The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 01, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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Biings flood Passenger I'ls, mid
Fair Freight Cargo for Coos
lhiy Out at 1MIO p. in.
'At 3:30 n. in. the steamship San
ta Clnia, Captain I.ofstedt, crosseil
In from Portland with 20 passen
gers and a fair cargo or freight for
Coos Bay. Sha left out again at 1
o'clock for Eureka and San Fran
cisco. Crtptaln I.ofstedt reported a
flttlct trip down the coast though
ho said It was rather hazy out
eldo. Those who camo In from the
North wero:
It. H. Glasgow, Mrs. Glasgow, 11.
E. Upc, Mlllan AI. Copclaiul, Aire.
Geo. 13. Smith, Airs. Louis Jordan,
D. E. Douglas, Jos, Leek, Airs. H.
Illumbcrt, Esther II. Converse, Fred
Ewald, 0. AI. Alllley, P. Phillips,
A. N. Althous, 1 L. Preston, Airs.
Pfcston, Daisy Preston, Airs. Wm.
Black, B. W. Black, V. AI. Black,
Julius Goldsmith, W. (lalhralth, C.
W. Robhlns, Loralnu Smith, Lenoro
Jordan, H. T. Bolton, Geo. Kaltht.
Those leaving for tho South wero:
F. Weston and family, P. I'hllllps,
n. Phillips, O..W. Cook, William
Daly, II. Burtch, A. II. Noycs, P.
flohorty, Ed Graf, James Wllloy, W.
Anderson, Airs. 0. At. Carroll, A.
AI. Hothouso, Pred Holm, Lillian
AI. Coiiolrttul, Airs. A. Peterson, P.
Stlgllch, Harry Johnson, A. E. King,
II. A. LcBiier, E. A. Aloe, J. Lemon
and Airs. J. Lemon.
IioiiiIh mi.OOO 1'cot of Lumber In
North Ileiiil for Portland
CiutIcs Good List.
From San Francisco tho steam
Bhlp Kllburn arrived in across the
bar about 7:30 a. m. and spent
practically all of tho morning at
'Claim That They ?iul Two or Tlnvo
at a C-t I-'li-st Bailrouri Bridge
Will Be Built
Wm. Warren came in today from
Lakeside. Ho says fishing was never
better at Ten AIllo. Tho trout are ' . f .
. .. . . .l...,..V ..- " ...- - .---
Flguies On Coast Guard Station Dif
fered Greatly Complete I.M of
Tho Bids .Mnile Fur (In Woik
SIiouh Ainoiintu .Valued
Tho sucossful bidder for the con
struction of the Coast Gunrd station
was John William lllllHtroin, as has
already been announced. The com
plete list of bids made to tho gov-
fo f l ...1 !. twrt nr limn nt mm nnt
North Bend loading .10.000 t of g, ,.
lumber from he Reynolds mill for ( ,
tltf tlntt.t WUn k'lllinrit tnf nltf ' " "
i Ul lllllllli lliu inii'inil - "
about 2:'20 p. in. for the north car-1
rylng a good passenger list.
..lain., in 11m flv lii I'ronl nlinno. KOllIn .
""." " ' V. . below:
McLcrun-Pcterson Co., San Frnncls-
TIiohu who arrived this morning
wero: ltohert Alarsden, AI. C. Aln
loncy, James Watson, J. II. Itud
kln, Omar llergren, Evu L. Scluoo
der, Airs. J. J. Noone, J. O. Nut
ter, P. II. Ilallcy, O. 1). Burnett,
Robert Sneddon, Isabel Trudge, Ag
ues Alans and J. C Helnslugcr.
Those who left for tho north were:
L. P. Fox, W. Pnhl, W. P. Buckler,
Airs. V. P. Buckler, AIlss L. Bucklei4,
Pcto Llppay, J. Phillips, Claude Phil
lips, Clydo Phillips, E. C. Plillll)s, C.
