I to Ten Mile I.nko whero ho had fairly good success. H. C. NUTTUII, of Sun Francisco, Is hack again today with his lino of Slmouds saws and calling on tho tnulo for a fow days, (1. Al. SCAM.MON, who, with his brother, has Installed n prhnto fish butchery lu Inkes lu tho Ten Alllo section, was hero yesterday on business. J. K. PAULSON, of 'Coiiullle, ono of tho directors of tho local Scnndlunvhiu-Amerlcan Rank, Is ove- today from Coquillo on business. FOY COX, of Cnmp Ono-, ami Air. Mcl.alu camo down today, bring ing tho body of I no Orozdnulc, tho Aiistrlnp, who wns killed by u log yestorduy. N. K. DAlKliriT, nmdmaster of DIs trlct No. C at All(nny, was horo today on business. Tho continued wet wonther has niude road con struction difficult. HUOII 8NKDDON Is uxpected homo soon from Salem where hu wttil to hear tho argument of the Sneddon guardianship case hifoiu the Oregon Siipiomo Court. W. J. RUST returned to his offlco this morning nfter being rnuflnod to his homo for several days on account of the mumps. Ho saya that mumps aro no Joke. FitKD STOItA was hurt- from Dan iels Creek yesterday nnd staled that everything wus In readiness fur tho opening or tho McDonald & Vaughn llluo Rldgo logulng camps tomorrow. MRS. T. C. MJBRKUU and daughter aiu expected homo on tho next llreakwuter from Dlamomhillo, Wyoming, whero thoy havo spent Hovornl mouths with her rjlu tlvos. Mr. Russell went to Port land to meet them. KKNNF.TII I). IIAU8KII hns Ml for a IhU nt hU homo lu Min neapolis, going Rust by way of Spokane, whoro ho will moot lib flnanco, Miss Mabel Porter, who ho oxpects to wd June 30. They i will honeymoon to tho fair. CAR FOR 1111(13 4 Oliver Kephnit ' Phono illlt I O r"' ' ' '" l(j5 jj H W 1 " ('OS y WW SAVE YOU from 50c to $1.50 on every pair. A dandy kid button for ladies, $2.25 value. Our price $1.69 A better one in Gun Metal, kid button, $2.75 value $1.98 Gun-metal button, $3.00 val. Our price $2.49 Have you tried a pair of the Duts? Every pair, has the new cushion insole. The best ladies' dress shoe on tho mar ket, neatest style, in patent, nun metal, cloth tops, lace are worth from $3.50 to $2.98, $3.25, $3.50 BETTER, WEAR LONGER, COST LESS. Wo Tcml, Others I-'ollon AXSWKRS TO WANT ADS Answors to tho followlnir Want Ads nro being hold In tho Times offlco for tho par- 4 ties to call for them: 4 Rox "J." Address 775 So. 11th st. Rox "C." X NEW TODAY $ FOR HAM! Visible tyito-wrltcr, flno condition. Rox Y," Times offlro T,()ST .MONDAY Ciiient pin mfc with penrls. Howard for return to Rox "U" Times offlco. WAXTHD Contiuct for slashing brush, cutting wood or any kind of labor. CIco. Deeter, care Timo.'i. I'Olt HAM) Overland runabout; n snap it taken at once. Phono or sco D. Ii. Thomas, FOR H,M-I)iiliy ami slock farm reasonable. Address II. W. Ban ford, Sumner, Oregon. t ' FOR SALE I $$ FOR HAM'J HkhsI I'nwieiiKer boat-, niiMleiii, equipped, ltnrgnin. Jilll N. llisiadtwiy or phono 171, .Martdifleld FOR SAM-: OR THADK 100 crtn hill Intul, closo In, fair houso, fina vlow, no winds, raro chanco to open stock ranch, Address "A," caro Times. t WANTED ? WI-3 IIAVI-3 KHitl pMllon for n llvo man In this County. Wo offor you something which will bo worth your whllo to Investigate. Wrlto for details. Tho Old Reliable Al lmnly Nurseries, Albany, Ore. WAXTKR Any kind or work by Oirl. Hotel work preferred. Phono 33G-X. WANTIID Ihuplojiiient by celery uxport. Address Hoy "X," Times. WANTKD Competent ghl Tor gen oi al housowork. Address "D," ca io Times, WANTKR lloiisu moiliig mid rnls Ing. Hstlmnto furnished frco by Ingram & HJorqvist. Phouo Gl, 1 FOR RENT I I'OR RUNT XKo riiriiUhed room, West Hunker Hill Phone 310-H. I'OR HUNT Modem liungalow, fur nlHhed. Phono 347-R. FOR HUNT Myrtlo Arms, in'xleni furnished apartments, free hiat and water. $25 per month up. J X FINANCIAL X $$ I AM i(H-elliig applications for 1st inort, loans on improved ranches. F. K. Conway, Aljitle Arms pt. i 1 I FOR TRAXHFRR AND STOIC- A(Ji: OF IIOl'SHIIOl.ll OOODH , ' .Ri:iCJHT AND n.YC.'OACli: Cull i FERGUSON TRANSFER 1 Phone Hi:i I liroifilonro Phono I It-J Market Avo. and Waterfront v ineerpotsttd J il iivvlrlr F'k II flfrSlL- -r -i.4