Osborn, W. 1). Chlldes, Laura Burk
ltt, Air. and Airs. C. P. Williams. A
E. Gugnon, Airs. Lucy Cook, AIlss
lm,l rntii'lit nl'nr Kmfilnv. S()lll( ImVe
been making good catches with
trolls. A now pile-driver Is being
built there and it Is expected that!
the contract for getting out tho pil
ing for the railroad trestle work will
be awarded soon. Tho bridge across I
Ten AIllo creek Is to be the first one I
put In and work on It will probably I
start soon. Air. Warren has opened I
a barber shop there and ho says that
Ten .Mile will be booming this sum-
1 mer.
Iiiii1i ." lb. Trout
l A fishing party consisting of E. It.
Illekey. E. AI, Rose, II. J. Vanghan
and Tom James returned yesterday
ft om tho Ten Allle Lakes whero they
co, Oil., $:il,07r..00 120 days
E. O. Perhnm, Alarshfleld, Ore.,
?2n,!00.00 fi months
lohiisoii, Larson & Payne, Alarsh
fleld, Ore., $20,818.00 ...Nov. 1,
10 15.
John William Illllstrom, Alarshfleld,
Ore., $2!), ".00. 00 Nov. 1, l!lfi
.Miami Quarry Co., Portland, Ore.,
..March ill, 1110
It Ib reported that .Major Alor
row, government engineer, will nr
rlvo hero this week to Inspect tho
work being done by tho bur dredge
On hor north bound trip tho steam
chip Santa Clara carried Ii00 tons of
freight from San Francisco for Alas
ka. Tho frolght was transported In
Portland to the steamship Alllanco
which formerly came In hero nnd
now has Just started on the Alnska
run Htlll under tho flap of tho North
Pacific stcahislilp company.
All tho way from South Africa
tinil niHuvmt anitwi it I tin f li na( t mil 4
Morion, AI.s. C. Tucker and Airs. A. l)mt h obtnnabIo . nlacc
' Jiml1, ; In tho country, bringing back with
jMwMyvvv?vyj m(, R numl)or of lllmi8 wno miw
J LOCAL OVERFLOW tho fish said It was tho best string
they had over seen, a number of them
weighing between 1! 1-2 and U pounds
DUNCAN E. DOUGLAS, son of Air.
and .Mrs. YV. U. Douglas, who
has been attending the University
of Oregon liv School In Port
land, returned this morning on
the Santa Clura to spend his vaca
tion at home, school Just being
B. W. BLACK, who has been at
tending the short course in dairy
ing at O. A. C, came In this morn
ing fiom Portland wlt,h his broth
er, William Black, and wilt as
sist him for n few days In gel
ting caught up In the tostliu;
ed this morning on tho Santa
Clara from a four months' ijiiy
Ing trip through the East .for
tho Parisian stores. She came
here from Spokuno whero sho
made a short visit.
John Monk, Sim Francisco, Oil.,
$10,000.00 Oct. Ill, 1915
Tho Thomson Bridge Co., San Fran
cisco, Oil., $115, 000. 00.... Oct. 15,
lllbarger & Tclander, Alarshfleld,
Ore., $.19,280.00 ..Oct. 15, 1015
AIcLaln, AleLaln & Wright, Alarsh
fleld, Ore., $37,1150.00.. Oet. 15,
S. C. Small. Alarshfleld. Ore.,
$.15,0.11.00 90 days
Flsh-Palmale-Stelnlioff Co., Dandon,
Ore., $02,000.00 7 months
Buckley Construction Co., Portland,
Ore., $11,075.00.. Nov. 1, 1915,
(Part bid.)
Auderson-Klockars & Co., North
Bend, Ore., $38,775.00
Tho largest fish was landed by
Mr. Illekey and tipped tho scales at ! " "
a little better than 5 pounds. j !$
Dr. Voughan nnd Perd Painterly AT THE HOTELS
were also at the lakes but Tom James ' fww WW4 www
says they evidently did not have tho . cTiamller IlfMol
right kind of files as they did not K. c. xttCr, San Francisco; Jos
do as well as they should have. How- 0,,h Lcoki Portland; II. G. Bolton,
ever they did not want for fish as st. Louis; W. Galbralth, Spokane: J.
Air. Jnmes says tho other party had Goldsmith, Portland; J. W. Coacn,
moro than they could caro for and nlimion; J. E. Paulson, CoqulIIo:
gave them a fine bunch which wero .Mrfl. k, jj, Westorberg and son: Airs,
on exhibition 1 11 tho window at tho m. A. Murphy and daughter. Bandon;
G. D. Alurphy, Dandon; S. AI. Alur-
XVIII Clear Channel Verlln Parker
ami William Johnson Aid In
Bar Survej.s Here.
Repairing of tho north Jetty nt
Bandon will probably not bo com
pleted before next December, ac
cording to Verlln Parker, who nunc
up f.-om there yesterday. Air. Par
ker has been engaged In the gov
ernment work for several months
under Engineer C. It. Wright, who
bus charge of tho project.
In company with William John
sou, who hns had a year's exper
ience on the Coos Bay bar, Verlln
Parker has gone down to Empire,
whero tho men will Join Captain
PolheniUB in an examination of the
local bar. Soundings will bo taken,
the examination, it 1b said, alining
to show what work has boon ac
complished by the dredge and what
part of tho bar Is In greatest nood
now of dredging.
For a year tho sea has been
washing through a 200-foot hole in
the north Jetty nt Bandon. During
this time there has washed Into the
Inner chnnnol nt tho mouth of tho
Coqulllo a bar of sand that has been
a menaco to navigation.
With tho closing of the break
tho engineers believe that tho cur
rent will be strong enough to uconr
out the deposits.
Rock will be brought from tho
quarry on tho south sldo of the Co
qulllo, half a 111II0 nway, according
to "Doc" Parker, by menus of a
trestle and then ferries across the
river on scows.
A crew of about .15 men nro now
employed In the Jetty work. Much
praise has been given C. It. Wright
who Is nuperlntendont of tho proj
ect for his efficient work on the
Sensational Sale of
For the Next TenlBayT "
Wc are going to dispose of our entire stnrv i u ,
Paper and Mixed Paint and do it quioMy K Val1
incj it on the market for what it will brinti p,ac"
Wall Paper at 5c, 6c, 7c and 10c per double mii
Paint, standard brand, $1.25 per gallon "'
Varnish and Enamel greatly reduced
This stock is high grade and has not been hW ,
by fire or water. This affords you an p rS
decorate your homes at less than cost of the SoJ?
The early bird gets the best choice. malerial'
KiUliiiiitvs furnished. Phono i;.,
256 Market avenue West MnM... ,.
to tho Pacific Const for a now rud
der, the Bclioonor W. II. Marston Is WILL SNEDDON has returned from
oxpectod dally In Portland. Sho Is
now 138 days out from tho dark con
tinent. 8ho Is ono of tho many sch
oonors that aro now loading lumber
on tho coast, indicating a rise In tho
lumber Industry.
A largo codfish hanging in tho rig
ging of tho (loop sea fishing schooner
Orlont of Seattle, while lnylng In
eloBo to tho Tillamook bar caused
tho llfo savors to hurry two mllca
through tho brenkcra to the scene.
Thoy expected to find tho boat help
less, taking tho codfish for n dis
tress signal.
a visit with his brother and other
relatives at Roslyn, Wnshlr-g'flu.
Ills brother now has a high posi
tion in tho big mines there. At
Portland he visited Charley Yost,
u former well-known Alarshfleld
pugilist, who Is conducting an
nMiletlc club in East Portland.
MRS. AIAIR DANO went to Coqulllo
yesterday to meet Air. Dano who
was returning from Bandon. How
ever the Baiidou-Coqulllu boat
service was tied up by Inspection
and Air. Dano did not arrive In
timo for the train so sho had to
return alone. Air. Dano and Air.
and Airs. Bugge succeeded In
chartering a special boat from
Baiiilou to Coqulllo and arrived
hero later.
,uwi: mil.
Gunnery yesterday
C. W. B. AI. with Mrs.'
Charles Powers.
Ladles Guild at tho Guild O
Swedish Aid with Airs. C.
J. Illllstrom.
Baptist Ladles Allsslonury
Aleotlng with Airs. A. P.
Bassford. 4
Narcissus Club with Airs.
Carl West.
Jolly Dozen with Airs. John-
4 son In Bunker Hill.
O Bay City Ladles Aid with
Airs. II. Roger Brlnkloy.
D. AI. C. Club with .Mrs.
Rulph Parr.
Prlsclllas with Airs. Brock-
muellcr In Bunker Hill.
Bridge Club with Mrs. W.
S. Tiirpen. 41
4 Junior Banquet for tho 4
4 graduates. 4
4 Presbyterian Auxiliary la 4'
4 Hio Church parlors. 4
4 .Methodist Ladles Sliver tea 4
4 with Airs. Thorwnld in Bun- 4
ker Hill. '
phy, Bandon; J. C. Marshall, San
Francisco; AI. AI. Young, Coqulllo;
Gcorgo A. Cablo, Portland.
St. Lmvrciico Hotel.
II. Webber, North Bend; A. War
ren, Coqulllo; Airs. Gono Wnso, Port
land; E. E. Buster. Portland.
Lloyd Hotel
Air. nnd Airs. P. O. Stauff. North
Bond; 1). Kollar, Dolniar; AI. Alarlce,
Gardiner; It. E. Sanderson, Coqulllo;
Almn Carroll, Fair View; John An
derson, Pair Vlow; C. A. Reese, Rose
burg; A. B. Anderson and wife, Port
laud. Blanco Hotel.
4 William Daly, Lakcsldo; Arthur D.
4 'Lawrence, Los Angeles; Charles
4 ' Swanson, Coos River; J. Kern, Coos
4 f River; J. Ernst. Coos River; It. AI.
4 AlcCIaln, Empire; Ray Noel, Powers;
4 Arthur B. Hodge, Arago.
camo In this morning on the San
ta Clara, direct from their honey
moon. Air. Black Is tester of tho
Coos Bay association and Is ery
well known hero. Tho bride Is
a former resident of Eastern Ore
gon. Tho young couple will mnko
their homo on Catching Inlet.
I 4444444444444r444444444444
4444444444444444 44444444
Eugene Conkllu, who had four
fingers of his right hand so badly
I crushed that nmputntlo"li of the ends
of them wns necessary, is doing
1 nicely ut Alercy Hospital. Ho has
long been employed as a millwright
by tho C. A. Smith Company. nnd
tho accident will be greatly regret u-u
by his many friends.
1 W. J. Rust Is recuperating rapidly
from n severer siege of tho mumps,
j hut so far has been unablo to bo
i down town from his homo nt .Milling-
! ton.
Entire stock of millinery must be disposed of with
in 30 days
Many Hats at one-half regular prices
Untrimmed shapes, flowers, etc., at less than half
regular prices
Everything must go. ' T'Y
Ladies: Don't fail to take advantage of these
Market avenue
lb It costs one cont n word
to tell your stery each day in 4
fl n Tho Times want columns 1
lb lb
supply iasw
EEsassaracncosacE) i
1 P. FrltuiH In furry County Pro.
ventM Trespii.vMTs Under Ground
Ah Well As Aboo
Building a fonre which extends un
dor tho ground n well as above tho
ground was found to bu a necessity
by P. P. Frlant of Curry county In
order to protect his genseng bed. Air
Frlant Is growing genseng nnd tho
worst trouble lm encountered was tho
Rucks of wood rata and moles and
In order to keep theso animals out
of tliu gensong a Umvo was built or
aluts which aro driven into tho
ground as well as extending above
tho ground.
Vlhllisl Tim Plneo
Harry Bultmauu, who travels for a
hardware house has returned homo
from a business trip to Curry conn
ly and tells about seeing .Mr. Frlaufs
gonseng bed. Air. Filant uud his wife
conduct the "Arizona Inn" which wan
formerly known as Corbln. They
bought the place howrul jears ago
nnd have a ery nttraetUo summer
resort. It Is about midway between.
Port Orford and Gold Beach and tho
stares stop there for dinner. Tho
houso on tho placo lias been put In
rood repair and excellent meals ure
nervod. It Is hut a short walk to the
bcoch so that tho resort combines the
attractions of both mountains and
Hi lugs (i'iwhI Price
In connection with tho resort Air
I'rlant has taken up gonseng grow-1
Ing. Ho has h quarter of an aero un
der cultivation. Ho planted (10.000
need. It roqulres flvo years for the
plmts to mature hut tho loots sell
tor 17,50 u pound and aro used for
inpkJng medlcluo, chiefly In China
Tho crop requires a shady place and
Air. Frlant has met with tills uud
other requirements for proper nil
tlvatlon. Some of his plants aro oun
year old, bomu two and somo threo '
years old so In two years moi? bo
will have ono crop ready for harvest
Living Flag of 2,000 Children
Has Your Husband an Efficient
Business Partner
IAbby COAL. Tho Ijlml YOU ImiO
ALWAYS USUU. I'lioiw 715. Pacific
Wvory mill Trillisfer Coniimny,
mi. I ivit 4i..i , i... t.v
w .... . ,,., ,., .Mini. ,. k.-,,, ciiu.J ,, Mioce.ssfUl jls lu "Rtliiir fl i.. ... II. . ...
OaKlaml's e ,NMNm l,.,lll.l,., ,.,, ,., IMiiunm.lMc V i .M, Sffl , u " "' ;7";'
to ,l,o o,M....,l school dopartiuen, ha. , ,, children !. ,.,hwJ "S , ' i"'
'"" "' " '" ' Tch, lliousand men ,,,,, Ul. ,o u , lite iViST?"
w ","", '" "'' '''"' s iho largos, crovwl of ,,o .hroe-.l. ys He t, , r 1 "'V"
il.o "Hume of um Color," a, v,l,kh the l...go build.,,; llUo lcKw Xu a n, J "'
Home-making is a business enterprise in which two human fac
tors figure, sharing equally the work and the responsibilities. The
husband, generally the income-earner; the wife, generally the income
manager these two constitute the business firm, and the success of
the home enterprise often hinges upon ability of the income-manager
quite as much as upon the ability of the income-earner.
The wife is her husband's business partner.
f Upon her efficiency in managements depends, usually, the ma
terial prosperity of the partnership.
In earning the income, it is accepted as quite natural that the
husband must have developed ability and special knowledge of the
work he does. No small phase of his work is too insignificant to call
for special study. He must never be "too busy" to learn a new fact
if that fact has any bearing upon his work.
In spending the income, -a task which offers so many opportuni
ties for improvidence and costly blunders, only the wisest of wivss
have come io realize that efficiency is required that knowledge 'of
values, familiarity with local stores, with prices, with seasonable ten
dencies in trade, are a part of her business equipment. , ,
The dollar which requires a lot of work and thinking to earn should
be worth some think'ng and some wise planning in the spending.
The store advertisements are a daily education for the stay-at-home
business partner. They constitute "trade news" for her and
her at-the-office business partner can tell her how important is this
factor of "trade news" to all business people. t .
The time which she devotes studying the "ads" is time devoted
specifically and profitably to her task of managing the home. It is
not something aside from "housework." It is a part of it. And it is
a part of it which the housewife cannot delegate to somebody else.
It cannot be left to ssrvants. It is "work for the boss."
Profit by The Coos Bay Times' store advertisements.'